Daily Archives: April 8, 2023

2023-04-08: News Headlines

Ryan Cristián (2023-04-08). Mice "Vaccinated" With mRNA-Loaded Milk, The Long-COVID Con & The Twitter Psyop Falls Apart. thelastamericanvagabond.com Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (4/8/23). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth

Gloria Rubac (2023-04-08). Houston supports Starbucks workers. workers.org Houston — The Texas Star bar was packed with over 100 Houstonians in the evening, April 1, for a successful fundraiser for Starbucks workers. In the Houston area, three stores — Shepherd and Harold, the medical center on Cambridge and Fannin, and Rock Creek in Kingwood — have filed for . . . |

Jim McMahan (2023-04-08). Antiwar forces march on Boeing. workers.org Seattle — University of Washington students, supporters and youths of oppressed nationalities targeted by U.S. imperialism marched on the Seattle Boeing plant on March 26. The march by 150 chanting demonstrators protested on the 20-year anniversary of the U.S. invasion of Iraq. Boeing is the Pentagon's second largest war contractor. . . . |

Staff (2023-04-08). Cambio climático está ayudando a aumentar producción de jonrones en MLB, asegura estudio. cubadebate.cu El cambio climático está convirtiendo a los toleteros de las Ligas Mayores en bateadores aún más calientes, ayudando a que se envíen alrededor de 50 jonrones adicionales por año por encima de las vallas, según afirma un nuevo estudio. El aire más caliente y más delgado que permite que las pelotas vuelen más lejos contribuyó un poco a un aumento en los jonrones.

Staff (2023-04-08). Quinta de los Molinos: Luz y alegría para los más pequeños. cubadebate.cu Como es tradicional, la Quinta de los Molinos en La Habana abrió sus puertas para recibir a niños que padecen de Xerodermia Pigmentosa y organizarles actividades infantiles, informó a través de Facebook, Magda Resik.

Staff (2023-04-08). Filtran documentos clasificados sobre la guerra en Ucrania: El Pentágono investiga. cubadebate.cu El Pentágono estadounidense está investigando la filtración de varios documentos clasificados con información sobre los planes de su país y de la OTAN en torno a la guerra de Ucrania.

Staff (2023-04-08). Tin Cremata a La Jornada: Cuando arte e infancia se juntan, lo único que puede surgir es una bomba de amor. cubadebate.cu Un visitante al Complejo Cultural Los Pinos calificó como de ensueño la tarde del miércoles: cielo azul, el verdor habitual del recinto, donde se vio a mucha gente joven compitiendo en un torneo importante de ajedrez y lo mejor: presenciar una obra de teatro musical como la ofrecida por La Colmenita, creado por Cremata, quien comentó a este medio: "cuando arte e infancia se juntan, lo único que puede surgir es una bomba de amor".

Staff (2023-04-08). 62 SNB: A bates sueltos, maltrecho picheo. cubadebate.cu Antes de que reinicien este domingo las acciones en diferentes estadios del país, les compartimos algunas estadísticas, luego de los dos primeros compromisos de la temporada beisbolera. Súmese al intercambio, no deje de ponernos su equipo favorito en los comentarios y, si también tiene numeritos atractivos, déjenoslo saber. Vale señalar que, en esta última subserie, los lanzadores cubanos permitieron 574 carreras.

Staff (2023-04-08). Voleibol de Playa: Díaz y Alayo derrotan a los subcampeones mundiales y avanzan a semifinales en Itapema. cubadebate.cu La pareja cubana de Noslen Díaz y Jorge Luis Alayo continúa su excelente actuación en el Beach Pro Tour Challenge de la ciudad brasileña de Itapema y este sábado derrotó a los actuales subcampeones del mundo y consiguió un cupo entre las cuatro mejores parejas del torneo.

Staff (2023-04-08). Culmina Feria Comercial ExpoHolguín 2023. cubadebate.cu Julio César Estupiñán Rodríguez, gobernador de Holguín destacó durante la clausura, la participación de más de 200 entidades estatales, emprendedores, trabajadores por cuenta propia y empresarios de Panamá, España, Canadá, China y Trinidad y Tobago, los cuales establecieron alianzas comerciales, contratos de trabajo y proyecciones de desarrollo local.

Staff (2023-04-08). Crecen en un 50 por ciento las muertes de menores por arma de fuego en EEUU. cubadebate.cu La cifra de niños y adolescentes asesinados por armas de fuego en Estados Unidos (EE.UU.) aumentó un 50% entre 2019 y 2021, según un análisis del Pew Research Center sobre los datos de mortalidad publicados por los Centro de Control y Enfermedades (CDC).

Staff (2023-04-08). En fotos, Encuentro Internacional de Academias para la enseñanza del Ballet. cubadebate.cu El 28 Encuentro Internacional de Academias para la Enseñanza del Ballet se efectúa en La Habana desde el pasado 2 de abril y hasta el 12 de este propio mes con presencia de unos 300 participantes extranjeros de 14 países. Cubadebate recoge en imágenes momentos de este hermoso encuentro de estudiantes y profesores para promover el desarrollo del arte danzario.

Staff (2023-04-08). Desde las redes: Cirujana, rescatista, mujer. cubadebate.cu -Camila, øqué te pasó en ese ojo? -Una basurita, profe – øQué tipo de "basurita", hollín? Y baja la cabeza, tímida y quizás temerosa de un regaño. Yo tengo que aguantar las lágrimas y solo darle un abrazo, decirle gracias. Sus compañeras de guardia le han dicho que se vaya, que descanse, y ella se niega.

Fight Back (2023-04-08). Day 3 of the Legalization For All Network Delegation to U.S.-Mexico border. fightbacknews.org San Diego, CA – On April 3, a group of activists from the Legalization For All Network hiked along the U.S. Border State Park Trail and toward Friendship Park. This park was created so that people on opposite sides of the U.S.-Mexico border could meet. In the past, families have used the site to touch and slip gifts to one another, but with the new Trump Wall, they won't even be able to see each other. | The activists traveled dry and rugged, then wet and muddy, terrain that at times resembled quicksand. In some instances, the park trail would abruptly stop due to flooding from rainfall days before. However, the…

Fight Back (2023-04-08). Milwaukee: FPC set to vote on policy for release of footage in police-involved critical incidents. fightbacknews.org Milwaukee, WI – On Thursday, April 6, inside a packed City Hall room, families, organizations and concerned residents offered public testimony to the Fire and Police Commission (FPC) in support of the 24/48 Campaign demands. At this meeting, the FPC made a motion to present the resolution for the creation of a standard operating procedure (SOP) pertaining to the release of video footage of critical incidents involving officers from the Milwaukee Police Department. After a nearly two-year struggle led by the Milwaukee Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression, the FPC is poised to adopt this SOP when it is…

_____ (2023-04-08). What does the future hold for Afghanistan? journal-neo.org

Acterra (2023-04-08). Saturday 4/15: Earth Month: E-Bikes & EVs Expo Event in Mitchell Park (Palo Alto). indybay.org Mitchell Park – next to pickleball courts | 3700 Middlefield Road | Palo Alto, CA 94303…

Alain Braillon, Adam Edward Lang (2023-04-08). [Correspondence] Electronic nicotine delivery systems: pragmatism or expectancy? thelancet.com The advocacy for maximising the global use of e-cigarettes to reduce smoking harms based on the UK nicotine vaping report,1 as commented on by Sarah Jackson and Chris Bullen,2 is most questioning as it is neither comprehensive nor practical.

Andrew Green (2023-04-08). [Obituary] Judith Heumann. thelancet.com Disability rights activist. Born on Dec 18, 1947 in Philadelphia, PA, USA, she died on March 4, 2023 in Washington, DC, USA, aged 75 years.

Angela (2023-04-08). Saturday 4/8: Free virtual screening of the documentary film "The Tower" indybay.org Zoom (Registration link is below)…

Anne-Emanuelle Birn, Ramya Kumar, Erika Arteaga-Cruz, Baone Twala, Mbali Baduza (2023-04-08). [Perspectives] Imagining alternative paths for WHO 75 years in. thelancet.com WHO's 75th anniversary comes at a fraught moment. The vaccine apartheid that has marked the COVID-19 pandemic response has once again raised questions about the influence of corporate actors and their Global North partners on global health. Amid perennial debates around reform and mounting calls for decolonising global health and interrogation of who is represented by WHO, we highlight a set of missed opportunities from the past and offer reimaginings of how WHO might propitiously forge a path towards its centenary in a more equitable, representative, and counter-hegemonic way.

Brenda Norrell (2023-04-08). Chief Na'Moks Grabbed and Isolated by Royal Bank of Canada at Stakeholders Meeting. indybay.org Wet'suwet'en Hereditary Chief Na'moks was violently prevented from entering the Royal Bank of Canada annual general meeting. "Such a racist act, they've actually laid hands on me, a Wet'suwet'en Hereditary Chief on my regalia just now," Chief Na'Moks told the RBC, as snipers were stationed on the buildings where traditional elders gathered in an Indigenous delegation.

City of Sunnyvale (2023-04-08). Saturday 4/29: EV Ride and Drive: Electrify your Ride. indybay.org Sunnyvale Community Center – 550 E Remington Drive Sunnyvale, CA 94087…

Clean Energy Wire (2023-04-08). Environmental NGO wins greenwashing lawsuit against French Oil Co. TotalEnergies SE. juancole.com By Carolina Kyllmann | — ( Clean Energy Wire ) — Climate Action Germany (DUH) has won a lawsuit against TotalEnergies over "climate-neutral" and "CO2-compensated" heating oil claims, the environmental NGO announced. DHU had sued on the basis that TotalEnergies' Thermoplus heating oil was advertised to consumers in a way that violated consumer protection law, …

Coliseum Connections Tenant Association (2023-04-08). Coliseum Connections Tenant Association to Protest Oakland Mayor's 'Town Hall'. indybay.org Media opportunity: Tenant Rally Wed. April 5th, 6: 30pm at 1724 Adeline St, Oakland CA 94607.

Contemporary Jewish Museum (2023-04-08). Saturday 4/22: This Is Not A Gun Workshop with Cara Levine and Angela Hennessy. indybay.org Contemporary Jewish Museum | 736 Mission Street | San Francisco, CA 94103…

Craig Louis Stehr (2023-04-08). Earth First!er Andy Caffrey INFORMATIONAL: Global Climate Destabilization. [Orig. Huffman]. indybay.org Forward of email fr. Earth First!er Andy Caffrey chock full of information re: global climate destabilization. [The original message was sent to Congressman Jared Huffman of CA District 2.]…

Dan Bacher (2023-04-08). CA Climate activists protest approval of hundreds of neighborhood oil permits this year. indybay.org

Danny Haiphong, Black Agenda Report. (2023-04-08). US Push To Strip China's Developing Country Status. popularresistance.org On March 28, the U.S. House of Representatives passed the "PRC Is Not a Developing Country Act" by a unanimous vote of 415-0 in yet another demonstration of the solid bipartisanship that exists in the United States when it comes to containing and isolating China. Under the terms of the bill, U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken would be directed to seek the removal of China's status as a developing country from international organizations and institutions. | The United Nations, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank all recognize China as a developing country for good reason. China's GDP per c…

David Giesen (2023-04-08). Tuesday 4/4: Prop 13 reform's assassination by kindness: the OMG of California taxpayers. indybay.org ZOOM: us05web.zoom.us/j/87077550566?pwd=NlErNVR5ZkszTG9TR0pTd1RJR1hLdz09 | (this is a virtual only meeting)…

David Giesen (2023-04-08). Wednesday 4/5: Bernal Litterati [sic]. indybay.org amphitheater at the corner of the Bernal Branch library | 500 Cortland Ave. | San Francisco…

DJ Mouse (2023-04-08). Rally to Free Mumia Tuesday, April 4, Oakland Federal Building. indybay.org On March 31, 2023, Judge Lucretia Clemons…former law partner w/ Ed Rendell…denied Mumia Abu Jamal's appeal…ludicrously claiming evidence proving key witnesses were paid in exchange for false testimony was "not material" to showing that the trial was unfair!

ecns.cn (2023-04-08). More China-Europe trains running. ecns.cn China Railway Wuhan Group said on Wednesday that it saw significant growth in the number of its cross-border freight trains operating between China and Europe in the first quarter of this year.

ecns.cn (2023-04-08). Global emerging markets mull ditching U.S. dollar. ecns.cn Emerging markets worldwide are striving to promote the diversification of currencies and enlarge trade settlement channels for their own currencies.

ecns.cn (2023-04-08). France seeks to renew lease of giant pandas during Macron's visit to China. ecns.cn French media reported Rodolphe Delord, director of the ZooParc de Beauval, shoulders the mission of renewing the lease of Chinese giant pandas during French President Emmanuel Macron's visit to China.

ecns.cn (2023-04-08). U.S. theft of secrets is the biggest threat to global cybersecurity: Chinese FM spokeswoman. ecns.cn Asked what her comment is, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Mao Ning pointed out that the latest revelation once again proves that the U.S.'s theft of secrets is the biggest threat to global cybersecurity.

ecns.cn (2023-04-08). China, Japan to hold 15th round of high-level consultations on maritime affairs on April 10. ecns.cn As agreed by the two sides, China and Japan will hold the 15th round of high-level consultations on maritime affairs in Tokyo on April 10, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Mao Ning confirmed at the regular press conference on Friday.

ecns.cn (2023-04-08). People related to chained mother of eight sentenced. ecns.cn Dong Zhimin, the husband in a high-profile case of a woman being trafficked, tortured and giving birth to eight children, was sentenced to 9 years for abuse and illegal detention.

ecns.cn (2023-04-08). Greater Bay Area moves toward further alignment. ecns.cn The Guangdong provincial government on Thursday unveiled 20 examples in which efforts have been made to further align rules and systems in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area in a bid to advance market integration.

ecns.cn (2023-04-08). Canberra's move against TikTok hurts confidence in Australia. ecns.cn Australia's discriminatory restrictions against TikTok undermine the confidence of the international community in the country's business environment, and harm the interests of Australian enterprises and people.

ecns.cn (2023-04-08). Glass beads on moon found to contain water. ecns.cn Chinese scientists have discovered a new water reservoir on the moon in the form of glass beads, which could be of major significance in efforts to probe for water on the Earth's only natural satellite and potentially extract it to support future lunar missions.

ecns.cn (2023-04-08). China-built Mombasa-Nairobi railway promotes Kenya growth. ecns.cn Data released by the Kenya National Bureau of Statistics show that the revenue from the Mombasa-Nairobi railway, built by Chinese enterprises, reached KES 15.3 billion (0.11 billion) last year. Both passenger and freight volumes have steadily increased, continuing to play a positive role in the economic and social development of Kenya.

ecns.cn (2023-04-08). Shenzhen's Xichong named first International Dark Sky Community in China. ecns.cn The Xichong Community in the southern Chinese metropolis of Shenzhen has been certified as an International Dark Sky Community, the first one of its kind in China, according to Shenzhen Astronomical Observatory.

ecns.cn (2023-04-08). Chinese scientists develop first superionic hydride ion conductor at ambient conditions. ecns.cn Chinese scientists have developed the first superionic hydride ion conductor at ambient conditions, according to the Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics under the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

ecns.cn (2023-04-08). 6 jailed over woman trafficking, abuse in China's Jiangsu. ecns.cn A court in east China's Jiangsu Province on Friday handed prison terms to six people after convicting them of trafficking, incarcerating and abusing a woman.

ecns.cn (2023-04-08). China's forex reserves rise in March. ecns.cn China's foreign exchange reserves came in at 3.1839 trillion U.S. dollars at the end of March, up 1.62 percent from a month earlier, according to the State Administration of Foreign Exchange on Friday.

ecns.cn (2023-04-08). Driver who killed 5 pedestrians is executed. ecns.cn A man who killed five people and injured eight others in a hit-and-run vehicle assault in 2021 in Dalian, Liaoning province, was executed on Friday, a local court reported.

ecns.cn (2023-04-08). Technology empowers strawberry farmers in Xinjiang. ecns.cn Young green strawberry seedlings are thriving under the most suitable conditions of light, temperature and humidity thanks to an intelligent water and nutrient control system at a virus-free propagation center overseen by the Agricultural Institute of the Twelfth Division of the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps(XPCC).

ecns.cn (2023-04-08). China starts using solid hydrogen for electricity generation. ecns.cn China has started using solid hydrogen for electricity generation in two power stations in south Kunming and Guangzhou in south China.

ecns.cn (2023-04-08). China launches solid-propellant carrier rocket. ecns.cn A Hyperbola-1 (SQX-1), solid-propellant commercial carrier rocket, blasts off from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in northwest China, April 7, 2023.

ecns.cn (2023-04-08). In Numbers: China-EU cooperation contributes stability, momentum and vitality to the world. ecns.cn

ecns.cn (2023-04-08). Comicomment: Another farce unfolds as political polarization divides U.S. ecns.cn Just days after the so-called second "Democracy Summit" in the United States, another farce has unfolded. On April 4, former President Trump appeared in court in Manhattan, New York City, becoming the first former president in U.S. history to face criminal charges. The courtroom was filled with supporters and opponents of Trump, leading to a tense standoff.

ecns.cn (2023-04-08). Insights丨Spanish Scholar: China and Europe are striving to strengthen cooperation. ecns.cn Recently, European leaders have visited China one after another, aiming to clarify that Europe is not intending to "decouple" with China. China and Europe are striving to strengthen cooperation and reciprocity in both economic and political fields. I think EU-China relations are very important because it can help promote global peace and development.

ecns.cn (2023-04-08). Happy Songkran Festival celebrated in HK. ecns.cn The Happy Songkran Festival is celebrated at D2 Place One in Lai Chi Kok, Hong Kong, from April 5 to 10. The event showcases Thai culture and features a Thai-themed market, dance performance, prayer ceremony, and water-splashing activities.

ecns.cn (2023-04-08). 'Train to spring' stuns visitors in Beijing. ecns.cn Footage of the S2 train winding through blazes of apricot flowers in Beijing has gone viral on the Internet. The train passes through Shuiguan Great Wall and Badaling Great Wall. "ÄÄ…

ecns.cn (2023-04-08). Tianjin opens new container shipping route to Europe. ecns.cn A container ship passed through a water gate at Tianjin Port on Thursday morning, marking the opening of a new direct container shipping route linking Tianjin with European ports. "ÄÄ…

Editor (2023-04-08). Chris Hedges: The Hypocrisy of the Christian Church. scheerpost.com This is a talk Chris Hedges gave on April 6 at a protest at Princeton Theological Seminary demanding the removal of hedge fund billionaire Michael Fisch as chair of the seminary's trustee board.

Eilis Kennedy, Guy Skinner (2023-04-08). [Correspondence] The needs of children born preterm are too often overlooked. thelancet.com The new WHO recommendations for the care of preterm or low birthweight infants, as commented on by Gary Darmstadt and colleagues,1 are to be commended. In particular, the recommendation that kangaroo mother care should be routinely started soon after birth and the emphasis on the centrality of family support and involvement in care should help facilitate the promotion of a neonatal care environment that embraces an integrated approach to addressing the medical and broader developmental and psychosocial needs of infants and their families.

ELEL (2023-04-08). [Department of Error] Department of Error. thelancet.com Mitjà O, Alemany A, Marks M, et al. Mpox in people with advanced HIV infection: a global case series. Lancet 2023; 401: 939—49—The SHARE-NET Collaborators and the appendix have been updated and Valentina Mazzotta's affiliation has been amended. These corrections has been made to the online version as of April 6, 2023.

FRSO San Jose (2023-04-08). Sunday 4/9: Protest the federal ban on abortion medication! indybay.org San Jose City Hall | 200 E Santa Clara St | San Jose, CA 95113…

Gary L Darmstadt, Silke Mader, Karen Edmond (2023-04-08). [Correspondence] The needs of children born preterm are too often overlooked — Authors' reply. thelancet.com We thank Eilis Kennedy and Guy Skinner for highlighting the importance of the new WHO recommendations for the care of preterm or low birthweight infants—with particular attention to immediate kangaroo mother care and family involvement and support—and for pointing out some key challenges to ensuring that the new recommendations are carried out and achieve their potential benefits.1 Challenges in supporting families in the care of preterm infants in neonatal intensive care units have been well documented.

