Daily Archives: April 19, 2023

2023-04-19: News Headlines

infobrics (2023-04-19). The World Bank and the BRICS Bank Have New Leaders and Different Outlooks. infobrics.org New Development Bank's Board of Governors—which includes representatives from Brazil, China, India, Russia, and South Africa (the BRICS countries) as well as one person to represent Bangladesh, Egypt, and the United Arab Emirates—elected Brazil's former president Dilma Rousseff to head the NDB…

infobrics (2023-04-19). Tunisia Seeks to Break Free from IMF, Join BRICS Countries Bloc. infobrics.org Tunisia is eyeing a potential alliance with the BRICS nations bloc, which includes emerging economies such as Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa…

infobrics (2023-04-19). Brussels allows elections in northern Kosovo despite no Serbian representation. infobrics.org Serbia will never accept the German-Franco plan for Kosovo.

infobrics (2023-04-19). US determined to further escalate by supplying 400 anti-ship missiles to Taiwan. infobrics.org While the Chinese Navy is among the world leaders in terms of capabilities of its surface combatants, having up to 400 land-based anti-ship missiles so close to many of its homeports leaves its ships vulnerable to surprise attacks or possible saturation strikes.

Staff (2023-04-19). Desde Cuba: øPor qué la sesión constitutiva de la Asamblea Nacional es histórica? (+ Video). cubadebate.cu Un equipo de Cubadebate estuvo durante la jornada en que quedó constituida la X Legislatura de la Asamblea Nacional del Poder Popular. Conversamos con algunos de ellos sobre los procesos decisivos que se llevaron a cabo hoy y los retos que tienen por delante. Lo invitamos a que no se pierda esta emisión especial del noticiero Desde Cuba de CubadebateTV.

Staff (2023-04-19). Comisario de Oklahoma renuncia tras amenazar con matar a periodistas. cubadebate.cu El comisario de un condado del extremo sureste de Oklahoma que, al parecer, fue grabado cuando hablaba de asesinar periodistas y linchar a personas de raza negra ha renunciado a su cargo.

Staff (2023-04-19). Dos adolescentes acusados de matar a cuatro personas en una fiesta de cumpleaños en Alabama. cubadebate.cu Las autoridades han señalado que los detenido son un joven de 16 años identificado como Travis MCcullough, y otro adolescente de 17 años, Ty Reik McCullough. Ambos se encuentran bajo custodia y han sido acusados de asesinato, tal y como ha informado el sargento Jeremy Burkett en declaraciones a la cadena de televisión NBC News.

Staff (2023-04-19). El ciclismo iberoamericano se une bajo el mando del cubano José Peláez. cubadebate.cu En reconocimiento a su trayectoria como atleta y dirigente del deporte, el cubano José Peláez encabeza desde hoy la recién constituida Unión Ibérica de Ciclismo. La elección se produjo en una Asamblea General, a la que asistió el presidente de la Unión Ciclista Internacional (UCI), David Lappartient.

Staff (2023-04-19). El Festival de Cine Europeo en Cuba presenta Corpus Christi y Tereza37. cubadebate.cu Los filmes Corpus Christi (2019), de Polonia; y Tereza37 (2020), de Croacia, se presentarán hoy en La Habana como parte del VI Festival de Cine Europeo en Cuba. Las cintas serán proyectadas en la céntrica sala 23 y 12, y forman parte del calendario de acciones por el Mes de Europa en la isla, del 9 de abril al 9 de mayo de 2023.

Staff (2023-04-19). La contaminación del aire amenaza la salud de más de 100 millones de estadounidenses. cubadebate.cu Más de un tercio de los estadounidenses está expuesto a la contaminación del aire que puede acortar la vida, según un informe de la Asociación Americana del Pulmón (ALA en inglés). Alrededor de 119,6 millones de personas viven en áreas a las que ALA asignó una calificación reprobatoria por contaminación por partículas u ozono.

Staff (2023-04-19). La inteligencia artificial engaña a los fans con una supuesta colaboración de Drake y The Weeknd. cubadebate.cu Spotify y Apple Music eliminaron la canción 'Heart On My Sleeve' de los cantantes Drake y The Weeknd porque en verdad era una inteligencia artificial (IA) que imitaba a las voces de los cantantes. Un usuario de YouTube entrenó a modelos de audio con IA para mostrar el primer ejemplo de música generada con dicha tecnología.

Staff (2023-04-19). Reelecto Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez como presidente de la República de Cuba. cubadebate.cu Con 459 votos, el 97.66% del total de diputados que integran la Asamblea, el presidente de la República de Cuba, Miguel Mario Díaz-Canel Bermúdez, fue ratificado en su cargo, durante la sesión constitutiva celebrada este 19 de abril en el Palacio de las Convenciones de La Habana. La recién constituida Asamblea Nacional del Poder Popular en su X Legislatura ratificó también a Salvador Antonio Valdés Mesa como vicepresidente.

Staff (2023-04-19). Sesión extraordinaria ANPP: Dinh Hue afirma que Vietnam continuará potenciando sus relaciones con Cuba. cubadebate.cu Este 19 de abril se desarrolla la Primera Sesión Extraordinaria de la Asamblea Nacional del Poder Popular, en su X Legislatura con motivo del Aniversario 62 de la Victoria de Playa Girón. Participa como invitado especial el miembro del Buró Político del Comité Central del Partido Comunista de Vietnam y presidente de la Asamblea Nacional, Vuong Dinh Hue.

Fight Back (2023-04-19). Florida statewide protest demands justice for Tampa 5, drop the charges. fightbacknews.org Tampa, FL – On Monday, April 17, around 70 students, parents, community members and progressives rallied for a statewide mobilization at the University of South Florida's Marshall Student Center to demand that University President Rhea Law, drop the charges – criminal and academic – on the five protesters brutalized and charged by campus police, March 6, for protesting Governor DeSantis' racist attacks on education. | They also demanded that she speak out against Ron DeSantis' House Bill 999, the bill which the protesters had been denouncing, that would cut any diversity programs, ethnic studies, multicultur…

Fight Back (2023-04-19). Hands off the African People's Socialist Party and the Uhuru Movement! fightbacknews.org On Tuesday, April 18, a federal grand jury in Tampa, Florida indicted four U.S. citizens and three Russian nationals with charges of "acting as agents of the Russian government within the United States without prior notification." The U.S. citizens indicted are: Omali Yeshitela, chairman and founder of the African Peoples Socialist Party and the Uhuru Movement (APSP); Penny Joanne Hess, a leader of APSP; Jesse Nevel, a member of APSP; and Augustus C. Romain Jr., aka Gazi Kodzo, a former leader of APSP. If convicted, they face a maximum sentence of 10 years in prison. The Russians indicted are Aleksandr Ionov, fou…

Maximillian Alvarez (2023-04-19). I've been a train conductor for 17 years—corporate greed has ruined the railroads. therealnews.com Bryan Mack is a second-generation railroad worker from Florence, South Carolina, with a Masters in Music Performance. Both Bryan and his father worked for CSX Transportation, each hiring out at times when there were statistically few Black employees or employees of color working on the railroads. For 17 years, Bryan has worked as a conductor for CSX; in that time, he has seen and experienced firsthand the worsening conditions as the industry has been taken over by greedy executives and upper-level managers hellbent on cutting costs and maximizing profits for their shareholders at the expense of workers, cus…

Adam Johnson (2023-04-19). A bombshell NYT report exposed widespread illegal child labor. Where are all the calls for prison time? therealnews.com Six weeks ago, The New York Times

Martin Varese (2023-04-19). When Bolsonaro abandoned Brazil's poorest, the MST stepped up. therealnews.com Hunger skyrocketed in Brazil during the tenure of former president Jair Bolsonaro. 33 million Brazilians, some 15% of the entire country, are now food insecure according to official statistics. As Brazil's poorest were abandoned to deal with the overlapping crises of COVID-19 and inflation,

Emily Leedham (2023-04-19). Over 100,000 Canadian government workers are now on strike. Here's what you need to know. therealnews.com

Anand Naidoo (2023-04-19). The Heat: U.S. Gun Violence. america.cgtn.com Gun violence is an epidemic in the United States. Already this year, families are grieving after mass shootings at a school, the workplace and a birthday celebration. A sweet sixteen birthday party in Dadeville, Alabama was the latest target of a mass shooting. On Saturday …

Allan Fisher (2023-04-19). Friday 4/28: Honduras Update. indybay.org Namaste Lounge (College Nine) UC Santa Cruz…

Angela (2023-04-19). Saturday 4/15: Free virtual screening of the documentary film "Deir Yassin Village and Massacre" indybay.org Zoom (Registration link is below)…

Anonymous Contributor (2023-04-19). A Childhood Without Cops: Brooklyn Community Gathers on Squatted Lot in Solidarity with Fight to Stop 'Cop City'. itsgoingdown.org Report on community gathering on a squatted lot in Brooklyn, New York in solidarity with the movement to stop Cop City in Atlanta, Georgia. On February 12th 2023 a group of parents, educators and community members got together at a community garden in Brooklyn, to celebrate for a future without cops for children to grow…

Anonymous (2023-04-19). Video: The struggle for Masafer Yatta. electronicintifada.net Residents of villages that Israel plans to destroy say they won't leave no matter what.

AROC (2023-04-19). Community and Activists Lock Down Israeli Consulate, Barricade Doors in Protest. indybay.org Dozens of Jewish and Palestinian community members and their allies have barricaded the doors to the Israeli Consulate in San Francisco. Participants have chained themselves to the front of the building, with slogans of "No Tax Dollars for Apartheid," and are poised to remain on the premises.

AROC (2023-04-19). Tuesday 4/18: Bay Area Communities To Rally and Demand No Aid to Israeli Apartheid on Tax Day. indybay.org Israeli Consulate | 456 Montgomery Street | San Francisco…

CA National Organization of Women (2023-04-19). Saturday 5/20: CA NOW Conference: Bridging the Gap for a Feminist Future. indybay.org Online / virtual – join from anywhere | In-person: West Hollywood Park ARC, 647 N San Vicente, | West Hollywood Blvd, CA 90069…

contributors (2023-04-19). Ecospirituality: Spiritual connection with Nature transcends Politics, Religion. juancole.com University of British Columbia News Have you ever felt awestruck by a towering evergreen, waves crashing against rocks, or the vastness of a desert canyon? You're not alone. Across time and cultures, humans have felt a spiritual connection with nature. New UBC research gives this connection a name—ecospirituality—and reveals it could help reduce polarization on …

Coral Wynter (2023-04-19). Rising Tide activists stop coal train, seek support for more civil disobedience. greenleft.org.au Rising Tide stopped a coal train for 5 hours on April 16 at the Port of Newcastle, after a successful camp for climate action. Coral Wynter, Rachel Evans and Richard Boult report.

Craig Murray (2023-04-19). Snowden and Texeira: Ten years of disaster. mronline.org Jack Texeira is at the centre of this puzzle but remains the missing piece. We have heard nothing from him. A rather unconvincing interview with a suspiciously fluent, pixeled out acquaintance grassing him up to the Washington Post stated that he was a right wing patriot.

Cynthia Papermaster (2023-04-19). Friday 4/28: East Bay Premiere: "SF Rage Against the War Machine" documentary/ Benefit for CODEPINK. indybay.org East Bay Media Center, 1939 Addison St., Berkeley.

Dan Williams (2023-04-19). Rasheem Carter's family seeks justice after suspicious death. america.cgtn.com The Rasheem Carter's family is still searching for answers after Rasheem's suspicious death. They believe Rasheem was murdered. See the latest.

Darren Saffin (2023-04-19). Merri-bek Council votes to be nuclear free. greenleft.org.au Motivated by federal Labor's decision to spend billions on nuclear-powered submarines, Merri-bek Council passed a motion declaring the local government area a nuclear free zone. Darren Saffin reports.

Dave DeCamp (2023-04-19). US Approves F-16 Equipment Sale to Turkey After Finland NATO Approval. news.antiwar.com The State Department on Monday approved a $259 million arms sale to Turkey that would upgrade the country's F-16 fighter jets, a step that comes about two weeks after Ankara approved Finland's NATO membership. According to the Pentagon's Defense Security Cooperation Agency, the purpose of the arms sale is to "improve Turkey's capability to meet …

David Giesen (2023-04-19). Monday 4/17: Dialectical Consumerism: San Francisco's next iteration. indybay.org Virtual via Google meet: meet.google.com/hnb-abfm-fzg…

David Giesen (2023-04-19). Saturday 4/22: Dialectical Consumerism meets Earth Day SF, the walking tour. indybay.org American Youth Hostel | 312 Mason Street | (we meet in the lobby)…

Dr. Binoy Kampmark (2023-04-19). Penny Wong's World View: AUKUS All the Way. globalresearch.ca

ecns.cn (2023-04-19). Country's 'unicorns' seen rising steadily. ecns.cn There were 316 Chinese unicorn companies, or startups valued at over $1 billion, by the end of last year, 15 more than the previous year, according to a report released on Tuesday.

ecns.cn (2023-04-19). Int'l train smooths exports from north of nation. ecns.cn Improved logistics in North China are helping domestic automakers increase their export volumes with efficient and low-cost services, according to officials at an international land port in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region.

ecns.cn (2023-04-19). Global demand rises for domestic-brand vehicles. ecns.cn A ship carrying 3,000 domestically produced new energy vehicles leaves a wharf in Guangzhou, Guangdong province, in late March.That has led more than 10 automobile brands, including Chevrolet, Chang'an, Geely and Chery, to ship their vehicles to the rest of the world from Nansha, Lu said.

ecns.cn (2023-04-19). Shipyard No 1 in car-carrying vessels. ecns.cn GSI previously had signed contracts to build three PCTCs of the same ship type for South Korea's H-Line Shipping Co Ltd.GSI is also a leading company in the construction of luxury vessels that allow passengers to take their cars with them on lower decks.

ecns.cn (2023-04-19). Man sentenced to death for deliberately causing fatal car accident in Guangzhou. ecns.cn Wen Qinyun, who deliberately caused a car crash on Jan. 11 this year in Guangzhou, south China's Guangdong Province, was sentenced to death in the first trial by Guangzhou Intermediate People's Court on Tuesday.

ecns.cn (2023-04-19). China-developed ARJ21jetliner completes its first flight in Indonesia. ecns.cn A China-developed ARJ21 jetliner took off from Jakarta at 12: 50 p.m. local time on Tuesday and landed at the Bali Ngurah Rai International Airport two hours later, completing its first overseas flight.

ecns.cn (2023-04-19). 755 people sent to put out forest fire in SW China's Sichuan. ecns.cn A forest fire broke out in Daocheng County, Ganzi Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture in southwest China's Sichuan Province on Tuesday night.

ecns.cn (2023-04-19). China will do everything possible to protect safety of Chinese nationals in Sudan: FM spokesperson. ecns.cn The Chinese Foreign Ministry immediately activated the consular emergency response mechanism and instructed the Chinese Embassy in Sudan to make the utmost efforts to protect the safety and security of Chinese nationals and institutions in Sudan after conflicts between armed forces erupted in Sudan's capital Khartoum and several other places, spokesperson Wang Wenbin said on Tuesday.

ecns.cn (2023-04-19). Beijing official's HK tour highlights cooperation. ecns.cn Xia Baolong, director of the Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office of the State Council, concluded his six-day inspection tour in Hong Kong after making extensive exchanges with local officials and community representatives, ordinary people and the city's young minds.

ecns.cn (2023-04-19). Hangzhou nanny stands trial for toddler's fatal fall. ecns.cn The trial of a nanny accused of causing the fatal fall of a toddler from the eighth floor of a residential building after she accidentally left the toddler behind in an elevator in Hangzhou, Zhejiang province, was held in the city on Tuesday.

ecns.cn (2023-04-19). China hopeful of solution to Yemen issue. ecns.cn While analysts urged relevant parties in Yemen to continue working in good faith for peace amid a multifaceted and complex situation, China expressed its hope for substantial steps toward a political solution to the Yemen conflict.

ecns.cn (2023-04-19). More graduates attracted to SW. China cities. ecns.cn Job opportunities in the cities of Chengdu and Chongqing in Southwest China are attracting increasing numbers of college graduates, according to recruitment website Zhaopin.

ecns.cn (2023-04-19). Sino-Japanese dialogue key to regional, global stability. ecns.cn Japanese Foreign Minister Yoshimasa Hayashi's visit to China earlier this month, the first by a top Japanese diplomat in three years, came at a time of challenges as well as opportunities for China-Japan relations.

ecns.cn (2023-04-19). China issues blue alert for sandstorms on Wednesday. ecns.cn China's national observatory has issued a blue alert for sandstorms in parts of the country from Wednesday morning until Thursday morning.

ecns.cn (2023-04-19). Beijing officials put efforts toward eliminating potential fire hazards. ecns.cn Top officials in Beijing demanded a thorough citywide check to completely eliminate potential security risks after a hospital fire killed 21 people on Tuesday in the capital, Beijing Daily reported.

ecns.cn (2023-04-19). Bills aim to ban China from buying farmland in US. ecns.cn The Senate of the U.S. state of Florida has unanimously passed a bill that bans seven countries, including China, from purchasing farmland in the state.

ecns.cn (2023-04-19). London Book Fair kicks off with strong Chinese publisher presence. ecns.cn London Book Fair, one of the world's largest publishing trade fairs, kicked off here on Tuesday with a strong presence of Chinese publishers.

ecns.cn (2023-04-19). China cuts U.S. Treasury holdings in Feb to near 13-year low, raises economic security. ecns.cn China further reduced its holdings of U.S. Treasury debt in February to the lowest level in nearly 13 years, as other foreign holders cut their holdings by 4.7 percent year-on-year to $7.34 trillion, data from the U.S. Treasury Department showed.

ecns.cn (2023-04-19). Rapid Support Forces says accepts 24-hour truce, Sudanese army says not aware. ecns.cn Sudan's Rapid Support Forces (RSF) on Tuesday announced that it accepted an international initiative for a truce to stop the clashes with the Sudanese army for 24 hours for humanitarian reasons, while the Sudanese army said it was not aware of the truce.

ecns.cn (2023-04-19). United Nations lodges concern over reported U.S. eavesdropping on UN chief. ecns.cn The United Nations has officially expressed to the United States the world body's concern over reported surveillance on UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, a UN spokesman said on Tuesday.

ecns.cn (2023-04-19). Searching for habitable worlds orbiting nearby Sun-like stars. ecns.cn Chinese scientists have proposed a unique exploration program named the Closeby Habitable Exoplanet Survey (CHES) to search for habitable planets from "near neighbors" of the solar system.

ecns.cn (2023-04-19). 4 dead, 3 wounded in U.S. Maine shootings. ecns.cn Four people died and three others were wounded in two shootings on Tuesday in the northeasternmost U.S. state of Maine.

ecns.cn (2023-04-19). Sudan witnesses worsening fighting. ecns.cn At least 270 people have been killed and more than 2,600 injured in the unrest.

ecns.cn (2023-04-19).

. ecns.cn The Huangmaohai Bridge is the world's largest three-tower cable-stayed highway bridge. The 263.78-meter middle tower is the highest among the five.

ecns.cn (2023-04-19). China's first overseas delivery of ARJ21 completes maiden flight in Indonesia. ecns.cn China's homegrown regional jetliner, the ARJ21, was delivered to TransNusa Airlines in December 2022 and completed its maiden flight from Jakarta to Bali on Tuesday, starting its official commercial operations in Indonesia.

Editor (2023-04-19). The financial backers of the war on woke. mronline.org Matthew Goodwin wants us to worry about a 'new elite' of media workers and academics, not the actual elite of billionaires—like his backers. SOLOMON HUGHES unveils the trail.

Eli Gallegos (2023-04-19). Chicago welcomes Cuban ambassador. liberationnews.org The ambassador's aim was to meet with as many trade associations, unions, churches, politicians, community organizations and activists engaged in work to end the blockade of Cuba as possible in three days.

Global Research News (2023-04-19). Selected Articles: More Unanswered Red Flags Regarding Jack Texeira and the Pentagon Leaks. globalresearch.ca By Several former military and intelligence professionals have contacted me and voiced similar doubts about the pat story being circulated regarding National Guard …

H. Scott Prosterman (2023-04-19). Clarence Thomas is Corrupt to the Core, and We should have Listened to Anita Hill. juancole.com Oakland, Ca. (Feature; Special to Informed Comment) — Clarence and Ginni Thomas have been the "King and Queen of Conflict of Interest" since his controversial confirmation. The extent and brazenness of Thomas' public graft is astonishing. His long-time benefactor and "sponsor" Harlan Crow is no garden variety Republican donor or "kingmaker," but a Nazi-loving, autocrat-worshipping, …

Jim Cole (2023-04-19). Ukraine 2014: The Tipping Point of Terror. globalresearch.ca

Jim McIlroy (2023-04-19). MUA welcomes Svitzer back down, presses for new agreement. greenleft.org.au The Maritime Union of Australia welcomed the news that Danish tugboat company Svitzer had finally agreed to abandon its legal action to cancel the 2019 enterprise bargaining agreement of almost 600 tugboat workers. Jim McIlroy reports.

John Torok (2023-04-19). Thursday 4/20: On Water Justice: Kali Akuno Speaks. indybay.org Alice Griffith Community Room, 2600 Arelious Walker Dr San Francisco CA 94124 | Part of the "People's Earth Day for Water Justice" events…

John Torok (2023-04-19). Sunday 4/23: Oakland People's Earth Day for Water Justice. indybay.org Lake Merritt Amphitheater, Oakland…

Ken Leslie (2023-04-19). Ukraine, Russia and the Third Crusade. globalresearch.ca

Kerry Smith (2023-04-19). Irish-Australian activist arrested in Dublin while campaigning for Julian Assange. greenleft.org.au Irish-Australian anti-war activist Ciaron O'Reilly was arrested outside Dublin Castle on April 13, while attempting to deliver a giant prison key to United States president Joe Biden, reports Kerry Smith.

Kit Klarenberg (2023-04-19). Bombshell filing: 9/11 hijackers were CIA recruits. thegrayzone.com At least two 9/11 hijackers had been recruited into a joint CIA-Saudi intelligence operation that was covered up at the highest level, according to an explosive new court filing. A newly-released court filing raises grave questions about the relationship between Alec Station, a CIA unit set up to track Al Qaeda chief Osama bin Laden and his associates, and two 9/11 hijackers leading up to the attacks, which was subject to a coverup at the highest levels of the FBI. …

LPR (2023-04-19). Invitation: Land and Commons near Bure (France). indybay.org Encounter of peasant and rural struggles 26 August – 3 September in Bure, Lorraine, France. Around 40 farms, groups and organisations have so far signed the call to participate in the "Terre et Communs" camp near Bure this summer. Schedule, cultural programme, infrastructures … the whole thing is taking shape. We will keep you informed in the coming months. You will soon be able to confirm your participation via the website.

