Monthly Archives: March 2023

2023-03-25: News Headlines

Staff (2023-03-25). General de EEUU admite que su país ha entrenado a militares que luego lideraron golpes en àÅfrica. El congresista republicano Matt Gaetz interrogó al general Michael Langley, jefe del Comando de EE.UU. en àÅfrica, sobre el número de soldados africanos que recibieron entrenamiento militar estadounidense y posteriormente encabezaron golpes de Estado. Langley señaló que el EE.UU. entrenó "como mínimo" a unos 50 000 soldados africanos.

Staff (2023-03-25). Protestas de ecologistas en Francia dejan saldo de decenas de heridos. Decenas de personas entre manifestantes y fuerzas del orden resultaron hoy heridas en la centroccidental localidad francesa de Sainte-Soline, donde grupos ecologistas lideraron una protesta contra la construcción de embalses para la irrigación agrícola. Los hechos de esta tarde complican aún más el panorama en Francia, donde los sindicatos y partidos opositores siguen movilizados contra la reforma de la jubilación.

Staff (2023-03-25). La Hora del Planeta: Actuar de manera decisiva ante el cambio climático (+ Video). La Hora del Planeta se celebra cada año el último sábado del mes de marzo. Este 2023 corresponde al día 25 de marzo. Esta es considerada la campaña de concienciación ambiental más difundida e importante a nivel mundial, para reflexionar acerca de la necesidad de actuar de manera decisiva ante el cambio climático y contrarrestar su impacto.

Staff (2023-03-25). Presidente Putin anuncia acuerdo para despliegue de armas nucleares tácticas en Bielorrusia. Moscú y Minsk han acordado desplegar armas nucleares tácticas en el territorio de Bielorrusia, según declaró este sábado el presidente ruso, Vladímir Putin, en una entrevista para el canal de televisión Rossiya 24.

Staff (2023-03-25). Ellas en la candidatura: Las cifras por dentro. Este domingo, cuando pongamos nuestra boleta en la urna, estaremos votando por una Asamblea Nacional que se parece bastante al país que somos. Si algo no ha faltado en las últimas semanas, son datos acerca de esa candidatura. Justo entre las estadísticas más comentadas se posiciona la participación mayoritaria de mujeres.

Staff (2023-03-25). Fiscalía de Venezuela adelanta detalles sobre investigación anticorrupción. El Fiscal General de la República Bolivariana de Venezuela, Tarek William Saab, dio una rueda de prensa con relación a la captura de altos funcionarios públicos y ciudadanos comunes, basado en la trama de corrupción descubierta en la estatal Petróleos de Venezuela (PDVSA) y otras acciones judiciales. Un total de 25 personas han sido detenidas.

Staff (2023-03-25). Ecuador: Docentes marchan en defensa de la educación y contra Lasso (+ Fotos). Profesores de Ecuador marcharon hoy por las calles de Quito en defensa de la enseñanza pública y en respaldo al pedido de juicio político contra el presidente Guillermo Lasso. Convocados por la Unión Nacional de Educadores (UNE), cientos de docentes de diferentes provincias llegaron este sábado a la sede de la Corte Constitucional.

Staff (2023-03-25). Juegos Panamericanos de Santiago 2023 en apuros por examen antidopaje. El Gobierno de Chile está desactualizado en las normas establecidas por el Código Mundial Antidopaje, lo cual podría causar dificultades en la celebración de los Juegos Panamericanos de Santiago 2023. Expertos de la Agencia Mundial Antidopaje (AMA) revelaron problemas en 43 de los 242 aspectos revisados en inspección efectuada en enero.

Staff (2023-03-25). Cuenten siempre con Cuba en el empeño de consolidar un mundo más justo, solidario y sostenible. Cuenten siempre con Cuba en el empeño de consolidar un mundo más justo, solidario y sostenible, que avance hacia el desarrollo y la prosperidad de nuestros pueblos, de los hermanos de sangre, de historia, de batallas y esperanzas. Desde estos deslumbrantes territorios de América, que inspiraron en Alejo Carpentier la idea de lo real maravilloso, siempre que estamos juntos, nos crece la certeza de que sí podemos.

Staff (2023-03-25). Sesiona segmento de alto nivel en XXVIII Cumbre Iberoamericana. Con la presencia de trece jefes de Estado y dos Jefes de Gobierno de Iberoamérica, dos vicepresidentes y seis cancilleres, arrancó este sábado en República Dominicana la primera sesión de alto nivel de la XXVIII Cumbre Iberoamericana. El presidente de la República, Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez, preside la delegación cubana a la cita.

Mike Walter (2023-03-25). The Heat: Trump Investigation. Former US President Donald Trump warns of potential 'death and destruction' if he's charged in a criminal case under investigation in New York. A grand jury in New York is thought to be close to wrapping up its work deciding whether there is 'probable cause' …

_____ (2023-03-25). The Collapse of U.S. Policy in the Middle East. Now, it is abundantly clear that the United States' dishonest and aggressive Middle East strategy, which is at odds with the aspirations of the Arab world, has utterly failed. The establishment of a multipolar world by Russia, China, and Iran was a significant milestone in this process. The convergence of these three nations and the […] | –°–æ–æ–±—â–µ–Ω–∏–µ

A Guest Author (2023-03-25). Antiwar statement from inside Ukraine. The statement below is from the Union of Political Emigrants and Political Prisoners of Ukraine to the March 18 antiwar rally organizers and "to all participants of the peace-supporting events in the U.S. and the E.U. on March 18 and after." Dear Friends! WW PHOTO: Workers World Dear comrades in . . . |

AbdulRahman A Saied (2023-03-25). [Correspondence] Nigeria's National Mental Health Act 2021: any challenges ahead? Although mental health problems are widespread in many African nations, they rarely receive the attention they merit. Stigmatisation is a prevalent factor that makes patients reluctant to seek mental health care in most African countries. As knowledge about mental health increased, some African countries, such as Ghana, Kenya, South Africa, Uganda, and Zambia, began passing legislation and laws to safeguard the rights of individuals who have mental health problems. In 1916, Nigeria, Africa's most populous country, enacted its first mental health legislation, which was called the Lunacy Ordinance.

Angela (2023-03-25). Sunday 3/26: Free virtual screening of the documentary film "Blue Box" Zoom (Registration link is below)…

Anmol Arora (2023-03-25). [Correspondence] Synthetic data: the future of open-access health-care datasets? In modern health care, medical datasets are increasingly being used to improve patient care, including through population health analysis and the development of diagnostic machine learning algorithms. This trend has been a key driver for the development of open-access datasets, giving researchers access to local or national data shared by different institutions. Open-access data can be used to train machine learning algorithms on diverse datasets that have been carefully curated, or to test algorithms that have already been trained by researchers elsewhere to assess their performance when applied to new data.

AS EDITOR (2023-03-25). 19 years after the coup d'état: Statement from Fanmi Lavalas Political Organization. This Feb. 28 statement from Fanmi Lavalas, a people's party of Haiti, commemorates the February 29, 2004, coup d'état that overthrew Haiti's first democratically elected president, Jean-Bertrand Aristide. Fanmi Lavalas honors those who fell during the coup and outlines its call for a Haitian solution to the crisis that has . . . |

Ben Norton (2023-03-25). 'Mexico Is Not a US Colony!': AMLO Condemns Invasion Threats, Celebrates Nationalization of Oil, Lithium. By Ben Norton — Mar 22, 2023 | Mexico's leftist President AMLO condemned "hypocritical" Republicans who want the US military to invade, declaring "Mexico is an independent and free country, not a US colony or protectorate!" In a massive rally, López Obrador also celebrated the expropriation of oil and lithium, condemning exploitative foreign corporations. | Mexico's leftist President Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) organized a massive rally in the heart of the capital, honoring the anniversary of the country's nationalization of its oil reserves and expropriation of foreign corporations. | AMLO also used…

Benoit Breville, Serge Halimi (2023-03-25). War poker and Imperial moralism. After the fall of the Soviet Union, the "war on terrorism" began, which, according to George W. Bush, would end "tyranny in the world." Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq – the U.S. democratic crusades not only cost several million lives, they also brought the restriction of freedoms, McCarthyism, the hunt for whistleblowers. And a series of alliances with dictators…

Bill Scheuerman, Sid Plotkin (2023-03-25). American Labor: Prospects and Possibilities. Starbucks workers at over 100 sites greeted Spring and the company's new CEO by walking off the job. Some pundits hail this action as a reflection of labors' growing new strength. Public approval of unions is at a fifty year high, petitions for union elections are on the upswing, and the recent well-publicized organizing victories …

Canadian Tire Fire (2023-03-25). Canadian Tire Fire #56: International Day Against Police Brutality, Protesting Grocery Store Price Gouging, Mining Convention Disrupted. This week we cover news from the International Day Against Police Brutality, and actions disrupting business as usual at a grocery store and a mining conference. In Montreal, a banner was dropped in solidarity with those arrested for fighting Cop City in Atlanta, and in remembrance of Tortuguita. "At the edge of Weelaunee forest, every…

Center for Biological Diversity (2023-03-25). New Eastern Monarch Butterfly Count Indicates Pollinator Still Threatened. Long-Term Decline of 90% Going Into Endangered Species Act Decision…

Clean Energy Wire (2023-03-25). German Electric Car exports rise more than 65 percent in 2022. By Edgar Meza | — ( Clean Energy Wire ) — German exports of electric cars rose more than 65 percent last year to some 500,000 units valued at 24.2 billion euros, statistical office (Destatis) reports. While foreign trade of electric vehicles is growing in significance, combustion-engine automobiles still accounted for the majority of German …

Colin Todhunter (2023-03-25). Bellies of the Rich Swell Further on the Back of Hunger.

Craig Baldwin (2023-03-25). Saturday 4/22: WAR REFUGEES: "THREE MINUTES: A LENGTHENING" + SACHS' "ALL ELSE FAILED" 992 Valencia St on the corner of 21st and Valencia…

Craig Murray (2023-03-25). Why Would China be an Enemy?

Dan Shan (2023-03-25). [Correspondence] China's bewildering medical education pathways. The medical education system in China is widely considered one of the most complex and perplexing in the world. Unlike the standardised medical training in Europe and North America, where all medical graduates hold the same degree and possess a uniform level of clinical proficiency,1 China has multiple, distinct medical education pathways that can last from 3 to 8 years. As a result, medical students in China can receive an entry-level medical degree at varying levels of graduation, allowing them to take the Chinese Medical Licensing Examination and become licensed practitioners.

Defend Democracy Press (2023-03-25). Stop the War, Stop Sending Arms to Ukraine. An Appeal from Brussels.

Dr. Binoy Kampmark (2023-03-25). AUKUS, the Australian Labor Party, and Growing Dissent.

East Meadow Action Committee (2023-03-25). East Meadow Update 3/17/23. On March 15 and 16, 2023 the UC Regents took up UCSC's latest proposal for Student Housing West. With almost no deliberation they approved the proposal unanimously. (2023-03-25). Chinese sports brands see bumper 2022. Major Chinese sports enterprises such as Anta, Xtep and Li-Ning enjoyed considerable growth in 2022, according to annual financial results released in recent days. (2023-03-25). China outmaneuvers U.S. in offering peace plan for Ukraine crisis: former U.S. diplomat. U.S. President Joe Biden watched as China presented to the world a peace plan which China hopes will lead to a peaceful resolution of the year-long Ukraine crisis and which was immediately complimented by Russia and Ukraine. (2023-03-25). Expanding Ayakum replaces Bosten as largest lake in Xinjiang. Researchers have observed that Ayakum Lake at the eastern foot of the Kunlun Mountains in northwest China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region has expanded rapidly, replacing Bosten Lake as the largest lake in Xinjiang. (2023-03-25). Huawei achieves breakthrough in EDA tools for chips. Huawei Technologies Co said it has successfully developed electronic design automation, or EDA tools, for chips above 14 nanometers process by partnering with domestic partners, marking a crucial breakthrough for China's semiconductor industry amid the U.S. government restrictions. (2023-03-25). China to further deepen global economic, financial ties. China will advance high-level opening-up of its financial sector as always and further deepen international economic and financial cooperation, a top financial regulatory official said. (2023-03-25). Chinese envoy urges Security Council to address adverse effects of sanctions on DPRK. A Chinese envoy on Thursday called for the Security Council to address the adverse impact of sanctions against the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK). (2023-03-25). PLA warns off US warship for the second time in two days. The People's Liberation Army's Southern Theater Command warned off a United States warship that illegally entered China's territorial waters in the South China Sea for the second time in two days, the Defense Ministry said on Friday. (2023-03-25). Spring break welcomed for some colleges. An announcement for a seven-day spring break from Sichuan Southwest Vocational College of Civil Aviation created online buzz, Beijing Youth Daily reported. (2023-03-25). China extradites murder suspect from Russia. Chinese police have recently extradited a murder suspect from Russia who had been on the run for 27 years, the Ministry of Public Security said on Friday. (2023-03-25). Insights | Rana Mitter: China's poverty reduction achievement an inspiration to global south countries. The just-concluded "Two Sessions" have chartered the future plan for China's development. Amid mounting economic pressures globally, how will China's economy maintain steady growth with resilience and vitality? Rana Mitter, a professor of modern Chinese history and politics at the University of Oxford, shares his views during an exclusive interview with China News Network. (2023-03-25). Chinese scientists discover higher yield, alkaline tolerant crop gene. Chinese scientists have identified AT1, a key gene involved in crop alkaline tolerance that may greatly improve crop yield in sodic environments through genetic engineering. (2023-03-25). Chinese institute houses most ancient vertebrate animals, humans in Asia. The specimen museum of the Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology (IVPP) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) houses over 460,000 fossil and human remains specimens, and has developed into the largest collection institution of ancient vertebrate animals and ancient humans in Asia. (2023-03-25). PLA warns off US warship for the second time in two days. The People's Liberation Army's Southern Theater Command warned off a United States warship that illegally entered China's territorial waters in the South China Sea for the second time in two days, the Defense Ministry said on Friday. (2023-03-25). Spring break welcomed for some colleges. An announcement for a seven-day spring break from Sichuan Southwest Vocational College of Civil Aviation created online buzz, Beijing Youth Daily reported. (2023-03-25). China extradites murder suspect from Russia. Chinese police have recently extradited a murder suspect from Russia who had been on the run for 27 years, the Ministry of Public Security said on Friday. (2023-03-25). Insights | Rana Mitter: China's poverty reduction achievement an inspiration to global south countries. The just-concluded "Two Sessions" have chartered the future plan for China's development. Amid mounting economic pressures globally, how will China's economy maintain steady growth with resilience and vitality? Rana Mitter, a professor of modern Chinese history and politics at the University of Oxford, shares his views during an exclusive interview with China News Network. (2023-03-25). Chinese scientists discover higher yield, alkaline tolerant crop gene. Chinese scientists have identified AT1, a key gene involved in crop alkaline tolerance that may greatly improve crop yield in sodic environments through genetic engineering. (2023-03-25). Chinese institute houses most ancient vertebrate animals, humans in Asia. The specimen museum of the Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology (IVPP) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) houses over 460,000 fossil and human remains specimens, and has developed into the largest collection institution of ancient vertebrate animals and ancient humans in Asia. (2023-03-25). Insights | Brazilian economist: I'm impressed by China's resilience. The subjects and policies discussed during the top legislative and political advisory meetings (or the Two Sessions) further demonstrate China's resilience, and the country's scientific and technological development and rural revitalization strategy are of great significance, said Alessandro Teixeira, special economic adviser to former President of Brazil, Dilma Rousseff. (2023-03-25). China's first maglev tourism line starts test run. China's first domestic maglev tourism line, the Guangdong – Qingyuan Maglev Tourism Line, started joint debugging and testing on Friday. (2023-03-25). Ganging up to seek decoupling finds little support: Chinese FM. In response to Hun Sen's remarks, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Mao Ning said they speak to regional countries' aspiration to have peace and cooperation over conflict and confrontation and opposition to coercion and bullying. (2023-03-25). U.S. government urged to stop suppressing foreign companies. Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman on Friday urged the U.S. government to stop suppressing foreign companies and provide an open, fair, just and non-discriminatory environment for those operating in the U.S. (2023-03-25). DPRK tests new underwater attack weapon system. The underwater nuclear attack drone, named "Haeil," has undergone more than 50 shakedown tests for the past two years, the Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) reported. (2023-03-25). China presents national report on nuclear safety to IAEA. China presented its national report on nuclear safety during the Joint Eighth and Ninth Review Meeting of the Contracting Parties to the Convention on Nuclear Safety (CNS) on Thursday at the headquarters of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in Vienna, Austria. (2023-03-25). Forum speakers urge respect for diversified approaches to democracy. A group of senior officials and renowned scholars criticized the falsely touted narrative of "democracy versus autocracy" during the opening ceremony of the second International Forum on Democracy: The Shared Human Values in Beijing on Thursday. (2023-03-25). Chinese firm unveils self-developed flight simulator platform expected to provide training support for C919. A Chinese company unveiled a self-developed flight simulator platform on Thursday, and the system is expected to provide technical support for pilot training on aircraft such as the C919, the company said. (2023-03-25). China launches polymer material R&D platform. A research team at East China University of Science and Technology recently launched a platform for polymer material research and development. (2023-03-25). Migratory birds return to Bayanbulak Wetland in Xinjiang. Large numbers of migratory birds, including swans, red ducks, spotted geese and grey cranes returned to the wetland in Bayanbulak when snow began to melt. (2023-03-25). Culture Fact | City of culture: Luoyang. (2023-03-25). In Numbers: China's higher education enrollment ratio reaches 59.6 pct in 2022. (2023-03-25). Cradle of Civilization: Mount Wuyi. Mount Wuyi, located in China's southeast province of Fujian, has unique, rare, and exquisite natural landscapes and profound historical and cultural connotations. Mount Wuyi was inscribed on the UNESCO World Cultural and Natural Heritage List in 1999.

Editor (2023-03-25). The movement against the pension reform. On the Threshold of an Uprising?>

Ellen Brown (2023-03-25). Banking Crisis 3.0: Time to Change the Rules of the Game. On CNN March 14, Roger Altman, a former deputy Treasury secretary in the Clinton administration, said that American banks were on the verge of being nationalized: What the authorities did over the weekend was absolutely profound. They guaranteed the deposits, all of them, at Silicon Valley Bank. What that really means … is that they have …

F A Klok, B Siegerink (2023-03-25). [Correspondence] Ordinal outcomes add value to clinical trials. We have read with interest Jason Weatherald and colleagues'1 review of novel approaches for achieving more efficient pulmonary arterial hypertension trials. Indeed, the challenge lies in defining meaningful outcomes that are relevant to patients, health-care professionals, and society and also allow for trials that can change clinical practice but require low patient numbers.

Geoff Watts (2023-03-25). [Obituary] Beryl Rica Benacerraf. Renowned radiologist and pioneer of ultrasound in antenatal diagnosis. She was born in New York, NY, USA, on April 29, 1949 and died of cancer in Cambridge, MA, USA, on Oct 1, 2022 aged 73 years.

Global Alliance for the Rights of Nature (2023-03-25). Friday 3/24: Rights of Nature: UN Water Conference – SDGs for Protection of Earth's Water Ecosystems. Online streaming of in-person U.N. Water Conference session…

Hamaiyal Sana, Paola Ortega, Daniel Scott Corlew, Emmanuel Makasa, Manon Pigeolet (2023-03-25). [Correspondence] Orthopaedic surgical needs during disasters. The earthquakes in Türkiye and Syria on Feb 6, 2023, have left behind a massive burden of injuries, of which a large proportion are likely to be orthopaedic injuries.1 Generally, orthopaedic surgery is a field that is highly dependent on expensive equipment and supplies and, in most low-income and middle-income countries (LMICs), relies heavily on donations. Türkiye, as an upper-middle-income country, faces different challenges than the war-torn, lower-income country of Syria. However, both are set to face barriers in obtaining sufficient materials specific to their context.

Jan Oberg (2023-03-25). The Iraq War 20 Years Ago — No Shame. No Lessons Learned. No Arrest Order on NATO State Leaders. Jan Oberg.

Jason Weatherald, Marc Humbert (2023-03-25). [Correspondence] Ordinal outcomes add value to clinical trials — Authors' reply. We thank F A Klok and B Siegerink for their interest in our article and for their suggestion to consider ordinal outcomes for pulmonary arterial hypertension trials. Indeed, an ordinal outcome not only improves the granularity of patient-relevant outcomes compared with a dichotomous outcome, such as mortality, but it can also allow for smaller trial sample sizes than with a mortality outcome.1…

Jeff Pekrul (2023-03-25). Sunday 4/2: The U.S. & Israel: Old Dilemmas, New Problems. 1187 Franklin Street, San Francisco, CA 94109 | Unitarian Universalist Association of San Francisco…

Jeff Pekrul (2023-03-25). Sunday 4/23: Understanding the Movement to Ban Library Books That Challenge Right-Wing Perspectives. 1187 Franklin Street, San Francisco, CA 94109 | Unitarian Universalists Association of San Francisco…

John Mullen (2023-03-25). John Mullen: 'To defend pensions in France, we need a general strike'. John Mullen describes the escalating revolt against pensions attacks in France and argues for an indefinite strike to defeat Prime Minister Emmanuel Macron's attack on workers.

Jonathan Turley (2023-03-25). Combating "Skepticism": Federal Grant Funds New Effort to Combat "Misinformation"

Juan Cole (2023-03-25). Constitutional Crisis Threatens to Tear Israel Apart as Att'y-Gen. takes on Netanyahu and 200 Reservist Pilots refuse to Fly. Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) — On Thursday, the Israeli parliament passed a law preventing the Supreme Court from removing a sitting prime minister for inability to carry out his or her duties. This move was tactical, not strategic. Prime Minister Netanyahu is on trial for corruption, and he agreed with the Supreme Court in 2020 …

Kenny Stancil (2023-03-25). Senior Climate Activists Stop Dirty Banks. "We will not go to our graves quietly knowing that the financial institutions in our own communities continue to fund the climate crisis," said longtime environmentalist Bill McKibben.

Labor Video Project (2023-03-25). The Pajaro Levee Break, Immigrants, Labor & Climate Crisis With PVFT1936's Pamela Sexton. PVFT Local 1936 Delegate Pamela Beth Sexton adult education teacher talks about the effect of the broken levee on the immigrant farmworker community, systemic racism and the role these farmworkers play in our economy.

Labor Video Project (2023-03-25). SEIU99/UTLA Membership Voices On Their Strike & Struggle: United We Stand, Divided We Fall. Thirty thousand SEIU 99 LAUSD service workers went out on a three day unfair labor practice strike on March 21, 2023 to March 23, 2023. The UTLA members joined the picket line and this united action was a first. Workers spoke out about their conditions and struggles.

Lee Siu Hin, National Immigrant Solidarity N (2023-03-25). Spring 2023 National Immigrant Solidarity Network Immigrant Justice News Alert! Under Biden Migrant Children Work Brutal Jobs Across the U.S., Anti-Asian Hate Crimes in the U.S. are the Direct Result of Washington's Foreign Policy…

Liyang Sun, Hangdong Jia, Tian Yang (2023-03-25). [Correspondence] Chinese medical personnel after the COVID-19 pandemic. As the COVID-19 pandemic comes to an end in China,1 medical personnel who have worked tirelessly to fight the omicron (B.1.1.529) variant are now facing a new challenge. Despite their heroic efforts, many of them are now struggling to receive the financial compensation they deserve.2…

Marco De Ambrogi (2023-03-25). [Perspectives] Love and inequality. Romeo and Juliet, William Shakespeare's story of the two star-crossed lovers written in 1597 and set in Verona, Italy, has fascinated audiences for centuries. The appeal of the tragic fate of two adolescent lovers driven to a dramatic end by the opposition of their families continues to resonate among young generations. There have been many modern adaptations of Romeo and Juliet, including the musical West Side Story and Baz Luhrmann's movie Romeo + Juliet. Welsh playwright Gary Owen has now created his own adaptation, Romeo and Julie, set in modern day Splott, a suburb of Cardiff, in Wales, UK.

Martha Grevatt (2023-03-25). Michigan: Movements spur legislative victories. The scene at the Michigan Capitol in Lansing March 14 was reminiscent of mass protests there in December 2012. At that time union members packed the State House to pressure then-Governor Rick Snyder not to sign a bill making Michigan a "right-to-work" state. But Snyder broke his campaign promise not . . . |

Mary T Bassett (2023-03-25). [Perspectives] Black women in medicine in the USA: telling their stories. The name Elizabeth Blackwell is probably familiar. Born in the UK, she was the first woman in the USA to be awarded a medical degree. In Twice as Hard: The Stories of Black Women Who Fought to Become Physicians, from the Civil War to the 21st Century, Jasmine Brown spans over 150 years to introduce nine less well known names: Black American women who became physicians. These were remarkable women. Rebecca Lee Crumpler (1831—95) was, in 1864, the first Black woman to earn a medical degree in the USA.

Matildo Khan (2023-03-25). Imran Khan, a Zionist Army Chief, and Pakistan-Israel Normalization. Historical Precedent While many base Pakistan's enmity towards Israel on the latter's post-1948 transgressions such as occupying Gaza and West Bank, military incursions in Gaza, ethnic cleansing of Arabs, building unlawful Israeli settlements, and innumerable other events, this is an incomplete story. Pakistan's opposition to Israel can be traced back to Muhammad Iqbal and Muhammad …

Matt Kennard (2023-03-25). BP Extracted Iraqi Oil Worth £15BN After British Invasion.

Michael Harris (2023-03-25). 11th Annual Pan African and Global Trade and Investment Conference Media Event Luncheon. Early support for our 11th Annual, Pan African Global Trade and Investment Conference is from our Governor's Office of Business and Economic Development, key California Legislative leaders, California Chamber of Commerce, California Black Chamber of Commerce, California Farm Bureau, California State University Sacramento and University of California, Davis.

Michael Harris (2023-03-25). Friday 3/24: Media Event / Luncheon for 11th Annual Pan African Global Trade and Investment Conference. Town and Country Grand Ballroom | 1215 J Street | Downtown Sacramento…

MichaelMoore (2023-03-25). Friday 3/24: "Bowling for Columbine" 20th Anniversary of Oscar Win – Watch for FREE. Watch online for FREE…

Nayvin Gordon, M.D. (2023-03-25). General Strike Can Root Out "Taliban" Embedded in U.S. Government and Supreme Court. Religious fanatics are taking away our rights and replacing them with god-given rights—this must be stopped…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-25). Mayo Clinic Minute: What is the best sleeping position? Most people spend a third of their lives either asleep or resting, according to the Sleep Foundation. During sleep, the body recharges and repairs itself. And a good night's sleep often can be determined by what position you are lying in bed. Watch: The Mayo Clinic Minute Journalists: Broadcast-quality video (1: 11) is in the downloads at the end of this post. Please courtesy: "Mayo Clinic News Network." Read the script. Back-sleepers beware. "I know…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-25). Know the signs of strep throat in children. Image courtesy: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is monitoring an increase in invasive group A Streptococcus infections in children. "Group A streptococcal disease is a group of conditions caused by a bacteria called 'group A strep,'" says Dr. Nipunie Rajapakse, a pediatric infectious diseases physician with the Mayo Clinic Children's Center. "The one that people are probably most familiar with is strep throat. Strep throat is a relatively common infection,…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-25). Consumer Health: Are you at risk for MS? MS Awareness Week will be observed March 12—19, which makes this a good time to learn about who might be at risk of developing this potentially disabling disease of the brain and spinal cord. Multiple sclerosis, or MS, affects nearly 1 million people living in the U.S., according to the National Multiple Sclerosis Society. With MS, the immune system attacks the protective sheath that covers nerve fibers, and causes communication problems between your brain and the rest of…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-25). Consumer Health: Nutritional needs during pregnancy and breastfeeding. March is National Nutrition Month, which makes this a good time to learn about your nutritional needs during pregnancy and while breastfeeding. During pregnancy, the basic principles of healthy eating remain the same — get plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean protein and healthy fats. However, a few nutrients in a pregnancy diet deserve special attention. The nutrients to pay special attention to while you're pregnant include: CalciumYou and your baby need calcium for strong…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-25). Science Saturday: New standards and open access can help natural language processing. Clinical notes in medical records are rich sources of data about human health. But tapping them for medical research can be challenging because these data come from various sources — and they all look different. "There's no standardization in how data is organized and classified across medical records systems," says Sunyang Fu, Ph.D., a Mayo Clinic biomedical informatics researcher. Even the language people use to talk about health can insert discrepancies in how data are…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-25). Mayo Clinic Q and A: How a heart condition affects the kidneys and causes swelling. DEAR MAYO CLINIC: I recently began experiencing swelling in my legs, feet and hands, as well as fatigue. Testing led to a diagnosis of pericardial constriction. Can you explain what this is and how it's treated? Is there anything I can do to reduce the swelling? ANSWER: Pericardial constriction is a condition with multiple possible causes. It can be due to underlying medical conditions and may even result from certain medical treatments. Swelling, or edema, is one…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-25). Mayo Clinic Minute: How is kidney cancer treated? More than 50,000 people in the U.S. are diagnosed with kidney cancer each year. Risks factors for developing this type of cancer include environmental exposures, such as smoking, high blood pressure, a history of kidney failure, obesity or not having a healthy weight. And there are also hereditary syndromes that may increase your risk for kidney cancer. Dr. Thai Ho, a Mayo Clinic oncologist who specializes in genitourinary malignancies, says there are no screening tests…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-25). Mayo Clinic Q and A: Travel safety tips. DEAR MAYO CLINIC: I have a group of friends with whom I love to travel. We plan several trips a year, and this spring we are planning to go outside the U.S. and visit the Caribbean. We will stay at an all-inclusive resort in a popular destination and do a few sightseeing day trips in the area. Are there things we should do to be safe while traveling? ANSWER: Travel is always a fun activity to enjoy…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-25). Pelvic floor issues aren't just a woman's health condition, Kegels can work for men, too. LA CROSSE, Wis. — Women often are told about the importance of Kegel exercises to strengthen pelvic muscles. It turns out that men should think about doing the exercises as well. Statistics show that 32% of women will have at least one pelvic floor disorder (PFD) at one time in their life. However, a recent study suggests that although much attention is directed toward women pelvic floor disorders, 16% of men have also been identified…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-25). Mayo Clinic Minute: Are you using a salt substitute? Salt substitutes can be an effective way to help lower your blood pressure and fight heart disease. But experts warn that overuse of certain salt substitutes or alternatives can be dangerous for some people. Dr. Regis Fernandes, a Mayo Clinic cardiologist, explains why you should use caution with using a salt substitute. Watch: The Mayo Clinic Minute Journalists: Broadcast-quality video (1: 00) is in the downloads at the end of this post. Please courtesy: "Mayo…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-25). Artificial intelligence massage therapy? Meet the robot being studied by Mayo Clinic. Getting a massage from a robot may seem like something out of a science fiction story, but it could be a reality in the not-too-distant future. Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, is looking into the possibility of robotic massage as an answer for patients' pain relief and alleviating some staffing burdens. Watch: Artificial intelligence massage therapy? Meet the robot being studied by Mayo Clinic Journalists: Broadcast-quality video (1: 17) is in the downloads at the…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-25). Mayo Clinic in Rochester top ranked on 'America's Best Fertility Clinics' in Newsweek rankings. Mayo Clinic in Rochester was ranked No. 9 in the nation by Newsweek in its list of "America's Best Fertility Clinics," released in February. This ranking is a testament to the dedication and expertise of the Reproductive endocrinology and infertility team at Mayo Clinic in Rochester. "Our clinic is in the top 10 among the 100 top fertility clinics," says Samir Babayev, M.D., Reproductive Endocrinology & Infertility, IVF Clinical Director. "This is a recognition of the excellence…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-25). Mayo Clinic opens patient information office in Indonesia. JAKARTA, Indonesia — Mayo Clinic has opened a patient information office in Jakarta to assist patients, their families, referring physicians and insurance brokers in Indonesia. The office is Mayo Clinic's first in Southeast Asia. The office staff, fluent in Bahasa Indonesia and English, will help patients, their families and physicians who refer patients to make appointments at Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota; Phoenix and Scottsdale, Arizona; Jacksonville, Florida; and Mayo Clinic Healthcare in London. "We…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-25). Women in science: Q&A with Robin Patel, M.D. Robin Patel, M.D. Two events held early each year are opportunities to support and recognize the contributions of women in scientific fields. In February, the International Day of Women and Girls in Science promotes full and equal access to and participation in science. Women's History Month in March is an opportunity to recognize women who have made significant contributions to science. Mayo Clinic physician researcher Robin Patel, M.D., shares her perspective and advice for others pursuing a research career in this…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-25). How does red tide impact beachgoers? Florida beach along Gulf Coat, 2023 Many people are flocking to the Gulf Coast for spring break. However, toxic red tide algal blooms have put beachgoers and residents on alert. In the Gulf of Mexico, red tide is caused by a microscopic organism called Karenia brevis. The organism was detected in 172 samples along Florida's Gulf Coast earlier this week, according to Florida officials. Dead fish and other marine life are washed ashore on beaches because of…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-25). Match Day at Mayo Clinic Alix School of Medicine, Mayo Clinic School of Graduate Medical Education. Fourth-year students at Mayo Clinic Alix School of Medicine in Arizona, Florida and Minnesota learned where they will continue their residency training on March 17. Also, Mayo Clinic School of Graduate Medical Education learned who would be its incoming Mayo residents through the National Resident Matching Program. The medical students opened their envelopes at 11 a.m. CDT discovering their future specialties and residency training locations. Match Day, held on the third Friday in March, is when medical school students and…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-25). Five ways AI promises to transform organ transplants. ROCHESTER, Minn. — Artificial intelligence (AI) has the potential to become a valuable tool for transplant to save more patients' lives. Recent studies have already shown promise in using AI to analyze large sets of data to discover important trends and patterns. In this expert alert, Mayo Clinic transplant experts share how this technology may improve outcomes for patients. "Physicians once practiced medicine without CT scans and with only limited lab tests. Now, these tools…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-25). Ready to Run: Mayo Clinic Health System gives tips on planning for a long race. MANKATO, Minn. — You've thought about it for years. You've dreamed of crossing the finish line. It's on your bucket list, or maybe it's become a tradition. You've registered for a long-distance race like a 5K, 10K, half-marathon or marathon. So now's the time to plan and prepare for your big day. This critical process will be shaped by your experience and fitness level. First, get real and be honest with yourself. It can take…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-25). Mayo Clinic cancer expert highlights advancements in treating multiple myeloma. ROCHESTER, Minn. — March is Myeloma Awareness Month, and Sikander Ailawadhi, M.D., hematologist/oncologist at Mayo Clinic Comprehensive Cancer Center, shares details about new advancements in research leading to better outcomes for patients with multiple myeloma. Multiple myeloma is a relatively uncommon form of blood cancer in the bone marrow that affects less than 1% of the U.S. population, according to the American Cancer Society. While there is no cure, the disease can be treated with…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-25). Mayo Clinic Minute: Can the MIND diet improve brain health? You might be hearing more about the MIND diet of late. A recent study has added to the evidence that the diet, which includes a variety of brain-friendly foods, may help protect against Alzheimer's disease. In this Mayo Clinic Minute, Angie Murad, a registered dietitian and nutritionist and patient educator at Mayo Clinic, explains the benefits of incorporating foods included in the MIND diet. Watch: The Mayo Clinic Minute Journalists: Broadcast-quality video (1: 01) is…

Orinoco Tribune 2 (2023-03-25). Multipolarity Was Triggered by the 2003 US Invasion of Iraq. By Karin Kneissl — Mar, 20 2023 | Twenty years after the unlawful and destabilizing US-led invasion of Iraq, Washington must face the ultimate consequence of that war: UNSC powers China and Russia laying the foundation for a genuine, UN Charter-based system of multipolarism. | On the night of 19-20 March, 2003, the US air force began bombing the Iraqi capital, Baghdad. The EU and NATO were deeply divided on whether to join the aggression: While newer NATO members from Central and Eastern Europe were in favor of the war, European heavyweights Paris and Berlin opposed it. | The Iraq war also marked the onset o…

Peace for Ukraine (2023-03-25). Anti War March Draws Some Counter Protesters. Several hundred anti war demonstrators and a handful of counter protesters in San Francisco's Mission District on March 18.

