Daily Archives: February 22, 2023

2023-02-22: News Headlines

Ryan Black (2023-02-22). Judge Rules Billions US Stole from Afghanistan's Central Bank Can't Be Used To Satisfy 9/11 Judgments. progressivehub.net CENTER FOR CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS…

Paul Von Blum (2023-02-22). Remembering Samella Lewis on Her One Hundredth Birthday. progressive.org The

Vijay Prashad (2023-02-22). The French are going, but the war in the Sahel continues. peoplesdispatch.org On February 9, 2023, around 100 armed men

Peoples Dispatch (2023-02-22). Ahead of the one year anniversary of the Russia-Ukraine war, Putin condemns NATO aggression. peoplesdispatch.org

Staff (2023-02-22). Caracas Celebrates Carnival With Great Parade (Photos). orinocotribune.com This Monday, February 20, the Great Parade of Caracas was held in the El Valle parish as part of festival programming organized by the Mayor's Office of Caracas and the government of the Capital District. | "This Monday, February 20, and Tuesday, February 21, in Caracas, we will experience the Great Parade, beginning at one in the afternoon, starting from Avenida Intercomunal de El Valle and touring Los Próceres," said previously the mayor of the Liberator municipality, Carmen Meléndez. "The ingenuity of our people is evident." | The tour began at Avenida Intercomunal del Valle and continued to the La Bandera Dis…

Joe Emersberger (2023-02-22). Elections in Ecuador Unmask Western Media Dishonesty. orinocotribune.com By Joe Emersberger — Feb 16, 2023 | On February 5, Revolución Ciudadana (

Davonta Herring (2023-02-22). 2023 'Roots Picnic' Full Lineup Announced. newsone.com Source: Courtesy / Live Nation | Grammy Award-winning multiplatinum hip-hop luminaries

_____ (2023-02-22). Russian-Turkish gas hub has become an object of US concern. journal-neo.org Following the collapse of the USSR, the United States is considering its role in the status of a global world leader. In relations with its NATO allies, Washington, moreover, continues the previous course of the flagship, which does not tolerate any deviations of its satellites from the strategy of the White House. And during the …

_____ (2023-02-22). The attempt of the US to build a secret biolab in Kyrgyzstan is failing. journal-neo.org Russia's special military operation to denazify the criminal Kiev regime allowed it to collect and receive more than 20 thousand documents on the US bioweapon program at the captured Ukrainian military facilities. This program, as it turns out, does not only include Ukraine. Relevant reference and analytical materials on this aspect of US criminal activity …

_____ (2023-02-22). With Billions Wasted NATO Still Doesn't Have the Juice to Beat Russia. journal-neo.org In every mainstream media outlet from Berlin to Los Angeles, Vladimir Putin and Russia are losing in the conflict with Ukraine. The NATO proxy warriors and western think tank experts are endlessly reassuring citizens of the U.S. and other allied countries that Russia is on the ropes and ready for the knockout punch from the …

Abayomi Azikiwe (2023-02-22). African American Resistance in the Rural South from the Sharecroppers Union to the New Farmers of America. globalresearch.ca

Ahmed Adel (2023-02-22). Scholz Hardens His Position Against Russia to Preserve His Political Power. globalresearch.ca

americanthinker (2023-02-22). A Portrait of Black Americans and the 2nd Amendment. americanthinker.com Black Americans can reconcile history by getting behind Second Amendment rights.

americanthinker (2023-02-22). America Errs In Viewing Ukraine As A Template For Taiwan. americanthinker.com The situation in Taiwan could not be more different, but there is a simple, bloodless solution if only the parties would be open to it.

americanthinker (2023-02-22). Gun Banning and Social Contempt. americanthinker.com A ranting partisan sometimes gives the game away by thoughtlessly blurting out the cynical thinking behind their own lousy ideas.

americanthinker (2023-02-22). Is it DEI, IED or DIE? Yes, it is! americanthinker.com Capsizing a culture that valued equal opportunity was no easy feat; the wokesters needed a good PR campaign.

americanthinker (2023-02-22). Social Security is Broke, but American Taxpayers Just Gave Ukrainian Pensioners a Double-Digit Raise. americanthinker.com Zelensky knows firsthand: the welfare life is one of overflowing coffers when you've got the U.S. taxpayer footing your bills.

americanthinker (2023-02-22). AMLO stands by his lefties. americanthinker.com AMLO's nonsense could end up destroying the Pacific Alliance.

americanthinker (2023-02-22). Fifty years too late, white men are figuring out they're in trouble. americanthinker.com The left's relentless push to marginalize white men through affirmative action is reaching a crescendo under Biden.

americanthinker (2023-02-22). Social Security should be in the spotlight. americanthinker.com Doing nothing is more destructive to Social Security than the passage of time.

Anand Naidoo (2023-02-22). The Heat: Ohio Train Derailment. america.cgtn.com Residents in East Palestine, Ohio say they need help more than two weeks after a freight train derailed spilling dangerous chemicals. Ahead, why authorities say the air and drinking water are now safe. A health clinic opened Tuesday in East Palestine, Ohio in response to …

americanthinker (2023-02-22). Fifty years too late, white men are figuring out they're in trouble. americanthinker.com The left's relentless push to marginalize white men through affirmative action is reaching a crescendo under Biden.

americanthinker (2023-02-22). Social Security should be in the spotlight. americanthinker.com Doing nothing is more destructive to Social Security than the passage of time.

Anand Naidoo (2023-02-22). The Heat: Ohio Train Derailment. america.cgtn.com Residents in East Palestine, Ohio say they need help more than two weeks after a freight train derailed spilling dangerous chemicals. Ahead, why authorities say the air and drinking water are now safe. A health clinic opened Tuesday in East Palestine, Ohio in response to …

Ben Norton (2023-02-22). German lawmaker denounces Ukraine 'proxy war' and US 'terrorist attack' on Nord Stream pipelines. geopoliticaleconomy.com In this interview, German Member of Parliament Sevim Dağdelen, of the Left Party, Die Linke, condemned the NATO "proxy war" in Ukraine, saying the EU is acting as US "vassals". She also denounced the destruction of the Nord Stream pipelines as a "terrorist attack" that "should have resulted in a huge outcry".

Binoy Kampmark (2023-02-22). Energy wars: Outing the Nord Stream saboteurs. greenleft.org.au Seymour Hersch's allegations of United States Navy involvement in the sabotage of the Nord Stream pipelines has been denied by US officialdom, but questions still remain, writes Binoy Kampmark.

Dave DeCamp (2023-02-22). Ukraine Worries the Biden Administration Might Use Congress as an Excuse to Wind Down Aid. news.antiwar.com An advisor to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky told POLITICO on Tuesday that Kyiv is worried that some members of the Biden administration might use Congress as an excuse to start winding down military aid and push for Ukraine to pursue more realistic war goals. "I think both on Capitol Hill and in the administration, there …

Dave DeCamp (2023-02-22). US Judge Says Families of 9/11 Victims Not Entitled to Afghan Central Bank Funds. news.antiwar.com A US judge has determined that families of the victims of the September 11, 2001, attacks are not entitled to Afghan central bank funds that the Biden administration has seized. During the Taliban takeover of Afghanistan and the US withdrawal in 2021, the Biden administration froze $7 billion in Afghan central bank reserves that are …

Editor (2023-02-22). On Michael Lebowitz's 'Beyond Capital: Marx's Political Economy Of The Working Class'. mronline.org 'Beyond Capital' helps us to understand why capitalism continues to persist despite endless crises, by drawing our attention to the messiness of human beings and the multiple circuits that reproduce capitalism as a complex and contradictory totality.

Editor (2023-02-22). Review of "Organising Responses to Climate Change: The Politics of Mitigation, Adaptation and Suffering" mronline.org Much has been written about climate change or, to use a more truthful term, global warming. But not much has been written about "Organising Responses to Climate Change," which is the title of Daniel Nyberg, Christopher Wright and Vanessa Bowden's new book.

Eva Bartlett (2023-02-22). Tamara Lorincz: Canada's Support For Ukraine's War on the Donbass & Canada's Anti-Russia Policies. ingaza.wordpress.com I spoke with Canadian researcher and writer, Tamara Lorincz, about Canada's militaristic foreign and defence policies, Canada's belligerent NATO role in bombing sovereign nations, Canada's role in fomenting the Maidan protests which preceded the (2014) illegal coup in Ukraine, and, among other things, Canada's support to Ukraine's war on the Donbass. Tamara has a Masters…

Global Research News (2023-02-22). Selected Articles: How Do You Know When COVID-19 Is Over? globalresearch.ca By Mainstream newspapers, the television news, and the alternative news blogs that we are forced to rely on for information have decayed into unstable and shifting …

Kerry Smith (2023-02-22). Student activist arrested at midnight after housing protest. greenleft.org.au NSW Police arrested a housing activist at midnight on February 18 after a housing protest the day before. Kerry Smith reports.

Larry Johnson (2023-02-22). Russia's Declaration of Independence — A Review of Putin's Speech to Russia's National Assembly. sonar21.com Reflecting on Putin's long awaited speech to Russia's national assembly I was struck by some similarities with Jefferson's Declaration of Independence. What do I mean? Jefferson started with his iconic…

Peoples Dispatch (2023-02-22). Syria just suffered a devastating earthquake but Israeli bombing does not stop. mronline.org Israeli attacks on Syria continue even as Syria struggles with the aftermath of the February 6 earthquake, in which over 5,800 were killed.

Peter Boyle (2023-02-22). Community democracy under scrutiny at Balmain candidate forum. greenleft.org.au Community groups will host a candidate forum in the Balmain electorate in the lead-up to the New South Wales elections with a focus on how local democracy is best served. Peter Boyle reports.

Puget Sound Anarchists (2023-02-22). Community Notice Regarding FBI Harassment and Indictment. itsgoingdown.org Report from Puget Sound Prisoner Support on recent FBI harassment and indictment against a Washington state activist. Originally posted to Puget Sound Anarchists. Puget Sound Prisoner Support issues this notice regarding a Washington state based activist who was recently indicted for Interstate Riot at the federal level from a Portland April 2021 arrest. This case…

Ramzy Baroud (2023-02-22). True Champions of Humanity in Türkiye and Syria. dissidentvoice.org On February 7, a funeral was held in the northern Syrian town of Jinderis. It was one of numerous such funerals to be held on that day across Syria and Türkiye, following a devastating earthquake that killed and injured thousands. Each one of these funerals represented two seemingly opposite notions: collective grief and collective hope. …

Staff (2023-02-22). Chapeando: Mientras el vecino va por el cielo engullendo mundos (+ Podcast). cubadebate.cu Las redes en Cuba arden promoviendo divisiones entre cubanos, mientras el vecino está jugando a un juego muy peligroso. A qué juega Biden, a propósito de todo el teatro de un viaje secreto a Kiev, en vísperas del primer aniversario del conflicto con Rusia.

Staff (2023-02-22). Oleiny Linares, feliz como reina del ajedrez. cubadebate.cu Próxima a cumplir 40 años de edad, madre de dos hijas y con responsabilidades que ni soñaba cuando reinó por primera vez en 2010, Oleiny disfruta el nuevo triunfo desde la madurez y el agradecimiento a quienes aportaron algo a su regreso a la cima.

Staff (2023-02-22). Fidel hace 60 años: La fuerza de Cuba es la fuerza de sus ideas revolucionarias, la fuerza de su ejemplo. cubadebate.cu øQué es Cuba? Cuba es el ejemplo, Cuba es la idea. La fuerza de Cuba es la fuerza de sus ideas revolucionarias, la fuerza de su ejemplo (Aplausos). Y, desde luego, øcómo se pueden aislar las ideas?. Discurso pronunciado por el Comandante en Jefe Fidel Castro Ruz ante los miembros del PURS de las provincias de Pinar del Río, La Habana y Matanzas.

Staff (2023-02-22). Luis Britto García: La realidad, Venezuela y sus mundos imaginarios. cubadebate.cu Luis Britto García entró por la puerta grande de la creación. En la década de 1970 lanzó "Rajatabla", una serie de 73 relatos breves, satíricos, burlones, centrados en la situación política venezolana. El valor de ese título lo hizo merecer el Premio de Cuento Casa de las Américas. Después ha venido otras veces a Cuba como miembro del jurado del certamen que convoca la institución cultural.

Staff (2023-02-22). Conozca los ganadores de un bate de béisbol al participar en el concurso de Cubadebate. cubadebate.cu El pasado 26 de enero lanzamos el concurso sobre la Serie del Caribe. En esta ocasión fueron recibidos 2056 SMS. La pregunta a responder consistía en decir: øCuál fue la última vez que Cuba ganó la Serie del Caribe? La respuesta correcta era la opción C (2015). Los dos ganadores de los grande premios recibirán un bate Pro Maple Bat cortesía de Cubadebate y la Federación Cubana de Béisbol.

Staff (2023-02-22). Envejecer con más salud es posible y Cuba hace para ello. cubadebate.cu La dinámica demográfica, y como parte de ella el envejecimiento poblacional, son asuntos del presente y del futuro, enfatizó el primer secretario del Comité Central del Partido y presidente de la República, Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez, en el intercambio de esta semana con expertos y científicos para temas de salud.

Staff (2023-02-22). Las 3 del día: El monedero móvil de ETECSA y más noticias del 21 de febrero (+ Podcast). cubadebate.cu Saludos a nuestros lectores. Sean todos bienvenidos a Las 3 del Día, el podcast de Cubadebate que los mantiene informados sobre lo más importante del acontecer nacional y extranjero. En esta oportunidad llegamos a ustedes con las voces de los periodistas Darío Extremera y Yilena Héctor que nos traen un episodio cargado de información. Quédate en sintonía. Acompáñanos.

Staff (2023-02-22). OTAN apoyará a Ucrania para un sistema de adquisición de armas más efectivo. cubadebate.cu La OTAN asistirá a Ucrania para crear un sistema de adquisición de armas más afectivo en la guerra con Rusia, trascendió en rueda de prensa ofrecida en Bruselas por el secretario general de la alianza, Jens Stoltenberg; el alto representante de la Unión Europea para Asuntos Exteriores, Josep Borrell, y el ministro ucraniano de Exteriores, Dmitro Kuleba.