M. K. Bhadrakumar (2023-04-19). China, Russia Circle Wagons in Asia-Pacific. globalresearch.ca

manager (2023-04-19). End of COVID-19 Emergency Declarations Shortsighted and Premature. cepr.net In January 2023, the Biden administration announced its plans to end two COVID-19-related emergency declarations — a "public health emergency" declaration and a "national emergency" declaration — on May 11, 2023. That same month, the Administration also opposed two GOP-led resolutions to end both declarations before May 11, calling the resolutions "a grave disservice to …

Mark Curtis (2023-04-19). Blair Misled Parliament Over 1998 Iraq Bombing, Files Show. globalresearch.ca

Mark Niu (2023-04-19). An Asian American-themed bookstore closes down. america.cgtn.com Eastwind Books, a rare bookstore in California, that featured works by Asian American writers, has closed its doors after being in operation since 1982. Find out more.

Matt Robson (2023-04-19). How the NZ cabinet learned to stop worrying about the bomb and love NATO. greenleft.org.au In Aotearoa/New Zealand, the Labour government has enthusiastically, and without any public discussion, become part of NATO's Asia Pacific 4, betraying the gains of the mass anti-war movement, writes Matt Robson.

Michael Hudson (2023-04-19). Why the US Bank Crisis is Not Over. indybay.org There must always be a financial crash at some point. That is because interest-bearing debt grows exponentially, but the economy follows an S-curve and then turns down. And when the economy turns down… the magnitude of financial claims on the economy exceeds the ability to pay.

Mothers on the March (2023-04-19). Friday 4/21: POA: Shut It Down! indybay.org On the sidewalk in front of the San Francisco Police Officers Association: 800 Bryant @ 6th Street in San Francisco…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-04-19). Mayo Clinic Minute: Why early treatment of esophageal cancer is critical. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Esophageal cancer, which is cancer that occurs in the esophagus — a long, hollow tube that runs from your throat to your stomach — is on the rise in the U.S. "We think esophageal cancer is on the rise with the obesity pandemic as well as with the problem with the increase in reflux in the United States," says Dr. Shanda Blackmon, a Mayo Clinic thoracic surgeon. Watch: The Mayo Clinic Minute youtu.be/FpI7dt2izHc Journalists: Broadcast-quality…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-04-19). Consumer Health: Recognizing the signs of irritable bowel syndrome. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org April is IBS Awareness Month, which makes this a good time to learn about the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome, or IBS. Research suggests that about 12% of people in the U.S. have irritable bowel syndrome, and it's more common among women than men and in people younger than 50, according to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases. Irritable bowel syndrome is a chronic condition that affects the large intestine. Even though the digestive…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-04-19). A new heart and a renewed zest for life. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Whether it was working around the home or out hiking the trails, Steven Fietek says he has always been active. But when Steven turned 52, he started to notice shortness of breath. "Slowly but surely, I got to the point where the fatigue and the shortness of breath was troublesome." Steven says he was diagnosed with dilated cardiomyopathy. "Which I keep telling people, it's a big, big word for weak heart muscle." A few years…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-04-19). Consumer Health: Parkinson's disease — are you at risk? newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org April is Parkinson's Disease Awareness Month, which makes this a good time to learn about the causes and risk factors of Parkinson's disease. Parkinson's disease is a progressive nervous system disorder that affects movement. People with Parkinson's disease can experience tremors, slowed movement, rigid muscles, loss of automatic movements, speech and writing changes, and impaired posture and balance. An estimated 1 million people in the U.S. and more than 10 million people worldwide are living with Parkinson's…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-04-19). Consumer Health: Testicular cancer — are you at risk? newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org April is Testicular Cancer Awareness Month, which makes this a good time to learn about the symptoms and risk factors of testicular cancer. Compared with other types of cancer, testicular cancer is rare. But, in the U.S., it's the most common cancer in men between the ages of 20 and 35. Approximately 9,190 new cases of testicular cancer will be diagnosed in the U.S. in 2023, and 470 people will die from the disease, according to…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-04-19). Science Saturday: A big step forward, bringing DNA sequencing data to routine patient care. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org In 2020, the Mayo Clinic Center for Individualized Medicine set out to create a library of genomic sequencing data of 100,000 consented Mayo Clinic participants by the end of 2024 to advance research and improve patient care. The genomic sequencing study is a year ahead of the plan — reaching over 71,000 participants. "This is one of the largest population health studies of its kind," says ‚ÄØKonstantinos Lazaridis, M.D., the Carlson and Nelson Endowed Executive Director for Mayo Clinic's…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-04-19). Science Saturday: COVID-19 — the pandemic that's forever changed laboratory testing. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Like many people throughout the world, Matthew Binnicker, Ph.D., remembers exactly where he was and what he was doing when COVID-19 was classified as a pandemic. "Those first few months of the pandemic will be forever ingrained in my memory," he says. For Dr. Binnicker, director of Mayo Clinic's Clinical Virology Laboratory, two important dates stand out above the rest. "One was Feb. 17, 2020, when Dr. (William) Morice and I were talking about whether the department should…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-04-19). Regenerative biotherapeutics: Pivoting toward a new strategy for fighting disease. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org ROCHESTER, Minn. — Mayo Clinic has made significant strides biomanufacturing early-stage therapeutics. The focus is on new medicines derived from the human body, called biotherapeutics, which are shaping the future of medicine. "Our commitment to delivering new cures for unmet conditions is behind Mayo's pivot to biomanufacturing," says Julie Allickson, Ph.D., the Michael S. and Mary Sue Shannon Family Director of Mayo Clinic's Center for Regenerative Biotherapeutics and the Otto Bremer Trust Director, Biomanufacturing and…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-04-19). Bianca's transplant journey. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Spring has sprung, so for most people, the winter holiday season is a distant memory. But for one Minnesota family, this past Christmas is one that they'll never forget. As she opened her presents, Bianca Gozola was able to forget, at least for a little while, all that she's been through. "We were playing outside with neighbors who were a little bit older, but generally, you know, other small children," remembers Laura Gozola, Bianca's mom….

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-04-19). Mayo Clinic Q and A: What is macular degeneration? newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org DEAR MAYO CLINIC: I recently celebrated my 50th birthday and had an eye exam. The ophthalmologist recommended that I get screened for macular degeneration. I was surprised because nobody in my family has had any eye issues, and I am not having trouble with my vision. I know there are many health screenings I need as I age, but is this a new recommendation or simply because I'm getting older? ANSWER: Happy birthday and welcome to your…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-04-19). Mayo Clinic Q and A: Teens and healthy sleep habits. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org DEAR MAYO CLINIC: My 14-year-old daughter goes to bed each night around 10 p.m. Some nights she complains that she cannot fall asleep until hours later. Although she wakes up and says she isn't tired, she does sleep in on weekends. I'm concerned about insomnia, but I'm also worried it's affecting her ability to concentrate in school. What advice do you have? ANSWER: Lots of children your daughter's age have trouble falling asleep easily at night. Though…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-04-19). Mayo Clinic Minute: Saving more lives by expanding the donor pool. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Heart failure continues to be an epidemic in the U.S. Despite efforts put into awareness and prevention, heart disease is the leading cause of death for both men and women. A heart transplant is the gold standard to treat advanced heart failure. With more than 100,000 people on the transplant waiting list, Mayo Clinic is hoping to save more lives by adopting strategies for expanding the donor pool for heart transplants. Watch: The Mayo Clinic…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-04-19). HPV infection may cause throat, mouth cancer. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org 3D illustration of the human papillomavirus (HPV). April is Head and Neck Cancer Awareness Month. Head and neck cancers, including mouth and throat, occur in the head and neck region. You may have heard about the connection between HPV infection and certain types of cervical cancer, but did you know HPV infection is also related to a higher risk of throat and mouth cancer? To prevent these cancers, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends that all…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-04-19). Ready to Run: Mayo Clinic trainer gives tips on avoiding boredom to prevent injury in running routine. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org MANKATO, Minn. — Have you ever started a new fitness journey only to find yourself bored or suffering new pain in a couple of weeks? At this point, you may be asking, "Is this routine really for me?" This is common, but you need to find ways to make the process better to overcome these obstacles. The link between boredom and injuries is strong. As you get bored with a fitness routine, it is easier…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-04-19). Mayo Clinic Minute: A tick to blame for the alpha-gal, meat allergy. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org You may have heard about alpha-gal syndrome, also known as the meat allergy illness or tick bite meat allergy. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) says most diagnosed cases are in the southern, eastern and central parts of the U.S. It also has been diagnosed in Europe, Australia, Asia, South Africa, and South and Central America. It can be a serious, potentially life-threatening allergic reaction. The American Gastroenterological Association recently added guidance to medical professionals to watch for…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-04-19). What you need to know about the avian influenza outbreak. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Scientists continue to monitor the ongoing global avian influenza outbreak — also referred to as bird flu — that has killed millions of birds and has now crossed over to some species of mammals. Currently, the risk to humans remains low; however, sporadic human infections with bird flu viruses have occurred. "Rarely, we see crossover from birds into humans, with the current circulating strain of avian influenza causing a large outbreak among wild birds and poultry. We have seen…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-04-19). Does my child need ear tubes? newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Middle ear infections are caused by bacteria or a virus that infects fluid that has builds up in the middle ear. These infections often happen when a child has a cold, allergy or upper respiratory illness. Ear infections can be painful and cause difficulty sleeping or hearing. Unfortunately, they also are one of the most common infections for children. Inserting tubes in the ear is a treatment for chronic ear infections. Here are answers to questions about…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-04-19). Young man's disease: Testicular cancer. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org The risk of many types of cancer increases with age. Prostate, skin, breast and lung cancers are more common among older people. However, testicular cancer is considered a "young man's disease" because people under 45 are at the greatest risk. Testicular cancer is the abnormal growth of cells in the testicles, which are located in the loose bag of skin underneath the penis. The testicles make sperm and the hormone testosterone. There is good and bad news about testicular cancer. The…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-04-19). Mayo Clinic expert talks about the new omicron variant. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org While COVID-19 rates in the U.S. are relatively low and are declining, the World Health Organization (WHO) is keeping an eye on a new COVID-19 variant. The omicron subvariant XBB.1.16, known as "Arcturus," has been listed by the WHO as a variant under monitoring since March 22. Experts say this variant has a higher transmissibility rate than previous strains but doesn't appear to be more dangerous. "It is causing increasing case counts in certain parts…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-04-19). Candida auris: This fungus is a health care concern. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org 3D illustration of Candida auris Candida auris (C. auris) is an emerging fungus that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is tracking. Fungi live just about everywhere, including on and inside of the body. Fungal infections are more common in people with weakened immune systems, or when fungi are introduced to areas where they are not normally found, such as in a wound. Candida species are the most common yeast responsible for fungal infections. Many…

Niko Leka (2023-04-19). Video: A participant reflects on the Newcastle Climate Camp 2023 and direct action that stopped a coal train. greenleft.org.au Niko Leka reflects on the April 15—16 Climate Camp protest in Mulubinba/Newcastle that took direct action to stop a coal train.

Orinoco Tribune 2 (2023-04-19). The Palestinian Resistance Are a Refugee Resistance, This Is Purposely Ignored. orinocotribune.com By Robert Inlakesh — Apr 15, 2023 | The question of refugees is a core component to the Palestinian cause for national liberation, there can be no explanation for the armed resistance without understanding this key element. | After rocket-fire from Lebanon, in response to Israeli assaults on worshippers at Al-Aqsa Mosque, reports began to emerge about "militants" that had opened fire on "Israel". This reporting came as Palestinian groups were blamed for the rocket fire, which no group has yet claimed. What is important here however, is how the Palestinian resistance has been framed, to label them as "militan…

Pacifica's Covid, Race & Democracy (2023-04-19). Earth Crisis Mass Environmental Protests Against Cop City; War In Ukraine & VT Van Deusen. indybay.org CRD covers Earth Crisis Mass Environmental Protests Against Cop City; War In Ukraine & Labor with Vermont AFL-CIO President; Remembering Revolutionary Artist & Activist Paul Robeson…

Peter Schwarz (2023-04-19). Kosovo Liberation Army Leader Hashim Thaàßi on Trial for War Crimes. globalresearch.ca

Planned Parenthood Action (2023-04-19). Saturday 4/15: Call to Action: Protect Medication Abortion Access – Virtual Rally & Teach-In. indybay.org Online protest rally & teach-in. | Join from anywhere and take action!

Prof. Vijay Prashad (2023-04-19). Japan Signals an Attitude Shift to the Growing Power of the Global South. asia-pacificresearch.com

Raging Grannies (2023-04-19). Song: The Abortion Pill Mifepristone-You Can't Stop It! indybay.org mp4 by Jim Colton ProBonoPhoto 1 min 41 second video…

reenvia Red Latina sin fronteras (2023-04-19). Vandana Shiva: El ecofeminismo tiene que ser antifascista. indybay.org Vandana Shiva: "El ecofeminismo tiene que ser antifascista"

reenvia Red Latina sin fronteras (2023-04-19). Austria: Convocatoria Festival Internacional de Video y Cine Político "Carlota" indybay.org Festival Internacional de Video y Cine Político "Carlota", que celebra el 24 y 25 de noviembre de 2023 su primera edición. Se celebra de forma presencial en Viena (Austria).

repost (2023-04-19). Friday 4/14: After winning our election to join IBU-ILWU, Alcatraz workers are fighting for a contract. indybay.org Pier 33, San Francisco…

Revolution Books (2023-04-19). Thursday 4/27: Sunsara Taylor Speaking on: "Woke" Lunacy VS. Real Revolution. indybay.org 2444 Durant Avenue | Berkeley…

Rick Rozoff (2023-04-19). Biden requests Congress approve upgrades to Turkish-16s, in addition to proposed sale/upgrade of 120 of the fighter jets. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com Daily SabahApril 19, 2023 White House notifies Congress on F-16 equipment sale to Türkiye U.S. President Joe Biden's administration officially notified Congress Monday about the planned sale to Türkiye of avionics software upgrades for its current fleet of F-16 fighter aircraft. Valued at $259 million (TL 5.02 billion), the deal will move ahead with the …

Rick Rozoff (2023-04-19). Germany delivers anti-ballistic missile battery to Ukraine. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com Deutsche WelleApril 19, 2023 Ukraine updates: Germany says Patriots delivered to Kyiv Ukraine has received its first Patriot defense system, delivered by Germany, Ukrainian Defense Minister Oleksiy Reznikov said on Wednesday. The Patriot system is used to combat enemy aircraft, ballistic missiles and cruise missiles and its considered one of the most advanced defense systems …

Rick Rozoff (2023-04-19). NATO allies, partners to join largest-ever U.S.-Australia war games. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com Australia, Malaysia, New Zealand, Singapore, South Korea and Tonga supplied troops for NATO's International Security Assistance Force in Afghanistan. The Japanese navy also assisted. ==== Defense PostApril 19, 2023 Australia, US to Host 'Largest-Ever' Bilateral Exercise Australia and the US will hold their largest bilateral exercise this year, with approximately 30,000 military personnel expected to …

Rick Rozoff (2023-04-19). NATO partner South Korea ready to provide military assistance to Ukraine — president. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com Polish RadioApril 19, 2023 South Korea hints at military aid to Ukraine South Korea's president has indicated his country could supply Ukraine with military assistance under certain circumstances to help it fend off Russia's invasion, according to news outlets. *** The South Korean head of state said: "If there is a situation the international community …

Rick Rozoff (2023-04-19). Pentagon chief in Stockholm: U.S. demands Sweden's NATO entry "before summer" antibellum679354512.wordpress.com The LocalApril 19, 2023 United States calls for Swedish Nato entry 'before summer' The United States will work to ensure Sweden becomes a Nato member by the summer, US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin said in Stockholm on Wednesday. Austin commented on Sweden's ongoing attempts to join Nato during a visit to the Muskà∂ naval …

Sam Wainwright (2023-04-19). Indian labour lawyer Clifton D Rozario to speak at Ecosocialism 2023. greenleft.org.au Clifton D Rozario, a labour lawyer and a leader of the Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist) Liberation, will address the upcoming Ecosocialism 2023 conference in Naarm/Melbourne. Sam Wainwright reports.

Sohrob Aslamy (2023-04-19). Graduate workers at Syracuse University vote overwhelmingly to unionize. liberationnews.org The two-day election process saw 95% of eligible graduate voters voting to unionize with a final count of 728 for and 36 against.

Staff (2023-04-19). New York Times: Biden Admin Ignored Warnings About Migrant Child Labor, Punished Whistleblowers. democracynow.org Our guest Hannah Dreier, a Pulitzer Prize-winning reporter at The New York Times, has published a bombshell new investigation headlined "As Migrant Children Were Put to Work, U.S. Ignored Warnings." It reports that the Biden administration has repeatedly ignored or missed warnings about a surge of migrant children as young as 12 working in factories across the United States under grueling and often dangerous working conditions in serious violation of child labor laws. "People were punished for bringing this to the attention of their supervisors," says Dreier.

Staff (2023-04-19). In 1969 Abe Fortas Became the First Justice Forced to Resign. Should Clarence Thomas Be Next? democracynow.org As pressure grows on Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas to resign over his decades-long relationship with a billionaire benefactor, we speak with legal journalist Adam Cohen, who says there is a precedent that should guide lawmakers in how to address the growing scandal. In 1969, Justice Abe Fortas was forced to resign after his financial relationship came to light with businessman Louis Wolfson, who paid Fortas to consult for his foundation. Fortas was a Democratic appointee, but the scandal led to a bipartisan call for his resignation — even though his replacement would be named by Republican President…

Staff (2023-04-19). The Justice & the Billionaire: Clarence Thomas Failed to Disclose Real Estate Deal with GOP Megadonor. democracynow.org Calls continue to grow for Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas to step down or to be impeached, after ProPublica uncovered more damning information about his relationship with Republican megadonor Harlan Crow. According to the new report, Thomas and his family sold a house and two vacant lots in Savannah, Georgia, to Crow for around $130,000 but never disclosed the sale, which appears to be a violation of the 1978 Ethics in Government Act. In addition to being a major benefactor to Thomas and the GOP, Crow is also an avid collector of Nazi memorabilia, including a copy of Mein Kampf signed by Hitler, paintings…

Staff (2023-04-19). Ending 30-Year Saga, Judge Rules Haitian Activist Targeted by ICE Should Not Face Deportation Again. democracynow.org A New York immigration judge on Tuesday ruled that Jean Montrevil, a Haitian immigrant and longtime activist, will no longer face deportation, after a decade of being targeted by Immigration and Customs Enforcement for his activism. Montrevil was deported to Haiti in 2018 under the Trump administration but got a second chance in 2021, when Virginia Governor Ralph Northam granted him a pardon for two drug convictions from three decades earlier, which ICE had used as a pretext to deport him. Montrevil sought to regain his legal immigration status and was allowed to return to the United States on a 90-day special pa…

Staff (2023-04-19). Headlines for April 19, 2023. democracynow.org Fox News Settles Dominion Defamation Lawsuit over 2020 Election Lies for $787.5 Million, Fighting in Sudan Continues as Terrorized Residents Grapple with Food and Power Shortages, Biden Issues Executive Order Seeking to Expand Child Care and Elder Care Access, Senate GOP Blocks Democrats from Replacing Ailing Dianne Feinstein on Judiciary Cmte., Tunisian Police Detain Prominent Political Rival, Raid Ennahda Party HQ in Crackdown on Opposition, Top Saudi Diplomat Meets Syria's Bashar al-Assad in Damascus for 1st Time Since Start of War, Indonesia Military Disputes Claim West Papuan Fighters Killed 12 Soldier…

Staff (2023-04-19). Argentinians Protest Visit From Head of US Southern Command. orinocotribune.com General Laura Richardson, head of the US Southern Command (SOUTHCOM), traveled to Argentina on Monday with the aim of meeting with officials including Argentina's Defense Minister Jorge Taiana. Richardson also visited Argentina in April, 2022. The visit occurs while Russia's Foreign Affairs Minister Sergey Lavrov tours the region, visiting Brazil, Venezuela, Nicaragua, and Cuba. | As a result of Richardson's visit, various activist groups and social movements have organized demonstrations against the interference of the United States in the region and to oppose the destructive economic policies of the Internation…

Tamara Nassar (2023-04-19). Why is Israel arbitrarily detaining a US senior citizen? electronicintifada.net Khader Adnan refusing food in protest for more than 70 days.

teleSUR, dcdc, JCM (2023-04-19). Argentinos rechazan presencia de jefa del Comando Sur de EE.UU. telesurtv.net Los manifestantes gritaron en contra el imperialismo y en defensa de la soberanía argentina, con la consigna "Patria Si, Colonia NO".

teleSUR, dcdc, JCM (2023-04-19). Miles de franceses manifiestan contra reforma de pensiones. telesurtv.net Enmanuel Macron firmó la legislación sobre reforma de pensiones que valida el cambio de bandera para aumentar la edad de jubilación de 62 a 64 años.

teleSUR, dcdc, JCM (2023-04-19). Director de la OMS insta a garantizar atención médica en Sudán. telesurtv.net Tedros Adhanom Ghebreye afirmó que la escalada de violencia en el país africano dificulta enormemente la labor del personal médico.

teleSUR, DRL (2023-04-19). Presidente Lasso amenaza con disolver la Asamblea de Ecuador. telesurtv.net Para censurar al jefe de Estado se necesita el apoyo de las dos terceras partes del pleno de la Asamblea, compuesta por 137 parlamentarios.

teleSUR, DRL (2023-04-19). Presidente Lula continúa cruzada contra redes sociales en Brasil. telesurtv.net El mandatario brasileño responsabiliza a las redes sociales de los recientes ataques y amenazas en escuelas en varios distritos del país suramericano.

teleSUR, DRL (2023-04-19). Anuncian paro por desatención del Gobierno tras lluvias en Perú. telesurtv.net El paro fue convocado inicialmente por varios alcaldes distritales y provinciales de Piura para pedir mayor presupuesto para hacer frente a las intensas precipitaciones.

teleSUR, hvh, JCM (2023-04-19). Interpol: más de 14.000 arrestos en operación en América Latina. telesurtv.net La Operación Trigger IX es considerada como como la más grande coordinada por el organismo internacional.