Phillip E Morgan, Ragai R Mitry (2023-03-25). [Correspondence] Recent cases of acute hepatitis in children. Potential causes of the cases of acute hepatitis in children in the UK over the past year were discussed by Anil Dhawan and Sunitha Vimalesvaran,1 noting the presence of adenovirus subtype 41F in the majority of cases and suggesting the hepatitis was caused by an aberrant immune response to the virus rather than by the virus itself.

Prof Michel Chossudovsky (2023-03-25). Twelve Years Ago: The US-NATO-Israel Sponsored Al Qaeda Insurgency in Syria. Who Was Behind the 2011 "Protest Movement"? It was not a protest movement, it was an armed insurgency integrated by US-Israeli & allied supported "jihadist" death squads. From Day One, the Islamist "freedom fighters" were supported, trained & equipped by NATO & Turkey's High Command.

Ralph Nader (2023-03-25). The 20th Anniversary of the Sociocide of Iraq by Bush/Cheney.

Ramon du Houx (2023-03-25). Elected officials and coalition groups urge the Legislature to enact price gouging bill. EOPA California, representing over 462 elected officials from 49 counties, strongly supports protecting consumers from oil price gouging with SBX1-2. EOPA California has a letter specifically for elected officials to sign in support of SB1-2 (Skinner). In just five days 108 have signed, and the number is rising daily.

Richard Horton (2023-03-25). [Comment] Offline: The XX paradox. "Women and Black researchers are less likely to hold multiple NIH grants." "Female scientists miss out on career advances abroad." "Time stands still for white male dons of Oxford." Three recent headlines from Science, Nature, and The Times. Despite The Lancet's proclamation in 2019 that "Feminism is for everybody", the truth is that women remain excluded from many of the most senior roles in medicine and global health. An important report published by Women in Global Health last week—The State of Women and Leadership in Health—sets out the gap between words and deeds.

Rick Rozoff (2023-03-25). Georgian head of state again warns of coordinated coup/new war front campaign. Civil GeorgiaMarch 24, 2023 PM Again Talks "Second Front" and Criticizes the Opposition On March 24, Georgian Prime Minister Irakli Garibashvili was questioned in the Parliament under the interpellation procedure…..[T]he PM once again spoke about the ongoing war in Ukraine and the efforts to open a "second front" in Georgia in this context, accusing the …

Rick Rozoff (2023-03-25). Latvia: Canada leads NATO combat exercise near Russian border. NATOMultinational Corps NortheastMarch 25, 2023 NATO eFP Battlegroup Latvia proceeds with Combat Readiness Evaluation SZCZECIN, Poland — Having completed their preparation exercise Wolverine Shield/Strike, NATO enhanced Forward Presence (eFP) Battlegroup Latvia has kicked off exercise Crystal Arrow 23, which will serve as a Combat Readiness Evaluation (CREVAL) test for this Canadian-led unit comprising multiple NATO …

Rick Rozoff (2023-03-25). NATO in Estonia: King's Royal Hussars pass baton to Queen's Royal Hussars with support of French Foreign Legion. NATOMultinational Corps NortheastMarch 22, 2023 The Queen's Royal Hussars take command of NATO eFP Battlegroup Estonia supported by the French Foreign Legion On March 19, the Tapa Military Base, Estonia, saw the transfer of authority ceremony from Britain's own The King's Royal Hussars to The Queen's Royal Hussars (QRH) who took the helm of NATO's …

Rick Rozoff (2023-03-25). NATO killed international law 24 years ago: Serbian president. TanjugMarch 24, 2023 Vucic: International law died 24 years ago, but Serbian spirit was not broken International law died 24 years ago, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said on Friday at the main ceremony commemorating the anniversary of the start of the 1999 NATO aggression on Serbia, noting that, at the time, big powers had tried …

Rick Rozoff (2023-03-25). NATO's northern flank: Nordic nations form 250-advanced-generation warplane joint force, may house U.S., Canadian counterparts. Defense NewsMarch 24, 2023 Nordic countries move toward linking their air forces: 250 planes The Nordic countries have moved to deepen air force cooperation to bolster the region's air defenses. The initiative, covered by a Joint Declaration of Intent (JDI), takes place against the backdrop of persisting security tensions…impacting the High North and Baltic Sea …

Rick Rozoff (2023-03-25). Photo, video: Serbs mark Day of Remembrance of the Victims of NATO Aggression. B92March 24, 2023 24 years since the NATO attack; Growing number of people gather in Sombor Exactly 24 years ago, sirens announced NATO aggression against Serbia. In 11 weeks, about 2,500 civilians and about 1,000 soldiers and policemen had died. In Serbia, the Day of Remembrance for those killed in NATO aggression is being celebrated, …

Rick Rozoff (2023-03-25). Swedish FM bemoans: haven't we debased ourselves sufficiently, extradited enough Kurds? The LocalMarch 18, 2023 Swedish foreign minister disappointed by Turkey not acting on Nato bid Turkey has sought the extradition of dozens of Kurdish and other suspects it accuses of ties to outlawed militants and a failed 2016 coup attempt. On Friday, the Turkish head of state said Sweden had still not agreed to extradite …

Rick Rozoff (2023-03-25). U.S. NATO contingent in Europe: dancing for WWIII. U.S. Army Europe and AfricaMarch 16, 2023 66th Military Intelligence Brigade hosts women's health panel U.S. Army Lt. Col. Erica Kane, commander, Wiesbaden Army Health Clinic, Regional Health Command-Europe, speaks about women's health and putting people first during a Women's Health Question and Answer Panel….

Sarmad Ishfaq (2023-03-25). The Terrorist Forefathers of Israel: The Irgun and Lehi. To the unbiased eye, Israel's true colors are not obfuscated due to its innumerable crimes against the Palestinians whether in the form of innocent Gazans being killed or the proliferation of illegal settlements in the West Bank. It is interesting to note that the state of Israel and the IDF's (Israel Defence Forces) terrorist proclivities …

Sima Barmania, Michael Reiss (2023-03-25). [World Report] Pope Francis and health. On his election 10 years ago, Pope Francis was hailed as a voice of modernisation. Has his papacy made a difference to health? Sima Barmania and Michael Reiss report.

Sixty Plus (2023-03-25). Are You in Your "Third Act"? These Older Folks Demonstrated to Save the Climate. Despite some of the stormiest weather San Francisco has seen in a long time, these brave elders showed up and cut up to stop climate change.

Steven Sahiounie (2023-03-25). Richard T. Perle's 1996 "Clean Break" Report to Destroy Syria and Iraq.

Suds, Snacks,, Socialism Forum Committee (2023-03-25). Saturday 4/1: What are the Prospects for World Peace? The Starry Plough Pub | 3101 Shattuck Avenue, Berkeley, CA 94705 | Also accessible online…

Sunitha Vimalesvaran, Anita Verma, Anil Dhawan (2023-03-25). [Correspondence] Recent cases of acute hepatitis in children — Authors' reply. We thank Phillip E Morgan and Ragai R Mitry for their letter regarding our Correspondence entitled Hunting down the cause of acute hepatitis in children.1 Our focus in that Comment was to summarise existing data on the increase in the number of cases of acute hepatitis in children and possible pathogenesis of this condition. Morgan and Mitry propose an additional lifestyle component (in particular, foods containing additives such as some colourings) that could have exacerbated hepatocyte damage during the co-infection period.

Talha Burki (2023-03-25). [World Report] The health consequences of crowd-control weapons. Two new reports outline how the increasingly indiscriminate use of weapons such as rubber bullets, tear gas, and batons on protestors is harming health and human rights. Talha Burki reports.

teleSUR -dcdc, DRL (2023-03-25). Presidente brasileño pospone un día viaje a China por neumonía. China es el principal socio comercial de Brasil, por lo que el gobierno del líder progresista buscará ampliar los intercambios.

teleSUR, dcdc, DRL (2023-03-25). Bolivia impulsa Organización de Países Productores de Litio. El vicecanciller de Bolivia planteó como un desafío "intercambiar información, tecnología y cooperación" entre los países que cuentan con reservas de litio.

teleSUR, dcdc, DRL (2023-03-25). Nigeria ultima a 40 terroristas del llamado Estado Islámico. Un vocero nigeriano declaró que al menos 18 miembros de los grupos Boko Haram y el autodenominado Estado Islámico de la Provincia de África Occidental fueron asesinados.

teleSUR, dcdc, JDO (2023-03-25). Posponen visita de rey Carlos III a Francia debido a protestas. Desde el Palacio del Elíseo se explicó la suspensión del viaje debido al anuncio de nuevas protestas contra la reforma de las pensiones.

teleSUR, DRL (2023-03-25). Exigen libertad para defensores del agua en El Salvador. En Centroamérica, El Salvador es el país con el mayor deterioro de los bienes hídricos: posee la menor reserva de agua dulce y el 90 % de sus ríos están contaminados…

teleSUR, jaa, YSM (2023-03-25). Admiten a trámite solicitud de juicio político contra el presidente de Ecuador. La decisión de llevar el pedido de juicio político contra Lasso a la Corte Constitucional recibió cinco de siete votos a favor.

teleSUR, jaa, YSM (2023-03-25). Cancilleres concluyen encuentro previo a Cumbre Iberoamericana. Los documentos incluyen una propuesta nombrada Ruta Crítica de Seguridad Alimentaria, Incluyente y Sostenible en Iberoamérica.

teleSUR, jaa, YSM (2023-03-25). México presenta propuesta para organizar Juegos Olímpicos de 2036. Ebrard resaltó que en muchas regiones, México cuenta con la infraestructura necesaria para albergar unas olimpiadas exitosas.

teleSUR, JDO (2023-03-25). Denuncian falta de transparencia electoral en Guatemala. Rechazan maniobras del Tribunal Supremo Electoral. Señalan que violenta las leyes para excluir a los candidatos de los pueblos indígenas de los próximos comicios.

teleSUR, JDO (2023-03-25). México rechaza declaraciones de funcionario de EE.UU. Presidente de México afirma que no hay lugar en su país donde no haya presencia de la autoridad.

teleSUR, JDO (2023-03-25). Arriban líderes a Santo Domingo para Cumbre Iberoamericana. Participan jefes de Estado y de Gobierno de América Latina y el Caribe junto a España, Portugal y Andorra.

teleSUR, lvm, YSM (2023-03-25). Eligen a Dilma Rousseff como presidenta del banco de los Brics. El banco fue creado "con el propósito de movilizar recursos para infraestructura y proyectos de desarrollo sostenible en el Brics".

teleSUR, lvm, YSM (2023-03-25). Evacúan a más de 1.500 personas por incendio forestal en España. En la tarde estaban desplegándose por la zona activa 18 aviones y helicópteros y más de 500 bomberos.

teleSUR, lvm, YSM (2023-03-25). OPS insta a reforzar medidas contra la tuberculosis. "Es nuestra responsabilidad colectiva poner fin a esta enfermedad prevenible y curable", precisó el organismo.

teleSUR, lvm, YSM (2023-03-25). Registran 375 casos de tuberculosis en Costa Rica en 2022. En el 2021, el Ministerio manifestó que se produjeron un total de 34 fallecimientos.

teleSUR, nama, DRL (2023-03-25). Acaba huelga escolar en Los àÅngeles pero anuncian más protestas. La protesta terminó este jueves con una manifestación masiva en el Parque Histórico Estatal de Los Ángeles.

teleSUR, nama, DRL (2023-03-25). Suman diez días de ataques de narcos en Rio Grande do Norte. Se ha vivido tensión y poco acceso a servicios públicos como recolección de basura, sanitarios no esenciales o clases.

teleSUR, nama, YSM (2023-03-25). ONU: el hambre anula esfuerzos para la estabilización de Haití. Muy cercana a la categoría de hambruna, se encuentran áreas del sur, el noroeste y el noreste de Haití.

teleSUR, nbb, JGN (2023-03-25). Comienza la XXVIII Cumbre Iberoamericana en República Dominicana. La Cumbre se inauguró en la fortaleza colonial de Ozama, primera estructura militar permanente de América.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2023-03-25). Declaran emergencia sanitaria por leptospirosis en Durán, Ecuador. Según las autoridades, los 51 contagios superan las estadísticas que se tienen de años anteriores.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2023-03-25). Italia devuelve a México 43 piezas arqueológicas prehispánicas. La devolución tuvo lugar en la sede de la Embajada de México en Italia, ante la presencia de la secretaria de Cultura, Alejandra Frausto Guerrero…

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2023-03-25). Paraguay acumula 60 muertos por chikungunya. Según indicó la cartera sanitaria, en las últimas semanas se han confirmado 13.010 casos de chikungunya.

teleSUR- hvh, DRL (2023-03-25). Parlamento de Ecuador evalúa requisitos de juicio contra Lasso. El titular del parlamento, Virgilio Saquicela, convocó para las 15: 20 (hora local) la sesión que será de manera virtual.

teleSUR- hvh, DRL (2023-03-25). Nuevo bombardeo de EE.UU. a Siria deja al menos ocho muertos. Los ataques estadounidenses fueron contra supuestas instalaciones de grupos cercanos a la Guardia Revolucionaria iraní.

teleSUR- hvh, DRL (2023-03-25). Organizaciones argentinas se movilizan en el Día de la Memoria. Alberto Fernández afirmó que "como cada 24 de marzo, nos abrazamos y marchamos poniendo en valor la memoria colectiva".

The Green Arcade (2023-03-25). Saturday 4/15: A Celebration of the Life of Poet and Writer Jim Nisbet. The 3rd Floor Edward McRoskey Loft | 1687 Market Street | San Francisco, CA 94103…

Thomas Walter & GW Smigielski (2023-03-25). Financial crisis – it's crashing again and The time of change.

UFCLP (2023-03-25). Monday 3/27: Jail Former SF Federal Reserve Member & Silicon Valley Bank President/CEO Greg Becker. San Francisco Federal Reserve | 101 California St. | San Francisco…

Unicorn Riot (2023-03-25). Eight Remain in Jail from March 5 Weelaunee Forest Raid, 15 Released.

via Russell Brutsche (2023-03-25). Friday 3/31: Santa Cruz Hi-Rise. Resource Center for Non-Violence, 612 Ocean Street, Santa Cruz…

Workers World Boston bureau (2023-03-25). Masking for COVID-19 mitigation and safety is anti-capitalist solidarity. On Feb. 6, the Boston branch of Workers World Party collectively decided and unanimously voted, prompted by young and disabled comrades and candidates, to reaffirm our Party's position of solidarity with our class regarding the pandemic with the resolution below, explaining the branch's masking protocols to the movement. Members and . . . |

WSWS (2023-03-25). Lawsuit over Vermont Law School murals depicting slavery lands in Court of Appeals. Kerson's mural, comprising two 8'àó24′ panels titled Vermont, the Underground Railroad and Vermont and the Fugitive Slave, is significant from a historical, political and artistic perspective.

WSWS (2023-03-25). Treasury secretary Yellen twists to the power of money. Over the course of three days this week, Yellen flip flopped on the question of guarantees for ultra wealthy bank depositors before predictably falling into line with the demands of Wall Street.

WSWS (2023-03-25). Teachers in Bolivia stage national strike against police repression by MAS government. The government of President Luis Arce made clear its rejection of any concessions by unleashing riot police against a march of teachers in La Paz on Wednesday.

WSWS (2023-03-25). Los Angeles teacher: Pay for school workers "is not enough to support a family" On the first day of the Los Angeles schools strike, the World Socialist Web Site spoke with Max, a fifth grade teacher who has been teaching for 24 years in LAUSD.

WSWS (2023-03-25). US bombs Syria in defense of its illegal occupation. The air strikes along with the continuing occupation of Syria are among the myriad of war crimes committed by US imperialism across the Middle East.

WSWS (2023-03-25). Canada's Waterloo University backs down on threat to cancel IYSSE anti-war meeting. The University of Waterloo has backed off from its threat to arbitrarily cancel an International Youth and Students for Social Equality anti-war meeting to be held next Tuesday, March 28, at its campus in Kitchener-Waterloo, Ontario.

WSWS (2023-03-25). IMF declares its Sri Lankan program a "brutal experiment" The government's ruthless austerity drive, dictated by the IMF, is to pay the international credit sharks and boost corporate profits.

WSWS (2023-03-25). Bring down the Macron government! This week's tumultuous events in France have torn the "democratic" mask off the capitalist state, exposing it as a dictatorship of the financial oligarchy.

WSWS (2023-03-25). IMF props up Ukraine with $15.6 billion loan package. The IMF loan package is intended to bolster a government dedicated to continuing an imperialist proxy war that continues to ruin countless lives.

WSWS (2023-03-25). Norfolk Southern CEO stonewalls on safety in second US Senate hearing on East Palestine, Ohio derailment. Both Democratic and Republican senators on the Commerce Committee made clear in Wednesday's hearing that they had no intentions of developing meaningful safety regulations if they cut across the industry's profit margins.

WSWS (2023-03-25). Strike wave sweeps across the Netherlands. This new wave of strikes takes place against the backdrop of relentless anti-Russian hysteria and intensified propaganda in the media to justify NATO's war in Ukraine.

WSWS (2023-03-25). US Congress holds anti-China witch-hunt at TikTok hearing. On Thursday, the US House Energy and Commerce Committee put on a five-hour spectacle of xenophobia, anticommunism and anti-Chinese invective, focussed on demands to ban TikTok, the sixth most popular social network in the world.

WSWS (2023-03-25). Manhattan district attorney in sex scandal case receives mail death threat as Trump warned of "death and destruction" if charged. The New York Police Department confirmed that a package sent to DA Alvin Bragg's office contained "suspicious white powder."

WSWS (2023-03-25). The revival of the Berlin-Tokyo Axis. The rapprochement between Germany and Japan comes at a time when both countries are abandoning all military restraint and massively rearming.

Anonymous103 (2023-03-25). In Video: Fighting For Ruins In Maryinka. Illustrative Image | The town of Maryinka located on the south-western outskirts of Donetsk was completely destroyed by heavy battles. Clashes in the city began in March 2022 and continue to this day. | After Russian forces took control of the eastern and central districts, clashes continue in the western part of Maryinka. On March 24, the acting head of the DPR Denis Pushilin commented on the ongoing battle for the town, claiming that Ukrainian forces are in control of a small area in the western part of the town. The DPR could cla…

Staff (2023-03-25). Alina Balseiro: "El país está listo para asumir las elecciones nacionales" (+ Video). "El país está listo para asumir las elecciones nacionales. Hemos controlado cada dificultad que existió en la prueba dinámica del pasado domingo, en aras de que este 26 de marzo sea una jornada de triunfo para Cuba", afirmó la presidenta del Consejo Electoral Nacional Alina Balseiro Gutiérrez en la Mesa Redonda de este viernes.

Staff (2023-03-25). Danhiz Díaz Pereira: Ser diputado es una oportunidad que conlleva un compromiso moral (+ Fotos y Podcast). Si la teoría de que los líderes nacen fuera cierta, Danhiz Díaz Pereira sería la prueba fehaciente que confirma esa hipótesis. Desde su etapa estudiantil son muchos los que lo siguen y acompañan en un camino que eligió desde que tuvo conciencia de que dedicaría su vida a hacer por los demás y a no descansar en ese afán de tener una Cuba mejor.

Staff (2023-03-25). Serie Calendario: Conflictos más agudos para que seamos mejores seres humanos (+ Podcast). La primera temporada finalizó y los muchachos del 9no 3 crecieron y ahora vuelven vestidos de azul, en el preuniversitario, en una segunda temporada, con problemas más oscuros y crueles como las drogas o la muerte del hermano pequeño de Leonardo. Amalia detrás, como fiel guardiana, acompañando a sus estudiantes e intentando inyectarles una dosis de sensibilidad.

Staff (2023-03-25). 26 de marzo: El voto es por la Patria. En ameno diálogo con productores de la finca La Claudia, concluyó este viernes el recorrido de los siete candidatos a diputados nominados por Arroyo Naranjo, en La Habana. Sobre episodios de nuestra historia nacional, la obra revolucionaria en beneficio del campesinado cubano, la relevancia de estas elecciones nacionales y del voto por todos, reflexionaron los participantes en el encuentro.

Staff (2023-03-25). Celebran el aniversario 55 del Jardín Botánico Nacional. La trayectoria y resultados del Jardín Botánico Nacional de Cuba como centro de referencia para los estudios botánicos en el país, sus aportes como espacio de ciencia, docencia y recreación con un contenido ambiental fueron destacados este viernes durante el acto por el aniversario 55 de la institución adscripta a la Universidad de La Habana.

Staff (2023-03-25). Entregan Premio Nacional de Cine 2023 a Magaly Pompa Batista. El Premio Nacional de Cine 2023 se entregó hoy a la especialista en maquillaje Magaly Pompa Batista, en la Casa del Festival del Nuevo Cine Latinoamericano en La Habana. Magaly ha trabajado en más de 40 producciones nacionales e internacionales, entre las que destacan Lucía (1968), Cecilia (1982), El Benny (2006) y José Martí: el ojo del canario (2011).

Staff (2023-03-25). Las 3 del día: Qué debe saber sobre la tuberculosis, las relaciones entre China y EEUU y otras noticias de la semana (+ Podcast). Las periodistas Karina Rodríguez y Claudia Fonseca nos acompañan como cada viernes para actualizarnos de lo más trascendental ocurrido en los últimos siete días. Comenzamos hablando sobre la Tuberculosis y después profundizamos en cómo marchan las relaciones entre China y Estados Unidos. Además el Canciller cubano Bruno Rodríguez nos adelanta las expectativas de Cuba sobre la 28 Cumbre Iberoamericana.

Staff (2023-03-25). Ministerio del Transporte desarrolla proyectos con firmas extranjeras para mejorar sus servicios. De varios proyectos con firmas foráneas, algunos en negociación y otros ya en marcha, dispone el Ministerio de Transporte (MITRANS) con vistas a captar la mayor cantidad de divisas con las cuales incrementar y mejorar los servicios destinados a la población, además de la infraestructura y logística de sus instalaciones y medios.

Staff (2023-03-25). Conmemoraron aniversario 65 de la Comandancia de El Aguacate en el II Frente Oriental. Con una ceremonia político cultural fue conmemorado, este 23 de marzo, el aniversario 65 del establecimiento por el entonces Comandante guerrillero Raúl Castro Ruz, de la primera Comandancia del Segundo Frente Oriental Frank País García, el 26 de marzo de 1958, en las montañas del actual municipio de El Salvador, en Guantánamo.

Staff (2023-03-25). Ecuador: Aprueban solicitud de juicio político contra el presidente Guillermo Lasso. La Comisión Especializada Ocasional por la Verdad, Justicia y la Lucha contra la Corrupción de la AN, aprobó un informe que recomienda un juicio político contra el mandatario. Sería por "la comisión por omisión", lo que implicaría que el jefe de Estado, conociendo los actos de corrupción en las empresas públicas, habría preferido callar y no actuar.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-03-25). Al menos 24 muertos deja paso de tornado en sureste de EE.UU. Un tornado arrasó la noche del viernes una zona rural de Mississippi y Alabama, destruyendo edificios e interrumpiendo el servicio eléctrico…

teleSUR, JCM (2023-03-25). Manifestantes en Surinam piden renuncia del presidente. La manifestación se realizó en la Plaza de la Independencia en el centro de la capital, cerca del Palacio Presidencial, en contra de la ley electoral de Surinam.

teleSUR, JGN (2023-03-25). Cuba se declara lista para las elecciones del domingo próximo. La jornada electoral dará inicio a las 07: 00 hora local (11: 00 GMT) y concluirá a las 18: 00 (22: 00 GMT), detalló Balseiro.

teleSUR, nbb, JGN (2023-03-25). Acusado del magnicidio en Haití se declara culpable. El hombre de origen haitiano-chileno declaró haber entregado "apoyo material y recursos" para secuestrar y asesinar a Moïse.

teleSUR, nbb, JGN (2023-03-25). Aumentan casos de dengue y chikungunya en Argentina. En lo que va del año 2023, se ha notificado en la nación un total de 9.388 casos de dengue.

teleSUR, nbb, JGN (2023-03-25). Explosión en fábrica en Pensilvania, EE.UU., deja dos muertos. La alcaldesa de West Reading, Samantha Kaag, pidió que cualquier persona en un radio de una cuadra se mantuviera alejada.

teleSUR- jah, JGN (2023-03-25). Conoce cinco obras esenciales del escritor Rodolfo Walsh. Rodolfo Walsh conjugó su rol intelectual con el talento periodístico en función de aportar a la lucha contra la dictadura militar.

Weekly Trust (2023-03-25). California will respond to the Pan African Congress call for better seed movement. Our California Pan African World Food and Ag Pavilion will offer proposed opportunities towards solutions that offer greater access to global seed research and development. 'We need to hear from farmers how we can continuously and sustainably bridge the gap between seed companies and the farming community, now more pronounced mainly by the negative impact of climate change. On our side, we will endeavor to work with the farmers to help increase the resilience and profitability of African farming in the face of climate change and other challenges,'

Felix Abt (2023-03-24). How Zelensky was Prevented From Making Peace in the Donbas.

infobrics (2023-03-24). China's Energy Investments in Russia. Chinese state energy giants have made a number of multi-billion dollar investments in Russia, one of China's top oil and gas suppliers, across various stages of the energy supply chain…

infobrics (2023-03-24). India's Russia Exports in Feb up 25%. India's exports to Russia have exceeded the levels before the war outbreak in Ukraine…

infobrics (2023-03-24). The China-Russia Border City of Heihe Where Harmony Lies. Chinese President Xi Jinping visited Moscow to meet with President Putin at a diplomatic juncture. The town of Heihe bordering both nations is a sign of the unity between the two…

infobrics (2023-03-24). Global South increasingly alienated by Western demands for alignment. The Global South is fed up with "alignmentism" which is largely promoted by the political West. Uriel Araujo, researcher with a focus on international and ethnic conflicts.

infobrics (2023-03-24). Russia's 'inexplicable' ability to withstand Western aggression. We often hear that Russia is just a regional power with an economy the size of Spain's, a military budget that has been consistently smaller than the Saudi one, etc. And indeed, on paper, this may seem true. Taking into account nominal GDP as the only measure of power, one might fall into the trap of believing such statistics. However, the reality is quite different.

infobrics (2023-03-24). US to relocate its warplanes to intimidate Moscow and Beijing. Warplanes previously stationed in the Middle East are being transferred to regions nearer Russia and China.

infobrics (2023-03-24). German-Japanese military cooperation does little to deter China at sea. Germany and Japan revive WWII alliance with new military cooperation.

Alan Macleod (2023-03-24). Iran International: Inside the "Saudi-Funded" Network Promoting Regime Change in Iran. Iran International: Alan Macleod reveals how a network of Western and Saudi interests converged to create the ultimate propaganda tool in a failed bid to overthrow the government of Iran.

Fight Back (2023-03-24). U.T. Austin students speak out to defend Indian Child Welfare Act. Austin, TX – On Wednesday, March 22, members of Austin Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) gathered on a busy street, Speedway, on the University of Texas-Austin campus to speak out against the judicial attack on the Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA). | SDS members chanted, "When indigenous rights are under attack. What do we do? Stand up, fight back!" and "Defend indigenous sovereignty! Defend ICWA!" SDS also passed out fliers and gave speeches about how repealing ICWA would hurt thousands and further erode indigenous sovereignty. | Students also connected this to an ongoing struggle at UT to return stolen a…

Fight Back (2023-03-24). Fight for Venezuelan diplomat's freedom intensifies due to health concerns. Caracas, Venezuela – It has now been more than 1000 days since Venezuelan diplomat Alex Saab was first kidnapped by the U.S. government on the island of Cabo Verde, off the west coast of Africa. Since then, he's been subjected to physical, psychological and chemical torture and moved to a federal detention center in Miami, Florida. | Two members of Minnesota's Anti-War Committee met with Saab's wife, Camilla Fabri Saab, on Tuesday, March 7, alongside a delegation from the Alliance for Global Justice and progressive lawyers with the Free Alex Saab Movement. Camilla, Fabri Saab, mother to their two young daug…

Fight Back (2023-03-24). PFLP: We salute the victory of the prisoners. Fight Back News Service is circulating the following statement from the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine | We salute the victory of the prisoners in this battle and call for the continuation of a broader process of political, on the field, media, and popular support, considering that their cause is one of the main issues of the struggle against the enemy. | The participation of the Palestinian Authority in the Aqaba-Sharm el-Sheikh meeting is a coup against the popular will and a rebellion against the decisions of the national consensus that reject this participation and warn of its consequences. | T…

Maximillian Alvarez (2023-03-24). 'It is coming to your state soon': Attacks on child labor laws aren't going away.

Chris Hedges (2023-03-24). How Mexico's epidemic of murdered journalists is an ominous warning to the press everywhere. Over 100,000 people have been disappeared in the course of the destructive drug war waged in Mexico over the past two decades. Among the deceased are more than 150 journalists murdered for their work to expose the dense network of corruption and violence that links government officials, police, and the military with organized crime. The case of Regina Martinez, an investigative journalist assassinated in her home in the state of Veracruz in 2012, is emblematic of this war being waged against the press.

Brett Wilkins (2023-03-24). US Progressives Stand Against 'Xenophobic' TikTok Ban.

Taya Graham, Stephen Janis (2023-03-24). Weymouth police demanded to see his ID. His refusal led to assault charges. Across the US, people who attempt to resist the seemingly limitless power of the police often find themselves ensnared in a legal system that ostensibly exists for their protection. When a local police officer approached Paul Brophy of Weymouth, Massachusetts, and demanded to see his identification, Brophy attempted to invoke his constitutional rights. The officer then escalated the situation to an arrest, claiming Brophy attempted to reach for his weapon. Police Accountability Report examines the facts of the case, speaking to Paul Brophy himself about the incident. | Studio: Stephen Janis | Studio/Post-Pr…

Mike Walter (2023-03-24). The Heat: Climate Change Crisis. Two new reports issue urgent calls for action as climate change heats up. The world is on the brink of catastrophic warming, that's the conclusion of a new report from the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres delivered a blunt assessment …

Xiaolu Sun (2023-03-24). Ohmyhome, first Singaporean company on Nasdaq in 2023. Ohmyhome, the first women-only founded property technology business makes history as being the first Singaporean company listed in the U.S. this year by ringing the Nasdaq closing bell.

Luis Chirino (2023-03-24). Cuba's International Agriculture Fair promotes trade and investment opportunities. Cuba's International Agriculture Fair opened this week at Havana's Rancho Boyeros exhibit grounds, with the participation of some 25 global companies from this region and Europe. See more.

Mark Niu (2023-03-24). Microsoft launches AI-powered Copilot. Microsoft brings the power of generative artificial intelligence to its most popular software programs, Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Outlook. Find out more.

_____ (2023-03-24). 2014 and 2022 — Discrediting Russia's image in Mongolia?

_____ (2023-03-24). Operation Enmity: A Holding Action. My country is failing, falling into the same dismal slough all dying empires are swallowed by. The Senators and Caesars of America have one last hope of holding onto their gain. If they can sew hatred and bitterness between brothers on the Russian steppe, the old western world order can buy time. They can hang […] | –°–æ–æ–±—â–µ–Ω–∏–µ

_____ (2023-03-24). Russia and Africa Building a New Multipolar World Together.

_____ (2023-03-24). G7 vs BRICS — Off to the Races. Last summer, the Group of 7 (G7), a self-anointed forum of nations that view themselves as the most influential economies in the world, gathered at Schloss Elmau, near Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany, to hold their annual meeting. Their focus was punishing Russia through additional sanctions, further arming of Ukraine and the containment of China.

_____ (2023-03-24). Iraq and Syria Survived the U.S.-NATO Attack and the Destruction. March 2003 and March 2011 have a great deal in common, but that is not where the story begins, Steven Sahiounie writes. | The 20th anniversary of the U.S. attack on Iraq for regime change coincides with the 12th anniversary of the U.S. attack on Syria for regime change. March 2003 and March 2011 have a great deal in common, but that is not where the story begins. | The destruction of two nations, sitting side by side in the Middle East, began in 1996 with the strategy paper called "

_____ (2023-03-24). Iraq War 20 Years On… Collective Western Amnesia Over Anglo-American Crime of Century. The morally bankrupt Western media lied to start the Iraq War as they did dutifully about starting other wars for their imperial masters. Twenty years after, the Western media are at it again. | This week, March 20, saw the 20th anniversary of the U.S.-British war launched on Iraq. The war resulted in over one million deaths and a decade of brutal military occupation. It spawned sectarian civil war, millions of displaced and destitute, and terrorism that engulfed the entire Middle East, as well as large swathes of Africa and Asia. Iraq and several other ancient nations have been destroyed because of the Anglo-Ame…

_____ (2023-03-24). U.S. Officials Really, REALLY Want You to Know the U.S. Is the World's 'Leader'. In response to questions he received during a press conference on Monday about Xi Jinping and Vladimir Putin cementing a "new era" in strategic partnership between China and Russia, the White House National Security Council's John Kirby made no fewer than seven assertions that the US is the "leader" of the world.