Gururaj Arakeri, Vishal Rao US, Shekar Patil, Peter A Brennan (2023-04-08). [Correspondence] Unsuccessful ban on gutkha and need for tobacco control in India. thelancet.com In India, the use of smokeless tobacco, including gutkha, is a prevalent and dangerous practice that poses serious health risks, especially for oral cancer. Despite being banned by Indian states since 2012, gutkha remains widely used and available.1 Gutkha is a mixture of areca nuts, slaked lime, catechu, tobacco, added flavourings, and sweeteners.2 The ban on gutkha aimed to control addiction rates and adverse effects on the oral mucosa. However, companies producing gutkha have found ways to circumvent the ban by producing pan masala (a non-tobacco product containing areca nuts, slaked lime, catechu, and seasoni…

John Mullen (2023-04-08). The French left and the ongoing workers' revolt. greenleft.org.au A historic social explosion is always a test for any left organisation, writes John Mullen, as he looks behind the latest wave of revolt in France, which is entering its 12th week.

Juan Cole (2023-04-08). The last Time there was this much CO2, there were Sabertooth Tigers, California Monsoons and an Undersea Florida. juancole.com Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) — — The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration reports that for the 11th consecutive year, human-caused emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases increased at the same rate as has been common for the past decade. In other words, nothing the world has so far done has caused the rate …

Jubilee USA Network (2023-04-08). Global Growth Remains Low Amidst Debt Concerns, War and Inflation, Says IMF. indybay.org Press Release…

Khubaka, Michael Harris (2023-04-08). Tuesday 4/18: 2023 California Pan African Global Trade – Urban Agriculture Producers and Consumers. indybay.org Online – In person Watch Party | The Grand Ballroom | 1215 J Street | Sacramento, California…

Kyle Anzalone (2023-04-08). US Will Threaten Europe To Implement Sanctions on Russia. news.antiwar.com The White House plans to send a clear message to its European partners in the economic war against Russia, "you are either with us or against us." Two US Treasury officials will visit European and Central Asian partners next month to demand all sanctions on Russia be implemented. Treasury officials Liz Rosenberg and Brian Nelson …

LaborFest (2023-04-08). Monday 5/1: SF May Day 2023 "Break The Chains For Solidarity & Internationalism" indybay.org 518 Valenia Near 16th St | San Francisco…

mforinoco (2023-04-08). Anti-Imperialist Push from the Brazilian Grassroots: Interview With MNLM Leader Gabriel Araújo. orinocotribune.com

mforinoco (2023-04-08). The Nordstream Ghost Ship. orinocotribune.com The false details in the CIA's cover story | America's Central Intelligence Agency is constantly running covert operations around the world, and all must have a cover story in case things go badly, as they often do. It is just as important to have an explanation when things go well, as they did in the Baltic Sea last fall. Within weeks of my

Middle East Monitor (2023-04-08). Netanyahu Brought Israeli Extremists to Power and Seeks more Arab Recognition; He can't have Both. juancole.com Dr Adnan Abu Amer AdnanAbuAmer2 There are concerns in Israel that the path towards normalisation with more Arab countries is no longer smooth in light of the planned legislation to suit the extreme far-right in the coalition government. Added to this is the stepping up of action to annex the occupied West Bank, and …

Middlebury Institute of International Studies (2023-04-08). Wednesday 4/12: Impactful Relationship Building with Central California Indigenous Community Partners. indybay.org Virtual Event…

Nayvin Gordon, M.D. (2023-04-08). California Department of Public Health's Criminal Negligence—April 2023. indybay.org California Department of Public Health deliberately sacrifices the lives of the elderly, sick, and disabled by removing all restrictions on the transmission of the Covid-19 virus in high risk locations.

Nayvin Gordon (2023-04-08). From Inequality of the Gods to Equality of Humankind. indybay.org History demonstrates clearly that humans can live in egalitarian societies, we do not have to accept the brutality of social dominance and inequality. We must take matters into our own hands to change the world.

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-04-08). Mayo Clinic Minute: What can you eat to avoid kidney stones? newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org March is National Kidney Month, a time to raise awareness about your kidney health and generate support for those affected by conditions, including kidney stones, kidney infections and kidney disease. It's estimated that 1 in 10 people will get a kidney stone in his or her lifetime. Kidney stones are not only painful, but they can lead to serious complications that may require hospitalization and even surgery. The good news is kidney stones are preventable,…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-04-08). Consumer Health: Treating spinal stenosis. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Spinal stenosis happens when the space inside the backbone is too small. This can put pressure on the spinal cord and the nerves that travel through the spine. Spinal stenosis occurs most often in the neck, called cervical spinal stenosis, and in the lower back, called lumbar spinal stenosis. The most common cause of spinal stenosis is wear-and-tear changes in the spine related to arthritis. Most people with spinal stenosis are over 50. Younger people…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-04-08). Not all lumps are breast cancer: Benign breast disease. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Changes to your breast can cause a lot of worry. This is understandable. But not all breast changes are a result of breast cancer. Any breast symptoms, such as a breast lump, nipple discharge or breast pain, should be evaluated by a medical professional. If they are diagnosed as benign, it means they are not cancer. Noncancerous breast symptoms are known as benign breast disease. Some cases of benign breast disease are discovered during a…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-04-08). Colorectal cancer myths and facts. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org It can be easy to feel confused by screening recommendations for common types of cancer. Your health care team is a trusted resource for keeping you up to date on screenings, including screening for colorectal cancer. Test your knowledge of why, when and how you can be screened with these myths and facts: Colorectal cancer is rare. Myth. Colorectal cancer is the second-leading cause of cancer-related death in men and women combined. Roughly 1 in 25 women will…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-04-08). Science Saturday: Igniting the interest of young cancer researchers. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org The 2022 SPARK scholars gather for a photo before the Mayo Clinic SPARK Mini Science Fair on Mayo Clinic's campus in Jacksonville, Florida. Back row: Sara Wasserman, Krish Relan, Nyla Searl, Manish Kota, William Li, Garrett Davidsen, Riya Kar, Ella McCarthy. Front row: Kristi Biswas, Ysabella Wijaya, Yangying Jiang, Katie Shapiro, Esinam Ekpeh, Nia Atcherson, Katherine Jones and Hazel Parent. Not pictured: Jessica Desgroseilliers. "My mother was diagnosed with stage 4 stomach cancer when I…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-04-08). Consumer Health: The truth about organ donation. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org April is National Donate Life Month. This annual observation raises awareness about donation, encourages people to register as donors and honors those who have saved lives through the gift of donation. Over 100,000 people in the U.S. are waiting for an organ transplant. And it's estimated 20 patients die every day in the U.S. because of the lack of donor organs. Have you considered becoming a donor? If you've never considered organ donation or delayed becoming…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-04-08). Mayo Clinic Q and A: Menstrual cycle changes in young women. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org DEAR MAYO CLINIC: My daughter is 19 and just finished her first year of college. It has been a stressful transition for her, but she has managed to stay quite active. She is a swimmer and runner, and she also plays volleyball. About eight months ago, she noticed her periods becoming irregular. Her family medicine physician said this sometimes happens in athletes, and we should not be overly concerned about it. Now, my daughter hasn't had…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-04-08). Cancer-free and embracing new adventures thanks to Mayo's collaborative care. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org In January 2021, after being in remission from melanoma for almost a decade, Christina Armendariz began to feel unwell. The 42-year-old mother went to the emergency room at a hospital near her Orlando, Florida, home. After several imaging tests, Christina was told her cancer had returned. She had a mass under her arm and multiple soft tissue tumors throughout her body. Although she began treatment locally, Christina's condition worsened over time. She experienced significant cognitive…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-04-08). Mayo Clinic Q and A: Successful conception and delivery with a heart issue. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org DEAR MAYO CLINIC: I am 32 and have lived with a congenital heart issue since childhood. I am newly married and would like to have children, but I understand that a pregnancy might be high-risk for me. How does pregnancy affect the heart? And is there anything I can do to reduce my risk for complications if I do conceive? ANSWER: Pregnancy results in many changes that can increase the workload of the heart. During pregnancy, your…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-04-08). Patients with multiple tumors in one breast may not need mastectomy, research finds. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org ROCHESTER, Minn. — Patients who have multiple tumors in one breast may be able to avoid a mastectomy if the tumors can be removed while leaving enough breast tissue, according to research led by the Alliance in Clinical Trials in Oncology and Mayo Clinic Comprehensive Cancer Center. Patients would receive breast-conserving therapy: a lumpectomy followed by whole-breast radiation therapy, rather than mastectomy. The study is published in the Journal of Clinical Oncology. Watch: Dr. Judy…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-04-08). Tips to remain healthy while fasting during Ramadan. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Muslims worldwide are observing Ramadan, the holiest month on the Islamic calendar. It's a time of spiritual reflection, increased devotion, charity work and fasting. Fasting during Ramadan is believed to be a way to purify the soul and develop self-discipline. Muslims abstain from all food or drink, including water and chewing gum, from dawn to sunset. Depending on your location, the fast lasts 12 to 18 hours. "In Minnesota, as we start Ramadan, that's going…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-04-08). Mayo Clinic Minute: Tips to deal with 2023 spring pollen and allergies. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org If you are one of the millions of people who suffer pollen and allergies, you don't need a calendar to tell you it's spring. Sometimes called hay fever, allergic rhinitis can sometimes be confused with a cold. So, what's happening and what can you do? While hay fever alone may not be life threatening, it can be uncomfortable, says Dr. Arveen Bhasin, a Mayo Clinic allergy and immunology expert. She offers these tips for relief from spring pollen and…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-04-08). Mayo Clinic Minute: 3 things to know when using Narcan during an opioid overdose. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Three things to know when using Narcan during an opioid overdose…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-04-08). Mayo Clinic Minute: Breaking barriers for patients who need kidney transplants. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Often, patients whose body mass index, or BMI, is too high aren't able to get a kidney transplant because of the higher risks of complications before and during surgery. But an innovative program at Mayo Clinic is giving patients hope by helping to break that barrier to transplant through a weight loss program. Watch: The Mayo Clinic Minute youtu.be/Vqzp1A9GYw8 Journalists: Broadcast-quality video (1: 07) is in the downloads at the end of this post. Please "Courtesy: …

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-04-08). Athletic or personal trainer: What's the best fit for you? newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org You may have seen athletic trainers on the sidelines of team sports and personal trainers working one-on-one with people at the gym. If you're seeking personalized advice and support to help you refine or advance your physical activity, which type of trainer would be the best fit for you? Here are some tips to consider. What's the difference between an athletic and a personal trainer? While the two terms often are used interchangeably, these professionals…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-04-08). Ready to Run: Mayo Clinic Health System gives tips on self-care for plantar fasciitis. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org MANKATO, Minn. — Most runners will run into a case of plantar fasciitis occasionally, and this heel pain can range from slightly uncomfortable to utterly debilitating. The plantar fascia is a band of tissue extending from the heel to the ball of the foot, and plantar fasciitis is caused by excessive stress, which brings on inflammation and, typically, heel pain. "Plantar fasciitis can affect anyone," says Stephanie Kvas, D.P.M., a Mayo Clinic Health System podiatrist….

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-04-08). Consider organ donation during Donate Life Month. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org More than 105,000 people in the U.S. are currently waiting for an organ transplant according to the Organ Procurement and Transplantation Network. Sadly, an average of 17 people die daily waiting for a transplant, while another name is added to the waiting list every nine minutes. While 2022 set a new annual record with the number of organ transplants being performed, less than 50% of all adults are registered as organ donors, according to LifeSource. April is National…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-04-08). Mayo Clinic to ease universal face mask requirement. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Beginning Monday, April 10, wearing a face mask will no longer be required for patients and staff in most patient care areas on Mayo Clinic and Mayo Clinic Health System campuses. In line with Mayo Clinic's commitment to patient care, Mayo Clinic will continue to require wearing a face mask in high-risk patient settings. High-risk immunocompromised patients will be notified to wear a mask while they are at Mayo Clinic. Mayo Clinic is evolving its…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-04-08). Artificial intelligence creates opportunities to close health care, workplace equity gaps. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Advances in artificial intelligence (AI) and platform models are increasingly driving everyone's day-to-day experiences, including how people receive health care. However, those experiences are not always the same for everyone. April is Minority Health Awareness Month, a national observance to raise awareness about health disparities that continue to affect people from racial and ethnic minority groups. At Mayo Clinic, experts are looking at the ways AI and digital tools can and are shaping the future…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-04-08). Mayo Clinic expert: 3 advances lead to more lifesaving organ transplants. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org April is Donate Life Month ROCHESTER, Minn. — All too often, people waiting for lifesaving organ transplants cannot get them. One of the biggest challenges is the lack of viable donated organs. Promising medical advances are opening the doors to more transplants and saving more lives, says Mauricio Villavicencio, M.D., surgical director of heart and lung transplantation at Mayo Clinic in Rochester. There are 104,000 people on the waiting list in the U.S. for a…

Oakland Museum of California (2023-04-08). Saturday 4/29: HEALING JUSTICE: Exploring Public Art Practices Symposium for Artists. indybay.org Oakland Museum of California | 1000 Oak Street | Oakland, CA 94607…

Orinoco Tribune 2 (2023-04-08). New Campaign To Reinvigorate the Establishment of Zone of Peace in Our Americas. orinocotribune.com By Bill Hackwell — April 4, 2023 | Today in a press conference in Washington DC the Black Alliance for Peace (BAP) along with key allies launched a popular collective campaign to promote the urgent need to establish a Zone of Peace in Our Americas. The press conference coincided with similar events that took place in Havana, Cuba; and Port-au-Prince, Haiti. | The "Zone of Peace" concept emerged from the January 29, 2014, meeting of the heads of state and governments of the Community of | Washington DC | Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC), all of which declared Latin America and the Caribbean should…

Paul Webster (2023-04-08). [World Report] PEPFAR at 20. thelancet.com The President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief has worked to provide care for patients with HIV/AIDS for two decades. Paul Webster reports.

Pierre-Guillaume Piriou, Thibaut Manigold, Vincent Letocart, Patrice Guérin, Mickael Vourc'h (2023-04-08). [Correspondence] BRIGHT-4 trial: bivalirudin strikes back. thelancet.com We read with great interest the study by Yi Li and colleagues1 that reports the comparison of bivalirudin plus high-dose infusion versus heparin monotherapy in patients with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction having percutaneous coronary intervention. The authors conclude that bivalirudin reduced the 30-day composite rate of all-cause mortality or Bleeding Academic Research Consortium types 3—5 major bleeding compared with heparin. This large, well conducted study provides new data to the debate regarding the appropriate anticoagulation for these patients.

ProPublica (2023-04-08). Clarence Thomas and the Billionaire. juancole.com By Joshua Kaplan, Justin Elliott and Alex Mierjeski ( ProPublica) — In late June 2019, right after the U.S. Supreme Court released its final opinion of the term, Justice Clarence Thomas boarded a large private jet headed to Indonesia. He and his wife were going on vacation: nine days of island-hopping in a volcanic archipelago …

reenvia Red Latina sin fronteras (2023-04-08). México_Cherán: Ejemplo de Autonomía y Rebelión. indybay.org México_Cherán: Autonomía y rebelión | El pueblo mexicano que expulsó a políticos, narcos y policía…

Richard Horton (2023-04-08). [Comment] Offline: The world's forgotten children. thelancet.com Momentum has stalled. There is no high-level political leadership for maternal, newborn, child, and adolescent health. Not even high-level UN leadership. Multilateral organisations are distracted and weakened. Domestic country resources are constrained. The competition for limited donor financing has increased. Accountability has withered. Advocacy has quietened. This is an era of de-development for women and children. How have we reached such a desperate and dishonourable place?

Rise Up Bay Area (2023-04-08). Monday 4/10: Protest Illegitimate Banning of the Abortion Pill. indybay.org Same date, time, 3 Bay Area locations: | Ferry Building, The Embarcadero, San Francisco | San Pedro Square Market, 87 N San Pedro St, San Jose | Downtown Berkeley BART, 2160 Shattuck Ave, Berkeley…

Saheli Chowdhury (2023-04-08). Israel Bombs Gaza and Lebanon After Palestinian Retaliation Against Al-Aqsa Attacks. orinocotribune.com Caracas, April 7, 2023 ( At midnight on Friday, April 7, Israeli occupation warplanes launched a series of missile strikes on various sites in the Gaza Strip, targeting a Palestinian Resistance site in the south of Gaza City, an observatory post in the east of the city, agricultural lan…

San José May Day Coalition (2023-04-08). Monday 5/1: San José May Day – International Workers' Day. indybay.org Roosevelt Park | 901 East Santa Clara Street | San José, CA 95116…

Sarah Jackson, Lion Shahab, Jamie Brown, Ann McNeill, Chris Bullen (2023-04-08). [Correspondence] Electronic nicotine delivery systems: pragmatism or expectancy? — Authors' reply. thelancet.com Alain Braillon and Adam Edward Lang raise important questions about e-cigarettes and harm reduction in response to our Comment.1 Here, we explain why a pragmatic approach to maximising e-cigarettes' harm reduction potential is important.

Sebastian Paul, Kirsten Dietrich (2023-04-08). The Legacy of Liberation Theology. indybay.org Liberation theology was the theological promise of Latin America and sounded like a more colorful, people-friendly church. The Vatican saw things differently… Ratzinger's successor in the papacy is pursuing a completely different course: Pope Francis is seeking dialogue, but he himself also comes from Latin America.

Staff (2023-04-08). Las 3 del Día: Jornada para defender el derecho a una Salud para Todos y el resumen noticioso de la semana (+ Podcast). cubadebate.cu El Día Mundial de la Salud (DMS), que se celebra todos los años el 7 de abril, marca el aniversario de la fundación de la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS). Tenemos declaraciones del doctor José Moya, representante de la Organización Panamericana de la Salud (OPS/OMS Cuba). Además realizamos como cada viernes el resumen semanal de nuestro Podcast Las 3 del Día…

Staff (2023-04-08). Recibió Marrero Cruz a Ministro de Estado de Angola. cubadebate.cu En el encuentro, el Jefe de Gobierno cubano reiteró la voluntad de ampliar las relaciones económicas y comerciales entre ambos países, sobre todo en los sectores agroalimentario y de la energía…

Staff (2023-04-08). Talk World Radio: Krishen Mehta on Why the Global South Does Not Support the War in Ukraine. davidswanson.org

Staff (2023-04-08). Alfredo Chirinos Speaks Out in Interview With Vladimir Villegas (PDVSA Corruption). orinocotribune.com Caracas, April 7, 2023 (

Subcommandante Marcos (2023-04-08). The Seven Loose Pieces of the Global Jigsaw Puzzle. indybay.org Toward the end of the Cold War, capitalism created a military horror: the neutron bomb, a weapon that destroys life while leaving buildings intact. During the Fourth World War, however, a new wonder has been discovered: the financial bomb. This new bomb destroys the polis (here, the nation), imposing death, terror, and misery .

Susan Jaffe (2023-04-08). [World Report] Hazardous train spills prompt calls for tougher safety rules. thelancet.com New bipartisan legislation has been proposed to protect health and safety following a train derailment in East Palestine, Ohio, USA. Susan Jaffe reports from Washington, DC.

