2022-02-01: News Headlines

_____ (2022-02-01). Iran's Middle Eastern Strategy. journal-neo.org US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken was quite right when he said that the talks with Iran on its nuclear program are at "a decisive moment." At it looked for a time as if Washington was ready to accept full responsibility for the deteriorating situation both in the Islamic Republic and in the Middle East …

_____ (2022-01-31). Saving The World From Nuclear War. popularresistance.org These are dark days for both our nation and the world. Climate change is wreaking havoc everywhere, a global pandemic continues its onslaught, our nation's experiment in democracy is threatened by a slow-motion insurrection and, to top it all off, our nation has taken the lead in pushing Russia toward a war over Ukraine that is capable of going off the rails into a full-scale nuclear war (and that is not hyperbole!). | At least four or five U.S. OHIO Class "Trident" ballistic missile submarines are currently at sea on "hard alert" in their designated patrol areas—ready to launch any or all of their 20 Tride…

WSWS (2022-01-31). The Democratic Party spearheads war drive against Russia. wsws.org While public opinion overwhelmingly opposes war with Russia over Ukraine, the Democrats are leading a bipartisan campaign of economic, political and military provocations that threatens to trigger a nuclear war.

Marilyn Bechtel (2022-01-31). Aniversario del tratado nuclear observado con llamados a la ratificación de EE. UU. peoplesworld.org LIVERMORE, Calif. — Cuando los trabajadores ingresaron por la puerta oeste del Laboratorio Nacional Lawrence Livermore en la mañana del 21 de enero, fueron recibidos por manifestantes que mostraban pancartas de 8 pies que decían: "El mundo para EE. UU.: las armas nucleares son ilegales: únase al Tratado!" Los manifestantes, de Tri-Valley Communities Against a …

2022-02-01 23:44 | 19:44 EST | jz | 6 | 0 | 3 | 1 | 0