A Guest Author (2023-03-24). Another form of gig work: the 2020s sex-work boom. By Janisse Miles Three years ago, people in the U.S. were notified that they had to celebrate Women's History Month in their own homes, as thousands of organizations were shutting down for what was hoped would be two weeks but proved to be longer. The lockdown that started in mid-March . . . |

Aaron Maté (2023-03-24). Aaron Mate at UN: OPCW cover-up denies justice to Syria victims. At the United Nations, Aaron Maté debunks the OPCW's latest attempts to whitewash the cover-up of its investigation into the alleged April 2018 chemical attack in Douma, Syria. Speaking to the United Nations Security Council, Aaron Maté of The Grayzone calls out the OPCW's ongoing cover-up of its investigation into the alleged April 2018 chemical attack in Douma, Syria. Aaron also debunks the latest efforts by the OPCW, in a new report put out by the watchdog's Investigation and Identification …

Adriaan Alsema (2023-03-24). Colombia's cocaine market collapsed: farmers. Farmers from multiple parts of Colombia say cocaine sales have collapsed after a surge in the production of the illicit drug. In an interview, coca farmers' representative Leidy Diaz told…

Albert Bender (2023-03-24). Indigenous gather to protest birthday party for genocidal U.S. President Andrew Jackson. NASHVILLE—Indigenous people and their supporters gathered here on March 15 to protest a celebration for the 256th birthday of the deservedly-maligned seventh president of the United States, Andrew Jackson. The infamous leader's birthday party was held at the Hermitage, Jackson's historic home in Nashville. The event included children's activities, gallery talks, an annual presidential wreath-laying ceremony …

Alex Koplos (2023-03-24). International Working Women's Day in El Paso and Ciudad Juarez: "Down with patriarchy!" El Paso, Texas Young "feministxs" organizers held a rally and cross-border march in El Paso on International Working Women's Day, March 8, calling for the end to "machismo," transphobia and state violence against femme and trans migrants. Representative of La Via Campesina speaks on International Working Women's Day, El Paso, . . . |

Allen Forrest (2023-03-24). Who Has Right on Their Side? In Henrik Ibsen's An Enemy of the People, the character Dr. Stockmann says: The majority never has right on its side. Never I say! That is one of those social lies against which an independent, intelligent man must wage war. Who is it that constitute the majority of the population in a country? Is it …

Amy Goodman (2023-03-24). Judge Denies Bond for 8 People Rounded Up in Mass Arrest for Opposing Cop City. In Atlanta, a judge has denied bond for 8 of the people indiscriminately arrested at a music festival against the proposed "Cop City" police training facility in the Weelaunee Forest. Jailed since March 5, they are charged with domestic terrorism based on scant evidence like muddy clothes or simply being in the area at the time of the festival. We're joined by Micah Herskind… |

Ann Brown (2023-03-24). Does The Congressional Black Caucus Have A Problem With The Silicon Valley Industry Bailout? The collapse of Silicon Valley Bank on March 10 has had broad ramifications. It was the largest bank by deposits in Silicon Valley, holding the money of some of the country's wealthiest individuals. Silicon Valley's aggregate household wealth is nearly $1.1 trillion, Cal Matters reported. Because they are SVB depositors, Silicon Valley billionaires and millionaires were indirectly …

Ann Brown (2023-03-24). Viral Video Criticizing Reparations Activists: Just Give All The Black Votes To Democrats, Don't Threaten Party Masters With Staying Home. There's a video that has gone viral on TikTok and Twitter from an influencer who goes by the social media name Lady Whistledown in the Hood in which she is criticizing reparations activists for threatening to withhold their votes from the Democrats until a reparations bill is passed. During the past two presidential elections, there …

Ann Brown (2023-03-24). Beyoncé Follows Kanye West Out Of Adidas Partnership: Was The Math Mathin'? Many people saw this coming. Superstar Beyoncé and Adidas have parted ways. Her troubled Ivy Park activewear line will no longer be under the Adidas brand. This break comes on the heels of Adidas ending a multi-year deal with Kanye West that has cost the German sneaker company at least $1billion. Beyoncé and Adidas entered …

Anonymous103 (2023-03-24). Battle For Bakhmut: Despite Superior Ukrainian Grouping, Wagner Fighters Do Not Stop Advance. Click to see full-size image | The Wagner PMC which is fighting for the city of Bakhmut warned that the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) have trained about 200 thousand reservists and received a large amount of military equipment from NATO. The Ukrainian military is expected to attempt large-scaled offensive operations on the Donbass front lines, including in Bakhmut. The head of the Wagner PMC Yevgeny Prigozhin urged the Russian Defense Ministry to join forces, because the "Bakhmut meat grinder" c…

Anonymous103 (2023-03-24). Slovakia Transfered First Four Mig-29 To Ukraine (Video). Click to see full-size image | On March 23, Slovakia transferred the first batch of MiG-29 fighters to Ukraine. The country promised a total of 13 planes to Kiev. The U.S. has already announced its readiness to supply Bratislava with attack helicopters and Hellfire missiles as a reward."The first four MiG-29 fighters were safely transferred to the AFU and have already left the territory of the Slovak Republic," Slovak Defense Minister Jaroslav Nad wrote on Facebook. | According to the head of the Ministry of Defe…

Anonymous103 (2023-03-24). White House Scribe — The Limits And Hypocrisy Of The U.S. Media. Illustrative ImageSouthFront received the following article from one of our constant readers who is "concerned that the US media has been widely criticized for its self-contradictory reporting and selective silence in the Nord Stream pipeline explosion and the Ohio train derailment, which is run counter to "liberal democracy", shows the limits and hypocrisy of the media." | The SF team expresses him its deep gratitude for sharing this valuable opinion. The article was published without any editing. | We encourage our…

Anonymous669 (2023-03-24). Russian T-90M Tanks Outshines German Leopard 2, British Challenger 2 & American Abrams: Medvedev. T-90M. IMAGE: Uralvagonzavod | Russia's T-90M "Proryv 3″' main battle tank outshines German-made Leopard 2, British-made Challenger 2 and American-made Abrams tanks by its performance characteristics, Security Council Deputy Chairman Dmitry Medvedev said in an interview with Russian media outlets and users of the VKontakte social media network on March 24."We produce worthy types of armament, military and special hardware and weapon systems. The brand names are well known and I can mention just several of them. It is quite obvious th…

Anonymous669 (2023-03-24). Saudi Arabia Confirms Normalization Talks With Syria. File image. | Saudi Arabia and Syria are in talks over a resumption of consular services between the two countries, a source in the kingdom foreign minister told the state television on March 23. | Riyadh cut all ties with Damascus when the war first broke out in Syria more than a decade ago, then went on to support the rebels. However in recent years, the kingdom adopted a more pragmatic stance on Syria."Within the framework of the kingdom's keenness to facilitate the provision of necessary cons…

Anonymous669 (2023-03-24). Suspected Iranian Drone Kills U.S. Contractor, Wounds Five Other Service Members In Syria (Video). File image. | A United States contractor was killed and five U.S. service members and one additional U.S. contractor were wounded early on March 23 after a suspected Iranian suicide drone struck a maintenance facility on a coalition base near the northeastern Syrian city of al-Hasakah, the Pentagon said in a statement. | Two of the wounded service members were treated on site, while three additional service members and the U.S. contractor were medically evacuated to coalition medical facilities in neighboring Iraq."T…

Anonymous669 (2023-03-24). Suspected ISIS Terrorists Slaughter 15 Civilians, Tribal Fighters In Central Syria. File image. | On March 23, terrorists believed to be members of ISIS killed 15 people who were hunting for truffles in Syria's central region, according to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR). | The London-based monitor said that the victims were a part of a group that included dozens of truffle hunters. The terrorists ambushed the group between the areas of Jurf Marina and Hariba to the east of the town of Salamiyah in the eastern Hama countryside. | The victims were all slaughtered. Seven of them we…

Anonymous669 (2023-03-24). Syrian Army Killed 11 HTS Militants While Repelling Attack In Western Aleppo (Photos). © Sputnik / Iliya Pitalev | On March 23, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) repelled a large attack by al-Qaed-affiliated Hay'at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) on its positions near the town of Kafr Amma in the western countryside of Aleppo. | In a statement, the Syrian Ministry of Defense said that the terrorist group launched the attack from its positions in the so-called Greater Idlib region at the time of Iftar, the fast-breaking evening meal of Muslims during the holy month of Ramadan. | SAA troops killed eleve…

Anonymous669 (2023-03-24). Ukraine Lost More M777, Krab & M109 Howitzers To Lancet Drone Strikes (Videos). MOSCOW REGION, RUSSIA — JUNE 25, 2019: A ZALA Lancet-3 attack drone developed by Kalashnikov Concern on display at the Army 2019 International Military Technical Forum at Patriot Park. Marina Lystseva/TASS | On March 23 and 24, several videos documenting recent Russian strikes with Lancet loitering munitions on howitzers of Kiev forces surfaced online. | The strikes damaged or destroyed two American-made M777 towed 155 mm howitzers, two Soviet-made 2S1 Gvozdika self-propelled 122 mm howitzers, a Polish-made Kr…

Anonymous765 (2023-03-24). Israel Frustrated As Syria Returns To The Arab World. |

Ashley Curtin (2023-03-24). Fifth annual assessment of air pollution ranks cities, nations and regions around the world. The study confirmed that only six countries met the World Health Organization's (WHO) updated safe levels of the deadly air pollutant, particulate matter (PM) 2.5.

Binoy Kampmark (2023-03-24). Narendra Modi's Cricket Coup. What a coup. Nakedly amoral but utterly self-serving in its saccharine minted glory. India's showman Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who otherwise appears to have clerkish, desk-bound qualities, had what he wanted: an accommodating, possibly clueless guest in the form of the Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese; a common interest in India's national sport cricket, and …

Brenda Norrell (2023-03-24). No Place for Whales: The U.S. Military's Legacy in Indian Country: Reckless Toxic Dumping. From the mustard gas pit on Walker River Paiute lands, to the napalm burn site on Fallon Paiute Shoshone lands, to the undetonated bombs in the Lakota Badlands, to the experimental explosives at Fort Wingate in New Mexico and secret radioactive waste dump near the Tohono O'odham Nation capital of Sells, Arizona, to the widespread illegal hazardous waste dumping, and leaking of toxic waste, in many of the Alaskan and Hawaiian islands — there is enough documented cancer-causing waste to fill an encyclopedia.

Brian Shea, Will Hodgkinson (2023-03-24). Boston personal care attendants demand 'living wage, now!'. Around 200 people with disabilities and the personal care attendants who help them gathered at the Embrace Statue March 1, honoring Martin Luther King Jr. on the Boston Common and demanding living wages and benefits for Massachusetts PCAs. Boston Commons, March 1, 2023. Photo: Megan Smith Organized by Service Employees . . . |

Brittani Banks (2023-03-24). The Long Arm of Washington Extends Into Africa's Sahel. On March 16, 2023, U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken announced—during his visit to Niger—that the United States government will provide $150 million in aid to the Sahel region of Africa. This money, Blinken said, "will help provide life-saving support to refugees, asylum seekers, and others impacted by conflict and food insecurity in the region." …

Brittani Banks (2023-03-24). LA Schools' Lowest-Paid Workers Walk Out, With Teachers by Their Side. Tens of thousands of Los Angeles teachers went on strike March 21-23, 2023, for the first time in four years, shutting down the nation's second-largest school district for three rain-soaked days. But this time the United Teachers of Los Angeles (UTLA) did not walk out in order to demand better working conditions for educators. Rather, …

Caoimhghin àì Croidheáin (2023-03-24). Changing Society: Nature, Life, and Resistance in Culture Today.

Chris Walker (2023-03-24). Trump Preemptively Blames Manhattan DA for His Own Loyalists' Violent Protests. This week, former President Donald Trump made several racist and antisemitic posts on his Truth Social website, criticizing Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg, who is investigating accusations that Trump falsified business records to hide hush-money payments to an alleged mistress. Trump also suggested that his followers might engage in "death & destruction" if he is indicted. Last weekend… |

Chris Walker (2023-03-24). WI Supreme Court Candidate Defends Campaigning With "Stop the Steal" Organizer. A conservative candidate for the spring Supreme Court election in Wisconsin has dismissed concerns about the fact that he has campaigned alongside a person who planned several "Stop the Steal" rallies, and who was on the grounds of the U.S. Capitol building during the January 6 attack on Congress, alongside a mob of loyalists to former President Donald Trump. Dan Kelly is embroiled in a close race… |

Dana Sanchez (2023-03-24). Soulja Boy, Lil Yachty, Ne-Yo And Akon Targeted By SEC, US Government For Illegally Pumping Crypto Tokens To Fans. Four black music and recording artists are among eight celebrities who have been targeted by the SEC in a lawsuit filed by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission for promoting crypto tokens to fans without disclosing that they were paid to do so. The lawsuit, filed on Wednesday in federal court in New York, names …

Dana Sanchez (2023-03-24). Federal Reserve Member Bullard: If America Abandons 2% Inflation Target, It's Headed To 1970s-Style High Inflation. For the past 18 months, Americans have been hit with the highest yearly price increases in 40 years along with warnings that the economy could go into recession and predictions that high inflation may be here to stay. "Through it all, we've heard an almost mantra-like refrain from the Federal Reserve: We're still not close to …

Dave DeCamp (2023-03-24). Pentagon Leaders Say New Budget Will Help Prepare for War With China. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark Milley told Congress at a Thursday hearing that the Pentagon's 2024 budget request will help the country prepare for a future war with China. Milley insisted the Pentagon's massive $842 billion budget request is meant to deter war but said …

Dave DeCamp (2023-03-24). US Launches Airstrikes in Syria After Drone Attack Kills US Contractor. The Pentagon announced on Thursday night that it launched airstrikes in Syria after a drone attack killed a US contractor and wounded five US troops near Hasakah in northeast Syria. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin said that at the direction of President Biden, he authorized "US Central Command forces to conduct precision airstrikes tonight in …

Derek Seidman, Truthout. (2023-03-24). Immigrant Women Workers Fighting To Close Disney's Gender Pay Gap. Workers with the International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees (IATSE) Local 631 say a major pay gap exists at Disney World that leaves workers in traditionally feminized jobs, such as costume-making, earning significantly less than workers in traditionally masculinized jobs with comparable skills levels, such as stagehand labor. | The union — which represents the skilled crafts people who work behind the scenes in Disney World entertainment, from costume workers to cosmetologists to stage technicians — is demanding in bargaining that Disney close this gender pay gap by raising wages in traditi…

Diana Johnstone (2023-03-24). Anti-War Views Criminalized in Germany. Diana Johnstone.

Dr. Joseph Mercola (2023-03-24). Are These the 19 Most Important Dietary Supplements to Take?

Dr. Rudolf Hà§nsel (2023-03-24). Wann werden wir uns zur Einheit des Menschengeschlechtes bekennen? Alle Artikel von Global Research kà∂nnen in 51 Sprachen gelesen werden, indem Sie die Schaltflà§che Website àºbersetzen unterhalb des Namens des Autors aktivieren. | Um den tà§glichen Newsletter von Global Research (ausgewà§hlte Artikel) zu erhalten, Folgen Sie …

Drago Bosnic (2023-03-24). Washington Admits Exploiting China-India Border Disputes to Derail Their Rapprochement. (2023-03-24). China vows green future for oil and gas works. China has vowed to vigorously promote the integrated growth of oil and gas exploration and development with new energy, while actively expanding the scale of green electricity utilization by oil and gas enterprises. (2023-03-24). More shoppers go electronic for bountiful offerings, high-quality goods worldwide. People between 26 and 35 make up the demographic that most frequently purchases imports and foreign brands, accounting for nearly half of the total of all age groups. (2023-03-24). China, Germany shining examples of globalization and friendship. With their mutually complementary economic advantages, there is no so-called dependence of one side on the other between China and Germany, Shu Jueting, a spokeswoman of the Ministry of Commerce, said on Thursday. (2023-03-24). Policies help increase Tibet's trade overseas. The Tibet autonomous region stepped up its policy support for foreign trade with its total exports and imports growing steadily last year. (2023-03-24). Survey: 98 percent of Chinese satisfied with nation's democracy. Democracy, which the people of a country are in the best position to judge, should be focused on how it can deliver to the people, senior politicians and experts said on Thursday, as called for greater respect for how each country chooses to develop. (2023-03-24). ChatGPT fever sparks plans for better alternatives in China. Although they might not be as technologically advanced as the US, I believe the Chinese market and Chinese companies will win," he said in an interview with China Daily. (2023-03-24). Consumers warned of bogus product reviews. China's consumer association has warned people about being misled by vloggers on social media who review consumer products, saying that some of them offer misleading information or may have conflicts of interest or may be deliberately influencing buyers for their own commercial gain. (2023-03-24). 5.4-magnitude quake hits Izu Islands, Japan region — USGS. An earthquake with a magnitude of 5.4 jolted Izu Islands, Japan region at 04: 25: 26 GMT on Friday, the U.S. Geological Survey said. (2023-03-24). China renews blue alert for severe convection weather. China's meteorological authority on Friday renewed a blue alert for severe convection weather in parts of the country. (2023-03-24). First 3D-printed rocket fails to make it into orbit. The world's first 3D-printed rocket made it off the launch pad in Florida but failed three minutes into flight to make orbit. (2023-03-24). Renminbi retains high position in global payments. The renminbi has retained its position as the fifth most active currency for global payments by value in February, with a share of 2.19 percent, according to Swift. (2023-03-24). Anti-China bills pile up in Texas Legislature. Republican lawmakers in Texas continue to propose legislative bills in the name of national security to single out China, Russia, Iran and North Korea and impose more restrictions. (2023-03-24). 2nd Dialogue on China's Famous Mountains of 'World Natural and Cultural Heritage' kicks off in Huangshan. The Second Dialogue on China's Famous Mountains of "World Natural and Cultural Heritage" has begun at Tunxi County, Huangshan city, East China's Anhui Province, with the theme of World Heritage Protection and Regional Sustainable Development. (2023-03-24). Driving through sea of cherry blossoms in spring. Traveling along the Shanghai-Kunming Expressway during cherry blossom season is like passing through a wonderland in Guizhou. (2023-03-24). Wild giant panda captured on camera in Sichuan. A wild giant panda is captured by infrared camera sniffing a tree to mark territory on a mountain at Wawushan National Forest Park, southwest China's Sichuan Province, Feb. 28, 2023. (2023-03-24). Pottery jars with inscription of ink writing excavated in Shanxi. The jars were excavated from Dongjiaying tomb of the Western Han (206B.C.-25A.D.) in Yuncheng, north China's Shanxi Province. (2023-03-24). U.S. propaganda hides truth of Iraq's war: Al Jazeera columnists. U.S. military invasion of Iraq 20 years ago was largely framed in news media to meet strategic objectives, and the skewed media narratives continue to hide many truths, said an opinion piece published on the website of Al Jazeera on Monday.

Editor (2023-03-24). Can we still limit global warming to 1.5 ∞C? Here's what the latest science says. Is it still possible to limit future global warming to 1.5 ∞C above pre-industrial levels? Or has that ship sailed?>

Editor (2023-03-24). STRATCOM says China has more ICBM launchers than the United States — we have questions. In early-February 2023, the Wall Street Journal reported that U.S. Strategic Command (STRATCOM) had informed Congress that China now has more launchers for Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles (ICBMs) than the United States.

Editor (2023-03-24). Behind the #StopCopCity Domestic Terrorism Warrants. By Ryan Fatica and Chris Schiano / Unicorn Riot Atlanta, GA — The Georgia Bureau of Investigation, in collaboration with several other law enforcement agencies, charged 23 more people with 'domestic terrorism' for their alleged involvement in the ongoing effort to stop 'Cop City' and to defend the Weelaunee Forest in unincorporated DeKalb County southeast …

Editor (2023-03-24). Michael Moore: Guns Don't Kill People, Americans Kill People.

Editor (2023-03-24). Private Opulence and Public Squalor in the US.

Emanuel Pastreich (2023-03-24). U.S. Politics and the "Ugly Truth of 9/11". Richard Gage Interviews Emanuel Pastreich, Independent Candidate for President of the U.S. (2000).

Eric Zuesse (2023-03-24). A Huge Difference Between America's and Russia's Governments. In 2010, U.S. President Barack Obama met privately in the White House with the democratically elected President of Ukraine, Viktor Yanukovych, to get him to end Ukraine's neutralist position ever since 1991 and join the U.S. Government's EU and NATO alliances against Ukraine's next-door neighbor Russia, but Yanukovych said no. And, then, Obama's Secretary of …

Esther Schrader (2023-03-24). Weeding Out Justice: Alabama capital city considering tickets, not arrests, for marijuana possession.

Eva Cuervo (2023-03-24). México — Logros de la 4T a cuatro años de gobierno. En el gran universo de la sociedad mexicana, existe el microcosmos de la derecha mexicana, traumados por el triunfo en las elecciones del 2018 del movimiento Obradorista. | Todavía hasta hace poco tiempo, se comportaban como si todavía detentaran el poder,…

Gabriel Loza Tellería (2023-03-24). øMinicrisis bancaria global? A principios del 2023 en mi artículo de opinión en La Razón ´ øRecesión con crisis financiera? ª, había concluido que "estamos en un contexto de alta incertidumbre mundial, de tal manera que cualquier evento relevante, como el caso de las viviendas …

Gerardo Villagrán del Corral (2023-03-24). Kerry homenajeó en Oaxaca a Benito Juárez, en medio de tensiones diplomáticas con México. Después de varias semanas de tensiones entre México y Estados Unidos, con un "gracias por su compromiso con la democracia, con la paz y con el futuro", agradeció John Kerry, asesor de la Casa Blanca para el Cambio Climático, haber…

Global Research News (2023-03-24). Selected Articles: Rage Against the War Machine: What Rage? 'When will they ever learn?'. By In his iconic 1950s anti-war hit song

Global Research News (2023-03-24). This Week's Most Popular Articles.

Guest Contributor (2023-03-24). 2023: Year of the Nuisance? Introduction 2023 has already been a landmark year for nuisance, with the Supreme Court handing down its controversial decision in Fearn v Tate Gallery (as discussed on this blog). The good news for those with a particular interest in the bothersome behaviour of neighbours is that Fearn is only the start. This month, the Supreme Court will hear not … (2023-03-24). Imperial's international scholars reflect on life-changing opportunities. More than a hundred international scholars from 37 countries joined diplomats, academics and funders to celebrate their achievements at Imperial.

In These Times. (2023-03-24). Biden Betrays Youth With Willow Project And Breaks His Own Promise. Despite overwhelming outcry by young people and climate justice advocates, President Joe Biden broke under the pressure of the fossil fuel industry March 13 to approve ConocoPhillips's Willow project‚Äâ—‚Äâthe single largest oil project ever proposed on U.S. federal lands. It's $8 billion of fossil fuel infrastructure in Alaska that impacts Indigenous communities, that will destroy wild landscapes north of the Arctic Circle and will erase nearly all of the climate benefits of Biden's current renewable energy projects on public lands. | Willow also concretely breaks Biden's…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-03-24). Russian Diplomacy in a Changing World. Sergey Lavrov Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov's article for Razvedchik (Intelligence officer) news magazine, March 24th, 2023 It is a privilege for me to submit this article to Razvedchik news magazine and share with its readers my understanding of the current international developments, as well as Russia's foreign policy priorities. We live at a time of…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-03-24). Separatist Somaliland Escalates War on Somali Unification Movement. Pavan Kulkarni Evidence of shelling of SSC. Attacks by Somaliland, a breakaway region of Somalia whose sovereignty claim has no international recognition, have caused over 1,500 injuries since February 6 in Las Anod, which is at the heart of the movement to reunify the Sool, Sanaag and Cayn (SSC) with Somalia Somaliland is a self-proclaimed…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-03-24). The Georgian Protests: Another Chapter in the Color Revolution Playbook? Stavroula Pabst Recent Georgian protests rejected foreign agents' legislation proposals as undemocratic, but a closer look suggests ongoing western meddling according to the intelligence community's infamous "color revolution" playbook. Recent protests rocked Georgia's capital Tbilisi against a duo of proposed foreign agents bills, which would have required groups and individuals with significant funding abroad to register…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-03-24). The US' Rejection of China's Peace Plan for Ukraine Exposes its Warmongering Intentions. Andrew Korybko By rejecting Beijing's 12-step proposal, Washington exposed its warmongering intentions for the rest of the world to see and vindicated Moscow's criticism that it wants to fight this proxy war "to the last Ukrainian". The majority of the international community that resides in the Global South and which is most adversely affected by…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-03-24). Why Britain's Uranium Ammo Decision a Big Deal. Scott Ritter The United Kingdom Ministry of Defense announced that it would be sending anti-tank ammunition for the Challenger 2 tanks being delivered to Ukraine that contain depleted uranium. According to the British MoD, depleted uranium, or DU, "is a standard component and has nothing to do with nuclear weapons," adding that "The British Army has…

It's Going Down (2023-03-24). This Is America #184: Eric King Prepares for Release; Interview with Directors of "Elements of Mutual Aid" Welcome, to This Is America, March 24th, 2023. On this episode, we speak with two members of the support crew for anarchist political prisoner, Eric King, who talk about a current fundraiser to help Eric get back on his feet as his release at the end of the year nears. We discuss how Eric has…

Jake Johnson (2023-03-24). Nuclear Plant Shuts Down After New Leak Near Mississippi River. The operator of a Minnesota nuclear power plant said the facility would be taken offline Friday to repair a new leak near the Mississippi River, an announcement that came a week after the company and state officials belatedly acknowledged a separate leak that occurred in November. Xcel Energy insisted in a statement Thursday that the leak at its Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant poses "no risk… |

Jake Johnson (2023-03-24). US Bombs Syria 2 Weeks After House Voted Against Withdrawing Troops. The U.S. launched airstrikes in Syria on Thursday after one American contractor was killed and five service members were injured in an attack by a drone that the Pentagon claims was of "Iranian origin." The drone attack on a maintenance facility in northeast Syria and the U.S. response came two weeks after the House of Representatives voted down a bipartisan resolution that would have required… |

Janice Rothstein (2023-03-24). Californians tell Speaker McCarthy: Preserve, improve, expand Social Security. BAKERSFIELD, Calif.—In between the historic storms directly hitting this area of California, members of the Communist Party's San Joaquin Valley Club drove long distances to attend a March 17 rally for Social Security at Republican House Speaker Kevin McCarthy's local congressional office. Their message of what to do with Social Security: "Preserve — Improve — …

José Luis Granados Ceja (2023-03-24). 500,000 Rally in Support of Mexican President and Against US Intervention. Ricardo Valdez Ponce left his house late Friday night in his hometown of Matamoros, Tamaulipas to board a bus for the 15-hour journey to Mexico City in order to take part, the next day, in the mass demonstration called by President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, known widely as "AMLO," in defense of Mexican national sovereignty. "I do it with great pleasure because we've never had a president like… |

Juan Cole (2023-03-24). Why are We There? Biden Bombs Syria, after Drone Kills US Contractor, wounds 5 US Military Personnel. Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) — President Joe Biden ordered air strikes on Thursday (Friday in Syria) against militiamen in the Harabish neighborhood just outside the city of Deir az-Zor, who are suspected of having launched an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) or drone against an American base in northeast Syria. The metro area of Deir az-Zor …

Juan Guahán (2023-03-24). En el pico de la ola de calor, hierve la inflación en Argentina. Durante la primera quincena de marzo gran parte de nuestro país, con las provincias de Buenos Aires y Santa Fe a la cabeza, transitó unas tardías oleadas de calor que no aparecían desde hace largas décadas atrás. Sólo faltaban los…

Julio C. Gambina (2023-03-24). Argentina — Canje de bonos con organismos públicos. Hay nuevas medidas enunciadas hoy ante operadores del sector financiero desde el Ministerio de Economía. Es una iniciativa, como muchas otras encaradas últimamente para ganar tiempo en un año electoral. | La preocupación gubernamental que justifican los anuncios está asociada a…

Jyotsna Singh (2023-03-24). Yes, we can stop patents getting in the way of TB treatment. A day ahead of World TB Day, the Indian Patent Office rejected pharma giant Jannsen's application for a patent extension on drug bedaquiline. If the patent had been extended, public and family budgets would have remained burdened by unjustifiably high costs of the drug…

Kenny Stancil (2023-03-24). Cancer patients challenge Biden admin's refusal to lower price of lifesaving drug. "This is a drug that was invented with taxpayer dollars by scientists at UCLA and can be purchased in Canada for one-fifth the U.S. price."

Kevin Gosztola (2023-03-24). How Chelsea Manning's Court-Martial Laid the Groundwork for Julian Assange's Prosecution. Adapted from Guilty of Journalism: The Political Case against Julian Assange Private First Class Chelsea Manning received the harshest punishment any United States military officer or federal government employee has ever received for leaking classified information to the press. Colonel Denise Lind, the military judge presiding over her court-martial, sentenced Manning to thirty-five years at …

Kevin Gosztola (2023-03-24). In Push To Dismiss Lawsuit, CIA Says Americans Who Visited Assange Had No Privacy Rights. This article was funded by paid subscribers of The Dissenter. To support journalism on whistleblowers and related press freedom issues, The Central Intelligence Agency and former CIA director Mike Pompeo contend that attorneys and journalists, who visited WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, had no "legitimate expectation of privacy" when it came to conversations with a "notorious wanted fugitive in a foreign embassy." | "There is no plausible argument that it would be unreasonable or indiscriminate…

KQED Live (2023-03-24). Tuesday 4/4: Tasty Foods for a Thriving Planet. KQED Headquarters | 2601 Mariposa Street | San Francisco, CA 94110…

Kurt Nimmo (2023-03-24). UK to Send Nuclear Weapon to Zelenskyy Regime.

Latino USA (2023-03-24). 'Argentina, 1985': History And Memory (A Latino USA Podcast). Antonia Cereijido interviews former prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, Luis Moreno Ocampo about his real-life experience that inspired the Oscar-nominated film 'Argentina, 1985.'

Lee Camp, Mintpress News. (2023-03-24). The Banking Collapse, Housing Insecurity And More. The collapse of Silicon Valley Bank and the 50 billion dollar injection to Credit Suisse highlights the precarious state of the banking system. While the banks claim that they are too big to fail, the reality is that the people who suffer the most when banks collapse are ordinary Americans. The rich can protect themselves by moving their money into offshore accounts or investing in other assets. But the poor and working-class Americans who have their savings in these banks will lose everything if banks collapse. | On this episode of Behind the Headlines, Lee Camp interviews James Fauntleroy, a regular contributor…

Margaret Kimberley, Black Agenda Report. (2023-03-24). 20 Years After Iraq, Corporate Media Defends US War Crimes. United States troops began the invasion of Iraq on March 20, 2003 under the direction of president George W. Bush. The death toll estimates for Iraqi civilians vary between 275,000 and 654,000 as a direct result of warfare, with one study estimating as many as 1 million deaths . If even the lowest figure is correct, the U.S. committed a horrific war crime, a deliberate attack on a civilian population. | In 2003 thousands of people massed in protest across the country. On February 15, 2003 , millions gathered around the world in the largest protests since the Vietnam war. While public opinion was divided, the corp…

Maribel Acosta Damas (2023-03-24). øElecciones en Cuba? Desmontando mitos. Cuba es tal vez el país del mundo con más mitos elaborados contra su proceso revolucionario. øPor qué? Porque en el llamado mundo de la democracia, paradójicamente no cabe la otredad. Una y otra vez aparece la pregunta øhay elecciones…

Mark Gruenberg (2023-03-24). Republicans' so-called 'Parents Bill of Rights' is cover for racism, homophobia, and censorship. WASHINGTON (PAI)—Several of the nation's largest unions, led by the Teachers (AFT), teamed up the week of March 22 to try to defeat the House's ruling Republicans and their so-called "Parents Bill of Rights" bill. The House Education and the Workforce Committee approved it March 8 after a long work session with almost all Democratic-offered …

Matt Kennard (2023-03-24). Revealed: Boris Yeltsin Privately Supported NATO Expansion in 1990's.

Maureen Clare Murphy (2023-03-24). Palestinians mark Ramadan amid Israeli repression. Amir Abu Khadijeh, 25, "assassinated" on first day of holy month.

Michael Berkowitz (2023-03-24). Nixon's secret plan for ending the Vietnam War? Nuclear annihilation of Vietnam. Public Broadcasting's American Experience Series' new film The Movement and the Madman is the colorful, brilliantly told story of an important turning point in U.S. history—how the Vietnam War led to the growth of the American anti-war movement. In the Fall of 1968, Richard Nixon was elected U.S. President with the pledge to end the …

Michael F. Brown (2023-03-24). US will fund Israel whether it's a "democracy" or not. Congresswoman Susan Wild thinks grassroots Democrats don't know enough to be more sympathetic to Palestinians than Israelis.

Michael K. Smith (2023-03-24). Worse Than Trump: The Invasion of Iraq Twenty Years On. "The hypocrisy in … the Bush administration's overall national security strategy — is monumental. If having weapons of mass destruction and a history of using them is a criteria, then surely the United States must pose the greatest threat to humanity that has ever existed … While the U.S. is massively expanding its biological weapons …

Michael Welch (2023-03-24). IRAQ 20 Years after "Shock and Awe." The Wealthy Prevail at the Expense of World Safety and Freedom.

Mickey Z. (2023-03-24). Female Urinals, Extra-woke Hollywood, Privacy Violations, Mouse Brain Cells, Pizza & Disneyland. This criminal gaslighting ends when enough of us say NO. Starting with next year's Oscars, the Academy will require that a film meet two of the four inclusion standards above to be eligible for a best picture nomination. Read the full Hollywood Reporter article here. Indiana's Bureau of Motor Vehicles (BMV) has been caught selling …

Mike Ludwig (2023-03-24). Police Use "Less Lethal" Weapons to Crush Social Movements Across the World. This week, the City of Philadelphia agreed to a $9.25 million settlement with protesters who were brutalized with tear gas and pepper spray during demonstrations following the murder of George Floyd in late May 2020. Such accountability for police who crush protests with crowd-control weapons is rare both in the United States and across the world. The settlement comes as researchers report that… |

Morning Star (2023-03-24). No red carpet: Striking French workers force cancelation of British king's visit. Strikes and mass protests continue to paralyze France as millions took to the streets to fight the government's plan to raise the retirement age. Jean-Luc Melenchon, leader of the left-wing France Unbowed party (La France Insoumise) praised what he called "the biggest social mobilization since May '68" as demonstrations were held in more than 250 …

Natalia Marques (2023-03-24). How the Cuban government and people collaborated on the Family Code. Natalia Marques spoke to young activists in Cuba to find out how the new law was won through grassroots dialogue.

Natalie Burg (2023-03-24). Who Funds the Fight Against Climate Change?

Naveena Sadasivam (2023-03-24). Pipeline Protests in Utah Could Now Get You at Least Five Years in Prison. In Utah, protests that hinder the functioning of fossil fuel infrastructure could now lead to at least five years in prison. The new rules make Utah the 19th state in the country to pass legislation with stiffer penalties for protesting at so-called critical infrastructure sites, which include oil and gas facilities, power plants, and railroads. The new laws proliferated in the aftermath of the… |

Newsclick (2023-03-24). US bank collapse: How and why the 1% was saved again. Tech expert Bappa Sinha analyzes the latest bank crash in the US, its causes and consequences, and how the 1% always seem to come out on top…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-24). Pain in the back: Preventing and treating spinal arthritis. EAU CLAIRE, Wis. — Many types of arthritis can affect your musculoskeletal system. Joints are physical points of connection between two bones, and cartilage is the tissue that covers the surface of the bone at the joint. A membrane, called the synovial membrane, lines the joint and is filled with fluid known as synovial fluid. All these components work together to make movement easy. "Over time, the cartilage in joints can break down and cause…

Nora Barrows-Friedman (2023-03-24). Israel lobby smeared Palestinian American professor, then got him fired. Kareem Tannous says he is now blacklisted from teaching.

noreply (2023-03-24). I Don't Know What's The Deal.

Olivia Rosane, Ecowatch. (2023-03-24). First-Of-Its-Kind Study Casts More Shade On Forest Carbon Offsets. Yet another report has cast doubt on the accuracy and reliability of the carbon credits companies and individuals purchase to offset their climate-polluting emissions. | The first-of-its-kind peer-reviewed study, published in Frontiers in Forests and Global Change Tuesday, looked at almost 300 projects that made up 11 percent of the carbon credits on offer to date. It found that methods for calculating the carbon credits were often in conflict with scientific best-practices, which increased the risk of "significant over-estimation" of the amount of carbon a project might keep from the atmosphere. The report comes…

Olivia Rosane (2023-03-24). Biden administration unveils nation's first Ocean Climate Action Plan. "This Ocean Climate Action Plan is the first comprehensive approach that the U.S. has taken to leveraging the power of the ocean in the fight against climate change."

Orinoco Tribune 2 (2023-03-24). Abu Ghraib: Horrors of US Occupation of Iraq. Abu Ghraib was a prison in the Iraqi city of the same name, located 32 kilometers west of Baghdad. The first buildings were constructed by a British contractor in the 1950s and were designed from the outset as a place of detention. | Under Saddam Hussein | During Saddam's leadership, the Mudiria al-Amn al-'Amm, or Directorate of General Security (DGS), operated the high-security prison where, according to Western media reports, mass torture and execution of political prisoners of the government took place. | In fact, however, there was no evidence that the prison was a political and not a conventional one. The la…

Orinoco Tribune 2 (2023-03-24). Renewed Peace Movement Lauded as Protesters Marched in Washington, Invasion of Iraq 20th Anniversary.