Tanya Wadhwa (2023-04-08). Argentina and Brazil rejoin UNASUR. peoplesdispatch.org UNASUR was founded in May 2008, with the objective to build regional integration in the cultural, economic, social and political areas while respecting the diversity of each of the member nations…

Tatsuya Fukami (2023-04-08). [Correspondence] Shared decision making with psychological safety. thelancet.com Psychological safety is defined as a shared belief that individuals within a team or group are able to take risks without fear of being embarrassed or punished.1,2 Psychological safety consists of an environment in which people feel respected and comfortable to speak up and express their ideas, opinions, and concerns, which is essential for effective communication and collaboration and encourages creativity and innovation.

teleSUR, ACH, SH (2023-04-08). øPor qué ocurrió el genocidio en Ruanda de 1994? telesurtv.net Hace 29 años Ruanda vivió 100 días de crímenes y asesinatos, una masacre descrita por la ONU como "planificada, sistemática y metódica".

teleSUR, dcdc, JDO (2023-04-08). Brasil regresa a Unasur mediante decreto presidencial de Lula. telesurtv.net La incorporación se oficializará en una cumbre regional de jefes de Estado que se llevará a cabo en Brasilia a finales de mayo próximo.

teleSUR, dcdc, JDO (2023-04-08). Verificarán trámite de juicio político a mandatario ecuatoriano. telesurtv.net El líder de la Asamblea Nacional, Virgilio Saquicela, asegura que hubo demora para notificar oficialmente al mandatario sobre el juicio.

teleSUR, dcdc, JDO (2023-04-08). Estudiantes y activistas exigen control de armas en Tennesse, EE.UU. telesurtv.net Se movilizan además contra la expulsión de dos legisladores de ese estado.

teleSUR, dcdc, JDO (2023-04-08). Tribunal de EE.UU. suspende temporalmente extradición de expresidente de Perú. telesurtv.net Corte de Apelaciones del Noveno Circuito de California le concede una moción de manera parcial que suspende por 14 días su extradición a Perú.

teleSUR, dcdc, JDO (2023-04-08). Rusia: paz en Ucrania debe basarse en nuevo orden mundial. telesurtv.net Serguéi Lavrov se reunió con su par tuco, Mevlüt Çavusoglu. Culpó a los países occidentales, especialmente a EE.UU., de impedir que Ucrania regrese a las negociaciones de paz.

teleSUR, jaa, MER (2023-04-08). Declaran calamidad pública por actividad del volcán Nevado del Ruiz en Manizales, Colombia. telesurtv.net Las autoridades locales indicaron que la decisión fue acordada con el fin de seguir preparándose ante la amenaza de una posible erupción.

teleSUR, jaa, MER (2023-04-08). Emiten alerta por lluvias para 14 provincias dominicanas. telesurtv.net El director del COE, Juan Manuel Méndez, indicó que en alerta amarilla están las provincias de Samaná, Sánchez Rámirez y Hato Mayor.

teleSUR, JDO (2023-04-08). Gobierno de Chile implementa medidas contra la criminalidad. telesurtv.net Promulgan ley Naín-Retamal, llamada también "gatillo fácil". Es cuestionada por considerar que valida la represión y la persecución policial.

teleSUR, JDO (2023-04-08). Denuncian que Israel bombardeó objetivos civiles de Gaza. telesurtv.net Ejército israelí confirmó que entre la noche del jueves y la madrugada del viernes arrojó 50 toneladas de bombas contra la Franja de Gaza.

teleSUR, JGN (2023-04-08). Reportan un fallecido por accidente en central termoeléctrica en Cuba. telesurtv.net El cuerpo de medicina legal del Hospital Faustino Pérez confirmó el fallecimiento de Labrada Junco, quien era residente en el municipio de Matanzas.

teleSUR, nama, JDO (2023-04-08). Denuncian secuestro de director de Laboratorio Nacional de Haití. telesurtv.net Autoridades sanitarias confirmaron que Jacques Boncy se sometió a una intervención quirúrgica y se encuentra estable.

teleSUR, nama, JDO (2023-04-08). Lluvias invernales provocan 23 muertos y 52.298 afectados en Ecuador. telesurtv.net Las plantaciones más perjudicadas resultan las de arroz, con unos 50 millones de dólares en pérdidas.

teleSUR, nama, JDO (2023-04-08). Líbano denunciará agresión israelí ante Consejo de Seguridad. telesurtv.net La agresión israelí se concentró en zonas agrícolas y en la llanura de Qulaila, pertenecientes a la región de Tiro.

teleSUR, nama, JDO (2023-04-08). Recuerdan en Ruanda aniversario de genocidio contra los tutsis. telesurtv.net La tragedia causó más de 800.000 muertos, principalmente de la etnia tutsi, último pueblo que se asentó en la nación africana.

teleSUR, nama, MER (2023-04-08). Unicef: casi un millón de niños puede sufrir desnutrición aguda en Sahel. telesurtv.net Unicef indicó que Níger presentará la mayor carga de emaciación grave en el Sahel central, con un estimado de hasta 430.000 niños en este año.

teleSUR, odr, MER (2023-04-08). Reportan 1.116 nuevos casos de Covid-19 en Chile. telesurtv.net La cifra total de contagios aumentó a 5.271.755, de los cuales 3.443 pacientes están en etapa activa.

teleSUR, odr, MER (2023-04-08). FAO: precios mundiales de los alimentos caen un 20,5 % en marzo. telesurtv.net La FAO precisó que el índice de referencia de los precios internacionales de los productos alimenticios descendió por 12º mes consecutivo.

teleSUR, odr, MER (2023-04-08). Incendios dejan 33.000 hectáreas afectadas en Honduras. telesurtv.net En lo que va de 2023 se han registrado 820 incendios forestales en todo el país, indicaron las autoridades.

teleSUR, odr, MER (2023-04-08). Controlan incendio en reserva forestal de Panamá. telesurtv.net El Ministerio de Ambiente precisó que pasadas 24 horas de trabajo se logró controlar el incendio de masa vegetal.

teleSUR, rzr, JDO (2023-04-08). Rescatan a civiles secuestrados por bandas armadas en México. telesurtv.net Fueron rescatados dos grupos de personas, entre ellos posiblemente los turistas desaparecidos desde el pasado 4 de abril.

teleSUR, rzr, SH (2023-04-08). Fiscalía boliviana imputa a exgobernador por irregularidades. telesurtv.net El exgobernador Camacho enfrenta los cargos de incumplimiento de deberes, malversación, uso indebido de influencias, conducta antieconómica y contratos lesivos al Estado.

teleSUR, rzr, SH (2023-04-08). Movimiento de izquierda denuncia violación electoral en Guatemala. telesurtv.net Representantes del Movimiento para la Liberación de los Pueblos han tenido que enfrentar obstáculos por el Tribunal Supremo Electoral del país.

teleSUR, SH (2023-04-08). Notifican al presidente Lasso de juicio político en su contra. telesurtv.net Para ser aprobado el juicio político contra el presidente ecuatoriano se necesitan 92 votos de los legisladores de la Asamblea Nacional.

teleSUR, SH (2023-04-08). ONU sostiene que el Líbano e Israel no quieren una guerra. telesurtv.net La Misión de la ONU en el Líbano llamó a Israel y al país árabe a cesar los ataques de forma inmediata.

Vijay Prashad, Tricontinental: Institute For Social Research. (2023-04-08). Women Hold Up 76.2% Of The Sky. popularresistance.org There is no need to delve too deeply into statistical data when the findings are obvious. For instance, when women and men work at the same job, women are paid — on average — 20 percent less than men. To raise awareness about this persistent disparity, the International Labour Organisation (ILO) and United Nations Women host the International Equal Pay Day every year on 18 September and, through their Equal Pay International Coalition, lobby corporations and governments to close the yawning gender pay gap. The idea of 'equal pay for equal work' was established in the ILO's Equal Remuneration Conventio…

Women's March, partners (2023-04-08). Saturday 4/15: #AbortionRights: Nationwide Protests to Demand & Defend Abortion Pill Access. indybay.org Nationwide marches, rallies, and actions | To sign…

WSWS (2023-04-08). Oppose political censorship of antiwar views at Howard University! wsws.org We call on all students, faculty and staff members at Howard University to oppose this censorship and demand that the IYSSE be allowed to hold its planned meeting on campus.

WSWS (2023-04-08). ProPublica documents corrupt relations of Supreme Court arch-reactionary Clarence Thomas with billionaire Republican donor. wsws.org On Thursday, the investigative journalism website ProPublica published an extensive and damning report documenting the fact that Supreme Court Associate Justice Clarence Thomas has for decades enjoyed luxurious vacations paid for by Harlan Crow, a billionaire far-right Republican donor.

WSWS (2023-04-08). Washington D.C. law enforcement releases videos showing police killing of 17-year old in a moving vehicle. wsws.org An officer with the US Parks Police ambushed Dalaneo Martin in his car as it was in park and the latter was asleep.

WSWS (2023-04-08). A social and medical examination of Long COVID as a "mass disabling event": Part 4. wsws.org This review will document what is known about the science and impacts of Long COVID, the lessons that should have been drawn from previous post-viral illnesses, and the refusal of world capitalism to address this massive and ongoing social catastrophe.

WSWS (2023-04-08). March US jobs report shows deepening impact of interest rate increases on the working class. wsws.org The March jobs report from the US Labor Department showed a slowdown of job creation and the ongoing lag of workers' wages behind price inflation.

WSWS (2023-04-08). French union leaders plan to abandon struggle against Macron's pension cuts. wsws.org This vindicates the Parti de l'égalité socialiste, who said that to bring down Macron, workers must organise into committees of action, independent of the union bureaucracies.

WSWS (2023-04-08). Rising rents in Germany plunge many into poverty. wsws.org The high rents are already unaffordable for millions. The proportion of affordable housing and social housing on the housing market is falling rapidly.

WSWS (2023-04-08). Following mass shooting in Nashville, fascistic Tennessee Republicans expel two Democratic lawmakers. wsws.org The gerrymandered Republican supermajority in the lower Tennessee House expelled two freshman African American Democratic lawmakers, Justin Jones and Justin Pearson, for leading a peaceful student protest demanding gun reform.

Yi Li, Zhenyang Liang, Gregg W Stone, Yaling Han (2023-04-08). [Correspondence] BRIGHT-4 trial: bivalirudin strikes back — Authors' reply. thelancet.com We thank Pierre-Guillaume Piriou and colleagues for their interest in our Article.1…

WSWS (2023-04-08). Forward to May Day 2023! Build a mass movement of workers and youth against war and for socialism! wsws.org On Sunday, April 30, the International Committee of the Fourth International, the International Workers Alliance of Rank-and-File Committees, the International Youth and Students for Social Equality and the World Socialist Web Site will hold an on-line global rally to celebrate May Day 2023.

_____ (2023-04-08). Irish Joe Biden's Irish Sopranos. strategic-culture.org

_____ (2023-04-08). Kosovo Liberation Army Leader Hashim Thaci on Trial for War Crimes. strategic-culture.org By Peter SCHWARZ | From March 24 to June 9, 1999, NATO bombed Serbia for 77 days. It was the first major war on European soil since the Second World War—even this fact is suppressed and denied today in view of the war in Ukraine. | War propaganda was in full swing at the time: NATO was laying waste to Serbian cities in order to defend "human rights" and to stop the "ethnic cleansing" Serbia was accused of carrying out in Kosovo. Greens, liberals and pseudo-left groups, who only a few weeks before had been invoking pacifism, eagerly took up this propaganda and switched to the war camp with flying colours. In…

_____ (2023-04-08). World's Most Dangerous Flashpoint: Israeli Forces Repeatedly Invade Sacred al-Aqsa Mosque, Beat, Expel Worshipers, on Behalf of Jewish Extremists. strategic-culture.org By Juan COLE | Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) — The Israeli newspaper

ecns.cn (2023-04-08). ICOMOS and HIST host international webinar on space technologies for cultural heritage conservation. ecns.cn An international webinar on space technologies for cultural heritage conservation was held on March 30 to promote their application for monitoring, evaluation, management and sustainable development of cultural heritage sites.

ecns.cn (2023-04-08). China's economy showing strong momentum in blooming season. ecns.cn The tantalizing aroma of fresh coffee fills the air as staff from Italian coffee giant Illycaffe arrange their booth for the upcoming third China International Consumer Products Expo (CICPE), slated to open on April 10 in southern China's island province of Hainan.

ecns.cn (2023-04-08). China to put multi-pronged efforts into expanding digital economy. ecns.cn China has fleshed out its pledge this year to foster the digital economy, which is increasingly prominent in its overall economy.

ecns.cn (2023-04-08). Birth of an Airbus A321 in China's Tianjin. ecns.cn The first Airbus A321neo aircraft assembled in China rolled off the assembly line in the northern Chinese city of Tianjin for delivery on March 24.

ecns.cn (2023-04-08). PLA Eastern Theater Command launches patrol, military exercises around Taiwan Island. ecns.cn The Eastern Theater Command of the Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) on Saturday launched combat readiness patrol and military exercises around the Taiwan Island, which will last from April 8 to 10 Beijing time as scheduled.

ecns.cn (2023-04-08). Xi, Macron hold informal meeting in China. ecns.cn Chinese President Xi Jinping held an informal meeting with French President Emmanuel Macron on Friday in Guangzhou, the capital of Guangdong Province in south China.

ecns.cn (2023-04-08). Taiwan question is not about democracy: Chinese spokesperson. ecns.cn The Taiwan question is not about democracy and such moves of supporting "Taiwan independence" separatist forces in the name of democracy and using the Taiwan question to contain China are highly dangerous and will get nowhere, a Chinese foreign ministry spokesperson said Friday.

ecns.cn (2023-04-08). China's AC332 helicopter makes first full-state flight. ecns.cn China's AC332 twin-engine civil helicopter successfully conducted its first full-state flight here on Friday, announced its developer, the Aviation Industry Corporation of China (AVIC).

ecns.cn (2023-04-08). China-Denmark all-cargo air route launched in Hangzhou. ecns.cn Zhejiang Province, a manufacturing and trade hub in east China, has launched a new cargo air service linking its capital city of Hangzhou with Denmark.

ecns.cn (2023-04-08). Three-dimensional sidewalk attracts citizens in Chongqing. ecns.cn A three-dimensional sidewalk is seen on Nanbin Road, southwest China's Chongqing, attracting citizens to take photos. "ÄÄ…

ecns.cn (2023-04-08). Multi-functional helicopter makes maiden flight. ecns.cn Aviation Industry Corp of China"ÄÄ(AVIC), the nation's leading aircraft maker, on Friday conducted the maiden flight of its AC332, a new type of multifunctional helicopter designed for civilian use, especially on plateaus. "ÄÄ…

Editor (2023-04-08). US Media Cheer as France Forces Old People to Work. scheerpost.com

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-04-08). Mayo Clinic Q and A: Allergies or a virus? How to tell the difference. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org DEAR MAYO CLINIC: Every year I am plagued by springtime allergies. But in the last few weeks I have been experiencing congestion, runny nose and a persistent cough. How can I determine whether this is a cold, allergies or something more? When should I seek medical care? ANSWER: As the seasons shift, it can be harder to distinguish between the symptoms of the common cold, COVID-19, the flu and allergies, since all can have similar symptoms. This…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-04-08). Mayo Clinic Minute: Using AI to predict kidney failure in patients with polycystic kidney disease. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Kidney failure can be caused by many reasons: diabetes, high blood pressure, autoimmune diseases and polycystic kidney disease, or PKD. PKD is an inherited disease that causes cysts to form around your kidneys. The most common form of PKD is autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD), where it is most often diagnosed in adults between the ages of 30 and 40. Dr. Fouad Chebib, a Mayo Clinic nephrologist and expert on polycystic kidney disease, says patients understand…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-04-08). Kale: Discover the 'secret powers' of this superfood. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Although it may seem like it, kale isn't a new vegetable. Thomas Jefferson experimented with several varieties of kale at his Monticello estate in the early 1800s. It's long been popular in northern Europe and now throughout the U.S. Before becoming a popular salad green, kale was often used in restaurants as a decorative garnish on plates. But over the past 10 years, the popularity of kale has skyrocketed. You've probably heard it referred to…

Repost (2023-04-08). Corrupt Racist Newsom Pandering To Blacks In South When He Attacked Blacks In SF TWU 250a. indybay.org Corrupt racist Gavin Newsom attacked Black workers while he was mayor of San Francisco and supports gentrification pushing Blacks out of San Francisco. Now he is campaigning in the South as a defender of the Black people.

Scott Huminski (2023-04-08). D.O.J. charge DeSantis PETITION – civil rights crimes in violation of 18 U.S.C. ß ß 241,242. indybay.org DeSantis' cover-up of G.O.P. prosecutor's forgery of a Court order while concurrently removing a twice elected progressive prosecutor from office for LGBTQ and abortion policies.

Staff (2023-04-08). La educación cubana: un referente a nivel internacional. cubadebate.cu Hasta el cierre de febrero del presente año, el Ministerio de Educación de Cuba, cuenta actualmente, con 543 colaboradores distribuidos en trece países de àÅfrica, América Latina y el Caribe y Oceanía ( Bahamas, Argentina, Ecuador, Jamaica, Panamá, Honduras, México, Venezuela, Guinea Ecuatorial, Sudáfrica, República àÅrabe Saharaui, Islas Reunión y Australia) donde se han promovido varios proyectos, entre ellos y el más importante el de alfabetización, a través del método "Yo, sí puedo", "Yo, sí puedo seguir".

Staff (2023-04-08). Falleció Antonio Conde, El Cuate, amigo de Fidel y dueño del yate Granma (+ Video). cubadebate.cu El legendario Antonio Conde, conocido por los cubanos y mexicanos como El Cuate, murió a los 97 años de edad. Fue el Cuate quien compró y reparó el yate Granma que entregó a Fidel para que, con sus 82 expedicionarios, pusiera rumbo a Cuba para iniciar en la sierra Maestra la guerra necesaria contra la dictadura de Fulgencio Batista, el 2 de diciembre de 1956.

Staff (2023-04-08). Seis equipos empatan en Serie Nacional de Béisbol. cubadebate.cu La cerrada porfía continúa en vilo, y tras los resultados de hoy existe un séxtuple empate en la cima de la LXII Serie Nacional de Béisbol que dejó caer las cortinas de sus segundas subseries particulares; los abrazados son el subcampeón nacional Matanzas, Villa Clara, Guantánamo, Camagàºey, Sancti Spíritus y Las Tunas.

Staff (2023-04-08). Copa Ronaldo Veitía: Recuerdo y futuro, magia y amor. cubadebate.cu Más de 100 niños en las categorías sub 13 y sub 15 inundaron los tatamis ubicados en el hotel Meliá Internacional y los nombres de los 32 campeones importan (con medallas incluidas), pero lo más trascendente quedará siempre en el recuerdo competitivo de haber inaugurado un evento-homenaje. No hizo falta fotos ni palabras introductorias, tampoco videos con sus frases preferidas o anécdotas.

Staff (2023-04-08). Cuidaremos siempre el Granma, Cuate. cubadebate.cu Leo que ha muerto el Cuate, el mexicano cubanísimo que compró el yate Granma por indicaciones de Fidel para la expedición libertaria de 1956, el amigo incondicional de Cuba. Y aunque sé que ya rebasaba los noventa, no deja de apretárseme el pecho. Sé que hace muy poco tiempo, en su más reciente visita, fue a ver su yate. Allí estuvo acompañado de las muchachas que siempre lo reciben en el Museo de la Revolución, conversaron y estoy segura de una vez más les pidió con insistencia que le cuidasen "su yate". El Cuate se despedía siempre, pero definitivamente esta vez….

teleSUR, JCM (2023-04-08). Ejercito chino realiza ejercicios militares alrededor de Taiwán. telesurtv.net La operación es una seria advertencia contra las provocaciones de las fuerzas separatistas de Taiwán y fuerzas externas, y una acción necesaria para salvaguardar la soberanía nacional.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-04-08). Corea del Norte prueba sistema de armas estratégicas submarinas. telesurtv.net Este nuevo ejercicio se produce después que el Gobierno de Pyongyang advirtió de tomar medidas contra los ejercicios militares conjuntos entre Corea del Sur y Estados Unidos.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-04-08). Al menos seis heridos deja tiroteo en Carolina del Sur, EE.UU. telesurtv.net El jefe de policía de Isle of Palms, Kevin Cornett, indicó que varias personas fueron detenidas, pero aún no puede confirmar si el tirador está bajo custodia.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-04-08). Muertes de menores por arma de fuego en EE.UU. crecen 50%. telesurtv.net La estadística toma en cuenta los datos de mortalidad publicados por los Centros de Control y Enfermedades de EE.UU. entre 2019 y 2021.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-04-08). Honduras extiende por 45 días más estado de excepción. telesurtv.net Con la nueva ampliación quedarán suspendidas hasta el próximo 21 de mayo las garantías constituciones en 123 municipios de Honduras…

teleSUR, JCM (2023-04-08). Defensa rusa derriba misil ucraniano sobre ciudad de Crimea. telesurtv.net El jefe de la república de Crimea, Sergey Aksyonov, a traves de su canal Telegram, confirmó: "Un misil lanzado desde Ucrania fue derribado sobre Feodosia".

teleSUR, JGN (2023-04-08). Exigen seguir debido proceso en juicio político contra presidente de Ecuador. telesurtv.net La resolución instó al presidente de la comisión a que evite emplear una normativa procesal ordinaria, ajena y no prevista dentro de los procedimientos parlamentarios.

teleSUR, ka, JGN (2023-04-08). øPor qué se celebra el Día Internacional del Pueblo Gitano?>. telesurtv.net El pueblo gitano lucha por la reivindicación de sus derechos, y contra la discriminación, el antigitanismo, la pobreza y el desempleo.

teleSUR, nbb, JGN (2023-04-08). Bolivia califica de exitosa prueba piloto de censo de población. telesurtv.net Jóvenes lugareños fueron captados para la prueba, lo que facilitó la aplicación de los cuestionarios.

teleSUR, nbb, JGN (2023-04-08). Incautan 100 kilos de cocaína en El Salvador. telesurtv.net Por el momento, la policía maneja el hecho como información en desarrollo y no han brindado más detalles.

teleSUR, nbb, JGN (2023-04-08). Al menos seis palestinos heridos por protestas en Kafr Qaddum. telesurtv.net Algunos de los heridos fueron tratados en el lugar, mientras otros fueron trasladados al hospital para recibir tratamiento.

teleSUR, nbb, JGN (2023-04-08). Fallece mexicano El Cuate, estrecho colaborador de Fidel Castro. telesurtv.net Del Conde fue quien compró y reparó el yate Granma para entregárselo a Fidel Castro y pusiera rumbo a Cuba junto a sus 82 expedicionarios.