Tamara Pearson (2023-02-22). Mexican groups call for global protests against corporate water plundering. greenleft.org.au More than 500 people from 18 states around Mexico, representing 125 different movements, organisations and Indigenous communities, gathered on February 18—19 in the Assembly for Water and For Life, reports Tamara Pearson.

unitedEditor (2023-02-22). Latin America faces "bright prospect" to develop own model. uwidata.com While the eruption of the clashes in Ukraine nears its first anniversary, the global public opinion debates the emergence of a new world order. The West has imposed sanctions on Russia — which the so-called Global South openly opposes. This has lead to questioning the given order and fuelled debates on the emergence of a …

krish-rad_ind (2023-02-21). A Good Example of Why Putin Has Always Had Very High Approval Ratings by Russia's Voters. theduran.com

Staff (2023-02-21). Amid Rubble and Tears, a Glimmer of Hope: The Real Heroes in Syria and Türkiye. radindiemedia.com/feed/ On February 7, a funeral was held in the northern Syrian town of Jinderis. It was one of numerous such funerals to be held on that day across Syria and Türkiye following a devastating earthquake that killed and injured thousands. Each of these funerals represented two seemingly opposite notions: collective grief and collective hope. The …

Staff (2023-02-21). Six workers in the South are standing up to a billion-dollar hotel chain. peoplesdispatch.org Six Cambria hotel workers went on strike yesterday morning, February 20, in Morrisville, North Carolina. Workers rallied among a crowd of 50 in front of the hotel, joined by fellow members of the Union of Southern Service Workers, as well as supporters. The workers, all of whom are Black, are demanding an end to racist …

Staff (2023-02-21). Progressives in the Philippines reject move to overhaul 1987 Constitution. peoplesdispatch.org The amendments panel of the Philippines House of Representatives approved a proposal to form a constitutional convention later this year. The proposal, aimed at overhauling economic provisions of the Philippines 1987 constitution, was strongly opposed by progressive opposition lawmakers, who argued that these neoliberal 'reforms' would not solve the problems that the Philippines was facing. …

SAM (2023-02-21). The Pandemic Increased Inequalities Among College Students. progressivehub.net ELENA G. VAN STEE | THE CONVERSATION…

SAM (2023-02-21). Bosses Drag Out Contract Talks With Newly Unionized Workers. progressivehub.net SARAH JAFFE | THE PROGRESSIVE…

Ryan Black (2023-02-21). Enviros Threaten Legal Action If Buttigieg Doesn't Act. progressivehub.net REBECCA BURNS | THE LEVER…

Ryan Black (2023-02-21). War In Ukraine And ICBMs: The Untold Story Of How They Could Blow Up The World. progressivehub.net NORMAN SOLOMON…

Melissa Ditmore (2023-02-21). Labor Trafficking Happens Here, Too. progressive.org Meat-packing and chicken-processing plants have been sites of extreme exploitation that may meet the definition of trafficking.

progressive (2023-02-21). Smart Ass Cripple: Returning to the (Terrible) Old Normal. progressive.org As the United States' COVID-19 public health emergency ends, so will pandemic era benefits that made life more livable for many.

Phil Wilayto, Virginia Defenders for Freedom, Justice, Equality. (2023-02-21). Report On The Rage Against The War Machine Rally. popularresistance.org The crowd was about 95% white, with the largest demographic being white men between the ages of 25 and 50, many of whom wore clothing with libertarian slogans. A lot of the older people in the crowd wore peace signs. Most people seemed to have come as individuals, not in groups. There were a few African-Americans, some Middle-Easterners and a few women wearing scarves in the hijab custom. Interestingly for a "coalition," there were very few signs or banners from organizations other than the Libertarian Party and the Schiller Institute, a project of the right-wing LaRouche cult, which had a speaker, Diane Sare.

Ben Norton, Geopolitical Economy. (2023-02-21). West Tells Global South 'You Can't Be Neutral' In Ukraine War. popularresistance.org In doing so, these Western officials are implicitly criticizing the vast majority of the countries on Earth, which are in the Global South, and which have maintained strict neutrality over the war. | In a joint event at the Munich Security Conference on February 18, Germany's Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock declared, "Neutrality is not an option, because then you are standing on the side of the aggressor". | Baerbock emphasized that "this is a plea we are also giving next week to the world again: Please take a side, a side for peace, a side for Ukraine, a side for the humanitarian international law, and these…

Sevim Dagdelen, Consortium News. (2023-02-21). German Lawmaker Calls For Nord Stream Probe. popularresistance.org Madam President! Ladies and gentlemen! At the time of war, journalism in our country is often carried out under the motto of "The American president declared, the federal government announced, the police inform." | Throughout his entire career, internationally-renowned investigative reporter Seymour Hersh has always positioned himself against "press release"-style journalism that attempts to peddle government standpoints and rattle the credibility of any criticism of government actions. | Today, this goes as far as having privately-financed so-called fact checkers work on undermining war policy opposition and all…

Matt Remle (2023-02-21). Black History — Native History: Shared Connections. popularresistance.org A number of years ago, following an undoing racism workshop I was a panelist on, a participant approached me to further discuss a point I had made regarding the importance of maintaining cultural identity and reclaiming traditional languages in our decolonization efforts. The individual stated that as a person of African descent they wished they could know who they were and where they truly came from and that they deeply desired to know the traditional songs, ceremonies, and languages of their ancestors. He went on to say that we, Native peoples, were blessed to be able to have access to knowing who we are and wh…

Mansa Musa, The Real News Network. (2023-02-21). We Lost Malcolm X, But We Can't Lose The Dream Of International Revolution. popularresistance.org Feb. 21, 2023, marks the 58th anniversary of the assassination of Malcolm X. We honor his life and legacy by recalling his revolutionary message to the downtrodden peoples of the world and committing to carrying on his fight for liberation. In this special commemorative episode of Rattling the Bars, Mansa Musa speaks with freedom fighters Paulette Dauteuil and Ashanti Alston about how Malcolm X shaped their own politics, why the dream of international revolution was so essential to Malcolm's vision, and how we can keep that dream alive today. | Paulette Dauteuil is the former Co-chair (2010-2012) and National Sec…

Dave DeCamp, Antiwar. (2023-02-21). Biden Makes Surprise Visit To Ukraine. popularresistance.org President Biden on Monday made a surprise visit to Ukraine, marking his first visit to the country since Russia invaded last year, a highly symbolic move that demonstrates Washington's deep involvement in the war. | The visit came just days ahead of February 24, which will mark the one-year anniversary of the current conflict in Ukraine. In a statement, Biden said the purpose of his trip to the war zone was to "reaffirm our unwavering and unflagging commitment" to Ukraine. | While in Kyiv and meeting with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, President Biden announced a new weapons package for Kyiv worth nearly…

People's Dispatch. (2023-02-21). Rabat: Protestors Condemn Retailer For Links With Israeli War Crimes. popularresistance.org On Sunday, February 19, security personnel repressed a sit-in organized by progressive forces and the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) Movement's national campaign in Morocco's capital city of Rabat. The protest was called against French multinational retail corporation Carrefour and its complicity in Israel's settler-colonial apartheid regime. | Protestors gathered outside a Carrefour building in Rabat, waiving the Palestinian flag and raising slogans of solidarity. However, they were soon violently shoved back by uniformed guards and a non-uniformed man carrying a walkie talkie.

Brian Callaci, Labor Notes. (2023-02-21). Baseball Players Defeated Non-Competes To Build Union. popularresistance.org The Federal Trade Commission has proposed to ban the non-compete clause—a type of coercive labor contract that prevents workers from leaving their employer to work for a competitor. | One in five workers labors under a non-compete agreement, costing workers $300 billion annually. The AFL-CIO was part of a large coalition of organizations petitioning the FTC for a ban on non-competes in 2019. Now the FTC is considering banning them. | The long struggle of Major League Baseball players shows how the fight against non-competes can be linked with increasing union strength.

Graduate Student Workers At USC, Portside. (2023-02-21). USC Grad Workers Win Their Union, Join UAW. popularresistance.org By a 93% margin, graduate workers at the University of Southern California have voted 1,599 to 122 in favor of joining the Graduate Student Workers Organizing Committee-United Auto Workers (GSWOC-UAW), according to ballots tallied today by the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB). The victory caps a multi-year effort, with workers standing strong against USC administrators' anti-union campaign. GSWOC-UAW will represent 3,000 Teaching Assistants, Research Assistants and Assistant Lecturers at USC. | "We are so energized by this resounding vote in favor of our union," said Stepp Mayes, a Graduate Student Worker in…

Carly Graf, Next City. (2023-02-21). Tired Of Being Told To 'Adapt,' An Indigenous Community Wrote Its Own Climate Action Plan. popularresistance.org The Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes live among some of the most spectacular landscapes in the country. Their home, the Flathead Reservation, covers 1.2 million acres dotted with soaring mountains, sweeping valleys, and lush forests. Flathead River bisects the land and drains into Flathead Lake, the largest body of fresh water west of the Mississippi River. | Long before anyone called this place northwest Montana or considered it a tourist destination, it sustained the tribes and they sustained it. "We have a proven track record of sustainability," says Shelly Fyant, former chair of the CSKT Tribal Council…

Peoples Health Dispatch (2023-02-21). Health workers' actions in UK escalate as junior doctors announce strike. peoplesdispatch.org

Peoples Dispatch (2023-02-21). UNSC statement condemns Israeli settlement activities in occupied Palestinian territories. peoplesdispatch.org The statement was adopted as an alternative to a strongly-worded resolution drafted by Palestine and the UAE that was reportedly rejected due to pressure exerted by the US…

Peoples Dispatch (2023-02-21). On anniversary of uprising, Moroccans continue to demand political freedom and economic security. peoplesdispatch.org Thousands of people across Morocco participated in mass protests on February 19 and 20 to demand immediate action to address the cost of living crisis in the country and deteriorating political freedoms. | The protests were held to coincide with the 12th anniversary of the February 20th movement which erupted in 2011 amid the Arab Spring to demand political reform in the country still ruled by a constitutional monarchy. | The Moroccan Social Front, which brings together human rights groups and leftist organizations, was one of the key convenors of the protests and has been mobilizing for the past year demanding e…

Peoples Dispatch (2023-02-21). Syria-Turkey border rocked by earthquake. peoplesdispatch.org On Monday, February 20, areas along the Syria-Turkey border were hit by another earthquake, of magnitude 6.4. So far, eight people have been reported dead and another 294 wounded. | Monday's tremors come two weeks after a devastating series of earthquakes that hit the region, killing roughly 47,000 people, on February 6. | Monday's earthquake hit Defne city in Turkey's Hatay province late evening and was strongly felt in the provincial capital Antakya. It was shortly followed by another 5.8 magnitude earthquake, according to Turkey's Disaster and Emergency Management Presidency (AFAD). | Tremors from the quake we…

Peoples Dispatch (2023-02-21). Daily Round-up Mass anti-government protests in Morocco & other stories. peoplesdispatch.org In today's episodewe look at Moroccans protesting against high costs of living, UN security council denounces Israeli settlements in Palestine, Peru anti-government demonstrations continue and UK ambulance workers and doctors' strike.

Peoples Dispatch (2023-02-21). Red Books Day 2023: Fight the rise of the right, read a red book. peoplesdispatch.org The day is celebrated in dozens of countries to mark the anniversary of the publication of the Communist Manifesto and to collectively stand up against the rise of the right…

Dan Cohen (2023-02-21). Busted: Canadian Troll Farm Manufactures Consent for Haiti Invasion. orinocotribune.com By Dan Cohen — Feb 12, 2023 | As Canada deployed military aircraft over Haiti, a private military contractor operated a troll farm to give the appearance of popular support for foreign military intervention. | On Monday, February 6, I reported for Redacted on how multiple mainstream media outlets, after months of uninterest in Jimmy 'Barbecue' Cherizier, the leader of Haiti's G9 federation, suddenly bombarded him with interviews requests. He declined to be interviewed by the AP, which has run propagandistic hit pieces on him before, yet they showed up at the entrance to his neighborhood, demanding he grant t…

Yves Engler (2023-02-21). Last Thing Haiti Needs Is More Canadian Gunboat Diplomacy. orinocotribune.com By Yves Engler — Feb 17, 2023 | Yesterday at a Caribbean Community summit in the Bahamas Justin Trudeau announced that Canada would deploy two naval vessels to Haiti. Canada's prime minister made the announcement to please Washington and prod the small, largely Black, Caribbean nations to dispatch their forces to a nation born in a revolt against racial slavery. | As an antidote to the inevitable mainstream media sugar-coated reports praising the mission to "help" Haiti here's a quick history of Canadian naval interventions in the neighbourhood: | ‚Ä¢ "Since 1960, Canada has used its military…

Orinoco Tribune 2 (2023-02-21). The Political Crisis and Popular Explosión in Peru — Former Women's Minister Anahi Durand Guevara. orinocotribune.com By Anahi Durand Guevara — Feb 17, 2023 | "While the elite are trying to regain power with the force of bullets, the popular camp continues to mobilise, generating support and solidarity." | In the midst of massive mobilisations, Peru is experiencing the collapse of the political regime imposed by Alberto Fujimori's self-coup in 1992 and renewed in the 2001 transition. The decomposition of the regime became more evident in 2016 when "Fujimorism" lost the presidency, but gained a large majority in Congress that allowed it to manipulate legality and increasingly turn to parliamentarism. | The string of six pres…

kwjorinoco (2023-02-21). 'Pinochet Was Responsible for the Death of Neruda,' Says Nephew of Chilean Poet. orinocotribune.com In an interview with Página 12, Rodolfo Reyes Neruda insisted that his uncle was murdered because he was a threat to the government of Augusto Pinochet. Last Wednesday, scientists investigating the likelihood of Neruda having been poisoned delivered their final report. | Last Wednesday, the report produced by international experts for the judge in charge of the case investigating the death of the poet Pablo Neruda was released to the public. Now, the court must decide whether the death of the Chilean poet, on September 23, 1973, was due to illness or poisoning. | The family, represented by Rodolfo Reyes Neruda, t…

kwjorinoco (2023-02-21). Heavy Rains in Brazil Leave 36 Dead. orinocotribune.com Following heavy rains in Brazil, at least 36 people lost their lives and another 220 had to be evacuated. So far, the number of missing persons has not been revealed. | Among the victims is a seven-year-old boy who was buried by a landslide in the municipality of Ubatuba. The heavy rainfall, which began last Saturday night, has resulted in great human and material losses. In Sao Sebastiao, some 50 houses were washed away by the water. | Local media stated that the volume of water exceeded, in only 24 hours, that which fell in the entire month of February. A state of public emergency was decreed in the cities of U…

Staff (2023-02-21). Venezuela Mobilizes Over 1,000 Buses for Carnival. orinocotribune.com Venezuelan Minister for Transport Ramón Velásquez Araguayán announced that more than 1,000 buses will be deployed throughout Venezuela during the Happy Carnivals 2023. The buses will guarantee Venezuelans transportation and enjoyment during these holidays. Like many other countries in the region, Venezuela celebrates Carnival on Monday, February 20, and Tuesday, February 21. | On Friday, February 17, Velásquez Araguayán explained via social media that this deployment will cover road safety and beach routes. | "From the Eastern Bus Terminal [Caracas], we begin the deployment of Happy Carnivals 2023 with more than…

Pepe Escobar (2023-02-21). Raisi in Beijing: Iran-China Strategic Plans Go Full Throttle. orinocotribune.com By Pepe Escobar — Feb 17, 2023 | Raisi's visit to Beijing, the first for an Iranian president in 20 years, represents Tehran's wholesale 'Pivot to the East' and China's recognition of Iran's centrality to its BRI plans. | The visit of Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi to Beijing and his face-to- face meeting with counterpart Xi Jinping is a groundbreaking affair in more ways than one. | Raisi, the first Iranian president to officially visit China in 20 years, led an ultra high-level political and economic delegation, which included the new Central Bank governor and the Ministers of Economy, Oil, Foreign Affair…

Orinoco Tribune 2 (2023-02-21). Burkina Faso, Guinea, and Mali Propose Strategic Axis Amid French Military Ouster. orinocotribune.com By Tanupriya Singh — Feb 15, 2023 | The three West African countries, all of whom have recently undergone military takeovers amid rising public anger against France, have agreed to a Bamako-Conakry -Ouagadougou axis, with enhanced cooperation on matters ranging from trade to the fight against insecurity | As France is getting ready to withdraw its troops from Burkina Faso by the end of the month, signs of a possible realignment in the region are emerging with a tripartite meeting between the foreign ministers of Burkina Faso, Mali, and Guinea—Olivia Ragnaghnewendé, Morissanda Kouyate, and Abdoulaye Dio…

Davonta Herring (2023-02-21). Black Thought Pens Heartfelt Love Letter To Hip-Hop. newsone.com BET continues its year-long celebration of the 50th anniversary of hip-hop with an exclusive letter to the art form penned by the legendary Black Thought. Click inside to check it out!

