Monthly Archives: June 2023

2023-06-20: News Headlines

Andrew Korybko (2023-06-19). Connecting The Dots Tying Together Recent US Diplomacy With China, India, And Iran.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-06-19). Irán y Uzbekistán firman 10 documentos de cooperación. El presidente uzbeco, a la cabeza de una delegación económica y política de alto nivel, llegó esta misma jornada a Teherán en cumplimiento de una invitación oficial de su par iraní.

WSWS (2023-06-19). Postal workers speak against CWU leaders' line-up with Royal Mail. A telecoms worker and Communication Workers Union member at BT Group has also written in solidarity with the fight at Royal Mail, raising that they also face brutal restructuring including a reduction of the workforce by 40 percent by 2030.

_____ (2023-06-19). Summer Fundraising — Please Pitch In. Dear reader, please partner with TMS by contributing financially to our Peace Journalism. A troubled world needs our solutions as most leaders have gone berserk with their warmongering, fear-inducing militarism, and war-dependent economies. Our heartfelt thanks.

2023-06-20 02:26:04 | 02:26 EST | tr | 6 | 0 | 4 | 0 | 0 

2023-06-19: News Headlines

Dave DeCamp (2023-06-18). Western Official Says US Goal in Deal With Iran Is to Avoid Israeli Attack. An unnamed Western official speaking to Reuters said one of the US's main objectives in recently engaging with Iran and reaching some sort of agreement on its nuclear program is to prevent an Israeli attack on the Islamic Republic. "If (the) Iranians miscalculate, the potential for a strong Israeli response is something that we want …

teleSUR, JCM (2023-06-19). Irán y Uzbekistán firman 10 documentos de cooperación. El presidente uzbeco, a la cabeza de una delegación económica y política de alto nivel, llegó esta misma jornada a Teherán en cumplimiento de una invitación oficial de su par iraní.

_____ (2023-06-19). Summer Fundraising — Please Pitch In. Dear reader, please partner with TMS by contributing financially to our Peace Journalism. A troubled world needs our solutions as most leaders have gone berserk with their warmongering, fear-inducing militarism, and war-dependent economies. Our heartfelt thanks.

2023-06-19 20:13:46 | 20:13 EST | tr | 6 | 0 | 1 | 2 | 0