Orinoco Tribune 2 (2023-03-24). The Continued Silent Invasion of Haiti. By Kerbie Joseph — Mar 19, 2023 | As we demand an end to the U.S. war machine, peace and an end to imperialism everywhere, we have to take the time to talk about the current political situation in Haiti. It has been reported that in coordination with Washington, Canada has begun a "significant military deployment in Haiti," as Carrière continued by saying, "We took over … We delivered armor. There have been t…

Orinoco Tribune 2 (2023-03-24). Venezuela-US Relations: When 'Maximum Pressure' Fails. By Carlos Ron — Mar 17, 2023 | President Maduro has shown two firm convictions. The first is that he will not cede the nation's sovereignty to the pressure of illegal sanctions. But he has also indicated that dialogue and diplomacy is the way; that Venezuela is willing and ready to re-establish relations as long as they are based on mutual respect and an equal footing, writes Valdai Club expert The strategy of "maximum pressure" imposed by Donald Trump on Venezuela has failed to achieve its goal of changing the Venezuelan…

Paul Gregoire (2023-03-24). Christian thugs attack trans rights protesters at One Nation rally. "We don't surrender," One Nation's Mark Latham said recently. He is using a legal loophole to try and get two representatives in the NSW Legislative Council to push his bigoted agenda. Paul Gregoire reports.

Paul Haeder (2023-03-24). How Far Do We Go to Save a Species? Robin Waples: University of Washington (NOAA Fisheries, retired) Topic: On the shoulders of giants: Under-appreciated studies in salmon biology with lasting influence. In 1675 Isaac Newton wrote, "If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants." This idea epitomizes the way that science progresses by incremental steps, punctuated occasionally by …

Paul Haeder (2023-03-24). More Like Cousteau's Son, Not Bradley Cooper's Twin! I'm back at the Hatfield Marine Science Center in Newport Oregon, part of the Oregon State University campus harboring marine mammal-fisheries-benthic-ocean researchers and students. The topic: How humans decimated whale populations through hundreds of years of industrial whaling, leaving some species and populations on the brink of extinction. But despite these impacts, many whale populations …

People's Dispatch. (2023-03-24). Russian Jet Intercepts Two US B-52 Bombers Moving Towards Its Borders. A Russian Sukhoi Su-35 intercepted two US B-52H bombers that were allegedly moving towards its border over the Baltic Sea, TASS reported on Monday, March 20 citing Russia's Defense Ministry. | The Ministry claimed that the Russian jet had to scramble to intercept the two bombers and only returned "after foreign military planes move[ed] away from the state border of the Russian Federation." It added that the two US bombers were not allowed to violate Russian state borders and the sortie of the Russian jet fighter was performed in strict compliance with international law. | This was the third such air incident betw…

Peoples Dispatch (2023-03-24). Ahead of Burmese New Year, 400 garment workers laid off at garment factory.

Peoples Dispatch (2023-03-24). Daily Round-up | Investigation launched into killings of Afghans by UK forces & other stories. In today's episode, we take a look at a probe into killings in Afghanistan, protests in Lebanon against the economic crisis, demonstrations against the death of a protester in Peru, and a strike by Starbucks workers in the US…

Peoples Dispatch (2023-03-24). Indian farmers conclude Long March in a victory. They walked demanding the government address the problems being faced by the farmers and workers of the state of the Maharashtra. A key demand was remunerative prices for onion crops…

Peoples Dispatch (2023-03-24). Indian opposition leader Rahul Gandhi expelled from parliament after defamation conviction. The move came a day after Rahul Gandhi was sentenced to two years in prison in a defamation case. His conviction, as well as his expulsion, has been criticized by the opposition, civil society and legal experts…

Peoples Dispatch (2023-03-24). Over 10 million in Pakistan lack access to safe drinking water. Six months after catastrophic floods devastated one-third of Pakistan, a large number of people have no alternative but to use and drink potentially disease-ridden water. Tens of thousands of impoverished, hungry children are fighting a losing battle against acute malnutrition and water-borne diseases, says UNICEF…

Peoples Dispatch (2023-03-24). Resistance to pension reform in France intensifies. Massive mobilizations rocked France on Thursday, March 23. Workers have given an ultimatum to French President Emmanuel Macron demanding that his government withdraw the pension reform that was passed without a vote in parliament. | According to estimates by unions, a total of around 3.5 million people hit the streets in more than 250 locations across France on Thursday. | Workers have continued work stoppages in critical areas including energy, transportation, railways, seaports, airports, industries, school, colleges and universities, municipal services including waste management, and tightened blockades of maj…

Peoples Dispatch (2023-03-24). US forces carry out airstrikes in eastern Syria, civilian deaths reported. The strikes were carried out after a drone attack on a US base in Syria's Hasakah killed one US contractor and injured six others. US forces have been illegally deployed on Syria since 2015…

Peoples Dispatch (2023-03-24). Lebanon: Protesters demand solutions to prolonged economic crisis. Hundreds of people in Lebanon staged a protest outside the government headquarters in central Beirut on March 22 in the second consecutive day of protests against the ongoing economic crisis, reports Peoples Dispatch.

Peoples Dispatch (2023-03-24). Questions grow about Tunisian government response to migrant drownings. The latest migrant drownings off the Tunisian coast have led to further scrutiny of Tunisia's treatment of migrants from sub-Saharan Africa, reports People's Dispatch/Globetrotter News Service.

Peoples Dispatch (2023-03-24). Swaziland's anti-monarchy activists face repression ahead of elections. Mvuselelo Mkhabela, a 21-year-old activist of the Communist Party of Swaziland (CPS), escaped from a hospital after being shot and tortured by the police, reports Peoples Dispatch.

Peter Koenig (2023-03-24). Credit Suisse Takeover in a Black Box — Untransparent Deal. Implications for the Failing Structures of Global Banking.

Philip Weiss (2023-03-24). The U.S. establishment's fever to smash Iraq must not be forgotten. Twenty years ago the entire U.S. establishment lined up behind our war on Iraq. It was one of the greatest disasters in history, and there's been no accountability.

Pip Hinman (2023-03-24). Peace activist: 'Metal shops should be helping the climate transition, not preparing for war'. Peace campaigners argue that engineering firms should instead be awarded grants to manufacture components for the climate transition. Pip Hinman reports.

Prof Michel Chossudovsky (2023-03-24). The Pentagon's "Ides of March 2021": Best Month to Go to War? or the Romans, the month of March (Martius) marked "the time to start new military campaigns." As in the heyday of the Roman Empire, the Pentagon has a mandate to plan and implement a precise "timeline" of military operations.

Prof Michel Chossudovsky (2023-03-24). The US-NATO War of Aggression against Yugoslavia. When Belgrade was bombed, the children's hospital was the object of air attacks. It had been singled out as a strategic target. NATO stated that to "save the lives" of the newly borne, they did not bomb the section of the hospital where the babies were residing, instead they targeted the power generator, which meant no more power for the incubators.

Prof Michel Chossudovsky (2023-03-24). Video: China and the Geopolitical Chessboard. Michel Chossudovsky. Geopolitics: | US-NATO confrontation directed against the People's Republic of China consists in the militarization of the South China Sea as well as the reinforcement of U.S. military presence in East and South East Asia. | Washington is also intent upon undermining …

Raegan Davis (2023-03-24). How 250 young workers on food stamps brought a billion-dollar institution to heel. PHILADELPHIA—Last week, the Temple University Graduate Student Association (TUGSA) ended a historic 42-day strike by overwhelmingly ratifying a contract that included far more than the Temple administration ever insisted it would give. The union faced unprecedented retaliation, persevering as members' healthcare was manually shut off by their employer twice and tuition fees were charged to …

Ramona Wadi (2023-03-24). Israel's new Cycles of forcibly displacing Palestinians. Ramona Wadi ( Middle East Monitor ) — US President Joe Biden placed much emphasis on rhetorically opposing Israel's settlement expansion. Hence the reaction from Washington over the Israeli Knesset passing the second and third readings of the Disengagement Law that would allow resettlement of Jewish Israelis in four previously vacated illegal settlement areas in the occupied West Bank. Israel's Ambassador to the US …

Rescue Pacifica (2023-03-24). Tuesday 3/21: Speak Out At KPFA-Defend Pacifica Bylaws and Stop The Sale Of LA KPFK. KPFA | 1929 Martin Luther King Blvd. | Berkeley…

Rick Rozoff (2023-03-24). Azerbaijan continues to threaten Armenia, Russia over conquered Karabakh. AzertagMarch 24, 2023 In accordance with the tripartite Declaration, Armenia should remove the illegal army units from the territory of Azerbaijan Observations, as well as monitoring, show that the illegal transportation of weapons from Armenia to Karabakh continues in the areas where the Russian armed forces are temporarily stationed….[I]t is very important to remove more …

Rick Rozoff (2023-03-24). Azerbaijani state media site calls for "regime change" in Iran. Excerpts produced verbatim. Azerbaijani sources routinely refer to northwestern Iran as South Azerbaijan. — RR AzertagMarch 22, 2023 Regime change in Iran has become a necessity Iran's international situation and internal turmoil are having a negative effect. As a result of the policy implemented by the regime, Iran is facing the threat of internal disintegration …

Rick Rozoff (2023-03-24). Flanked by Russian ambassador, Serbian minister lays wreath at memorial to children killed by NATO bombs. Tanjug News AgencyMarch 24, 2023 Selakovic lays wreath at memorial to children killed in NATO aggression BELGRADE — Serbian Minister of Labour, Employment and Veteran and Social Affairs Nikola Selakovic laid a wreath at a memorial to children killed in the 1999 NATO aggression on Serbia, then part of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. City …

Rick Rozoff (2023-03-24). Foreign minister at the time: NATO's war against Yugoslavia destabilized Europe, paved way for endless wars. Tanjug News AgencyMarch 24, 2023 "The goal was set earlier and Serbia was attacked"; "Then, Kissinger said…" Foreign Affairs Minister at the time of NATO aggression ≈Ωivadin Jovanoviƒá stated the goal of that aggression wasn't to resolve humanitarian or political issues. According to him, the goal was to seize part of the territory of Serbia, …

Rick Rozoff (2023-03-24). Georgia: German FM rallies "civil society" 5th column for NATO absorption, war for "occupied territories" Civil GeorgiaMarch 24, 2023 German FM Annalena Baerbock Visits Georgia Annalena Baerbock has started her visit to Georgia with the meeting with the civil society representatives, followed by the meeting with her Georgian counterpart FM Darchiashvili. According to the information by GYLA, civil society representatives focused on the issues related to human rights situation in …

Rick Rozoff (2023-03-24). Georgia: German FM rallies "civil society" 5th column for NATO absorption, war for "occupied territories'. Civil GeorgiaMarch 24, 2023 German FM Annalena Baerbock Visits Georgia Annalena Baerbock has started her visit to Georgia with the meeting with the civil society representatives, followed by the meeting with her Georgian counterpart FM Darchiashvili. According to the information by GYLA, civil society representatives focused on the issues related to human rights situation in …

Rick Rozoff (2023-03-24). NATO pushes European Socialists for thirty more years, eternity of new wars. From Bosnia to Ukraine, NATO has been waging war — on three continents — for thirty years. Evidently permanently, "for the long term." It could be argued that NATO has presented the world with its first Socialist/Social Democratic wars. (Think of Blair, Schroeder, Jospin, Solana, etc. in 1999.) And a plethora of them at that. …

Rick Rozoff (2023-03-24). Polish, Slovakian Warplanes to Enter Ukrainian War, F-16s Likely to Follow. Polish, Slovakian Warplanes to Enter Ukrainian War, F-16s Likely to Follow Andy Corbley FULL ARTICLE VARESE, Italy. March 20th, 2023. On Friday, Slovakia's prime minister, Eduard Heger, said the East European country would join Poland in providing MiG-29 fighter jets to Ukraine for the war effort. The 13 planes will join 4 from Poland to …

Rick Rozoff (2023-03-24). Serbian prime minister: We will never forget NATO aggression. Tanjug News AgencyMarch 24, 2023 Brnabic: We will never forget NATO aggression Video from Brnabic's Twitter page. We will never forget the 1999 NATO aggression, Serbian PM Ana Brnabic said on Friday. "Today, we mark 24 years since NATO aggression, committed against Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (Serbia & Montenegro). We will never forget," Brnabic wrote …

Rick Rozoff (2023-03-24). Today Serbia marks 24 years since the beginning of NATO aggression. Reproduced from Tanjug News Agency. Serbia marks 24 years since the beginning of NATO aggression24 years ago, on March 24, 1999, NATO aggression against Serbia, that is, the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, started. The order for the attack was issued by Javier Solana, the Secretary General of NATO at the time, to the then commander …

Rick Rozoff (2023-03-24). U.S. ambassador tells Serbs, relatives of those slain, not to carry a chip on their shoulders. B92March 24, 2023 Hill to the Serbs: "I believe you can suppress your indignation" US Ambassador Christopher Hill said, on the occasion of the anniversary of the NATO bombing, that he knows that the people of Serbia cannot suppress their pain. However, as the U.S. Ambassador added, he believes that the people of Serbia have …

Robert Inlakesh (2023-03-24). Joe Biden Bombs Syria Again & Claims "Self-Defense" On the direct order of US President Joe Biden, during the early hours of Friday morning, the US Air Force carried out a number of airstrikes against targets in Syria's Deir Ez-zor province, allegedly killing four and injuring a number of others. The US government insists that it had struck "Iran-backed facilities" in response to

Robert S. Becker (2023-03-24). Is Trump so desperate he'd risk getting shot to regain the White House? Without downsides? How can Trump end up looking like the dumbest, lyingest punk operative who ever escaped from the sneaky Naked City?

Rodolfo Bueno (2023-03-24). Todo está concatenado en la crisis mundial. Según Donald Trump, el establishment de la política exterior de EEUU intenta meter al mundo en un conflicto con Rusia, sobre la base de la mentira de que este país es la mayor amenaza para la civilización occidental, pero la…

SAMIR (2023-03-24). After Hebrew U conference cancellation – intensify academic boycotts!

SAMIR (2023-03-24). Israeli Apartheid Week Update: Inspiring Worldwide Actions & Unity.

Santa Cruz News (2023-03-24). Mayor Keeley Targets the Homeless with Surprise Traffic Median Motion. At the March 14th meeting of the Santa Cruz City Council, Mayor Fred Keeley introduced a surprise motion targeting homeless residents who panhandle on traffic medians (watch video below). Keeley's motion was not included anywhere in the meeting's agenda packet, he spontaneously inserted it into an unrelated vote on item #15, which concerned bicycle safety improvements and the removal of automobile parking on Laurel Street. Keeley stated the motion as follows: "Add additional direction that the City Manager return at budget hearings with a plan for installing safety devices that prohibit remaining on traffic islan…

Sarah Taitz (2023-03-24). How Officials in Georgia are Suppressing Political Protest as 'Domestic Terrorism'.

scorinoco (2023-03-24). Alex Saab's Life Is in Danger (Statement by Puerto Rican Activists). By àìscar López Rivera, Luis Rosa Pérez, Adolfo Matos Antorgiorgi — Mar 23, 2023 | The Venezuelan diplomat, Alex Saab, is still imprisoned in the prisons of the United States of America. His health has deteriorated. His life is in danger. We urge you to join the campaign for his immediate release. | As Puerto Ricans who love justice and freedom, we demand that the government of the United States of America immediately release Alex Saab. | It has been two years and eight months since the US government kidnapped Alex Saab in a gross violation of human rights and international law. The kidnapping and imp…

scorinoco (2023-03-24). PSUV Vice President Cabello Rejects US 'Support' for Venezuela's Fight Against Corruption.

scorinoco (2023-03-24). Total Peace in Colombia: President Petro Meets With FARC Leaders. The president of Colombia, Gustavo Petro, met with former leaders of the now defunct armed insurgency organization Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) amid complaints about non-fulfillment of the Peace Agreement signed between the FARC and the government of Colombia in 2016. The meeting, which took place in Casa de Nariño, the seat of the Colombian presidency, on Wednesday, March 22, was attended by the president of the Comunes party Rodrigo Londoño, alias Commander Timochenko of FARC; Pastor Alapé, former member of the FARC secretariat and delegate of Comunes party; and Carlos Lozada, former FARC comma…

Sharon Zhang (2023-03-24). AOC Slams GOP for Banning Children's Book "Life of Rosa Parks" for Being "Woke" As the House debated a Republican bill that would unleash a flood of racist, far right abuse on schools and children across the U.S., Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-New York) delivered a fiery speech on Thursday condemning Republicans for their clear embrace of fascism. The bill, which passed the House largely on party lines on Friday morning, would force schools to disclose their curriculum and… |

Sharon Zhang (2023-03-24). Starbucks Union Unveils 7 Unionizing Stores During Company Shareholder Meeting. As Starbucks held its annual shareholder meeting on Thursday, Starbucks Workers United unveiled seven new union filings in states spanning from the South to the Pacific Northwest in the largest announcement of new unionizing stores since last spring. Stores in Colorado, Kentucky, Michigan, Ohio, Oregon and Washington announced their union efforts this week as the union approaches a new milestone… |

splcenter (2023-03-24). Alabama Supreme Court denies Jefferson County judgeship.

Staff (2023-03-24). Archivo CD: Monseñor Romero: La opción por los pobres. Monseñor àìscar Arnulfo Romero fue asesinado el 24 de marzo de 1980 en la capital de El Salvador mientras oficiaba una misa, siendo nombrado mártir de la Iglesia en 2015. En este nuevo aniversario de su muerte, Cubadebate comparte en su homenaje el texto Monseñor Romero: La opción por los pobres.

Staff (2023-03-24). Jorge Luis Sánchez Rivera: Retratar la ciudad, la gente, la vida. Laborioso, intrépido y dinámico, este artista del lente logra conjugar en sus imágenes veracidad y poesía, porque Jorge Luis tiene inquietudes creativas y para saciarlas trasciende el fotoperiodismo y suelta riendas a la imaginación. Así nos lega imágenes que transpiran ternura, lirismo y cubanía, sin abandonar su razón de ser: fotografiar el acontecimiento.

Staff (2023-03-24). La IA-manía se desata (I). Como si presenciáramos una carrera a máxima velocidad en los autos más rápidos del mundo, los lanzamientos de aplicaciones de inteligencia artificial generativa son tan seguidos como prometedores para la tecnología que emplearemos en el futuro más cercano. En los últimos días se lanzaron en el mundo más de 15 soluciones de software a base de inteligencia artificial (IA).

Staff (2023-03-24). El Cristo de La Habana: Un símbolo de la ciudad y su historia. Como si fuese el guardián de la capital, imponente erguido, con siluetas y un acabado perfecto, el Cristo de La Habana convida a los ojos de los transeúntes a apreciar la obra escultórica de Jilma Madera, quien ganó el concurso para realizarla en 1953, y la misma quedó inaugurada el 25 de diciembre de 1958. La pieza mide unos 20 metros de altura y pesa unas 320 toneladas.

Staff (2023-03-24). Candidatos a diputados al parlamento cubano culminan recorridos por localidades. Candidatos a diputados a la Asamblea Nacional del Poder Popular de Cuba culminan hoy los recorridos por las demarcaciones que representarán en la X Legislatura si son electos. Desde febrero, los 470 candidatos a diputados realizan recorridos por las zonas por las que fueron nominados para dialogar con los pobladores y conocer sus inquietudes.

Staff (2023-03-24). Devueltos 64 migrantes irregulares por Servicio de Guardacostas de Estados Unidos. El Servicio de Guardacostas de Estados Unidos devolvió este viernes 24 de marzo, a 64 migrantes irregulares (60 hombres y cuatro mujeres) a Cuba. Se trata de la operación 29 del Servicio de Guardacostas con 2072 ciudadanos cubanos retornados en 2023, con la que suman 49 desde países del área y un total de 2894 personas.

Staff (2023-03-24). Llegó Díaz-Canel a República Dominicana para asistir a Cumbre Iberoamericana. El presidente de Cuba, Miguel Díaz-Canel, arribó hoy a República Dominicana al frente de la delegación de la nación caribeña que participará en la XXVIII Cumbre Iberoamericana de Jefes y de Estado y de Gobierno.

Staff (2023-03-24). Nuevo primer capitán de la selección española àÅlvaro Morata: "Ser capitán es un orgullo increíble" àÅlvaro Morata, nuevo primer capitán de la selección española de fútbol tras el adiós de Sergio Busquets y las ausencias en la primera lista de Luis de la Fuente de Jordi Alba y Koke Resurrección, reconoció que siente "un orgullo increíble" por portar el brazalete ante Noruega en el primer partido de una nueva etapa.

Staff (2023-03-24). Quinto sismo perceptible del año sacude a provincia de Santiago de Cuba. Sin indicios de daños humanos ni materiales, el temblor ocurrió a las 12: 49, hora local, y es el segundo de esta semana, tras el registrado este miércoles, con una magnitud de 4.0 y epicentro en Pilón, provincia de Granma.

Staff (2023-03-24). Un niño muere cada diez minutos en Yemen por causas evitables, denuncia Unicef y llama a la ayuda humanitaria urgente. El Fondo de las Naciones Unidas para la Infancia (Unicef) denunció este viernes que 11 millones de menores de edad yemeníes necesitan ayuda humanitaria de forma urgente. De acuerdo a la agencia de la ONU, 540 000 menores de cinco años sufren malnutrición aguda severa, potencialmente mortal.

Staff (2023-03-24). Cop City: Judge Denies Bond to People Rounded Up in Mass Arrest for Opposing Police Training Facility. In Atlanta, a judge has denied bond for 8 of the people indiscriminately arrested at a music festival against the proposed "Cop City" police training facility in the Weelaunee Forest. Jailed since March 5, they are charged with domestic terrorism based on scant evidence like muddy clothes or simply being in the area at the time of the festival. We're joined by Micah Herskind, an Atlanta community organizer, who calls the charges "political prosecutions" and a blatant "attempt to repress this social movement that is trying to stop Cop City."…

Staff (2023-03-24). "France Is Furious": Anger Grows at Macron for Raising Retirement Age as Millions Strike & Protest. French unions say nearly 3.5 million people took to the streets Thursday in a nationwide general strike to protest President Emmanuel Macron's deeply unpopular move to raise the retirement age from 62 to 64. Macron forced the legislation through the French National Assembly last week, using a constitutional clause to bypass a parliamentary vote. Macron's government survived a vote of no confidence Monday by just nine votes, but public anger shows no signs of abating, with France's major trade unions planning another nationwide protest for Tuesday. "Not only is the government trying to do t…

Staff (2023-03-24). Headlines for March 24, 2023. Netanyahu Shielded from Charges as Protests Rage Against Far-Right Judicial Reforms, Millions Join General Strike in France After Macron Uses Executive Fiat to Slash Pensions, Biden and Trudeau to Announce Deal to Block Asylum Seekers at U.S. Northern Border, U.S. Warplanes Strike Syria After Drone Attack on U.S. Base Kills Contractor, Indian Opposition MP Rahul Gandhi Jailed for Criticizing Modi, House Panel Grills TikTok CEO as Progressives Warn Against Anti-Chinese Scapegoating, Utah Passes Law Requiring Parental Consent for Minors Using Social Media, GA and IA Ban Healthcare for Trans Youth; World Athletics B…

Staff (2023-03-24). The Candidate and the Spy: James Bamford on Israel's Secret Collusion with Trump to Win 2016 Race. In his new book, Spyfail: Foreign Spies, Moles, Saboteurs, and the Collapse of America's Counterintelligence, investigative journalist James Bamford reveals that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu dispatched a secret Israeli agent to the United States in the spring of 2016 to help Donald Trump win the presidential election. The agent met with advisers to Trump and offered to share secret intelligence with the campaign against Hillary Clinton. Bamford's investigation finds that while American media fixated on Russia's role in swaying the 2016 election, Israeli interference was completely i…

Staff (2023-03-24). Rep. Ro Khanna on Regulating Banks, TikTok, China, Ukraine & His Vote on the "Horrors of Socialism" We speak with Democratic Congressmember Ro Khanna about the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank and Signature Bank, regulating the banking sector, and how Federal Reserve interest rate hikes contributed to the banking crisis. Silicon Valley Bank was based in Khanna's district in California, and he has criticized fellow Democrats who supported a 2018 bill that weakened oversight for some banks. "We need to regulate large regional banks the same way that we regulate the Big Four banks," says Khanna. He also talks about growing concern from lawmakers about the social video app TikTok, the Biden adminis…

Staff (2023-03-24). How to Fabricate an Atrocity.

Staff (2023-03-24). Perú: Protester Killed by 36 Pellets During Boluarte Regime Repression. The National Coordinator for Human Rights of Perú (CNDDHH), reported that the young protestor Rosalino Flores died this Tuesday, March 21, as a result of wounds sustained on January 11 from the National Police of Perú (PNP) firing 36 pellets at him during protests against Dina Boluarte and her de facto government. | "After almost two months of agony, Rosalino Flores, a 22-year-old boy who was shot by over 30 metal pellets in his stomach during the protests in Cusco, has died," reported the CNDDHH, cited by Actualidad RT. "With his death, there have now been 49 civilians executed by the law enforcement agencies du…

Staff (2023-03-24). Presidents of Venezuela and Colombia Meet in Caracas, 4th Meeting in 7 Months. Caracas, March 23, 2023 ( The first meeting between Presidents Maduro and Petro was held on November 1, 2022, wherein they signed a joint declaration at Miraflores Palace in Caracas, after the resumption of d…

Staff (2023-03-24). The Macabre Shock and Awe Show: 20th Anniversary of US/NATO Iraq War. Twenty years ago on this date, the American people were subjected to a macabre form of "reality TV" show, set in Baghdad, in the form of the "premier episode" of

Staff (2023-03-24). Munther Khalaf Mufleh: Prisoners' movement victory is an implementation of unity and true partnership. The following article, by Palestinian prisoner leader Munther Khalaf Mufleh, is republished from the original Arabic, from the Handala Center. After the escalation of Zionist attacks against the achievements gained by the prisoners' movement over the years, and the attempts of the fascist Ben Gvir to seize our rights by enacting laws and policies such …

teleSUR, dcdc, JDO (2023-03-24). Ciudad ecuatoriana de Guayaquil es afectada por inundaciones. La alcaldesa de Guayaquil, Cynthia Viteri, afirmó que se descartan heridos por las inundaciones.

teleSUR, dcdc, JDO (2023-03-24). Fuerzas israelíes asesinan a joven palestino en Cisjordania. Abu Khadija murió en un enfrentamiento armado con las fuerzas de ocupación de Israel.

teleSUR, dcdc, JDO (2023-03-24). Taxistas griegos exigen respuestas sobre tragedia ferroviaria. El Sindicato de Taxistas de Atenas exige una serie de medidas al Gobierno para el alivio de su sector y lo responsabilizan de no garantizar seguridad en las vías férreas.

teleSUR, dcdc, JDO (2023-03-24). Comienza el Ramadán 2023. øEn qué consiste?>. El aspecto más conocido del Ramadán es el ayuno, que consiste en no consumir alimentos ni bebidas desde el amanecer hasta el ocaso.

teleSUR, dcdc, JDO (2023-03-24). Iniciará este jueves Encuentro Empresarial Iberoamericano. En este espacio de la Cumbre Iberoamericana se presentará el informe "Perspectiva Económica de América Latina 2022" y se realizarán cinco paneles.

teleSUR, hvh, DRL (2023-03-24). Presidente Arce revindica salida al mar para Bolivia. Afirmó que es momento de iniciar una nueva etapa de relacionamiento bilateral con Chile que permita a las partes un diálogo franco y con la valentía para abordar los temas históricos que las separan.

teleSUR, hvh, JDO (2023-03-24). China denuncia invasión en sus aguas por buque de EE.UU. El portavoz del Comando del Teatro del Sur de China señaló que este acto socava "gravemente la paz y la estabilidad".

teleSUR, hvh, JDO (2023-03-24). Premier ruso resalta fracaso de sanciones occidentales. El titular del Gobierno señaló que Rusia "ha sido golpeada por las sanciones. Nunca ha habido un golpe de igual fuerza".

teleSUR, hvh, JDO (2023-03-24). Comienza paro contra reforma jubilatoria en Uruguay. Líder sindical señala que además de criticar la reforma jubilatoria, el fin del paro es que dicha medida no sea votada durante el actual Gobierno.

teleSUR, jaa, SH (2023-03-24). Argentinos celebran 20 años de plebiscito contra mina en Esquel. En recordación de la consulta popular se volvió a realizar una marcha en la ciudad de Esquel retomando el lema de "El agua vale más que el oro".

teleSUR, jaa, SH (2023-03-24). Aumenta a 69 el número de muertos por lluvias en Perú. El Centro de Operaciones de Emergencia Nacional indicó que se han reportado 10.874 damnificados y 74.022 personas afectadas por las lluvias.

teleSUR, jaa, YSM (2023-03-24). Continúan protestas contra la reforma de pensiones en Francia. En esta, la novena jornada de huelgas organizada contra la nueva legislación, también se registraron bloqueos en avenidas, represas, huelgas del sector energético y en el transporte.

teleSUR, jaa, YSM (2023-03-24). Registran sismo de magnitud 5,3 en Kahramanmaras, Türkiye. Hasta el momento se han registrado varias réplicas, incluyendo una de magnitud 4, pero no han causado daños estructurales ni humanos.

teleSUR, MER (2023-03-24). Conmemoran 43 ∞ aniversario de cruzada de alfabetización en Nicaragua. El jefe de Estado calificó el analfabetismo como un virus que "está en todo el mundo, incluso en los países desarrollados, hay estadísticas".

teleSUR, MER (2023-03-24). Presidente de Venezuela sostiene encuentro con su homólogo de Colombia. En el encuentro de los mandatarios también estuvieron presentes autoridades de ambos países.

teleSUR, nama, JDO (2023-03-24). Metroviarios de Sao Paulo retoman el trabajo tras huelga. El Sindicato de los Trabajadores exige a la empresa Metrô el pago de bonos salariales y revocar los despidos por jubilación.

teleSUR, nama, JDO (2023-03-24). Guinea Ecuatorial confirma ocho casos del virus de Marburgo. Actualmente en África hay dos brotes conocidos de la enfermedad mortal: uno en Guinea Ecuatorial y otro en Tanzania.

teleSUR, nama, JDO (2023-03-24). Japón recibe a ganadores del Clásico Mundial como héroes. En la delegación japonesa estuvieron ausentes cuatro jugadores, entre ellos, el MVP del evento deportivo, Shohei Ohtani.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2023-03-24). Cuba promoverá la cooperación internacional en Cumbre Iberoamericana. El canciller aseguró que la nación antillana, en su condición de presidente del grupo G-77+China, está comprometida al impulso a la cooperación inclusiva y sostenible.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2023-03-24). Denuncian impunidad en caso de monseñor Romero en El Salvador. Este 24 de marzo de cumplen 43 años del magnicidio de monseñor Óscar Arnulfo Romero.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2023-03-24). Postulan el joropo venezolano como Patrimonio Cultural ante Unesco. La firma del documento tuvo lugar en un acto público en el parque Simón Bolívar de La Carlota en el estado de Miranda.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2023-03-24). Resaltan diversidad de candidatos al Parlamento de Cuba. Por medio de un mensaje en su cuenta de la red social Twitter, el mandatario resaltó las evidencias expuestas en las reseñas de vida.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2023-03-24). Sector de transporte alemán convoca a huelga por mejoras salariales. Dentro de las demandas está la exigencia de un aumento salarial del 10 por ciento para los más de 2.500.000 de funcionarios del Estado.

teleSUR, SH (2023-03-24). Nueva masacre deja cuatro muertos en el Putumayo, Colombia. De acuerdo a Indepaz, en lo que va del 2023 Colombia suma 26 masacres y 31 líderes sociales asesinados.

teleSUR, SH (2023-03-24). Manifestantes reciben restos de Rosalino Florez en Cusco, Perú. Varios de los presentes exigieron justicia por la muerte de Rosalino Florez a manos de la policía.

The Associated Press (2023-03-24). Mexican President Pushes Back on US Criticism on Cartel Violence. Mexico's president on Friday angrily rejected comments by U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken that the Mexican government has lost control over parts of the country.

The Naked Emperor (2023-03-24). Bill Gates and the WHO Want a "Global Health Emergency Corps"

Tom Engelhardt (2023-03-24). Prophecies, Then and Now: My Life at World's End. ( ) — Indulge me for a moment. This is how "The Prophecy" in my 1962 high school yearbook began. It was written by some of my classmates in the year we graduated from Friends Seminary in New York City. "Being an historian, I am jotting down these notes out of habit, but what I …

Unicorn Riot (2023-03-24). Ahead of the Final Four, Houston Criminalizes Homelessness.

Unicorn Riot (2023-03-24). FBI Informant 'Microchip' Surfaces in White Supremacist Election Interference Trial.

UUSF Morning Forum (2023-03-24). Sunday 3/26: Solutions are Already Here: Hope for Ecological Renewal. A workshop with Gregory Stevens. Unitarian Universalist Society of San Francisco | In Person: 1187 Franklin St. @ Geary / TSK Room | On Zoom: |

Vijay Prashad, Tricontinental: Institute For Social Research. (2023-03-24). Strike The Women, You Strike The Rock, You Will Be Crushed. What constitutes a crisis worthy of global attention? When a regional bank in the United States falls victim to the inversion of the yield curve (i.e., when short-term bond interest rates become higher than long-term rates), the Earth nearly stops spinning. The collapse of Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) — one of the most important financiers of technology start-ups in the United States — on 10 March presaged wider chaos in the Western financial world. In the days after the SVB debacle, Signature Bank, one of the few banks to accept cryptocurrency deposits, faced bankruptcy, and then Credit Suisse, an estab…

Vijay Prashad (2023-03-24). You strike the women, you strike the rock, you will be crushed: The Twelfth Newsletter (2023). What constitutes a crisis worthy of global attention? When a regional bank in the United States falls victim to the inversion of the yield curve (i.e., when short-term bond interest rates become higher than long-term rates), the Earth nearly stops spinning.

Vijay Prashad (2023-03-24). In crises, women are always the resistance leaders—in Africa and everywhere else. What constitutes a crisis worthy of global attention? When a regional bank in the United States falls victim to the inversion of the yield curve (i.e., when short-term bond interest rates become higher than long-term rates), the Earth nearly stops spinning. The collapse of Silicon Valley Bank (SVB)—one of the most important financiers of technology start-ups in …

Workers World (2023-03-24). Bronx Parents and Teachers Protest AOC Military Recruitment Fair.

WSWS (2023-03-24). Municipal workers in New York City vote on sellout tentative agreement. Mayor Eric Adams and the public workers union are pushing a deal for 100,000 city workers containing massive cuts to real wages.

WSWS (2023-03-24). Strike vote by railroaders at CSX over constant underpayment of wages. Since a new payroll system was implemented in 2020, workers have complained of continuous underpayment of wages.

WSWS (2023-03-24). Workers Struggles: Europe, Middle East & Africa. Hungarian teachers begin indefinite strike over pay in year-long dispute; strike across West Bank in response to killings by Israeli military as teachers' stoppage continues; Nigerian public sector workers to begin general strike over cost of living…

WSWS (2023-03-24). Autoworkers speak out after Monitor rejects Will Lehman protest of fraudulent UAW election: "The whole thing smells" Workers denounced the dishonest character of the Monitor's rejection of Lehman's protest.