Zack Linly (2023-02-21). Ben Stein's 'Aunt Jemima' Rant Is A Master Class On White Privilege. newsone.com

Shannon Dawson (2023-02-21). The Black Girl Magic Museum In Dallas Will Honor Black Women Who Made History. newsone.com Source: Gado / Getty | A new museum celebrating Black women and their rich history is opening in Dallas. In March, The Black Girl Magic Museum will open at the city's Southwest Center Mall. The exciting exhibit will honor and commemorate the extraordinary contributions that Black women have made in history both past and present. | "

Bilal G. Morris (2023-02-21). What Was Malcolm X Working On When He Was Assassinated? newsone.com Source: Express Newspapers / Getty | UPDATED: 2 p.m. ET, Feb. 21, 2023 | It's heartbreaking to think about the pain his pregnant wife and four daughters must have felt as they took cover from bullets aimed at the man they a…

Zack Linly (2023-02-21). Rachel Dolezal 2.0? 'White Woman' Is Pretending To Be Person Of Color, Mom Says. newsone.com Raquel Evita Saraswati, aka Rachel Elizabeth Seidel, is a white woman pretending to be a woman of color, according to her mother. Saraswati is the chief equity, inclusion and culture officer for a Quaker organization.

Bilal G. Morris (2023-02-21). What Happened To DeAndre Matthews? Family Seeks Answers After Gay Teen's Brutal Death. newsone.com Source: Matthews family / abc | There is nothing more devastating than a mother losing her son. | This was the reality for Danielle Matthews, whose 19-year-old son DeAndre Matthews MORE: Danielle was determined to find her son, so she used her SUV's tracking function to try to locate her son. When she loc…

Bruce C.T. Wright (2023-02-21). Justice For Malcolm X: Ben Crump Plans To Sue NYPD Over Assassination Of Civil Rights Icon. newsone.com An imminent lawsuit will claim the NYPD and other government agencies conspired around the murder of Malcolm X, Ben Crump announced ahead of the 58th anniversary of the civil rights icon's assassination.

NewsOne Staff (2023-02-21). Exonerated! Wrongly Convicted Black Folks Whose Names Have Been Cleared. newsone.com Source: youtube / WBNS 10TV | UPDATED: 8: 00 a.m. ET, Feb 21, 2023 | Thankfully, in recent years more wrongly convicted

_____ (2023-02-21). Georgia and Turkey: "Productive Partners" in More than Crime. journal-neo.org In Tbilisi, as in any other European capital, you will see Turkish restaurants. There has always been a Turkish community in Georgia, and neighbouring Azerbaijan is a Turkic state, speaking a similar language. So there is nothing unusual about Georgia being like everywhere else in this regard. However Georgia is a very nationalistic country, regardless …

_____ (2023-02-21). Syrian Tragedy and US inhuman sanctions. journal-neo.org Unfortunately, the death toll from the devastating earthquake that struck southwest Turkey and northwest Syria continues to rise. According to the latest figures, the number of those killed in both regions has reached a staggering 36,000, more than 100,000 inhabitants were injured. An unknown number of victims are still under the rubble. The evacuation will take time …

A Guest Author (2023-02-21). On the 20th anniversary of the U.S. invasion of Iraq: National March on Washington Saturday, March 18. workers.org The United National AntiWar Coalition emailed the message below to its supporters. No War in Ukraine! No to NATO! No Weapons, No Money for the Ukraine War! Protest in Times Square, New York City, Jan. 14, 2023, part of international week of actions during MLK birthday week. WW Photo: Brenda . . . |

Allen Forrest (2023-02-21). Gill Bates Press Conference. dissidentvoice.org

americanthinker (2023-02-21). A Tribute to Rev. Dr. George Coyne, S.J. americanthinker.com Dr. Coyne, who died three years ago, brought traits to science that are sadly missing today, such as clarity and imagination.

americanthinker (2023-02-21). Healthcare Job Growth Brings Death-by-Queueing to U.S. americanthinker.com The cost of "free" healthcare? Human collateral.

americanthinker (2023-02-21). On the Brink of Judicial Reform, Israel's Leftists Grow Panicked. americanthinker.com Transforming the courts spells out demise for Israel's leftists, and anti-Semitism erupts.

americanthinker (2023-02-21). The Dead End of Reparations. americanthinker.com More important than a thriving American black middle class is maintaining the power of the Anointed educated ruling class.

americanthinker (2023-02-21). The EPA Has No Credibility. americanthinker.com Remember what they said about ground zero after 9/11?>

americanthinker (2023-02-21). A Heaphy-handed Jan. 6 lead investigator tells all, or at least too much. americanthinker.com So much for preserving democracy…

americanthinker (2023-02-21). Al Gore's greenie investment fund caught buying stock in polluters. americanthinker.com Gore's kind of a fraud, isn't he?>

americanthinker (2023-02-21). Another reason for school choice. americanthinker.com School choice is gaining because the public schools are not performing.

americanthinker (2023-02-21). Biden preparing to relinquish national sovereignty to WHO globalists. americanthinker.com "Pandemic treaty" likely to be signed this month.

americanthinker (2023-02-21). California lost over 500,000 residents in the last two years. americanthinker.com But it's definitely not because of the Democrats and their ideas….

americanthinker (2023-02-21). Hey, big spender: Swalwell spent more campaign cash on luxuries than even Nancy Pelosi. americanthinker.com The news about his love for luxuries paid for with campaign cash been exposed before, but it hasn't stopped him. He just keeps spending.

americanthinker (2023-02-21). Indiana public schools announce partnership with a state university, and objectivity has gone out the window. americanthinker.com The temple of climate change finds new worshippers.

americanthinker (2023-02-21). Kristina Karamo becomes Michigan's first Black GOP Chair, and media mockery ensues. americanthinker.com So much for being champions of diversity and applauding historic firsts….

americanthinker (2023-02-21). Migrant hotels fatten Manhattan's real estate interests — and crush its small businesses. americanthinker.com Big money is at stake in the migrant surge and in New York, with the migrant hotels, we learn the fatcats are getting richer at the expense of the small fry.

americanthinker (2023-02-21). Overcoming pronoun madness. americanthinker.com There is an easy way to provide a pronoun already in existence that cannot be argued.

americanthinker (2023-02-21). The classics, edited for the sensitive reader. americanthinker.com The woke "re-imagining" of Roald Dahl's work invites the discerning reader to decide how best to wreck other classic works.

americanthinker (2023-02-21). The collapse of civilization on the altar of equity and diversity. americanthinker.com Forcing equal representation of skin tones in professional environments is suffocating excellence and innovation. Restoring meritocracy ought to be of the utmost importance.

americanthinker (2023-02-21). The future of 'progressivism'. americanthinker.com Will the chaos of woke progressivism usher in the end of the progressive era?>

americanthinker (2023-02-21). Where are the toxicologists for East Palestine? americanthinker.com An environmental catastrophe occurs, and the people responsible for getting to the bottom of it can't stop worrying about how white everyone is.

Andrew Korybko (2023-02-21). Biden's Visit to Kiev: Distract Public Opinion From "Disadvantageous Developments". Tough Days Ahead for US-NATO? globalresearch.ca

Ann Brown (2023-02-21). Inside The Record HBCU Enrollment Growth After The George Floyd Murder: 5 Things To Know. moguldom.com Historically Black colleges and universities saw a major jump in enrollments following the police killing of George Floyd in May 2020. Floyd, a 46-year-old unarmed Black man, was killed by police in Minneapolis. His death sparked global social justice protests and a renewed interest in supporting Black-owned businesses and institutions, such as HBCUs. Inside the …

Ann Brown (2023-02-21). Fact Check: Mega Church Pastor Makes $54 Million A Year And Drives a $270K Ferrari 458 Italia. moguldom.com There always seem to be rumors swirling about prosperity pastor Joel Osteen and his mega Houston church, Lakewood Church. After all, the church is one of the largest in the country and rakes in more than $90 million a year from donations, as of December 2021, according to Click 2 Houston. Osteen's "prosperity gospel" has rubbed …

Ann Brown (2023-02-21). Why Kwame Ture Hated Political Reactionaries And Why Bill Clinton Hated Him. moguldom.com Kwame Ture was one of the most prominent and outspoken organizers in the civil rights movement and the global pan-African movement. Born in Trinidad, Ture, whose birth name was Stokely Carmichael, came with his family to the U.S. when he was 11. He became an activist as a teenager, while attending the Bronx High School …

Anonymous Contributor (2023-02-21). Georgia Tech Students Rally and March Against Cop City in Atlanta, GA. itsgoingdown.org Report back from recent march against Cop City organized on the Georgia Tech campus in so-called Atlanta, GA. For more info about the ongoing week of action, go here. photo: @atldemsoc On February 10th 2023, a demonstration was held at Georgia Tech against Cop City and in remembrance of Tyre Nichols, Manuel "Tortuguita" Paez-Teran, and…

Anonymous103 (2023-02-21). Straightening-Out Ideological Labels. southfront.org Illustrative Image | Written by Because political 'science' hasn't yet understood, and therefore cannot scientifically (that is, in a 100% historically truthful way) define, ideological labels, such as "leftist" "rightist" "progressive" "liberal" "conservative" "socialist" "communist" and "fascist", these labels are normally handled propagandistically, instead of accurately; and, so…

Anonymous767 (2023-02-21). Lackey Of United States. Photos Of Biden's Visit To Ukraine Highlight Real Status Of Zelensky. southfront.org The leader of the 'democratic world' and his puppet | The recent visit of US President Joe Biden to Ukraine has become another visual confirmation of the real place of the Kiev regime within the so-called US-led international community. | In this case, it is useful to point out the behavior of Volodymyr Zelensky in front of US President Biden. The MSM-proclaimed 'leader of Ukraine' clearly acts as a lackey of his foreign master that has arrived to inspect his puppets. Zelenksy, who thanks to his acting practice is promote…

Bradley Devlin (2023-02-21). Ukraine Gets Another Angel Investor. JP Morgan "Will Assist Ukraine in Its Reconstruction" globalresearch.ca

Brian Berletic (2023-02-21). How China Is Helping the Solomon Islands Fight Against US Encroachment. asia-pacificresearch.com

Caitlin Johnstone (2023-02-21). Murdoch Propaganda Pushes Australia to Double Its Military Budget for War with China. asia-pacificresearch.com

Catherine Crockett (2023-02-21). Sunday 4/23: Seaside Earth Day Celebration & Electric Vehicle Fair. indybay.org Seaside City Hall Lawn, 440 Harcourt Ave., Seaside, CA…

CIIS Public Programs (2023-02-21). Thursday 3/23: Indigenous Voices on Our Changing Earth. indybay.org

Dan Bacher (2023-02-21). State Senator David Min Introduces Bill to Ban Offshore Drilling in California Waters. indybay.org Senator Dave Min announced the introduction of SB 559, legislation that would end offshore oil drilling under existing leases in California state waters.

Dana Sanchez (2023-02-21). Cracks Appear In America's Commercial Real Estate Market: Top Vornado REIT Defaults On $450 Million Loan. moguldom.com Some of the largest commercial real estate companies are starting to show cracks as rising interest rates exacerbate industry challenges set off by the covid pandemic when the labor market started shifting from office work to work-from-home. The New York office vacancy rate is at a record high of 12.7 percent, according to CoStar data. …

Dana Sanchez (2023-02-21). DocuSign Drops Hammer On 700 Employees, Puts 10% Of Workforce In Unemployment Line. moguldom.com DocuSign, the electronic signature provider that dominates the market, said it plans to cut about 10 percent of its workforce in its second round of layoffs in five months, sending shares of the company plunging nearly 8 percent on Feb. 21. With business booming during the pandemic, the company doubled its headcount by 2021. Last …

Dave DeCamp (2023-02-21). China Rejects US Claim That It's Considering Arming Russia. news.antiwar.com China on Monday rejected a claim from US Secretary of State Antony Blinken that Beijing was considering providing Russia with weapons to use in its war in Ukraine. "It is the US, not China, that has been pouring weapons into the battlefield. The US is in no position to tell China what to do. We …

Dave DeCamp (2023-02-21). Victoria Nuland Says US Supports Ukrainian Attacks on Crimea. news.antiwar.com Victoria Nuland, the undersecretary of state for political affairs, said last week that the US is "supporting" Ukrainian attacks on Crimea and called Russian military installations on the peninsula "legitimate targets." Nuland made the comments when asked about a report from The New York Times that was published in January and said the Biden administration …

Dave DeCamp (2023-02-21). Zelensky Says Ukraine Will Defend Bakhmut But 'Not at Any Price'. news.antiwar.com Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has said that Ukraine would continue to defend the eastern Donetsk city of Bakmut but "not at any price," signaling that Ukrainian forces might be considering a withdrawal. "Yes, it is not a particularly big town. In fact, like many others in Donbas, (it's been) devastated by the Russians. It is …

Dave DeCamp (2023-02-21). In Kyiv, Rep. McCaul Says Ukraine More Likely to Get ATACMS, F-16s. news.antiwar.com Rep. Michael McCaul (R-TX), the head of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, visited Ukraine on Tuesday and said he sensed a shift in Washington that could lead to arming Kyiv with F-16 fighter jets and longer-range missiles. According to Reuters, McCaul said the Biden administration was still split on "how fast and what weapons" to …

Dave DeCamp (2023-02-21). Israel, Saudi Arabia Hold Talks on Increasing Military Ties. news.antiwar.com Israel's new government under Benjamin Netanyahu has stepped up US-backed talks with Saudi Arabia on forging stronger military and intelligence ties, Bloomberg reported on Friday. The talks are part of an effort to forge a NATO-style anti-Iran alliance in the region between Israel and Washington's Gulf Arab allies. While Saudi Arabia has not normalized with …

Dave DeCamp (2023-02-21). Putin Announces Suspension of the New START Treaty. news.antiwar.com Russian President Vladimir Putin on Tuesday announced that Moscow is suspending its participation in New START, the last remaining nuclear arms control treaty between the US and Russia. "In this regard, I am forced to announce today that Russia is suspending its participation in the strategic offensive arms treaty," Putin said in a state of …

Dave DeCamp (2023-02-21). Tsai Ing-wen Tells Rep. Ro Khanna Taiwan Is Increasing Military Exchanges With US. news.antiwar.com Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen on Tuesday met with a US bipartisan congressional delegation in Taipei led by Rep. Ro Khanna (R-CA) and told the American lawmakers that Taiwan is boosting military exchanges with the US. "Taiwan and the United States continue to bolster military exchanges, and going forward Taiwan will cooperate even more actively with …

Dave DeCamp (2023-02-21). Victoria Nuland Confirms: US Supports Ukrainian Attacks on Crimea. globalresearch.ca

David Henderson (2023-02-21). How Much Is U.S. Aid to Ukraine Costing You? globalresearch.ca