Ryan Cristián (2023-04-07). Israel Attacks Al-Aqsa, Long-COVID Con, East Palestine Still Lied To & The World Vaccine Congress. thelastamericanvagabond.com Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (4/7/23). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth

John Catalinotto (2023-04-07). Will workers turn toward taking the offensive in France? workers.org For the 11th time since Jan. 19, millions of people in France, led by the workers of the major union confederations, especially the General Confederation of Labor (CGT), took to the streets all over the country on April 6. Once again, they shut France down. Early reports in the New . . . |

David Starr (2023-04-07). United States Hypocrisy Toward the World is Another Way of Saying, 'Don't Do as We Do, Do as We Say'. covertactionmagazine.com In February 2023, United States Secretary of State Antony Blinken briefly met Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and proceeded to give him a "moral" lecture on Russia's decision to suspend its role in a nuclear arms treaty, and on Russia's invasion of Ukraine. They were in India for the Group of 20 summit. USA Today quoted Blinken, …

infobrics (2023-04-07). Petro-Yuan or Petro-BRICS: The Need for Better Alternative Reserve Currencies to Break Dollar Dominance. infobrics.org The dominance of the US dollar has been causing increasing problems for economies around the world. As a result, there is a growing undercurrent of interest in finding alternative reserve currencies. China is pushing for the yuan to become a reserve currency, but a possible BRICS+ Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) may have the edge…

infobrics (2023-04-07). Russia and South Africa Remain Friends, Insists Pandor. infobrics.org Minister of International Relations and Cooperation Naledi Pandor has reiterated that South Africa remains on friendly terms with Russia…

infobrics (2023-04-07). India-Russia Meet on Roads, Transport Systems Held. infobrics.org In an effort to establish an effective bilateral relationship of communication and cooperation in the road transportation, logistics, Intelligent Transport System (ITS) and green mobility sector, the first meeting of the India-Russia Working Group on Roads and ITS was held in the national Capital…

infobrics (2023-04-07). Duda makes Polish expansionism clear after meeting with Zelensky. infobrics.org Anti-Russian confederation plan in Eastern Europe would serve Polish interest in annexing regions in western Ukraine.

infobrics (2023-04-07). Trump's arrest could backfire, as his popularity grows. infobrics.org Trump is still the most popular Republican leader and remains one of the only voices in the West advocating a diplomatic solution to the conflict in Ukraine.

infobrics (2023-04-07). The 'Holy Trinity' behind Russian military dominance in Ukraine. infobrics.org Although these weapons might not seem as important as Russia's hypersonic missiles or its doomsday strategic arsenal, they are no less valuable on a tactical level. Thousands of howitzers, MLRS, tanks, air defense systems, command posts, weapons production facilities, ammunition, etc. have been destroyed by these extremely cost-effective weapons.

Ramzy Baroud (2023-04-07). The Price of Solidarity: Palestine, Indonesia and the Entitlement of Western "Human Rights" Activism. mintpressnews.com The Indonesian government's refusal to host the Israeli team as part of the Under-20 World Cup highlights the hypocrisy of Western human rights activists, argues Dr. Ramzy Baroud.

Lee Camp (2023-04-07). Drought Profiteers: Wall Street Billionaires Are Snatching Up America's Water. mintpressnews.com Drought profiteers – financial industry executives buying up public freshwater resources in a time of increasing drought – are pushing the US water supply to the brink of collapse, reports Lee Camp.

Fight Back (2023-04-07). Victory in fight for Tampa Citizens Review Board independence. fightbacknews.org Tampa, FL — The Tampa City Council voted 4-3 to pass an ordinance granting the city's Citizen Review Board (CRB) an independent attorney, April 6. The CRB is a city board that was established in 2015 to review closed cases of police misconduct, as well as be a place where people can bring complaints about the police. | An independent attorney would be more impartial and fair than the current arrangement, where the board uses the city's attorney. Using the city's attorney, by its nature, creates a conflict of interest, which the Tampa police attorney himself admitted in a CRB meeting, stating that the CRB,…

Fight Back (2023-04-07). Minneapolis: MPD consent decree falls short and keeps power out of community hands. fightbacknews.org Fight Back News Service is circulating the following April 6 joint statement of the Twin Cities Coalition 4 Justice 4 Jamar and Minneapolis for Community Control of Police. | Consent decree falls short and keeps power out of community hands | We need an all-elected Civilian Police Accountability Commission to permanently reign in the abuses of MPD | On Friday, March 31, the City of Minneapolis and the Minnesota Department of Human Rights (MDHR) announced the signing of a consent decree to address human rights violations by the Minneapolis Police Department. The agreement was negotiated entirely behind closed door…

Fight Back (2023-04-07). Austin students protest attacks on diversity, equity and inclusion. fightbacknews.org Austin, TX — On Wednesday, April 5, Austin Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) met on Speedway at UT Austin with the Texas Students for DEI Coalition to protest recent Texas legislative and administrative attacks on diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) programs. The rally was also called in solidarity with the Tampa 4, a group of University of South Florida SDS members currently facing felony charges after being brutalized and arrested while protesting Florida's attacks on DEI programs. | "While Republican lawmakers like Governor Greg Abbott try to claim that these laws are in the interest of fai…

Fight Back (2023-04-07). Legalization For All network's delegation to the US Mexico border in Tijuana. fightbacknews.org Tijuana, Mexico – On April 2, a group of activists from the Legalization For All network crossed the U.S.-Mexico border to witness the effects of U.S. border militarization. The group met with Robert Vivar, binational coordinator at VÂA Internacional, and Aída Amador, coordinator of VÂA Migrante. They visited the Unified U.S. Deported Veterans Office, the border wall at Friendship Park on the Tijuana side, and the Casa de Luz LGBTQ+ immigrant collective house. | Crossing from the U.S. into Tijuana was quick and easy with no lines – the group did not even need to present their passports, which showed just how eas…

Fight Back (2023-04-07). Brandon Johnson elected mayor of Chicago. fightbacknews.org Chicago, IL – On Tuesday April 4, Brandon Johnson won 51.4% of vote in the Chicago mayoral runoff election. Johnson's victory is also a victory for working and oppressed people, as demonstrated by the range of organizations and individuals who celebrated with Johnson and his family at the Marriott Marquis on election night. | Frank Chapman, executive director of the National Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression, said "I've been living for this moment since the Great Harold Washington in 1986, yet we didn't wait on history; we, the oppressed and the working class, made history." | Sever…

Chris Hedges (2023-04-07). No, COVID-19 isn't 'over'—but millions of Americans' Medicaid coverage is about to be. therealnews.com The Biden administration is poised to allow the national emergency on COVID-19 to expire on May 11, 2023. Once that occurs, between 5 to 14 million Americans previously covered under Medicaid will lose their insurance. Although the pandemic continues to rage, killing thousands and infecting hundreds of thousands each week, a bipartisan consensus has settled in Washington to simply pretend COVID-19 is "over." What meager safety net was extended at the start of the pandemic is now being rolled back—leaving Americans to shoulder the risks and expenses of illness and death entirely on their own. Dr. Marga…

Taya Graham, Stephen Janis (2023-04-07). After years of racial political struggle, Pocomoke City, MD elects first Black mayor. therealnews.com Days before Todd Nock would become the first Black mayor of Pocomoke City, a small town on Maryland's Lower Eastern Shore, he paused as he tried to express what the historic achievement meant—not just to him, but to the community he was preparing to serve. | "I started sitting in the back of council meetings, then moving to the front, becoming first vice president, and now here we are," Nock said. | "I had no idea [I could be Mayor.] At the time," in 2015, "I was an unemployed college dropout. I had just lost my jobs a couple weeks prior to that, I couldn't afford to go back to school."pocomoke cit…

Mariam Barghouti (2023-04-07). Israel attacks Al-Aqsa two nights in a row, beating worshipers at holy site. therealnews.com This story originally appeared in On Wednesday evening , the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem was full of Muslim worshippers praying into the night during the holy month of Ramadan. Earlier that morning, worshipers were beaten, and forced out of the holy mosque's prayer halls. | In the midst of night prayers Wednesday, Israeli forces stormed the compound again with weapons and riot gear, unleashing a co…

Anand Naidoo (2023-04-07). The Heat: China-France Ties. america.cgtn.com Chinese President Xi Jinping welcomes French President Emmanuel Macron at the Great Hall of the People for a state visit. Chinese President Xi and French President Macron held lengthy bilateral talks on Thursday in Beijing. The two leaders pledged to deepen cooperation on trade, advance new …

Rick Rozoff (2023-04-07). Poland, Moldova form united front against Russia over Ukraine, Transnistria. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com Polish RadioApril 7, 2023 Polish, Moldovan PMs discuss support for Ukraine, countering Russian threat Poland's prime minister met with his Moldovan counterpart in Chi»ôinƒÉu on Thursday, and both leaders reaffirmed support for war-torn Ukraine, while also discussing ways to ensure stability in Moldova amid the threat from Russia, officials said. *** Morawiecki and Recean also …

Rick Rozoff (2023-04-07). Turkish, U.S. defense chiefs discuss NATO expansion, "regional security" antibellum679354512.wordpress.com Anadolu AgencyApril 7, 2023 Turkish, US defense chiefs discuss NATO, regional security issues Turkish National Defense Minister Hulusi Akar and US Secretary of Defense Lloyd James Austin on Thursday spoke over the phone and discussed NATO and the Black Sea grain deal. Akar and Austin also discussed Finland's accession to NATO, bilateral and regional defense …

Rick Rozoff (2023-04-07). High-level S. Korean military delegation summoned to NATO, SHAPE HQs. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com NATOSupreme Headquarters Allied Powers EuropeApril 6, 2023 High Level Republic of Korea Visits to SHAPE and NATO Headquarters SHAPE and NATO Headquarters hosted delegates from the Republic of Korea during the week of Mar. 27 to 31, 2023 to discuss a variety of issues with the partner nation. Deputy Chief of Staff Partnership Directorate Rear …

Rick Rozoff (2023-04-07). European war games: 9,000 U.S. troops, 17,000 from 26 NATO allies, partners in 10 nations. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com The four partner nations involved are Bosnia, Georgia, Kosovo (pseudo-nation) and Moldova, all with territorial disputes that could erupt into war at any moment. ==== U.S. Department of DefenseApril 5, 2023 Multinational Exercise Defender 23 Kicks Off This Month in Europe Nearly 9,000 American troops are expected to participate in the Defender 23 exercise which …

Rick Rozoff (2023-04-07). Poland: Brzezinski presides over largest NATO infrastructure hub in 30 years. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com Stars and StripesApril 6, 2023 US Army's new weapons depot in Poland is largest NATO facility buy in decades A sprawling U.S. Army weapons depot in central Poland opened this week, giving NATO allies a readily accessible site with thousands of pieces of armor and other equipment that can be mobilized in a crisis. In …

_____ (2023-04-07). On Kim Sung-han's resignation. journal-neo.org National Security Advisor of the Republic of Korea (to put it bluntly, a key advisor on foreign and national security affairs of South Korea) said that he was stepping down on March 29, 2023, less than a month before President Yoon Suk-yeol's state visit to the United States. Kim stated in a press release, "When […] | –°–æ–æ–±—â–µ–Ω–∏–µ

_____ (2023-04-07). Should the US Remain Responsible for European Security? journal-neo.org This is the question Donald Trump brought to the forefront when he started asking why the US was paying the lion's share for European security and demanding that members of NATO foot the bill, with at least 2 percent of their GNP. It remains pertinent because the present situation can only exist if the US […] | –°–æ–æ–±—â–µ–Ω–∏–µ

_____ (2023-04-07). Al-Aqsa Raid: How BBC Coverage Is Enabling Israeli Violence. strategic-culture.org The late Archbishop Desmond Tutu, a Nobel laureate and tireless campaigner against South African apartheid, once observed: "If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor." For decades, the BBC's editorial policy in reporting on Israel and Palestine has consistently chosen the side of the oppressor – and all too often, not even by adopting the impartiality the corporation claims as the bedrock of its journalism.

_____ (2023-04-07). Finland Joins NATO in Foreboding But Fitting Historical Coming Out. strategic-culture.org Biden and other NATO cheerleaders celebrating "peace" and "security" with Finland joining the bloc this week is not just grotesque. It is a foreboding warning of a more disastrous war. | During the Cold War decades, Finland prided itself in adopting a non-aligned position in relations between the United States and the Soviet Union. Of course, there were good reasons for this Finnish nominal neutrality. The Nordic country not only shared a long border with Soviet Russia, thereby making its neutrality an essential Moscow requisite for security. But in addition, too, Finland bore the shame of having been defeated by…

_____ (2023-04-07). The Imminent Collapse of Eurofascism. strategic-culture.org Only by crushing Eurofascism and expelling the Anglo-Saxon fascists from the Old Continent can the world be saved from a nuclear holocaust. | After the collapse of Nazi Germany, the Americans entered Western Europe with the firm intention of staying there forever, and to be completely honest, they never really hid it from us. The first Secretary General of NATO, the British general and diplomat, Hastings Ismay, explained the essence of the founding of the military alliance, which he headed, in a short but more than precise and vivid formulation, saying that its goal is "to keep the Soviet Union out, the Americans…

_____ (2023-04-07). The Warm Embrace and the Cold Shoulder: China Mines Europe's Fractures During Joint Visit. strategic-culture.org French President Emmanuel Macron got parades and banquets. EU chief Ursula von der Leyen was mostly left alone. | Suzanne LYNCH and Stuart LAU reported from Brussels | French President Emmanuel Macron was given the full red-carpet treatment this week in Beijing, fêted at a state banquet, and greeted by military parades and firing cannons on Tiananmen Square. When Macron's plane touched down, China's foreign minister personally welcomed him. | When European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen arrived, she got the ecology minister — at the regular passenger exit. | It was a pattern on display again a…

Abdul Rahman (2023-04-07). Western media continues to get it wrong when reporting on Israeli violence against Palestinians. peoplesdispatch.org The pro-Israel bias in the mainstream reporting on the Al-Aqsa mosque violence is viewed as an attempt by Western media outlets to justify Israel's oppressive apartheid policies against Palestinians…

African Stream (2023-04-07). AFRICOM: Securing African or U.S. Interests? towardfreedom.org The United States Africa Command—or AFRICOM—was founded in 2007. But it's failed to bring peace and security. Major failures in Somalia, Libya and elsewhere have left many Africans suspecting it exists only to serve U.S. interests. African Stream reports.

Alexander Rubinstein (2023-04-07). Leaked documents expose US-NATO Ukraine war plans. thegrayzone.com Classified Pentagon documents containing information about US and NATO plans for a Ukrainian offensive and key details of the ongoing war have leaked. And the Biden administration is reportedly demanding they be scrubbed from the internet. Is there a hidden agenda behind the leak? The New York Times has reported "a significant breach of American intelligence in the effort to aid Ukraine" through the leak of classified documents which have been shared on social media. It correspondents cited "senior Biden …

Ali Abunimah (2023-04-07). Israel's fanaticism is setting the whole region on fire. electronicintifada.net Tel Aviv's violence is enabled by Washington and Brussels, EI's Ali Abunimah tells TRT.

Amanda Yee (2023-04-07). TikTok on Trial: The Latest Front in the U.S. Tech War on China. globalresearch.ca

Amy Goodman (2023-04-07). Black Tennessee Lawmaker Justin Jones Discusses His Expulsion From State House. truthout.org We speak with Justin Jones, one of two Black Democratic lawmakers expelled by a Republican supermajority in the Tennessee state House of Representatives Thursday for peacefully protesting gun violence in the chamber last week as thousands rallied at the Capitol to demand gun control after the Covenant elementary school shooting in Nashville. A vote to expel their white colleague who joined them in… |

Ann Brown (2023-04-07). Trump's Father, Fred Trump, Laundered Casino Chips And Was Arrested At A KKK Rally In 1927. moguldom.com Former President Donald Trump today would be considered a nepo baby (or nepotism baby), as his fortune and fame—and career in real estate— were derived from that of his New York real estate mogul father, Fred Trump. Fred was a Bronx-born real estate and construction magnate. But he was also known as a racist landlord, …

Ann Brown (2023-04-07). Nashville Democrat Legislator: Republicans Who Expelled Gun Violence Protesters Allow Child Molester To Stay In State Congress. moguldom.com In Nashville, Tenn., Republicans ousted Democratic Reps. Justin Jones and Justin Pearson from the Tennessee House of Representatives over gun-control protest. They also tried to expel Rep. Gloria Johnson, D-Knoxville. These three lawmakers had become known as the "Tennessee three." Reps. Jones and Pearson are Black, Rep. Johnson is white. Pearson's rousing exit speech has …

Ann Brown (2023-04-07). Coolio's Cause Of Death Revealed: Fentanyl, Heroin And Crystal Meth Found In System. moguldom.com It's been five months since hip-hop legend Coolio died, and the cause of his death has finally been revealed. The veteran West Coast artist died at the age of 59 from a fentanyl overdose, according to his autopsy report obtained by Page Six. The report also noted he had heroin and methamphetamine in his system. At …

Anonymous587 (2023-04-07). Military Overview Of Situation In Ukraine On April, 7 2023: U.S. Arms Ukraine For Spring Counteroffensive. southfront.org The situation on the line of the Russian-Ukrainian clash has not changed much over the past 24 hours. The fiercest…

Anonymous669 (2023-04-07). Armor Of Russian BTR-80, Tiger Vehicles Improved Based On Experience Gained In Ukraine. southfront.org The BTR-82A armored personnel carrier. © Vitaly Nevar/TASS | The armor of vehicles produced at Arzamas Machine-Building Plant has been improved as a result of experience gained during the Russian special military operation in Ukraine, the Russian Defense Ministry announced on April 6. | The Arzamas-based plant, which is a part of Russia's Military Industrial Company, produces BTR-80 8×8 armored personnel carriers and Tigr 4×4 multipurpose all-terrain infantry mobility vehicles."R…

Anonymous669 (2023-04-07). ISIS Claims Attack In Syria's Daraa For First Time In Eight Months. southfront.org File image. | On April 6, an officer of the Syrian Police was killed in a drive-by shooting attack by ISIS terrorists in the southern governorate of Daraa. | The attack took place on a road near the town of Qarfa in the northern Daraa countryside. The terrorists were reportedly moving on a motorcycle. The Syrian Ministry of Interior identified the fallen police officer as Wasim Musa al-Ghazali, a native of Qarfa. | ISIS confirmed its responsibility for the attack via its official news agency, Amaq, marking the f…

Anonymous669 (2023-04-07). ISIS Killed Or Wounded 18 SDF Fighters In Northeastern Syria In Two Weeks: Monitoring Group. southfront.org Illustrative image. | ISIS cells in Syria's northeastern region killed or wounded 18 fighters of the United States-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) in the first two weeks of the holy Islamic month of Ramadan that began on March 23, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said in a report released on April 6. | According to the London-based monitoring group, the terrorists carried out 12 operations against the Kurdish-led group in Deir Ezzor and al-Hasakah during the said period."12 op…

Anonymous669 (2023-04-07). Israel Launches Strikes Against Gaza, Lebanon In Response To Rocket Attacks (Videos). southfront.org Click to see full-size image. Source: the Israeli Air Force. | Early on April 7, the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) carried out a series of strikes against positions of the Palestinian Hamas Movement in the Gaza Strip and southern Lebanon in response to recent rocket attacks which were launched from the two regions. | The escalation began on April 5, when Israeli Police stormed al-Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem city and arrested hundreds of Palestinians worshipers. In an initial response,…

Anonymous669 (2023-04-07). Russia Is Developing Anti-Satellite Missile, Laser Systems. southfront.org The Peresvet laser system. | Russia is developing two airborne anti-satellite systems, according to an article published in the Defense Ministry's Military Thought journal on April 7. | The first system is based on the MiG-31D fighter and the Kontakt anti-satellite missile, while the second is a version of the Peresvet laser system installed on an Il-76 aircraft. | The article was co-authored by retired Lieutenant-General Alexander Kovalyov, President of the St. Petersburg branch of the Tsiolkovsky Cosmonautics…

Anonymous669 (2023-04-07). Turkistan Militants In Greater Idlib Are Preparing Drone Attacks On Syrian Army: Russian MoD. southfront.org File image. | The al-Qaeda-affiliated Turkistan Islamic Party (TIP) is preparing to launch drone attacks from the northwestern Syrian region of Greater Idlib, deputy head of the Russian Center for Reconciliation of the Opposing Parties in Syria, Rear Admiral Oleg Gurinov, revealed on April 6. | The TIP is a close ally of Hay'at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS), the de-facto ruler of Greater Idlib and the former main branch of al-Qaeda in Syria."According to information obtained by the Russian Center for Reconciliation of…

Anonymous669 (2023-04-07). Two Israelis Killed, Another Critically Wounded In West Bank Shooting Attack (Video). southfront.org Click to see full-size image. | On April 7, two Israelis were killed and a third was critically wounded in yet another shooting attack in the occupied West Bank. | The attack took place on the Route 57 highway in the northern Jordan Valley, near the Hamra Junction. The gunmen opened fire at the Israeli-owned car twice causing its crash, before fleeing. At least 22 7.62mm shell casings, typically used by a Kalashnikov rifle, were found at the scene. | The Israel Defense Forces (I…

Anonymous765 (2023-04-07). Donbass Front Lines Inflamed By Positional Battles. southfront.org |

Ashley Curtin (2023-04-07). ProPublica reveals Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas accepts gifts from Republican billionaire. nationofchange.org In a statement from Crow, he acknowledged his relationship with Justice Thomas over the years, but said it was "no different from the hospitality we have extended to our many other dear friends."