WSWS (2023-03-24). Video: SEP (Australia) holds well-attended final NSW election meeting. The SEP held an important online meeting Thursday night, ahead of Saturday's New South Wales state election. SEP candidates Oscar Grenfell, Max Boddy and Mike Head addressed the meeting, which was chaired by National Secretary Cheryl Crisp.

WSWS (2023-03-24). Clashes erupt across France as police assault record protests to defend pensions. As 3.5 million people marched against Macron's overwhelmingly unpopular cuts, a revolutionary confrontation is emerging between the working class and the capitalist state.

WSWS (2023-03-24). Scientists find extensive wildlife DNA from the Wuhan wet market mixed with SARS-CoV-2. Dr. Florence Débarre and colleagues have released their full report analyzing genetic sequences from Huanan wet market that showed wild-animal DNA mixed with SARS-CoV-2 RNA.

WSWS (2023-03-24). Bankstown: A microcosm of Australia's social crisis. The social situation in Bankstown, with soaring rents and mortgages, stagnant or declining incomes and mounting social distress, shows that capitalism offers no future for the working class.

WSWS (2023-03-24). Tens of thousands of jobs lost in film, performing arts in the US due to pandemic. Why should the US ruling elite blink at the permanent damage done to artists and cultural life?

WSWS (2023-03-24). 65,000 school workers in Los Angeles sent back to work with no contract or raise after third day on strike. Despite the enormous show of opposition among school workers and educators, both the SEIU and UTLA union bureaucracies worked to contain and limit the strike.

WSWS (2023-03-24). Teachers around the world send in support for striking Los Angeles school workers. The World Socialist Web Site has received numerous statements from educators involved in independent rank-and-file committees across the world supporting the three-day strike by Los Angeles school workers this week.

WSWS (2023-03-24). The international pseudo-left and the lifting of Zero-COVID in China: Part 2. The pseudo-left's hostility to public health and support for imperialism found its sharpest expression in their demand—echoing that of the Western corporate media and political establishment—that China abandon its Zero-COVID strategy.

WSWS (2023-03-24). New warning strikes in Germany's public sector. Hundreds of thousands of workers in Germany are participating in strikes across the country this week. At the same time, anger is growing at the role being played by service sector union Verdi, which refuses to call for joint action.

WSWS (2023-03-24). Netanyahu given UK backing amid deepening Israeli crisis and repression of Palestinians. The day before Netanyahu's leaving for London, at least 75 protesters were arrested during the latest anti-government "day of disruption" in Israel.

WSWS (2023-03-24). The value American capitalism places on workers' lives: BP fined $156,250 for the deaths of two refinery operators in Ohio explosion. Ben and Max Morrissey were burned to death in an explosion and fire at the BP Husky oil refinery in Oregon, Ohio, just outside of Toledo. For American capitalism, the life of a worker is very cheap.

WSWS (2023-03-24). White House to shut down COVID response task force. Eliminating the task force is part of the overall Biden administration policy of claiming the pandemic is "over," even though COVID-19 continues to kill thousands of Americans every week.

WSWS (2023-03-24). Sri Lankan president threatens to impose essential services orders banning strikes on teachers. Hundreds of teachers and principals protest in Colombo this week against the government's arbitrary decision to dissolve the Teachers Transfer Board.

WSWS (2023-03-24). UK postal workers expose back breaking working conditions at Royal Mail. The World Socialist Web Site is publishing further correspondence from postal workers exposing the brutal exploitative regime being imposed by Royal Mail. The latest comes from London, Cheshunt, Luton, Chatham, Houghton Regis, Stalham and Blackburn.

WSWS (2023-03-24). Workers Struggles: Asia and Australia. India: Uttar Pradesh power unions betray 100,000-strong strike for higher pay; Bangladeshi teachers demand nationalisation of schools; Western Australia: Maintenance workers strike South32 alumina refinery.

WSWS (2023-03-24). UK: RCN union tries to defend National Health Service sellout deal as nurses rebel. Union leaders have begun an operation framed as a "dialogue" designed to pressure members into accepting a rotten deal.

WSWS (2023-03-24). Body of student who shot two Denver high school faculty found in Park County, Colorado after police manhunt. Austin Lyle,17, shot and injured two Denver East High School faculty after a handgun was found on him before he fled the school Wednesday.

WSWS (2023-03-24). US congressmen game out war with China in 2025. Last weekend, Republican members of Congress carried out a war game, led by a retired US general, envisioning a war with China by 2025.

Zane McNeill (2023-03-24). Wyoming Passes Bill Banning Sale of Abortion Pill. On March 17, Wyoming Gov. Mark Gordon (R) signed a bill into law that will make it illegal to prescribe, sell or use "any drug for the purpose of procuring or performing an abortion." The abortion pills, misoprostol and mifepristone, have been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). While more than a dozen states have effectively banned abortion pills with their prohibitions on… |

Anonymous103 (2023-03-24). Imperial Visits: US Emissaries in the Pacific. Illustrative Image: Australia's Canberra Class LHDs conducting exercises with a U.S. Navy Arleigh Burke Class DDG and Nimitz Class CVN | Written by Dr. Binoy Kampmark | For some time, Washington has been losing its spunk in the Pacific. When it comes to the Pacific Islands, a number have not fallen — at least entirely — for the rhetoric that Beijing is there to take, consume, and dominate all. Nor have such countries been entirely blind to their own sharpened interests. This largely aqueous region, which promise…

Editor (2023-03-24). In Moscow, Xi and Putin bury Pax Americana. In Moscow this week, the Chinese and Russian leaders revealed their joint commitment to redesign the global order, an undertaking that has 'not been seen in 100 years.'

Peter Koenig (2023-03-24). President Xi Jinping's Epic Visit to Moscow and What It Means for the World. Peter Koenig.

Staff (2023-03-24). Chapeando: Sí, sólo en Miami (+ Podcast). Sólo en Miami el poder de los grupos mafiosos se usa para atacar símbolos como un juego de béisbol. Pero esos grupos no nacieron de la nada. Emergieron de los grupos armados, entrenados y financiados por la CIA. No olvidar nunca que es la misma gente que llegó a secuestrar a un niño con los mismos fines que ahora boicoteó un partido de béisbol.

Staff (2023-03-24). Del ICAIC y el cine cubano: Grabando, cámara °acción! (+ Video). Desde su fundación el 24 de marzo de 1959, el Instituto Cubano del Arte e Industria Cinematográficos (ICAIC) tuvo entre sus objetivos estimular la creación y la producción nacional de audiovisuales, y también la distribución. Su establecimiento, a solo tres meses del triunfo revolucionario, fue una de las más importantes ganancias sociales y culturales de aquellos años.

Staff (2023-03-24). Las 3 del Día: Adelantos de Calendario y las noticias del 23 de marzo (+ Podcast). Saludos a los seguidores de Las 3 del Día. Hoy la periodista Thalía Fuentes Puebla nos trae un episodio cargado de información con lo más relevante sucedido este 23 de marzo. Dedicamos los primeros minutos a compartir algunas novedades de Calendario por medio de su directora Magda González Grau. Posteriormente realizamos el habitual resumen noticioso de nuestro podcast.

teleSUR, nama, DRL (2023-03-24). Cifran en 511 muertes provocadas por ciclón Freddy en Malaui. La tormenta ha agravado la crisis sanitaria en esa nación que enfrenta el peor brote de cólera de su historia.

teleSUR, rzr, DRL (2023-03-24). Abaten líder criminal en operativo policial en favela de Brasil. El despliegue fue en el Complejo de Salgueiro, ubicado en la ciudad de San Gonzalo de la región metropolitana de Río de Janeiro.

teleSUR, rzr, DRL (2023-03-24). Convocan nuevas movilizaciones sindicales y sociales en Francia. Se convocó a realizar protestas el próximo fin de semana en rechazo a la iniciativa adoptada el pasado lunes por el ejecutivo galo.

teleSUR, rzr, SH (2023-03-24). Congreso peruano aprueba requisitoria contra dos ministros. La fecha de citación al pleno del Congreso para el ministro de Defensa y Educación del Gobierno de Dina Boluarte todavía no ha sido informada.

teleSUR, SH (2023-03-24). Argentinos marcharán para conmemorar el Día de la Memoria, Verdad y Justicia. A 47 años del golpe de Estado, la demanda popular sigue siendo Justicia por los 30 mil desaparecidos y sanción a los represores y genocidas de la última dictadura.

teleSUR, SH (2023-03-24). 11 millones de niños necesitan ayuda humanitaria en Yemen. Según el último informe de la Unicef, un niño muere cada diez minutos en el país debido a causas evitables.

teleSUR- hvh, DRL (2023-03-24). øCómo serán las elecciones en Cuba?>. Más de 23.000 colegios electorales se encuentran activos, los que serán custodiadas por cerca de 140.000 niñas y niños.

Timothy Alexander Guzman (2023-03-24). China's Peace Initiatives in the Middle East and Ukraine, US-NATO War Plans for the World.

2023-03-25 20:09:37 | 20:09 EST | tr | 497 | 0 | 337 | 197 | 0 

2023-03-24: News Headlines

AbdulRahman A Saied (2023-03-25). [Correspondence] Nigeria's National Mental Health Act 2021: any challenges ahead? Although mental health problems are widespread in many African nations, they rarely receive the attention they merit. Stigmatisation is a prevalent factor that makes patients reluctant to seek mental health care in most African countries. As knowledge about mental health increased, some African countries, such as Ghana, Kenya, South Africa, Uganda, and Zambia, began passing legislation and laws to safeguard the rights of individuals who have mental health problems. In 1916, Nigeria, Africa's most populous country, enacted its first mental health legislation, which was called the Lunacy Ordinance.

Anmol Arora (2023-03-25). [Correspondence] Synthetic data: the future of open-access health-care datasets? In modern health care, medical datasets are increasingly being used to improve patient care, including through population health analysis and the development of diagnostic machine learning algorithms. This trend has been a key driver for the development of open-access datasets, giving researchers access to local or national data shared by different institutions. Open-access data can be used to train machine learning algorithms on diverse datasets that have been carefully curated, or to test algorithms that have already been trained by researchers elsewhere to assess their performance when applied to new data.

Dan Shan (2023-03-25). [Correspondence] China's bewildering medical education pathways. The medical education system in China is widely considered one of the most complex and perplexing in the world. Unlike the standardised medical training in Europe and North America, where all medical graduates hold the same degree and possess a uniform level of clinical proficiency,1 China has multiple, distinct medical education pathways that can last from 3 to 8 years. As a result, medical students in China can receive an entry-level medical degree at varying levels of graduation, allowing them to take the Chinese Medical Licensing Examination and become licensed practitioners.

F A Klok, B Siegerink (2023-03-25). [Correspondence] Ordinal outcomes add value to clinical trials. We have read with interest Jason Weatherald and colleagues'1 review of novel approaches for achieving more efficient pulmonary arterial hypertension trials. Indeed, the challenge lies in defining meaningful outcomes that are relevant to patients, health-care professionals, and society and also allow for trials that can change clinical practice but require low patient numbers.

Geoff Watts (2023-03-25). [Obituary] Beryl Rica Benacerraf. Renowned radiologist and pioneer of ultrasound in antenatal diagnosis. She was born in New York, NY, USA, on April 29, 1949 and died of cancer in Cambridge, MA, USA, on Oct 1, 2022 aged 73 years.

Hamaiyal Sana, Paola Ortega, Daniel Scott Corlew, Emmanuel Makasa, Manon Pigeolet (2023-03-25). [Correspondence] Orthopaedic surgical needs during disasters. The earthquakes in Türkiye and Syria on Feb 6, 2023, have left behind a massive burden of injuries, of which a large proportion are likely to be orthopaedic injuries.1 Generally, orthopaedic surgery is a field that is highly dependent on expensive equipment and supplies and, in most low-income and middle-income countries (LMICs), relies heavily on donations. Türkiye, as an upper-middle-income country, faces different challenges than the war-torn, lower-income country of Syria. However, both are set to face barriers in obtaining sufficient materials specific to their context.

Jason Weatherald, Marc Humbert (2023-03-25). [Correspondence] Ordinal outcomes add value to clinical trials — Authors' reply. We thank F A Klok and B Siegerink for their interest in our article and for their suggestion to consider ordinal outcomes for pulmonary arterial hypertension trials. Indeed, an ordinal outcome not only improves the granularity of patient-relevant outcomes compared with a dichotomous outcome, such as mortality, but it can also allow for smaller trial sample sizes than with a mortality outcome.1…

Liyang Sun, Hangdong Jia, Tian Yang (2023-03-25). [Correspondence] Chinese medical personnel after the COVID-19 pandemic. As the COVID-19 pandemic comes to an end in China,1 medical personnel who have worked tirelessly to fight the omicron (B.1.1.529) variant are now facing a new challenge. Despite their heroic efforts, many of them are now struggling to receive the financial compensation they deserve.2…

Marco De Ambrogi (2023-03-25). [Perspectives] Love and inequality. Romeo and Juliet, William Shakespeare's story of the two star-crossed lovers written in 1597 and set in Verona, Italy, has fascinated audiences for centuries. The appeal of the tragic fate of two adolescent lovers driven to a dramatic end by the opposition of their families continues to resonate among young generations. There have been many modern adaptations of Romeo and Juliet, including the musical West Side Story and Baz Luhrmann's movie Romeo + Juliet. Welsh playwright Gary Owen has now created his own adaptation, Romeo and Julie, set in modern day Splott, a suburb of Cardiff, in Wales, UK.

Mary T Bassett (2023-03-25). [Perspectives] Black women in medicine in the USA: telling their stories. The name Elizabeth Blackwell is probably familiar. Born in the UK, she was the first woman in the USA to be awarded a medical degree. In Twice as Hard: The Stories of Black Women Who Fought to Become Physicians, from the Civil War to the 21st Century, Jasmine Brown spans over 150 years to introduce nine less well known names: Black American women who became physicians. These were remarkable women. Rebecca Lee Crumpler (1831—95) was, in 1864, the first Black woman to earn a medical degree in the USA.

Phillip E Morgan, Ragai R Mitry (2023-03-25). [Correspondence] Recent cases of acute hepatitis in children. Potential causes of the cases of acute hepatitis in children in the UK over the past year were discussed by Anil Dhawan and Sunitha Vimalesvaran,1 noting the presence of adenovirus subtype 41F in the majority of cases and suggesting the hepatitis was caused by an aberrant immune response to the virus rather than by the virus itself.

Richard Horton (2023-03-25). [Comment] Offline: The XX paradox. "Women and Black researchers are less likely to hold multiple NIH grants." "Female scientists miss out on career advances abroad." "Time stands still for white male dons of Oxford." Three recent headlines from Science, Nature, and The Times. Despite The Lancet's proclamation in 2019 that "Feminism is for everybody", the truth is that women remain excluded from many of the most senior roles in medicine and global health. An important report published by Women in Global Health last week—The State of Women and Leadership in Health—sets out the gap between words and deeds.

Sima Barmania, Michael Reiss (2023-03-25). [World Report] Pope Francis and health. On his election 10 years ago, Pope Francis was hailed as a voice of modernisation. Has his papacy made a difference to health? Sima Barmania and Michael Reiss report.

Sunitha Vimalesvaran, Anita Verma, Anil Dhawan (2023-03-25). [Correspondence] Recent cases of acute hepatitis in children — Authors' reply. We thank Phillip E Morgan and Ragai R Mitry for their letter regarding our Correspondence entitled Hunting down the cause of acute hepatitis in children.1 Our focus in that Comment was to summarise existing data on the increase in the number of cases of acute hepatitis in children and possible pathogenesis of this condition. Morgan and Mitry propose an additional lifestyle component (in particular, foods containing additives such as some colourings) that could have exacerbated hepatocyte damage during the co-infection period.

Talha Burki (2023-03-25). [World Report] The health consequences of crowd-control weapons. Two new reports outline how the increasingly indiscriminate use of weapons such as rubber bullets, tear gas, and batons on protestors is harming health and human rights. Talha Burki reports.

Mike Walter (2023-03-24). The Heat: Climate Change Crisis. Two new reports issue urgent calls for action as climate change heats up. The world is on the brink of catastrophic warming, that's the conclusion of a new report from the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres delivered a blunt assessment …

_____ (2023-03-24). Operation Enmity: A Holding Action. My country is failing, falling into the same dismal slough all dying empires are swallowed by. The Senators and Caesars of America have one last hope of holding onto their gain. If they can sew hatred and bitterness between brothers on the Russian steppe, the old western world order can buy time. They can hang […] | –°–æ–æ–±—â–µ–Ω–∏–µ

A Guest Author (2023-03-24). Another form of gig work: the 2020s sex-work boom. By Janisse Miles Three years ago, people in the U.S. were notified that they had to celebrate Women's History Month in their own homes, as thousands of organizations were shutting down for what was hoped would be two weeks but proved to be longer. The lockdown that started in mid-March . . . |

Adriaan Alsema (2023-03-24). Colombia's cocaine market collapsed: farmers. Farmers from multiple parts of Colombia say cocaine sales have collapsed after a surge in the production of the illicit drug. In an interview, coca farmers' representative Leidy Diaz told…

Alex Koplos (2023-03-24). International Working Women's Day in El Paso and Ciudad Juarez: "Down with patriarchy!" El Paso, Texas Young "feministxs" organizers held a rally and cross-border march in El Paso on International Working Women's Day, March 8, calling for the end to "machismo," transphobia and state violence against femme and trans migrants. Representative of La Via Campesina speaks on International Working Women's Day, El Paso, . . . |

Allen Forrest (2023-03-24). Who Has Right on Their Side? In Henrik Ibsen's An Enemy of the People, the character Dr. Stockmann says: The majority never has right on its side. Never I say! That is one of those social lies against which an independent, intelligent man must wage war. Who is it that constitute the majority of the population in a country? Is it …

Angela (2023-03-24). Sunday 3/26: Free virtual screening of the documentary film "Blue Box" Zoom (Registration link is below)…

Benoit Breville, Serge Halimi (2023-03-24). War poker and Imperial moralism. After the fall of the Soviet Union, the "war on terrorism" began, which, according to George W. Bush, would end "tyranny in the world." Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq – the U.S. democratic crusades not only cost several million lives, they also brought the restriction of freedoms, McCarthyism, the hunt for whistleblowers. And a series of alliances with dictators…

Binoy Kampmark (2023-03-24). Narendra Modi's Cricket Coup. What a coup. Nakedly amoral but utterly self-serving in its saccharine minted glory. India's showman Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who otherwise appears to have clerkish, desk-bound qualities, had what he wanted: an accommodating, possibly clueless guest in the form of the Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese; a common interest in India's national sport cricket, and …

Brenda Norrell (2023-03-24). No Place for Whales: The U.S. Military's Legacy in Indian Country: Reckless Toxic Dumping. From the mustard gas pit on Walker River Paiute lands, to the napalm burn site on Fallon Paiute Shoshone lands, to the undetonated bombs in the Lakota Badlands, to the experimental explosives at Fort Wingate in New Mexico and secret radioactive waste dump near the Tohono O'odham Nation capital of Sells, Arizona, to the widespread illegal hazardous waste dumping, and leaking of toxic waste, in many of the Alaskan and Hawaiian islands — there is enough documented cancer-causing waste to fill an encyclopedia.

Brian Shea, Will Hodgkinson (2023-03-24). Boston personal care attendants demand 'living wage, now!'. Around 200 people with disabilities and the personal care attendants who help them gathered at the Embrace Statue March 1, honoring Martin Luther King Jr. on the Boston Common and demanding living wages and benefits for Massachusetts PCAs. Boston Commons, March 1, 2023. Photo: Megan Smith Organized by Service Employees . . . |

Center for Biological Diversity (2023-03-24). New Eastern Monarch Butterfly Count Indicates Pollinator Still Threatened. Long-Term Decline of 90% Going Into Endangered Species Act Decision…

Dave DeCamp (2023-03-24). Pentagon Leaders Say New Budget Will Help Prepare for War With China. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark Milley told Congress at a Thursday hearing that the Pentagon's 2024 budget request will help the country prepare for a future war with China. Milley insisted the Pentagon's massive $842 billion budget request is meant to deter war but said …

Dave DeCamp (2023-03-24). US Launches Airstrikes in Syria After Drone Attack Kills US Contractor. The Pentagon announced on Thursday night that it launched airstrikes in Syria after a drone attack killed a US contractor and wounded five US troops near Hasakah in northeast Syria. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin said that at the direction of President Biden, he authorized "US Central Command forces to conduct precision airstrikes tonight in …

East Meadow Action Committee (2023-03-24). East Meadow Update 3/17/23. On March 15 and 16, 2023 the UC Regents took up UCSC's latest proposal for Student Housing West. With almost no deliberation they approved the proposal unanimously. (2023-03-24). China vows green future for oil and gas works. China has vowed to vigorously promote the integrated growth of oil and gas exploration and development with new energy, while actively expanding the scale of green electricity utilization by oil and gas enterprises. (2023-03-24). More shoppers go electronic for bountiful offerings, high-quality goods worldwide. People between 26 and 35 make up the demographic that most frequently purchases imports and foreign brands, accounting for nearly half of the total of all age groups. (2023-03-24). China, Germany shining examples of globalization and friendship. With their mutually complementary economic advantages, there is no so-called dependence of one side on the other between China and Germany, Shu Jueting, a spokeswoman of the Ministry of Commerce, said on Thursday. (2023-03-24). Policies help increase Tibet's trade overseas. The Tibet autonomous region stepped up its policy support for foreign trade with its total exports and imports growing steadily last year. (2023-03-24). Survey: 98 percent of Chinese satisfied with nation's democracy. Democracy, which the people of a country are in the best position to judge, should be focused on how it can deliver to the people, senior politicians and experts said on Thursday, as called for greater respect for how each country chooses to develop. (2023-03-24). ChatGPT fever sparks plans for better alternatives in China. Although they might not be as technologically advanced as the US, I believe the Chinese market and Chinese companies will win," he said in an interview with China Daily. (2023-03-24). Consumers warned of bogus product reviews. China's consumer association has warned people about being misled by vloggers on social media who review consumer products, saying that some of them offer misleading information or may have conflicts of interest or may be deliberately influencing buyers for their own commercial gain. (2023-03-24). 5.4-magnitude quake hits Izu Islands, Japan region — USGS. An earthquake with a magnitude of 5.4 jolted Izu Islands, Japan region at 04: 25: 26 GMT on Friday, the U.S. Geological Survey said. (2023-03-24). China renews blue alert for severe convection weather. China's meteorological authority on Friday renewed a blue alert for severe convection weather in parts of the country. (2023-03-24). First 3D-printed rocket fails to make it into orbit. The world's first 3D-printed rocket made it off the launch pad in Florida but failed three minutes into flight to make orbit. (2023-03-24). Renminbi retains high position in global payments. The renminbi has retained its position as the fifth most active currency for global payments by value in February, with a share of 2.19 percent, according to Swift. (2023-03-24). Anti-China bills pile up in Texas Legislature. Republican lawmakers in Texas continue to propose legislative bills in the name of national security to single out China, Russia, Iran and North Korea and impose more restrictions. (2023-03-24). Consumers warned of bogus product reviews. China's consumer association has warned people about being misled by vloggers on social media who review consumer products, saying that some of them offer misleading information or may have conflicts of interest or may be deliberately influencing buyers for their own commercial gain. (2023-03-24). 5.4-magnitude quake hits Izu Islands, Japan region — USGS. An earthquake with a magnitude of 5.4 jolted Izu Islands, Japan region at 04: 25: 26 GMT on Friday, the U.S. Geological Survey said. (2023-03-24). China renews blue alert for severe convection weather. China's meteorological authority on Friday renewed a blue alert for severe convection weather in parts of the country. (2023-03-24). First 3D-printed rocket fails to make it into orbit. The world's first 3D-printed rocket made it off the launch pad in Florida but failed three minutes into flight to make orbit. (2023-03-24). Renminbi retains high position in global payments. The renminbi has retained its position as the fifth most active currency for global payments by value in February, with a share of 2.19 percent, according to Swift. (2023-03-24). Anti-China bills pile up in Texas Legislature. Republican lawmakers in Texas continue to propose legislative bills in the name of national security to single out China, Russia, Iran and North Korea and impose more restrictions. (2023-03-24). China outmaneuvers U.S. in offering peace plan for Ukraine crisis: former U.S. diplomat. U.S. President Joe Biden watched as China presented to the world a peace plan which China hopes will lead to a peaceful resolution of the year-long Ukraine crisis and which was immediately complimented by Russia and Ukraine. (2023-03-24). Expanding Ayakum replaces Bosten as largest lake in Xinjiang. Researchers have observed that Ayakum Lake at the eastern foot of the Kunlun Mountains in northwest China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region has expanded rapidly, replacing Bosten Lake as the largest lake in Xinjiang. (2023-03-24). Huawei achieves breakthrough in EDA tools for chips. Huawei Technologies Co said it has successfully developed electronic design automation, or EDA tools, for chips above 14 nanometers process by partnering with domestic partners, marking a crucial breakthrough for China's semiconductor industry amid the U.S. government restrictions. (2023-03-24). China to further deepen global economic, financial ties. China will advance high-level opening-up of its financial sector as always and further deepen international economic and financial cooperation, a top financial regulatory official said. (2023-03-24). 2nd Dialogue on China's Famous Mountains of 'World Natural and Cultural Heritage' kicks off in Huangshan. The Second Dialogue on China's Famous Mountains of "World Natural and Cultural Heritage" has begun at Tunxi County, Huangshan city, East China's Anhui Province, with the theme of World Heritage Protection and Regional Sustainable Development. (2023-03-24). Insights | Rana Mitter: China's poverty reduction achievement an inspiration to global south countries. The just-concluded "Two Sessions" have chartered the future plan for China's development. Amid mounting economic pressures globally, how will China's economy maintain steady growth with resilience and vitality? Rana Mitter, a professor of modern Chinese history and politics at the University of Oxford, shares his views during an exclusive interview with China News Network. (2023-03-24). China presents national report on nuclear safety to IAEA. China presented its national report on nuclear safety during the Joint Eighth and Ninth Review Meeting of the Contracting Parties to the Convention on Nuclear Safety (CNS) on Thursday at the headquarters of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in Vienna, Austria. (2023-03-24). Chinese firm unveils self-developed flight simulator platform expected to provide training support for C919. A Chinese company unveiled a self-developed flight simulator platform on Thursday, and the system is expected to provide technical support for pilot training on aircraft such as the C919, the company said. (2023-03-24). Driving through sea of cherry blossoms in spring. Traveling along the Shanghai-Kunming Expressway during cherry blossom season is like passing through a wonderland in Guizhou. (2023-03-24). Wild giant panda captured on camera in Sichuan. A wild giant panda is captured by infrared camera sniffing a tree to mark territory on a mountain at Wawushan National Forest Park, southwest China's Sichuan Province, Feb. 28, 2023. (2023-03-24). Pottery jars with inscription of ink writing excavated in Shanxi. The jars were excavated from Dongjiaying tomb of the Western Han (206B.C.-25A.D.) in Yuncheng, north China's Shanxi Province. (2023-03-24). Migratory birds return to Bayanbulak Wetland in Xinjiang. Large numbers of migratory birds, including swans, red ducks, spotted geese and grey cranes returned to the wetland in Bayanbulak when snow began to melt. (2023-03-24). U.S. propaganda hides truth of Iraq's war: Al Jazeera columnists. U.S. military invasion of Iraq 20 years ago was largely framed in news media to meet strategic objectives, and the skewed media narratives continue to hide many truths, said an opinion piece published on the website of Al Jazeera on Monday.

Editor (2023-03-24). Can we still limit global warming to 1.5 ∞C? Here's what the latest science says. Is it still possible to limit future global warming to 1.5 ∞C above pre-industrial levels? Or has that ship sailed?>

Emanuel Pastreich (2023-03-24). U.S. Politics and the "Ugly Truth of 9/11". Richard Gage Interviews Emanuel Pastreich, Independent Candidate for President of the U.S. (2000).

Eric Zuesse (2023-03-24). A Huge Difference Between America's and Russia's Governments. In 2010, U.S. President Barack Obama met privately in the White House with the newly elected President of Ukraine, Viktor Yanukovych, to get him to end Ukraine's neutralist position ever since 1991 and join the U.S. Government's EU and NATO alliances against Ukraine's next-door neighbor Russia, but Yanukovych said no. And, then, Obama's Secretary of …

Gerardo Villagrán del Corral (2023-03-24). Kerry homenajeó en Oaxaca a Benito Juárez, en medio de tensiones diplomáticas con México. Después de varias semanas de tensiones entre México y Estados Unidos, con un "gracias por su compromiso con la democracia, con la paz y con el futuro", agradeció John Kerry, asesor de la Casa Blanca para el Cambio Climático, haber…

Global Alliance for the Rights of Nature (2023-03-24). Friday 3/24: Rights of Nature: UN Water Conference – SDGs for Protection of Earth's Water Ecosystems. Online streaming of in-person U.N. Water Conference session…

Global Research News (2023-03-24). Selected Articles: Rage Against the War Machine: What Rage? 'When will they ever learn?'. By In his iconic 1950s anti-war hit song

Global Research News (2023-03-24). This Week's Most Popular Articles.

It's Going Down (2023-03-24). This Is America #184: Eric King Prepares for Release; Interview with Directors of "Elements of Mutual Aid" Welcome, to This Is America, March 24th, 2023. On this episode, we speak with two members of the support crew for anarchist political prisoner, Eric King, who talk about a current fundraiser to help Eric get back on his feet as his release at the end of the year nears. We discuss how Eric has…

Jeff Pekrul (2023-03-24). Sunday 4/2: The U.S. & Israel: Old Dilemmas, New Problems. 1187 Franklin Street, San Francisco, CA 94109 | Unitarian Universalist Association of San Francisco…

Jeff Pekrul (2023-03-24). Sunday 4/23: Understanding the Movement to Ban Library Books That Challenge Right-Wing Perspectives. 1187 Franklin Street, San Francisco, CA 94109 | Unitarian Universalists Association of San Francisco…

Juan Cole (2023-03-24). Why are We There? Biden Bombs Syria, after Drone Kills US Contractor, wounds 5 US Military Personnel. Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) — President Joe Biden ordered air strikes on Thursday (Friday in Syria) against militiamen in the Harabish neighborhood just outside the city of Deir az-Zor, who are suspected of having launched an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) or drone against an American base in northeast Syria. The metro area of Deir az-Zor …

Juan Guahán (2023-03-24). En el pico de la ola de calor, hierve la inflación en Argentina. Durante la primera quincena de marzo gran parte de nuestro país, con las provincias de Buenos Aires y Santa Fe a la cabeza, transitó unas tardías oleadas de calor que no aparecían desde hace largas décadas atrás. Sólo faltaban los…

Julio C. Gambina (2023-03-24). Argentina — Canje de bonos con organismos públicos. Hay nuevas medidas enunciadas hoy ante operadores del sector financiero desde el Ministerio de Economía. Es una iniciativa, como muchas otras encaradas últimamente para ganar tiempo en un año electoral. | La preocupación gubernamental que justifican los anuncios está asociada a…

Kenny Stancil (2023-03-24). Senior Climate Activists Stop Dirty Banks. "We will not go to our graves quietly knowing that the financial institutions in our own communities continue to fund the climate crisis," said longtime environmentalist Bill McKibben.

KQED Live (2023-03-24). Tuesday 4/4: Tasty Foods for a Thriving Planet. KQED Headquarters | 2601 Mariposa Street | San Francisco, CA 94110…

Kurt Nimmo (2023-03-24). UK to Send Nuclear Weapon to Zelenskyy Regime.

Labor Video Project (2023-03-24). The Pajaro Levee Break, Immigrants, Labor & Climate Crisis With PVFT1936's Pamela Sexton. PVFT Local 1936 Delegate Pamela Beth Sexton adult education teacher talks about the effect of the broken levee on the immigrant farmworker community, systemic racism and the role these farmworkers play in our economy.

Maribel Acosta Damas (2023-03-24). øElecciones en Cuba? Desmontando mitos. Cuba es tal vez el país del mundo con más mitos elaborados contra su proceso revolucionario. øPor qué? Porque en el llamado mundo de la democracia, paradójicamente no cabe la otredad. Una y otra vez aparece la pregunta øhay elecciones…

Michael Harris (2023-03-24). 11th Annual Pan African and Global Trade and Investment Conference Media Event Luncheon. Early support for our 11th Annual, Pan African Global Trade and Investment Conference is from our Governor's Office of Business and Economic Development, key California Legislative leaders, California Chamber of Commerce, California Black Chamber of Commerce, California Farm Bureau, California State University Sacramento and University of California, Davis.

Michael Harris (2023-03-24). Friday 3/24: Media Event / Luncheon for 11th Annual Pan African Global Trade and Investment Conference. Town and Country Grand Ballroom | 1215 J Street | Downtown Sacramento…

Mickey Z. (2023-03-24). Female Urinals, Extra-woke Hollywood, Privacy Violations, Mouse Brain Cells, Pizza & Disneyland. This criminal gaslighting ends when enough of us say NO. Starting with next year's Oscars, the Academy will require that a film meet two of the four inclusion standards above to be eligible for a best picture nomination. Read the full Hollywood Reporter article here. Indiana's Bureau of Motor Vehicles (BMV) has been caught selling …

Natalia Marques (2023-03-24). How the Cuban government and people collaborated on the Family Code. Natalia Marques spoke to young activists in Cuba to find out how the new law was won through grassroots dialogue.