teleSUR, hvh, JCM (2023-04-19). Presidente sirio recibe a canciller saudita en histórica visita. telesurtv.net La Cancillería saudita publicó que esta visita evidencia la voluntad de hallar una solución política a la crisis siria.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-04-19). Cuarenta casas incendiadas en diez días en Montrouis, Haití. telesurtv.net El campesinado de Tèt Kole Ti Peyizan Ayisyen vuelve a pedir ayuda al Gobierno y lamenta que todavía no haya presencia policial.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-04-19). Canciller de Rusia llega a Venezuela. telesurtv.net El canciller ruso se reunirá con su homólogo venezolano, Yván Gil, la vicepresidenta del país, Delcy Rodríguez, y con el presidente Nicolás Maduro.

teleSUR, lvm, YSM (2023-04-19). Denuncian asesinato de líder social en Cauca, Colombia. telesurtv.net Su cuerpo fue encontrado a un lado de la vía con heridas causadas por arma de fuego.

teleSUR, lvm, YSM (2023-04-19). Gobierno argentino presenta programa sobre conectividad satelital. telesurtv.net El presidente Fernández acotó que "es un buen momento para darnos cuenta de que la igualdad no impera entre nosotros".

teleSUR, lvm, YSM (2023-04-19). Llega a Venezuela delegación de Bolivia para Juegos del ALBA. telesurtv.net Los juegos se realizarán en Caracas, Venezuela del 19 al 29 de abril.

teleSUR, lvm, YSM (2023-04-19). Rusia envía nueva ayuda humanitaria a Siria. telesurtv.net Hace una semana un barco ruso cargado de ayuda humanitaria atracó en el puerto de la ciudad costera siria de Tartous.

teleSUR, MER (2023-04-19). Cancilleres de Venezuela y Rusia fortalecen alianza estratégica. telesurtv.net El canciller venezolano destacó que la cooperación bilateral aborda aspectos como la energía, agricultura, educación, transporte, entre otros sectores.

teleSUR, MER (2023-04-19). Presidente de Venezuela sostiene reunión con canciller ruso. telesurtv.net El jefe de Estado venezolano recibió al ministro de Asuntos Exteriores de Rusia para fortalecer los lazos de cooperación bilateral.

teleSUR, nama, JCM (2023-04-19). Exculpan a agentes que acribillaron a afroamericano en Ohio, EE.UU. telesurtv.net Según los agentes, el joven disparó contra los policías, aunque iba desarmado; pero encontraron un arma en su vehículo.

teleSUR, nama, JCM (2023-04-19). Nueva jornada violenta entre reclusos en cárcel de Ecuador. telesurtv.net Durante la madrugada, la vía a Daule, en la que está ubicada la cárcel, tuvo restricciones de tránsito.

teleSUR, nama, JCM (2023-04-19). Yulimar Rojas recibe Premio Nacional del Deporte en España. telesurtv.net La atleta venezolana comentó que está enfocada en su preparación para el Campeonato Mundial de Atletismo de Budapest.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2023-04-19). Reportan 79 muertes por cólera en Nigeria en lo que va de 2023. telesurtv.net Las autoridades indican que 12 de los 36 estados que conforman Nigeria presentan casos sospechosos de la enfermedad.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2023-04-19). Tiroteo deja cuatro muertos en Maine, EE.UU. telesurtv.net Posteriomente tres personas recibieron disparos mientras conducían sus vehículos por la Insterestatal 295 en Yarmouth.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2023-04-19). Volcán Nevado del Ruiz emite columna de ceniza de 1.800 metros. telesurtv.net La emisión de ceniza se reportó sobre las 07H11 (hora local), dispersándose hacia el suroriente.

teleSUR, YSM (2023-04-19). Colapso de estacionamiento deja un muerto en Nueva York, EE.UU. telesurtv.net Se localizaron cinco lesionados, de los cuales cuatro fueron enviados a un centro de salud y otro se negó a recibir los primeros auxilios.

teleSUR, YSM (2023-04-19). Fallece el intelectual mexicano Pablo González Casanova. telesurtv.net Pablo González Casanova fue rector de la Unam entre 1970 y 1972 y se destacó por participar en problemas sociales de su país.

teleSUR- hvh, JCM (2023-04-19). Presidente palestino realiza visita oficial a Arabia Saudita. telesurtv.net La estancia de Mahmoud Abbas coincide con una visita de una delegación del Movimiento de Resistencia Islámica (Hamás).

UFCLP (2023-04-19). Saturday 5/6: For Global Action To Stop US Nuke Sub Base in Australian Port Kembla And AUKUS. indybay.org San Francisco Australian Consulate | 575 Market St. | San Francisco…

Unicorn Riot (2023-04-19). Exclusive Interview with French Media Collective Cerveaux non Disponibles. unicornriot.ninja

Unitarian Universalists of SF (2023-04-19). Sunday 4/30: Tim Redmond: Update on our City – The Good, the Bad and the Ugly. indybay.org 1187 Franklin Street, San Francisco, CA , 94109 or via Zoom…

United Front Committee For A Labor Party (2023-04-19). Wednesday 5/3: On World Press Freedom Day: A Day Of Action To Free Assange/ Mumia & Against Censorship. indybay.org KQED Television | 2601 Mariposa St. | San Francisco…

W.T. Whitney Jr. (2023-04-19). China, Brazil Lead in Chipping Away at US Economic Power Abroad. orinocotribune.com By W. T. Whitney — Apr 14, 2023 | The United States proclaimed the Monroe Doctrine 200 years ago and ever since has arranged Latin American and Caribbean affairs to its advantage. Nevertheless, struggles for national and regional independence did continue and the poor and marginalized classes did resist. Eventually there would be indigenous movements, labor mobilizations, and progressive and socialist-inclined governments. Cuba's revolutionary government has endured for 63 years. | The U.S. political hold may have weakened, but U.S. control over the region's economies remains strong; after World War II it ex…

WSWS (2023-04-19). Workers at Coca-Cola distribution plant in Philadelphia launch strike action. wsws.org Members of the Teamsters Local 830 voted down a contract negotiated between the union and Liberty Coca-Cola, the largest bottling plant and distributor in the tri-state region.

WSWS (2023-04-19). FedEx pilots begin voting to authorize strike action. wsws.org ALPA and FedEx have been conducting mediated negotiations under the terms of the infamous Railway Labor Act since October 2022, although the negotiations themselves began in May 2021.

WSWS (2023-04-19). Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Railroad Workers United pass blame for strike ban onto each other. wsws.org The vote in December by AOC and two other DSA members in the House of Representatives to impose a contract which railroad workers already voted to reject was a major self-exposure that sparked outrage and damaged the credibility of the DSA.

WSWS (2023-04-19). Australian central bank and Labor government cover up corporate profit-gouging. wsws.org There is undeniable evidence that the inflation has been fuelled by profiteering, on top of the pouring trillions of dollars into the financial markets, the impact of pandemic and the US-NATO war against Russia, not workers' wages.

WSWS (2023-04-19). Daughter of Rage, La Bonga: Terrible poverty in Nicaragua, the devastation of Colombia's civil war. wsws.org At this moment in history, most of the social layer with cameras in their hands and resources at their disposal still have an extremely limited outlook.

WSWS (2023-04-19). Union drops core demand for 60 percent wage increase in University of Michigan strike. wsws.org To prevent the sellout of their strike and win the fight for a living wage graduate student workers need to form a rank-and-file strike committee to take the conduct of the struggle out of the hands of the GEO-AFT leadership.

WSWS (2023-04-19). Over 100,000 federal government workers set to strike across Canada Wednesday, April 19. wsws.org PSAC represents the largest unionized group of federal government workers. A strike would seriously affect a wide array of services, including revenue and taxation, immigration and citizenship, veterans affairs, and the functioning of Service Canada facilities.

WSWS (2023-04-19). Far-right Ukrainian nationalists force cancellation of Montreal antiwar meeting—this brazen act of censorship must not go unchallenged. wsws.org The cancellation of the Montreal meeting is anti-democratic, sets a dangerous precedent, and serves to strengthen Canadian imperialism in its predatory war against Russia.

WSWS (2023-04-19). Murder of Australian paramedic exposes the daily dangers confronting healthcare workers. wsws.org The death of Steven Tougher is an indication of the growing dangers of violence and injury facing health workers due to the social and health crisis in Australia…

WSWS (2023-04-19). 84-year-old surrenders in shooting of Missouri teenager Ralph Yarl. wsws.org The fixation of the corporate media and political establishment on the role racism may have played in the tragic shooting in Kansas City serves to conceal the root cause of gun violence in America.

WSWS (2023-04-19). Interest rate hikes threaten recession and job losses but boost profits of major banks. wsws.org The increase in profits for the major banks further underscores the class-war agenda which is at the centre of the interest rate hikes by the Fed.

Yanis Varoufakis (2023-04-19). Blow up the banking system! A free account for all is possible. indybay.org Harsh austerity policies for the vast majority of people and state socialism for bankers, both practiced at the same time in Europe and the U.S. after 2008 – this had two consequences, as they have characterized the financialized capitalism of the past 14 years. First, this course poisoned the West's money.

WSWS (2023-04-19). Australian man detained on trumped-up "foreign interference" charges. wsws.org A businessman is being prosecuted under draconian "foreign interference laws." But his lawyer says all he did was provide consultancy reports based on newspaper articles and other publicly-available material.

WSWS (2023-04-19). After the passage of Macron's pension cuts: What way forward for workers in France? wsws.org As the struggle against Macron continues, workers clearly face not a trade union struggle to change his mind, but a political struggle against the capitalist state, to bring down Macron.

WSWS (2023-04-19). Condemn UK police arrest of French publisher Ernest Moret under anti-terror legislation! wsws.org Police justified Moret's arrest by citing his participation in protests by millions of workers against French President Emmanuel Macron's unilateral raising of the retirement age against the popular will and without a vote in parliament.

WSWS (2023-04-19). Democrats rush to prop up Supreme Court amidst new revelations of rampant corruption. wsws.org The Democrats have responded to the exposure of boundless personal corruption and political reaction on the high court with an effort to effect a cosmetic tightening of ethics rules, so as to shore up collapsing public confidence in the court and every other institution of the state.

WSWS (2023-04-19). With 1 worker dead, Michigan paper mill still running amid fungal outbreak. wsws.org The outbreak was detected over a month ago, but the mill was kept running.

WSWS (2023-04-19). Tamil nationalists back austerity, police-state measures against Sri Lankan workers. wsws.org The alternative to the Tamil nationalists' orientation to the unitary state and executive presidency is the SEP's struggle for a Democratic and Socialist Congress of the Workers and Rural Masses.

WSWS (2023-04-19). Killing of Australian paramedic exposes the daily dangers confronting healthcare workers. wsws.org The death of Steven Tougher is an indication of the growing dangers of violence and injury facing health workers due to the social and health crisis in Australia…

WSWS (2023-04-19). Over 100,000 federal government workers launch Canada-wide strike. wsws.org PSAC represents the largest unionized group of federal government workers. A strike would seriously affect a wide array of services, including revenue and taxation, immigration and citizenship, veterans affairs, and the functioning of Service Canada facilities.

_____ (2023-04-19). The Panorama of Geopolitics. strategic-culture.org This article is based The topic of this article is the panorama of geopolitics which has long been proscribed from the public gaze and ignored. This lecture will have two main parts: from the second part of the 19th century until the 1960s and the second part the fundamental change in the geopolitics paradigm caused by globalisation, which is a process that changed the relations between the spatial and the geopolitical to a great extent. | Geopolit…

Anonymous669 (2023-04-19). Saudi Foreign Minister Meets Syrian President Al-Assad in Damascus. southfront.org Syrian President Bashar al-Assad with Saudi Arabia's Foreign Minister Prince Faisal bin Farhan. Source: the Syrian Presidency Office. | On April 18, Saudi Arabia's Foreign Minister Prince Faisal bin Farhan met with Syrian President Bashar al-Assad after arriving in Damascus on a highly-anticipated official visit. | The visit is the first by a Saudi official to Syria's capital since the outbreak of the war in the country more than a decade ago. | Prince Faisal was welcomed at Damasc…

Ashley Curtin (2023-04-19). DOE approves LNG exports from Alaska project. nationofchange.org The $38.7 billion infrastructure project, if it gets the necessary investments and all required permits, will be operational by 2030.

Ben Norton (2023-04-19). Brazil's Lula travels to China and calls to end US dollar dominance. indybay.org "Why can't a bank like that of the BRICS have a currency to finance trade relations between Brazil and China, between Brazil and other countries?" he continued. "It's difficult because we are unaccustomed [to the idea]. Everyone depends on just one currency". Lula made these remarks criticizing US dollar hegemony in a speech for the New Development Bank (NDB).

Cartie Werthman (2023-04-19). The meat industry is advertising like Big Oil. nationofchange.org The animal agriculture industry is forging ahead with slick advertising campaigns that downplay its impact on climate change, backed up with statistics from Checkoff-funded research programs.

Common Dreams Staff (2023-04-19). 'Not surprised, but disgusted': Fox avoids trial by settling with Dominion for $787.5 million. nationofchange.org Critics said the financial agreement robbed the public of a trial that would have exposed the news network's lies about fraud during the 2020 election and its behind-the-scenes operations.

Dean Baker (2023-04-19). Imagine a world where CEOs get paid $3 million a year. nationofchange.org Being a well-paid CEO means something very different today than it did fifty years ago.

ecns.cn (2023-04-19). 12 people detained after Beijing Changfeng Hospital fire causes 29 deaths. ecns.cn Twelve people, including the president and vice president of Beijing Changfeng Hospital, have been detained on suspicion of major liabilities after the hospital fire caused 29 death.

ecns.cn (2023-04-19). Giant panda Lin Hui dies at Chiang Mai Zoo. ecns.cn Giant panda Lin Hui, 21 years old, died at Chiang Mai Zoo in Thailand on early Wednesday, said the Consulate General of China in Chiang Mai on the same day.

ecns.cn (2023-04-19). Ambassadors look forward to cooperating with China on 5G technology. ecns.cn China's 5G technology brings opportunities to the world and they looked forward to cooperating with China in this field, said foreign ambassadors visiting the Innovation Experience Center of China Unicom on Tuesday.

ecns.cn (2023-04-19). China to further reduce restrictions, offer easier market access for foreign investment. ecns.cn China is considering updating its negative list for market access and removing more restrictions for foreign investment entering the Chinese market, Meng Wei, spokesperson for the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC), said Wednesday at a press conference.

ecns.cn (2023-04-19). China launches interactive digital platform to display Dunhuang culture online. ecns.cn An interactive digital platform of a virtual duplication of the Library Cave in Mogao Grottoes, a UNESCO World Heritage site in Dunhuang, northwest China's Gansu Province, is accessible to the public from Tuesday.

ecns.cn (2023-04-19). Death toll rises to 29 in Beijing hospital fire. ecns.cn The death toll from a hospital fire in Beijing has risen to 29, according to a press conference on Wednesday.

ecns.cn (2023-04-19). 270 killed as deadly military conflict in Sudan rages into 4th day. ecns.cn Fighting between the Sudanese Army and the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces (RSF) in Sudan has killed about 270 people and wounded more than 2,600 as of Tuesday, with gunfire and explosions still heard here across the city.

ecns.cn (2023-04-19). Russia cosmonauts conduct 1st 2023 spacewalk at International Space Station. ecns.cn Two Russian cosmonauts conducted their first spacewalk this year on Wednesday after a hiatus caused by the depressurization of the Soyuz MS-22 spacecraft.

ecns.cn (2023-04-19). China to further shorten negative list for foreign investment. ecns.cn China will appropriately shorten the negative list for foreign investment, as part of efforts to promote high-level opening up, an official said Wednesday.

ecns.cn (2023-04-19). China pledges moves to prop up consumption recovery. ecns.cn China is planning to take more actions to invigorate consumption recovery, an official with the country's top economic planner said Wednesday.

ecns.cn (2023-04-19). China sees surge in entry, exit trips in Q1. ecns.cn Immigration authorities across China handled nearly 65.07 million exits and entries in the first quarter of the year, a year-on-year increase of 116.2 percent, the National Immigration Administration (NIA) said Wednesday.

ecns.cn (2023-04-19). Chinese president holds talks with Gabonese president. ecns.cn Chinese President Xi Jinping held talks with President of the Gabonese Republic Ali Bongo Ondimba, who is on a state visit to China, here on Wednesday.

ecns.cn (2023-04-19). Death toll rises to 29 after Beijing hospital fire. ecns.cn The death toll has risen to 29 following a hospital fire in southern Beijing's Fengtai District on Tuesday, according to the district authorities at a news briefing on Wednesday.

ecns.cn (2023-04-19). Lightshow illuminates Hangzhou to greet the forthcoming Asian Games. ecns.cn The lightshow lit up the night sky to greet the 19th Asian Games, which will be held in Hangzhou from September 23 to October 8, 2023.

ecns.cn (2023-04-19). 1 dead, 5 injured in garage collapse in New York. ecns.cn One person was killed and five others injured after a parking garage collapsed in Lower Manhattan of New York City on Tuesday afternoon.

ecns.cn (2023-04-19). Culture Fact: Chengdu, a city of culture. ecns.cn The 31st FISU World University Games will open in Chengdu, southwest China's Sichuan Province, on July 28. As Wednesday marks the 100-day countdown to the event, let's embark on a cultural trip to Chengdu city.

ecns.cn (2023-04-19). In Numbers: China sees surge in entry, exit trips in Q1. ecns.cn

imperial.ac.uk (2023-04-19). Endurance rowing, parasites and clean clouds: News from the College. imperial.ac.uk Here's a batch of fresh news and announcements from across Imperial.

John Wojcik (2023-04-19). Jim Jordan's "crime" hearings in New York ignore the real crimes. peoplesworld.org The Republican-organized sham "hearings" on crime in New York City, called to detract attention from the real criminal, Donald Trump, under indictment in that city, reached the level of the surreal yesterday. Republican Rep. Elise Stefanik of upstate New York opined about how the people of the nation's biggest city are "afraid to leave their …

Matthew Cunningham-Cook (2023-04-19). As The Midwest Burns, Biden Ignores Plastic Waste Dangers. levernews.com

Niko Leka (2023-04-19). Video: A participant reflects on the Newcastle Climate Camp 2023 and direct action which stopped a coal train. greenleft.org.au Niko Leka reflects on the April 15-16 Climate Camp protest in Newcastle which took direct action to stop a coal train…

Staff (2023-04-19). La historia de Amber Neben: 48 años y tetracampeona contra el reloj. cubadebate.cu El 37 campeonato panamericano de ciclismo de ruta abrió este 18 de abril por vez primera en Centroamérica. Pero una de las figuras más icónicas del certamen desde su primera medalla de oro en 2006, la estadounidense Amber Neben, llegó sonriente y dispuesta a seguir haciendo historia a sus 48 años, cumplidos el pasado 15 de febrero.

Staff (2023-04-19). Archivo CD: La Batalla de Girón (+Video). cubadebate.cu Más de un año antes del 16 de abril de 1961, después de rigurosos análisis e intercambios, el presidente Dwight Eisenhower decidió destruir a la Revolución Cubana. Así inicia la primera parte de las Reflexiones del Comandante en Jefe, Fidel Castro Ruz tituladas La Batalla de Girón, publicadas en Cubadebate.

Staff (2023-04-19). 62 SNB: Pinar del Río sigue en la cima de la tabla, Artemisa y Ciego de àÅvila concretaron barridas históricas. cubadebate.cu Con sus respectivos triunfos de hoy, Cazadores artemiseños y Tigres avileños concretaron barridas históricas al caer las cortinas de las cuartas subseries particulares de la 62 Serie Nacional de Béisbol. Los vegueros continúan en la cima de la tabla de posiciones.

Staff (2023-04-19). Falleció Pablo González Casanova, eminente intelectual mexicano y gran amigo de Cuba. cubadebate.cu Pablo González Casanova, ex rector de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México falleció este martes a los 101 años de edad. González Casanova fue un eminente intelectual mexicano y gran amigo de Cuba. Fundador de la Red en Defensa de la Humanidad. Cubadebate y la Mesa Redonda tuvieron el honor de contar con él como uno de sus colaboradores.

Staff (2023-04-19). Ilumina cielo de Alaska extraña espiral brillante (+Video). cubadebate.cu Habitantes de la región interior del estado de Alaska (EE.UU.) se vieron sorprendidos la madrugada del sábado pasado por una extraña espiral brillante, de forma similar a una galaxia, que apareció en el cielo nocturno, informa la agencia AP.

Staff (2023-04-19). Las 3 del día: Abastecimiento de combustible, transformación digital y el juicio por la muerte de Maradona (+ Podcast). cubadebate.cu En los últimos días ha sido noticia la situación con el abastecimiento de combustible en Cuba. Hoy trascendió que el gobierno de La Habana limita la venta por vehículo en los servicentros destinados a todos los consumidores. Sobre esta y otras informaciones hablamos en Las 3 del día, el podcast donde los actualizaremos de lo que ha sido noticia este 18 de abril en Cubadebate.

Staff (2023-04-19). Lavrov traslada a Maduro invitación del presidente ruso para visitar el país (+Video). cubadebate.cu El ministro de Asuntos Exteriores de Rusia, Serguéi Lavrov, se reunió este martes con el presidente venezolano, Nicolás Maduro, en el marco de su visita al país latinoamericano, y le entregó una invitación personal por parte del presidente ruso, Vladímir Putin, para visitar Rusia. "Quiero transmitirle un mensaje del presidente de Rusia, Vladímir Putin".

Staff (2023-04-19). Minuto a Minuto: Sesión constitutiva de la Asamblea Nacional del Poder Popular. cubadebate.cu En un día memorable para todos los cubanos, en que se conmemora el 62 aniversario de la victoria en las arenas de Playa Girón, quedará constituida la X Legislatura de la Asamblea Nacional del Poder Popular, por los 470 diputados electos en marzo pasado en los 168 municipios del país. Siga minuto a minuto este histórico acontecimiento a través de Cubadebate.

Staff (2023-04-19). Pinar del Río: Cadena Cubana del Pan y mipymes firman convenios para retomar producciones. cubadebate.cu La firma de convenios de trabajo entre la UEB de la Cadena Cubana del Pan en Pinar del Río y mipymes permitirá en los próximos días retomar algunas producciones.A los actores por cuenta propia corresponderá el suministro de materia prima mientras los trabajadores de las unidades de la cubana del pan elaborarán los surtidos.