Ben Bartee (2023-04-07). De-Dollarization: The Death Knell for US Hegemony? globalresearch.ca

Ben Norton, Geopolitical Economy. (2023-04-07). Inside Russia: Economists Describe Impact Of Sanctions And Ukraine War. popularresistance.org Economists Radhika Desai and Alan Freeman of the Geopolitical Economy Research Group traveled to Russia to participate in several conferences and investigate the impact of Western sanctions and the Ukraine war. | They spoke with Geopolitical Economy Report about the economic situation in the ground, the country's deepening integration with Asia, and Russian economists' gradual move away from neoliberalism. | Russian "economists have always been looking to the East; what is interesting is what's going on in the leadership now", Freeman said. | He noted that Moscow is trying to implement a program of import substit…

Ben Norton (2023-04-07). West vs the rest: World opposes sanctions, only US & Europe support them. geopoliticaleconomy.com The UN Human Rights Council voted overwhelmingly to condemn sanctions. The only countries that expressed support for unilateral coercive measures were the US, UK, EU member states, Georgia, and Ukraine.

Ben Norton (2023-04-07). German Leftist Lawmaker Says US Soldiers and Nukes Must Leave Her Country. orinocotribune.com By Ben Norton — Mar 31, 2023 | On the floor of Germany's parliament, Left Party MP Sevim Daƒüdelen called for the c. 38,000 US soldiers in her country to leave, and to take their nuclear weapons with them. She lamented that Washington "doesn't actually want allies, just loyal vassals". | A member of parliament from Germany's Left Party has called for the thousands of US soldiers and nuclear weapons in her country to leave. | "After 78 years, it is now time for US soldiers to go home. All other allies left Germany a long time ago", said Die Linke MP Sevim Daƒüdelen on the floor of Germany'

Brenda Norrell (2023-04-07). Dangerous Jet Combat Training over Tohono O'odham Nation Endangers O'odham. indybay.org Tohono O'odham were not informed of jet combat training overhead during the last two weeks, or that the Israeli defense contractor Elbit Systems had built an 11th spy tower in the heart of the Tohono O'odham Nation.

Brittani Banks (2023-04-07). The Fear of AI Is Overblown—and Here's Why. independentmediainstitute.org The unprecedented popularity of ChatGPT has turbocharged the AI hype machine. We are being bombarded daily by news articles announcing humankind's greatest invention—Artificial Intelligence (AI). AI is "qualitatively different," "transformational," "revolutionary," "will change everything,"—they say. OpenAI, the company behind ChatGPT, announced a major upgrade of the technology behind ChatGPT called GPT4. Already, Microsoft researchers are …

Brittani Banks (2023-04-07). The World Bank and the BRICS Bank Have New Leaders and Different Outlooks. independentmediainstitute.org In late February 2023, U.S. President Joe Biden announced that the United States had placed the nomination of Ajay Banga to be the next head of the World Bank, established in 1944. There will be no other official candidates for this job since—by convention—the U.S. nominee is automatically selected for…

cameron orr (2023-04-07). Detroit anti-eviction activists go toe-to-toe with court bailiffs. cpusa.org The fight against predatory landlords has reached a new stage of struggle in the city of Detroit. On March 21, after months of grassroots struggle for the protection of Taura Brown and her home, Wayne County Judge Shawn Jacque of the 36th District Court signed a court order for her eviction. She had ten …

cameron orr (2023-04-07). Understanding issues on the border: a working-class perspective. cpusa.org A working-class position regarding issues on the border demands full rights for workers and their families, documented and undocumented immigrants, and an end to oppressive immigration policy that justifies and normalizes persecution through state-sanctioned violence. We demand comprehensive immigration policy that upholds the dignity of the labor that both documented and undocumented immigrants contribute …

Caoimhghin àì Croidheáin (2023-04-07). Remembering the Irish Easter Uprising of 1916 against the British Empire? The Art of Obfuscation. globalresearch.ca First published on March 30 2016 to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the 1916 Irish Uprising. | Text and analysis by renowned Irish artist Caoimhghin àì Croidheáin | This Easter we commemorate the 107th anniversary of the heroic Easter uprising of 1916….

Cecilia Vergara Mattei (2023-04-07). En tiempo récord, Boric promulgó la polémica ley de protección policial. globalizacion.ca Tras el homicidio del cabo primero de Carabineros, Daniel Palma durante un operativo policial en el barrio Matta de Santiago centro que aceleró la agenda, el presidente chileno Gabriel Boric promulgó la Ley Naín-Retamal, medida que busca fortalecer y proteger…

Chris Walker (2023-04-07). 12-Year-Old Trans Girl in WV Allowed to Keep Playing Sports, Supreme Court Says. truthout.org On Thursday, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled not to intervene in a dispute involving a 12-year-old transgender girl and the state of West Virginia after GOP lawmakers in the state attempted to block her from taking part in a girls' track and field team. In 2021, Becky Pepper-Jackson and her family sued West Virginia over a law banning students from participating in sports teams that don't correspond… |

Chris Walker (2023-04-07). Critics Decry Apparent Racism in Expulsion of 2 Dems From Tennessee Legislature. truthout.org On Thursday night, Republican lawmakers in the Tennessee state House of Representatives expelled two of three Democratic legislators who engaged in a peaceful protest on the House floor a week prior, in a move that observers have condemned as both authoritarian and racist. The move leaves tens of thousands of constituents in Memphis and Nashville without representation during the final weeks of… |

Chris Walker (2023-04-07). Florida School District Bans Graphic Novel Version of Anne Frank's Diary. truthout.org A Florida school district has removed a visual adaptation of Anne Frank's diary, an acclaimed first-person telling of a teenage girl's life in the Nazi-occupied Netherlands during World War II. For decades, students in classrooms across the U.S. have read Frank's diary, which documents her everyday life as Jewish child forced into hiding during the Holocaust. "Anne Frank's Diary: The Graphic… |

Cristen Hemingway Jaynes (2023-04-07). Coal phaseout must move 4.5 times more quickly to avoid climate chaos, report warns. peoplesworld.org As operating coal power plants were retired last year and scheduled projects canceled, the number of plants decreased in developing and developed countries, except China, according to the ninth annual global survey of the coal plant pipeline by Global Energy Monitor, a press release from Global Energy Monitor said. However, in order for the world to be on track to phase out …

Cristina Escobar (2023-04-07). 'Chupa' Director Jonás Cuarón Defends the Film's Title (INTERVIEW). latinorebels.com In 'Chupa,' a fun family film with an awkward title, we see a Mexican American boy go from shame to triumph, and all it takes is a little magic and a lot of love.

Dan Dinello (2023-04-07). Trump's Arraignment was Unprecedented, but so is the Enormity of his Crimes against America. juancole.com Chicago (Feature; Special to Informed Comment) — Adding another humiliating chapter to his despicable life, the twice-impeached former President becomes the first ex-president to face criminal charges. Responding to the indictment, Trump said, "Never before in our nation's history has this been done." He's right, never before in our nation's history have we had a …

Dana Sanchez (2023-04-07). Largest Hedge Fund Bridgewater: Here Are The Reasons Recessions Will Be Longer And Deeper In America. moguldom.com Karen Karniol-Tambour, the co-chief investment officer of Bridgewater Associates, warned investors that upcoming recessions may play out more painfully than in the past, may be more difficult to handle and "longer" than we're used to as the Federal Reserve struggles to intervene. Bridgewater has almost $130 billion in assets under management. In February, Karniol-Tambour, 37, became the first …

Dave DeCamp (2023-04-07). Report: Saudis and Houthis Might Renew Ceasefire Soon. news.antiwar.com Warring parties in Yemen could soon sign a deal to renew a ceasefire that would last until the end of 2023, The New Arab reported Thursday. A ceasefire that took effect in April 2022 expired last October. While there has been an uptick in fighting on the ground, there have still been no Saudi airstrikes …

David Giesen (2023-04-07). Wednesday 4/12: Solon's Salon. indybay.org Notable House | 189 Ellsworth St. | San Francisco…

David Giesen (2023-04-07). Saturday 4/8: What Putin's invasion tells us about housing issues: a walking tour. indybay.org American Youth Hostel | 312 Mason Street | San Francisco…

David Klein (2023-04-07). Sabotaging Oil and Gas Infrastructure Is an Act of Climate Heroism. truthout.org The environmental movement has offered waves of demonstrations, petition drives, lobbying and other forms of protest. Yet, despite all that, Earth and its inhabitants are losing the war waged against us by capitalism. It follows that a reevaluation of strategy and tactics of the environmental movement is in order, including a closer examination of how nonviolence should be understood and practiced. |

Deepika Joshi (2023-04-07). World Health Day 2023: continuing the struggle for health. peoplesdispatch.org The celebration of the 75th World Health Day this April 7, amidst the WHO's As poverty rates grow, global health inequities and inequalities between countries have been exacerbated in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. The failure to learn from the pandemic, or to respond…

Derek Seidman (2023-04-07). Longtime Astroturf Firm Obscures Funders as It Targets Starbucks Union. truthout.org "I get up every morning and I try to figure out how to screw with the labor unions." These were the words uttered by Rick Berman during a 2014 talk to the Western Energy Alliance, a fossil fuel industry group, according to The New York Times, which received a leaked recording of the presentation. Berman is a high-profile corporate consultant who has made headlines for decades because of his… |

Douglas Macgregor (2023-04-07). Americans Must Choose. Gen. Douglas MacGregor. globalresearch.ca

Dr. Vladislav B. Sotirović (2023-04-07). The Factors of Soft Power's Influence on Politics. globalresearch.ca

Dr. William Makis (2023-04-07). 16-Year Old California Boy's Immune System Was Destroyed by Three COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines. Reactivated EBV Post COVID-19 Vaccination Can be Fatal. globalresearch.ca

ecns.cn (2023-04-07). Airbus inks deal for 160 aircraft in China. ecns.cn European aircraft manufacturer Airbus signed an agreement with China Aviation Supplies Holding Co on Thursday and landed orders of 160 Airbus commercial aircraft.

ecns.cn (2023-04-07). Airbus to open second assembly line in Tianjin. ecns.cn Airbus plans to open its second production line in northern China to expand its assembly capacity of the A320 airliner family, Airbus announced Thursday.

ecns.cn (2023-04-07). Compatriots urged to boost cross-Straits exchanges. ecns.cn People on both sides of the Taiwan Straits are Chinese and can resolve their domestic affairs through consultation, but no external interference should be allowed, said Song Tao, a senior Taiwan affairs official, at a farewell dinner in Shanghai on Thursday for Ma Ying-jeou.

ecns.cn (2023-04-07). Spokesperson of Chinese Embassy in U.S. makes remarks on Tsai Ing-wen's 'transit' and meeting with U.S. House Speaker. ecns.cn The spokesperson of the Chinese Embassy in the United States Wednesday delivered remarks regarding Tsai Ing-wen's "transit" in the United States and her meeting with U.S. House Speaker Kevin McCarthy.

ecns.cn (2023-04-07). Tsai Ing-wen's 'transit' trips through U.S.: Truths and Facts. ecns.cn In disregard of China's strong opposition and solemn representation, the United States has allowed Taiwan leader Tsai Ing-wen's "transit" trip through the United States and the high-profile meeting between Tsai and U.S. House Speaker Kevin McCarthy.

ecns.cn (2023-04-07). Universities to focus on tech, industry. ecns.cn China plans to adjust around 20 percent of its university majors by 2025, with majors focusing on new technologies and industries being established, while majors unfit for socioeconomic development will be weeded out, a new plan said.

ecns.cn (2023-04-07). Economy gets uplifting news from indexes. ecns.cn China's services sector activity expanded for a third straight month in March, pointing to further recovery in business activity amid the optimized COVID-19 containment measures, a private survey showed on Thursday.

ecns.cn (2023-04-07). Shanghai unveils new bonus to attract investment. ecns.cn A package of measures aimed to attract more investments with a maximum incentive of 100 million yuan ($14.54 million) was announced by the Shanghai government on Thursday during an investment promotion event in the metropolis.

ecns.cn (2023-04-07). 2 killed in U.S. Colorado shooting. ecns.cn Two people were killed and another hospitalized after a shooting at a residence Thursday in U.S. state of Colorado, authorities said.

ecns.cn (2023-04-07). Punishments on organizations advocating 'Taiwan independence' announced. ecns.cn The Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council on Friday announced punishments on Taiwan "Prospect Foundation" and "Council of Asian Liberals and Democrats" for advocating "Taiwan independence."

ecns.cn (2023-04-07). 2nd trial for couple who killed two kids begins. ecns.cn The highly anticipated second trial for a man and his girlfriend who were responsible for the deaths of his two children began on Thursday at Chongqing High People's Court.

ecns.cn (2023-04-07). China, India to account for half of global economic growth in 2023: IMF chief. ecns.cn Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) Kristalina Georgieva on Thursday said the world economy is expected to grow less than 3 percent this year, with India and China projected to account for half of global growth in 2023.

ecns.cn (2023-04-07). Renminbi settlement for the trading of HK-listed shares set to kick off. ecns.cn The Hong Kong Monetary Authority aims to launch renminbi settlement of Hong Kong-listed stocks around the middle of the year, as part of the financial hub's efforts to promote renminbi internationalization, the head of the HKMA said on Tuesday.

ecns.cn (2023-04-07). Countries urged not to act as U.S. pawns. ecns.cn China's Foreign Ministry on Thursday blasted the announcement of four new military bases by the Philippines for the United States, urging regional countries not to act as Washington's pawns so as to avoid harming themselves.

ecns.cn (2023-04-07). Culprit behind Nord Stream sabotage still unclear: Sweden's prosecutor. ecns.cn Sweden's public prosecutor Mats Ljungqvist has said on Thursday that due to the "complex" nature of the sabotage of the Nord Stream 1 and 2 pipelines, the investigation has yet to determine who is responsible.

ecns.cn (2023-04-07). Chinese national smuggled into Myanmar engaged in telecom fraud rescued: Embassy. ecns.cn Chinese Embassy in Myanmar announced on Thursday that it had rescued a Chinese national who was smuggled into Myanmar and was forced to engage in telecom fraud.

ecns.cn (2023-04-07). China has no choice but to take countermeasures in response to India's unfair treatment of Chinese journalists: FM spokesperson. ecns.cn China has no choice but to take appropriate countermeasures to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of Chinese media organizations, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Mao Ning said on Thursday, urging India to correct its mistakes.

ecns.cn (2023-04-07). China's top office on Taiwan affairs sanctions diehard separatist Hsiao Bi-khim. ecns.cn

ecns.cn (2023-04-07). Sanctions against diehard 'Taiwan independence' separatist Bi-khim Hsiao announced. ecns.cn A spokesperson for the Taiwan Work Office of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee on Friday announced sanction measures against diehard "Taiwan independence" separatist Bi-khim Hsiao.

ecns.cn (2023-04-07). China concludes 39th Antarctic expedition as ships return. ecns.cn China's research icebreaker Xuelong 2, or Snow Dragon 2, returned to Shanghai on Thursday, marking the end of the country's 39th Antarctic expedition.

ecns.cn (2023-04-07). Hainan Free Trade Port project in progress. ecns.cn Hainan will finish building all the necessary infrastructure for independent customs operations for the Hainan Free Trade Port, which covers the whole island and the No. 1 project in Hainan, by 2023.

ecns.cn (2023-04-07). Unique landscape of 'earth forest' in Tibet. ecns.cn Unique landscape of Zanda earth forest in Zanda County, southwest China's Tibet Autonomous Region. Zanda earth forest is the largest and most distinctive clay forest in China and was listed as a national geopark in 2007.

ecns.cn (2023-04-07). Ma Ying-jeou visits Fudan University. ecns.cn Ma Ying-jeou, former chairman of the Chinese Kuomintang party, led a group of Taiwan students to Fudan University in Shanghai on Thursday morning.

ecns.cn (2023-04-07). China's largest flying car debuts in Sichuan. ecns.cn Aerofugia, a subsidiary of Geely Holding Group, displayed its independently-developed AE200 manned aircraft (flying car) for the first time in Chengdu, capital of southwest China's Sichuan Province on Thursday. "ÄÄ…

Editor (2023-04-07). Chile pushes authoritarian police law. mronline.org Chile's neoliberal government is close to securing a new law that expands the right of security forces to use firearms against the population. The Naín-Retamal Law, a proposal of the executive branch, was today approved by the Senate for a third and final reading.

Editor (2023-04-07). French trade unions: the roots of revolt against Macron. mronline.org John Mullen writes from Paris on the background to the current strikes and the very different patterns of union organisation in France.

Editor (2023-04-07). Israeli spyware NSO still hides among the walls of the White House. mronline.org The Biden administration's efforts to completely eliminate the NSO Israeli spyware are faced with what remains behind closed doors.

Editor (2023-04-07). Trump derangement syndrome returns. mronline.org If democrats were smart, Donald Trump would be a disgraced former president, forgotten by all but his most ardent admirers. But they aren't smart and they may have given him a political resurrection.

Editor (2023-04-07). The Bombing of Nord Stream — This Act of War Against Europe Requires Congressional Investigation. scheerpost.com President Biden's own statements predicting the end of Nord Stream , preliminary to the devastating attack on its infrastructure, point to the necessity of determining whether or not the president was speaking from his singularly informed position of the Chief Executive, as Hersh indicated.