Dean Baker (2023-02-21). Does Being Balanced at the New York Times Mean Giving the Right Space to Lie? cepr.net Guess so, since it gave the Brian Riedl, a senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute, plenty of space to say things that are extremely deceptive, if not outright lies. The gist of Riedl's piece is that it will not be possible to sustain Social Security and Medicare without tax increases on the middle class. Much …

Derrick Broze (2023-02-21). #FluorideLawsuit: Censored Review on Fluoride's Toxicity Will Soon be Made Public. globalresearch.ca

Dr. William Makis (2023-02-21). "Turbo Cancer" Post COVID-19 Vaccination? 21-Year Old Evan Fishel Died of Leukemia Only Four Days After Diagnosis. globalresearch.ca

ecns.cn (2023-02-21). Solar, wind projects to accelerate. ecns.cn China will further accelerate the construction of solar and wind power generation facilities in the Gobi Desert and other arid regions, as growth of renewable energies in the country has been gaining momentum in recent years.

ecns.cn (2023-02-21). Xinjiang port spearheading opening-up. ecns.cn The Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region plans to further unleash the potential of the Urumqi International Land Port Area this year after it witnessed fast growth in trade volume last year, local officials said.

ecns.cn (2023-02-21). Supplies donated by Chinese public to be airlifted to earthquake-stricken Syria. ecns.cn A material collection station in Yiwu, Zhejiang Province set up by the Syrian Embassy in China has received over 75 tons of relief supplies donated by enterprises and the public from China.

ecns.cn (2023-02-21). Mengkang Port on China-Laos border resumes service for passengers. ecns.cn The Mengkang Port on China-Laos border resumed passenger clearance service on Monday.

ecns.cn (2023-02-21). Former president of Slovenia delivers speech at Lanting Forum on Global Security Initiative. ecns.cn

ecns.cn (2023-02-21). Top academic expects education sector to bounce back quickly. ecns.cn The three years of the COVID-19 epidemic resulted in a major hit to the international education program at Beijing Jiaotong University's College of International Education, according to Liu Yanqing, the school's dean.

ecns.cn (2023-02-21). Tibet residents welcome New Year with yak stew, mask dance performances. ecns.cn The atmosphere is festive in Lhasa, Tibet autonomous region, as residents gear up to celebrate Losar and usher in the Year of the Rabbit with religious rituals, lavish feasts and family reunions.

ecns.cn (2023-02-21). Friendship with China cherished. ecns.cn Claims made in Western media that the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor has led Pakistan into a "debt trap" are "rubbish and all incorrect", Pakistan's Ambassador to China Moin ul Haque said.

ecns.cn (2023-02-21). Room for mortgage rate cuts seen. ecns.cn China's benchmark for mortgage interest rates, which has stayed unchanged at 4.3 percent for six consecutive months, may fall if the recovery in housing demand proves inadequate, potentially leading to supportive measures like lower rates.

ecns.cn (2023-02-21). Full text: The Global Security Initiative Concept Paper. ecns.cn China on Tuesday released "The Global Security Initiative Concept Paper."

ecns.cn (2023-02-21). Talent flow made easier in bay area. ecns.cn Promoting cross-border practices in more professional fields and mutual recognition of professional qualifications would be of great importance to increasing the flow of talent in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area.

ecns.cn (2023-02-21). COVID in Hangzhou limited to a few cases. ecns.cn Fifteen school students in Hangzhou, Zhejiang province have tested positive for COVID-19, said the city's health authorities on Monday.

ecns.cn (2023-02-21). Firms punished for damaging environment. ecns.cn Almost 150 officials from two centrally administered State-owned enterprises have been held accountable for environmental violations exposed in the country's high-profile central environmental inspections.

ecns.cn (2023-02-21). Country's investment industry grows, matures. ecns.cn The maturation of China's venture capital and private equity industries is widely expected amid the implementation of the registration-based initial public offering system throughout the A-share market.

ecns.cn (2023-02-21). 1 killed, 13 injured in explosion at U.S. metal manufacturing plant. ecns.cn One person died and 13 others were injured after an explosion rocked a metal manufacturing plant on Monday in Bedford, the U.S. state of Ohio.

ecns.cn (2023-02-21). New capital oversight system to raise bank standards. ecns.cn China will build a differentiated capital regulatory system for commercial banks to further improve bank capital regulations, better manage financial risk and help lenders align with international standards, experts said.

ecns.cn (2023-02-21). Beloved Japan-born giant panda Xiang Xiang returns to China. ecns.cn Female giant panda Xiang Xiang on Tuesday morning left Tokyo's Ueno Zoo to fly back to China, her home country.

ecns.cn (2023-02-21). Chinese envoy voices concern over Palestinian-Israeli tensions. ecns.cn A Chinese envoy on Monday voiced concern over Palestinian-Israeli tensions and called on the UN Security Council to take meaningful actions toward a solution.

ecns.cn (2023-02-21). China rebuts U.S. claims over providing 'lethal support' to Russia. ecns.cn China has urged the U.S. to reflect on its own deeds and stop shifting blame and spreading false information over U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken's remarks suggesting China is considering providing "lethal support" to Russia.

ecns.cn (2023-02-21). 163 herb species newly identified in China's TCM census. ecns.cn Chinese researchers identified 163 new herb species during the fourth national census of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) resources, authorities have said.

ecns.cn (2023-02-21). Spring scenery across China. ecns.cn More than 100,000 cherry trees blossom in a tea garden at Yongfu town of Zhangping City, east China's Fujian Province, attracting visitors to enjoy spring scenery.

ecns.cn (2023-02-21). Surface ruptures caused by earthquake in Türkiye. ecns.cn Aerial view shows land surface ruptures caused by devastating earthquakes that struck Karramanmarach, Türkiye, Feb. 20, 2022.

ecns.cn (2023-02-21). Various fork activities held to celebrate Dragon Head Raising Day. ecns.cn Er Yue Er, which falls on the second day of the second month on Chinese Lunar calendar, is regarded by the Chinese people as the day when the "dragon raises its head," which means the spring awakens after winter hibernation.

Editor (2023-02-21). Methane is 80 times more potent as a greenhouse gas than CO2. mronline.org The #NordStream sabotage released 300,000 metric tonnes of this gas into our atmosphere—a climate and environmental crime.

Ediz Tiyansan (2023-02-21). California exodus reaches half a million. america.cgtn.com Once a popular state for migrants within the United States and abroad, California has been through a population decline over the past two years.

Emanuel Pastreich (2023-02-21). Cómo los súper ricos destruyen nuestras mentes. globalizacion.ca Las corporaciones, los bancos de inversión multinacionales y los súper ricos que se esconden detrás de ellos han lanzado este año la etapa final de una guerra despiadada de unos pocos contra la gran mayoría de la humanidad. | Aunque pagan…

Emanuel Pastreich (2023-02-21). How Do You Know When COVID-19 Is Over? globalresearch.ca

Emir Sader (2023-02-21). La desdolarización avanza en el mundo. globalizacion.ca El acuerdo entre los bancos centrales de Rusia e Irán es un paso más en el proceso de desdolarización de la economía mundial. Por ese acuerdo, 52 bancos iraníes se conectarán con 106 bancos rusos. El uso del rublo y…

Eye Zen Presents (2023-02-21). Sunday 2/26: FabLab: Per Sia. indybay.org STUDIO A.C.T.

Farooque Chowdhury (2023-02-21). Work: Slavery in an Exploiting Economy. dissidentvoice.org Work is easy. Work is difficult. Work shows a lot. Work hides a lot. Work creates. Work destroys. Work is painless. Work is dreadful. Work brings victory. Work is slavish. Work is like creating a poem or a picture with joy. Work is hellish. A poet or a philosopher may define work differently than a …

February 24 for Peace (2023-02-21). Friday 2/24: Take Action for Peace In Ukraine. indybay.org 1 Post St, San Francisco, (Senator Feinstein's Office) | Post and Market; Montgomery Street BART…

Fight Back (2023-02-21). Eight days into strike, Hastings, MN school food service workers stand strong. fightbacknews.org Hastings, MN — On day eight of the SEIU Local 284 food service worker strike against the Hastings Public Schools, workers gathered at McNamara Stadium here for a rally demanding a decent contract. | Although they've been battered by rain, bitter winds and cold temperatures over the last week on the winter picket line, the workers say they are resolute and will keep fighting until they win the contract they deserve. | Laurie Pottoff is a worker in the kitchen of Hastings High School. Pottoff said, "I am still pumped! We deserve more than the crumbs the district is offering. I am not ready to give up." | On…

Fight Back (2023-02-21). San Jose Day of Remembrance resumes in-person after 3-year break. fightbacknews.org San José, CA – On Sunday, February 19, more than 350 people from the Japanese American community gathered at the San José Buddhist Church Betsuin Hall for the 43rd annual Day of Remembrance. The San José Day of Remembrance was organized the Nihonmachi Outreach Committee. The event commemorates the signing of Executive Order 9066 by President Franklin Roosevelt in 1942. Executive Order 9066 laid the basis for the incarceration of 120,000 Japanese Americans in concentration camps during World War II. | With the theme "Reparative Justice: Together We Rise", the program stressed the unity of the Japanese American com…

Free West Media (2023-02-21). Ohio Disaster: When Hedge Funds Manage Rail Traffic. globalresearch.ca

Global Research News (2023-02-21). Selected Articles: The Antiwar Movement. Demonstrate Together. globalresearch.ca By If the Feb. 19 rally to end the war in Ukraine fails it will not be a success for other antiwar organizations that disagree with the Libertarian Party. …

Global Research (2023-02-21). Biden en Kiev no busca la paz, 460 millones de dólares más en ayuda militar. globalizacion.ca La sorpresiva visita sorpresa del presidente estadounidense Joe Biden a Kiev y su anuncio de 460 millones de dólares más en ayuda militar es una bofetada a Moscú en vísperas del primer aniversario de la invasión a Ucrania. | Le avisaron…

Global Voices (2023-02-21). Amid Massive Natural Disaster, Turkey's Erdogan Wields Censorship and Prepares for Dicey Polls. juancole.com Written byCivic Media Observatory This story is part of Undertones, Global Voices' Civic Media Observatory's newsletter. It features a summary of a year-long research on media ecosystems from Turkey and what we can expect in 2023. Whenever you click on a hyperlink in the text, you will see the narrative and media posts upholding it. …

Golden Thread Productions & Brava for Women (2023-02-21). Wednesday 3/8: International Women's Day: What Do the Women Say? 2023 Fighters for Freedom. indybay.org Brava Theater Center | 2781 24th Street | San Francisco, CA 94110 | Or join the event virtually…

Herb Boyd, Don Rojas (2023-02-21). Was Malcolm X Betrayed By an African American CIA Agent Posing as a Mozambican Freedom Fighter? covertactionmagazine.com New revelations breed suspicion that a campaign of CIA surveillance and attempted assassination of Malcolm during his travels in Africa was orchestrated by a member of the Liberation Front of Mozambique (FRELIMO) named Leo Milas. [On the 58th anniversary of the assassination of Malcolm X, Herb Boyd and Don Rojas provide CAM readers a peak …

INDYRADIO (2023-02-21). Friend of Assange Found Innocent of False Charges in Ecuador. indybay.org Privacy advocate Ola Bini was finally found innocent of nebulous charges that kept him under control of the legal system for 3 years. Today we share his story as he told it on social media at the end of last month. This morning, he clarified the status of his case. Though the verdict will be appealed, Ola is still smiling, now certain he will prevail.

infobrics (2023-02-21). Moldova acts in destabilizing way in Transnistria. infobrics.org For Transnistria to be "demilitarized", Moldova must stop threatening the region and start respecting the local people's right to political autonomy.

infobrics (2023-02-21). Raisi Sees China's Willingness to Help Iran Join BRICS. infobrics.org The Iranian president assessed his visit to the PRC as successful and fruitful…

infobrics (2023-02-21). Brazil's Arctic Council Dialogue Is a Game Changer. infobrics.org The South American nation is now eyeing North to increase it geopolitical influence…

infobrics (2023-02-21). Russia Explores Joint Production of 100-Seater Sukhoi Superjet in India. infobrics.org Russia has offered to jointly produce the 100-seater Sukhoi Superjet airliner in India…

infobrics (2023-02-21). Biden posing in Kiev as problems at home pile up. infobrics.org Since Biden took office, the US has been experiencing a plethora of issues, but instead of tackling the problems, America keeps trying to divert attention by inciting wars and destabilization around the globe.

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-02-21). AUKUS Alliance Members to Strengthen Presence in the Pacific. libya360.wordpress.com Petr Konovalov China, which continues to step up its military and economic power year after year, is becoming increasingly concerning and alarming for the United States and its allies, who are aware that Beijing may soon surpass Washington in terms of the volume of its geopolitical influence. Western leaders are taking a variety of steps…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-02-21). Facts are Subversive: How Canada's Mainstream Media Spreads Disinformation about the Conflict in Ukraine. libya360.wordpress.com Peter Biesterfeld This is part one of Biesterfeld's TCF series: A Case for anti-war and anti-imperialist journalism. Read before you write Once asked to explain his role as reporter preeminent investigative journalist I.F. Stone (1907-1989) answered: "To write the truth as I see it; to defend the weak against the strong; to fight for justice;…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-02-21). India: Legal Proceedings against British Communications Network Unveils Geopolitical Positions. libya360.wordpress.com Yoselina Guevara L. George Soros and Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi On February 14, Indian authorities carried out a procedure at the headquarters of the British broadcaster BBC in New Delhi. The operation is part of a tax audit, however it came after the publication of a documentary in which the BBC gave a biased…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-02-21). Iran's Pursuit of Soft Power in the Balkans. libya360.wordpress.com Mohammad Salami The Balkans presents a crucial junction for Tehran as an access point to Western Europe and an avenue for advancing its regional political and economic interests. The Balkan region is strategically important for western countries as a geographic bloc through which they can increase their influence in former Soviet Eastern European states, including Russia….