Staff (2023-04-19). Calle 11, entre Paseo y A. cubadebate.cu Suelo ir cada vez que puedo, pero en estas fechas he vuelto a hacer el recorrido que hará poco más de un año hice por vez primera. Esta casa colonial que hace más de un siglo pertenecía a una familia acaudalada, ahora es patrimonio del pueblo cubano y de cualquier visitante que se precie a visitarla. En sus paredes hay historia, hay dolor, pero sobre todo hay triunfo. El triunfo de una vida llena de ejemplo y heroicidad.

teleSUR, dcdc, JCM (2023-04-19). Asciende a 29 cifra de muertos por incendio en hospital chino. telesurtv.net El siniestro dejó un saldo de 39 heridos, tres de ellos se encuentran en estado crítico y otros 18 muy graves.

teleSUR, dcdc, JCM (2023-04-19). Corea del Norte termina su primer satélite espía militar. telesurtv.net En diciembre, Pyongyang realizó la prueba de "fase final" para un satélite espía y dijo que completaría los preparativos para el lanzamiento en abril.

teleSUR, DRL (2023-04-19). Presentan nuevos detenidos en trama de corrupción en Venezuela. telesurtv.net Hasta la fecha, son 80 personas las que han sido privadas de libertad, así como 20 órdenes de aprehensión por ejecutar, y un total de 172 allanamientos.

teleSUR, DRL (2023-04-19). Parlamento cubano elige nueva dirección del Estado y Gobierno. telesurtv.net Quedó constituida la X Legislatura de la Asamblea Nacional del Poder Popular, compuesta por 470 diputados electos el pasado mes de marzo.

teleSUR, DRL (2023-04-19). Honduras refuerza medidas de seguridad en las cárceles. telesurtv.net Los enfrentamientos entre miembros de las temidas pandillas Barrio 18 y Mara Salvatrucha ocurrieron en las cárceles de Támara, El Porvenir, Santa Bárbara y Morocelí.

teleSUR, hvh, JCM (2023-04-19). Reanudan inspecciones de buques para exportar grano ucraniano. telesurtv.net La representante de la ONU, Ismini Palla, indicó que "tanto la delegación rusa como la ucraniana han tomado decisiones".

teleSUR, JGN (2023-04-19). Detienen a cuñado de presidente de Ecuador. telesurtv.net Carrera, investigado por una trama de presunta corrupción en empresas públicas, fue detenido en el Aeropuerto Internacional de la ciudad de Guayaquil.

teleSUR, JGN (2023-04-19). López Obrador acusa a EE.UU. de acciones de espionaje en México. telesurtv.net En conferencia de prensa, López Obrador dijo que el Gobierno del país vecino también filtra información a los medios de comunicación.

teleSUR, JGN (2023-04-19). Sismo de magnitud 5.1 sacude el sur de México. telesurtv.net El Servicio Sismológico Nacional informó en un primer reporte que el movimiento alcanzó una magnitud de 5.8, pero en un segundo boletín lo ajustó a 5.1.

teleSUR, NA, JGN (2023-04-19). Invasión en Playa Girón: un cambio para la historia de Cuba. telesurtv.net Fidel Castro se refirió a esta victoria como "una gran escuela para el pueblo cubano que aprendió a no tener miedo al enemigo".

teleSUR, nama, JCM (2023-04-19). Presidente de Nepal remitido a India para atender su salud. telesurtv.net Se tomarán más decisiones acerca del tratamiento médico del mandatario luego de que se conozca el informe sanitario.

teleSUR, nama, JCM (2023-04-19). Rusia frustra sabotaje contra sistema energético en Crimea. telesurtv.net Los agentes de Rusia han detenido a un ciudadano ruso-ucraniano, de 52 años, acusado de preparar el ataque.

teleSUR, nbb, JGN (2023-04-19). Expresidenta de facto es imputada por masacre de Senkata, Bolivia. telesurtv.net La Fiscalía presentó la imputación formal ante el Juzgado Penal Cautelar Primero de El Alto.

teleSUR, nbb, JGN (2023-04-19). Canciller boliviano visita Venezuela para reuniones de trabajo. telesurtv.net Venezuela y Bolivia avanzaron en temas de cooperación en los ámbitos energético, comercial, cultural, educativo, comunicacional, político y diplomático.

teleSUR, nbb, JGN (2023-04-19). Denuncian que aumentan violaciones de DD.HH en El Salvador. telesurtv.net El estudio concluye que desde la aplicación del régimen de excepción aumentaron las violaciones de los DD.HH.

teleSUR, nbb, JGN (2023-04-19). Ocho palestinos resultan heridos por fuerzas israelíes. telesurtv.net Intensos enfrentamientos surgieron entre las fuerzas israelíes y los palestinos durante la incursión en el campamento.

teleSUR- hvh, JCM (2023-04-19). Cuba celebra sesión constitutiva de la Asamblea Nacional. telesurtv.net El órgano legislativo elegirá durante esta jornada al presidente y al vicepresidente de la República.

teleSUR- hvh (2023-04-19). Canciller Lavrov invita al presidente de Bolivia visitar Rusia. telesurtv.net De acuerdo con la Cancillería rusa, Lavrov transmitió "los mejores deseos al presidente de Bolivia, Luis Arce".

The Associated Press (2023-04-19). Mexico Court: National Guard Shift to Army Unconstitutional. latinorebels.com Mexico's Supreme Court ruled Tuesday that last year's transfer of the newly created National Guard from civilian to military control was unconstitutional, dealing a blow to President Andrés Manuel Lopez Obrador who created the security force in 2019.

infobrics (2023-04-18). India-Russia Relations in the Context of India's G20 Presidency: Opportunities and Challenges. infobrics.org India's G20 presidency provides a crucial opportunity for India to showcase its leadership skills and take forward its global economic governance agenda…

infobrics (2023-04-18). Chinese Car Brands Overtake Sales of Russia's Lada in First Quarter. infobrics.org Russians purchased more Chinese cars in the first quarter of 2023 than Ladas, Russia's most popular, locally made vehicle, data showed, evidence of Beijing's growing presence in Russia's economy as Western carmakers head for the exit…

infobrics (2023-04-18). BRICS Bloc Advances Another Step as Saudi Arabia Joins SCO. infobrics.org Saudi Arabia's cabinet approved a decision to join the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), cementing the increasingly close ties between the Middle East oil producer and China. The move is also another brick in the emerging closer ties between what can be called the BRICS bloc of leading emerging markets…

infobrics (2023-04-18). Lula Supports De-dollarization on His Trip to China, but That Is not Enough. infobrics.org Lula's support for de-dollarization is important, but it does not define his foreign policy.

infobrics (2023-04-18). Why are Western media suddenly praising Russian electronic warfare capabilities?>. infobrics.org How does the world's largest cartel of arms producers solve the issues with the precision of their weapons? Well, more weapons! With the Kiev regime potentially acquiring thousands of additional JDAMs, US MIC contractors get even more billions of American taxpayers' dollars.

infobrics (2023-04-18). US Treasury Secretary acknowledges sanctions on Russia contributes to de-dollarisation. infobrics.org The de-dollarisation process has started and cannot be reversed.

Fight Back (2023-04-18). New York holds emergency rally for police victim in Bed-Stuy. fightbacknews.org New York, NY – On April 17, around 30 people came out for an emergency rally led by the New York Community Action Project (NYCAP) at Herbert Von King Park in Brooklyn, to demand justice for Caesar Robinson, a 78-year-old Black man, murdered by New York Police Department officers in his Bedford-Stuyvesant home. | On April 13, officers from the 81st Precinct responded to a call from Caesar Robinson's nephew claiming that someone was attempting to break into his uncle's apartment. Robinson opened the door when they arrived, and NYPD claims that he had a gun and pointed it at the officers, who shot him six times. The…

Fight Back (2023-04-18). Statement issued by the PFLP for Palestinian Prisoners' Day. fightbacknews.org Fight Back News Service is circulating the following statement from the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine. | O sons of our Palestinian people, sons of our Arab nation, free people of the world: | Palestinian prisoners' day falls on the seventeenth of April this year, with more than 4,900 male and female prisoners still languishing in the prisons of the zionist enemy. Among them are children, the sick, the elderly, and those who are about to spend more than 40 continuous years in their prisons, in extremely miserable human conditions and psychological suffering. They are subjected to torture by variou…

Fight Back (2023-04-18). Tucson stands with Palestine: Hands off Al-Aqsa! fightbacknews.org Tucson, AZ – On April 14, a spirited crowd of around 50 people rallied on the steps of Old Main on the University of Arizona campus to demand an end to U.S. aid to Israel. | The majority of those gathered were students organized by the Student for Justice in Palestine chapter at the U of A. Donning keffiyehs and holding signs that read "Fuck Zionism!" the students roared when chanting "From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free!" | The protest came in response to Israeli occupation forces who recently stormed the Masjid al-Aqsa and brutally attacked and detained hundreds of Palestinians. The Zionists invad…

Fight Back (2023-04-18). Minneapolis change allows for broadcasting Muslim call to prayer. fightbacknews.org Minneapolis, MN — As part of their daily routine, religious Muslims pray five times a day. Since prayer times revolve around the lunar cycle, they change throughout the year. In many places around the world, a call to prayer is broadcast from mosques to announce those five Adhan prayer times so people who are Muslim know it's time to pray. | In most cities in the United States including Minneapolis, noise regulations prevent the call to prayer from being publicly broadcast outside of certain hours. In Minneapolis the noise ordinance only allows broadcasts from 7: 00 a.m. to 10: 00 p.m. At some times of the ye…

Marc Steiner (2023-04-18). For a glimpse of America's future, look at Texas. therealnews.com Attacks on LGBTQ rights, abortion access, and movements for racial justice aren't exclusive to any one state in the union. But Texas is certainly a place where state officials and vigilantes are working hand-in-hand to bring about a dangerous new future. Texas-based journalists Andrea Grimes is a writer, editor, and activist living in…

Robin D. G. Kelley (2023-04-18). Robin D.G. Kelley: Remembering the 2001 Cincinnati Rebellion. therealnews.com Nineteen years before the murder of George Floyd in Minneapolis, the city of Cincinnati was shaken by a rebellion in the Over-the-Rhine neighborhood over the police killing of Timothy Thomas, an unarmed Black man. In a special "George Floyd Memorial Lecture" hosted by the

Taya Graham, Stephen Janis, Jayne Miller (2023-04-18). Maryland state says it doesn't have to account for spending on tax break costing Baltimore $20 million annually. therealnews.com When it comes to putting a price tag on Baltimore's expansive list of tax incentives for developers, even a simple request for financial data can lead to complicated answers. City officials learned this the hard way when they asked the Maryland Department of Environment (MDE) for data on what was being spent on cleaning up contaminated sites that have earned a lucrative tax break known as a Instead of sharing the data, the MDE forced the city to file a Maryland Pu…

Palestinian Youth Movement (2023-04-18). Zionism in crisis: Palestinian resistance forges a new horizon. therealnews.com This article was originally published in Over the past few weeks, significant events have been unfolding across historic Palestine. January 7, 2023, marked the start of Zionist protests in response to proposed Israeli judicial reforms. In parallel, we have also seen an intensification of the ongoing settler colonial violence perpetrated by the Zionist entity against Palestinians — January was the West Bank's deadliest month in nearly a decade, and the last few weeks have seen heightened violence towards Palestinians in Al-Aq…

Anand Naidoo (2023-04-18). The Heat: U.S. Intelligence Leaks. america.cgtn.com Washington is trying to contain another national security breach. Why were the documents leaked? And, what happens next? The U.S. government is dealing with the fallout of yet another major leak of classified papers. Among the revelations: U.S. skepticism about Ukraine's military abilities in the …

_____ (2023-04-18). Austerity, War & Dictatorship… the Charade of Western Democracy Is Over. Can We Lose Those Chains? strategic-culture.org Western liberal democracy and its ubiquitous "austerity economics" is a euphemism for fascism. And the charade is finally coming to an end. | Western liberal democracy and its ubiquitous "austerity economics" is a euphemism for fascism. And the charade is finally coming to an end. | Austerity is not some recent policy under neoliberal capitalism. It was born out of the historic crisis in the Western system following the First World War and during the 1930s when fascism became a way to curtail any democratic challenge to the prevailing capitalist system. | That political instrument of repression is wielded toda…

_____ (2023-04-18). 'It May Be in No One's Interest to Reveal More': Cancelling Facts That Challenge Establishment Power. strategic-culture.org As we have Understand the world around us; | Challenge state-corporate power; and | Bring about the fundamental changes in society that have never been more…

_____ (2023-04-18). Leaked Files: Britain's Secret Propaganda Ops in Yemen. strategic-culture.org Leaked files reveal that British intel used local Yemeni NGOs and social media in a covert campaign to undermine the Sanaa government and influence the war-torn country's peace process. | By Kit KLARENBERG | Yemen's civil war, considered the world's gravest humanitarian crisis, appears to be nearing its end due to a China-brokered detente between Iran and Saudi Arabia, who support opposing sides in the bitter conflict. | Early signs suggest that the rapprochement between Tehran and Riyadh may not only end hostilities in Yemen, but across the wider region. | The US, Israel, and Britain have the most to lose from a…

_____ (2023-04-18). Western Bloc 1943-2023: From Judenfrei to Russenfrei. strategic-culture.org The West, with its decadence, its Democrats and Republicans, still lives in Rome's savage shadow, where we are This article expands upon elements of Russian Foreign Ministry spokesperson Maria Zakharova's recent comment that "the Germans are rewarding the non-Nazi Zelensky for the fratricidal massacre, the abolition of everything Russian, the demolition of monuments to the winners of the Third Reich, the glorification of Nazi collabora…

Adriaan Alsema (2023-04-18). Dissident FARC guerrillas "ready" for peace talks with Colombia's government. colombiareports.com Leaders of one of Colombia's largest guerrilla groups said their organization is ready for formal peace talks with the government. At a public event in the southern Caqueta province, a…

Amy Goodman (2023-04-18). Lashawn Thompson's Family Demands Justice: He Was "Eaten Alive" by Bugs in Jail. truthout.org In Atlanta, Georgia, the family of a prisoner says he was "eaten alive" by insects and bedbugs in his cell there last year. The family of 35-year-old Lashawn Thompson, who was being held in the jail's psychiatric wing, is demanding a criminal investigation and that the jail be shut down. In an exclusive interview, we speak to Thompson's brother Brad McCrae and sister Shenita Thompson… |

Ana Perdigón (2023-04-18). Launch of Con Maduro+ Program Represents A New Weapon in Battle of Ideas. orinocotribune.com This Monday, the president of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, will launch a program named Con Maduro+ to increase his connection with the Venezuelan people. | Through his Twitter account, the president expressed that "the good, the new, and the best is yet to come," and he invited the entire country to connect with him via this new platform. | The new program will be broadcast eve…

Andrew Korybko (2023-04-18). Russia-Brazil Relations: Lavrov's Visit to Brasilia. globalresearch.ca

Andrew Perez (2023-04-18). Tax-Free Day For The Ultra-Wealthy. levernews.com

Ann Brown (2023-04-18). Alabama Sweet 16 Birthday Party Shot Up, 4 Dead, More Than 16 People Hit With Bullets. moguldom.com Mass shootings have been dominating the headlines. Many of them involve young adult victims. The most recent one occurred at a Sweet 16 Birthday Party in Alabama. Four people were killed and 28 others injured as gunfire erupted at a crowded birthday party in rural Dadeville, Alabama, on the night of Saturday, April 15. The …

Ann Brown (2023-04-18). Jalen Hurts And His Agent Hit Jackpot After Super Bowl Run, Sign 5-Year, $255M Deal. moguldom.com National Football League player Jalen Hurts, 24, has become the top-paid player in NFL history as the quarterback inked a $255 million, five-year extension deal with Philadelphia Eagles. Hurts and his agent, Nicole Lynn, a Black female sports agent, negotiated the historic deal, which makes Hurts the highest-paid player in average annual value in league …

Ann Brown (2023-04-18). 7 Things To Know About Boots Riley Becoming Commercially Successful As A Communist. moguldom.com Boots Riley is a successful Hollywood filmmaker. He's also a communist activist. The 47-year-old Riley, who is also a hip-hop artist, made his feature film directorial debut with the film "Sorry to Bother You" in 2018. It would seem that raking in money in entertainment would be counter to what one thinks of as a …

Anonymous103 (2023-04-18). A Road Paved With Irritations: Macron's Strategic Third Way. southfront.org Illustrative Image | Written by Dr. Binoy Kampmark | Emmanuel Macron's recent visit to China did not quite go according to plan, though much depends on what was planned to begin with. In one sense, the French President was consistent, riding the hobbyhorse of Europe's strategic autonomy, one hived off from the US imperium and free of Chinese influence. | Europe's third-way autonomy would be a mighty thing for the Elysée Palace, especially given French pretensions in steering it. After all, Frau "Mutti" Merkel is no lon…

Anonymous103 (2023-04-18). How The U.S. Regime Is Scaring Its Public To Accept Martial Law. southfront.org Illustrative Image | Written by Like with any

Anonymous103 (2023-04-18). In Video: Russian Lancet Drone Hit Ukrainian Military Boat. southfront.org

Anonymous103 (2023-04-18). In Video: 'We Are Going To Fight Russian Orcs" — Wet Dreams Of Ukrainian Soldiers. southfront.org

Anonymous103 (2023-04-18). Margarita Simonyan Offered To Exchange Whelan, Kara-Murza And Gershkovich For Assange. southfront.org Click to see full-size image | Editor-in-chief of Russia Today Margarita Simonyan invited US authorities to exchange three prisoners in Russia for founder of WikiLeaks Julian Assange. | The prisoners in question are spy and former U.S. Marine Paul Nicholas Whelan, American journalist Evan Gershkovich and opposition journalist Vladimir Kara-Murza who, in addition to Russian citizenship, has British citizenship and a residence permit in the United States. | Margarita Simonyan wrote in her telegram channel: "Swap Whelan, K…

Anonymous103 (2023-04-18). Policing the Elite's Technocracy: How Do We Resist This Effectively? southfront.org

Anonymous103 (2023-04-18). Why Are Western Media Suddenly Praising Russian Electronic Warfare Capabilities? southfront.org Illustrative ImageHow does the world's largest cartel of arms producers solve the issues with the precision of their weapons? Well, more weapons! With the Kiev regime potentially acquiring thousands of additional JDAMs, US MIC contractors get even more billions of American taxpayers' dollars. | Written by Electronic warfare (EW) is one of the most important aspects of modern military capabilities and is ofte…

Anonymous103 (2023-04-18). Zelensky Came To Avdeevka. southfront.org Click to see full-size image | On April 18, Ukrainian President Zelensky reportedly visited the positions of Ukrainian troops in Avdeevka.According to the president's office, Zelensky went to the front line and presented state awards to the military. | In Avdeevka, Zelensky listened to the report of the commander of the Ukrainian Donetsk operational and tactical group on the situation in the area of his responsibility. | Zelensky's visit to the front lines took place on the same day when Russian President came to the mil…

Anonymous349 (2023-04-18). Military Situation In Bakhmut On April 18, 2023 (Map Update). southfront.org

Anonymous349 (2023-04-18). Military Situation In Iraq On April 18, 2023 (Map Update). southfront.org

Anonymous349 (2023-04-18). Military Situation In Syria On April 18, 2023 (Map Update). southfront.org Click to see the full-size image | On April 18, the Russian Ministry of Defense recorded no cases of hostilities and ceasefire violations in the Idlib region in the past 24 hours | On April 18, unknown gunmen killed a civilian and injured another in Tel Shihab west of Daraa | On April 17, clashes between HTS and the SAA were reported near the village of Bsartun. HTS reportedly killed three SAA servicemen | On April 17, ISIS ambushed an SAA vehicle on the Palmyra-Sukhnah highway and captured three SAA…

Anonymous349 (2023-04-18). Military Situation In Ukraine On April 18, 2023 (Map Update). southfront.org Click to see the full-size image | The Russian Army destroyed a fuel storage of the AFU near Snigirevka | The Russian Army destroyed a fuel storage of the AFU near Kobzartsy | The Russian Army artillery struck positions of the AFU near Terny | Russian forces destroyed two motor vehicles, three howitzers in the Kupyansk area | Russian forces destroyed two armoured vehicles and D-20, D-30 howitzers in the Liman area | Russian forces destroyed three armoured vehicles, eight motor vehicles, one Grad MLRS in…

Anonymous765 (2023-04-18). Kiev Is Throwing Dust In Eyes, Preparing To Attack. southfront.org |

Anonymous765 (2023-04-18). Locations Of US Carrier Strike Groups — April 18, 2023. southfront.org This is the newest update of the 'U.S. Carrier Strike Groups Locations Map' exclusive series showing the approximate locations of U.S. Carrier Strike Groups. SouthFront: Analysis & Intelligence tracks locations of U.S. aircraft carriers using the available open-source information. No classified information was used in production of the map. | click to see the full-size image | Carrier strike group (CSG) is an operational formation of the United States Navy. It is centered on an aircraft carrier and a carrier air w…

Ariadna Eljuri (2023-04-18). President Maduro Supports Petro's International Conference on Venezuela. orinocotribune.com On Monday, Venezuela President Nicolás Maduro expressed his support for the International Conference on the Political Process in Venezuela, promoted by Colombian President Gustavo Petro. The conference will take place in Bogotá on April 25, and 19 countries from the international community are invited. | "I told the foreign minister to convey to Gustavo Petro all my support for this conference to be successful," said President Maduro during the broadcast of the first episode of his new television show Maduro+. | "There are great expectations about the conference," said Maduro. "We will closely follow all the even…

Ben Norton, Geopolitical Economy. (2023-04-18). Peru's Coup-plotting Congress Has 6% Approval, 91% Disapproval. popularresistance.org A study by a leading polling firm in Peru found that the country's coup-plotting congress has an approval rating of just 6%, with a staggering 91% disapproval. | The South American nation's unelected president, Dina Boluarte, has the approval of just 15% of Peruvians, with 78% disapproval. | In December 2022, Peru's democratically elected leftist President Pedro Castillo was overthrown in a congressional coup. The military arrested him, and he was sentenced to 18 months in prison, without due process. | The US ambassador in Peru, Lisa Kenna, is a CIA veteran who strongly supported the coup against Castillo, and h…

Ben Norton (2023-04-18). BRICS Bank De-dollarizing, Promises 30% of Loans in Local Currencies, New Chief Dilma Rousseff Says. globalresearch.ca

Berry Craig (2023-04-18). Republicans' school shooting playbook: Protect the guns! peoplesworld.org "The GOP has a well-established playbook for the aftermath of a school shooting: thoughts, prayers, and protecting the guns," The Rolling Stone's Nikki McCann Ramirez wrote after the latest mass slaying in which a heavily armed attacker murdered three adults and three children at a private Christian school in Nashville. Police shot and killed the attacker. Brian Clardy is …