Editor (2023-04-07). 15 Million in the US to be Kicked Off of Public Health Benefits. scheerpost.com

Editor (2023-04-07). 5 Other Modern Presidents Who Should Have Been Indicted for Their Crimes. scheerpost.com By Juan Cole / Informed Comment Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) — Seeing Trump arraigned in New York on Tuesday was satisfying even if the outcome of the trial cannot be foreseen and he has a presumption of innocence. There is obviously evidence that he falsified his business records for the purpose of hiding material facts …

Editor (2023-04-07). As Congress Considers Prolonging Cuba's Designation as a Terrorism Supporter, Biden Dithers. scheerpost.com By W.T. Whitney / CounterPunch Although Cuba's Revolution survived military invasion, guerrilla actions, terrorist attacks, and bacteriologic warfare, enough was not enough. Now there are pay-offs to dissidents, manipulation of worldwide media coverage, and weaponization of social media capabilities. The U.S. economic and financial blockade persists, after 60 years, and will continue. That's mostly because …

Editor (2023-04-07). Belmarsh Warden Blocks Assange From Meeting With Representatives of Press Freedom Organization. scheerpost.com By Kevin Gosztola / The Dissenter The warden of Her Majesty's Prison Belmarsh blocked representatives with the press freedom organization Reporters Without Borders (RSF) from visiting WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, despite previously reviewing RSF's request and agreeing to grant access. Rebecca Vincent, the director of operations and campaigns for RSF, declared, "We followed all rules …

Editor (2023-04-07). Iran 1953: The Birthplace of Western Backed Coups. scheerpost.com Despite its unique circumstance and history, the Iranian coup in 1953—as explored by Taghi Amirani in his film Coup 53—proved to be a template for the West's exploitation of the world.

Editor (2023-04-07). Student Debt Forgiveness Is a Win-Win for Our Country. scheerpost.com

Edward Curtin (2023-04-07). The Assassination and Resurrection of Martin Luther King, Jr. globalresearch.ca

Emanuel Pastreich (2023-04-07). What the American People Must Know About the Sensationalist Arraignment of Former President Donald Trump. globalresearch.ca

Eric Zuesse (2023-04-07). How the U.S. Is Trying to Force China to Break with Russia. globalresearch.ca

Esther Schrader (2023-04-07). 'Hopeless': Parole denial for Alabama woman with terminal illness highlights injustice. splcenter.org

Eugene Puryear (2023-04-07). Trump in the dock: What his indictment means for the working class and U.S. politics. liberationnews.org We need a real resistance rooted in an understanding of the true causes of the problems facing working and poor people.

Felicity Arbuthnot (2023-04-07). Easter in Fallujah: US Military "Commemorates" Its Iraq Massacre. "Tell Them It's the Sound of Freedom." globalresearch.ca First published on April 23, 2014 | *** | "We gather tonight knowing that this generation of heroes has made the United States safer and more respected round the world." (President Barack Obama, State of the Union address, 24th January 2012.) | As …

Global Research News (2023-04-07). Selected Articles: GMO's Are Now Called Bioengineered in the USA: Why This Matters. globalresearch.ca By It was an uphill struggle to get GMO labeling laws in place, and now things have become more complicated. With the new …

Global Research News (2023-04-07). This Week's Most Popular Articles. globalresearch.ca

Guest Contributor (2023-04-07). Gallego Is Making History in Arizona (OPINION). latinorebels.com Congressman Rubén Gallego, who is running for the U.S. Senate in Arizona, has made history by raising more money in the first fundraising quarter than any other Latino Democrat in history, writes senior adviser Chuck Rocha.

Hyemin Han (2023-04-07). International Court of Justice (ICJ) Orders U.S. to Compensate Iran for Illegally Freezing Assets. globalresearch.ca

Ian Angus (2023-04-07). Ecosocialist Bookshelf — March 2023. greenleft.org.au Climate and Capitalism editor Ian Angus presents eight new books on science, society and socialism.

Ingar Solty & K D Kolenda (2023-04-07). Four taboo truths about the Ukraine war. indybay.org Like every war in history, the Ukrainian war has a prehistory that does not begin with Russia's invasion of the neighboring country nearly a year ago, or even in 2014 with the annexation of Crimea to Russia. Second, the war has an immense potential for escalation.

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-04-07). Iran and Saudi Arabia: A Chinese Win-Win. libya360.wordpress.com Pepe Escobar The single Iranian-Saudi handshake buried trillions of dollars of western divide-and-rule investments across West Asia, and has global leaders rushing to Beijing for global solutions. The idea that History has an endpoint, as promoted by clueless neoconservatives in the unipolar 1990s, is flawed, as it is in an endless process of renewal. The recent official meeting between…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-04-07). Thai Opposition Asks US to "Restore Democracy" in Thailand. libya360.wordpress.com -Thai "human rights activist" Sirikan Chaloernsiri has called for the US to "seize this opportunity" and "restore democracy" in Thailand by ensuring the opposition takes power; -Sirikan's opposition group, Thai Lawyers for Human Rights has been funded since its creation in 2014 by the US government through the National Endowment for Democracy (NED); -The NED…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-04-07). The Global South is Dumping the Dollar. libya360.wordpress.com The Global South is dumping the dollar. We're joined by journalists in Beirut, Nairobi, Recife (Northeast Brazil) and Sà£o Paulo, for this special panel. Clinton Nzala is a political commentator and analyst based in Nairobi, and writer for Pan-African media outlet, African Stream. Esteban Carrillo is an Ecuadorian journalist based out of Beirut. He is…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-04-07). US Resumes Construction of Biolabs in Ukraine. libya360.wordpress.com Russian Defense Ministry briefing on analysis of documents related to U.S. military and biological activities April 07, 2023 According to the document, despite a forced pause due to a special military operation, activities under the Program have now been resumed. The main tasks at this stage are to continue the construction of biolaboratories in Ukraine,…

It's Going Down (2023-04-07). Burgerville Fires IWW Shop Steward as New Contract Draws Near; Union Vows, "We Will Escalate" itsgoingdown.org The Burgerville Workers Union, part of the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW), is reporting that a shop steward and member of the union's bargaining team was "wrongfully terminated" on April 3rd. In 2018 the Burgerville Workers Union made history, becoming the first labor union recognized by a fast food chain after years of strikes,…

Jake Johnson (2023-04-07). Israel Bombs Lebanon and Gaza, Sparking Fears of Escalating Conflict. truthout.org Fears of a wider conflict in the Middle East mounted Friday after Israel bombed Lebanon and the occupied Gaza Strip in the early hours of the morning, an assault that followed two consecutive nights of violent raids on the Al-Aqsa mosque compound. The raids spurred global condemnation and retaliatory rocket fire from southern Lebanon and Gaza, prompting Israel's latest barrage of airstrikes. |

Jake Johnson (2023-04-07). 'Fascism, full stop': Progressives in Congress condemn expulsion of Tennessee Democrats. nationofchange.org "Republicans may think they won today in Tennessee, but their fascism is only further radicalizing and awakening an earthquake of young people."

Jay Stanley (2023-04-07). Catholic Group Buying Data to Out Gay Priests is Tip of Location-Tracking Iceberg. aclu.org The Washington Post You don't need to share the faith of those facing deeply personal conflicts between their faith and their sexuality to have sympathy for those men, and revulsion at the…

Jeff Ernsthausen (2023-04-07). IRS Vows to Renew Pursuit of Wealthy Tax Dodgers. truthout.org Flush with $80 billion in new funding, the IRS is aiming to ramp up audits of wealthy taxpayers and large corporations, according to a strategic operating plan it released Thursday. The 150-page plan also includes a lengthy list of proposed changes intended to improve customer service, upgrade the agency's notoriously outdated computer systems, boost hiring and even "explore making it easier" to… |

Jesús Inojosa (2023-04-07). ICJ May Review UK's Fraudulent 1899 Paris Arbitration Regarding Essequibo Region. orinocotribune.com The International Court of Justice (ICJ) announced that the fraud committed by the United Kingdom through the Paris Arbitration Award of 1899, by which it stole the Essequibo territory from Venezuela, may go under review. The vice president of Venezuela, Delcy Rodríguez, welcomed this decision and read a statement by the Venezuelan government ratifying its adherence to the Geneva Agreement signed in 1966 to settle Venezuela's territorial dispute regarding the Essequibo region. | "Venezuela celebrates that the Court's incidental sentence today validates our arguments: firstly, by recognizing that the illicit and f…

Jezile Torculas (2023-04-07). The Philippines as Springboard for US War on China. asia-pacificresearch.com

John Perry (2023-04-07). The United Nations Is Being Used by the U.S. in Its Propaganda War Against Nicaragua. globalresearch.ca

Jordan Schachtel (2023-04-07). Fauci Quietly Begins Advising Mysterious Overseas 'Anti-pandemic' Bio Lab. globalresearch.ca

Justin Baragona (2023-04-07). Fox News Edits Out Trump Saying He Might've Let Russia 'Take Over' Parts of Ukraine. globalresearch.ca

Kelly Hayes (2023-04-07). Latin American Feminism Has Much to Teach US Left on How to Fight for Abortion. truthout.org In this episode of "Movement Memos," host Kelly Hayes talks with Camila Valle, translator of Set Fear on Fire: The Feminist Call That Set the Americas Ablaze by LASTESIS. Hayes and Valle discuss the struggle for abortion rights and access in Chile and Argentina, the need for democratic structures in movement work, and how LASTESIS has used art and performance to bring feminist theory to the… |

Kester Kenn Klomegah (2023-04-07). Russia's Geopolitical Games with Africa. globalresearch.ca

Kevin Gosztola, Scheer Post. (2023-04-07). Belmarsh Warden Blocks Assange From Meeting With Press Freedom Advocates. popularresistance.org The warden of Her Majesty's Prison Belmarsh blocked representatives with the press freedom organization Reporters Without Borders (RSF) from visiting WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, despite previously reviewing RSF's request and agreeing to grant access. | Rebecca Vincent, the director of operations and campaigns for RSF, declared, "We followed all rules this morning. We were there very early with all required documentation. Without even checking our documentation, we were told that we would not be allowed in." | "The first official that we spoke to said that they had received 'intelligence' that we were journa…

Konrad Rƒôkas (2023-04-07). The Restitution of Poland's "Borderlands"?: Ukraine in the EU, "Polish-Ukrainian Federation" and the Issue of Restitution. globalresearch.ca

Lee Camp, Mintpress News. (2023-04-07). Drought Profiteers: Wall Street Billionaires Snatch Up America's Water. popularresistance.org It is time to stop calling the financial industry executives who are buying up freshwater "investors" or "hedge fund managers" and instead call them "drought profiteers." | I mean, you can also call them vultures and parasites. They all apply quite well. Come up with your own names for them. Get creative with it. Really listen to your heart. | Water. We all need it to survive. It's the main ingredient in alcohol. Just think of how many more people would be killed each year if we didn't have alcohol to take the edge off. But here's the problem: as the climate crisis causes drought around the world, the richest of…

Liberation Staff (2023-04-07). Over 150 young leaders from the United States will travel to Cuba in solidarity. liberationnews.org Over 150 young leaders from social movements and organizations in the United States will travel to Cuba to exchange with labor unions, grassroots activists, artists, and youth organizations, and take part in Cuba's May Day celebrations.

Lorena Guillén (2023-04-07). Brasil y China acuerdan intercambios sin dólar. globalizacion.ca Entrevista de Lorena Guillen, de ABYA YALA TV (Bolivia) a Julio Gambina sobre los acuerdos entre China y Brasil para el intercambio en monedas locales, sin depender del dólar. El acuerdo se realizó el 29/3/2023 y la nota fue realizada…

Lucas Leiroz de Almeida (2023-04-07). President Andrzej Duda Makes Polish Expansionism Clear After Meeting with Zelensky. globalresearch.ca

M. K. Bhadrakumar (2023-04-07). US Sees in Finland's NATO Accession Encirclement of Russia. globalresearch.ca

manager (2023-04-07). Strong Job Growth Again in March, but Hours Drop, and Wage Growth Slows Further. cepr.net The March employment report gave clear evidence that the Fed's rate hikes are weakening the labor market. Job growth was strong—with 236,000 jobs created—but the index of aggregate hours fell for the second consecutive month. Perhaps most importantly, wage growth slowed further, with the average hourly wage rising at just a 3.2 percent annual rate …

Margaret Kimberley (2023-04-07). Uganda LGBTQ Law Obscures Crimes Committed on Behalf of the US. orinocotribune.com By Margaret Kimberley — Mar 29, 2023 | Uganda's anti-LGBTQ legislation has elicited worldwide condemnation. But that nation's history of invading, pillaging, and killing in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, with U.S. blessings, is rarely discussed. | The parliament of the Republic of Uganda recently passed the

Mark Gruenberg (2023-04-07). Los camioneros se preparan para la huelga forzada de UPS. peoplesworld.org WASHINGTON—Con las negociaciones sobre un nuevo contrato maestro a punto de comenzar, los Teamsters advierten a sus miembros que se preparen para una posible huelga forzada en United Parcel Service. El nuevo presidente del sindicato, Sean O'Brien, ha estado recorriendo el país desde su toma de posesión, y prometió a los Teamsters de UPS que …

Mark Gruenberg (2023-04-07). The Trump indictment: It's not just the crime, it's the cover-up. peoplesworld.org By now, the world knows Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg indicted Republican former Oval Office occupant Donald Trump on 34 felony counts associated with Trump's checks to former adult film performer and stripper Stormy Daniels, via lawyer-fixer Michael Cohen, to cover up his pre-presidential affairs with her. It was a conspiracy to illegally influence the …

Mark Gruenberg (2023-04-07). With rocky bargaining looming, Teamsters prepare for forced UPS strike. peoplesworld.org WASHINGTON—With negotiations over a new master contract about to begin, the Teamsters are warning their members to prepare for a potential forced strike at United Parcel Service. The union's new president, Sean O'Brien, has been touring the country ever since his inauguration, vowing to UPS Teamsters that the union would go to the mat for …

Marshall Project (2023-04-07). What it's like to be arrested when your name isn't Donald Trump. peoplesworld.org The arrest and arraignment of former President Donald J. Trump may have been an unprecedented moment in American history, with seismic implications for the political process. But as a legal process, it was more routine: On Tuesday, he became just another one of the roughly 31,000 people arraigned for felonies in dreary courtrooms across New York State …

Maureen Clare Murphy (2023-04-07). Tourist killed in Jaffa as border fire ebbs. electronicintifada.net Sisters living in West Bank settlement shot dead while traveling in Jordan Valley.

Mauricio Torres-Tovar (2023-04-07). Colombia's health system could finally see changes that put people over profit. peoplesdispatch.org The health reform proposal of the Petro government has sparked a heated debate, as the health insurance corporations and conservatives try to block it…

Menu Nilukshika (2023-04-07). Strengthening public health services imperative as crisis continues in Sri Lanka. peoplesdispatch.org As the social and economic crisis in Sri Lanka continues, health activists call for prioritization of the public health system on the occasion of World Health Day…

mforinoco (2023-04-07). What If the Protests in France Were in Cuba? orinocotribune.com By José Manzaneda — Apr 3, 2023 | 300 demonstrations with more than three million people, 500 people arrested in a single day. If it were Cuba, Belarus or China… the headlines would be filled with terms such as "social outburst," "popular uprising," "repression," "regime…" | But since they are in France, they speak of "serious riots," in which the only people injured — 440 in a single day — were "policemen." Only policemen. Curious this "free and independent press" which repeats, in unison, the data offered by the French Minister of the Interior. | A report by three human rights organizations…

Michael Harris (2023-04-07). Tuesday 4/25: 11th Annual Pan African Global Trade and Investment Conference – Media Event and Luncheon. indybay.org International Peace Rose Garden | California State Capitol…

Michael Jansen (2023-04-07). Why the US Fears Arab Normalisation with Syria. globalresearch.ca

Natali Milenkovic (2023-04-07). Crimes against Humanity: Serbia's Law Suit against NATO. More than 15 Tons of Uranium Bombs Dropped on Yugoslavia in 1999. globalresearch.ca

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-04-07). Consumer Health: What do you know about cornea transplantation? newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org A cornea transplant, or keratoplasty, is an operation to replace part of the cornea with corneal tissue from a donor. The cornea is the transparent, dome-shaped surface of the eye. Light enters the eye through the cornea. Nearly 80,000 corneal transplants were performed worldwide in 2021, according to the Eye Bank Association of America. More than 2 million people have recovered their sight through corneal transplants since 1961. Why it's done A cornea transplant most…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-04-07). Mayo Clinic Minute: Are colon and rectal cancers treated differently? newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Dr. Eric Dozois and team during a surgical procedure Colorectal cancer is a term that combines both colon cancer and rectal cancers. The colon and rectum are two different parts of the lower digestive tract. These different cancers also mean different approaches to treatment that may involve the use of radiation and chemotherapy in addition to surgery. When it comes to treating cancer, experience matters, says Dr. Eric Dozois, a Mayo Clinic colon and rectal surgeon. And Mayo…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-04-07). $41 million federal grant to help Mayo Clinic, collaborators advance multiethnic Alzheimer's research. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org JACKSONVILLE, Fla. — Alzheimer's disease affects people of all ethnic groups. Armed with $41 million in new federal funding, Mayo Clinic researchers and colleagues from 13 other institutions around the country are pursuing three multiethnic projects to identify targets for treatment. Alzheimer's disease robs victims of their memories and families of quality time with their loved ones. Deaths from Alzheimer's more than doubled from 2000 to 2019, and the number of people living with the…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-04-07). Mayo Clinic Q and A: Treating colon cancer. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org DEAR MAYO CLINIC: A family member recently was diagnosed with colon cancer. After researching potential treatment options, I came across intraoperative radiation therapy. What is the difference between this and normal radiation? Is radiation a standard treatment option, or are there other approaches? ANSWER: Colon cancer is one of the most common malignancies in the U.S., with more than 100,000 new cases diagnosed each year. Over a lifetime, it is estimated that 1 in 23 men and…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-04-07). Ready to Run: Mayo Clinic Health System gives tips on choosing the right running shoes. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org MANKATO, Minn. — Congratulations on setting a goal to run a long-distance race. You've just joined a group of more than 60 million people in the U.S. who participate in organized runs and races. Running doesn't require much gear, but well-fitting, running-specific shoes are a must. "Someone training for a long-distance run such as a marathon can log 800 or more miles before a race," says Stephanie Kvas, D.P.M., a Mayo Clinic Health System podiatrist….

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-04-07). Mayo Clinic Minute: Is Himalayan sea salt a healthy alternative? newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Consuming too much salt can lead to serious health conditions, including high blood pressure, heart disease and stroke. Many consumers are turning to Himalayan sea salt, which can now be found in almost any grocery store. Claims are Himalayan salt and other sea salts are a healthier alternative than regular table salt. Are the claims true? Dr. Regis Fernandes, a Mayo Clinic cardiologist, says, before you stock up on Himalayan sea salt, there are some…

noreply (2023-04-07). The Best Headline Of The Week… smoothiex12.blogspot.com I am telling ya, this Viagra thing…

Orinoco Tribune 2 (2023-04-07). Israel Attacks Aqsa Mosque; Nightly Protests in Gaza, West Bank Calling For Palestinian Mobilization. orinocotribune.com UPDATES: | Red Crescent: Seven Palestinians reportedly wounded in Israeli attack on Palestinian worshipers in Jerusalem. Al Jazeera: Over 400 Palestinians arrested by Israeli soldiers. Israeli Media: 10 rockets fired towards Israel from besieged Gaza. | Israeli occupation forces have reportedly attacked and forcefully evicted Muslim worshipers from Al-Mosque in occupied East Jerusalem, leading to many injuries and arrests. | After smashing windows in the Mosque, the occupation troops fired stun grenades before storming the holy shrines, beating up people and handcuffing worshipers. | Palestinians quickly mobil…

People's Dispatch. (2023-04-07). UN Human Rights Council Condemns Impact Of Unilateral Sanctions. popularresistance.org On Monday, April 3, the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) adopted a resolution condemning the "negative impact of unilateral coercive measures on the enjoyment of human rights." The text titled A/HRC/52/L.18 was presented by Azerbaijan on behalf of the Movement of Non-Aligned Countries. | Emphasizing that unilateral coercive measures, legislation, and secondary sanctions were a violation of international law, norms and principles as well as the UN Charter, the text expressed "grave concern" over the negative impact of sanctions on human rights, including the right to development, which is recognized as…

Peoples Dispatch (2023-04-07). Cuba wins case against Caymanian creditor over unpaid loans in UK court. peoplesdispatch.org A UK High Court judge ruled that CRF has no legal standing to sue the Cuban state over the loans, and that the court has no jurisdiction to hear the case against it…

Peoples Dispatch (2023-04-07). Finland becomes 31st NATO member, Russia warns of escalation. peoplesdispatch.org Finland joined the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) as a full member on Tuesday, April 4, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg announced on Monday. | Finland's President Sauli Niinistà∂ along with his defense and foreign ministers are expected to join the ceremony at the NATO headquarters in Brussels, where US Secretary of State Antony Blinken will also be present. | Finland's accession was announced days after the Turkish parliament

Peoples Dispatch (2023-04-07). Latin American and Caribbean governments agree to join forces against inflation. peoplesdispatch.org The leaders agreed to unite efforts to allow the exchange of basic food products and essential goods under better conditions, with the priority of lowering the costs…

Peoples Dispatch (2023-04-07). Over 150 youth leaders from the US will travel to Cuba for International Workers' Day. peoplesdispatch.org Various left organizations and social movements in the US are sending young leaders on a delegation to Cuba to learn about more about the island's history and present, directly from Cuban youth and movement leaders…

Peoples Dispatch (2023-04-07). Protests against pension reform rage across France. peoplesdispatch.org Around two million people hit the streets across France on Thursday, April 6, to protest the pension reforms forcefully passed by the government of Emmanuel Macron. Thursday marked the eleventh major protest against the reforms since January 19. The unpopular reforms will increase restrictions on accessing pensions in the country. | During Thursday's national mobilization, police tried to forcefully quell the protests in many cities and reportedly made around 111 arrests. A coalition of trade unions have called for another round of mobilization on April 13, a day before the decision of the Constitutional Council…

Phil Miller (2023-04-07). Depleted Uranium Accident File Censored. globalresearch.ca

Pivot to Peace. (2023-04-07). Protesters Gather As Kevin McCarthy Meets With Taiwan's Tsai Ing-Wen. popularresistance.org On April 5th at 10 am protesters from the Chinese community, Pivot to Peace, CODEPINK, the ANSWER Coalition and other communities gathered at the Ronald Reagan Library in Simi Valley, CA as U.S. Speaker of the House, Kevin McCarthy and other politicians met with Taiwan's president, Tsai Ing-Wen. In the final stop of her Americas tour, Tsai's meeting with McCarthy signals yet another provocation on U.S.-China relations. This comes just months after McCarthy's predecessor, Nancy Pelosi deliberately violated the "One China Policy" agreed upon in the joint U.S.-China Shanghai Communique by visiting Taiwan.