Nayvin Gordon, M.D. (2023-03-24). General Strike Can Root Out "Taliban" Embedded in U.S. Government and Supreme Court. Religious fanatics are taking away our rights and replacing them with god-given rights—this must be stopped…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-24). Mayo Clinic Minute: What is the best sleeping position? Most people spend a third of their lives either asleep or resting, according to the Sleep Foundation. During sleep, the body recharges and repairs itself. And a good night's sleep often can be determined by what position you are lying in bed. Watch: The Mayo Clinic Minute Journalists: Broadcast-quality video (1: 11) is in the downloads at the end of this post. Please courtesy: "Mayo Clinic News Network." Read the script. Back-sleepers beware. "I know…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-24). Consumer Health: Are you at risk for MS? MS Awareness Week will be observed March 12—19, which makes this a good time to learn about who might be at risk of developing this potentially disabling disease of the brain and spinal cord. Multiple sclerosis, or MS, affects nearly 1 million people living in the U.S., according to the National Multiple Sclerosis Society. With MS, the immune system attacks the protective sheath that covers nerve fibers, and causes communication problems between your brain and the rest of…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-24). Consumer Health: Nutritional needs during pregnancy and breastfeeding. March is National Nutrition Month, which makes this a good time to learn about your nutritional needs during pregnancy and while breastfeeding. During pregnancy, the basic principles of healthy eating remain the same — get plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean protein and healthy fats. However, a few nutrients in a pregnancy diet deserve special attention. The nutrients to pay special attention to while you're pregnant include: CalciumYou and your baby need calcium for strong…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-24). Science Saturday: New standards and open access can help natural language processing. Clinical notes in medical records are rich sources of data about human health. But tapping them for medical research can be challenging because these data come from various sources — and they all look different. "There's no standardization in how data is organized and classified across medical records systems," says Sunyang Fu, Ph.D., a Mayo Clinic biomedical informatics researcher. Even the language people use to talk about health can insert discrepancies in how data are…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-24). Mayo Clinic Q and A: How a heart condition affects the kidneys and causes swelling. DEAR MAYO CLINIC: I recently began experiencing swelling in my legs, feet and hands, as well as fatigue. Testing led to a diagnosis of pericardial constriction. Can you explain what this is and how it's treated? Is there anything I can do to reduce the swelling? ANSWER: Pericardial constriction is a condition with multiple possible causes. It can be due to underlying medical conditions and may even result from certain medical treatments. Swelling, or edema, is one…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-24). Mayo Clinic Minute: How is kidney cancer treated? More than 50,000 people in the U.S. are diagnosed with kidney cancer each year. Risks factors for developing this type of cancer include environmental exposures, such as smoking, high blood pressure, a history of kidney failure, obesity or not having a healthy weight. And there are also hereditary syndromes that may increase your risk for kidney cancer. Dr. Thai Ho, a Mayo Clinic oncologist who specializes in genitourinary malignancies, says there are no screening tests…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-24). Mayo Clinic Q and A: Travel safety tips. DEAR MAYO CLINIC: I have a group of friends with whom I love to travel. We plan several trips a year, and this spring we are planning to go outside the U.S. and visit the Caribbean. We will stay at an all-inclusive resort in a popular destination and do a few sightseeing day trips in the area. Are there things we should do to be safe while traveling? ANSWER: Travel is always a fun activity to enjoy…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-24). Pelvic floor issues aren't just a woman's health condition, Kegels can work for men, too. LA CROSSE, Wis. — Women often are told about the importance of Kegel exercises to strengthen pelvic muscles. It turns out that men should think about doing the exercises as well. Statistics show that 32% of women will have at least one pelvic floor disorder (PFD) at one time in their life. However, a recent study suggests that although much attention is directed toward women pelvic floor disorders, 16% of men have also been identified…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-24). Pain in the back: Preventing and treating spinal arthritis. EAU CLAIRE, Wis. — Many types of arthritis can affect your musculoskeletal system. Joints are physical points of connection between two bones, and cartilage is the tissue that covers the surface of the bone at the joint. A membrane, called the synovial membrane, lines the joint and is filled with fluid known as synovial fluid. All these components work together to make movement easy. "Over time, the cartilage in joints can break down and cause…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-24). Mayo Clinic Minute: Are you using a salt substitute? Salt substitutes can be an effective way to help lower your blood pressure and fight heart disease. But experts warn that overuse of certain salt substitutes or alternatives can be dangerous for some people. Dr. Regis Fernandes, a Mayo Clinic cardiologist, explains why you should use caution with using a salt substitute. Watch: The Mayo Clinic Minute Journalists: Broadcast-quality video (1: 00) is in the downloads at the end of this post. Please courtesy: "Mayo…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-24). Artificial intelligence massage therapy? Meet the robot being studied by Mayo Clinic. Getting a massage from a robot may seem like something out of a science fiction story, but it could be a reality in the not-too-distant future. Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, is looking into the possibility of robotic massage as an answer for patients' pain relief and alleviating some staffing burdens. Watch: Artificial intelligence massage therapy? Meet the robot being studied by Mayo Clinic Journalists: Broadcast-quality video (1: 17) is in the downloads at the…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-24). Mayo Clinic in Rochester top ranked on 'America's Best Fertility Clinics' in Newsweek rankings. Mayo Clinic in Rochester was ranked No. 9 in the nation by Newsweek in its list of "America's Best Fertility Clinics," released in February. This ranking is a testament to the dedication and expertise of the Reproductive endocrinology and infertility team at Mayo Clinic in Rochester. "Our clinic is in the top 10 among the 100 top fertility clinics," says Samir Babayev, M.D., Reproductive Endocrinology & Infertility, IVF Clinical Director. "This is a recognition of the excellence…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-24). Mayo Clinic opens patient information office in Indonesia. JAKARTA, Indonesia — Mayo Clinic has opened a patient information office in Jakarta to assist patients, their families, referring physicians and insurance brokers in Indonesia. The office is Mayo Clinic's first in Southeast Asia. The office staff, fluent in Bahasa Indonesia and English, will help patients, their families and physicians who refer patients to make appointments at Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota; Phoenix and Scottsdale, Arizona; Jacksonville, Florida; and Mayo Clinic Healthcare in London. "We…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-24). Women in science: Q&A with Robin Patel, M.D. Robin Patel, M.D. Two events held early each year are opportunities to support and recognize the contributions of women in scientific fields. In February, the International Day of Women and Girls in Science promotes full and equal access to and participation in science. Women's History Month in March is an opportunity to recognize women who have made significant contributions to science. Mayo Clinic physician researcher Robin Patel, M.D., shares her perspective and advice for others pursuing a research career in this…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-24). How does red tide impact beachgoers? Florida beach along Gulf Coat, 2023 Many people are flocking to the Gulf Coast for spring break. However, toxic red tide algal blooms have put beachgoers and residents on alert. In the Gulf of Mexico, red tide is caused by a microscopic organism called Karenia brevis. The organism was detected in 172 samples along Florida's Gulf Coast earlier this week, according to Florida officials. Dead fish and other marine life are washed ashore on beaches because of…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-24). Match Day at Mayo Clinic Alix School of Medicine, Mayo Clinic School of Graduate Medical Education. Fourth-year students at Mayo Clinic Alix School of Medicine in Arizona, Florida and Minnesota learned where they will continue their residency training on March 17. Also, Mayo Clinic School of Graduate Medical Education learned who would be its incoming Mayo residents through the National Resident Matching Program. The medical students opened their envelopes at 11 a.m. CDT discovering their future specialties and residency training locations. Match Day, held on the third Friday in March, is when medical school students and…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-24). Five ways AI promises to transform organ transplants. ROCHESTER, Minn. — Artificial intelligence (AI) has the potential to become a valuable tool for transplant to save more patients' lives. Recent studies have already shown promise in using AI to analyze large sets of data to discover important trends and patterns. In this expert alert, Mayo Clinic transplant experts share how this technology may improve outcomes for patients. "Physicians once practiced medicine without CT scans and with only limited lab tests. Now, these tools…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-24). Ready to Run: Mayo Clinic Health System gives tips on planning for a long race. MANKATO, Minn. — You've thought about it for years. You've dreamed of crossing the finish line. It's on your bucket list, or maybe it's become a tradition. You've registered for a long-distance race like a 5K, 10K, half-marathon or marathon. So now's the time to plan and prepare for your big day. This critical process will be shaped by your experience and fitness level. First, get real and be honest with yourself. It can take…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-24). Mayo Clinic cancer expert highlights advancements in treating multiple myeloma. ROCHESTER, Minn. — March is Myeloma Awareness Month, and Sikander Ailawadhi, M.D., hematologist/oncologist at Mayo Clinic Comprehensive Cancer Center, shares details about new advancements in research leading to better outcomes for patients with multiple myeloma. Multiple myeloma is a relatively uncommon form of blood cancer in the bone marrow that affects less than 1% of the U.S. population, according to the American Cancer Society. While there is no cure, the disease can be treated with…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-24). Mayo Clinic Minute: Can the MIND diet improve brain health? You might be hearing more about the MIND diet of late. A recent study has added to the evidence that the diet, which includes a variety of brain-friendly foods, may help protect against Alzheimer's disease. In this Mayo Clinic Minute, Angie Murad, a registered dietitian and nutritionist and patient educator at Mayo Clinic, explains the benefits of incorporating foods included in the MIND diet. Watch: The Mayo Clinic Minute Journalists: Broadcast-quality video (1: 01) is…

Orinoco Tribune 2 (2023-03-24). Venezuela-US Relations: When 'Maximum Pressure' Fails. By Carlos Ron — Mar 17, 2023 | President Maduro has shown two firm convictions. The first is that he will not cede the nation's sovereignty to the pressure of illegal sanctions. But he has also indicated that dialogue and diplomacy is the way; that Venezuela is willing and ready to re-establish relations as long as they are based on mutual respect and an equal footing, writes Valdai Club expert The strategy of "maximum pressure" imposed by Donald Trump on Venezuela has failed to achieve its goal of changing the Venezuelan…

Paul Gregoire (2023-03-24). Christian thugs attack trans rights protesters at One Nation rally. "We don't surrender," One Nation's Mark Latham said recently. He is using a legal loophole to try and get two representatives in the NSW Legislative Council to push his bigoted agenda. Paul Gregoire reports.

Paul Haeder (2023-03-24). How Far Do We Go to Save a Species? Robin Waples: University of Washington (NOAA Fisheries, retired) Topic: On the shoulders of giants: Under-appreciated studies in salmon biology with lasting influence. In 1675 Isaac Newton wrote, "If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants." This idea epitomizes the way that science progresses by incremental steps, punctuated occasionally by …

Peace for Ukraine (2023-03-24). Anti War March Draws Some Counter Protesters. Several hundred anti war demonstrators and a handful of counter protesters in San Francisco's Mission District on March 18.

Peoples Dispatch (2023-03-24). Daily Round-up | Investigation launched into killings of Afghans by UK forces & other stories. In today's episode, we take a look at a probe into killings in Afghanistan, protests in Lebanon against the economic crisis, demonstrations against the death of a protester in Peru, and a strike by Starbucks workers in the US…

Peoples Dispatch (2023-03-24). Resistance to pension reform in France intensifies. Massive mobilizations rocked France on Thursday, March 23. Workers have given an ultimatum to French President Emmanuel Macron demanding that his government withdraw the pension reform that was passed without a vote in parliament. | According to estimates by unions, a total of around 3.5 million people hit the streets in more than 250 locations across France on Thursday. | Workers have continued work stoppages in critical areas including energy, transportation, railways, seaports, airports, industries, school, colleges and universities, municipal services including waste management, and tightened blockades of maj…

Peoples Dispatch (2023-03-24). Lebanon: Protesters demand solutions to prolonged economic crisis. Hundreds of people in Lebanon staged a protest outside the government headquarters in central Beirut on March 22 in the second consecutive day of protests against the ongoing economic crisis, reports Peoples Dispatch.

Peoples Dispatch (2023-03-24). Questions grow about Tunisian government response to migrant drownings. The latest migrant drownings off the Tunisian coast have led to further scrutiny of Tunisia's treatment of migrants from sub-Saharan Africa, reports People's Dispatch/Globetrotter News Service.

Peoples Dispatch (2023-03-24). Swaziland's anti-monarchy activists face repression ahead of elections. Mvuselelo Mkhabela, a 21-year-old activist of the Communist Party of Swaziland (CPS), escaped from a hospital after being shot and tortured by the police, reports Peoples Dispatch.

Philip Weiss (2023-03-24). The U.S. establishment's fever to smash Iraq must not be forgotten. Twenty years ago the entire U.S. establishment lined up behind our war on Iraq. It was one of the greatest disasters in history, and there's been no accountability.

Pip Hinman (2023-03-24). Peace activist: 'Metal shops should be helping the climate transition, not preparing for war'. Peace campaigners argue that engineering firms should instead be awarded grants to manufacture components for the climate transition. Pip Hinman reports.

Prof Michel Chossudovsky (2023-03-24). The Pentagon's "Ides of March 2021": Best Month to Go to War? or the Romans, the month of March (Martius) marked "the time to start new military campaigns." As in the heyday of the Roman Empire, the Pentagon has a mandate to plan and implement a precise "timeline" of military operations.

Prof Michel Chossudovsky (2023-03-24). The US-NATO War of Aggression against Yugoslavia. When Belgrade was bombed, the children's hospital was the object of air attacks. It had been singled out as a strategic target. NATO stated that to "save the lives" of the newly borne, they did not bomb the section of the hospital where the babies were residing, instead they targeted the power generator, which meant no more power for the incubators.

Ramon du Houx (2023-03-24). Elected officials and coalition groups urge the Legislature to enact price gouging bill. EOPA California, representing over 462 elected officials from 49 counties, strongly supports protecting consumers from oil price gouging with SBX1-2. EOPA California has a letter specifically for elected officials to sign in support of SB1-2 (Skinner). In just five days 108 have signed, and the number is rising daily.

Ramona Wadi (2023-03-24). Israel's new Cycles of forcibly displacing Palestinians. Ramona Wadi ( Middle East Monitor ) — US President Joe Biden placed much emphasis on rhetorically opposing Israel's settlement expansion. Hence the reaction from Washington over the Israeli Knesset passing the second and third readings of the Disengagement Law that would allow resettlement of Jewish Israelis in four previously vacated illegal settlement areas in the occupied West Bank. Israel's Ambassador to the US …

Rescue Pacifica (2023-03-24). Tuesday 3/21: Speak Out At KPFA-Defend Pacifica Bylaws and Stop The Sale Of LA KPFK. KPFA | 1929 Martin Luther King Blvd. | Berkeley…

Rick Rozoff (2023-03-24). Azerbaijan continues to threaten Armenia, Russia over conquered Karabakh. AzertagMarch 24, 2023 In accordance with the tripartite Declaration, Armenia should remove the illegal army units from the territory of Azerbaijan Observations, as well as monitoring, show that the illegal transportation of weapons from Armenia to Karabakh continues in the areas where the Russian armed forces are temporarily stationed….[I]t is very important to remove more …

Rick Rozoff (2023-03-24). Azerbaijani state media site calls for "regime change" in Iran. Excerpts produced verbatim. Azerbaijani sources routinely refer to northwestern Iran as South Azerbaijan. — RR AzertagMarch 22, 2023 Regime change in Iran has become a necessity Iran's international situation and internal turmoil are having a negative effect. As a result of the policy implemented by the regime, Iran is facing the threat of internal disintegration …

Rick Rozoff (2023-03-24). Flanked by Russian ambassador, Serbian minister lays wreath at memorial to children killed by NATO bombs. Tanjug News AgencyMarch 24, 2023 Selakovic lays wreath at memorial to children killed in NATO aggression BELGRADE — Serbian Minister of Labour, Employment and Veteran and Social Affairs Nikola Selakovic laid a wreath at a memorial to children killed in the 1999 NATO aggression on Serbia, then part of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. City …

Rick Rozoff (2023-03-24). Foreign minister at the time: NATO's war against Yugoslavia destabilized Europe, paved way for endless wars. Tanjug News AgencyMarch 24, 2023 "The goal was set earlier and Serbia was attacked"; "Then, Kissinger said…" Foreign Affairs Minister at the time of NATO aggression ≈Ωivadin Jovanoviƒá stated the goal of that aggression wasn't to resolve humanitarian or political issues. According to him, the goal was to seize part of the territory of Serbia, …

Rick Rozoff (2023-03-24). Georgia: German FM rallies "civil society" 5th column for NATO absorption, war for "occupied territories'. Civil GeorgiaMarch 24, 2023 German FM Annalena Baerbock Visits Georgia Annalena Baerbock has started her visit to Georgia with the meeting with the civil society representatives, followed by the meeting with her Georgian counterpart FM Darchiashvili. According to the information by GYLA, civil society representatives focused on the issues related to human rights situation in …

Rick Rozoff (2023-03-24). NATO pushes European Socialists for thirty more years, eternity of new wars. From Bosnia to Ukraine, NATO has been waging war — on three continents — for thirty years. Evidently permanently, "for the long term." It could be argued that NATO has presented the world with its first Socialist/Social Democratic wars. (Think of Blair, Schroeder, Jospin, Solana, etc. in 1999.) And a plethora of them at that. …

Rick Rozoff (2023-03-24). Polish, Slovakian Warplanes to Enter Ukrainian War, F-16s Likely to Follow. Polish, Slovakian Warplanes to Enter Ukrainian War, F-16s Likely to Follow Andy Corbley FULL ARTICLE VARESE, Italy. March 20th, 2023. On Friday, Slovakia's prime minister, Eduard Heger, said the East European country would join Poland in providing MiG-29 fighter jets to Ukraine for the war effort. The 13 planes will join 4 from Poland to …

Rick Rozoff (2023-03-24). Serbian prime minister: We will never forget NATO aggression. Tanjug News AgencyMarch 24, 2023 Brnabic: We will never forget NATO aggression Video from Brnabic's Twitter page. We will never forget the 1999 NATO aggression, Serbian PM Ana Brnabic said on Friday. "Today, we mark 24 years since NATO aggression, committed against Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (Serbia & Montenegro). We will never forget," Brnabic wrote …

Rick Rozoff (2023-03-24). Today Serbia marks 24 years since the beginning of NATO aggression. Reproduced from Tanjug News Agency. Serbia marks 24 years since the beginning of NATO aggression24 years ago, on March 24, 1999, NATO aggression against Serbia, that is, the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, started. The order for the attack was issued by Javier Solana, the Secretary General of NATO at the time, to the then commander …

Rick Rozoff (2023-03-24). U.S. ambassador tells Serbs, relatives of those slain, not to carry a chip on their shoulders. B92March 24, 2023 Hill to the Serbs: "I believe you can suppress your indignation" US Ambassador Christopher Hill said, on the occasion of the anniversary of the NATO bombing, that he knows that the people of Serbia cannot suppress their pain. However, as the U.S. Ambassador added, he believes that the people of Serbia have …

Rodolfo Bueno (2023-03-24). Todo está concatenado en la crisis mundial. Según Donald Trump, el establishment de la política exterior de EEUU intenta meter al mundo en un conflicto con Rusia, sobre la base de la mentira de que este país es la mayor amenaza para la civilización occidental, pero la…

SAMIR (2023-03-24). After Hebrew U conference cancellation – intensify academic boycotts!

Santa Cruz News (2023-03-24). Mayor Keeley Targets the Homeless with Surprise Traffic Median Motion. At the March 14th meeting of the Santa Cruz City Council, Mayor Fred Keeley introduced a surprise motion targeting homeless residents who panhandle on traffic medians (watch video below). Keeley's motion was not included anywhere in the meeting's agenda packet, he spontaneously inserted it into an unrelated vote on item #15, which concerned bicycle safety improvements and the removal of automobile parking on Laurel Street. Keeley stated the motion as follows: "Add additional direction that the City Manager return at budget hearings with a plan for installing safety devices that prohibit remaining on traffic islan…

Sixty Plus (2023-03-24). Are You in Your "Third Act"? These Older Folks Demonstrated to Save the Climate. Despite some of the stormiest weather San Francisco has seen in a long time, these brave elders showed up and cut up to stop climate change.

Staff (2023-03-24). Cop City: Judge Denies Bond to People Rounded Up in Mass Arrest for Opposing Police Training Facility. In Atlanta, a judge has denied bond for 8 of the people indiscriminately arrested at a music festival against the proposed "Cop City" police training facility in the Weelaunee Forest. Jailed since March 5, they are charged with domestic terrorism based on scant evidence like muddy clothes or simply being in the area at the time of the festival. We're joined by Micah Herskind, an Atlanta community organizer, who calls the charges "political prosecutions" and a blatant "attempt to repress this social movement that is trying to stop Cop City."…

Staff (2023-03-24). "France Is Furious": Anger Grows at Macron for Raising Retirement Age as Millions Strike & Protest. French unions say nearly 3.5 million people took to the streets Thursday in a nationwide general strike to protest President Emmanuel Macron's deeply unpopular move to raise the retirement age from 62 to 64. Macron forced the legislation through the French National Assembly last week, using a constitutional clause to bypass a parliamentary vote. Macron's government survived a vote of no confidence Monday by just nine votes, but public anger shows no signs of abating, with France's major trade unions planning another nationwide protest for Tuesday. "Not only is the government trying to do t…

Staff (2023-03-24). Headlines for March 24, 2023. Netanyahu Shielded from Charges as Protests Rage Against Far-Right Judicial Reforms, Millions Join General Strike in France After Macron Uses Executive Fiat to Slash Pensions, Biden and Trudeau to Announce Deal to Block Asylum Seekers at U.S. Northern Border, U.S. Warplanes Strike Syria After Drone Attack on U.S. Base Kills Contractor, Indian Opposition MP Rahul Gandhi Jailed for Criticizing Modi, House Panel Grills TikTok CEO as Progressives Warn Against Anti-Chinese Scapegoating, Utah Passes Law Requiring Parental Consent for Minors Using Social Media, GA and IA Ban Healthcare for Trans Youth; World Athletics B…

Staff (2023-03-24). The Candidate and the Spy: James Bamford on Israel's Secret Collusion with Trump to Win 2016 Race. In his new book, Spyfail: Foreign Spies, Moles, Saboteurs, and the Collapse of America's Counterintelligence, investigative journalist James Bamford reveals that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu dispatched a secret Israeli agent to the United States in the spring of 2016 to help Donald Trump win the presidential election. The agent met with advisers to Trump and offered to share secret intelligence with the campaign against Hillary Clinton. Bamford's investigation finds that while American media fixated on Russia's role in swaying the 2016 election, Israeli interference was completely i…

Staff (2023-03-24). Rep. Ro Khanna on Regulating Banks, TikTok, China, Ukraine & His Vote on the "Horrors of Socialism" We speak with Democratic Congressmember Ro Khanna about the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank and Signature Bank, regulating the banking sector, and how Federal Reserve interest rate hikes contributed to the banking crisis. Silicon Valley Bank was based in Khanna's district in California, and he has criticized fellow Democrats who supported a 2018 bill that weakened banking oversight for some banks. "We need to regulate large regional banks the same way that we regulate the Big Four banks," says Khanna. He also talks about growing concern from lawmakers about the social video app TikTok, the Biden…

Staff (2023-03-24). Perú: Protester Killed By 36 Pellets During Boluarte Regime Repression. The National Coordinator for Human Rights of Perú (CNDDHH), reported that the young protestor Rosalino Flores died this Tuesday, March 21, as a result of wounds sustained on January 11 from the National Police of Perú (PNP) firing 36 pellets at him during protests against Dina Boluarte and her de facto government. | "After almost two months of agony, Rosalino Flores, a 22-year-old boy who was shot by over 30 metal pellets in his stomach during the protests in Cusco, has died," reported the CNDDHH, cited by Actualidad RT. "With his death, there have now been 49 civilians executed by the law enforcement agencies du…

Staff (2023-03-24). Presidents of Venezuela and Colombia Meet in Caracas, 4th Meeting in 7 Months. Caracas, March 23, 2023 ( The first meeting between Presidents Maduro and Petro was held on November 1, 2022, wherein they signed a joint declaration at Miraflores Palace in Caracas, after the resumption of d…

Staff (2023-03-24). The Macabre Shock and Awe Show: 20th Anniversary of US/NATO Iraq War. Twenty years ago on this date, the American people were subjected to a macabre form of "reality TV" show, set in Baghdad, in the form of the "premier episode" of

Suds, Snacks,, Socialism Forum Committee (2023-03-24). Saturday 4/1: What are the Prospects for World Peace? The Starry Plough Pub | 3101 Shattuck Avenue, Berkeley, CA 94705 | Also accessible online…

teleSUR, dcdc, JDO (2023-03-24). Ciudad ecuatoriana de Guayaquil es afectada por inundaciones. La alcaldesa de Guayaquil, Cynthia Viteri, afirmó que se descartan heridos por las inundaciones.

teleSUR, dcdc, JDO (2023-03-24). Fuerzas israelíes asesinan a joven palestino en Cisjordania. Abu Khadija murió en un enfrentamiento armado con las fuerzas de ocupación de Israel.

teleSUR, dcdc, JDO (2023-03-24). Taxistas griegos exigen respuestas sobre tragedia ferroviaria. El Sindicato de Taxistas de Atenas exige una serie de medidas al Gobierno para el alivio de su sector y lo responsabilizan de no garantizar seguridad en las vías férreas.

teleSUR, dcdc, JDO (2023-03-24). Comienza el Ramadán 2023. øEn qué consiste?>. El aspecto más conocido del Ramadán es el ayuno, que consiste en no consumir alimentos ni bebidas desde el amanecer hasta el ocaso.

teleSUR, dcdc, JDO (2023-03-24). Iniciará este jueves Encuentro Empresarial Iberoamericano. En este espacio de la Cumbre Iberoamericana se presentará el informe "Perspectiva Económica de América Latina 2022" y se realizarán cinco paneles.

teleSUR, hvh, DRL (2023-03-24). Presidente Arce revindica salida al mar para Bolivia. Afirmó que es momento de iniciar una nueva etapa de relacionamiento bilateral con Chile que permita a las partes un diálogo franco y con la valentía para abordar los temas históricos que las separan.

teleSUR, hvh, JDO (2023-03-24). China denuncia invasión en sus aguas por buque de EE.UU. El portavoz del Comando del Teatro del Sur de China señaló que este acto socava "gravemente la paz y la estabilidad".

teleSUR, hvh, JDO (2023-03-24). Premier ruso resalta fracaso de sanciones occidentales. El titular del Gobierno señaló que Rusia "ha sido golpeada por las sanciones. Nunca ha habido un golpe de igual fuerza".

teleSUR, hvh, JDO (2023-03-24). Comienza paro contra reforma jubilatoria en Uruguay. Líder sindical señala que además de criticar la reforma jubilatoria, el fin del paro es que dicha medida no sea votada durante el actual Gobierno.

teleSUR, jaa, SH (2023-03-24). Argentinos celebran 20 años de plebiscito contra mina en Esquel. En recordación de la consulta popular se volvió a realizar una marcha en la ciudad de Esquel retomando el lema de "El agua vale más que el oro".

teleSUR, jaa, SH (2023-03-24). Aumenta a 69 el número de muertos por lluvias en Perú. El Centro de Operaciones de Emergencia Nacional indicó que se han reportado 10.874 damnificados y 74.022 personas afectadas por las lluvias.

teleSUR, jaa, YSM (2023-03-24). Continúan protestas contra la reforma de pensiones en Francia. En esta, la novena jornada de huelgas organizada contra la nueva legislación, también se registraron bloqueos en avenidas, represas, huelgas del sector energético y en el transporte.

teleSUR, jaa, YSM (2023-03-24). Registran sismo de magnitud 5,3 en Kahramanmaras, Türkiye. Hasta el momento se han registrado varias réplicas, incluyendo una de magnitud 4, pero no han causado daños estructurales ni humanos.

teleSUR, MER (2023-03-24). Conmemoran 43 ∞ aniversario de cruzada de alfabetización en Nicaragua. El jefe de Estado calificó el analfabetismo como un virus que "está en todo el mundo, incluso en los países desarrollados, hay estadísticas".

teleSUR, MER (2023-03-24). Presidente de Venezuela sostiene encuentro con su homólogo de Colombia. En el encuentro de los mandatarios también estuvieron presentes autoridades de ambos países.

teleSUR, nama, JDO (2023-03-24). Metroviarios de Sao Paulo retoman el trabajo tras huelga. El Sindicato de los Trabajadores exige a la empresa Metrô el pago de bonos salariales y revocar los despidos por jubilación.

teleSUR, nama, JDO (2023-03-24). Guinea Ecuatorial confirma ocho casos del virus de Marburgo. Actualmente en África hay dos brotes conocidos de la enfermedad mortal: uno en Guinea Ecuatorial y otro en Tanzania.

teleSUR, nama, JDO (2023-03-24). Japón recibe a ganadores del Clásico Mundial como héroes. En la delegación japonesa estuvieron ausentes cuatro jugadores, entre ellos, el MVP del evento deportivo, Shohei Ohtani.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2023-03-24). Cuba promoverá la cooperación internacional en Cumbre Iberoamericana. El canciller aseguró que la nación antillana, en su condición de presidente del grupo G-77+China, está comprometida al impulso a la cooperación inclusiva y sostenible.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2023-03-24). Denuncian impunidad en caso de monseñor Romero en El Salvador. Este 24 de marzo de cumplen 43 años del magnicidio de monseñor Óscar Arnulfo Romero.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2023-03-24). Postulan el joropo venezolano como Patrimonio Cultural ante Unesco. La firma del documento tuvo lugar en un acto público en el parque Simón Bolívar de La Carlota en el estado de Miranda.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2023-03-24). Resaltan diversidad de candidatos al Parlamento de Cuba. Por medio de un mensaje en su cuenta de la red social Twitter, el mandatario resaltó las evidencias expuestas en las reseñas de vida.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2023-03-24). Sector de transporte alemán convoca a huelga por mejoras salariales. Dentro de las demandas está la exigencia de un aumento salarial del 10 por ciento para los más de 2.500.000 de funcionarios del Estado.

teleSUR, SH (2023-03-24). Nueva masacre deja cuatro muertos en el Putumayo, Colombia. De acuerdo a Indepaz, en lo que va del 2023 Colombia suma 26 masacres y 31 líderes sociales asesinados.

teleSUR, SH (2023-03-24). Manifestantes reciben restos de Rosalino Florez en Cusco, Perú. Varios de los presentes exigieron justicia por la muerte de Rosalino Florez a manos de la policía.

The Green Arcade (2023-03-24). Saturday 4/15: A Celebration of the Life of Poet and Writer Jim Nisbet. The 3rd Floor Edward McRoskey Loft | 1687 Market Street | San Francisco, CA 94103…

Thomas Walter & GW Smigielski (2023-03-24). Financial crisis – it's crashing again and The time of change.

Tom Engelhardt (2023-03-24). Prophecies, Then and Now: My Life at World's End. ( ) — Indulge me for a moment. This is how "The Prophecy" in my 1962 high school yearbook began. It was written by some of my classmates in the year we graduated from Friends Seminary in New York City. "Being an historian, I am jotting down these notes out of habit, but what I …

UFCLP (2023-03-24). Monday 3/27: Jail Former SF Federal Reserve Member & Silicon Valley Bank President/CEO Greg Becker. San Francisco Federal Reserve | 101 California St. | San Francisco…

Unicorn Riot (2023-03-24). FBI Informant 'Microchip' Surfaces in White Supremacist Election Interference Trial.

UUSF Morning Forum (2023-03-24). Sunday 3/26: Solutions are Already Here: Hope for Ecological Renewal. A workshop with Gregory Stevens. Unitarian Universalist Society of San Francisco | In Person: 1187 Franklin St. @ Geary / TSK Room | On Zoom: |

Workers World New York bureau (2023-03-24). Bronx parents and teachers protest AOC military recruitment fair. Dozens of Bronx public school parents, teachers, students and community activists gathered on March 20, the 20th anniversary of the U.S. invasion of Iraq, to oppose a military recruitment fair, hosted by U.S. House Representatives Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) and Adriano Espaillat, at Renaissance High School in the Bronx. The grassroots . . . |

WSWS (2023-03-24). Strike vote by railroaders at CSX over constant underpayment of wages. Since a new payroll system was implemented in 2020, workers have complained of continuous underpayment of wages.

WSWS (2023-03-24). Workers Struggles: Europe, Middle East & Africa. Hungarian teachers begin indefinite strike over pay in year-long dispute; strike across West Bank in response to killings by Israeli military as teachers' stoppage continues; Nigerian public sector workers to begin general strike over cost of living…

WSWS (2023-03-24). Autoworkers speak out after Monitor rejects Will Lehman protest of fraudulent UAW election: "The whole thing smells" Workers denounced the dishonest character of the Monitor's rejection of Lehman's protest.

WSWS (2023-03-24). Clashes erupt across France as police assault record protests to defend pensions. As 3.5 million people marched against Macron's overwhelmingly unpopular cuts, a revolutionary confrontation is emerging between the working class and the capitalist state.

WSWS (2023-03-24). Scientists find extensive wildlife DNA from the Wuhan wet market mixed with SARS-CoV-2. Dr. Florence Débarre and colleagues have released their full report analyzing genetic sequences from Huanan wet market that showed wild-animal DNA mixed with SARS-CoV-2 RNA.

WSWS (2023-03-24). Bankstown: A microcosm of Australia's social crisis. The social situation in Bankstown, with soaring rents and mortgages, stagnant or declining incomes and mounting social distress, shows that capitalism offers no future for the working class.

WSWS (2023-03-24). Tens of thousands of jobs lost in film, performing arts in the US due to pandemic. Why should the US ruling elite blink at the permanent damage done to artists and cultural life?

WSWS (2023-03-24). Teachers around the world send in support for striking Los Angeles school workers. The World Socialist Web Site has received numerous statements from educators involved in independent rank-and-file committees across the world supporting the three-day strike by Los Angeles school workers this week.

WSWS (2023-03-24). New warning strikes in Germany's public sector. Hundreds of thousands of workers in Germany are participating in strikes across the country this week. At the same time, anger is growing at the role being played by service sector union Verdi, which refuses to call for joint action.

WSWS (2023-03-24). The value American capitalism places on workers' lives: BP fined $156,250 for the deaths of two refinery operators in Ohio explosion. Ben and Max Morrissey were burned to death in an explosion and fire at the BP Husky oil refinery in Oregon, Ohio, just outside of Toledo. For American capitalism, the life of a worker is very cheap.

WSWS (2023-03-24). White House to shut down COVID response task force. Eliminating the task force is part of the overall Biden administration policy of claiming the pandemic is "over," even though COVID-19 continues to kill thousands of Americans every week.

WSWS (2023-03-24). Sri Lankan president threatens to impose essential services orders banning strikes on teachers. Hundreds of teachers and principals protest in Colombo this week against the government's arbitrary decision to dissolve the Teachers Transfer Board.

WSWS (2023-03-24). Body of student who shot two Denver high school faculty found in Park County, Colorado after police manhunt. Austin Lyle,17, shot and injured two Denver East High School faculty after a handgun was found on him before he fled the school Wednesday.

WSWS (2023-03-24). US congressmen game out war with China in 2025. Last weekend, Republican members of Congress carried out a war game, led by a retired US general, envisioning a war with China by 2025.

WSWS (2023-03-24). Video: SEP (Australia) holds well-attended final NSW election meeting. The SEP held an important online meeting Thursday night, ahead of Saturday's New South Wales state election. SEP candidates Oscar Grenfell, Max Boddy and Mike Head addressed the meeting, which was chaired by National Secretary Cheryl Crisp.

Anonymous103 (2023-03-24). Slovakia Transfered First Four Mig-29 To Ukraine (Video). Click to see full-size image | On March 23, Slovakia transferred the first batch of MiG-29 fighters to Ukraine. The country promised a total of 13 planes to Kiev. The U.S. has already announced its readiness to supply Bratislava with attack helicopters and Hellfire missiles as a reward."The first four MiG-29 fighters were safely transferred to the AFU and have already left the territory of the Slovak Republic," Slovak Defense Minister Jaroslav Nad wrote on Facebook. | According to the head of the Ministry of Defe…

Anonymous669 (2023-03-24). Suspected Iranian Drone Kills U.S. Contractor, Wounds Five Other Service Members In Syria (Video). File image. | A United States contractor was killed and five U.S. service members and one additional U.S. contractor were wounded early on March 23 after a suspected Iranian suicide drone struck a maintenance facility on a coalition base near the northeastern Syrian city of al-Hasakah, the Pentagon said in a statement. | Two of the wounded service members were treated on site, while three additional service members and the U.S. contractor were medically evacuated to coalition medical facilities in neighboring Iraq."T… (2023-03-24). Chinese envoy urges Security Council to address adverse effects of sanctions on DPRK. A Chinese envoy on Thursday called for the Security Council to address the adverse impact of sanctions against the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK). (2023-03-24). PLA warns off US warship for the second time in two days. The People's Liberation Army's Southern Theater Command warned off a United States warship that illegally entered China's territorial waters in the South China Sea for the second time in two days, the Defense Ministry said on Friday. (2023-03-24). Spring break welcomed for some colleges. An announcement for a seven-day spring break from Sichuan Southwest Vocational College of Civil Aviation created online buzz, Beijing Youth Daily reported. (2023-03-24). China extradites murder suspect from Russia. Chinese police have recently extradited a murder suspect from Russia who had been on the run for 27 years, the Ministry of Public Security said on Friday. (2023-03-24). Chinese scientists discover higher yield, alkaline tolerant crop gene. Chinese scientists have identified AT1, a key gene involved in crop alkaline tolerance that may greatly improve crop yield in sodic environments through genetic engineering. (2023-03-24). Chinese institute houses most ancient vertebrate animals, humans in Asia. The specimen museum of the Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology (IVPP) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) houses over 460,000 fossil and human remains specimens, and has developed into the largest collection institution of ancient vertebrate animals and ancient humans in Asia. (2023-03-24). Insights | Brazilian economist: I'm impressed by China's resilience. The subjects and policies discussed during the top legislative and political advisory meetings (or the Two Sessions) further demonstrate China's resilience, and the country's scientific and technological development and rural revitalization strategy are of great significance, said Alessandro Teixeira, special economic adviser to former President of Brazil, Dilma Rousseff. (2023-03-24). China's first maglev tourism line starts test run. China's first domestic maglev tourism line, the Guangdong – Qingyuan Maglev Tourism Line, started joint debugging and testing on Friday. (2023-03-24). DPRK tests new underwater attack weapon system. The underwater nuclear attack drone, named "Haeil," has undergone more than 50 shakedown tests for the past two years, the Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) reported. (2023-03-24). Forum speakers urge respect for diversified approaches to democracy. A group of senior officials and renowned scholars criticized the falsely touted narrative of "democracy versus autocracy" during the opening ceremony of the second International Forum on Democracy: The Shared Human Values in Beijing on Thursday. (2023-03-24). China launches polymer material R&D platform. A research team at East China University of Science and Technology recently launched a platform for polymer material research and development. (2023-03-24). Culture Fact | City of culture: Luoyang. (2023-03-24). In Numbers: China's higher education enrollment ratio reaches 59.6 pct in 2022.