Binoy Kampmark (2023-04-18). A Road Paved with Irritations. dissidentvoice.org Emmanuel Macron's recent visit to China did not quite go according to plan, though much depends on what was planned to begin with. In one sense, the French President was consistent, riding the hobbyhorse of Europe's strategic autonomy, one hived off from the US imperium and free of Chinese influence. Europe's third-way autonomy would be …

Brittani Banks (2023-04-18). Global News Dispatches: 4 Stories. independentmediainstitute.org Headlines in This News Package: Peace in Yemen One Step Closer After Historic Prisoner Exchange On Prisoners' Day, Palestinians Stand in Solidarity With Their 5,000 Comrades in Israeli Occupation Jails As Army and Rapid Support Forces Battle It Out, Sudanese Left Calls For Restoring the Revolution Philippines and U.S. Conduct Largest Ever Drills Near South …

cameron orr (2023-04-18). End all racist vigilante and police violence now! cpusa.org Ralph Yarl, a 16-year-old Black youth, was shot twice on April 13 in Kansas City, MO by 85-year-old Andrew Lester after Yarl rang his doorbell. Yarl was released from the hospital on April 17. Lester faces charges of assault in the first degree and criminal action. Clay County attorney Zachary Thompson said, "I can …

Chris Walker (2023-04-18). Over 400 Transphobic Bills Have Been Proposed Since the Start of 2023. truthout.org More than 400 bills targeting trans people have been submitted in state legislatures across the U.S. since the start of 2023, according to an analysis by The Washington Post. Though dozens have been defeated or withdrawn, hundreds of the bills submitted so far this year — more than 360 of them — are still under consideration. The analysis from…

Cody Bloomfield, Defending Rights, Dissent. (2023-04-18). Seven Members Of Congress Take A Stand For Assange. popularresistance.org April 11 – Four years ago today, six men dragged Julian Assange out of the Ecuadorian embassy in London into a van, where he was carted off to Belmarsh Prison, where he remains, fighting extradition to the U.S. On April 11, 2019, after seven years holed up in the embassy, Ecuador rescinded Assange's citizenship and turned him over to British authorities. The final extrication from the embassy followed years of CIA plotting against Assange, going so far as to draw up "options" for how to assassinate him and contracting with the security company charged with surveilling the Ecuadorian embassy. | The date marks near…

Dana Sanchez (2023-04-18). Apple Offers A Juicy 4.15% Savings Interest Rate: Could That Squeeze America's Regional Banks, Drain Liquidity? moguldom.com Apple launched a high-yield savings account on Monday in partnership with Goldman Sachs Bank that promises dividends more than 10 times higher than the U.S. national average and it's giving banks a run for their money. Depositors in search of higher returns cost three big U.S. financial groups — Charles Schwab, State Street and M&T — more than …

Dave DeCamp (2023-04-18). Saudis Release More Houthi Prisoners, Relief Ships Dock in Hodeidah. news.antiwar.com The Saudi-led coalition in Yemen on Monday released more Houthi detainees as part of a unilateral prisoner release as the prospect for a peace deal between the warring sides continues to grow. According to AP, a spokesman for the Saudi-led coalition said 104 Houthi detainees were released. The step came a day after the Houthis …

Dave DeCamp (2023-04-18). France's Macron Seeks China's Help to Foster Russia-Ukraine Negotiations. news.antiwar.com French President Emmanuel Macron is seeking China's help to figure out a way to bring Russia and Ukraine to the negotiating table, Bloomberg reported on Tuesday. The report cited unnamed people familiar with the plan who said Macron tasked his diplomatic advisor, Emmanuel Bonne, to discuss the idea with China's top diplomat Wang Yi. China …

Dave DeCamp (2023-04-18). G7 Foreign Ministers Vow to Increase Russia Sanctions, Slam China. news.antiwar.com On Tuesday, the foreign ministers of the G7 nations vowed to increase sanctions on Russia and issued a scathing statement against Beijing after three days of talks in Japan. The foreign ministers of the US, Britain, France, Germany, Italy, Canada, and Japan said in a joint statement that they would "intensify" sanctions against Russia and …

Dave DeCamp (2023-04-18). Report: Biden Preparing Executive Order to Limit US Investments in China. news.antiwar.com The White House is preparing to take unprecedented action to limit US investments in China's tech sector, POLITICO reported on Tuesday. The action would come in the form of an executive order signed by President Biden that would require American companies to notify the government of new investments in Chinese tech. It would also prohibit …

Dave DeCamp (2023-04-18). Syria's Assad Meets Saudi FM in Damascus. news.antiwar.com Syrian President Bashar al-Assad hosted Saudi Arabia's foreign minister in Damascus on Tuesday in the latest sign that Riyadh is ready to normalize diplomatic relations with Syria, which have been suspended since 2012. Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Faisal bin Farhan's trip to Damascus marked the first high-level Saudi visit to Syria since 2011 when Riyadh …

Dave DeCamp (2023-04-18). US to Sell Taiwan 400 Boeing-Made Harpoon Anti-Ship Missiles. news.antiwar.com Taiwan will purchase 400 Boeing-made Harpoon anti-ship missiles under a contract worth $1.7 billion, Bloomberg reported on Monday. Taipei has previously purchased ship-launched Harpoons, which are also made by Boeing, but the new deal is for a ground-launched mobile version of the anti-ship missiles. According to Bloomberg, the sale will complete a deal approved by …

David Cronin (2023-04-18). Holocaust abused as EU promotes positive vibes with Israel lobby. electronicintifada.net Hungary's man in Brussels is failing to champion human rights — a requirement of his job contract.

Dean Baker (2023-04-18). Kevin McCarthy Tells Pants on Fire Lie and WaPo Fact Checker Lets Him Off with a Pat on the Wrist. cepr.net Glenn Kessler, the Washington Post's long-time fact checker, usually tries to be fair, but he really fell down on the job in a piece evaluating Kevin McCarthy's claim that Biden's policies cost families $7,400 a year. As the headline tells readers, Kessler concluded that it "depends on your math." Nope, it depends on being honest. …

Derek Seidman (2023-04-18). Fossil Fuel Giants With Most Emissions Paid $1.18 Billion to CEOs in Last Decade. truthout.org Over the past decade, the four U.S. oil and gas corporations that contributed most to industrial greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from 1988 to 2015 showered their CEOs with nearly $1.2 billion in compensation, according to a Truthout analysis of corporate disclosures. Truthout analyzed CEO compensation disclosures of the eight U.S. corporations over the past decade (2013 to 2022) identified among… |

Dr. Birsen Filip (2023-04-18). How the "Woke Left" Is Destroying Education. globalresearch.ca

Dr. Joseph Mercola (2023-04-18). Media Covers Up Tracking of Unvaccinated People. globalresearch.ca

Drago Bosnic (2023-04-18). Russia's Electronic Warfare Capabilities. globalresearch.ca

ecns.cn (2023-04-18). Event seen invigorating offshore orders. ecns.cn Chinese exporters have brought their latest innovative products and solutions with cutting-edge technologies to the China Import and Export Fair (Canton Fair) with hopes of clinching more overseas orders.

ecns.cn (2023-04-18). De-dollarization trend: Bangladesh, Russia agree to use RMB to settle payment for nuclear plant. ecns.cn Bangladesh and Russia have agreed to use the Chinese yuan, or RMB, to settle payment for a nuclear plant Moscow is building in the South Asian country, Reuters reported Monday, which will further strengthen the trend of de-dollarization trend worldwide.

ecns.cn (2023-04-18). New Covid-19 variant XBB.1.16 'Arcturus' detected in China. ecns.cn The Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention said on Saturday it has detected 15 cases of XBB.1.16 and 2 cases of XBB.1.16.1, indicating that this variant has been spread to China.

ecns.cn (2023-04-18). China unleashes great economic momentum as expos recover. ecns.cn The third China International Consumer Products Expo (CICPE), which hosted more than 3,382 brands from 65 countries and regions, concluded on Saturday in Haikou, Hainan Province. As the conference and exhibition industry gradually recovers, China is unleashing great economic momentum.

ecns.cn (2023-04-18). Senior Beijing official for HK calls for more cooperation. ecns.cn The central government official arrived in Hong Kong on Thursday and will wrap up his six-day tour on Tuesday.

ecns.cn (2023-04-18). China stresses its stance on Taiwan Strait. ecns.cn The Foreign Ministry reiterated on Monday that safeguarding stability, peace, and tranquility in the Taiwan Strait requires unequivocal support to the one-China principle as well as opposition to "Taiwan independence" separatist activities.

ecns.cn (2023-04-18). Probe launched after acrobat's fatal fall. ecns.cn Authorities in East China's Anhui province have launched an investigation into a fatal accident during an acrobatics performance in Suzhou on Saturday night, in which a performer fell to her death.

ecns.cn (2023-04-18). China's retail sales up 5.8 pct in Q1. ecns.cn China's retail sales of consumer goods went up 5.8 percent year on year in the first quarter of this year, the National Bureau of Statistics said Tuesday.

ecns.cn (2023-04-18). China's industrial output up 3 pct in Q1. ecns.cn China's value-added industrial output, an important economic indicator, went up 3 percent year on year in the first quarter of 2023, data from the National Bureau of Statistics showed Tuesday.

ecns.cn (2023-04-18). China's GDP expands 4.5 pct year on year in Q1. ecns.cn China's gross domestic product grew 4.5 percent year on year in the first quarter of 2023, data from the National Bureau of Statistics showed Tuesday.

ecns.cn (2023-04-18). China's fixed-asset investment up 5.1 pct in Q1. ecns.cn China's fixed-asset investment went up 5.1 percent year on year in the first quarter of this year, data from the National Bureau of Statistics showed Tuesday.

ecns.cn (2023-04-18). China's central bank adds liquidity via reverse repos. ecns.cn China's central bank injected funds into the financial system through open market operations Tuesday.

ecns.cn (2023-04-18). China's resident nominal disposable income up 5.1 pct in Q1. ecns.cn China's per capita disposable income stood at 10,870 yuan (about 1,579.6 U.S. dollars) in the first quarter of 2023, up 5.1 percent year on year in nominal terms, data from the National Bureau of Statistics showed Tuesday.

ecns.cn (2023-04-18). 185 killed in Sudan clashes: UN Sudan envoy. ecns.cn Clashes between the Sudanese Army and the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces (RSF) in Sudan have killed 185 people and wounded another 1,800 as of Monday, said a UN Sudan envoy.

ecns.cn (2023-04-18). Choosing between U.S., China to bring less prosperity, more poverty: EU Central Bank chief. ecns.cn The rising political pressure on countries to choose between the United States and China would lead to less economic growth across the world and should be avoided by "all means".

ecns.cn (2023-04-18). China's surveyed urban unemployment rate at 5.3 pct in March. ecns.cn China's surveyed urban unemployment rate stood at 5.3 percent in March, down 0.3 percentage points from February, official data showed Tuesday.

ecns.cn (2023-04-18). National archaeological site parks receive 146 mln visits in 5 years. ecns.cn Over the five years between 2018 and 2022, more than 50 national archaeological site parks in China have received 146 million visits, according to sources from the National Cultural Heritage Administration Tuesday.

ecns.cn (2023-04-18). Japan Coast Guard aircraft makes crash landing in Oita. ecns.cn A small plane of the Japan Coast Guard on Tuesday morning made an emergency landing in Japan's coastal prefecture of Oita, with no casualties reported, according to local media.

ecns.cn (2023-04-18). U.S., NATO pump weapons to Ukraine for own interests, says Irish EU lawmaker. ecns.cn While China presented to the world a peace plan to the Ukraine crisis, "the U.S. and NATO haven't wanted the war to stop" for their own interests, Mick Wallace, a member of the European Parliament (MEP), has said.

ecns.cn (2023-04-18). China has become a key actor in UN peacekeeping operations: FM spokesperson. ecns.cn

ecns.cn (2023-04-18). Giant panda Meng Lan attracts crowds to Beijing Zoo. ecns.cn As Mang Lan is the third child of his mother Meng Meng and lives at the zoo in Xizhimen in Beijing, he has earned the nickname "the 3rd Prince of Xizhimen".

ecns.cn (2023-04-18). World's largest ruby displayed in Hong Kong. ecns.cn Weighing 55.22 carats, the Estrela de Fura is to come to auction in New York on June 8.

ecns.cn (2023-04-18). Death toll in Sudan clashes rises to 185. ecns.cn Clashes between the Sudanese Army and the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces (RSF) in Sudan have killed 185 people and wounded another 1,800 as of Monday…

ecns.cn (2023-04-18). 50,000 passengers travel through ferry journeys after 100 days of service resumption. ecns.cn As of Monday, the 100 days of the service resumption of "mini three links", which refers to direct trade, postal and transport services between Kinmen, Matsu and Fujian, over 600 ferry trip were made across the Strait with more than 49,500 passengers.

ecns.cn (2023-04-18). Tallest tree in karst area of China found in Guangxi. ecns.cn A 72.4-meter-tall Parashorea chinensis (Shorea wangtianshuea)"ÄÄtree was recently discovered at a karst peak cluster depression of Nonggang National Nature Reserve, Ningming County, south China's Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, becoming the tallest tree found in the country's karst area. "ÄÄ…

Editor (2023-04-18). The sudden arrival of a cold war with China. mronline.org Within a few short years we have gone from celebrating links with China to ripping up essential relationships and paving the ground for military conflict — we must now oppose Aukus and a new nuclear arms race, writes KEN LIVINGSTONE.

Editor (2023-04-18). Amazon shows us the many faces of worker alienation and resistance today. mronline.org Once again we find ourselves in moments of economic crisis. As we battle through inflation and rounds of devaluation, thousands of workers around the world have lost their livelihoods. Yet amidst this all, we have seen workers across the globe go on strike and protest.

Editor (2023-04-18). An African palenque: Cuba and Global Black Solidarity. mronline.org When Black nationalist and poet Amiri Baraka returned from Cuba in 1959, his life was completely transformed. While there he met Afro Cubans, Black Americans such as Robert Williams and Cuban President Fidel Castro.

Editor (2023-04-18). Heidegger in ruins? Grappling with an anti-semitic philosopher and his troubling rebirth today. mronline.org The story of German philosopher Martin Heidegger (1889-1976) and his posthumous reception almost reads like the plot of an airport spy thriller.

Editor (2023-04-18). George Carlin and the American Dream. scheerpost.com By SP Staff Last week's Scheer Intelligence podcast featured a headline inspired by the late comedian George Carlin. The headline serves as an excuse to revisit his 2005 HBO special "Life is Worth Losing," where Carlin includes one of his most iconic bits critiquing America's consumerism, education, politics and the myth of the American Dream. …

Editor (2023-04-18). Here Come the Militarized Robots (But There Go Our Civil Liberties). scheerpost.com Domestic uses of robotic dogs are fundamentally dehumanizing and would further suggest that they contribute strongly to the militarization of culture and strengthening the power of the surveillance state.

Editor (2023-04-18). Largest US Corporate Landlords Reap Huge Profits Amid Double-Digit Rent Hikes. scheerpost.com

Editor (2023-04-18). Patrick Lawrence: Macron's Europe. scheerpost.com France's president has proven himself to be a well-oiled weathervane. What he says on Monday may not match what he says or does on Wednesday. But his remarks while visiting China are interesting in several ways.

Editor (2023-04-18). Peru's Coup-Plotting Congress Has 6% Approval, 91% Disapproval (But Full US Backing). scheerpost.com A polling firm found that Peru's coup-plotting, right-wing-controlled congress has 6% approval and 91% disapproval. Unelected leader Dina Boluarte has 15% approval and 78% disapproval. But they have the full support of the US, Canada, and foreign mining corporations.

Editor (2023-04-18). Why the Republi-Fascists Can't Stop Calling the Capitalist Democrats 'Marxists'. scheerpost.com By Paul Street / CounterPunch The Capitalist Democrats… The Democratic Party is a militantly capitalist entity and always has been — and not just in the neoliberal era. The much beloved New Deal Democratic president Franklin Roosevelt, himself a wealthy member of the capitalist establishment, boasted that he had saved the US American profits system by overseeing …

Elizabeth Vos, Consortium News. (2023-04-18). Corporate Media Are The Anti-Wikileaks. popularresistance.org It was impossible to imagine four years ago when WikiLeaks Editor Julian Assange was hauled out of the Ecuadorian embassy in London and thrown in Belmarsh Prison that corporate media, which had smeared Assange, could stoop to new lows of government servitude. | But it has now happened with the arrest of Jack Teixeira, a 21-year-old Air National Guardsman, for allegedly leaking top secret government documents. The leaks exposed a number of significant lies told by both the U.S. government and corporate media about the ongoing war in Ukraine. | Among many items of interest, the documents revealed that U.S. Special…

Gabriel Honrada (2023-04-18). China's Nuclear Supercarrier Vision Coming Into View. asia-pacificresearch.com

Gabriella Ferrigine (2023-04-18). Trump Lawyer Tries to Get Access to Identities of Anonymous Jury. truthout.org Trump attorney Joe Tacopina sought to gain access to the jury room after the judge overseeing E. Jean Carroll's civil rape and defamation trial against former President Donald Trump ruled that the jury would be anonymous over the risk of harassment and retaliation. Tacopina on Friday spoke out against U.S. District Judge Lewis Kaplan's decision to keep juror identities anonymous over concerns… |

Global Research News (2023-04-18). Selected Articles: The 21-year Old Leaker — Something Is Not Right. globalresearch.ca By The media obsession in vilifying Jack Texeira for "leaking" TOP SECRET and SECRET documents and judging him guilty without any benefit of doubt, is …

Guest Contributor (2023-04-18). We Are Harming Millions of US Citizen Children in Mixed-Status Families (OPINION). latinorebels.com The U.S. government must center its policies on the fundamental protection of children, which should include extending permanent legal residency to the parents and caretakers of U.S. citizen children.

Hendrik Sybrandy (2023-04-18). Denver honors local Chinese heritage through art. america.cgtn.com It's taken many years but Denver, Colorado, is finally acknowledging and coming to terms with an anti-Chinese riot that decimated its vibrant Chinatown neighborhood back in the 19th century.

Igor Derysh (2023-04-18). Judge Slams Trump's Last-Minute Attempt to Delay Rape and Defamation Trial. truthout.org A federal judge on Monday rejected former President Donald Trump's bid to delay the civil rape and defamation trial against him. Trump's attorney last week asked U.S. District Judge Lewis Kaplan to postpone the trial in a lawsuit brought by E. Jean Carroll, a longtime magazine columnist who accused Trump of raping her at a Manhattan department store in the 1990s, which the former president denied. |

imperial.ac.uk (2023-04-18). Review highlights lifelong health impacts of air pollution. imperial.ac.uk

imperial.ac.uk (2023-04-18). Imperial and Cornell University to cooperate on AI in scientific discovery. imperial.ac.uk Imperial and Cornell University have formed a new partnership to cooperate on using AI to accelerate scientific discovery and future technologies.

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-04-18). From Europe to the Indo-Pacific, Italy at Arms. libya360.wordpress.com Manlio Dinucci The Europeans are training, under Pentagon orders, to wage war against Russia and China, two countries that do not threaten and have never threatened the European continent. This escalation has no real justification, but is prompted by the intense propaganda campaign being driven by NATO. While concealing the role of the Ukrainian integral…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-04-18). Migration in Europe: Judging History Through the Eyes of the Present. libya360.wordpress.com Mabel LLevat How do we open the spaces through which the extreme right wing grows and expands? The refractory treatment of migrants is undoubtedly one of them. An overview of old technologies and new strategies of dehumanization. Many times the networks of activists and allies of the anti-racist struggle echo messages claiming the right of…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-04-18). NED Funded Group Equates Tibet Schools to Canadian Residential Schools. libya360.wordpress.com Jerry Grey A National Endowment for Democracy (NED) funded group is interfering in Canadian politics, by waging a campaign comparing Canada's genocidal residential schools to schools in Tibet, China. A news report released on December 8, 2021, by the state-funded Canadian Broadcasting Company (CBC), centered on a Tibetan Action Institute (TAI) report. This report, "Separated…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-04-18). Peru's Coup Government is Privatizing Lithium Mining. libya360.wordpress.com Tanya Wadhwa Dina Boluarte addressed the nation on April 12 to evaluate the actions of her government since December 7. Photo: Twitter The move to privatize one of the country's key strategic resources has been widely rejected by Indigenous community and left movements Peru's Minister of Energy and Mines, àìscar Vera, announced on April 10…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-04-18). Sudan: More than 180 Killed and Over 1,800 Injured as Security Forces Continue Infighting in Civilian Areas. libya360.wordpress.com Pavan Kulkarni An armed confrontation erupted between the RSF and SAF early on April 15. Civilians have been forced to hole up in their homes for days with no supply of water or electricity, as the fighting rages on with increasingly heavier weapons Over 180 people have been killed and more than 1,800 injured as…

Isaac Nellist (2023-04-18). Inequality on steroids: new report finds richest 10% has overwhelming majority of wealth. greenleft.org.au A new report released by The Australia Institute has revealed that a staggering 93% of economic growth from the last decade has gone to just 10% of the Australian population, reports Isaac Nellist.

Isaac Nellist (2023-04-18). Inequality on steroids: Top 10% take overwhelming majority of income growth. greenleft.org.au A new Australia Institute report revealed that a staggering 93% of income growth over the past decade in Australia went to the top 10% of income earners, reports Isaac Nellist.

isabella (2023-04-18). Private Equity Can Kill: Fight Wall Street's Deadly Power in Nursing Homes. inequality.org

Jake Johnson (2023-04-18). With Feinstein Replacement Effort Obstructed, Dems' Path Forward Is Unclear. truthout.org Sen. Susan Collins of Maine said Monday that she will not support an effort to temporarily replace Sen. Dianne Feinstein on the Senate Judiciary Committee, effectively sinking Democratic hopes of breaking a tie on the panel that has helped Republicans blockade President Joe Biden's federal judge nominees. Collins (R-Maine), a self-styled moderate who has played a decisive role in the far-right… |

Jake Johnson (2023-04-18). Summer Lee blasts GOP's 'pro-starvation agenda' as McCarthy plots food aid cuts. nationofchange.org "My family and I depended on food stamps. So do over 65,000 men, women, and children in the community I serve," said the Pennsylvania Democrat.