Press Associates (2023-04-07). Kroger-Safeway merger could raise grocery prices and cost jobs, UFCW warns. peoplesworld.org WASHINGTON (PAI)—Members of United Food and Commercial Workers Local 400 and their allies took to informational picket lines in metro D.C. on April 5 in a campaign to save local supermarkets—and jobs—from a mega-merger threat which could also raise prices for consumers. Lines went up at three stores. Their goal, shared by their parent union: …

Rachel Goldwasser (2023-04-07). Recently Indicted Maryland Sheriff Has Links to Constitutional Sheriff, Anti-Muslim and Anti-Immigrant Movements. splcenter.org Hard-right "constitutional sheriff" Charles "Chuck" Austin Jenkins of Frederick County, Maryland, was indicted by a federal grand jury this week for breaking federal gun laws.

reenvia Red Latina sin fronteras (2023-04-07). Enlaces de Red Latina sin fronteras 02.04.2023. indybay.org ENLACES de Red Latina sin fronteras 02.04.2023 | comunicaciones e información para la liberación…

repost (2023-04-07). No Invite For War Monger Nancy Peloso-Protest At CUNY In New York-War Mongers Out Of Cong. indybay.org

Resumen Latinoamericano (2023-04-07). Brasil — Lula sugirió que Ucrania podría tener que ceder Crimea y Kiev dijo que "no comercia sus territorios" globalizacion.ca El presidente de Brasil, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, apuntó que Rusia ´no puede quedarse ª con todas las zonas ocupadas, pero sugirió que Ucrania podría tener que ceder la soberanía de la península de Crimea para facilitar un entendimiento de…

Resumen Latinoamericano (2023-04-07). La brecha de seguridad con la OTAN pone en riesgo tácticas en Ucrania. globalizacion.ca Se filtra información clave de estrategias de EE.UU. y OTAN en Ucrania en las redes sociales, lo que podría poner a Rusia a un paso adelante en el frente de batalla. | El Departamento de Defensa de Estados Unidos (Pentágono) está…

Roger McKenzie (2023-04-07). Brazil refuses to sign U.S. statement on Russia's Ukraine invasion at 'democracy summit'. peoplesworld.org Brazil has refused to sign a statement condemning Russia's invasion of Ukraine. The move came during the Summit for Democracy, a virtual event hosted by the United States to "renew democracy at home and confront autocracies abroad." President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, who did not personally participate in the event, said that his country …

Sara Sneath (2023-04-07). Oil and gas worker survey sheds light on unstable and unsafe working conditions. nationofchange.org Experiences with dangerous working conditions and instability in the oil and gas industry are echoed in a survey of 1,635 oil and gas workers in the United States.

scorinoco (2023-04-07). Argentina Officially Announces Its Return to UNASUR. orinocotribune.com The government of Argentina announced its formal return to the Union of South American Nations (UNASUR) after nearly four years outside the organization. The announcement was made by Argentinian Foreign Minister Santiago Cafiero on Wednesday, April 5. | "By sovereign decision, Argentina returns to UNASUR as a member state to promote its institutional revitalization and build an increasingly integrated region," Cafiero wrote on his Twitter account. | Por decisión soberana, la Argentina vuelve a la

scorinoco (2023-04-07). President Maduro: Venezuela Will Continue Its Historical Struggle for Essequibo. orinocotribune.com The president of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, stated that the Venezuelan people will continue to respect the Geneva Agreement and pursue their historical struggle for the Essequibo region. | "The Venezuelan people will continue to struggle firmly and tirelessly in their defense of the historic Geneva Agreement and the territorial integrity of our nation," President Maduro stated on social media on Thursday, April 6. "The truth is with us, the Essequibo belongs to Venezuela!" | Los venezolanos y las venezolanas seguiremos la lucha incansable y firme por defender el respeto al histórico Acuerdo de Ginebra y la territ…

Seymour Hersh. (2023-04-07). Seymour Hersh: The Nord Stream Ghost Ship. popularresistance.org America's Central Intelligence Agency is constantly running covert operations around the world, and all must have a cover story in case things go badly, as they often do. It is just as important to have an explanation when things go well, as they did in the Baltic Sea last fall. Within weeks of my report that Joe Biden ordered the destruction of the Nord Stream pipelines, the agency produced a cover story and found willing takers in the New York Times and two major German publications. | By creating a story of deep sea divers and a crew who did not exist, the agency was following protocol, and the story would hav…

Sharon Zhang (2023-04-07). GOP Donor Funding Thomas Also Funded Conservative Democrats' 2021 Revolt. truthout.org Billionaire Republican megadonor Harlan Crow rocketed into infamy on Thursday after an explosive ProPublica investigation found that he has been giving lavish gifts to Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas for decades now, as the Court, influenced by people like Crow, lurches further to the right. But, as a search of public donation information shows, Crow has also been quietly funding another… |

Sharon Zhang (2023-04-07). North Dakota Republicans Vote to Boost Own Meals After Nixing Free School Meals. truthout.org Last week, Republicans in the North Dakota Senate killed a bill that would have expanded a program to provide children living close to the federal poverty line access to meals at school for free. The vote was met with outcry over its cruelty, as one Senate Republican asked, "Is [children going hungry] the problem of the state of North Dakota?" This week, 13 of the Republicans who voted to kill the… |

Simon C. (2023-04-07). How Sincere Is the US Inflation Reduction Act for the EU? globalresearch.ca

Snejana Farberov, New York Post. (2023-04-07). French Pension Protesters Occupy BlackRock, Torch Restaurant. popularresistance.org A new wave of unrest over a pension reform engulfed Paris and other French cities Thursday, with enraged protesters occupying the building of the US-based investment firm BlackRock and setting fire to a popular restaurant favored by President Emmanuel Macron. | Dozens of trade union members streamed into BlackRock's Paris offices in the historical Centorial building, where they set off firecrackers and chanted slogans directed at the company's private pension fund. | "The government wants to throw away pensions, it wants to force people to fund their own retirement with private pension funds, but what we know is…

Special to People's World (2023-04-07). April screenings in L.A. honor the Hollywood Ten at 75. peoplesworld.org Seventy-five years ago, Hollywood entered one of its bleakest periods. In 1947, 10 Hollywood writers and directors famously refused to testify before the House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC) and were held in contempt of Congress. In response, Hollywood's top studio heads turned their backs on these filmmakers. The Hollywood Ten—Alvah Bessie, Herbert Biberman, Lester Cole, …

Staff (2023-04-07). Punto Deportivo: Declaraciones de la subserie Sancti Spíritus-Industriales desde el Latino (+ Podcast). cubadebate.cu Este viernes retomamos la sección Punto Deportivo. Les proponemos un repaso de lo sucedido hasta el momento en la 62 Serie Nacional, una mirada a la tabla de posiciones tras los partidos de esta jornada, y compartiremos declaraciones del entrenador de Industriales Alexander Malleta y de uno de los directores debutantes en esta temporada, el espirituano Lázaro Martínez Alfonso.

Staff (2023-04-07). Transfermóvil y la bolsa MiTransfer: Todo lo que debes saber en el podcast de Cubadebate. cubadebate.cu Para conversar más sobre cómo usar este nuevo servicio y algunas de las novedades de Transfermóvil me acompañan Héctor Luis Mora Hechavarría, director de Servicios Digitales de Etecsa y Julio García Trápaga, director de Soporte y Desarrollo de Productos Digitales de Etecsa. °Bienvenidos!

Staff (2023-04-07). Cuba prioriza la gestión sostenible del agua en medio del cambio climático. cubadebate.cu La búsqueda de soluciones alternativas y la implementación de estrategias para gestionar el uso del agua con eficiencia, son prioridades del Instituto Nacional de Recursos Hidráulicos (INRH) para este 2023, afirmó Manuel Marrero Cruz, Primer Ministro de la República de Cuba.

Staff (2023-04-07). Voleibol de Playa: Noslen Díaz y Jorge Luis Alayo avanzan en su segundo torneo del circuito mundial. cubadebate.cu Como sucedió en su debut en el Beach Pro Tour de voleibol de playa, la dupla cubana de Noslen Díaz y Jorge Luis Alayo avanzó al cuadro principal de otro torneo con categoría Challenge. El evento, organizado en la ciudad brasileña de Itapema, representa la segunda salida de los criollos en este tipo de competencias.

Staff (2023-04-07). Yoan Moncada está encendido y lidera la Liga Americana. cubadebate.cu El tercera base regular de los Chicago White Sox, el cubano Yoan Moncada, ha tenido un gran inicio de temporada en MLB 2023. La víspera, su equipo de White Sox derrotó 7àó3 a San Francisco Giants y Moncada impulsó una carrera.

Staff (2023-04-07). 7 de abril: Día Mundial de la Salud. cubadebate.cu "Necesitamos generar cambios en los sistemas sanitarios que permitan el acceso real a los servicios", expresó este miércoles el doctor José Moya Medina, representante en Cuba de la Organización Panamericana de la Salud / Organización Mundial de la Salud (OPS/OMS). Este 7 de abril cuando se celebra el Día Mundial de la Salud (DMS).

Staff (2023-04-07). Baltimore: Más de 150 sacerdotes y personas asociadas con la arquidiócesis abusaron sexualmente de niños. cubadebate.cu Unos 156 sacerdotes católicos y otras personas asociadas con la arquidiócesis de Baltimore abusaron sexualmente de más de 600 niños en un periodo de 80 años, informó el procurador del estado de Maryland, al este de los Estados Unidos, Anthony Brown. Algunas parroquias, escuelas y congregaciones tenían más de un abusador al mismo tiempo.

Staff (2023-04-07). Cultura y Patrimonio del 1 al 5 de mayo en FitCuba 2023. cubadebate.cu La Feria Internacional de Turismo es el acontecimiento profesional más significativo que desarrolla anualmente la industria turística cubana. El sitio web del evento destaca que la presente edición, FitCuba 2023, se realizará del 1ro al 5 de mayo en La Habana, urbe que ostenta la condición de Ciudad Maravilla del mundo moderno.

Staff (2023-04-07). Es oficial: Brasil regresa a Unasur mediante decreto presidencial de Lula. cubadebate.cu Según establece el decreto 11.475 del presidente de Brasil, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, Brasil regresará formalmente a la Unión de Naciones Suramericanas (Unasur). Con el decreto presidencial, la reincorporación entrará en vigor en el campo externo el 6 de mayo de 2023, aunque se concretará durante una cumbre de jefes de Estado de la región.

Staff (2023-04-07). Reportan derrumbe de un tabique en el área de la chimenea de la Central Termoeléctrica Antonio Guiteras. cubadebate.cu Dos personas fueron rescatadas con vida, un fallecido y una persona atrapada tras el derrumbe de un tabique en el área de la chimenea de la Central Termoeléctrica Antonio Guiteras de Matanzas, reporta TV Yumurí. Los trabajadores laboraban en la parte inferior de la chimenea en la zona conocida por cenicero dónde extraían hollin y otras labores de limpieza.

Staff (2023-04-07). "Cuenten con la voluntad y el compromiso de Cuba para la integración regional" cubadebate.cu Confiamos en que las propuestas y acciones iniciales que emanen de este encuentro pronto se extenderán hacia otros países de América Latina y el Caribe. Nuestro compromiso con una visión integradora y de cooperación regional será piedra angular de los esfuerzos comunes. Así se puede aprovechar también lo avanzado en la CELAC.

Staff (2023-04-07). Should Clarence Thomas Be Impeached? GOP Megadonor Gave Justice Free Luxury Vacations for 20 Years. democracynow.org Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas failed to report frequent luxury trips paid for by a billionaire Republican megadonor named Harlan Crow, leading to renewed calls for the conservative jurist's impeachment. According to ProPublica, Thomas has for decades accepted flights on Crow's private jet, trips on his yacht and frequent stays at his exclusive lakeside resort, in apparent violation of a law requiring justices and other federal officials to disclose most gifts. "Justice Thomas has this extraordinary and apparently unprecedented relationship with this outside billionaire who is basically s…

Staff (2023-04-07). Headlines for April 7, 2023. democracynow.org Israel Strikes Gaza and Lebanon After Rocket Fire; 2 Israeli Settlers Shot Dead in West Bank, U.N. Aid Workers Halt Work in Afghanistan After Taliban Bans Female Members, GOP Supermajority Expels Two Black Lawmakers from Tennessee House over Gun Control Protests, ProPublica: Billionaire GOP Donor Lavished Clarence Thomas with Luxury Trips for 2 Decades, Biden Admin Proposes Rule Barring Blanket Bans on Transgender Student Athletes, Idaho Enacts "Abortion Trafficking" Law That Bans Helping Minors Get an Out-of-State Abortion, DOJ to Probe Police Killing of D.C. Teenager Dalaneo Martin, Sudan's Mi…

Staff (2023-04-07). "A Public Lynching": Justin Jones, Black Tennessee Lawmaker, Responds to Expulsion from State House. democracynow.org We speak with Justin Jones, one of two Black Democratic lawmakers expelled by a Republican supermajority in the Tennessee state House of Representatives Thursday for peacefully protesting gun violence in the chamber last week as thousands rallied at the Capitol to demand gun control after the Covenant elementary school shooting in Nashville. A vote to expel their white colleague who joined them in solidarity failed. "They thought by expelling us they would silence us, they would silence our movements that we're part of, but in fact they've amplified it, because the nation can see how racist they are. The na…

Staff (2023-04-07). Palestinian Poet Mohammed El-Kurd on Israeli Apartheid, Growing Tension in Region & Raid on Al-Aqsa Mosque. democracynow.org Israel has bombed southern Lebanon and Gaza as tension soars in the region days after Israeli police repeatedly attacked Palestinian worshipers inside the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound in occupied East Jerusalem. In response to the raids on the mosque, militants in southern Lebanon and Gaza fired dozens of rockets into Israel. It was the largest rocket attack from Lebanon in 17 years. Meanwhile, a Palestinian gunman opened fire on a vehicle near an illegal settlement in the occupied West Bank on Friday, killing two Israeli settlers. This all comes as Israel continues to impose a violent crackdown in the occupied West B…

Staff (2023-04-07). International Court of Justice: Essequibo Dispute Can Be Resolved Without UK. orinocotribune.com

Staff (2023-04-07). 7 April, Vancouver: Banner Drop for Palestine. samidoun.net Friday, April 7 3: 30 pm Gather at Main and Prior (5 minute walk from Main Street — Science World Skytrain), Vancouver Defend Al-Aqsa, Al-Quds, Palestine! Long Live the Resistance! Vancouver solidarity-resistance-liberation banner drop for Palestine. All welcome to join us: the more folks we have, the more banners and flags we can display!

Staff (2023-04-07). Defend Al-Aqsa, Defend Jerusalem, Defend Palestine! Protests and actions around the world. samidoun.net On 4 and 5 April, the scenes of Israeli occupation forces invading Al-Aqsa Mosque during the holy month of Ramadan and brutally attacking Palestinian worshipers were displayed around the world on video. The beatings, the mass arrests, the vicious assault on Palestinians gathering in the mosque or in prayer once again exposed the reality of …

Steve Lalla (2023-04-07). NATO Formed 74 Years Ago To Defend Capitalist Profits. orinocotribune.com By Steve Lalla — Apr 4, 2023 | On this day in 1949, 12 countries signed the "Washington treaty," making NATO official. The NATO military alliance was formed by the US to defend the property of the capitalists, colonizers, and corporations of the West against the growing popularity of revolutionary socialism, which threatened to expropriate and distribute the riches that the imperialists had accumulated over centuries of pillage and exploitation. | Although the original treaty

Tanupriya Singh (2023-04-07). Towards de-dollarization: BRICS advances alternative to US-dominated financial system. peoplesdispatch.org A senior Russian official indicated that a new currency project might be announced at the upcoming BRICS summit in South Africa. The alliance's other members—Brazil, China, Russia, and India—have already taken steps to bypass the US-dominated global trade and finance system…

teleSUR, jaa, MER (2023-04-07). Argentina confirma su regreso formal a la Unasur. telesurtv.net El Gobierno argentino comunicó la decisión a los cancilleres de los Estados miembros del ente.

teleSUR, jaa, MER (2023-04-07). Bolivia reporta inflación de -0,19% en primer trimestre de 2023. telesurtv.net El mandatario aseveró que esto fue alcanzado gracias a políticas que permiten garantizar "nuestra seguridad con soberanía alimentaria".

teleSUR, jaa, MER (2023-04-07). Rescatan a 41 migrantes en el canal de la Mancha. telesurtv.net En el primer operativo fueron rescatadas unas 28 personas por la patrullera de la Marina francesa Pluvier.

teleSUR, jaa, SH (2023-04-07). Argentina vuelve al primer puesto del ranking FIFA. telesurtv.net Brasil descendió al tercer puesto del ranking FIFA, siendo desbancada también por la selección francesa, finalista del pasado mundial de fútbol.

teleSUR, JDO (2023-04-07). China y Francia profundizan cooperación económica. telesurtv.net Firman nuevos acuerdos de colaboración y manifiestan su intención de avanzar en el ámbito aeroespacial, la energía nuclear con fines civiles y otras áreas.

teleSUR, JDO (2023-04-07). Cuestionan en Ecuador decreto presidencial sobre porte de armas. telesurtv.net Consideran que la medida va en dirección contraria a la necesidad de mejorar la seguridad ciudadana.

teleSUR, JDO (2023-04-07). Exponen abusos sexuales a menores en arquidiócesis de EE.UU. telesurtv.net Entre 1940 y 2002, más de 150 sacerdotes y personas asociadas con la arquidiócesis de Baltimore abusaron sexualmente de niños.

teleSUR, JDO (2023-04-07). Gobierno de Venezuela celebra sentencia incidental de la CIJ. telesurtv.net Corte Internacional de Justicia de La Haya podrá revisar conducta fraudulenta del Reino Unido en el Laudo Arbitral de 1899.

teleSUR, MER (2023-04-07). Israel realiza nuevo ataque contra la Franja de Gaza. telesurtv.net Fueron registradas explosiones de ataques aéreos israelíes en Beit Hanoun (norte) y en Khan Yunis (sur).