Fight Back (2023-03-24). Fight for Venezuelan diplomat's freedom intensifies due to health concerns. Caracas, Venezuela – It has now been more than 1000 days since Venezuelan diplomat Alex Saab was first kidnapped by the U.S. government on the island of Cabo Verde, off the west coast of Africa. Since then, he's been subjected to physical, psychological and chemical torture and moved to a federal detention center in Miami, Florida. | Two members of Minnesota's Anti-War Committee met with Saab's wife, Camilla Fabri Saab, on Tuesday, March 7, alongside a delegation from the Alliance for Global Justice and progressive lawyers with the Free Alex Saab Movement. Camilla, Fabri Saab, mother to their two young daug…

Fight Back (2023-03-24). PFLP: We salute the victory of the prisoners. Fight Back News Service is circulating the following statement from the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine | We salute the victory of the prisoners in this battle and call for the continuation of a broader process of political, on the field, media, and popular support, considering that their cause is one of the main issues of the struggle against the enemy. | The participation of the Palestinian Authority in the Aqaba-Sharm el-Sheikh meeting is a coup against the popular will and a rebellion against the decisions of the national consensus that reject this participation and warn of its consequences. | T…

Fight Back (2023-03-24). U.T. Austin students speak out to defend Indian Child Welfare Act. Austin, TX – On Wednesday, March 22, members of Austin Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) gathered on a busy street, Speedway, on the University of Texas-Austin campus to speak out against the judicial attack on the Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA). | SDS members chanted, "When indigenous rights are under attack. What do we do? Stand up, fight back!" and "Defend indigenous sovereignty! Defend ICWA!" SDS also passed out fliers and gave speeches about how repealing ICWA would hurt thousands and further erode indigenous sovereignty. | Students also connected this to an ongoing struggle at UT to return stolen a… (2023-03-24). Imperial's international scholars reflect on life-changing opportunities. More than a hundred international scholars from 37 countries joined diplomats, academics and funders to celebrate their achievements at Imperial.

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-24). Know the signs of strep throat in children. Image courtesy: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is monitoring an increase in invasive group A Streptococcus infections in children. "Group A streptococcal disease is a group of conditions caused by a bacteria called 'group A strep,'" says Dr. Nipunie Rajapakse, a pediatric infectious diseases physician with the Mayo Clinic Children's Center. "The one that people are probably most familiar with is strep throat. Strep throat is a relatively common infection,…

Staff (2023-03-24). Chapeando: Sí, sólo en Miami (+ Podcast). Sólo en Miami el poder de los grupos mafiosos se usa para atacar símbolos como un juego de béisbol. Pero esos grupos no nacieron de la nada. Emergieron de los grupos armados, entrenados y financiados por la CIA. No olvidar nunca que es la misma gente que llegó a secuestrar a un niño con los mismos fines que ahora boicoteó un partido de béisbol.

Staff (2023-03-24). Del ICAIC y el cine cubano: Grabando, cámara °acción! (+ Video). Desde su fundación el 24 de marzo de 1959, el Instituto Cubano del Arte e Industria Cinematográficos (ICAIC) tuvo entre sus objetivos estimular la creación y la producción nacional de audiovisuales, y también la distribución. Su establecimiento, a solo tres meses del triunfo revolucionario, fue una de las más importantes ganancias sociales y culturales de aquellos años.

Staff (2023-03-24). Las 3 del Día: Adelantos de Calendario y las noticias del 23 de marzo (+ Podcast). Saludos a los seguidores de Las 3 del Día. Hoy la periodista Thalía Fuentes Puebla nos trae un episodio cargado de información con lo más relevante sucedido este 23 de marzo. Dedicamos los primeros minutos a compartir algunas novedades de Calendario por medio de su directora Magda González Grau. Posteriormente realizamos el habitual resumen noticioso de nuestro podcast.

teleSUR -dcdc, DRL (2023-03-24). Presidente brasileño pospone un día viaje a China por neumonía. China es el principal socio comercial de Brasil, por lo que el gobierno del líder progresista buscará ampliar los intercambios.

teleSUR, dcdc, DRL (2023-03-24). Nigeria ultima a 40 terroristas del llamado Estado Islámico. Un vocero nigeriano declaró que al menos 18 miembros de los grupos Boko Haram y el autodenominado Estado Islámico de la Provincia de África Occidental fueron asesinados.

teleSUR, JDO (2023-03-24). Arriban líderes a Santo Domingo para Cumbre Iberoamericana. Participan jefes de Estado y de Gobierno de América Latina y el Caribe junto a España, Portugal y Andorra.

teleSUR, nama, DRL (2023-03-24). Cifran en 511 muertes provocadas por ciclón Freddy en Malaui. La tormenta ha agravado la crisis sanitaria en esa nación que enfrenta el peor brote de cólera de su historia.

teleSUR, rzr, DRL (2023-03-24). Abaten líder criminal en operativo policial en favela de Brasil. El despliegue fue en el Complejo de Salgueiro, ubicado en la ciudad de San Gonzalo de la región metropolitana de Río de Janeiro.

teleSUR, rzr, DRL (2023-03-24). Convocan nuevas movilizaciones sindicales y sociales en Francia. Se convocó a realizar protestas el próximo fin de semana en rechazo a la iniciativa adoptada el pasado lunes por el ejecutivo galo.

teleSUR, rzr, SH (2023-03-24). Congreso peruano aprueba requisitoria contra dos ministros. La fecha de citación al pleno del Congreso para el ministro de Defensa y Educación del Gobierno de Dina Boluarte todavía no ha sido informada.

teleSUR, SH (2023-03-24). Argentinos marcharán para conmemorar el Día de la Memoria, Verdad y Justicia. A 47 años del golpe de Estado, la demanda popular sigue siendo Justicia por los 30 mil desaparecidos y sanción a los represores y genocidas de la última dictadura.

teleSUR, SH (2023-03-24). 11 millones de niños necesitan ayuda humanitaria en Yemen. Según el último informe de la Unicef, un niño muere cada diez minutos en el país debido a causas evitables.

teleSUR- hvh, DRL (2023-03-24). Parlamento de Ecuador evalúa requisitos de juicio contra Lasso. El titular del parlamento, Virgilio Saquicela, convocó para las 15: 20 (hora local) la sesión que será de manera virtual.

teleSUR- hvh, DRL (2023-03-24). øCómo serán las elecciones en Cuba?>. Más de 23.000 colegios electorales se encuentran activos, los que serán custodiadas por cerca de 140.000 niñas y niños.

via Russell Brutsche (2023-03-24). Friday 3/31: Santa Cruz Hi-Rise. Resource Center for Non-Violence, 612 Ocean Street, Santa Cruz…

William Denselow (2023-03-23). Ming and Qing dynasty artwork showcased in NYC museum. The 'Flowers on a River' exhibition showcases some of China's finest examples of flower-and-bird paintings.

Jim Spellman (2023-03-23). TikTok CEO testifies in front of Congress. The future of the wildly popular app in the U.S. is at risk, as some lawmakers seek to ban TikTok over allegations of security concerns and Chinese influence.

In Defense of Liberation! (2023-03-23). Global War: The 101s of US Empire – the USA is a WAR MACHINE! Welcome to a (possible) new series – Global War – where we will focus on the developing conflicts, events, wars and regime change efforts of the US Empire and its NATO and other allies. In this episode we discuss, very very briefly, how the US came into existence, Spanish, English, Dutch and other European "exploration", corporations, and colonization. We talk about the many many wars the US has and is fighting since it's "founding" as a "Constitutional Republic" in 1787, before then, after then, and today. We bring up WW1 and WW2, Korea, Vietnam, China and the Opium Wars, Iraq, Iran, Guatemala, Venezuela, Peru,…

_____ (2023-03-23). China is Making the 'New' Middle East. This was inevitable. When the US started to strategically withdraw from the Middle East and shifted its focus towards Southeast Asia and (Eastern) Europe to contain its two rivals (China and Russia), the Middle East was left without a traditional balancer. Without making an orientalist argument and arguing that the Middle East always needed an […] | –°–æ–æ–±—â–µ–Ω–∏–µ

_____ (2023-03-23). Japan's Prime Minister at the Center of Recent Regional Developments.

_____ (2023-03-23). Lebanon's Tragedy and the difficulties in overcoming it.

_____ (2023-03-23). Yoon Suk-yeol Turns to Japan. One of the most significant festivals in the Republic of Korea is March 1, which honors the widespread protests against Japanese colonial rule. Under President Moon Jae-in the holiday became a memorial to martyrs, a reminder of unresolved grievances, historical disputes, and the need for the Japanese to weep, repent, and pay. In his speech […] | –°–æ–æ–±—â–µ–Ω–∏–µ

_____ (2023-03-23). Putin and Xi Standing Firm on the Right Side of History. The world is changing before our eyes. Western imperialist regimes are being exposed for the warmongers they are, and a new multipolar order of partnership and peace is emerging. | The historic summit this week between the Russian and Chinese leaders provoked paroxysms of angst in the Western media. President Vladimir Putin's hosting of China's Xi Jinping in Moscow was presented as the "world's two most prominent autocrats" purportedly establishing a hostile "anti-West axis". | The American and European media — slavishly echoing the talking points of their imperialist regimes — were in hyper-bogeyman…

_____ (2023-03-23). Seymour Hersh Accuses U.S. of Nord Stream 'Cover Up'. In a follow-up to his explosive story accusing U.S. President Joe Biden of ordering the sabotage of the Nord Stream pipelines, veteran U.S. journalist Seymour Hersh charged Wednesday that the White House — in collaboration with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz — is attempting a "cover-up of its operation" by "feeding" false alternative narratives to the press, most prominently The New York Times.

_____ (2023-03-23). The Eight-Year-Old's Iraq. Twenty years after the Iraq invasion: It was the last period of true optimism, with a sense that somewhere in the unknown unknowns we would meet destiny. | By Jude RUSSO | Iwas an avid supporter of the Iraq invasion in 2003. I believed that Saddam Hussein was a tyrant and a danger to American interests; I believed that, as a civilization, we had a God-given mission to the world, helping those we've subdued and warring down the still-arrogant. We beat Nazism; we beat communism; now it was time to beat radical Islam (although the "radical" got left out as often as not in those heady days), or, as the real connoisse…

_____ (2023-03-23). Why Vladimir Putin Cannot Be Arrested by International Criminal Court. One should remember how many illegal invasions, brutal unprovoked aggressions, orchestrated colour revolutions and wars have the USA and NATO started and waged in the last century for years and decades to get a "bigger picture". | All of you must have heard that an arrest warrant was issued a couple of days ago for Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin by the International Criminal Court. If it ain't so funny, we would cry our hearts out for the farcical potential of it and its underlying flawed logic. But first things first. | The 20th February 2023 is the 20th anniversary of the U.S. invasion of Iraq. One has to wonder…

Abayomi Azikiwe (2023-03-23). South Africa, Russia, China and the Shifting World Situation.

Adriaan Alsema (2023-03-23). Armed conflict in Colombia displaced more than 180,000 people in 2022: ICRC. Armed conflict in Colombia forcibly displaced more than 180,000 people last year, according to the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC). The ICRC's annual report on Colombia said that…

Ahmed Adel (2023-03-23). Russia's Economy Recovers While Dozens of US Banks Face Collapse.

Ajamu Baraka (2023-03-23). Commemorations of the Attack on Iraq March 20 and Libya March 19 Reaffirms that the U.S.-EU-NATO Axis of Domination Remains the Greatest Threat to International Peace on our Planet. The International Criminal Court should uphold an objective and impartial stance, respect the jurisdictional immunity enjoyed by the head of state in accordance with international law, exercise its functions and powers prudently by the law, interpret and apply international law in good faith, and avoid politicization and double standards. — Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Wang …

Ajamu Baraka (2023-03-23). Commemorations of the attack on Iraq March 20th and Libya March 19th reaffirm that the U.S./EU/NATO axis of domination remains the greatest threat to International peace on our Planet. Iraq and Libya were both targeted by the U.S. in the month of March. The anniversaries of these war crimes must be commemorated, and the nature of the US/EU/NATO war machine must be understood.

Al Jazeera. (2023-03-23). 'Black Thursday' Strikes In France Over Macron's Pension Reform. French workers angry that the pension age is being increased blocked access to a terminal at the Charles de Gaulle airport in Paris on a day of nationwide protests. | The demonstrations on Thursday forced some travellers to get there on foot. | Train services were also disrupted and some schools shut while garbage piled up on the streets, and electricity output was cut, as unions pressured the government to withdraw the law that delays retirement by two years, changing it from age 62 to age 64. | Plumes of smoke were seen rising from burning piles of debris blocking traffic on a highway near Toulouse, in southwes…

Allen Forrest (2023-03-23). What Does the Data Reveal?

Andrew Korybko (2023-03-23). The U.S. Attempts to Mislead the World Into Thinking That India Is Its Ally Against China.

Andrew Murray (2023-03-23). The British Empire: Culture War and Actual War.

Andreína Chávez Alava (2023-03-23). Venezuela Stacks $21.2B in Unpaid Oil Sales, Maduro Appoints New Minister. Pedro Tellechea takes charge of the oil industry amidst a high-level corruption probe that revealed $3.6 billion in losses from untracked crude sales.

Ann Brown (2023-03-23). Who Is 19-Year-Old NASCAR Racing Prodigy Lavar Scott? 5 Things to Know. There is still less than a handful of Black National Association for Stock Car Auto Racing (NASCAR) racers. One of the latest to disrupt the status quo is a 19-year-old stock car racer named Lavar Scott. Here are five things you should know. 1. Team Scott He races full-time in the Automobile Racing Club of …

Ann Brown (2023-03-23). FAMU Community And Alumni Mourn The Loss Of Kofi Hemmingway. Kofi Hemmingway took being an alumnus of an Historically Black University (HBCU) seriously. He graduated from Florida A&M University (FAMU) and continued to use various platforms to promote the school and its football team, the Rattlers. Jacksonville, Florida-based Hemmingway died unexpectedly on March TK at the age of 52. He passed away at his home …

Ann Brown (2023-03-23). NAACP President: The Official And National NAACP Position Is A Demand For Reparations For Descendants Of American Slavery. The president of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), Derrick Johnson, went to Twitter on March 22 to clarify the civil rights organization's stance on reparations. This comes on the heels of a statement tweeted out by the San Francisco NAACP charter president earlier this month that seemed to read that …

Anonymous Contributor (2023-03-23). South Florida Anti-Repression Committee Launches Solidarity Campaign. Announcing the creation of the South Florida Anti-Repression Committee, which is supporting two pro-choice community activists in Florida facing repression. Miami, Florida—In an unprecedented use of the FACE Act (a law intended to protect abortion access and abortion clinics), two pro-choice community activists in Florida have been charged under the FACE Act. In addition to…

Anonymous103 (2023-03-23). In Video: Ukrainian POW Describes Russian Tactics And Morale Of Ukrainian Soldiers On Northern Donbass Front Line. Translated by @Frontstories A Ukrainian POW captured in Kremennaya described Russian tactics in the region. According to him, the…

Anonymous103 (2023-03-23). Military Situation In Donbass On March 23, 2023 (Map Update). Click to see full-size image | The AFU reportedly took back control of military positions north of Stepove; | The Russian Army made slight advances in the Novobakhmutivka area; | Clashes between Russian forces and the AFU continue in Bakhmut and its outskirts; | Clashes between the Russian Army and the AFU continue near Ugledar; | Clashes between the Russian Army and the AFU continue in Mariinka; | Up to 80 Ukrainian servicemen, 3 pickups and 2 armored vehicles were destroyed…

Anonymous103 (2023-03-23). Military Situation In Syria On March 23, 2023 (Map Update).

Anonymous103 (2023-03-23). Military Situation In Ukraine On March 23, 2023 (Map Update). Click to see full-size image | On March 22, Russian forces destroyed 3 maritime and 1 aerial UAVs near Sevastopol; | The Russian Army destroyed an ammo depot of the AFU near Lastochkino; | The Russian Army destroyed a fuel depot of the AFU near Zaliznichnoye; | Russian forces destroyed five motor vehicles near Kherson; | Clashes between the Russian Army and the AFU continue near Debrova; | Clashes between the Russian Army and the AFU continue near Kupyansk; | Clashes between the Russian Army and the AFU…

Anonymous103 (2023-03-23). Military Situation In Yemen On March 23, 2023 (Map Update).

Anonymous103 (2023-03-23). US Army Establishes 1st Permanent Garrison On NATO's Eastern Flank. Click to see full-size image | Originally published on The US Army has officially opened its first permanent military garrison on NATO's "eastern flank" in a ceremony on Tuesday. | Stretching from the Baltics to the Black Sea, the eastern portion of the North Atlantic bloc is made up of eight nations — all former members of the USSR or Warsaw Pact. The US Army'

Anonymous669 (2023-03-23). Explosions Hit Large Base Of Iranian Forces In Syria's Deir Ezzor: Monitoring Group. Iranian-backed forces massing around Deir Ezzor city. | Late on March 22, a series of large explosions rocked a large base of Iranian-backed forces in the eastern Syrian governorate of Deir Ezzor, according to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR). | The base, dubbed Imam Ali, occupies some 20 square kilometers to the southeast of the town of al-Bukamal in the southern Deir Ezzor countryside. It was reportedly established by the Quds Force, the external wing of Iran's Iranian Islamic…

Anonymous669 (2023-03-23). Houthi Send Warning To Saudi Arabia With Large-Scale Drills (Video). Click to see full-size image. Source: | On March 22, the Houthis (Ansar Allah) announced that their armed forces had conducted large-scale drills, in an apparent warning to Saudi Arabia who led a military coalition into Yemen nearly eight years earlier. | The drills, dubbed "Withstanding the Aggression," simulated an attack on several targets in a variety of terrains, including mountainous, desert-like and forested areas. All infantry units took part in the drills along with specialized forces,…

Anonymous669 (2023-03-23). Israel Destroyed Iranian Radar During Recent Attack On Syria. Click to see full-size image. Source: (@Israel_Alma_org) on Twitter. | Israel destroyed an Iranian-made Matla-ul-fajr radar during a recent attack on Syria, the The radar was deployed at al-Dabaa Air Base near the key town of al-Qusayr in the southern countryside of Homs. The air base, which is located a few kilometers away from the border line with Lebanon, is known to be a deploym…

Anonymous669 (2023-03-23). Israeli Army Says One Of Its Drones Crashed In Syria. A "Skylark" Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) on display at the 2005 Naval UAV Air Demo held at the Webster Field Annex of Naval Air Station Patuxent River. U.S. Navy photo by Photographer's Mate 2nd Class Daniel J. McLain. | On March 22, the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) announced that one of its drones had crashed in Syria during "routine activity." | In a brief statement, the IDF said that there had been no breach of information and the incident was under investigation. The statement did not provide any details…

Anonymous669 (2023-03-23). Russian Fighter Jets Flew 25 Times Over Syria's Al-Tanf Base In March: U.S. General. A Russian Su-24 strike aircraft in the sky over the Khmeimim airbase in Syria. Photo: Dmitriy Vinogradov / RIA Novosti | Russian fighter jets have flown over a United States military garrison in the southeastern Syrian area of al-Tanf nearly every day in March, Lieutenant General Alexus Grynkewich, combined forces air component commander for U.S. Central Command, told According to the commander, Russian fi…

Anonymous669 (2023-03-23). Syria, Saudi Arabia Reached Breakthrough Agreement To Restore Relations — Report. Syria flag (flickr). | Syria and Saudi Arabia have reached a breakthrough agreement to reopen their embassies, An unnamed regional source aligned with Damascus told the news agency that talks between Damascus and Riyadh had gained momentum after the recent China-brokered agreem…

Anonymous669 (2023-03-23). Ukraine Denies Its Pilots Are Training On French Mirage 2000C Fighter Jets. French air force M2000 Mirages await a mission for Red Flag-Alaska 07-1 in April at Eielson Air Force Base, Alaska. (U.S. Air Force photo/Airman 1st Class Jonathan Snyder) | On March 22, a spokesman for the Ukrainian Air Force (UAF) said that a recent report by

Anonymous765 (2023-03-23). On Eve Of Battle For South-Eastern Ukraine. |

Art Persyko (2023-03-23). Tuesday 3/21: Pollution in Bayview-Hunters Point, its impact on residents, & what we can do about it. Zoom:; Meeting ID: 864 6575 2525; Passcode: 465295; by phone: 1 669 900 9128…

Ashley Curtin (2023-03-23). School support workers strike closing more than 1,000 LA schools. More than 1,000 schools are closed because of the strike, which impacts 422,000 students.

Ben Norton, Geopolitical Economy. (2023-03-23). AMLO Condemns Invasion Threats, Celebrates Nationalization Of Oil, Lithium. Mexico's leftist President Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) organized a massive rally in the heart of the capital, honoring the anniversary of the country's nationalization of its oil reserves and expropriation of foreign corporations. | AMLO also used the demonstration as an opportunity to publicly condemn US politicians who have proposed militarily invading Mexico to combat drug trafficking. | "We remind those hypocritical and irresponsible politicians that Mexico is an independent and free country, not a colony or a protectorate of the United States!" López Obrador declared. | "They can threaten us with comm…

Ben Norton (2023-03-23). 'Mexico is not a US colony!': AMLO Condemns Invasion Threats, Celebrates Nationalization of Oil, Lithium.

Betsey Piette (2023-03-23). Philly activists sue cops over 2020 attacks, win $10 million. Philadelphia At a press conference at the Paul Robeson House on March 20, attorneys representing 343 plaintiffs announced a $9.25 million settlement with the City of Philadelphia. The agreement stems from rampant police brutality in 2020 against demonstrators protesting the Minneapolis Police Department murder of a Black man, George Floyd. . . . |

Brett Wilkins (2023-03-23). Furious over railway disaster, Greeks take to the streets in nationwide general strike. Tens of thousands of demonstrators took to the streets of cities and towns across Greece on March 17 to protest the government's handling of last month's Tempi railway disaster and the capitalist system that puts profits before people, reports Brett Wilkins.

Brian Shilhavy (2023-03-23). California Farmers: "We've Lost Everything" — $ Billions of Food Lost in Floods in State that Produces Half of America's Agriculture.

Brittani Banks (2023-03-23). How the Cuban Government and Its People Collaborated on the Family Code. On September 25, 2022, Cuba passed one of the world's most progressive codes on families. All in one go, the small island nation legalized same-sex marriage, defined and upheld the rights of children, the disabled, caregivers, and the elderly, and redefined "family" along ties of affinity rather than blood. This opens the concept of "family" …

Brittani Banks (2023-03-23). How LA's Teachers Are Making Good on Their Promise to Support Community Schools. "We should have been miserable," said Emily Grijalva, recalling the first days of the 2019 strike by Los Angeles teachers. Grijalva, who is currently the community school and restorative justice coordinator at Felicitas and Gonzalo Mendez High School, joined her colleagues on the picket line in 2019 despite the biting cold and an unusual, prolonged …

Burning Spear (2023-03-23). United States Imposes Economic Sanctions on Black Community Projects.

Cairns News (2023-03-23). Weather Man Who Makes It Rain in Australia.

Chris Walker (2023-03-23). Democrats in Wisconsin Introduce Bill to Restore Abortion Rights in State. Wisconsin Gov. Tony Evers (D) and Democratic lawmakers in the state legislature introduced a bill earlier this week that would restore abortion rights in Wisconsin to where they stood before the overturn of Roe v. Wade last summer. After the U.S. Supreme Court ruled to overturn Roe, several states reverted back to abortion statutes that were in place prior to that ruling. For Wisconsin… |

Chris Walker (2023-03-23). DeSantis Admin Seeks to Expand "Don't Say Gay" Restrictions to Older Grades. Florida Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis's administration is moving to expand provisions of a current law that bans the discussion of LGBTQ issues in the state's public schools. The Parental Rights in Education Act — better known nationally as the "Don't Say Gay" law — currently disallows classroom discussion on gender identity and sexual orientation in grades K-3. Such discussions are currently… |

Chris Walker (2023-03-23). Principal Fired Over Parent Complaints on Lesson Showing Michelangelo's "David" A principal of a Florida charter school was forced to resign from her position after parents of children in a classical art class complained about their kids being exposed to one of the most famous pieces of classical art, Michelangelo's "David." The sculpture, which depicts the biblical character in the nude, was part of a sixth-grade class's art lesson. Ordinarily, a letter is sent to parents… |

Christopher Black (2023-03-23). Video: The Criminalisation of International Justice. Christopher Black.

Clau O'Brien Moscoso, Black Agenda Report. (2023-03-23). Bloodshed, Tear Gas Bombs And Mudslides: 100 Days Of Dictatorship. Perú has plunged into chaos since the December 7th congressional coup that ousted President Pedro Castillo. This past Friday the 17th of March marked 100 days of terror from the Peruvian coup regime, with deaths topping 80 , severely injured over 1000 and political prisoners also over 1000 taken. Protesters from the various provinces and Lima marked the day with vigils to honor the 3 months of the massacre in Ayacucho on March 15th, a march to Barbadillo where President Castillo is held as a political prisoner and demonstrations throughout the capital city and country. We caught up with a delegation from Asillo,…

Colonel Ann Wright (2023-03-23). Don't Let the Media Cheerlead Us Into More Wars Like It Did in Iraq.

Consortium News. (2023-03-23). Iraq Invasion, AUKUS Blasted In Rousing Sydney Rally. A week after Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese agreed in a meeting in San Diego with President Joe Biden and British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak to spend A$368 billion to buy nuclear submarines from the two countries, anti-war activists met in a sweltering Sydney town hall on Sunday on the 20th anniversary of the start of the war against Iraq to hear why the submarine deal is a disaster for Australia that must be stopped. | Greens Party Senator David Shoebridge, former foreign minister Bob Carr, retired diplomat Alison Broinowski and Colin Powell's former chief of staff, Lawrence Wilkinson (via video hook…

Corporate America (2023-03-23). An Update on East Palestine: How Chemical Cleanup Leads to Harmful Exposure. The hazardous waste incinerators being used to rid Ohio of harmful chemicals have a history of leakage. The proposed solutions may be contributing to more problems than we originally thought. Here's what you should know. In an already poorly handled situation, the same people who created the mess are being tasked with finding ways to

Cristen Hemingway Jaynes (2023-03-23). Lack of safe drinking water for city dwellers to double by 2050: UN report. The report found that water scarcity is also becoming more common in rural areas, with water shortages affecting from two to three billion people for at least a month out of each year.

Dana Sanchez (2023-03-23). America And Jerome Powell Stay The Course And Hike Interest Rates, Markets Sell Off: 5 Things To Know. The three major stock indexes fell Wednesday as Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell announced a new interest rate hike of 0.25 percent — the ninth rate hike in a year and the first after two weeks of banking turmoil — bringing the benchmark funds rate to a range of 4.75-to-5 percent. The interest rate-setting Federal …

Dana Sanchez (2023-03-23). Top Short Seller Targets Cash App Parent Block: Stock Crashes 22 Percent After Fraud, Fake Account Allegations. Shares of Jack Dorsey's financial technology company Block tanked by more than 20 percent Thursday after U.S. short-seller Hindenburg Research alleged that the Silicon Valley-based payment conglomerate — owner of the hugely successful CashApp — had facilitated fraudulent activity. Criminal activity on Cash App included payments for illegal drug sales and sex trafficking, according to …

Daphne Kamino, Elysa Widjaja, Rollin Brant, Linh G. Ly, Eva Mamak, Vann Chau, Aideen M. Moore, Tricia Williams, Emily W.Y. Tam (2023-03-23). [Articles] Severity and duration of dysglycemia and brain injury among patients with neonatal encephalopathy. Maximum glucose concentration in the first 48 HOL is predictive of brain injury after NE. Further trials are needed to assess if protocols to control maximum glucose concentrations improve outcomes after NE.

Dave DeCamp (2023-03-23). China Hits Back at US Criticism of Ukraine Peace Efforts. China on Wednesday hit back at US criticism of Beijing's efforts to push for peace talks to end the fighting in Ukraine as Chinese President Xi Jinping concluded his three-day visit to Moscow. National Security Council spokesman John Kirby told reporters on Tuesday that China was not "impartial" due to its relationship with Russia, comments …

Dave DeCamp (2023-03-23). AFRICOM Says African Coup Leaders Share 'Core Values' With US Military. Gen. Michael Langley, the head of US Africa Command (AFRICOM), was grilled by Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) on Thursday about African soldiers who received US military training and went on to carry out coups. Langley insisted only a "very small number" of Africans who receive US training later go on to be involved in coups …

Dave DeCamp (2023-03-23). Report: Saudi Arabia Agrees to Establish Ties With Syria. Saudi Arabia and Syria have agreed to establish ties and reopen their embassies after over a decade of not having formal diplomatic relations, Reuters reported on Thursday. Unnamed sources told Reuters that contacts between Riyadh and Damascus gained momentum following the surprise Saudi-Iran normalization deal that was brokered by China. Tehran is a major ally …

Dave DeCamp (2023-03-23). Senate Votes Down Sen. Rand Paul's Resolution to Repeal 2001 AUMF. The Senate on Wednesday voted down an amendment introduced by Sen. Rand Paul to repeal the 2001 Authorization for the Use of Military Force (AUMF) that was passed in the wake of the September 11 attacks to invade Afghanistan and is still used to justify wars today. The bill didn't come close to passing and …

Dave DeCamp (2023-03-23). Turkish Parliament Committee Approves Bill Ratifying Finland's NATO Membership. The Turkish parliament's foreign affairs committee has approved a bill that would ratify Finland's NATO membership after President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said his country would approve bringing Helsinki into the alliance without Sweden. Turkey's full parliament, the Grand National Assembly, still needs to approve the bill, and ratification is expected to happen before Turkey's May …

Dave DeCamp (2023-03-23). US Sails Warship Near Chinese-Controlled Islands in the South China Sea. On Thursday, the US sailed a warship near the Chinese-controlled Paracel Islands in the South China Sea amid heightened tensions between Washington and Beijing in the region. China's People's Liberation Army (PLA) said it drove away the guided-missile destroyer USS Milius after it "illegally" sailed near the disputed islands. The US Navy's Seventh Fleet disputed …

Dave DeCamp (2023-03-23). World Bank Says Ukraine's Reconstruction Will Cost at Least $411 Billion. The World Bank said in a new report that Ukraine's reconstruction will cost at least $411 billion over the next ten years, a number that will rise as the war drags on. The report said the $411 billion figure should be seen as a "minimum as needs will continue to rise as long as the …

Dave DeCamp (2023-03-23). Zelensky Tells Europe Give More Weapons and Add Sanctions on Russia. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky on Thursday demanded that European countries provide more military aid and add more sanctions on Russia, warning that not doing so would prolong the war. Zelensky said in a virtual address to EU leaders that they should provide longer-range weapons and Western-made fighter jets. He thanked Slovakia and Poland for providing …

Dave Kamper, Labor Notes. (2023-03-23). What's Fueling The Graduate Worker Union Upsurge? The Twin Cities saw one of its biggest-ever snowstorms the week of Presidents Day. But for labor activists the snow was overshadowed by the launch of the University of Minnesota Graduate Labor Union. | In its first 24 hours, the new union—affiliated with the United Electrical Workers (UE)—gathered more than 1,700 authorization cards representing nearly half the entire bargaining unit. Eight days in, they had a strong majority. And this week they filed for election with 65 percent support. | Such a first day bodes well for the success of the campaign, despite five—count 'em, five—previous e…

Dave Welsh (2023-03-23). San Francisco labor opposes racist land ownership bill in Texas. San Francisco Recalling California's shameful history of prohibiting Chinese and Japanese residents from owning land in the state, the San Francisco Labor Council voted March 13 to condemn a similarly racist bill currently before the Texas state Senate. The vote by SFLC delegates was unanimous. Texas Senate Bill 147, if . . . |

Demanding an End to War (2023-03-23). Anti War Protest in SF: US Out of Everywhere. March 20th marked 20 years since the US criminal invasion of Iraq. It was the perfect time to rally and march in San Francisco.