Jamal Rich (2023-04-18). Paul Robeson mural on D.C.'s historic U St. vandalized. peoplesworld.org WASHINGTON—On the late evening of Sunday, April 16, bypassers caught a young white graffiti artist tagging and defacing the Paul Robeson mural on the historic U St. corridor in northwest D.C. A video was widely shared on social media by the Washingtonian Problems account on Instagram and Twitter originally sharing that it was the Duke …

jamanetwork (2023-04-18). World on Path to Eliminate AIDS as a Global Threat by 2030. jamanetwork.com The number of people living with HIV worldwide who received antiretroviral therapy through the US President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) has increased 300-fold since 2004, reaching 20 million individuals from 54 countries in 2022, according to a report from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

jamanetwork (2023-04-18). Maternal Opioid Treatment After Delivery Poses Low Risk to Infants. jamanetwork.com Children born to mothers who filled a prescription for opioids within a week of discharge after delivery were no more likely to be admitted to the hospital than those born to mothers who did not fill a prescription, based on adjusted analyses of results from 171‚ÄØ350 mother-infant pairs in Canada.

jamanetwork (2023-04-18). CDC: Candida auris Fungal Infections and Drug Resistance on the Rise. jamanetwork.com Infections with Candida auris, an emerging fungus associated with high mortality rates, increased in the US from 476 clinical cases in 2019 to 1471 in 2021, according to a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention analysis of specimens collected during routine care. Colonization cases identified through screening increased more than 200% to 4041 screening cases in 2021, although the positivity rate of the screenings remained constant over time at about 8%.

jamanetwork (2023-04-18). US Maternal Mortality Continues to Worsen. jamanetwork.com The US maternal mortality rate continued to increase in 2021, according to a new report from the National Center for Health Statistics. The trend predated the COVID-19 pandemic: between 2018 and 2019, the rate increased from 17.4 maternal deaths per 100‚ÄØ000 live births to 20.1. It then continued to rise to 23.8 in 2020 and to 32.9 in 2021. There were 1205 maternal deaths in 2021 compared with 658 in 2018.

jamanetwork (2023-04-18). Antiretroviral Treatment of HIV/AIDS During Pregnancy. jamanetwork.com This Insights in the Women's Health series describes the availability, timing, and risks of antiretroviral therapy (ART) in pregnant individuals who have HIV infection.

jamanetwork (2023-04-18). USPSTF Recommendation: Screening for Skin Cancer. jamanetwork.com This 2023 Recommendation Statement from the US Preventive Services Task Force concludes that the current evidence is insufficient to assess the balance of benefits and harms of visual skin examination by a clinician to screen for skin cancer in adolescents and adults (I statement).

jamanetwork (2023-04-18). USPSTF Review: Skin Cancer Screening. jamanetwork.com This systematic review to support the 2023 US Preventive Services Task Force Recommendation Statement on screening for skin cancer summarizes published evidence on the benefits and harms of screening for skin cancer in individuals 15 years or older.

jamanetwork (2023-04-18). For My Niece, Who Is Thirty-nine Today. jamanetwork.com She clearly regrets her impending dive into middle age. In her twenties, life was a permanent vacation punctuated by necessary labors in order to pay the rent. My specialty: to lie awake at night worrying, counting sheep like lost stars, trying to see the world her way.

jamanetwork (2023-04-18). Screening and Prevention of Skin Cancer. jamanetwork.com This JAMA Patient Page describes the pros and cons of screening for skin cancer, as well as skin cancer risk-reduction practices.

jamanetwork (2023-04-18). Panitumumab vs Bevacizumab and Survival in Patients With RAS Wild-type, Left-Sided Colorectal Cancer. jamanetwork.com This randomized clinical trial assesses the effect of adding panitumumab vs bevacizumab to standard first-line chemotherapy on overall survival among patients with RAS wild-type, left-sided, metastatic colorectal cancer.

jamanetwork (2023-04-18). Added Therapeutic Benefit of Top-Selling Brand-name Drugs in Medicare. jamanetwork.com This cross-sectional study assesses Medicare spending on 50 top-selling drugs with limited added clinical benefits using ratings from health technology assessment organizations in Canada, France, and Germany.

jamanetwork (2023-04-18). Diet and Exercise and Knee Pain in Patients With Osteoarthritis and Overweight or Obesity—Reply. jamanetwork.com In Reply In their comments about our recent article, Dr Fan and colleagues question the use of a completers-only vs an intention-to-treat analysis. A strict definition of the intention-to-treat principle in clinical trials states that all randomized participants are included in the statistical analyses and analyzed according to the treatment group to which they were randomly assigned, irrespective of their treatment and adherence to the protocol. Because some participants did not attend the follow-up visits (6, 12, or 18 months postrandomization), our analyses could not be defined as intention to treat. All other…

jamanetwork (2023-04-18). A Review of Anxiety Disorders—Reply. jamanetwork.com In Reply We thank Dr Leichsenring and colleagues for their comments and for drawing attention to their 3 published articles and another meta-analysis that were not included in our recent JAMA narrative Review of anxiety disorders. Consistent with the JAMA narrative Review requirements, our Review provided a brief overview of the presentation, assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of anxiety disorders, targeted for primary care clinicians, and considered available medical literature and treatment guidelines. In-depth analysis of the nuances of each anxiety disorder treatment approach and all existing trials and met…

jamanetwork (2023-04-18). The Growth of Medical Knowledge and Data Sharing—Reply. jamanetwork.com In Reply We thank Dr Boffa and colleagues for their insightful comments in response to our Editorial describing expanded opportunities for researchers to share data in compliance with funder mandates. We agree with their concerns about the rights of research participants and patients to privacy and risks of reidentification from data sets considered anonymous.Ôªø JAMA and the JAMA Network journals offer investigators a set of defined questions regarding their plans to share data when submitting manuscripts reporting research, which include whether the data to be shared are "deidentified particip…

jamanetwork (2023-04-18). Diet and Exercise and Knee Pain in Patients With Osteoarthritis and Overweight or Obesity. jamanetwork.com To the Editor We believe there are 5 issues worth considering about the recent study on the effect of diet and exercise on knee pain in patients with OA and overweight or obesity. First, patients were enrolled in this trial mainly based on their body mass index, which does not distinguish between fat and muscle mass. Compared with muscle mass, fat mass is more likely to cause knee joint compressive force and to contribute to peak shear and patellofemoral forces. Therefore, this study should have evaluated body composition.

jamanetwork (2023-04-18). A Review of Anxiety Disorders. jamanetwork.com To the Editor We have several comments about the recent Review on anxiety disorders. First, the authors stated that benefits from evidence-based psychotherapy are similar to those of pharmacotherapy in the treatment of anxiety. This is correct only if short-term effects are considered. Although evidence exists that the effects of psychotherapy are stable after the end of treatment in long-term follow-up, there is insufficient evidence about whether this is true for pharmacotherapy. For pharmacotherapy of mental disorders, including anxiety disorders, only a few studies included longer-term follow-up. Thus, it is…

jamanetwork (2023-04-18). The Growth of Medical Knowledge and Data Sharing. jamanetwork.com To the EditorÔªø JAMA editors recently announced a requirement for all accepted research manuscripts to include a statement of the authors' data sharing plan. This is an important effort to increase the sharing of data, to comply with federal policy, and most importantly to accelerate the pace of medical discovery and optimize patient outcomes.

jamanetwork (2023-04-18). Cost-effectiveness Thresholds Used by Study Authors, 1990-2021. jamanetwork.com This study examines what study authors consider to be appropriate cost-effectiveness analysis thresholds as reflected in the referenced thresholds in their published cost-effectiveness analyses.

jamanetwork (2023-04-18). Completeness and Spin of medRxiv Preprint and Associated Published Abstracts of COVID-19 RCTs. jamanetwork.com This study examines publication timelines, completeness, and spin in the abstracts of all randomized clinical trials related to COVID-19 posted to medRxiv during the first 2 years of the pandemic and compared the latter 2 with their published counterparts.

Jason Hickel, Resilience. (2023-04-18). Universal Public Services: The Power Of Decommodifying Survival. popularresistance.org One of the central insights emerging from research on degrowth and climate mitigation is that universal public services are crucial to a just and effective transition. | Capitalism relies on maintaining an artificial scarcity of essential goods and services (like housing, healthcare, transport, etc), through processes of enclosure and commodification. We know that enclosure enables monopolists to raise prices and maximize their profits (consider the rental market, the US healthcare system, or the British rail system). But it also has another effect. When essential goods are privatized and expensive, people need m…

Joel Richards (2023-04-18). Argentina's drought impacts the economy. america.cgtn.com Argentina's worst drought in almost 100 years is decimating critical soy, wheat and corn production, damaging the income of farmers, producers — and hurting the economy.

Joel Wendland-Liu (2023-04-18). 'Until Tomorrow, Comrades': Manuel Tiago asks us to examine 'the woman question'. peoplesworld.org Manuel Tiago's classic novel uses the political thriller form to teach us the history of Portugal's anti-fascist struggle. If you enjoy reading books by Graham Greene, John Le Carré, or Dan Brown, you will relish the taut action of Until Tomorrow, Comrades even more because its protagonists are fighting fascism, capitalism, and imperialism. They are …

John V. Walsh (2023-04-18). Diplomacy for Peace, Dead in US, Blossoms Elsewhere. globalresearch.ca

Jordan Treakle, Antonio Tovar, National Family Farm Coalition. (2023-04-18). NFFC's Progressive Farm Bill Platform — Placing Family Farmers First. popularresistance.org The National Family Farm Coalition released its 2023 Farm Bill Platform urging lawmakers to pass a suite of policy proposals that prioritize consumers, family farmers and ranchers, and rural communities over the profits of corporate agribusinesses. | Big Ag and structurally problematic farm policy continue to undermine family farms and ranches, leading to the drastic loss of generational wealth, depressed rural communities, and a highly concentrated food and farm system vulnerable to disruption—problems largely ignored by Congress and government agencies. | The Farm Bill opens an important opportunity to re…

José Luis Granados Ceja (2023-04-18). Venezuela and Russia Renew Cooperation Agreements During Lavrov Visit. venezuelanalysis.com With both countries targeted by US sanctions in recent years, Venezuela and Russia have built increasingly closer relations.

Justice for Mumia Abu-Jamal (2023-04-18). Wednesday 4/19: Free Mumia Abu-Jamal! indybay.org On the sidewalk in front of the U.S. Courthouse, 95 7th Street @ Mission Street, San Francisco…

Kevin Gosztola (2023-04-18). UK Police Arrest French Publisher For Refusing To Share Pass Codes For Phone. thedissenter.org The following article was made possible by paid subscribers. Support independent journalism on whistleblowers and press freedom and British police invoked terrorism law in the United Kingdom to question and later arrest a French publisher over his alleged involvement in protests in France. | Ernest Moret is the foreign rights manager for Editions La Fabrique. He arrived in London on April 17 to attend the London Book Fair. | Police detained Moret and demanded that he "give up his phone and pass codes to the officers, with no just…

Larry Johnson (2023-04-18). More Unanswered Red Flags Regarding Jack Texeira and the Pentagon Leaks. globalresearch.ca

Lee Camp, Mintpress News. (2023-04-18). Monsanto's Evil Is Not Gone, It's Just In Disguise. popularresistance.org Monsanto has been voted the evilest corporation in the world several times over. | Yet, we don't hear anything about them now. What happened? Did they complete the evil? Did they retire after all their evil wrapped up? No, not so much. | Monsanto was one of the most hated companies in the Americas. There were protests just a few years ago, attracting hundreds of thousands into the streets — which is not easy to do. | The most shocking thing was that at Monsanto's lowest point, even the mainstream media started revealing the truth. Here's from Reuters ten years ago: | Monsanto's genetically modified seeds an…

Liberation Staff (2023-04-18). Diplomat explains bogus "sponsor of terrorism" slander against Cuba. liberationnews.org Johana Tablada, deputy director for U.S. affairs at Cuba's Foreign Ministry, speaks with Gloria La Riva about the impact the bogus "terrorist" designation has had on the island.

Lucrecia Franco (2023-04-18). Brazil's reforestation project. america.cgtn.com Tropical forests are key to fight climate change and the loss of wild species.

Lynda Carson (2023-04-18). Longtime tenant activist Eleanor Walden of Berkeley passed away Friday, April 7, 2023. indybay.org 2006 photo of Frances Hailman, Eleanor Walden, and Lynda Carson (myself) are organizers of a Save Section 8 Tenants Rally in front of the Old Berkeley City Hall Building.

Margaret Flowers, Clearing the FOG. (2023-04-18). Volunteers And Victims Of US Border Patrol Violence Demand Justice. popularresistance.org Hundreds of people die every year at the hands of US Border Patrol agents, either from being beaten, shot, car chases or being left stranded in the desert, simply for exercising their right to move. A US Supreme Court decision, Hernandez Vs Mesa, in February 2020 granted the US Border Patrol the ability to murder people on the Mexican side of the border without being held accountable. Clearing the FOG spoke with four women from the Border Patrol Victims Network – Ana Maria Vasquez and Tracye Peterson, who are volunteers, Marisol Garcia Alcantara, who was shot by border agents, and Yanelis Laurencia, whose 23-year…

Margaret Kimberley (2023-04-18). Black People Being Used To Attack Revolutionary Governments. orinocotribune.com By Margaret Kimberley — Apr 12, 2023 | The question of how Black people fare in a particular country can be a legitimate issue or a ruse used in the furtherance of US regime change plots. | "We used to talk about, when I was a kid, in college, about 'America's Backyard'. It's not America's backyard. Everything south of the Mexican border is 'America's Front Yard'. And we're equal people. We don't dictate what happens in any other part of this continent or the South American continent. We have to work very hard on it." President Joe Biden | Even while claiming to believe in the sovereignty of all American sta…

Mark Gruenberg, John Wojcik (2023-04-18). Merrick Garland and Dick Durbin under pressure to act on SCOTUS scandal. peoplesworld.org WASHINGTON—More revelations about the corporate and right-wing ties of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, his lobbyist wife Ginni Thomas and his failure for almost two decades to disclose even minimal information about both have raised pressure on Attorney General Merrick Garland to name a special counsel and act in the case and on Senate Democratic …

Mark Gruenberg (2023-04-18). Carrying coffins honoring the dead, Poor People's Campaign marches in Tennessee. peoplesworld.org NASHVILLE, Tenn.—Carrying empty coffins honoring three adults and three nine-year-olds shot dead at a Christian school around two weeks ago, hundreds of Tennessee Poor People's Campaigners marched on the state capitol building in Nashville on April 17, demanding the Volunteer State's Republican legislative supermajority pass tough gun control laws. But their demand, like the initial …

Michael Klare (2023-04-18). Creating a Hypersonic Pentagon Budget. fpif.org

Michael Lyon (2023-04-18). Tuesday 4/18: Single-Payer Health Care in California. indybay.org Zoom: us02web.zoom.us/j/86465752525?pwdTzh1YVh5SE9mdWkzdjI2clZrVEczdz09 Meeting ID: 864 6575 2525; Passcode: 465295…

Michael T. Klare (2023-04-18). Spurring an Endless Arms Race. globalresearch.ca

Michael Welch (2023-04-18). US War in Iraq based on Fake Intelligence. Exposed by Dr. David Kelly. Was He Assassinated? globalresearch.ca

Middle East Monitor (2023-04-18). Israeli Apartheid at Last Described in the Pages of the Venerable 'Foreign Affairs' Journal. juancole.com Nasim Ahmed Nasimbythedocks The remarkable pace by which the term "apartheid" has moved from the margins of the Israeli-Palestinian debate to its centre was on powerful display this weekend. The prestigious American magazine, Foreign Affairs, widely considered one of most influential foreign policy magazines shaping Washington's thinking, added its weight behind the claim that …

Mike Ludwig (2023-04-18). One of Russia's Loudest Antiwar Voices Has Been Sentenced to 25 Years in Prison. truthout.org A defiant Vladimir Kara-Murza said his "self-esteem went up" after a judge on Monday announced his sentence for speaking out against the Russian government and its invasion of Ukraine: 25 years of incarceration in a penal colony, the lengthiest sentence handed down to a high-profile critic of President Vladimir Putin. "I realized that I did everything right; 25 years is the highest score that I… |

Misión Verdad (2023-04-18). US Federal Reserve Admits that Sanctions Undermine Dollar Hegemony. orinocotribune.com Economic "sanctions" are a double-edged sword for those who impose them. Last Sunday, April 16, US Secretary of the Treasury Janet Yellen said that those applied by the United States against Russia and other countries place the dominance of the dollar at risk because the blocked countries must seek an alternative. | "There is a risk when we use financial sanctions that are linked to the role of the dollar that over time it could undermine the hegemony of the dollar," Yellen said in an interview. | Even though it is difficult to escape from the gravitational pull of the US currency, because it is the sign of stren…

MVVP, Grannies, others (2023-04-18). Saturday 4/15: Mountain View: Protest Judicial Ban of Abortion Pill. indybay.org Intersection of El Camino Real and Castro Street | Mountain View, CA…

Nijmie Dzurinko (2023-04-18). Medicaid Cutoffs: an America horror story. nationofchange.org Some 15 million Americans on Medicaid are now being thrown off the program. No elected official should stand for this.

Nitza Soledad Perez (2023-04-18). Florida university students protest potential bans to curriculum. america.cgtn.com Many Florida students and faculty members are sounding alarms against a new bill that would ban several academic disciplines, including critical race theory and queer theory, from state university curriculum, as well as eliminate most programs that support such discussions.

noreply (2023-04-18). Looks Like I Stepped Into… Something. smoothiex12.blogspot.com

Olivia Rosane (2023-04-18). EPA to fund network of centers to help marginalized communities access environmental justice money. nationofchange.org "There are communities waiting for (toxic) sites to get cleaned up. They are waiting for infrastructure to be built so their communities don't flood."

Orinoco Tribune 2 (2023-04-18). The Case of Steven Donziger: Supreme Court Liberals Help Turn Judges Into Prosecutors. orinocotribune.com By Eve Ottenberg — Apr 14, 2023 | So the truth is out: the three so-called liberals on the supreme court are phonies. More precisely, they, like most of their conservative brethren, are corporate hacks. We learned this a couple of weeks ago, when the high court ruled against Steven Donziger, a climate-activist attorney, long persecuted and then literally prosecuted by Chevron. In a pro-corporate decision about as subtle as a heart attack, seven of the nine justices declined to hear Donziger's appeal of a criminal contempt decision involving his representation of Indigenous Ecuadorians against Chevron. Two fa…

Orinoco Tribune 2 (2023-04-18). Will Türkiye's Elections Impact Its Place in a Multipolar World? orinocotribune.com

Owen Fairclough (2023-04-18). New shootings prompt push for gun control. america.cgtn.com Just days after a 16-year-old in the U.S. was shot after knocking on the door of the wrong address, a woman was shot dead in similar circumstances.

Party for Socialism, Liberation (2023-04-18). PSL Statement — Sudan: In the face of civil war, the people demand the end of military rule. liberationnews.org The Party for Socialism and Liberation stands with Sudan's mass movement struggling for a more popular democracy.

Paulo Cabral (2023-04-18). Russia's foreign minister visits Brazil. america.cgtn.com Russia's foreign minister came to Brazil on Monday to hold talks with high government officials about the conflict with Ukraine.

Pavan Kulkarni (2023-04-18). More than 180 killed and over 1,800 injured as Sudan's security forces continue infighting in civilian areas. peoplesdispatch.org Civilians have been forced to hole up in their homes for days with no supply of water or electricity, as the fighting rages on with increasingly heavier weapons…

Pavan Kulkarni (2023-04-18). As Sudan's Army and Rapid Support Forces Battle, Sudanese Left Calls for Restoring the Revolution. towardfreedom.org

Peoples Dispatch (2023-04-18). Delivery workers at Indian grocery delivery platform 'Blinkit' go on strike against pay revision. peoplesdispatch.org Delivery partners of the quick-delivery company are demanding that a new pay structure, which will reportedly substantially reduce their current incomes, be immediately rescinded…

Peoples Dispatch (2023-04-18). In Egypt, wife of jailed rights lawyer detained for 13 hours over social media post detailing abuse in prison. peoplesdispatch.org Neamatallah Hisham was abruptly arrested after making social media posts shedding light on the brutal treatment meted out to her husband, Mohammed El-Baqer, in solitary confinement, as well as the maltreatment of other prisoners…

Peoples Dispatch (2023-04-18). Thousands of farmers fear possible evictions in Pakistan's Punjab province for planned megacity. peoplesdispatch.org The Ravi Riverfront Urban Development Project was initiated in August 2020 with the objective to address "issues of pollution, sewage, housing and employment."

Peoples Dispatch (2023-04-18). Top Ennahda leader Rached Ghannouchi arrested, party office sealed. peoplesdispatch.org Tunisian officials closed down the headquarters of the country's most prominent opposition party, Ennahda, on Tuesday, April 18, a day after they arrested party chief Rached Ghannouchi, Al-Jazeera According to senior Ennahda leaders quoted by Al-Jazeera, Tunisian officials have shut down other party offices in different parts of the country as well and prohibited any meetings inside their premises. | On Monday, Tunisian officials arrested Ennahda party leader Rached Ghannouchi after conducting…

Peter Boyle (2023-04-18). Animated film 'Comrades of JàÆna Amini' to screen at Love, Art and Revolution Film Festival. greenleft.org.au An animated short film made by a group of women and artists in Rojhelat (East Kurdistan) in Iran, Rehevalen JàÆna Amini/Comrades of JàÆna Amini, will screen at the Love, Art and Revolution Film Festival in Sydney on April 27—29, reports Peter Boyle.

Peter Koenig (2023-04-18). Madame Von der Leyen — McKinsey and Pfizer. globalresearch.ca

Philip Giraldi (2023-04-18). The End of American "Exceptionalism"? globalresearch.ca

Planned Parenthood Mar Monte (2023-04-18). Saturday 4/15: Oakland Mife Rally. indybay.org Oakland, CA – Precise location TBA | Location update: Frank H. Ogawa Plaza, 1 Frank H Ogawa Plz, Oakland, CA 94612…

Press Associates (2023-04-18). Starbucks workers organize 300th store. peoplesworld.org SACRAMENTO, Calif.—Starbucks Workers United, the grass-roots worker organizing campaign which the Service Employees aid, has organized its 300th store in the U.S., in Sacramento, Calif. The vote was 11-2 on April 14 at the store at 7th and K Streets in the California capital. The Sacramento vote came just weeks after Starbucks's annual board and …

Prof Michel Chossudovsky (2023-04-18). ICC Arrest Warrant for Vladimir Putin for "Kidnapping Ukrainian Children" Borders on Ridicule. globalresearch.ca Updated on April 2, 2023 | The International Criminal Court (ICC) has issued "there are reasonable …

Prof Michel Chossudovsky (2023-04-18). The Pfizer Vaccine: A Tale of Two Reports. "Money vs. Mortality" globalresearch.ca

Prof. Anthony J. Hall (2023-04-18). Canadians Are Organizing a Citizen-Led Inquiry to Seek Accountability for COVID Crimes. globalresearch.ca

Prof. James Petras (2023-04-18). China's Pivot to World Markets, Washington's Pivot to World Wars… globalresearch.ca China and the US are moving in polar opposite directions: Beijing is rapidly becoming the center of overseas investments in high tech industries, In contrast, Washington is pursuing a predatory military pivot to the least productive regions with collaboration from its most barbaric allies, like Saudi Arabia.