teleSUR, nama, JDO (2023-04-07). Autoridades de China condenan visita a EE.UU. de la líder de Taiwán. telesurtv.net Comunicados de entidades gubernamentales y partidistas aseveran que la estadía de Tsai Ing-wen en ese país viola el principio de "una sola China".

teleSUR, nama, JDO (2023-04-07). Corte Internacional de Justicia rechaza solicitud de Venezuela sobre el Esequibo. telesurtv.net Meses atrás, Caracas pidió al tribunal no admitir un alegato de la República Cooperativa de Guyana sobre ese territorio, por considerar que desconoce el Acuerdo de Ginebra.

teleSUR, nama, JDO (2023-04-07). Dimite Sanna Marin como primera ministra de Finlandia. telesurtv.net La renuncia de la jefa de Gobierno ocurre horas después de haber dimitido como presidenta del Partido SDP, tras el resultado adverso en las elecciones parlamentarias.

teleSUR, nama, JDO (2023-04-07). Policía de Israel asalta Mezquita Al-Aqsa por segundo día. telesurtv.net La irrupción sucedió cuando casi 20.000 personas realizaban la oración nocturna de Tarawih, identificativa del Ramadán.

teleSUR, nama, SH (2023-04-07). Rusia y Belarús abordan nuevo concepto de seguridad conjunta. telesurtv.net El mandatario de Rusia destacó la necesidad de fortalecer los sistemas de seguridad de ambas naciones.

teleSUR, odr, MER (2023-04-07). Combaten incendio en reserva forestal de Panamá. telesurtv.net El incendio fue reportado en horas de la tarde del miércoles y al mediodía de esta jornada estaba apagado en un 70 por ciento.

teleSUR, odr, MER (2023-04-07). Registran marzo de 2023 como el segundo más cálido de la historia. telesurtv.net Las temperaturas estuvieron por encima del promedio en el sur y centro de Europa, así como por debajo del promedio en la mayor parte del norte de Europa.

teleSUR, rzr, JDO (2023-04-07). Venezuela y Guinea-Bissau estrechan vínculos bilaterales. telesurtv.net La visita a Caracas de una delegación del país africano sirvió para fortalecer la cooperación económico-comercial y profundizar el intercambio cultural.

teleSUR, rzr, SH (2023-04-07). Colombia elimina protocolos anticovid para ingresar al país. telesurtv.net Ambas regulaciones estaban dentro de las últimas medidas vigentes de la lucha contra la propagación del Covid-19 en Colombia.

teleSUR, rzr, SH (2023-04-07). Juez estadounidense ordena la detención de expresidente peruano. telesurtv.net La Corte revocó la libertad condicional y ordenó al servicio Marshall de Estados Unidos poner al expresidente peruano, Alejandro Toledo en custodia.

teleSUR, rzr, SH (2023-04-07). Sindicato policial haitiano denuncia ataques contra comisarías. telesurtv.net El gremio policial declaró que los casos de Pernier, Fort Jacques y Meyotte demuestran que el Consejo Superior de la Policía Nacional está fracasando.

teleSUR, SH (2023-04-07). Cancilleres de Irán y Arabia Saudí se reúnen en Beijing. telesurtv.net Teherán y Riad anunciaron en marzo el restablecimiento de sus relaciones tras una negociación facilitada por el Gobierno chino.

teleSUR, SH (2023-04-07). Gobierno chileno anunciará nuevas medidas de seguridad. telesurtv.net La vocera del Gobierno chileno comentó que las medidas permitirán enfrentar con firmeza e inteligencia lo que se está viviendo en nuestros territorios.

teleSUR, SH (2023-04-07). Franceses protagonizan nuevas marchas contra reforma jubilatoria. telesurtv.net Tras el fracaso de la reunión con la primera ministra, los gremios acusaron al Gobierno de ignorar el reclamo de la mayoría de los franceses.

teleSUR, SH (2023-04-07). Israel reanuda ataques contra el Líbano y la Franja de Gaza Gaza. telesurtv.net Los nuevos ataques de Israel se concentraron en el campo de refugiados Nusseirat en el centro del territorio palestino de Gaza.

teleSUR, SH (2023-04-07). Presidente colombiano ordena evacuación por amenaza volcánica. telesurtv.net Los departamentos de Tolima, Caldas, Risaralda, Quindío y Cundinamarca están en alerta ante la probabilidad de erupción del Nevado de Ruiz.

The Associated Press (2023-04-07). Buenos Aires Airport Becomes Unofficial Homeless Shelter. latinorebels.com The Jorge Newbery International Airport in Argentina's capital has practically become a homeless shelter at night, a reflection of the rising poverty in a country where high inflation rates are making it difficult for many to make ends meet.

The Global Research Team (2023-04-07). Global Research Donation Drive. globalresearch.ca Dear Readers, | We publish pieces by a wide variety of contributors including journalists, scholars, political analysts, historians, ex-military and intelligence personnel, scientists, and environmental experts among others. The publications are not selected in the interest of pushing a specific narrative …

The Lever (2023-04-07). üéßLEVER TIME: AOC Sounds The Alarm About Biden 2024. levernews.com

The Lever (2023-04-07). üéß LEVER TIME PREMIUM: AOC On DC's "Psychologically Manipulative Environment" levernews.com On this week's episode of Lever Time Premium, our extended weekly podcast for paying subscribers, progressive Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) reveals what it's like trying to function in Washington amid the power and pressure of massive corporate spending.As AOC notes: "It really feels like going to another planet with different social rules. Let's say you get elected speaker. You don't get there without raising an ungodly amount of money, because you are not just raising money for yourself, you are raising money for an entire political party that constitutes hundreds of people. The whole society is str…

The Vigilant Fox (2023-04-07). Eat Your Vaccines: mRNA Gene Therapy Is Coming to the Food Supply This Month. globalresearch.ca

Timothy Alexander Guzman (2023-04-07). India-Malaysia to Trade in Rupees Bypassing US Dollar. globalresearch.ca

Tomdispatch (2023-04-07). Savage Capitalism: From Climate Change to Bank Failures to War. juancole.com By David Barsamian and Noam Chomsky | — [The following is excerpted from David Barsamian's recent interview with Noam Chomsky at AlternativeRadio.org.] David Barsamian: On March 20th, the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change issued its latest report. The new IPCC assessment from senior scientists warned that there's little time to lose in tackling the …

Ukrinform (2023-04-07). Stoltenberg Outlines Two Basic Requirements for Ukraine's Membership in NATO. globalresearch.ca

Unicorn Riot (2023-04-07). 'Cop City' Receives Brief Stop Work Order. unicornriot.ninja

Vijay Prashad (2023-04-07). Women hold up 76.2% of the sky: The Fourteenth Newsletter (2023). mronline.org he idea of 'equal pay for equal work' was established in the ILO's Equal Remuneration Convention (1951) in recognition of the fact that women had always worked in industrial factories, increasingly so during the Second World War.

Walt Zlotow, Antiwar. (2023-04-07). Africa 'All Out,' 54-0, Against Joining Biden's Proxy War On Russia. popularresistance.org When President Biden announced sanctions against Russia over their February, 2022 invasion of Ukraine, he called it a battle of democracy over tyranny. He expected Africa to rally to the US lead. | Unsurprisingly, not one of Africa's 54 countries as joined US sanctions against Russia. Many are neutral; some even supporting Russia's war to prevent NATO's eastward expansion to Russia's borders and gain independence of Ukrainian Donbas from Kyiv aggression that has killed thousands of Ukrainians there. | Why unsurprisingly? For starters, the US was delusional Africa would follow America's proxy war on Russia.

Walter Mignolo (2023-04-07). Hacia la multipolaridad: Las movidas de Xi Jinping. globalizacion.ca La visita del mandatario Xi Jinping a Moscú, la primera después de haber sido electo presidente de la República Popular China por tercera vez, fue un evento orquestado y decisivo en la mutación del orden mundial unipolar hacia un orden…

WSWS (2023-04-07). German Economy Minister Habeck in Kiev: German big business makes grab for Ukraine. wsws.org As in any war, the imperialist powers pursue geostrategic goals and viable economic interests. This was underlined by the trip of German Economy Minister Robert Habeck (Greens) to Ukraine earlier this week.

WSWS (2023-04-07). Reserve Bank of Australia pauses rate hikes but insists that they are not over. wsws.org The RBA has said some "further tightening of monetary policy may well be needed," pointing to a "very tight" labour market, the need for greater productivity—code phrase for increased profits—and the need to avert a "prices-wage spiral."

WSWS (2023-04-07). Russian bass Ildar Abdrazakov's performances cancelled by Boston Symphony Orchestra and Carnegie Hall. wsws.org Abdrazakov is the latest victim of the anti-Russian propaganda campaign being waged as part of the US/NATO proxy war in Ukraine.

WSWS (2023-04-07). Australia: Leaked data shows thousands of people caught COVID-19 in hospitals last year. wsws.org Health sector unions have endorsed Australian government's "let it rip" policies, aiding and abetting this socially criminal assault on public health and the disastrous increase in patients catching COVID-19 while in hospital.

WSWS (2023-04-07). Netanyahu attacks Lebanon and Gaza, with full support of Israel's opposition leaders. wsws.org Israel's furious bombardment takes place amid escalating tensions following the police's deliberately provocative attacks on tens of thousands of Palestinian worshippers at the al-Aqsa Mosque in East Jerusalem.

WSWS (2023-04-07). Australian building company collapses destroying hundreds of jobs and impacting thousands. wsws.org The collapse of Porter Davis Homes leaves 1,700 buyers with unfinished builds, while some subcontractors, including bricklayers, plumbers, plasterers and painters, have not been paid since before Christmas.

WSWS (2023-04-07). Kosovo Liberation Army leader Hashim Thaàßi on trial for war crimes. wsws.org The indictment of Kosovo's former president makes it unmistakably clear that the closest ally of the US and the European Union in the Balkans over the last quarter century has been a brutal war criminal.

WSWS (2023-04-07). UK rail workers must organise to prevent the RMT's final sellout of their strike. wsws.org 40,000 workers were initially involved in the action, 20,000 at Network Rail and 20,000 at 14 train operation companies. The Network Rail strike ended with a rotten deal organised by the RMT last month.

WSWS (2023-04-07). University of Michigan graduate students' strike at a critical turning point. wsws.org At a union meeting Wednesday, rank-and-file members were presented with a series of motions by the GEO and AFT leadership that made clear they are preparing to abandon previous demands before quickly imposing a sellout agreement.

WSWS (2023-04-07). SEP and IYSSE hold successful public meeting against Sri Lankan government's cancellation of local elections. wsws.org The Kolonnawa election meeting attracted workers, youth and urban poor from the area and was live-streamed on Facebook with over 1,200 views so so far.

WSWS (2023-04-07). Communication Workers Union mass meeting paves way for rotten sellout. wsws.org The desperate appeals for "unity" made throughout the meeting could not disguise the pro-company agenda of the Communication Workers Union bureaucracy.

WSWS (2023-04-07). Vermeer—A major cultural event, a large collection of the Dutch master's paintings at Amsterdam's Rijksmuseum. wsws.org The exhibition has evoked immense interest and enthusiasm both in the Netherlands and well beyond its borders.

WSWS (2023-04-07). Canadian grocery executive gets $3 million raise as inflation eats up workers' wages. wsws.org While Galen Weston Jr. has raked in millions, Canadians have weathered what has been described as a "food inflation storm," with prices rising at rates not seen in more than 40 years.

WSWS (2023-04-07). Lessons of the Temple University strike. wsws.org Two paths presented themselves to the Temple graduate workers—one, an isolated struggle coupled with appeals to the Democratic Party; the other, the expansion of the struggle in the working class through the formation of a rank-and-file committee.

WSWS (2023-04-07). IYSSE holds anti-war meeting in Sydney, Australia. wsws.org One attendee commented: "None of the discussion in the media on the war in Ukraine, or the rapidly moving preparations for military conflict with China, provides any serious explanation of how we've got to this point and the insane consequences for humanity."

WSWS (2023-04-07). After overwhelming strike vote, union announces two-day limited strike for 3,000 Cub Foods grocery workers in Minnesota. wsws.org Notably, the strike has only been called for 33 out of the 79 Cub Foods stores in the state of Minnesota.

WSWS (2023-04-07). UFCW calls off strike of 3,000 Cub Foods grocery workers in Minnesota with "last-minute" tentative agreement. wsws.org While the UFCW trumpeted the deal, dubbing it "historic," initial details already make clear that it would fail to meet workers' demands for massive wage increases to offset the cost-of-living crisis, nor provide serious protections from the COVID-19 pandemic.

WSWS (2023-04-07). Chile's pseudo-left government rams though laws giving police, military license to kill. wsws.org All the parties in the governing coalition have supported ramming through in record time 15 pieces of legislation that further enshrine a police state.

WSWS (2023-04-07). Two construction workers killed in trench collapse at New York's JFK airport. wsws.org The deaths occurred as the Port Authority is pressing to complete an expansion as quickly as possible.

WSWS (2023-04-07). Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific. wsws.org India: Public sector bank workers protest privatisation and outsourcing; Odisha state contract teachers demand permanent jobs; Australian building workers protest against repressive industrial laws and for higher pay; Melbourne Zoo workers begin industrial action…

WSWS (2023-04-07). The great "unwinding" of Medicaid enrollment will leave millions without health coverage. wsws.org The ending of the federal COVID-19 public health emergency has brought an end to the protection of health coverage for millions who have enrolled in Medicaid over the last three years.

WSWS (2023-04-07). South Korea's Democrats stoke nationalism to obscure growing danger of war. wsws.org While falsely promoted as a defense of victims of forced labor, there is nothing progressive about the opposition Democratic Party's anti-Japanese campaign.

Zane McNeill (2023-04-07). NJ Gov Signs Order Making State a Haven for Trans Kids Seeking Health Care. truthout.org This week, New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy (D) signed an executive order making the state a safe haven for health care providers and transgender refugees fleeing states that have banned gender-affirming care for trans youth. Currently, more than half of transgender youth have lost or are at risk of losing access to gender-affirming care, according to the Human Rights Campaign. New Jersey is estimated… |

Zero Hedge (2023-04-07). "Don't Talk About Nord Stream": WaPo Report Further Demolishes Official Narrative. globalresearch.ca

Zero Hedge (2023-04-07). French Pension Protesters Storm Paris BlackRock Headquarters. globalresearch.ca

ecns.cn (2023-04-07). China takes countermeasures against Hudson Institute, Reagan library. ecns.cn China has decided to take countermeasures against the Hudson Institute, the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library and the relevant people in charge of these organizations, according to a statement issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Friday.

ecns.cn (2023-04-07). Ma Ying-jeou concludes mainland visit. ecns.cn A delegation led by Ma Ying-jeou, former chairman of the Chinese Kuomintang party, left for Taiwan from Shanghai on Friday, concluding their visit to the Chinese mainland.

Jan Ritch-Frel (2023-04-07). We are living through a paradigm shift in our understanding of human evolution. nationofchange.org An interview with Professor Chris Stringer, one of the leading experts on human evolution.

Staff (2023-04-07). Mario Rivera Vena: Consagración y lealtad verde olivo. cubadebate.cu Rivera, de fluido hablar, nívea cabellera de setenta años de vida, brillante la mirada que delata sus pasiones de oficio cámara en mano, y sus sueños que me confiesa: "Capturar en imágenes el lenguaje de los árboles y la luz".

Staff (2023-04-07). Doce mujeres y el privilegio de ser las primeras entre doce cuerdas (+ Fotos, Podcast y Video). cubadebate.cu Al llegar este equipo de prensa, el técnico Santiago Suárez lo tiene todo coordinado junto al también entrenador Jorge Noriega. Llama para el ring a las chicas y entre las doce cuerdas conocemos cómo han sido estos primeros meses de la práctica del boxeo femenino en Cuba, después de que se aprobara el 5 de diciembre de 2022.

Staff (2023-04-07). Punto Deportivo: Declaraciones sobre la subserie Sancti Spíritus-Industriales desde el Latino (+ Podcast). cubadebate.cu Este viernes retomamos la sección Punto Deportivo. Les proponemos un repaso de lo sucedido hasta el momento en la 62 Serie Nacional, una mirada a la tabla de posiciones tras los partidos de esta jornada, y compartiremos declaraciones del entrenador de Industriales Alexander Malleta y de uno de los directores debutantes en esta temporada, el espirituano Lázaro Martínez Alfonso.

Staff (2023-04-07). Las 3 del día: 23 Bienal Internacional de Humorismo Gráfico y las noticias del 6 de abril (+ Podcast). cubadebate.cu La Unión de Periodistas de Cuba y el Museo del Humor de San Antonio de los Baños celebrarán del 9 al 12 de abril la edición 23 de la Bienal Internacional de Humorismo Gráfico.Sobre esta y otras noticias le comentamos aquí en su podcast Las 3 del día, donde hacemos un resumen de lo ocurrido este 6 de abril. Póngase los audífonos que ya comenzamos.

Staff (2023-04-07). Vietnam advierte que redes sociales difunden contenido tóxico. cubadebate.cu TikTok difunde un contenido "de noticias falsas", "desviado" y "antigubernamental", afirmó este jueves Le Quang Tu Do, director de la Autoridad de Transmisión e Información Electrónica de Vietnam, citado por Bloomberg. Acusó también a Facebook (perteneciente a la compañía Meta) y YouTube de las mismas violaciones.

Staff (2023-04-07). China planea un proyecto intercontinental de cable de Internet submarino para competir con EE.UU. cubadebate.cu Tres de las principales compañías chinas de telecomunicaciones, China Telecommunications Corporation, China Mobile Limited y China United Network Communications Group Co Ltd, están desarrollando una red submarina de cable de fibra óptica para Internet, valorado en 500 millones de dólares, informa Reuters.

Staff (2023-04-07). Cuádruple empate en la cima de la 62 Serie Nacional de Béisbol. cubadebate.cu Derrota del equipo Villa Clara y victorias de Guantánamo, Las Tunas y Sancti Spíritus provocaron un cuádruple empate en la cima de la 62 Serie Nacional de Béisbol, todos con seis triunfos y tres reveses en la tabla de posiciones. Este viernes concluirán las estas subseries pactadas a cinco juegos, en todos los casos con hora de comienzo de las 10 de la mañana.

Staff (2023-04-07). Ejecutan inversión para ampliar capacidad de almacenamiento de aceite comestible. cubadebate.cu Para materializar su objeto social, la entidad cuenta con dos unidades: una ubicada en la cabecera provincial, encargada de envasar el producto en bolsas de 500 mililitros y en formato de bidones de cuatro, cinco y 20 litros, y otra en Nuevitas, que es la receptora del aceite de importación a través de buques.

Staff (2023-04-07). El tiempo: Calor y algunas lluvias en el interior y sur oriental. cubadebate.cu Amanecerá parcialmente nublado en zonas de la costa norte oriental y con poca nubosidad en el resto del país. Desde el final de la mañana estará parcialmente nublado, nublándose en la tarde hacia zonas del interior y sur de la región oriental con algunas lluvias y tormentas eléctricas, las que serán escasas en el resto del territorio nacional.

Staff (2023-04-07). La imagen del día: La luna y la flotante turca. cubadebate.cu Una noche de abril, el cielo se iluminó con la luz de la luna llena. En la bahía de La Habana, una planta eléctrica flotante turca se reflejaba en el agua tranquila. Era una escena impresionante que capturó la atención de nuestro fotógrafo Ismael Francisco. Con su cámara, logró tomar una fotografía bella que muestra el contraste entre la naturaleza y la tecnología.

teleSUR, JDO (2023-04-07). Denuncian que Israel bombardeó hospital infantil y objetivos civiles de Gaza. telesurtv.net Ejército israelí confirmó que entre la noche del jueves y la madrugada del viernes arrojó 50 toneladas de bombas contra la Franja de Gaza.

teleSUR, rzr, SH (2023-04-07). Controlan incendio en la Central de Abastos de la capital mexicana. telesurtv.net La jefa de Gobierno de la Ciudad de México declaró desde el lugar de los hechos que no se reportaban heridos de ninguna índole.

teleSUR, SH (2023-04-07). Israel reanuda ataques contra el Líbano y la Franja de Gaza. telesurtv.net Los nuevos ataques de Israel se concentraron en el campo de refugiados Nusseirat en el centro del territorio palestino de Gaza.

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