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-02-21). Statement by Permanent Representative Vassily Nebenzia at the UNSC Meeting on the Destruction of Nord Stream. libya360.wordpress.com Statement by Permanent Representative Vassily Nebenzia at UNSC briefing on threats to international peace and security (sabotage of Nord Stream gas pipeline) Mme.President, Today we have gathered here for a very remarkable meeting. It is somewhat assonant with the previous meeting regarding the act of sabotage against the Nord Stream pipe that we called on…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-02-21). The Defeat of Ukraine is Becoming Clearer, but Does Not Mean the End of War. libya360.wordpress.com Thierry Meyssan President Zelensky, who mocked the way Ukrainians came to Brussels to beg when he was a comedian, came to Brussels to beg as president. It is an open secret: the government of Kiyv is losing militarily to the Russian army. The latter is advancing without hurrying and is building the defense of the…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-02-21). Under Siege: How Has Donbass Lived Through its First Year of Official Separation from Ukraine? libya360.wordpress.com Vladislav Ugolny Residents celebrate the signing of documents on the recognition by the Russian Federation of the Luhansk People's Republic (LPR) and the Donetsk People's Republic (DPR) in Donetsk, DPR, Ukraine. © Sputnik / Ilya Pitalev On the evening of February 21 of last year, Russian President Vladimir Putin delivered a speech officially recognizing the independence of…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-02-21). Where is Russia's Winter Offensive? President Biden Empty-Handed in Kiev. libya360.wordpress.com Update on Russian military operations in Ukraine for February 22, 2023: — Russian forces continue encircling Bakhmut, moving outward from Kremenna, and pressuring Vugladar; — US President Joe Biden arrived in Kiev, Ukraine with little else but rhetoric; — the most recent US military assistance package to Ukraine is meager with many items omitting the…

It's Going Down (2023-02-21). This Is America #182: Report from East Palestine; Week of Action Kicks off to Stop Cop City. itsgoingdown.org Welcome, to This Is America, February 21st, 2023. On this episode, we speak with someone who is involved in a coalition of various anti-capitalist and autonomous groups that is organizing to support people in East Palestine, Ohio and beyond, who have been impacted by the recent Norfolk Southern disaster. We talk about what's been happening…

Jacob G. Hornberger (2023-02-21). What About the Unprovoked U.S. Aggression Against Iraq? globalresearch.ca

jamanetwork (2023-02-21). Both High- and Low-Dose Exercise Therapy Help Knee Osteoarthritis. jamanetwork.com For patients with pain and decreased knee function from osteoarthritis, high-dose exercise therapy is not superior to low-dose therapy for most outcomes, according to the results of a randomized trial.

jamanetwork (2023-02-21). Nearly 500‚ÄØ000 in UK May Have Missed Blood Pressure Drugs. jamanetwork.com An estimated 491‚ÄØ000 fewer people than expected began antihypertensive medications in the UK between March 2020 and July 2021 during the COVID-19 pandemic. The decline, reported in Nature Medicine, could result in more than 13‚ÄØ000 additional cardiovascular disease events, including nearly 2300 myocardial infarctions and 3500 strokes, should these patients remain untreated over their lifetimes, the authors predicted.

jamanetwork (2023-02-21). New Report on Mpox Cases Leading Up to 2022 Global Outbreak. jamanetwork.com From January 1, 2022, through January 27, 2023, more than 85‚ÄØ000 confirmed human mpox (monkeypox) cases in 110 countries and 86 deaths were reported to the World Health Organization.

jamanetwork (2023-02-21). Hybrid Immunity More Protective Than Prior SARS-CoV-2 Infection Alone. jamanetwork.com A recent systematic review of studies found that people who have been vaccinated against COVID-19 and have had a previous SARS-CoV-2 infection, known as having hybrid immunity, have better protection against the Omicron variant than those with only a previous infection.

jamanetwork (2023-02-21). Agent Slows Glioblastoma Tumors in Mice by Blocking Fat Metabolism. jamanetwork.com An investigational drug slowed glioblastoma tumor growth in a mouse model, researchers reported in Science Translational Medicine.

jamanetwork (2023-02-21). High COVID-19 Rates Prompt Call for Better Nursing Home Protections. jamanetwork.com Better nursing home protections are needed for future health emergencies, says a data brief from the US Department of Health and Human Services Office of Inspector General (OIG).

jamanetwork (2023-02-21). National Academies: Expand US Wastewater Disease Surveillance. jamanetwork.com Continued development of and investment in a national wastewater infectious disease surveillance system could help improve public health responses to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and future infectious disease outbreaks, according to a report from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine.

jamanetwork (2023-02-21). Patient Information: Guillain-Barré Syndrome. jamanetwork.com This JAMA Patient Page describes the autoimmune disease Guillain-Barré syndrome and its risk factors, diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis.

jamanetwork (2023-02-21). Glioblastoma and Other Primary Brain Malignancies in Adults. jamanetwork.com This review summarizes current evidence regarding diagnosis and treatment of primary malignant brain tumors in adults.

jamanetwork (2023-02-21). Notice of Retraction and Replacement. Ellison-Barnes et al. Trends in Obesity Prevalence Among Adults Aged 18 Through 25 Years, 1976-2018. JAMA . 2021;326(20):2073-2074. jamanetwork.com To the Editor We write to explain an analytical error in our Research Letter titled "Trends in Obesity Prevalence Among Adults Aged 18 Through 25 Years, 1976-2018," published in the November 23/30, 2021, issue of JAMA. This study looked at trends in body mass index (BMI) among young adults aged 18 to 25 years using data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey.

jamanetwork (2023-02-21). Aspirin Discontinuation at 24 to 28 Weeks' Gestation in Pregnancies at High Risk of Preterm Preeclampsia. jamanetwork.com This randomized clinical trial aims to determine whether aspirin discontinuation in pregnant individuals with normal soluble fms-like tyrosine kinase—1 to placental growth factor (sFlt-1: PlGF) ratio between 24 and 28 weeks of gestation was noninferior to aspirin continuation to prevent preterm preeclampsia.

jamanetwork (2023-02-21). History of Low Hourly Wage and All-Cause Mortality. jamanetwork.com This longitudinal study involving US workers collected wage information during a portion of peak earning years and examined whether a history of low-wage earning was associated with mortality risk.

jamanetwork (2023-02-21). Association of African Ancestry—Specific APOE Missense Variant R145C With Risk of Alzheimer Disease. jamanetwork.com This exploratory case-control study assesses the association of APOE missense variants with risk of Alzheimer disease among individuals of African ancestry with the APOE Œµ3/Œµ4 genotype.

jamanetwork (2023-02-21). Roflumilast Cream vs Vehicle Cream and Chronic Plaque Psoriasis—Reply. jamanetwork.com In Reply In response to the Letter by Mr Smith and colleagues, we agree that studies of representative patient populations are important, but we challenge the notion that our results cannot be applied to a general population of individuals with psoriasis because only 36.3% of patients were female. The consideration when assessing the applicability of the results should be whether the sample size is sufficient to make precise determinations of efficacy and safety rather than if the percentage of females in the trials match the general psoriasis population, although the latter is also important. Our study included…

jamanetwork (2023-02-21). Review of Pulmonary Embolism—Reply. jamanetwork.com In Reply In response to our recent Review, Dr Porres-Aguilar and colleagues highlight the potential benefits of PERTs for the management and diagnosis of PE. Although these teams may have potential to improve the prognosis of patients with diagnosed PE, data are currently scarce to support the implementation of PERTs, and the generalizability of preliminary studies to different settings and countries remains to be assessed.

jamanetwork (2023-02-21). Roflumilast Cream vs Vehicle Cream and Chronic Plaque Psoriasis. jamanetwork.com To the Editor A recent study evaluating the safety and efficacy of roflumilast cream, 0.3%, for chronic plaque psoriasis involving 2% to 20% of body surface area concluded that daily use of roflumilast cream for 8 weeks was more effective than vehicle cream. We would like to point out some limitations of this study that decrease its generalizability.

jamanetwork (2023-02-21). Review of Pulmonary Embolism. jamanetwork.com To the Editor I am writing to address several issues in the recent Review on PE. First, the authors stated that smoking is not associated with higher rates of venous thromboembolism (VTE). However, in a meta-analysis that included 3‚ÄØ966‚ÄØ184 people and 35‚ÄØ151 VTE events, the VTE risk increased by 10.2% for every additional 10 cigarettes per day or by 6.1% for every additional 10 pack-years of smoking.

jamanetwork (2023-02-21). Dissemination of the Results of Pediatric Clinical Trials Funded by the US National Institutes of Health. jamanetwork.com This study examines practices related to trial registration and results submission in ClinicalTrials.gov and publication of pediatric clinical trials funded by the National Institutes of Health.

jamanetwork (2023-02-21). Seasonal Variability of Disease. jamanetwork.com It is well known that the frequency, severity and mortality of many diseases vary with different seasons of the year. That acute respiratory infections reach a peak in the late winter months, with a minor peak in the late autumn, is attributed to a lowered local resistance to infection with the unknown virus of "common colds" and the known pathogenic cocci, although as yet we have no satisfactory explanation as to why the exposure to cold lowers the resistance. To be sure, a physical chemist, Schade, would attribute to a decreased dispersion of the tissue colloids on cooling the increased vulnerability to bacteri…

jamanetwork (2023-02-21). Biomarkers and the Risk of Preeclampsia. jamanetwork.com Over the past few decades, while the global incidence of preeclampsia has risen, the number of maternal and perinatal deaths due to hypertensive disorders of pregnancy has declined. In 2011, international agencies, including the World Health Organization and the UK's National Institute for Health and Care Excellence, issued recommendations for daily low-dose aspirin to reduce the incidence of preeclampsia based on maternal demographics and medical history (collectively termed maternal factors). By 2013, similar recommendations were adopted in the US based on guidance from the US Preventive Services Task Force (US…

Jason Ditz (2023-02-21). IAEA, Iran in Talks Over Highly-Enriched Uranium Finding. news.antiwar.com The IAEA is turning up its latest concerns about Iran's civilian nuclear program with media reports of a discovery of Iran is known to be producing uranium of up to 60% purity, and it should be noted that weapons grade is in excess of 90%. Thus, neither the 60% stockpile, nor these 84% particles, are actually a proliferation risk for atomic weapons. | The expected spin is that this newer top-line enrich…

Jeffrey D. Sachs (2023-02-21). Lo que Ucrania necesita aprender de Afganistán sobre las guerras de poder. globalizacion.ca Lo que los europeos necesitan aprender es que la UE no es sino un Protectorado de EEUU. Muchos discursos sobre la ´democracia ª, pero las decisiones se toman en Washington. Lo sorprendente es la pasividad y la docilidad de los dirigentes…

Jim McIlroy (2023-02-21). Farmers protest silver, lead, zinc mine threat in Lue. greenleft.org.au Residents of Mudgee and farmers protested outside the Independent Planning Commission against Bowdens Silver's plan to mine silver, lead and zinc, near the village of Lue. Jim McIlroy reports.

Jim Spellman (2023-02-21). East Palestine residents concerned about health risks from derailed train. america.cgtn.com Residents in East Palestine, Ohio are still looking for answers nearly three weeks after a freight train derailed, spilling dangerous chemicals.

John Bellamy Foster (2023-02-21). The New Irrationalism: a conversation with John Bellamy Foster. mronline.org Daniel Tutt of Study Groups on Psychoanalysis and Politics interviews John Bellamy Foster on his new article, "

John Klar (2023-02-21). Solution to the World's Carbon Problems: Compel Children to Eat Unhealthy Processed Vegetarian Alternatives to Wholesome Grass-fed Meats or Fresh Local Foods. globalresearch.ca

Jonathan Turley (2023-02-21). The Global Disinformation Index (GDI): Government-Funded Group Targets "Riskiest Online News Outlets" globalresearch.ca

Juan Cole (2023-02-21). Sen. Bernie Sanders, "Embarrassed" by "racist" Israeli Government, Threatens to Withhold Aid. juancole.com Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) — Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) came on Face the Nation Sunday. In the course of the interview, Sanders lashed out at the new, extremist government in Israel, which includes a minister once convicted of incitement to racial violence and more than one figure belonging to Kahanist organizations of a sort that …

Julia Conley (2023-02-21). Sanders proposes 'New Deal for journalism' to ensure media serves public interest. mronline.org Nonpartisan, publicly funded media is "an idea that we should explore," said the senator.

Kerry Smith (2023-02-21). Neo-Nazi sentenced to jail for attack on anti-racists' home. greenleft.org.au Neo-Nazi extremist Desmond Liddington has been sentenced for his part in an attack on the home of anti-racists. Kerry Smith reports.

Khubaka, Michael Harris (2023-02-21). 40 Mile Walk to White House to Call for President Biden Action on Reparations. indybay.org From Sea to Shining Sea and beyond, the call for Reparations Study and Redress is growing. President Joe Biden and the Office of Executive Branch of the United States of America can demonstrate one standard for global citizenship via Executive Order to create a Reparations Study and Redress Commission. From Historic Negro Bar, Mormon Island and Negro Bar Gold Mining District we join the journey towards justice.

Kim Petersen (2023-02-21). Enabling the Warmaking of Empire. dissidentvoice.org It is understood by all that at least two sides are required in a war scenario. One side must be waging war on another side. It is not required that the aggressed side fight back. To surrender to a warmaker, however, means coming under the suzerainty of the warmaker. That is almost always anathema to …

Labor Video Project (2023-02-21). ILWU Local 10 Stops Work & Rallies For Mumia With Tyre Nichols Family In San Francisco. indybay.org ILWU Local 10 held a stop work action and held a march and rally to demand the freedom of Mumia Abu-Jamal. The family of Tyre Nichols also attended and spoke out.

Larry Johnson (2023-02-21). An unexpected insight (for the élite): The US may be the biggest loser in the war on Russia by Alastair Crooke. sonar21.com [NOTE FROM LARRY — The following was written by Alastair Crooke and I have been given permission to publish here. Enjoy.] "NATO has never been stronger; Russia is a global…

Larry Johnson (2023-02-21). Dr. Michael Vlahos, Gonzalo Lira and I talk Ukraine and Russia. sonar21.com A delightful, fruitful conversation hosted by Gonzalo Lira with the esteemed Michael Vlahos. It was my first virtual introduction to Michael, but I have been aware of his scholarship and…

Larry Johnson (2023-02-21). Will Putin Announce the Beginning of a Russian-Chinese Defense Pact? sonar21.com Joe Biden made a semi-coherent speech in Kiev and may do an encore on Tuesday in Poland. I am confident he will display the same muddled thoughts and tangled syntax…

Lee Camp (2023-02-21). EXPOSED: The Dirty Boning Between Big Oil and Think Tanks. mintpressnews.com As these massive global corporations reap record profits, Lee Camp exposes the corruption and massive amounts of corporate welfare given to oil companies through public funds and tax breaks.

Leon Kunstenaar (2023-02-21). International Longshore & Warehouse Union (ILWU) March and Rally to Free Mumia. indybay.org Hundreds of ILWU members and supporters demand freedom for Mumia Abu-Jamal as part of ongoing campaign…

Lucrecia Franco (2023-02-21). Scores dead, many displaced in Brazilian flood. america.cgtn.com In Brazil, heavy rains triggered flooding and landslides, killing at least 44 people on the coast of Brazil's southern state of Sao Paulo.