Prof. Shireen Al-Adeimi (2023-04-18). Is the War in Yemen Coming to an End? globalresearch.ca

Rebekah Entralgo, Inequality. (2023-04-18). To Fight Inequality, Tax The Patriarchy And Invest In Care. popularresistance.org While millions of households across the United States are scrambling to file — or extend — their taxes by the April 19th deadline, members of our billionaire class are doing a great deal more smiling than scrambling. | Why? Because the U.S. tax code is built to reward wealth over work and serves big corporate interests over working families. | Trillions of dollars goes untaxed each year, deftly squirreled away by tax professionals hired by the nation's wealthy and powerful or left untouched because the federal government doesn't tax wealth as it does income. | Over one recent five-year period, a bombs…

Rep. Ron Paul (2023-04-18). Will the End of the Petrodollar End the US Empire? globalresearch.ca

Rick Rozoff (2023-04-18). 26,000 troops from 14 nations: NATO allies join largest Swedish war games in over 25 years. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com Deutsche WelleApril 17, 2023 Sweden starts largest military exercise in over 25 years More than 26,000 soldiers from 14 countries, including the US and European members of NATO, are taking part in Sweden's largest military drill in decades. Swedish authorities have launched military exercise Aurora 23 on Monday, starting weeks of drills "in the air, …

Rick Rozoff (2023-04-18). NATO partner South Korea poised to be world's fourth-largest arms exporter. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com Yonhap News AgencyApril 17, 2023 Defense minister vows efforts to achieve US$20 billion in arms exports this year South Korean Defense Minister Lee Jong-sup pledged Monday to work together with local defense firms to achieve US$20 billion in the country's arms exports this year, reiterating Seoul's commitment to helping cement their footholds overseas. Lee made …

Rick Rozoff (2023-04-18). State Department approves upgrade of entire Turkish F-16 fleet to "enhance NATO interoperability" antibellum679354512.wordpress.com Daily SabahApril 17, 2023 US State Dept. notifies Congress on F-16 kit sale to Türkiye The U.S. State Department notified Congress that it approved the sale of F-16 jet Link-16 tactical data link modernization kits to Türkiye on Monday. "The State Department has made a determination approving a possible Foreign Military Sale to the Government …

Rick Rozoff (2023-04-18). Azerbaijan, Israel conspire as NATO blasts Iran. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com Azeri Press AgencyApril 18, 2023 Azerbaijan and Israel discuss economic cooperation and perspective projects Ministry of Economy Mikayil Jabbarov met with Israeli Foreign Minister Eli Cohen, [the] Azerbaijani Minister wrote on Twitter…. "During the meeting with the co-chair of the Azerbaijan-Israel Joint Commission, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Israel Eli Cohen, we expressed satisfaction with …

Rick Rozoff (2023-04-18). Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan push pan-Turkic military control of Caspian basin. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com Azeri Press AgencyApril 18, 2023 Azerbaijan Defense Minister met with his Kazakh counterpart On April 18, the Minister of Defense of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Colonel General Zakir Hasanov, who is on an official visit to the Republic of Kazakhstan, met with the Minister of Defense of this country, Colonel General Ruslan Zhaksylykov…. [An] official …

Rick Rozoff (2023-04-18). Defense chiefs say key NATO founders U.S., UK united against Russia, China, Iran. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com U.S. Department of DefenseApril 17, 2023 U.S., U.K. Defense Leaders Discuss Ukraine, AUKUS in Pentagon Meeting Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III welcomed Ben Wallace, the United Kingdom's Secretary of State for Defense, to the Pentagon today to discuss the short-term and long-term implications of the U.S.-U.K. alliance. The United States has no closer …

Rick Rozoff (2023-04-18). Estonia: 38 nations participate as NATO holds world's largest cyber warfare exercise. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com Anadolu AgencyApril 18, 2023 NATO launches world's largest cyber defense exercise in Estonia NATO launched the world's largest cyber defense exercise Tuesday in Estonia with more than 3,000 participants from 38 countries taking part…. The "Locked Shields" exercise is held every year and is hosted by the NATO Cooperative Cyber Defense Center of Excellence (CCDCOE) …

Rick Rozoff (2023-04-18). Georgian opposition/coup heroine distraught at having to spend time in…Georgia. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com Zourabichvili seems to spend as much time in Brussels as she does in Tbilisi and was in the U.S. again last month. ==== The MessengerApril 14, 2023 President Zourabichvili Postpones European Parliament Appearance, Blames Georgian Dream The President of Georgia Salome Zourabichvili's planned appearance to deliver a speech at the European Parliament on April 18 …

Rick Rozoff (2023-04-18). Latvia: NATO deploys Spanish missiles, troops near Russian border. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com NATOAllied Air CommandApril 18, 2023 Spanish air defence system comes online in Latvia The Spanish NASAMS air defence system deployed to Lielvarde Air Base, Latvia, is tied into NATO's Integrated Air and Missile Defence System via the Latvian Control and Reporting Centre supporting air surveillance and control of NATO airspace in the region. Over 100 …

Rick Rozoff (2023-04-18). NATO celebrates AFRICOM's 30-nation exercise in Gulf of Guinea. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com NATOSupreme Headquarters Allied Powers EuropeApril 18, 2023 Video: What's in the kit of a Nigerien Special Operations Force Soldier? U.S. Special Operations Command Africa conducted exercise Flintlock 2023 in Ghana and Cà¥te d'Ivoire from Mar. 1 to 15, 2023, with approximately 1,300 service members from 30 participating nations, including Niger. Flintlock is U.S. Africa Command's …

Rick Rozoff (2023-04-18). NATO conducts first naval drills with new member Finland. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com NATOAllied Maritime CommandApril 18, 2023 NATO Maritime Task Group flies the flag in Helsinki for the first time since Finland joins the alliance On their first port visit to Finland since the country became the thirty-first member of the Alliance, ships from Standing NATO Maritime Group 1 (SNMG1)…arrived in the capital Helsinki. German Navy flagship …

Rick Rozoff (2023-04-18). Poland wants U.S. missile "academy" antibellum679354512.wordpress.com Polish Press AgencyApril 18, 2023 Poland wants HIMARS Academy: official We want a HIMARS Academy to be established in Poland to provide training in the use of this artillery system, defense minister Mariusz B≈Çaszczak tweeted Tuesday. He added that European Rocket Artillery Summit conference is being held in Poland's Toru≈Ñ on Tuesday…."The first HIMARS …

Rick Rozoff (2023-04-18). U.S. Marines cross into Sweden for large-scale NATO war games. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com Stars and StripesApril 18, 2023 Sweden announces arrival of US Marines taking part in huge NATO partner exercise U.S. Marines crossed the Norwegian border into Sweden on Tuesday to join one of Scandinavia's largest military drills in decades, involving troops from more than a dozen countries. *** The Marines arrived as part of the Aurora …

Robert S. Becker (2023-04-18). New party quiz game: What more can the right do to shoot itself in the head? Horizons boundless. nationofchange.org

Roger McKenzie (2023-04-18). Brazil's Lula tells U.S. to 'stop encouraging war' in Ukraine. peoplesworld.org Brazil's leader said on Saturday that the United States should stop "encouraging war" in Ukraine. President Luiz Inácio "Lula" da Silva sent the message as he ended his landmark visit to China and meeting with President Xi Jinping which heralded a "leap forward" in the relationship between the two nations. Speaking to journalists before leaving …

RR (2023-04-18). Three Same Day Protests in SF Bay Area in Reaction to Ruling on Abortion Bill. indybay.org Photos from actions in Berkeley and San Jose on April 10. Please credit the photographers where noted. | Top photo by Cornelia Grimes, ProBonoPhoto from Berkeley action.

Ryan Cristián (2023-04-18). FDA "Emergency Authorizes" New Bivalent Jab, The CIA "Trans Agenda" Psyop & The #TwoPartyIllusion. thelastamericanvagabond.com Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (4/18/23). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth

Saheli Chowdhury (2023-04-18). Successive Governments in Ukraine have accommodated Nazis to counter Soviet nostalgia: Ukrainian Communist Dmitri Kovalevich (Interview). mronline.org Dmitri Kovalevich described a range of issues to Orinoco Tribune, including the 2014 coup, Ukrainian President Zelensky's rise to fame, war crimes and human rights violations in Ukraine, the economic collapse of the country, and many others.

Samidoun Deutschland (2023-04-18). "Anti-Imperialist Front" against the Repression in Berlin: Germany Collaborates with Turkey and Israel to Fulfil its Imperialist Interests. samidoun.net Samidoun Palestinian Prisoners Solidarity Network salutes our comrades in "Anti-Imperialist Front" for their continuous work agaisnt imperialism and we republish their statement against the ban by the German state on Palestinian Prisoner's Day actions in Berlin after a nationwide smear campaign against Palestinian organising in Germany, and especially Samidoun. Following is their statement: Palestinian Prisoners' …

Samidoun Deutschland (2023-04-18). Statement of Young Struggle: Solidarity with Samidoun! Hit the streets on Nakba Day! samidoun.net Samidoun Palestinian Prisoners Solidarity Network salutes our comrades in "Young Struggle" for their continuous work against imperialism and their struggle for the inalienable rights of the Kurdish people, and we republish their statement against the ban by the German state on Palestinian Prisoner's Day actions in Berlin after a nationwide smear campaign against Palestinian organising …

SANA (2023-04-18). US Occupation, QSD Militia Continue Plundering Syrian Antiquities in Al-Jazeera and Raqaa. globalresearch.ca

Sharon Zhang (2023-04-18). Nebraska Republican: Abortion Ban Needed to Ensure Dominance of White Population. truthout.org As lawmakers in the Nebraska legislature debated and advanced a near-total abortion ban last week, one Republican took to the floor and delivered an argument undergirded by a white supremacist conspiracy theory in support of the ban. In a speech last Wednesday, Republican State Sen. Steve Erdman said that an abortion ban is necessary because there are too many of "those foreigners" and "refugees"… |

Sonoma County Climate Activist Network (2023-04-18). Forests, Fires, and Biomass. dissidentvoice.org

splcenter (2023-04-18). Male Supremacy Is at the Core of the Hard Right's Agenda. splcenter.org Hard-right movements are based on exclusion and the construction of hierarchies.

splcenter (2023-04-18). State of Black America: National Urban League partners with SPLC on signature report. splcenter.org

Staff (2023-04-18). Hoy en la Mesa Redonda: Entrevista del Presidente cubano con Gabriela Rivadeneira. mesaredonda.cubadebate.cu La Mesa Redonda transmitirá este martes la entrevista que recientemente le concediera el Primer Secretario del Partido y Presidente de la República Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez a Gabriela Rivadeneira, expresidenta de la Asamblea Nacional de Ecuador, para su espacio "Lo Personal es Político", que se transmite por canales mexicanos de televisión y por redes sociales.

Staff (2023-04-18). José Manuel Peláez: "El ciclismo de América vive días felices" cubadebate.cu Con su andar pausado y envuelto en las canas de la sabiduría y la experiencia, el cubano José Manuel Peláez es el máximo responsable del Campeonato Panamericano de Ciclismo de Ruta, que del 18 al 23 de abril llega por primera vez a una nación centroamericana. Se le ve por los pasillos del hotel El Panamá conversar con federativos, entrenadores y pedalistas.

Staff (2023-04-18). Arriba a La Habana buque escuela Cuauhtémoc, de la Armada mexicana (+Fotos). cubadebate.cu El buque escuela Cuauhtémoc, de la Armada de México, arribó este martes a la rada habanera. La población podrá visitar el buque a partir de este martes hasta las 6 p.m., los días 19 y 20 de 12 m. a 7 p.m., y el 21 y 22 a partir de las 11 a.m. y hasta las 7 p.m.

Staff (2023-04-18). Autoridades sanitarias cubanas reportan siete nuevos casos de COVID-19. cubadebate.cu Al cierre de este lunes 17 de abril se realizaron 226 muestras para la vigilancia de COVID-19, de las cuales siete resultaron positivas, informó el Ministerio de Salud Pública. Se mantienen ingresados 102 pacientes: 48 sospechosos y 54 confirmados activos. No se reportaron fallecidos en el día.

Staff (2023-04-18). Evento de deportes electrónicos tendrá lugar este sábado en la capital. cubadebate.cu El sábado 22 de abril tendrá lugar en el Coliseo de la Ciudad Deportiva un evento de deportes electrónicos, cuyo ganador defenderá a Cuba en los Juegos Panamericanos de Santiago de Chile, 2023. Un total de 128 competidores asumirán el reto, confirmaron en conferencia de prensa los organizadores del torneo Coliseo FIFA 2023.

Staff (2023-04-18). Ministro de Defensa ruso confía en fortalecimiento de cooperación militar con China. cubadebate.cu Durante una reunión en Moscú, el ministro de Defensa ruso, Serguéi Shoigú, dijo a su homólogo chino, Li Shangfu: "Estoy seguro de que su gran experiencia de la interacción con la Federación rusa contribuirá tanto al desarrollo de las Fuerzas Armadas de la República Popular China, como a la ampliación de la cooperación militar entre nuestros países".

Staff (2023-04-18). Ocho personas serán juzgadas por la muerte de Diego Armando Maradona. cubadebate.cu Este martes, la Cámara de Apelaciones y Garantías de San Isidro, Buenos Aires, ratificó que la causa por la muerte en 2020 de Diego Armando Maradona será elevada a juicio. Ocho personas (todas vinculadas a los cuidados médicos que recibía el exfutbolista) serán juzgadas por el presunto delito de homicidio simple con dolo eventual.

Staff (2023-04-18). Rumbo a Sigestic 2023: La trasformación digital al centro del debate. cubadebate.cu La transformación digital es un proceso complejo y dinámico que implica cambios profundos en las organizaciones y en la sociedad. Este fue el tema principal de los talleres pre evento de Sigestic 2023, una oportunidad para compartir experiencias, buenas prácticas y lecciones aprendidas sobre cómo enfrentar los retos y desafíos que plantea este fenómeno.

Staff (2023-04-18). Un gran jurado de Ohio no acusará a policías que mataron a Jayland Walker. cubadebate.cu Un gran jurado de la ciudad de Akron, en Ohio, Estados Unidos, no acusará a los ocho policías que dispararon y mataron al joven afroestadounidense Jayland Walker. La decisión ha consternado a los locales y familiares de la víctima. El 27 de junio de 222, los agentes dispararon 94 veces contra Walker, que recibió 46 heridas de bala.

Staff (2023-04-18). A las puertas de la Ley Patriota 2.0. cubadebate.cu Todos vigilados en nombre de la seguridad. Quieren que regrese la Ley Patriota (Patriot Act), ahora para el control de la aldea digital, y como suele ocurrir cuando Estados Unidos se prepara para la guerra, hay todo tipo de distracciones y se apunta a un adversario evanescente, casi metafísico.

Staff (2023-04-18). Headlines for April 18, 2023. democracynow.org Sudan's Army Agrees to 24-Hour Ceasefire with Rival Faction as Civilian Toll Mounts, Kansas City Homeowner Charged for Shooting Black Teen Who Rang Wrong Doorbell, Grand Jury Won't Indict Akron, Ohio, Police Officers Who Shot Jayland Walker 46 Times, Two Indianapolis Cops Charged with Manslaughter for Killing Herman Whitfield in Parents' Home, Video Shows New Mexico Police Fatally Shooting Homeowner After Knocking on Wrong Door, Florida Gov. DeSantis to Sign Bill Allowing Divided Juries to Hand Down Death Sentences, DeSantis Proposes Building New Prison Near Disney World over Disney's LGBT…

Staff (2023-04-18). Family of Lashawn Thompson Demands Justice After He Was "Eaten Alive" by Insects in Atlanta Jail. democracynow.org In Atlanta, Georgia, the family of a prisoner says he was "eaten alive" by insects and bedbugs in his cell there last year. The family of 35-year-old Lashawn Thompson, who was being held in the jail's psychiatric wing, is demanding a criminal investigation and that the jail be shut down. In an exclusive interview, we speak to Thompson's brother Brad McCrae and sister Shenita Thompson, as well as Michael Harper, a lawyer representing the family.

Staff (2023-04-18). "Poverty, by America": Author Matthew Desmond on How U.S. Punishes the Poor & Subsidizes the Wealthy. democracynow.org A new study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association finds that poverty is the fourth-greatest cause of death in the United States. Roughly 500 people die from poverty in the U.S. every day. Our guest, sociologist Matthew Desmond, is the author of the new book, Poverty, by America, the follow-up to his Pulitzer Prize-winning book Evicted: Poverty and Profit in the American City. "There's so much poverty in America, not in spite of our wealth, but because of it," says Desmond in an in-depth interview.

Staff (2023-04-18). Militarism NATO and Ukraine | Geopolitics Exploring Myths and Realities | David Swanson. davidswanson.org Good interview. No, I'm not actually in Toronto.

Staff (2023-04-18). Talk World Radio: Margaret Kimberley on a Zone of Peace. davidswanson.org

Staff (2023-04-18). Venezuela: Authorities Arrest DEA Operative (+Valle del Cauca Cartel). orinocotribune.com Manuel Antonio Silva Jaramillo, a 68-year-old man allegedly linked to a Colombian drug trafficking cartel from Valle del Cauca, was detained in Lechería, Anzoátegui state, according to law enforcement sources. | Venezuela's Minister of Interior, Justice and Peace Remigio Ceballos confirmed the arrest on his social media. He added, "The Bolivarian National Police Corps (PNB) has dealt a strong blow to drug trafficking." | According to a report from PNB's…

Staff (2023-04-18). Washington Outraged by Lula da Silva's Comments on Peace in Ukraine. orinocotribune.com On Saturday, US officials interviewed by the Brazilian outlet Folha reported on the Biden administration's views regarding statements made by Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva during his visit to China, calling the statements "outrageous." | "Despite declaring itself neutral in the geopolitical dispute between the United States and China, Brazil seems to have clearly aligned itself with China and Russia," they stated. | Lula told reporters in Beijing on Saturday, April 15, that the US should stop inciting war in Ukraine. "America needs to stop fomenting war and start talking about peace; the European…

Staff (2023-04-18). Georges Abdallah's statement from French prison for Palestinian Prisoners' Day. samidoun.net On 17 April, Georges Abdallah, the Lebanese Communist struggler for Palestine imprisoned in France for over 38 years, made a statement from his prison in Lannemezan to commemorate Palestinian Prisoners' Day. Abdallah has always been a part of the Palestinian prisoners' movement; not only is he imprioned because of his involvement in the Palestinian and …

Stephen Sefton (2023-04-18). Nicaragua 2018 — The Triumph of a Sovereign Future. globalresearch.ca

Steven Sahiounie (2023-04-18). Struggle for Power and Control in Sudan May Lead to Civil War. globalresearch.ca

Sustainability Times (2023-04-18). America's Climate Refugees are Swelling, driven by Rising Seas, Wildfires and Extreme Heat. juancole.com By Laureen Fagan ( Sustainability Times) — News of an accelerating sea level rise along the Gulf Coast of the United States has renewed attention on climate migration, and the degree to which people in the U.S. have begun to retreat from climate challenges due to flooding, wildfire and other impacts. The new study, …

Tanupriya Singh, People's Dispatch. (2023-04-18). Indian Workers And Farmers Unite Against Modi Government. popularresistance.org This was one out of the nearly 100,000 voices that rose in the Indian capital of Delhi on April 5 as workers, farmers, and daily wage agricultural workers from across the country came together for the landmark Mazdoor Kisan Sangharsh Rally (Workers-Farmers Rally). | The demonstration was organized by the All India Kisan Sabha (AIKS), All India Agricultural Workers Union (AIAWU), and the Centre of Indian Trade Unions (CITU) in rejection of the neoliberal assault on the lives and livelihoods of the Indian working class, overseen by a ruling party which they accuse of fueling sectarian and caste-based violence, whil…

teleSUR, dcdc, JCM (2023-04-18). Canciller ruso se reúne con su homólogo, Mauro Viera, en Brasil. telesurtv.net Entre otras cuestiones, abordaron la situación en Ucrania y los posibles caminos para resolver el conflicto en dicha nación.

teleSUR, dcdc, JCM (2023-04-18). Recuerdan 15 años de lucha contra falsos positivos en Colombia. telesurtv.net Los familiares de las víctimas, en compañía de artistas plásticos, intervinieron unas botas, a través de pintadas, en las que mostraron sus experiencias.

teleSUR, dcdc, JCM (2023-04-18). Corea del Sur, Japón y EE.UU. inician ejercicios antimisiles. telesurtv.net El ejercicio se enfoca en detectar y monitorizar un misil balístico cuya trayectoria es simulada por ordenador con el fin de mejorar los procedimientos de respuesta.

teleSUR, DRL (2023-04-18). Irán y Arabia Saudita acuerdan reabrir embajadas en mayo. telesurtv.net La gestión de China fue decisiva para el restablecimiento de las relaciones diplomáticas entre Irán y Arabia Saudita.

teleSUR, DRL (2023-04-18). Aumenta fracturamiento de roca en interior del Nevado del Ruiz. telesurtv.net En su más reciente reporte, el Servicio Geológico Colombiano advirtió que la actividad del volcán continúa inestable…

teleSUR, DRL (2023-04-18). Asesinan a otro periodista en Carrefour, Haití. telesurtv.net La crisis de seguridad se agudizó tras el asesinato del presidente Jovenel Moise en julio de 2021 y EE. UU., Canadá y Francia analizaran la intervención militar en el país.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-04-18). Explosión deja una persona muerta en Cúcuta, Colombia. telesurtv.net Las autoridades ya Investigan la detonación de artefacto explosivo en el centro de Cúcuta.

teleSUR, JGN (2023-04-18). Venezuela designa nueva ministra de Educación Universitaria. telesurtv.net La nueva funcionaria venezolana señaló que "es un compromiso que asumo con la Patria, con la Revolución, con la Educación Universitaria".

teleSUR, lvm, YSM (2023-04-18). Asesinan a otro firmante de paz en Putumayo, Colombia. telesurtv.net "Este firmante fue asesinado en circunstancias que hasta el momento se desconocen", confirmó Indepaz.

teleSUR, lvm, YSM (2023-04-18). Encuesta: 77 % de peruanos desaprueba gestión de Dina Boluarte. telesurtv.net Un 45 por ciento de los peruanos que rechazan el Gobierno de Boluarte consideran que "no está haciendo nada por el país".