M. K. Bhadrakumar (2023-02-21). Blinken Gets Bibi to Bend on Ukraine. globalresearch.ca

Marcelo Colussi (2023-02-21). Las falacias de la democracia. globalizacion.ca En cualquier país "libre", no "autocrático" -según la terminología en uso por el globalizado discurso de la derecha, por supuesto totalmente rebatible- la democracia aparece como el bien supremo. Las penurias de las poblaciones se deben -según esa estrecha, muy…

Martha Grevatt (2023-02-21). Class struggle is our very essence. workers.org Based on a talk given at the Feb. 5 webinar "Global Class War: Lessons from Sam Marcy for workers struggles today." "Struggle is the very essence of a revolutionary party." So true. When Sam wrote those words in 1972, it was at a critical juncture for our Party. Our young . . . |

Michael J. Talmo (2023-02-21). To Those Still Wearing Masks: Throw Them Away. They Don't Work. globalresearch.ca

Mike Whitney (2023-02-21). Biden's Power Grab: Executive Order Installs "Equity" Commissars to Rule the Bureaucracy and Centralize Power. globalresearch.ca

Mothers on the March (2023-02-21). Friday 2/24: Free Palestine! indybay.org Israeli Consulate | 456 Montgomery | San Francisco…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-02-21). Mayo Clinic Minute: Heart disease in African American women. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Heart disease is the No. 1 cause of death in women in the U.S. And African American women have an even higher risk of dying from heart disease ‚Äï and at a younger age ‚Äï than white women, according to the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute. In this Mayo Clinic Minute, Dr. LaPrincess Brewer, a Mayo Clinic cardiologist, says this serious issue is compounded by the fact that many African American women are not…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-02-21). Mayo Clinic Minute: What to do when sick with norovirus or 'stomach flu'. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org If you went out for the evening and woke up with a sudden bad stomach, chances are you might be experiencing viral gastroenteritis. That's the broad term for an infection in the intestines. Some call it "stomach flu." Gastroenteritis can be brought on by norovirus — a highly contagious viral infection most often spread through person-to-person contact or contaminated food or water, or by touching contaminated surfaces. It can be quite severe for some people, but for…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-02-21). Consumer Health: Reduce your risk of the 4 most common cancers. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org February is National Cancer Prevention Month, which makes this a good time to learn what you can do to reduce your risk of the top four most common cancers diagnosed in the U.S. One in 2 men and 1 in 3 women in the U.S. will be diagnosed with cancer in their lifetime, according to the American Cancer Society. The most common types of cancer diagnosed in the U.S. are skin cancer, breast cancer, prostate…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-02-21). Science Saturday: Can AI-enhanced heart screening address health disparities? newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Clinicians and researchers around the world are combining artificial intelligence, known as AI, with health care to help identify patients at greater risk of cardiovascular diseases, such as stroke and heart failure. However, as use of these AI-enhanced tools grows, researchers at Mayo Clinic are asking, "Do these tools work reliably for people of color?" and "Are they accessible in community health care settings?" "AI-based health interventions are frequently developed and deployed without race-specific data analysis or…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-02-21). Mayo Clinic Minute: Learn about advances in cataract surgery. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Cataracts are one of the most common eye conditions in the world. Chances are most people are going to develop cataracts at some point in their lives. Thanks to advances in cataract surgery, Dr. Dave Patel, a Mayo Clinic ophthalmologist, says many patients are able to say goodbye to their cataracts and reduce or eliminate their need for glasses. Watch: The Mayo Clinic Minute www.youtube.com/watch?v=zLdagXOdlI8 Journalists: Broadcast-quality video pkg (1: 10) is in the downloads at the end of the…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-02-21). MEDIA ADVISORY: Mayo physician creates industry runway for students of color. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org MEDIA ADVISORY: Mayo physician creates industry runway for students of color February is Black History Month, and Dr. Alyx Porter, a neuro-oncologist at Mayo Clinic in Arizona, is committed to increasing diversity in medicine. There are less than five black women practicing neuro oncology in the U.S., and Dr. Porter is one of them. She formed the nonprofit ElevateMeD along with her husband to provide scholarships and support to medical students from backgrounds underrepresented in…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-02-21). Mayo Clinic Minute: What is cardiogenic shock? newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Cardiogenic shock is a condition where the heart is too weak to pump blood and oxygen to the brain and organs. Fatal if not treated immediately, the condition affects approximately 50,000 people in the U.S. Dr. Parag Patel, a Mayo Clinic cardiologist, explains what cardiogenic shock is and how it's treated. Watch: The Mayo Clinic Minute www.youtube.com/watch?v=u0sTu9uIbSQ Journalists: Broadcast-quality video (0: 56) is in the downloads at the end of this post. Please courtesy: "Mayo Clinic…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-02-21). Mushrooms make healthy meal magic. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Mushrooms can be found in so many dishes, from omelets to stir-fries, that they're often overlooked. But mushrooms not only are versatile, they also provide a variety of health benefits ranging from brain health to cancer prevention. They're naturally low in sodium and fat, two things that can affect heart health by raising blood pressure. There are more health-related reasons for eating these almost-magical fungi, including: Cancer preventionResearchers have found that incorporating any variety of…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-02-21). Mayo Clinic Q and A: Are over-the-counter hearing devices a fit for you? newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org DEAR MAYO CLINIC: I've heard about the new over-the-counter hearing devices, but I'm not sure if they'll work for me. What do I need to know? And what should I consider as I make my decision? ANSWER: Hearing loss can be a significant quality of life issue for people. There are certainly many benefits to visiting with an audiology practice or specialist. People with moderate hearing loss are good candidates for hearing aids bought over the counter…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-02-21). Minimally invasive, robotic spine surgery helps man with lower back pain. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Employer-sponsored benefit brought him to Mayo Clinic For James "Sonny" Rivera, his back was so painful that walking more than 200 yards or even standing was impossible at times. Over the years, the 58-year-old Fort Dodge, Iowa, man experienced lower back pain that continued to increase in intensity. "The pain got so extreme that it limited the time I could be on my feet," Sonny says. After a 2021 ATV accident, Sonny's back pain became…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-02-21). Mayo study uses electronic health record data to assess metformin failure risk, optimize care. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org A recent Mayo Clinic study published in The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism has found that using machine learning and electronic health record (EHR) data can help pinpoint patients with Type 2 diabetes who are at high-risk of experiencing metformin failure. Metformin is a widely used medication for treating diabetes; however, it is not always effective in controlling blood sugar levels. Although it is the first line of therapy used for treatment, metformin has…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-02-21). Mayo Clinic Q and A: Are energy drinks a healthy option? newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org DEAR MAYO CLINIC: My husband has swapped out his regular morning coffee for an energy drink. Are these healthy options for getting his daily dose of caffeine? Do energy drinks have more caffeine than regular coffee? And how much caffeine is too much? ANSWER: People love their caffeine, whether it's coffee, tea, soda or energy drinks like your husband. It's the most common stimulant in the world, and about 90% of all adults consume caffeine in some…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-02-21). Mayo Clinic Minute: Success in reducing heart disease deaths, except for young women. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Cardiovascular disease is still the No. 1 killer in the world. The good news is that, generally, the numbers are getting better, with one surprising exception. In this Mayo Clinic Minute, Dr. Sharonne N. Hayes, a Mayo Clinic cardiologist, discusses how treatment bias for younger women may be a contributing factor. Watch: The Mayo Clinic Minute youtu.be/b5XjmSOeeBI Journalists: Broadcast-quality video (1: 02) is in the downloads at the end of this post. Please "Courtesy: Mayo Clinic…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-02-21). Do you know who to talk to about your child's routine vaccinations? newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), routine vaccinations for kindergarten in the U.S. fell to 93% during the 2021-2022 school year. That's the second year in a row routine vaccination rates decreased. The vaccines help prevent potentially fatal or severe illnesses, including diphtheria, measles, mumps, rubella, polio, tetanus, whooping cough (pertussis) and others. The CDC says there are several reasons for the decline, including the possibility that misinformation about COVID-19 vaccines may have played…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-02-21). MEDIA ADVISORY: Mayo physician seeks to help young adults with congenital heart failure before it's too late. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org February is American Heart Month, and a largely unaddressed condition affecting thousands of young people is at the center of a Mayo Clinic cardiologist's practice. Dr. Luke Burchill is the link between what young adults with congenital heart disease need to survive and thrive. Did you know a whopping 40,000 babies each year are born with congenital heart disease in the U.S.? But many of those same babies survive, only to unnecessarily risk premature death…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-02-21). Mayo Clinic Minute: Is salt sneaking into your diet? newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Too much salt is not good for your health. This is especially true for people who have high blood pressure. Cutting back on how much you reach for the saltshaker is a good start. Dr. Regis Fernandes, a Mayo Clinic cardiologist, says beware of other places salt may be hiding. Watch: The Mayo Clinic Minute www.youtube.com/watch?v=HSA14AWD6Io Journalists: Broadcast-quality video pkg (1: 01) is in the downloads at the end of…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-02-21). Share your love this Valentine's Day by giving blood. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org What better way to celebrate Valentine's Day than by giving the gift of life? Every year on Feb. 14, National Donor Day is dedicated to spreading awareness about organ, eye and tissue donation. One way to celebrate, that will have an impact on your community, is by donating blood at your local blood donor center. Dr. Justin Juskewitch, associate medical director of the Blood Donor Center at Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, says the need…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-02-21). On pins and needles: Just what is dry needling? newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org You may have heard of a treatment called dry needling and wondered what it is or if it's right for you. While the name of the procedure may sound intimidating, dry needling is an accessible and commonly offered therapy for people with muscle, ligament or tendon pain. Dry needling basics During a dry needling treatment, one or more thin, monofilament needles are inserted into a muscle trigger point. A trigger point is a local band…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-02-21). Mayo Clinic Health System in Austin redesignated a level 4 trauma hospital. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org AUSTIN, Minn. ‚Äï The Minnesota Department of Health has redesignated Mayo Clinic Health System in Austin as a level 4 trauma hospital. The recertification process included an outside review of the hospital's resources and capabilities to care for trauma patients. To qualify for level 4 designation, the trauma hospital must have an established trauma program within its facility that meets the required criteria set forth by the state and a site visit that focuses on…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-02-21). Mayo Clinic to begin offering early ECMO to certain cardiac arrest patients. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Only about 8% of patients who have sudden cardiac arrest outside of a hospital survive. That rate is even lower for certain patients who don't respond to defibrillation. A new service being launched this month by Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, is hoping to improve outcomes and save more lives by getting patients faster access to potentially life-saving equipment. Watch: Mayo Clinic to begin offering early ECMO to certain cardiac arrest patients youtu.be/HJPNae9njUw Journalists: Broadcast-quality…

Nora Barrows-Friedman (2023-02-21). Federal complaint takes on anti-Palestinian racism at US college. electronicintifada.net Israel lobby fuels pervasive attacks, bogus anti-Semitism accusations against students and George Washington University professor Lara Sheehi.

Olive Enokido-Lineham (2023-02-21). Vladimir Putin Blames West for Starting War in Ukraine. globalresearch.ca

Oregon Capital Chronicle (2023-02-21). Is the new AP African American Studies course Dangerous? Students don't think so. juancole.com Naseem Rakha Maurice Cowley is teaching college-level African American Studies at McDaniel High School. ( Oregon Capital Chronicle ) — Three days after the nation honored Martin Luther King Jr.'s leadership in the Civil Rights Movement, a spokeswoman for the Florida Department of Education announced that no Florida public high school would be …

Oskar Lafontaine & Christian Zehenter (2023-02-21). No nuclear war in Europe! and Glorification of violence. indybay.org The well-read do not believe in Russia's sole guilt anyway. They remember the promise made to Gorbachev not to expand NATO eastward. They know that the U.S. organized and financed a coup on the Maidan in 2014 to install a puppet government that would push for Ukraine's eventual admission into NATO.

Pacifica's Covid, Race & Democracy (2023-02-21). Rage Against the War Machine; ILWU for Mumia and Tyre; US behind Somaliland Secessionism;. indybay.org Pacifica's Covid, Race & Democracy: Rage Against the War Machine; ILWU for Mumia and Tyre; US behind Somaliland Secessionism; Death Penalty Abolition…

Peter Boyle (2023-02-21). Exhibition to raise funds for earthquake victims in Rojava. greenleft.org.au An exhibition of photographs in the Stirrup Gallery at the Addison Road Community Centre will raise funds for earthquake relief in Rojava. Peter Boyle reports.

Philip Giraldi (2023-02-21). America the Feckless. Lies and Hypocrisy Are at the Heart of the Biden Foreign Policy. globalresearch.ca

Phyllis Bennis (2023-02-21). 20 Years Ago, the World Said No to War. globalresearch.ca

Prabir Purkayastha (2023-02-21). Mapping Faultlines: The planning, execution, and aftermath of Nord Stream sabotage. mronline.org In this episode of Mapping Faultlines, NewsClick's Prabir Purkayastha explains the details of the sabotage of the Nord Stream pipelines as revealed by journalist Seymour Hersh. He also talks about how benefited from this sabotage.

Prabir Purkayastha (2023-02-21). Why do we have a balloon hysteria in the U.S.? mronline.org THE newsfeeds from the US seem to be completely insane. First, an F22 Raptor, the most expensive U.S. military aircraft, is used to shoot down a Chinese balloon over the Atlantic ocean.

Prof Michel Chossudovsky (2023-02-21). Video: The Worldwide Corona Crisis. Michel Chossudovsky. globalresearch.ca

Prof. Siddharth Kara (2023-02-21). Your Smartphone Has a Human Cost. globalresearch.ca

Protect Thacker Pass (2023-02-21). Three Tribes File New Lawsuit Challenging Thacker Pass Lithium Mine. indybay.org Late yesterday, three Native American Tribes — the Reno-Sparks Indian Colony, Burns Paiute Tribe, and Summit Lake Paiute Tribe — launched a major new lawsuit against the Thacker Pass lithium mine. | This new case contains major allegations that were not heard in the prior court case, and may be a significant roadblock for the mine.

r u 18? vote! (2023-02-21). Why is Putin's name not on this list? indybay.org Why is Putin's name not on this list? | What do we mean by "equal treatment under the law"? | What has Putin done to violate laws and human rights?>

reenvia Red Latina sin fronteras (2023-02-21). Perú y nuestros otros mundos: ´Lucha Indígena ª Febr2023. indybay.org Perú y nuestros otros mundos: ´Lucha Indígena ª | Hablan lxs que siempre lucharán! | Febrero 2023…

Renee Parsons (2023-02-21). Biden's Surprise Visit to Kiev: "Stand with Ukraine as Long as It Takes" globalresearch.ca

Revolution Books (2023-02-21). Sunday 2/19: Livestream: Bigger, More Revolutionary and More Participatory Than Ever! indybay.org Revolution Books | 2444 Durant Avenue ,Berkeley…

Revolution Books (2023-02-21). Saturday 2/25: Film Showing: COUP 53-Old Secrets Cast Long Shadows, A benefit for Revolution Books. indybay.org Revolution Books | 2444 Durant Avenue | Berkeley, CA…

Rick Rozoff (2023-02-21). Britain trains over 10,000 Ukrainian recruits for war with Russia. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com UkrinformFebruary 20, 2023 More than 10,000 Ukrainian recruits have gone through training in Britain More than 10,000 Ukrainian military recruits have gone through training in the United Kingdom under the leadership of the British Land Forces and the armed forces of international partners. "So far, over 10,000 Ukrainians have gone through the training [which] includes …

Rick Rozoff (2023-02-21). Intermarium project: NATO chieftain to officiate at eastern flank meeting. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com NATOFebruary 20, 2023 NATO Secretary General attends B-9 Summit in Poland Also see: New Intermarium: Biden, NATO pledge support to NATO's nine-nation Eastern Flank Ukraine is linchpin in new Intermarium project to drive Russia out of Europe, Caucasus — FM On Wednesday, 22 February 2023, the NATO Secretary General, Mr. Jens Stoltenberg will travel to …

Rick Rozoff (2023-02-21). Munich: NATO co-hosts initiative for eco-friendly warfare. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com NATOFebruary 17, 2023 NATO co-hosts side event at Munich Security Conference focused on military energy transition NATO co-hosted a roundtable discussion on Saturday (17 February 2023) at the Munich Security Conference focused on opportunities to support NATO militaries' transition to clean energy…while ensuring military effectiveness in a deteriorated security environment. The side event "Cleaner and …

Rick Rozoff (2023-02-21). NATO, Finland, Sweden launch largest space project in bloc's history. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com NATOFebruary 16, 2023 16 Allies, Finland and Sweden launch largest space project in NATO's history On Wednesday (15 February 2023), 16 Allies, together with invitees Finland and Sweden, launched a new initiative that will transform the way NATO gathers and uses data from space, significantly improve NATO's intelligence and surveillance, and provide essential support to …