teleSUR, lvm, YSM (2023-04-18). México realizará primer simulacro nacional de sismo 2023. telesurtv.net Los estados de México, Guerrero, Michoacán, Morelos, Oaxaca, Puebla, Tlaxcala y Chiapas son los ocho que participarán en el simulacro.

teleSUR, MER (2023-04-18). Gobierno de Honduras ratifica compromiso con los DD.HH. telesurtv.net La ministra Roque explicó que en la sociedad "existe una huella imborrable de la represión y la violencia que la narcodictadura impuso".

teleSUR, MER (2023-04-18). Presidente venezolano expresa apoyo a Cumbre de Bogotá. telesurtv.net El mandatario venezolano expresó que el tiempo de las sanciones, de las medidas coercitivas unilaterales, tiene que pasar.

teleSUR, nama, JCM (2023-04-18). Llega primera avanzada de Nicaragua a Juegos Deportivos ALBA 2023. telesurtv.net El viceministro de Masificación Deportiva, José Luis Tovar, dio la bienvenida a los deportistas nicaragüenses.

teleSUR, nama, JCM (2023-04-18). Volcán Popocatépetl lanza señales sísmicas en México. telesurtv.net El Gobierno del Estado de Puebla determinó que se realicen inspecciones para verificar las rutas de evacuación.

teleSUR, nama (2023-04-18). Ejército retoma control de la televisión pública en Sudán. telesurtv.net La cadena estatal de televisión volvió a transmitir y continúa informando sobre los enfrentamientos en el país.

teleSUR, nbb, JGN (2023-04-18). Un temblor de magnitud 4,8 sacude a República Dominicana. telesurtv.net El Instituto Nacional de Sismología indicó que el movimiento telúrico ocurrió en la tarde de este lunes a una profundidad de 10 kilómetros.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2023-04-18). Bolivia registra 300 nuevos casos de Covid-19 en una semana. telesurtv.net En la última semana no se ha lamentado ningún fallecimiento de personas por la Covid-19.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2023-04-18). Continúan protestas contra la reforma de pensiones en Francia. telesurtv.net Los protestantes se alzaron en París, Rennes, Burdeos, Lyon y otras ciudades para expresar su descontento.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2023-04-18). Registran 125 casos de mpox en Paraguay. telesurtv.net El promedio de edad de los contagiados con la enfermedad es de 33 años.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2023-04-18). Reportan dos nuevos casos de chikungunya en Uruguay. telesurtv.net Se trata de una menor de edad residente en Salto y una mujer de la localidad de Fray Bentos, en Río Negro.

teleSUR, YSM (2023-04-18). Celebran el 77 aniversario de la independencia de Siria. telesurtv.net Jefes de Estado de Rusia, China, Irán, Egipto, la República Popular Democrática de Corea y el papa Francisco enviaron felicitaciones.

teleSUR- hvh, JCM (2023-04-18). China vigila destructor de EE.UU. por estrecho de Taiwán. telesurtv.net El vocero del Ejército chino, Shi Yi, informó que las tropas mantienen un alto nivel de alerta "en todo momento".

teleSUR- hvh, JCM (2023-04-18). Más de 30 muertos por ataque de grupo armado en Kaduna, Nigeria. telesurtv.net El portavoz de la Unión de Pueblos del Sur de Kaduna, Luka Binniyat, señaló que los atacantes son de la etnia fulani.

teleSUR- hvh, JCM (2023-04-18). Rusia y China acusan a EE.UU. por crisis en península coreana. telesurtv.net Moscú apuntó que EE.UU. "contrariamente a sus propios compromisos, se niegan a entablar un diálogo".

The Associated Press (2023-04-18). Mexican Man: National Guard Killed Pregnant Teen, Other Man. latinorebels.com A Mexican man said Monday that Mexico's quasi-military National Guard opened fire on his SUV in the border city of Nuevo Laredo, killing his pregnant 15-year-old girlfriend and a 54-year-old friend, and wounding two other people.

The Haitian Times (2023-04-18). Turning Haiti Into a 'Zombie' Republic (OPINION). latinorebels.com The actions of some of the Haitians sanctioned for their involvement in illicit activities and the United Nations Mission in Haiti are among those to blame for Haiti's current crises, a new book asserts.

The Lever (2023-04-18). üéß MOVIES VS. CAPITALISM: Josie and the Pussycats (w/ Shannon Amabile). levernews.com On this week's MVC, Rivka and Frank are joined by psychotherapist and cinephile

This Week in Fascism (2023-04-18). This Week in Fascism #133: Communities Push Back Against Neo-Nazis and Proud Boys; Campuses Protest Anti-Trans Grifters; Richard Spencer Rides Again. itsgoingdown.org Welcome fellow antifascists! As we enter into the spring, its clear that while the gender fascist wave of violence, harassment and intimidation against the LGBTQ+ community is continuing, some cracks are also beginning to show. Death threats, arson attacks, and far-Right protests are seemingly a weekly occurrence, while pundits are rushing to manufacture the threat…

Thomas Renz (2023-04-18). Video: "The Next Pandemic": Klaus Schwab, Yuval Harari, Bill Gates, et al.: "They're Psychopaths." globalresearch.ca

Walter Smolarek (2023-04-18). Three massive ways the government wastes your tax dollars. liberationnews.org While the right wing points to vital social programs as sources of "waste" in the federal budget, the reality is that a huge part of what the government spends money on serves no purpose but to bolster the wealth and power of the ruling elite.

William Denselow (2023-04-18). U.S. college enrollment drops. america.cgtn.com The COVID-19 pandemic has had a lingering impact on college enrollment levels in the U.S.

WSWS (2023-04-18). Electoral deadlock continues in Bulgaria. wsws.org Another round of elections sees the Bulgarian oligarchy united behind imperialist war, as working-class struggles intensify.

WSWS (2023-04-18). UK Postal Workers Rank-and-File Committee issues call to reject CWU deal with Royal Mail. wsws.org

WSWS (2023-04-18). Ukraine war exposes the pro-imperialist politics of the "Left Workers Front" in Argentina. wsws.org The pseudo-left electoral coalition is providing a political platform for ardent supporters of the US-NATO war against Russia in Ukraine.

WSWS (2023-04-18). After shutdown of grad students strike, UC Berkeley prepares to shutter three libraries. wsws.org The university is attempting to blame the closures on the meager pay raises graduate workers received in the new contract.

WSWS (2023-04-18). Workers must demand full investigation into accident at Flint GM plant. wsws.org A young temporary part-time worker barely escaped serious injury or even death when a huge power bolting machine fell from the ceiling and almost crushed him.

WSWS (2023-04-18). Universities Australia chief visits Washington to "cement" campuses into AUKUS military pact. wsws.org The visit underscored the eagerness of the university managements to participate in the escalating preparations for war against China.

WSWS (2023-04-18). Sri Lankan pseudo-left FSP promotes "people's councils" and class collaboration. wsws.org In opposition to the FSP's appeals to the capitalist opposition parties to join "people's councils," the SEP calls on workers to form action committees in every workplace and suburb independent of all bourgeois parties and their trade unions.

WSWS (2023-04-18). Compulsory Indigenous class to replace English in Toronto high schools. wsws.org The proponents of the new course have proclaimed it a "historic change" and a "win for the Indigenous community." These are bold claims. But are they sustained by the facts?.

WSWS (2023-04-18). Speaker McCarthy appeals to Wall Street to back massive social spending cuts. wsws.org The US House Speaker urged the assembled stock traders and agents of billionaire investors to support his party's position in demanding massive cuts in domestic social spending as the price of approving an increase in the federal debt ceiling.

WSWS (2023-04-18). Australian foreign minister defends commitment to US war plans against China. wsws.org While claiming that a "binary choice" did not have to be made in the deepening geo-strategic conflict between the US and China, Wong nailed the Albanese government's colours firmly to the mast of US imperialism.

WSWS (2023-04-18). Workers Struggles: The Americas. wsws.org Members of Argentine unions and social organizations staged a protest in Buenos Aires while contract catering workers at the Los Angeles International Airport are striking over pay and other issues.

WSWS (2023-04-18). Shootings in Alabama and Kentucky over the weekend latest in wave of mass violence. wsws.org Four people were killed in Dadeville, Alabama, and two were killed in Louisville, Kentucky, over the weekend as the mass shootings in the US continue to take place at a rate of nearly two per day.

WSWS (2023-04-18). No charges against police for the murder of Jayland Walker. wsws.org The eight Akron police officers who brutally killed Walker in a hail of bullets last June will not be charged in his death, Ohio Attorney General Dave Yost announced Monday. Yost claimed that the officers were legally justified in the fatal shooting.

WSWS (2023-04-18). America's barbarous prisons: A daily crime against humanity. wsws.org Revelations exposing the sadistic and cruel conditions endured by US prisoners, many of whom have never been convicted of a crime, explode any claims by the US government to uphold democratic or human rights in America or anywhere else.

WSWS (2023-04-18). NATO to surge troops to Russian border. wsws.org NATO plans to deploy tens of thousands of troops to Russia's border and as part of an effort to become a "war-fighting alliance," the New York Times reported Monday.

WSWS (2023-04-18). UPS workers speak out against dire working conditions as contract talks begin. wsws.org UPS workers at a Teamsters rally in southern California spoke out against dire working conditions, impacts of the financial crisis and rising cost of living, and their thoughts on the contract negotiations.

WSWS (2023-04-18). After SVB and Credit Suisse: Whither the financial system? wsws.org The immediate storm set off by the SVB collapse may have passed following another bailout, but questions are being raised about whether this was just a passing phenomenon or the sign of much worse to come.

WSWS (2023-04-18). Nurses in England vote to continue strikes but must defeat sabotage by RCN union. wsws.org Victory depends on the formation of workers' own representative organisations, rank-and-file committees, independent of the structures of the union and run by the most trusted workers.

WSWS (2023-04-18). COVID-19 pandemic: The CDC delays releasing critical data regarding XBB.1.16, the most powerful new Omicron subvariant. wsws.org Recent COVID variant data released by the CDC indicates that XBB.1.16 was already rapidly growing more than a month ago.

WSWS (2023-04-18). Macron demands "100 days of calm and unity" amid protests against French pension cuts. wsws.org President Macron is utterly impervious to popular pressure, and the only way to stop his assault on the working class is to bring him down.

Zane McNeill (2023-04-18). New Memphis Program Would Arrest Kids for Playing Music, Dancing, Selling Candy. truthout.org Memphis Police Department's (MPD) new Juvenile Crime Abatement Program, which was announced on Friday, has been paused for more discussion after community organizations decried the program as a racist attempt to increase the targeting and criminalizing of Black youth by the police in the city's downtown area. "I certainly understand the desire for the downtown to be safe, but I'm excited they've… |

Ben Norton, Geopolitical Economy. (2023-04-18). Sanctions 'Undermine Hegemony Of Dollar', US Treasury Admits. popularresistance.org "There is a risk, when we use financial sanctions that are linked to the role of the dollar, that, over time, it could undermine the hegemony of the dollar", Yellen said in an April 16 interview with CNN. | She also noted that Washington's use of economic warfare "does create a desire on the part of China, of Russia, of Iran to find an alternative" to the dollar. | Before serving as secretary of the Treasury, Yellen was the chair of the US central bank, the Federal Reserve. | Her remarks represent a significant public acknowledgment by a top level US government official that its increasing use of sanctions has fu…

Dr. Lucy Cane, The Real News Network. (2023-04-18). UK Teachers Aren't Backing Down. popularresistance.org The past year has seen a historic wave of trade union strikes in the UK, with transport workers, nurses, junior doctors, university lecturers, ambulance drivers, Amazon workers, and others walking out. The largest teachers' union in the UK, the National Education Union (NEU), joined the strike wave on Jan. 16, announcing that its ballot of members had met the required threshold to commence strikes over pay and funding. | Earlier this month, the NEU met for its annual national conference—a meeting that took place at a crucial juncture in this ongoing industrial action. The conference opened with the unveilin…

ecns.cn (2023-04-18). China's domestic passenger transportation recovers to 90% of pre-epidemic level. ecns.cn China's domestic aviation passenger transportation scale has recovered to about 90 percent of the pre-epidemic level in the first quarter of this year, according to Civil Aviation Administration as reported by The Paper on Tuesday.

ecns.cn (2023-04-18). International auto show kicks off in Shanghai. ecns.cn The 20th Shanghai International Automobile Industry Exhibition kicked off Tuesday at the National Exhibition and Convention Center (Shanghai).

ecns.cn (2023-04-18). May Day holiday train tickets to popular destinations in short supply. ecns.cn Train tickets for the May Day holiday have started to sell on China's official train ticket booking platform 12306, with tickets to popular destinations in short supply.

ecns.cn (2023-04-18). China's Q1 GDP growth indicates good start: experts. ecns.cn Experts said the year-on-year growth rate of 4.5 percent in the first quarter of 2023 has exceeded expectations, and judging from main indicators, China's economy made a good start this year.

ecns.cn (2023-04-18). Lu writing brush craft preserved in east China. ecns.cn The craft of making a Lu writing brush dates back as early as the Eastern Han Dynasty (25-220 AD). The calligraphy brush, produced in Yinping Town of east China's Shandong Province, is called Lu brush since Shandong Province is dubbed Lu for short.

ecns.cn (2023-04-18). Guinness lists fish ladder in Tibet as world's highest. ecns.cn The fish ladder in the irrigation area of the Laluo water conservancy project in Shigatse, Tibet autonomous region, was listed recently in Guinness World Records as the world's highest-altitude fish ladder.

ecns.cn (2023-04-18). Zookeeper suspended for mistreating giant panda. ecns.cn A giant panda keeper was suspended from his job in Nanjing, Jiangsu province, for poking the animal with a bamboo pole to make it go back to its room.

ecns.cn (2023-04-18). With 185 killed, deadly military conflict in Sudan rages on. ecns.cn Clashes between the Sudanese Army and the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces (RSF) in Sudan have killed 185 people and wounded another 1,800 as of Monday, while showing no sign of abating.

ecns.cn (2023-04-18). China improves rural public health system amid policy support. ecns.cn Living in a remote village in northwest China, Liang Weiguo, 76, never thought he would be able to receive medical services at home by making a simple phone call.

ecns.cn (2023-04-18). China's Hainan to set up rice genotype evaluation and trading system. ecns.cn A genotype evaluation and trading system for rice varieties is expected to be set up in Hainan.

ecns.cn (2023-04-18). Chinese vice president meets Uruguayan FM. ecns.cn Chinese Vice President Han Zheng met with Francisco Bustillo Bonasso, minister of Foreign Affairs of the Oriental Republic of Uruguay, in Beijing on Tuesday.

ecns.cn (2023-04-18). U.S. should 'look squarely at' crux of Korean Peninsula issue: Chinese envoy. ecns.cn The United States should "look squarely at" the crux of the Korean Peninsula issue and take meaningful, practical and tangible actions to create conditions for peace talks, a Chinese envoy said here Monday.

ecns.cn (2023-04-18). 2 injured as coast guard plane crashes in SW Japan. ecns.cn A light aircraft belonging to the Japan Coast Guard crashed in the southwestern prefecture of Oita, injuring the crew members onboard, local media said Tuesday.

ecns.cn (2023-04-18). Artifacts from ancient Syria exhibited in Shanxi. ecns.cn An exhibition of 195 exquisite cultural relics from Syria, which officially opened to the public in Taiyuan on Tuesday.

ecns.cn (2023-04-18). In Numbers: China's GDP expands 4.5 pct year on year in Q1. ecns.cn

ecns.cn (2023-04-18). U.S. jeopardizes global cyber security. ecns.cn

ecns.cn (2023-04-18). 800-year-old Chinese fringe tree in full bloom. ecns.cn Magnificent clusters of fragrant and fringe-like blossoms from an 800-year-old Chionanthus retusus, also known as the Chinese fringe tree, were seen in Lianyungang, east China's Jiangsu Province.

Edward Curtin (2023-04-18). Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.: To Heal the Great Divide. globalresearch.ca

Oliver Stone (2023-04-18). Ukraine on Fire: The Real Story. Full Documentary by Oliver Stone (Original English Version). globalresearch.ca

Ramsey Clark (2023-04-18). Ramsey Clark to Barack Obama: Stop the War in Ukraine! "Peaceful Coexistence" between Russia and America is the Answer. globalresearch.ca Ramsey Clark passed away in April 2021 | His legacy will live forever. | He has been a source of inspiration to anti-war activists for more than half a century. | Our thoughts are with Ramsey Clark, whom I first met in …

Staff (2023-04-18). Las 3 del día: Declaraciones de los pinareños, líderes de la 62 SNB (+ Podcast). cubadebate.cu Este lunes se impone hablar de la 62 SNB en Las 3 del día. Por ello, compartimos declaraciones de integrantes del equipo de Pinar del Río. Usted, podrá escuchar a Erly Casanova, Yasser Julio González, Frank Raúl González, el entrenador Jesús Bosmenier y el psicólogo Reinier Acosta. Además, obtuvimos la opinión del lanzador camagàºeyano José Ramón Rodríguez.

Staff (2023-04-18). Los franceses vuelven a las calles contra la reforma jubilatoria. cubadebate.cu Los manifestantes quemaron barricadas en las calles de París, Rennes, Burdeos, Lyon y otras ciudades para expresar su descontento e inconformidad con la ley que se promulgó el pasado sábado. Hasta el momento se reportan al menos 11 detenciones, mientras que las fuerzas del orden arrojaron gases lacrimógenos para dispersar a los manifestantes.

Staff (2023-04-18). Marrero Cruz asiste al balance anual del Ministerio de la Construcción. cubadebate.cu El primer ministro cubano Manuel Marrero Cruz participó este lunes en el balance anual del Ministerio de la Construcción (Micons), reunión donde se analizaron los principales resultados de la esfera en 2022 y proyecciones para 2023.

Staff (2023-04-18). Pinar del Río se afianza en el primer puesto de la 62 Serie Nacional de Beisbol. cubadebate.cu Apoyado en trabajo completo del diestro Erly Casanova, Pinar del Río pintó de blanco hoy a Camagàºey (7×0) y mantuvo la cima en la tabla de posiciones de la 62 Serie Nacional de Beisbol, que este martes cerrará las persianas de sus cuartas subseries particulares. Tras este triunfo, los Vegueros exhiben cota de 12-7, separados a medio juego de Las Tunas.

Staff (2023-04-18). Lo que aprendimos visitando Viñales. cubadebate.cu Desde el 2022 había un plan familiar de ir hasta Viñales, Pinar del Río, para tomar unos días de vacaciones. Todo el que lo haya visitado sabe que es uno de esos lugares (muchos) de Cuba que tiene encantos especiales. El ciclón Ian se encargó de retrasar los planes de muchas familias cubanas. Meses después, cuando volvimos a pensar en el proyecto, nos resultaba incómodo ir en plan descanso a un lugar que se recuperaba de tres pandemias: la oficial de la COVID, la situación económica adversa y el azote de vientos y lluvias.

teleSUR, dcdc, JCM (2023-04-18). Argentina presenta aumento de personas infestadas por dengue. telesurtv.net El 73 por ciento de los contagiados poseen el serotipo DENV-2 del virus, una cepa más dañina y que crece mucho más rápido que las otras.

teleSUR, dcdc, JCM (2023-04-18). Presidente argentino asistirá a Cumbre Contra la Inflación. telesurtv.net El 5 de abril pasado, los Gobiernos de 11 países de la región acordaron conformar una alianza para enfrentar problemas como los costos elevados de productos básicos.

teleSUR, hvh, JCM (2023-04-18). Rusia convoca a embajadores de EE.UU., Reino Unido y Canadá. telesurtv.net La Cancillería rusa señaló que los embajadores fueron convocados además por actividades incompatibles con su estatus.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-04-18). Al menos 21 muertos deja incendio en un hospital de Beijing. telesurtv.net Los medios informaron que el incendio logró ser apagado y que las labores de rescate ya se concluyeron.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-04-18). China insta a EE.UU. reflexionar sobre su control de drogas. telesurtv.net Wang Wenbin, portavoz del Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores, indicó que "El Gobierno chino adopta una postura firme sobre la lucha antidrogas".

teleSUR, JCM (2023-04-18). China propone mediación entre Israel y Palestina. telesurtv.net La propuesta surge a medida que el conflicto se acentúa en Medio Oriente a partir del incremento de las hostilidades del ejército de ocupación israelí en los territorios palestinos.

teleSUR, JGN (2023-04-18). Fiscalía de Perú ejecuta una histórica incautación de bienes. telesurtv.net El valor de los bienes incautados superaría en conjunto los mil millones de dólares, que formarían parte del sistema de lavado de activos que involucraría a Keiko.

teleSUR, JGN (2023-04-18). Presidente de Rusia visita por primera vez Jersón y Lugansk. telesurtv.net El Kremlin informó que el jefe de Estado estuvo en el cuartel general de la agrupación de tropas Dnepr, en la región rusa de Jersón.

teleSUR, nbb, JGN (2023-04-18). Dos aviones chocan en pista del aeropuerto de México. telesurtv.net El impacto se produjo entre las calles de rodaje B y D, donde los aviones chocaron entre la punta de ala de uno y el estabilizador horizontal de la otra.

teleSUR, nbb, JGN (2023-04-18). Argentina celebra elección de FIFA como sede del Mundial Sub-20. telesurtv.net La decisión se produce después de que la FIFA decidiese retirar a Indonesia el derecho a organizar el certamen.

teleSUR, nbb, JGN (2023-04-18). Putin invita a Lula a Foro Económico de San Petersburgo. telesurtv.net El canciller ruso Serguéi Lavrov entregó la invitación al mandatario durante su visita al país suramericano.

teleSUR, rp, JGN (2023-04-18). Vigencia de la lucha del cubano Carlos Manuel de Céspedes. telesurtv.net Carlos Manuel de Céspedes dedicó su existencia a consolidar el deseo del pueblo cubano de arrancar su independencia a España.

teleSUR- hvh, JCM (2023-04-18). Grupo paramilitar acepta tregua humanitaria de 24 horas en Sudán. telesurtv.net Las FAR aceptaron el armisticio tras un contacto con el Secretario de Estado de EE.UU., Anthony Blinken.

WSWS (2023-04-18). Toronto high schools to replace Grade 11 English with compulsory Indigenous literature class. wsws.org The proponents of the new course have proclaimed it a "historic change" and a "win for the Indigenous community." These are bold claims. But are they sustained by the facts?.

WSWS (2023-04-18). CDC covers up spread of Omicron XBB.1.16, the latest COVID variant. wsws.org Recent COVID variant data released by the CDC indicates that XBB.1.16 was already rapidly growing more than a month ago.

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