Rick Rozoff (2023-02-21). Numbers on NATO's provision of lethal aid to Ukraine. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com Prensa LatinaFebruary 20, 2023 NATO delivers weapons to Ukraine since 2021 Russia's Foreign Intelligence Service reported on Monday that since December 2021, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) member countries have delivered weapons to Ukraine. According to the organization, NATO transferred 1,170 anti-aircraft defense systems, 440 tanks, 1,150 infantry vehicles, and 655 artillery pieces to …

Rick Rozoff (2023-02-21). Abkhazia, South Ossetia: NATO incorporates Georgian border police. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com Agenda.geFebruary 21, 2023 Interior Minister hails approval of NATO Operational Partner status for Georgian Border Police as "key achievement" of 2022 Georgian Interior Minister Vakhtang Gomelauri on Tuesday told the Parliament the granting of the NATO Operational Partner status to the country's Border Police units had been a "major achievement" of the past year. In …

Rick Rozoff (2023-02-21). German troops learn about "real combat experience" as they train Ukrainian combat forces. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com UkrinformFebruary 20, 2023 Over 3,000 Ukrainian troops to complete training in Germany by year-end By the end of the year, Germany will have trained some 3,000 Ukrainian soldiers. This was stated by Germany's Defense Minister Boris Pistorius during a visit to Munster, where Ukrainian tankers are on a training course…. "Since the outset of the …

Rick Rozoff (2023-02-21). NATO Response Force, Very High Readiness Joint Task Force, high-intensity warfare: NATO naval drills off Norway. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com NATOFebruary 21, 2023 Standing NATO Maritime Group 1 kicks off exercise Dynamic Guard 23-I in Norway Standing NATO Maritime Group (SNMG) 1 kicks off annual NATO Allied Maritime Command (MARCOM) exercise Dynamic Guard off the coast of Bergen, Feb. 20. Dynamic Guard 23-I is the first serial of a bi-annual, multi-national NATO electronic warfare exercise …

Rick Rozoff (2023-02-21). Real brothers in arms: German military trains Ukrainian tank crews. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com UkrinformFebruary 21, 2023 Ambassador Makeiev shares impressions of visit to tank training ground in Germany Ukrainian crews of main battle tanks and IFVs [infantry fighting vehicles] are currently mastering in Germany the equipment…. Ambassador of Ukraine to Germany, Oleksiy Makeiev, shared with Ukrinform his impressions of visiting the tank training ground in Munster on Monday, …

Rick Rozoff (2023-02-21). Swedish PM pleased with Turkey's NATO-membership-for-anti-Kurd offer. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com Daily SabahFebruary 20, 2023 Swedish PM welcomes Türkiye's message on NATO bid resumption The Swedish prime minister welcomed Foreign Minister Mevlàºt àáavu≈üoƒülu's statement on his country's NATO bid talks, which was suspended by Türkiye due to the former's failure to abide by terms of a trilateral agreement. "I of course welcome Turkey's announcement that they …

Rick Rozoff (2023-02-21). Top Azerbaijani, Georgian military officials plan joint participation in international NATO exercises. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com Agenda.geFebruary 21, 2023 Georgian, Azerbaijani top military officials review cooperation, regional security The Security environment in the South Caucasus region [was] discussed on Tuesday in a meeting between Major General Giorgi Matiashvili, the Chief of the Georgian Defence Forces, and Colonel General Zakir Hasanov, the Azerbaijani Defence Minister. The officials underlined the "close" partnership and …

Rick Rozoff (2023-02-21). U.S. senators meet Georgian opposition chief, leaders, "CSOs" to expedite coup, second front. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com Civil GeorgiaFebruary 21, 2023 U.S. Senators Meet with Prime Minister, Opposition, CSOs Following the meeting with Georgian President Salome Zurabishvili, visiting U.S. Senators Jeanne Shaheen and Dick Durbin met with Prime Minister Irakli Garibashvili, opposition politicians and representatives of civil society organizations on February 20. After the official part of the visit, the U.S. Senators …

Robert J. Burrowes (2023-02-21). We Are Being Smashed Politically, Economically, Medically and Technologically by the Elite's 'Great Reset': Why? How Do We Fight Back Effectively? globalresearch.ca

San Francisco Public Library (2023-02-21). Saturday 3/4: Night of Ideas. indybay.org San Francisco Main Library | 100 Larkin St | San Francisco, CA 94102…

San José Peace & Justice Center (2023-02-21). Friday 2/24: War in Ukraine: One Year On. indybay.org San José Peace & Justice Center | 48 South 7th Street | San José, CA 95112…

Santa Cruz Children's Museum of Discovery (2023-02-21). Saturday 3/18: Summer Camp Board Game Festival. indybay.org Inside the Capitola Mall near the food court.

Santa Cruz Children's Museum of Discovery (2023-02-21). Saturday 3/11: Teddy Bear Clinic. indybay.org Inside the Capitola Mall near the food court.

Sean Callebs (2023-02-21). The Heat: Russia-Ukraine Conflict. america.cgtn.com U.S. President Biden makes a surprise visit to Ukraine as the conflict with Russia nears the one-year mark. And, a global security conference is held in Munich. U.S. President Joe Biden met with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy in Kyiv on Monday. Biden pledged more military …

Staff (2023-02-21). Hoy en la Mesa Redonda: Segundo capítulo de la serie documental "El enigma de Cuba. mesaredonda.cubadebate.cu La Mesa Redonda estrenará este martes en televisión el segundo capítulo de la Serie documental "El Enigma de Cuba", que recoge la la historia de la nación cubana narrada a profundidad desde sus escenarios fundamentales y a través de mujeres y hombres que la protagonizaron o la han estudiado con denuedo para salvaguardarla y transmitirla a las nuevas generaciones.

Staff (2023-02-21). El español nuestro (II): "Que aquéllos que allí se parecen no son gigantes, sino molinos de viento" cubadebate.cu øInfluyen las nuevas tecnologías y la ola de estímulos visuales? øLos juegos digitales? øEl sino de nativos digitales, el vértigo de la vida en el siglo XXI? øEl escaso tiempo y muchas preocupaciones, limitaciones de tiempo y vicisitudes de los padres en época de crisis, cambios drásticos y precariedad? øLa desprofesionalización en no pocos ámbitos? øSon las tecnologías, el cambio de época y paradigma, o somos los humanos?

Staff (2023-02-21). Esos "seres normativos" olvidados: Los deberes constitucionales. cubadebate.cu Generalmente las personas piensan más en sus derechos que en sus deberes, se proyectan más en exigir los primeros frente al Estado o a los otros ciudadanos, que a reflexionar y cumplir con los segundos, para así llevar una conducta cívica o ciudadana conteste con estos, lo cual puede ser "entendible" porque la persona humana es un ser de libertad y se concibe como tal.

Staff (2023-02-21). Quizás lo has visto sin saber qué es: Conoce al satélite artificial más grande del sistema solar. cubadebate.cu Durante los minutos anteriores y posteriores al amanecer y anochecer, respectivamente, es posible ver en el cielo desplazándose muy despacio algunos objetos brillantes, como si las estrellas estuvieran moviéndose. Pero no son estrellas, son satélites artificiales, mucho más cercanos y pequeños, en relación a otros cuerpos celestes que vemos en las noches.

Staff (2023-02-21). Dan a conocer detalles de la 62 Serie Nacional de Beisbol. cubadebate.cu La Comisión Nacional de Beisbol (CNB) reiteró hoy que la próxima serie nacional comenzará el 22 de marzo con inauguración oficial en el estadio Mártires de Barbados y actividad en otros siete parques del país. Será un evento atípico, pues su etapa regular debe enmarcarse entre el V Clásico Mundial de Beisbol y los Juegos Centrocaribes de San Salvador 2023.

Staff (2023-02-21). Díaz-Canel sostuvo encuentro con el eurodiputado Massimiliano Smeriglio. cubadebate.cu El Presidente de la República, Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez, sostuvo un encuentro este lunes con el diputado al Parlamento Europeo, Massimiliano Smeriglio, quien visita nuestro país con motivo de la presentación de su libro "Se bruciasse la città " (Se quema la ciudad), en la Feria Internacional del Libro de La Habana.

Staff (2023-02-21). En tiempo récord, deportistas rusos cruzan el estrecho de Yucatán en tablas de kitesurf. cubadebate.cu Un grupo de deportistas rusos ha marcado un nuevo récord tras ser los primeros en atravesar el golfo de Yucatán navegando en tablas de kitesurf. Los kitesurfistas realizaron la travesía, de más de 230 kilómetros, partiendo desde un muelle en el cabo de San Antonio en Cuba. Tardaron en llegar a las costas de México 11 horas y 19 minutos.

Staff (2023-02-21). Las 3 del día: Sirenas momificadas, incendio en Mayarí y las noticias del 20 de febrero (+ Podcast). cubadebate.cu Saludos a todos los seguidores de "Las 3 del día". Este lunes 20 de febrero de 2023 hacemos un resumen de lo más importante ocurrido en la jornada en nuestro país y en el contexto internacional. "Las 3 del día" es el podcast de Cubadebate que tiene de todo un poco en materia informativa. °Conéctese ya!

Staff (2023-02-21). Bolsa MiTransfer amplía su alcance con nuevas opciones de pago. cubadebate.cu Directivos de la Empresa de Telecomunicaciones de Cuba (Etecsa) informaron que próximamente quedarán habilitadas nuevas opciones de pago a través de la Bolsa MiTransfer de Transfermóvil con la habilitación del monedero móvil o billetera virtual.

Staff (2023-02-21). Conozca mejor a los integrantes de #elCubaClásico: Moncada y Roel. cubadebate.cu Cubadebate ya está en tiempo de Clásico Mundial de Béisbol. Te iremos presentando cada día a 2 de los 30 integrantes de nuestra selección nacional. El Cuba al Clásico es el equipo de todos.

Staff (2023-02-21). Este 21 de febrero convoca la poesía: Un libro rojo para Roque Dalton. cubadebate.cu Este 21 de febrero les invitamos a recordar a uno de "nuestros rojos", el poeta y revolucionario salvadoreño Roque Dalton. El encuentro se realizará a las tres de la tarde en la Sala de Lectura de la Biblioteca José Antonio Echeverría, como parte de la cuarta edición del Día de los Libros Rojos, convocatoria que surgió desde la Unión Internacional de Editoriales de Izquierda.

Staff (2023-02-21). Incendio en Pinares de Mayarí: Día decisivo para evitar avance del fuego al parque natural Mensura Piloto (+ Fotos). cubadebate.cu Luego de una noche intensa, este martes será decisivo para evitar el avance del incendio hacia las profundidades del parque natural Mensura Piloto, en especial hacia las zonas de Pinalito, rica en plantaciones de pinos y café, informó a través de su cuenta de Facebook el periodista de la Radio de Mayarí, Emilio Rodríguez Pupo.

Staff (2023-02-21). Más de 30 vagones de un tren de carga con carbón descarrilan en el estado de Nebraska, Estados Unidos (+ Video). cubadebate.cu Se informa que nadie resultó herido tras el accidente, que está siendo investigado. Además, un vocero de UP dijo que una de las tres vías principales en el lugar del siniestro fue reabierta para el tráfico ferroviario.

Staff (2023-02-21). Mincin informa sobre afectaciones en la distribución de la canasta familiar normada. cubadebate.cu Las empresas mayoristas del sistema del Comercio Interior, realizan la distribución de 2 090 toneladas de arroz de las más de 36 000 que corresponden a la cuota del mes. Se estima demora en la entrega en las provincias de Matanzas, Ciego de àÅvila, Las Tunas, Holguín, Santiago de Cuba y Guantánamo.

Staff (2023-02-21). Segunda victoria de Cuba en topes amistosos de béisbol en Japón. cubadebate.cu El equipo cubano de béisbol logró en Japón su segunda victoria en topes amistosos contra clubes profesionales locales, al imponerse 10 carreras por cuatro frente a las Golondrinas de Yakult.

Staff (2023-02-21). Tasas vigentes en el mercado cambiario cubano este 21 de febrero. cubadebate.cu Con el objetivo de mantener a sus lectores informados, Cubadebate comparte las tasas de cambio para diferentes divisas extranjeras vigentes este lunes 21 de febrero de 2023 en el mercado cambiario del país.

Staff (2023-02-21). Terremoto en Turquía: Al menos seis muertos y cientos de heridos tras réplicas. cubadebate.cu Al menos seis personas murieron y cientos resultaron heridas después de que las réplicas de magnitud 6.4 y 5.8 azotaran la provincia de Hatay, en el sur de Turquía, cerca de la frontera con Siria, dijo este martes el Centro de Coordinación de Emergencias de Turquía, SAKOM.

Staff (2023-02-21). Unión Eléctrica prevé una afectación de 567 MW en horario nocturno de este martes. cubadebate.cu La Unión Eléctrica informó que en el día de ayer se afectó el servicio por déficit de capacidad fundamentalmente en la zona centro oriental del país, por altas transferencias de energía. De mantenerse las condiciones previstas se pronostica una afectación de 567 MW en el horario pico nocturno.

Staff (2023-02-21). Angela Davis on Assassination & Legacy of Malcolm X, Her Exclusion from AP Black Studies and More. democracynow.org We speak with renowned scholar and activist Angela Davis on the 58th anniversary of the assassination of Malcolm X. Davis is delivering a keynote address Tuesday at the Shabazz Center in New York, formerly the Audubon Ballroom, where the iconic Black leader was killed on February 21, 1965. Davis says Malcolm is still vital to understanding racism, power and justice in the United States and beyond. "Malcolm always placed these issues in a larger context, and I think that we can learn a great deal from that legacy today," says Davis. She also responds to recent moves by Florida Governor Ron DeSantis and…

Staff (2023-02-21). Police Murders of Fred Hampton to Laquan McDonald: Chicago Police Council Elections Are a First. democracynow.org The police murder of Fred Hampton in Chicago in 1969 helped launch a movement more than 50 years ago for community-led police accountability. In a culmination of this campaign, Chicago voters next Tuesday will elect 22 local police councils tasked with community control of the police. Seven members of the councils will be part of a Community Commission for Public Safety and Accountability, a new model of police oversight. We speak with Frank Chapman, longtime activist and field organizer with the Chicago Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression, about the initiative and how it aims to empower Black and Br…

Staff (2023-02-21). Chicago Mayoral Race: Policing, Housing, Education Are Key Issues for 9 Dem. Candidates on Feb. 28. democracynow.org A pivotal Chicago mayoral race, just a week away, on February 28, is an off-cycle election, and voter turnout could be low, as nine Democratic candidates court their vote and face pressure to address public safety and crime. Candidates include incumbent Mayor Lori Lightfoot, Congressmember Chuy García, Cook County Commissioner Brandon Johnson and former Superintendent of Chicago Public Schools Paul Vallas, who is endorsed by the Fraternal Order of Police. This comes as Republican Governor Ron DeSantis spoke Monday in Chicago in support of police. We discuss the race with Democracy Now! co-host Juan González in Ch…

Staff (2023-02-21). Headlines for February 21, 2023. democracynow.org New Tremors Add to Misery of Earthquake Survivors in Turkey and Syria, Vladimir Putin to Suspend New START Nuclear Arms Treaty, Biden Travels to Warsaw for Major Speech on Ukraine and Talks with NATO Leaders, France Officially Withdraws Army from Burkina Faso, 17 Asylum Seekers Killed as Bus Crashes in Southern Mexico , Cambodia Shutters "Voice of Democracy" Broadcaster in Latest Crackdown on Dissent, Iraqi Environmentalist Jassim Al-Asadi Freed from Kidnappers, One Person Killed, 12 Others Injured in Ohio Metal Factory Explosion , Ohio Opens Health Clinic for Residents Near Site of Toxic Train Crash,…

Staff (2023-02-21). Talk World Radio: Chas Freeman on Making Peace with China. davidswanson.org

Staff (2023-02-21). 27 February, Vancouver: Art and Banner Making Party for Palestine. samidoun.net Monday, 27 February 6: 00 pm Grandview Church 1803 E 1st Ave Vancouver Join Samidoun Vancouver on Monday, 27 February for a banner and art-making party for Palestine! Our banner drops, mural events, demonstrations and actions all involve eye-catching images. Join us to make banners to drop and leave, permanent banners for use in multiple events, …

Staff (2023-02-21). Vancouver banner drops, public interventions highlight Palestinian struggle for liberation. samidoun.net Samidoun Vancouver joined in the Days of Rage and Resistance — organized by the Masar Badil, the Palestinian Alternative Revolutionary Path Movement — with a banner drop in a busy area of the city on Sunday, 12 February 2023. Participants carried and waved Palestinian flags and hung banners with slogans including "Free All Palestinian Prisoners," …

Staff (2023-02-21). For the Texas Environmental Workers Union, the fight is against fossil fuels and the bosses. therealnews.com

Staff (2023-02-21). 'Justice must prevail': a global call for freedom of US political prisoner Mumia Abu-Jamal. therealnews.com This story originally appeared in The decades-long struggle for the freedom of revolutionary leader, journalist, and US political prisoner Mumia Abu-Jamal received another boost of solidarity this week as a global campaign against his unjust incarceration was launched on Thursday, February 16. From the National Union…

Staff (2023-02-21). 'We will die for our motherland' Peruvians take the streets against Boluarte coup government. therealnews.com On Dec. 7, 2022, democratically-elected President Pedro Castillo was ousted in a congressional coup and replaced by his Vice President, Dina Boluarte. Since Castillo's ouster, millions of Peruvians have taken to the streets to denounce the coup, and demand new elections and a new constitution. Police and military repression have killed more than 50 people thus far, but the resistance shows no signs of abating. TRNN reports live from the ground in Peru. | This story, with the support of the

Steven Sahiounie (2023-02-21). Canada's Role in the War in Syria. globalresearch.ca

teleSUR, hvh, JCM (2023-02-21). Rusia toma control de localidad al norte de Bajmut, Donetsk. telesurtv.net Autoridades de Donetsk aseguraron que este avance permitiría bloquear a las tropas ucranianas de Bajmut.

teleSUR, hvh, JCM (2023-02-21). Türkiye avanza el ingreso a la OTAN de Suecia y Finlandia. twitter.com Cavusoglu anunció que "en un futuro próximo, la reunión tendrá lugar en la sede de la OTAN en Bruselas".

teleSUR, jaa, SH (2023-02-21). øPor qué conmemorar el Día Mundial de la Justicia Social?>. telesurtv.net La justicia social hace que sociedades y economías funcionen mejor y la pobreza, las desigualdades y los males sociales se reduzcan considerablemente.

teleSUR, jaa, YSM (2023-02-21). Elevan a 40 los muertos por lluvias en Sao Paulo, Brasil. telesurtv.net Se contabilizan 40 desaparecidos y más de 1.700 personas tuvieron que abandonar sus hogares por las inundaciones y deslaves.

teleSUR, jaa, YSM (2023-02-21). Explosión en fábrica de metal deja 13 heridos en Ohio, EE.UU. telesurtv.net Hasta el momento se desconocen las causas del incidente y dos de los heridos están en estado crítico.

teleSUR, jaa, YSM (2023-02-21). Realizan nuevas protestas contra reforma judicial en Israel. telesurtv.net Los participantes se manifiestan contra la aprobación de una reforma afectaría a la democracia, la separación de poderes y otorgará más poder al Ejecutivo.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-02-21). Presidente de Brasil visita zona afectada por lluvias en Sao Paulo. telesurtv.net Imágenes difundidas en redes sociales mostraban ríos de lodo y escombros, carreteras inundadas, entre otras evidencias de los daños dejados por los deslaves en Sao Paulo.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-02-21). China niega que vaya a vender armas a Rusia. telesurtv.net El vocero de la cancillería Wang Webin aseguró: "Nunca aceptaremos que EE.UU. imponga cómo deben ser las relaciones chino-rusas" .

teleSUR, JCM (2023-02-21). Una serie de tiroteos en EE.UU. dejan al menos dos muertos. telesurtv.net En Nueva Orleans, en el estado de Luisiana, sureste de EE.UU., al menos una persona murió y cuatro más resultaron heridas.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-02-21). Más de 47 mil muertos tras los terremotos en Türkiye y Siria. t.co El nuevo balance de decesos por los terremotos que se registraron hace dos semanas se produce cuando el rescate de personas con vida disminuye en forma dramática.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-02-21). Terremoto de magnitud 6,4 sacude el sur de Türkiye. twitter.com Hatay es una de las zonas más devastadas por los terremotos y la única donde prosigue la búsqueda de supervivientes de las 11 provincias afectadas.

teleSUR, JDO, SH (2023-02-21). Aumenta a 36 la cifra de fallecidos por lluvias en el estado brasileño de Sao Paulo. telesurtv.net Debido a la gravedad de las inundaciones el gobernador del estado de Sao Paulo, declaró el estado de calamidad en cinco ciudades.

teleSUR, lvm, JGN (2023-02-21). Fallece un adolescente palestino herido por Israel en Cisjordania. telesurtv.net El pasado 14 de febrero también las fuerzas de ocupación asesinaron al adolescente Mahmoud Al-Aydi, de 17 años.

teleSUR, lvm, YSM (2023-02-21). Promulgan Ley Orgánica de Régimen Electoral en República Dominicana. telesurtv.net La Ley Orgánica de Régimen Electoral establece una pena de hasta 10 años de prisión para quienes incurran en el delito contra la integridad de las elecciones.

teleSUR, MER (2023-02-21). Siguen las movilizaciones contra el Gobierno de Perú. telesurtv.net Delegaciones de las provincias de Puno se están organizando para enviar nuevas comitivas a Lima y seguir las protestas.

teleSUR, MER (2023-02-21). Nuevo terremoto deja tres muertos y más de 200 heridos en Türkiye. twitter.com Los decesos fueron reportados en Antakya, Defne y Samandaƒü, precisó el ministro del Interior de Türkiye.

teleSUR, odr, JGN (2023-02-21). Brigadistas retornan a Venezuela tras prestar ayuda en Siria. telesurtv.net Los brigadistas pertenecientes a la Fuerza de Tarea Humanitaria Simón Bolívar participaron en acciones de rescate y salvamento al pueblo de la nación árabe.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2023-02-21). Continúa arribando ayuda humanitaria a Siria tras terremoto. telesurtv.net Países como Emiratos Árabes Unidos, Omán, Irak y la Organización Mundial de la Salud han enviado ayuda a Siria por distintas vías.

teleSUR, rzr, JCM (2023-02-21). Mantienen emergencia por incendios forestales en Chile. telesurtv.net Hasta el momento, las llamas consumieron 429.000 hectáreas, destruyeron 1.987 viviendas y dejaron más de 7.000 damnificados.

teleSUR, rzr, JCM (2023-02-21). ONU estima en 8.8 millones los afectados en Siria por terremotos. telesurtv.net La representante especial adjunta de la ONU en Siria, Najat Rochdi, realizó su estimación sobre los damnificados por los terremotos de hace dos semanas.

teleSUR, rzr, SH (2023-02-21). Al menos 15 personas mueren al volcarse autobús en México. telesurtv.net El hecho ocurrió en una zona limítrofe entre los estados de Puebla y Oaxaca, desde donde posiblemente partió el vehículo.

teleSUR, SH (2023-02-21). Gremios del norte peruano marcharán contra presidenta Boluarte. telesurtv.net En la nueva jornada de movilizaciones en Arequipa también participarán estudiantes, comerciantes y gremios de construcción civil de la región.

teleSUR, SH (2023-02-21). Presidente de Surinam llama a la calma tras protestas sociales. telesurtv.net Ante la posibilidad de nuevas movilizaciones, el Gobierno de Surinam prevé un alto despliegue policial para evitar nuevos desmanes.

teleSUR- hvh, JCM (2023-02-21). Corea del Norte lanza misiles de corto alcance al mar de Japón. telesurtv.net Fuentes oficiales norcoreanas señalaron que la unidad empleada es un poderoso medio de "ataque nuclear táctico".

teleSUR- hvh, JCM (2023-02-21). Reabren escuelas y tiendas tras protestas en Surinam. telesurtv.net El presidente surinamés señaló que "tomamos esta decisión porque no se puede permitir que nuestra economía siga parada".

teleSUR- hvh (2023-02-21). Presidente Biden arriba a Ucrania cuando afronta protestas en EE.UU. telesurtv.net Miles de estadounidenses se manifestaron en la vispera contra el financiamiento del Gobierno de EE.UU. a Ucrania.

The Green Arcade (2023-02-21). Tuesday 3/7: The Long History of Black Power through One Family's Journey with author Dan Berger. indybay.org The Green Arcade | 1680 Market Street | SF, CA 94110…

Tom-Oliver Regenauer (2023-02-21). A terribly powerful family. indybay.org The unbelievable to outrageous story of the Bush clan not only illustrates the neo-feudalistic beliefs and networks we are dealing with in the ruling caste, it also proves that the power structures often referred to as the "Deep State" are real behind the faàßade of official government business and are mostly the actual political force in the country.

Uhuru Solidarity Movement (2023-02-21). Saturday 3/11: White People: Say NO to the FBI War on Black Liberation! indybay.org 4101 W. Florissant Ave St. Louis, MO 63115…

Unicorn Riot (2023-02-21). Minneapolis March Connects Roof Depot Demolition Resistance to the Atlanta Forest. unicornriot.ninja

unitedEditor (2023-02-21). Normalization between the Gulf states and Syria. uwidata.com Gulf states were the spearhead in efforts to overthrow the regime of President Bashar al-Assad following the outbreak of an uprising against it within the so-called Arab Spring revolutions in 2011. These states played the largest role in supporting opposition groups such as the Free Syrian Army with weapons and isolating the regime in the …

unitedEditor (2023-02-21). Elections in Türkiye: Postponement or not? uwidata.com By ƒ∞smet àñzàßelik * President Erdoƒüan had made a statement before the earthquake. On March 10, he would announce his decision on candidacy. He also had declared the election date: May 14th. Then Türkiye suffered two major earthquakes. The death toll has now exceeded 40,000 and certainly will increase. Cities have almost entirely been destroyed. …

WSWS (2023-02-21). Intriguing discovery of ancient tools, butchery, and hominin teeth in Kenya. wsws.org The discoveries include evidence that Oldowan tools were used to cut and pound animal flesh far earlier than previously known.

WSWS (2023-02-21). Tentative Agreements reached between AT&T and the CWA in lead-up to contract votes. wsws.org The tentative agreement negotiated by the CWA for DirecTV and AT&T Mobility workers in the southeast offers workers below-inflation pay raises.

WSWS (2023-02-21). Turkish official says earthquake death toll could reach 150,000 as aftershocks shake region. wsws.org As two aftershocks of magnitude 6.4 and 5.8 struck southern Turkey yesterday, a Turkish governor said that the actual death toll could be five times higher than the official toll which is well over 30,000.

WSWS (2023-02-21). One year on, Australian flood victims still left abandoned. wsws.org As a result of the contemptuous government response, people remain camping out in wrecked homes or caravans, while others are paying exorbitant rents because of the wider housing, interest rates and cost-of-living crisis.

WSWS (2023-02-21). US prisoner deaths rose more than 60 percent from 2019 to 2020 due to COVID-19 pandemic. wsws.org Data acquired by the the UCLA School of Law's Behind Bars Data Project indicates that 6,182 imprisoned people died behind bars in 2020 compared to 4,240 in 2019, a 62 percent increase despite a 10 percent decline in the US prison population.

WSWS (2023-02-21). Modi orders raids on BBC offices after documentary points to his role in 2002 Gujarat anti-Muslim pogrom. wsws.org Based on trumped-up charges of tax irregularities, the raids on BBC India were intended to intimidate the press or anyone who dares shed light on the crimes perpetrated by Modi and his Hindu-supremacist BJP government.

WSWS (2023-02-21). German interior minister to tighten up "radicalism decree" wsws.org A bill introduced by Interior Minister Nancy Faeser (Social Democratic Party, SPD) is intended to make it easier in the future to "remove" civil servants for "extremist misconduct."

WSWS (2023-02-21). Workers Struggles: The Americas. wsws.org Workers walked off the job after Aeromar said Feburary 15 that it is ceasing operation after 35 years in business, while Canada's Liberal government is seeking cuts in real pay in stalled contract negotiations with government workers.

WSWS (2023-02-21). US exploits North Korea's missile test to flex military muscle. wsws.org Pyongyang's launch of an intercontinental ballistic missile on Saturday is in response to the resumption of large scale US-South Korean military exercises that amount to rehearsals for war with North Korea.

WSWS (2023-02-21). Thousands still isolated one week after devastating floods in New Zealand. wsws.org Questions are being raised about why Cyclone Gabrielle caused so much damage to homes and infrastructure, and whether some flood-prone areas could have been evacuated before the disaster.

WSWS (2023-02-21). Australia: Queensland Police exploit right-wing terror attack to target socialism and Marxism. wsws.org After denying that a shoot-out between police and right-wing individuals last December was a "terror event," the Queensland Police have done an abrupt about-face and issued sweeping directives against "extremists," especially socialists.

WSWS (2023-02-21). Biden's Kiev visit threatens direct US war with Russia. wsws.org Coming a few days before the one-year anniversary of the war and on the eve of a major speech by Russian President Vladimir Putin, Biden's visit is intended to convey the message: The United States is all in.

WSWS (2023-02-21). The answer to the East Palestine disaster: Railroad workers' control over safety and working conditions. wsws.org If workers had control of the situation, the outcome in East Palestine, Ohio, would have been entirely different.

WSWS (2023-02-21). Strong opposition by striking Temple grad students to tentative agreement as voting begins. wsws.org Temple University graduate students and researchers spoke out publicly in opposition to the tentative agreement being forced on them by the campus and their union.

WSWS (2023-02-21). SEP (Australia) candidate for NSW election exposes fraud of indigenous Voice. wsws.org Tanya Plibersek, one of the most senior representatives of the federal government, responded with anger and censorship to an exposure of the reactionary character of the Voice and a call for a unified socialist movement of the working class.

WSWS (2023-02-21). Oppose the Sri Lankan government's moves to block local elections! Mobilise the working class to defend democratic rights! wsws.org The government's move is part of its broader attacks on the democratic rights of the masses in preparation for suppressing opposition to its savage austerity measures dictated by the IMF.

Zane Alcorn (2023-02-21). Fight inflation by taxing the rich. greenleft.org.au The Reserve Bank of Australia claims it is "fighting inflation" by hiking up interest rates. But, as Zane Alcorn argues, it has never been independent of the capitalist class and is dutifully carrying out its interests.

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