Derrick Broze (2023-03-23). Accused Serial Child Abuser David Hamblin Granted 100k Bail in Ongoing Ritual Abuse Investigation. Former therapist and accused serial child abuser David Hamblin has been granted a $100,000 bail as he awaits multiple trials for felony sexual abuse of children related to the Utah County Sheriff's ongoing investigation of ritualistic child abuse. On Wednesday, as protesters gathered outside the courthouse and in the courtroom, Utah Judge Mandy Larsen set

Diego Ramos, Scheer Post. (2023-03-23). Russia And China Summit: The Reconfiguration Of World Power. Russian President Vladimir Putin welcomed newly re-elected Chinese President Xi Jinping for a three day summit in Moscow earlier this week. As they conclude their three day meeting, Putin and Xi leave a paper trail of documents demonstrating a significant development in Sino-Russian relations, with both leaders expressing admiration and allegiance for each other's countries. | From the war in Ukraine to economic cooperation to Latin America, the two leaders found themselves eye to eye on a number of issues and even went as far as welcoming the "new era" with two joint statements: on Deepening the Comprehensive St…

Dr. Peter McCullough (2023-03-23). "The Covid States Project" Gives New Hope to Unvaccinated. (2023-03-23). Paris reveals Olympic air-taxi service target. The company operating Paris's airports says the French capital aims to have the world's first air taxi network up and flying in time for next year's summer Olympic Games. (2023-03-23). Hurun Global Rich List sees drastic changes. The world's billionaires with a personal wealth of at least $1 billion reported the biggest slump in record last year, with the total number down by 8 percent to come at 3,112. (2023-03-23). Chinese expert optimistic about 6 percent or higher growth target in 2023. (2023-03-23). Controversial munitions for Ukraine spark fears. The United Kingdom has decided to send battle tanks and armor-piercing ammunition containing depleted uranium to Ukraine, while the United States announced on Tuesday that it will speed up its delivery of tanks. (2023-03-23). Foreign investors bullish on A-share market. Foreign institutions' interest in China assets and investment opportunities in the Chinese market has remained robust amid rising market volatility elsewhere due to the banking credit crisis. (2023-03-23). LA schools close amid strikes for better pay. Thousands of service workers, backed by teachers, began a three-day strike against the Los Angeles Unified School District on Tuesday, shutting down education for a half-million students in the nation's second-largest school system. (2023-03-23). Monitoring ensures water protection. The system is composed of video cameras at various observation spots, a private network that allows realtime video feeds, and a management platform, forming an important part of the ecological monitoring network in Sanjiangyuan. (2023-03-23). Hainan to host two subforums on trade. Hainan province will host two subforums on March 29 at the 2023 Boao Forum for Asia Annual Conference, according to a news conference held on Wednesday. (2023-03-23). Foreign trade to receive further tech, policy backing. China's efforts to build modern industries and expand institutional opening-up will create new advantages in international cooperation and competition, especially given the challenges of slowing global demand, geoeconomic shocks and soaring global commodity and energy prices. (2023-03-23). China's Wu Yibing into Miami Open second round. China's Wu Yibing advanced to the second round of the ATP Masters 1000 Miami after defeating Britain's Kyle Edmund 7-5, 7-5. (2023-03-23). Olympic-ring theme apparel available online for first time. The International Olympic Committee (IOC) has put Olympic Collection apparel into the market for the first time, the IOC announced on Wednesday. (2023-03-23). More measures introduced to encourage childbirth. The newly released measures have received a mixed response from the public with some welcoming the subsidies, while others say the tuition benefit is too little and too far off to make an impact. (2023-03-23). Yangtze River Delta continues to lure China's best, brightest. The government of Hangzhou, capital of Zhejiang province, has said it is to further relax rules for household registration, or hukou, to attract a wide range of talent and bolster the development of the digital economy. (2023-03-23). China reveals logos for three manned space missions in 2023. The China Manned Space Agency (CMSA) has revealed logos for three missions of China's manned space program this year, namely the launches of the cargo craft Tianzhou-6, and the crewed spaceships Shenzhou-16 and Shenzhou-17. (2023-03-23). Australian senator slams AUKUS nuclear submarine deal. Australian Senator Jordon Steele-John has slammed the government's nuclear submarine agreement. (2023-03-23). Chinese mainland luxury goods consumer confidence rebounds: report. The Chinese mainland has seen rapid economic recovery and rebounding consumer conferences, and the luxury goods market is expected to recover within this year, according to the China Luxury Forecast 2023 jointly presented by Ruder Finn and Consumer Search Group on Wednesday. (2023-03-23). PLA expels U.S. destroyer trespassing Chinese territorial waters off Xisha Islands. The Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) expelled a U.S. destroyer when the latter trespassed into Chinese territorial waters off the Xisha Islands in the South China Sea on Thursday amid continued U.S. attempts to destabilize the region. (2023-03-23). Xi's Russia visit promotes global strategic stability. President Xi Jinping wrapped up his three-day state visit to Russia on Wednesday, a trip of special significance in boosting bilateral ties and promoting global strategic stability amid the ongoing Ukraine crisis. (2023-03-23). Chinese scientists find oxygen on early Earth partly from rocks. Chinese scientists have revealed their new findings about the origin of initial oxygen on the early Earth, suggesting it may mainly derive from rocks. (2023-03-23). Researchers discover exotic, rare plant species. Scientists from the Chinese Academy of Sciences' Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden announced they had discovered a tree with funnel-shaped, red-orange flowers called Pterocymbium macranthum in southwestern China's Yunnan province. (2023-03-23). In Numbers: China-Russia trade injects strong momentum into bilateral ties. (2023-03-23). Landscape of Tianshan mountain ranges in Xinjiang. Aerial view of the landscape of snow-covered mountain range of Tianshan in Urumqi, northwest China's Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, March 21, 2023. (2023-03-23). China sends four meteorological satellites into space. A Kuaizhou-1A carrier rocket carrying Tianmu-1 meteorological constellation with four satellites blasts off from Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in northwest China, March 22, 2023. (2023-03-23). Tokyo welcomes cherry blossom season. People enjoy the cherry blossoms on Chidorigafuchi Moat, northwest of the Imperial Palace in Tokyo, Japan, March 32, 2023. (2023-03-23). 'Terrifying' plastic rocks emerge in remote Island paradise. Melted plastic has become intertwined with rocks on the island, located 1,140 km from the southeastern state of Espirito Santo, which researchers say is evidence of humans' growing influence over the earth's geological cycles.

Editor (2023-03-23). Biden, Scholz secretly discussed NordStream sabotage this month: Hersh. 'Pulsing the system' is what Hersh argues the CIA was responsible for doing to wash out the claim behind Joe Biden being the one who ordered the pipeline bombs.

Editor (2023-03-23). On the Agency of Former Soviet Republics. The ongoing war in Ukraine has been framed in multiple ways by multiple commentators of international affairs.

Editor (2023-03-23). With child labor violations on the rise, new report shows that child labor laws are under attack in states across the country. Both violations of child labor laws and state legislative proposals to roll back child labor protections are on the rise across the country, according to a comprehensive new Economic Policy Institute report on child labor standards.

Editor (2023-03-23). Ellen Brown: Banking Crisis 3.0: Time to Change the Rules of the Game. By Ellen Brown / Original to ScheerPost On CNN March 14, Roger Altman, a former deputy Treasury secretary in the Clinton administration, said that American banks were on the verge of being nationalized: What the authorities did over the weekend was absolutely profound. They guaranteed the deposits, all of them, at Silicon Valley Bank. What …

Editor (2023-03-23). 'Mexico Is Not a US Colony!': AMLO Condemns Invasion Threats, Celebrates Nationalization of Oil and Lithium. Mexico's leftist President AMLO condemned "hypocritical" Republicans who want the US military to invade, declaring "Mexico is an independent and free country, not a US colony or protectorate!" In a massive rally, López Obrador also celebrated the expropriation of oil and lithium, condemning exploitative foreign corporations.

Editor (2023-03-23). Scott Ritter: G7 vs BRICS — Off to the Races. An economist digging below the surface of an IMF report has found something that should shock the Western bloc out of any false confidence in its unsurpassed global economic clout.

Eduardo Vargas & Dylan Gamez (2023-03-23). Los Angeles public school workers continue to fight for fair wages in historic 3-day solidarity strike. In a historic show of solidarity, 65,000 public school workers from Service Employees International Union Local 99 and United Teachers Los Angeles are striking for three days, from March 21-23. Local 99 represents cafeteria workers, custodians, bus drivers and many other service professions. The union is currently bargaining with the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) for a 30% wage increase, more full time positions, equitable access to health care, and more in an effort to provide a livable income and a better work environment.

Elena Teslova (2023-03-23). Russia Slams UK Plans to Send Depleted Uranium Shells to Ukraine.

Eric Black (2023-03-23). Michigan Senate repeals right-to-work, sends bill to Whitmer for signature. LANSING, Mich.—To huge cheers from workers who packed the galleries, the Michigan Senate voted 20-17 along party lines on Senate Bill 34 to officially end "right-to-work" laws in Michigan on March 21. The State House passed its version of the bill, HB4005, previously on March 8. According to sources within the United Food and Commercial …

Fatima Hussein (2023-03-23). Federal Reserve didn't do its job in overseeing banks before collapse. WASHINGTON (AP)—The Federal Reserve is facing stinging criticism for missing what observers say were clear signs that Silicon Valley Bank was at high risk of collapsing into the second-largest bank failure in U.S. history. Critics point to many red flags surrounding the bank, including its rapid growth since the pandemic, its unusually high level of uninsured …

Fight Back (2023-03-23). Picketing Milwaukee Sheriff for justice, transparency and end to in-custody deaths. Milwaukee, WI – On Tuesday, March 21, members of the Justice for Brieon Green Coalition picketed in front of the Milwaukee County Sheriff's Office. The picket was originally planned to pressure Sheriff Denita Ball after she failed to hold the promises she made to the coalition – allowing members to tour the county jail and upload the standard operating procedures to the website for public access. | However, less than two days after this picket was called, media reported that Terrance Mack, age 37, had died inside the county jail. Mack represents the third death inside the county jail since December. Thus, the pi…

Fight Back (2023-03-23). Behind the failure of Silicon Valley Bank. In 2023, there have been many announcements of layoffs by technology firms. This is a result of what the media calls post-COVID normalization. But this "normalization" has also shown that many technology companies that boomed during the pandemic were in fact overproducing and building new capacity too quickly, forcing them now to scale back. | In the past ten days this slowdown in the technology industry spilled over into the banking system, triggered by the failure of Silicon Valley Bank, based in Santa Clara, California. Soon after the failure of SVB on Friday, March 10, regulators shut Signature Bank in New Yo…

Fight Back (2023-03-23). Massive anti-war rally held at White House on anniversary of Iraq War. Washington, DC – On Saturday, March 18, several thousand people gathered at Lafayette Plaza in front of the White House to protest ongoing U.S. wars and interventions. The rally was organized and attended by the Answer Coalition, United National Antiwar Coalition, Codepink, Veterans for Peace, Black Alliance for Peace, Students for a Democratic Society, Freedom Road Socialist Organization, Workers World Party, and Socialist Unity Party, amongst many other organizations. First the crowd heard speeches from various organizers of the rally. | Christly Carpio of Students for a Democratic Society gave a speech condemn…

Florida Phoenix (2023-03-23). Texas Plaintiffs targeting Abortion Pill want Judge to Overrule FDA: Why that might not even be Possible. By: Sofia Resnick ( Florida Phoenix) — At the center of the federal anti-abortion lawsuit against the U.S. Food and Drug Administration is the abortion drug mifepristone and the regimen that reportedly accounts for the majority of abortions in post-Roe America. That's why the whole country is bracing itself for a ruling from a notoriously anti-abortion judge in Amarillo, Texas. The …

Global Research News (2023-03-23). Selected Articles: From Hegemony to Multipolarity: How Post-Cold War U.S. Foreign Policy Towards Russia Is Creating a Modern Eurasia. By The present conflict between Russia and Ukr…

Hamilton Nolan, In These Times. (2023-03-23). Make One Big Higher Education Union. Higher ed is unionizing. Like crazy! Last year, every single one of the five largest filings for NLRB union elections in America‚Äâ—‚Äâeach representing more than 3,000 members‚Äâ—‚Äâwere for graduate workers at various universities. University of California workers pulled off the biggest strike of 2022. New units of more than 1,000 people, rare in most of the union world, have become commonplace in academia. This wave shows no sign of slowing. Just this month, thousands more grad workers at the University of Minnesota and Duke filed…

Hassan Diab Support Committee (2023-03-23). Imagine a Life Like This: The Relentless Persecution of Hassan Diab.

Igor Carvalho (2023-03-23). Lula gov't celebrates 20 years of public policies to tackle racism and launches new measures. Twenty years ago, the National Human Rights Program was instituted in Brazil, which included combating racism as one of its priorities. Since then, several public policies have been implemented with the objective of promoting racial equality. The establishment of the National Human Rights Program was celebrated by President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (Workers' Party) on Tuesday, March 21, in an event at Planalto Palace. | "No country in the world will be a democracy while skin color dictates the opportunities people will have throughout their lives," the leftist politician explained. In 2003, Lula was in his first… (2023-03-23). Imperial collaborates with composer to explore moons through music. Imperial College London has partnered with a composer on a new educational programme that brings together space science and orchestral music. (2023-03-23). Podcast: Supersonic flight, toxic pet treatments, and fighting TB with maths. In this edition: The future of supersonic flight, how toxic flea and tick products are reaching the environment, and how maths can help eradicate TB.

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-03-23). In Moscow, Xi and Putin Bury Pax Americana. Pepe Escobar Chinese President Xi Jinping and Russian President Vladimir Putin attend a reception in honor of the Chinese leader's visit to Moscow at the Kremlin, in Moscow, Russia. © Sputnik / Pavel Byrkin In Moscow this week, the Chinese and Russian leaders revealed their joint commitment to redesign the global order, an undertaking that has…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-03-23). Latin America: The United States Improvises in Confronting the Silk Road. Claudio Katz The United States is losing economic primacy in Latin America in the face of the overwhelming presence of China, unable to find recipes to counterbalance this protagonism that threatens its traditional domination. The domination of the United States over Latin America has no equivalent in other parts of the world. In no other…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-03-23). Niger: Terrorism and the Voracious French Presence. Guadi Calvo Niger's President Mohamed Bazoum and U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken In the context of this reality of violence in the Sahel, it is important to pay attention to Niger… A recent investigation into the growth of Wahhabi violence in Africa says that it increased during 2022 by fifty percent over the previous…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-03-23). Paradoxes of Poland ºs Rise: Regional Integration & War. Ladislav Zemanek Poland ºs role in Central and Eastern European affairs has been strengthening. The country is a pillar of NATO ºs presence in the region and is among Washington's closest allies. Its role has been further elevated in connection with the conflict in Ukraine, in which Warsaw has played an active part since the very beginning….

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-03-23). President Guelleh's Iron Grip on Djibouti Erodes. Dr. Abdiwahab Sheikh Abdisamad The legacy of colonialism and interference from the U.S. and other states keeps Djibouti's president in office after 25 years. Djibouti needs democracy and sovereignty for its people. Djibouti is a tiny country of one million people, formerly French Somaliland, sitting on the mouth of the Red Sea, at the intersection…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-03-23). Racism in Tunisia Betrays the Legacy of Ahmed Ben Bella and Gamal Abdel Nasser. Phethani Madzivhandila A Pan-African struggle that includes Arab countries can only succeed by dismantling the idea that blackness is not indigenous to North Africa On 21 February 2023, Tunisian President Kais Saied convened a meeting of the National Security Council to take immediate action "to address the phenomenon of a large influx of irregular migrants…

Jack Rasmus, LA Progressive. (2023-03-23). Today's Banking Crisis: Deep Origins And Future Directions. It's been a week since the collapse of the Silicon Valley Bank, the 16th largest bank in the US at the time of its collapse and reportedly a source of funding for half of all the tech start ups in the US. | It's now become clear the more general banking crisis that has emerged is not due simply to a rogue, mismanaged bank that over-extended itself during the recent tech boom and then somehow mysteriously imploded in just 72 hours, March 7-9, until seized by the FDIC on the morning of March 10, 2023. | Deeper, more systemic forces are at play—in the case of both the SVB collapse and the now spreading contagi…

Jake Johnson (2023-03-23). Seymour Hersh Accuses US of 'Cover Up' Over Nord Stream Sabotage.

Joe Piette (2023-03-23). Protests denounce U.S.-NATO wars. Washington, D.C. WW PHOTO: Joe Piette Over 2,500 antiwar activists converged in front of the White House on March 18. The main demand of the action was to put an end to the U.S./NATO proxy war against Russia in Ukraine. Coalitions representing the most active antiwar and anti-imperialist movements cooperated . . . |

Julia Conley (2023-03-23). Attempts to Ban Books Hit a Record High in 2022, New Report Says. Librarians from across the United States released a report showing that pro-censorship groups' efforts to ban books with LGBTQ+ themes and stories about people of color have driven an unprecedented rise in the number of book challenges, with right-wing organizers pushing library workers to remove works ranging from the dystopian novel The Handmaid's Tale to children's books about foods enjoyed in… |

Julia Conley (2023-03-23). Democrats Introduce Housing Is a Human Right Act. Declaring that homelessness and housing insecurity is the result of "a structural failure of a country that has refused to make safe and affordable housing a priority," U.S. Reps. Pramila Jayapal and Grace Meng on Wednesday reintroduced the Housing is a Human Right Act and called on the federal government to provide $300 billion to end the crisis facing unhoused people. |

Julia Conley (2023-03-23). Democrats propose $300 billion investment to treat housing as human right. "The crisis of housing instability is one that can be fixed by investing in housing infrastructure and supportive services for vulnerable communities."

Julie Varughese, Toward Freedom. (2023-03-23). Renewed Peace Movement Lauded As Protesters Marched In Washington. Washington, D.C.—An estimated couple of thousand of people to "several thousand" marched on March 18 in downtown Washington D.C., calling for an end to the U.S. imperialist project that they hold responsible for 20 years of a "War on Terror" on millions of people. The weekend marked the 20th anniversary of the U.S. invasion of Iraq. | U.S. interference in the form of military invasions and other types of activities since 2001 have caused the global displacement of 38 million people and the death of at least 900,000 people, according to the Costs of War Project. Those are conservative estimates.

Kelly Hayes (2023-03-23). Labor History Can Help Us Learn to Fight Like Hell. In this episode of Movement Memos, host Kelly Hayes talks with Kim Kelly, labor reporter and author of Fight Like Hell: The Untold History of American Labor, about labor history and how understanding union struggles, past and present, can help us get free. Music: Son Monarcas, Sven Karlsson, Wellmess, Under Earth, Def Lev, Three-Armed Scissor & Sightless in Shadow Kelly Hayes: Welcome to Movement… |

Kennedy Rogers, Noah Leininger (2023-03-23). Indianapolis police killings underscore issues with mental health emergency response in United States. To meaningfully address the cascading mental health crises created by our society, a shift away from impatient, deadly police is desperately needed.

Labor Video Project (2023-03-23). SF Anti-War Protest: Stop The War In Ukraine & WinThe War At Home! As part of a national day of protest against the war in Ukraine an anti-war rally was held in San Francisco on March 18, 2023. Speakers talked about the war abroad and the war at home.

Latino Rebels (2023-03-23). LGBTQ Rights Under Attack. Julio welcomes Karma Chavez, professor of Mexican American and Latina/o Studies at the University of Texas at Austin and author of 'Queer Migration Politics: Activist Rhetoric and Coalitional Possibilities,' to discuss the current legislative assaults on LGBTQ rights.

Lee Camp (2023-03-23). The Banking Crisis, Housing Insecurity and Preparing for the Coming Economic Collapse With James Fauntleroy. Discover the precarious state of the banking system and the need for regulatory reform in this incisive interview with James Fauntleroy, a regular contributor to the Revolutionary Blackout Network, as he discusses the potential for a catastrophic economic crisis.

Lucas Estanislau (2023-03-23). What is known about the corruption investigation in Venezuela's state-owned oil company. An operation led by the Anti-Corruption Police and the Public Prosecutor's Office has hit the Venezuelan political scene hard. The authorities are investigating alleged cases of corruption on the part of judges, mayors, governors, and especially the leaders of PDVSA, Venezuela's state-owned oil company. | After several arrests made since last Friday, March 17, the Minister of Petroleum, Tareck El Aissami, resigned from his position and President Nicolás Maduro promised to restructure the company "at the highest levels of command." | The incident has provoked a crisis in the sector, which had been struggling to re…

manager (2023-03-23). Thirteen Years After Passage of ACA: Real Progress Has Been Made, But US Needs Medicare for All. Signed by President Obama 13 years ago, the Affordable Care Act was an essential step toward ensuring that health care is a right, not a privilege, in the United States. About 48 million non-elderly people were uninsured in 2010 when the ACA became law. The number of uninsured people under age 65 declined sharply — …

Mark Gruenberg, John Bachtell, Roberta Wood, Scott Marshall (2023-03-23). Starbucks workers take nationwide coffee break and walk off the job. CHICAGO — How did Marvin, a lovable skeleton, become the mascot of striking Starbucks workers in this city's historic Greektown neighborhood? This location is blocks north of the giant University of Illinois campus. It is one of more than a hundred stores in the country where the workers filed for union representation and voted to …

Mark Gruenberg (2023-03-23). East Palestine resident brings town's woes from big rail wreck to Senate. WASHINGTON—What's it like now, six weeks after the massive train wreck in East Palestine, Ohio? Misti Allison brought the story to the U.S. Senate on March 23. Allison is the first resident of the small Ohio town, a stone's throw from the Pennsylvania border to tell officials and lawmakers what it's really like living in …

Martha Grevatt (2023-03-23). Courageous women of the Paris Commune. This article was originally published on March 23, 2021. This month marks the 150th anniversary of the founding of the Paris Commune. The Commune was established during a bloody intercapitalist conflict called the Franco-Prussian War. In 1871, Parisian workers were in revolt against France's Government of National Defense, seated . . . |

Matt Sà∏yland (2023-03-23). Inmates go on hunger strike over conditions at Illinois jail. Hunger strikers' mothers speak to Liberation News…

Matthew Cunningham-Cook (2023-03-23). How Vallas Helped Wall Street Loot Chicago's Schools.

Maximillian Alvarez (2023-03-23). Chicago mayoral candidate Brandon Johnson's plan to reduce violence and rein in the police at the same time. With Lori Lightfoot ousted, Chicago's mayor seat is up for grabs in a Democratic Party runoff election between Brandon Johnson and police union-backed candidate Paul Vallas. A former public school teacher backed by a wide grassroots coalition, Johnson has soared in the polls in recent months as a serious challenger to the Democratic establishment in a city where the party machine has dominated for generations. With questions of public safety and police violence at the center of Chicago's politics, Johnson's platform seeks to address the conjoined problems of violence and police domination of the city's budg…

Media Education Foundation (2023-03-23). Video: After 20 Years, Will US News Media Finally Admit Its Craven Complicity in Iraq War?

Michael Jansen (2023-03-23). Here We Go Again! Publicity for Ukraine War vs Campaign to Justify 2003 US War on Iraq.

Middle East Monitor (2023-03-23). On World Water Day: By 2036, 18 of World's Water-Scarce Countries will be in Middle East. Elif Selin Calik CalikSelin ( Middle East Monitor ) — The Middle East may have an abundance of oil and gas, but it has very few natural water sources. This is fast becoming a source of tension. According to three UN Secretaries-General, water may well be the cause of future conflict …

Miko Peled (2023-03-23). The Glaring Hypocrisy Surrounding Bezel Smotrich's Genocidal Comments. Bezalel Smotrich has never hidden or disguised his opinions or violent tendencies, and neither his hate-filled opinions nor his violent past has stood in the way of his meteoric rise in Israeli politics.

Mothers on the March (2023-03-23). Friday 3/24: POA: Shut It Down! On the sidewalk in front of the San Francisco Police Officers Association: 800 Bryant @ 6th Street in San Francisco…

Nafis Faizi (2023-03-23). "No cool helicopters" to save those at risk of cholera. An ongoing pandemic of cholera puts at risk the lives of thousands of people around the world, as shown by a growing number of outbreaks in different regions. In order to address it, there is a need for a strong health system response, adequate supply of cholera kits, vaccines, and improved surveillance, apart from access to safe water and sanitation…

Nazz Aboutabl (2023-03-23). People's Action Proudly Endorses Brandon Johnson for Mayor of Chicago. Organization Adds Johnson to its People's Slate WASHINGTON, D.C.—People's Action today endorsed Brandon Johnson to represent Chicago as mayor. Johnson is running a movement politics, people-powered campaign and will work to govern alongside People's Action's member groups to advance wins for the multiracial working class. Johnson is also endorsed by People's Action affiliates The People's …

Newsclick (2023-03-23). Mega financial crisis coming? The background | With Aunindyo Chakravarty. In the first part of a series on the current economic and banking crisis, senior journalist Aunindyo Chakravarty takes a look at the catastrophic 2008 recession and the factors that led to it…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-23). Mayo Clinic Minute: What's the right colorectal cancer screening option for you? Colorectal cancer is a cancer of the lower digestive system, which includes the colon and the rectum. If you feel like you are hearing a lot about this topic lately, it's because March is Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month. The goal is to increase awareness and encourage people 45 and over to get screened. And that doesn't just mean a colonoscopy. Did you know that there's more than one option for a colorectal cancer screening? That's…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-23). Mayo Clinic Q and A: Is it allergies or a sinus infection? DEAR MAYO CLINIC: I have had allergies since childhood, suffering during both the spring and fall seasons. This past month, however, I am experiencing more congestion and mucus, and I even have some facial pain. I'm beginning to wonder if my symptoms are really from allergies or if they may be caused by a sinus infection instead. How can I tell the difference? ANSWER: Allergies and sinus infections often are mistaken for one another. But they are…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-23). 'Deaths of Despair' contribute to 17% rise in Minnesota's death rate during COVID-19 pandemic. ROCHESTER, Minn. — According to a new study published by Mayo Clinic researchers, the COVID-19 pandemic was linked to a 17% increase in the death rate in Minnesota during the first year of the pandemic compared to the two previous years. Deaths were driven by both COVID-19 and other causes linked with preventable "deaths of despair," such as overdose, alcohol use and malnutrition. The study analyzed Minnesota death certificate data available through the Rochester Epidemiology…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-23). Mayo Clinic monitoring rising avian influenza cases, preparing for potential human-to-human outbreak. The recent death of an 11-year-old girl in Cambodia's Prey Veng province infected with avian influenza has reinvigorated concern over the virus potentially gaining the ability to spread among humans. And while experts maintain the risk of that happening "remains low" at this time, the World Health Organization has said that increasing reports of avian influenza infection in humans are "worrying." Matthew Binnicker, Ph.D., Mayo Clinic's director of Clinical Virology, agrees. "The primary concern is…

Nick Giambruno (2023-03-23). The World's Largest CBDC Trial: A Preview of the Elite's Cashless Vision for You.

noreply (2023-03-23). Another American Icon Is Gone.

noreply (2023-03-23). Larry's Excellent Elaboration…

Olivia Rosane (2023-03-23). This is the make-or-break decade for climate action, IPCC declares. Decisions made this decade will largely determine whether world leaders can limit global warming to 1.5 or two degrees Celsius of warming below pre-industrial levels and avoid the increasingly more drastic impacts of the climate crisis. That's one key takeaway from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change's (IPCC) Synthesis Report of the findings gathered in its …

Orinoco Tribune 2 (2023-03-23). Cuba Revolution, US Embargo: Al Mayadeen Interviews Cuba President (I). In an exclusive interview for Al Mayadeen, the Cuban President touches on the Cuban Revolution, its challenges, and achievements, as well as US manipulations. | Al Mayadeen Media Network Chairman Ghassan Ben Jeddou conducted an exclusive interview with Cuban President Miguel Diaz-Canel, during which the latter discussed the Cuban Revolution and its challenges, international relations, the situation in Latin America, and the blockade imposed on Cuba. | In the first part of the interview, the Cuban President touched on the concepts on which the Cuban Revolution was based and Cuba's position on the progressive, revo…

Orinoco Tribune 2 (2023-03-23). Peru Dictatorship Denies Castillo Right to Phone Calls. Pedro Castillo is being denied his right to a phone call by Peru's dictatorship, led by Dina Boluarte. Since the December 7 US-backed coup, Castillo has been detained without charge and without direct contact with his wife and children who are currently exiled in Mexico. | This was denounced by Castillo's wife, Lilia Paredes, and his daughter, Yenifer Castillo, on Saturday in a joint interview with

People's Dispatch. (2023-03-23). 65,000 Los Angeles Education Workers Are On A Historic Three-Day Strike. Los Angeles, California – 65,000 workers from Service Employees International Union Local 99 and United Teachers Los Angeles (UTLA) began a three-day strike on Tuesday, March 21. SEIU Local 99 workers are striking amidst contract negotiations around higher salaries, more full-time work schedules, better treatment, and more staffing. The SEIU workers represent a broad cross section of school staff, such as bus drivers, custodians, campus aides, and cafeteria workers. The union claims that apart from refusing to budge on key workers' demands such as a 30% raise and more full time hours, the Los Angeles Unified Sch…

Peoples Dispatch (2023-03-23). Belarusians pay tribute to victims of Khatyn massacre on its 80th anniversary. On Wednesday, March 22, progressive groups in Belarus paid tribute to the victims of World War II's Khatyn massacre on its 80th anniversary. Delegations from political parties including the Communist Party of Belarus (CPB), the Federation of the Trade Unions, youth groups including the Belarusian Republican Youth Union (BRSM) and the League of Communist Youth (LKM), the Belarusian Women's Union, the Belarusian Public Association of Veterans, and others laid flowers at the monument to the Unconquered Man and the Eternal Flame at the Khatyn memorial complex near Minsk to mark the occasion. Several ministers and gov…

Peoples Dispatch (2023-03-23). British forces killed multiple civilians in Mosul during anti-ISIS airstrikes in 2016-17, says investigation. A investigation carried out by The Guardian and anti-war organization Airwars busts the UK government's claims that its forces did not kill any civilians during the war in Iraq…

Peoples Dispatch (2023-03-23). In just three months, 30 coal miners died in Pakistan.

Peoples Dispatch (2023-03-23). Lebanese protesters demand solutions to the country's prolonged economic crisis. Hundreds of people in Lebanon staged a protest outside the government headquarters in central Beirut on Wednesday, March 22. This was the second consecutive day of protests against the ongoing economic crisis in the country. | The protests were

Peoples Dispatch (2023-03-23). Peruvians demand justice following death of protester who was shot with 36 lead pellets by police. According to Peru's Ombudsman's Office, with the death of 22-year-old Rosalino Florez Valverde, the death toll from state repression of anti-government and anti-congress protests rose to 67…

Peoples Dispatch (2023-03-23). Progressives in Belgium mark International Day for Elimination of Racial Discrimination. To mark the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination on March 21, progressive and anti-racist groups in Belgium—including Platform/e 21-03, Workers' Party of Belgium (PTB-PVDA), student-youth groups such as COMAC and RedFox, trade unions, refugee rights groups, and women's rights groups—organized demonstrations and campaigns across the country on Sunday, March 19. Mobilizations took place in cities including Brussels, Antwerp, Ghent, Charleroi, Ostend, La Louvière, Liege, Leuven, and Namur. Marchers demanded an end to discrimination and police violence, and that refugees in the c…

Phil Miller (2023-03-23). Britain is supplying depleted uranium rounds to Ukraine. This story originally appeared in The UK will send "armour piercing rounds which contain depleted uranium" to Ukraine, for use with the tank squadron donated by the British army. | Defence minister Baroness Goldie made the <...

Prof Michel Chossudovsky (2023-03-23). U.S. Act of War against the European Union: President Biden Ordered the Terror Attack against Nord Stream. High Treason against the People of Europe.

Prof Michel Chossudovsky (2023-03-23). Video: Most Serious Economic and Social Crisis in World History. Michel Chossudovsky. We are currently at the crossroads of the Most Serious Economic and Social Crisis in World History. It is an outright war against all humanity: the Planet's 8 billion people. | Starting with the corona crisis in late January 2020, the …

Prof Rodrigue Tremblay (2023-03-23). American Recurring Banking and Financial Crises: The Historical and Regulatory Context.

Prof Souad N. Al-Azzawi (2023-03-23). Iraq War Remembrance, March 20, 2023: How the U.S. Contaminated Iraq with Depleted Uranium. The following text was presented to the Kuala Lumpur International Conference to Criminalise War, Putra World Trade Centre, 28-31 October 2009. | For more than three decades [since 1991], the United States of America and the United Kingdom have been waging …

Rebecca Burns (2023-03-23). Facing Collapse, Trump-Linked Bank Fought Regulators.

Rick Rozoff (2023-03-23). Blinken: "Azerbaijan has long border with Iran," needs further integration with NATO, Pentagon. Azeri Press AgencyMarch 23, 2023 US Secretary of State responds to pro-Armenian senator: Azerbaijan has a long border with Iran, which needs defending VIDEO Azerbaijan has a long border with Iran, which needs defending, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said answering provocative questions from pro-Armenian Democratic Senator Bob Menendez…. Menendez was expressing concern with …

Rick Rozoff (2023-03-23). EU to ship million artillery shells to Ukraine; warplanes, long-range missiles may be next. Deutsche WelleMarch 23, 2023 EU leaders set to sign off on Ukraine ammunition deal EU leaders meeting in Brussels on Thursday are set to endorse a deal to ramp up the supply of artillery shells to Ukraine…diplomats say. The two-day European Council summit, which is also to focus on other issues, including energy supply, has …

Rick Rozoff (2023-03-23). NATO commander inspects NATO-Georgia Joint Training and Evaluation Centers, plans joint war games. Georgian Ministry of DefenseMarch 23, 2023 Major General Norbert Wagner was on a working visit to Georgia Commander of the NATO Joint Forces Training Center (JFTC), Major General Norbert Wagner was on a working visit to Georgia. The JFTC Commander was hosted by the Deputy Commanders of the Defense Forces of Georgia — Major General …

Rick Rozoff (2023-03-23). NATO HQ in U.S. integrates six warfighting domains: air, land, sea, cyber, space, cognitive. NATOAllied Command TransformationMarch 22, 2023 Ongoing Military Transformation, Leading to NATO 2030 — Multi-Domain Operations, Deterrence and Defence, Improved Understanding NATO's Allied Command Transformation leads transformation across NATO entities. Unified, agile, and cross-functional approaches are critical for emerging threats from hybrid warfare, cyberspace, and climate security. These ongoing challenges require…synchronization across the Alliance as NATO …

Rick Rozoff (2023-03-23). Pentagon continues to move equipment throughout Europe for combat mission. U.S. Army Europe and AfricaMarch 22, 2023 21st TSC Sets the Theater for Atlantic Resolve through ports in Denmark, Latvia and Greece The 21st Theater Sustainment Command will receive, stage and transport equipment supporting the 3rd Combat Aviation Brigade, 3rd Infantry Division's Atlantic Resolve rotation from ports in Esbjerg, Denmark; Riga, Latvia; and Thessaloniki, Greece, …

Rick Rozoff (2023-03-23). Russia backs Azerbaijan against Nagorno-Karabakh, Armenia, Iran — again. Digest compiled by RR. See also: Blinken: "Azerbaijan has long border with Iran," needs further integration with NATO, Pentagon Azeri Press AgencyMarch 23, 2023 Russian Foreign Ministry comments on the idea of sending international mission to Karabakh: Baku's consent is also required Director of the Information and Press Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs …

Rick Rozoff (2023-03-23). Slovakia: U.S., EU offer financial recompense, attack helicopters in exchange for fighters to Ukraine. Associated PressMarch 22, 2023 US offers helicopters to Slovakia for giving jets to Ukraine The United States has offered Slovakia 12 new military helicopters as compensation for the MiG-29 fighter jets the European country is giving to Ukraine, Slovakia's defense minister said Wednesday. Under the offer, Slovakia would pay $340 million for the Bell AH-1Z …

Rick Rozoff (2023-03-23). Turkish parliamentary committee approves Finland's NATO membership. Hàºrriyet Daily NewsMarch 23, 2023 Turkish parliamentary committee OKs Finland's NATO bid The Turkish Parliament's Foreign Affairs Committee approved Finland's NATO membership bid on Thursday. Parliament's Foreign Affairs Committee started discussions on the approval of Finland's membership earlier in the day. The General Assembly of the Turkish Parliament still needs to approve the bill for …

Rick Rozoff (2023-03-23). U.S., NATO allies, partners conclude 38-nation African exercise. In the list below NATO members are in bold print, NATO partners are in italics. ==== U.S. Naval Forces Europe and Africa/U.S. Sixth FleetMarch 23, 2023 African Maritime Forces Summit concludes in Cabo Verde The first African Maritime Forces Summit concluded today in Sal Island, Cabo Verde, March 22, 2023. The three-day summit, hosted by …

Rick Rozoff (2023-03-23). U.S.'s NATO allies, partners pledged $1 trillion in military spending in one year. India, the Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan and Thailand are not yet formal NATO partners, though Singapore supplied troops for NATO's war in Afghanistan. ==== Breaking DefenseMarch 23, 2023 $1T in new defense spending pledged by key US partners in 1 year: AnalysisIn the last year, 37 nations have combined to announce defense spending increases of over …

Robert J. Burrowes (2023-03-23). Rage Against the War Machine: What Rage? 'When will they ever learn?'.

Rohima Miah (2023-03-23). United States: Thousands rally for peace and against US imperialism. Rohima Miah reports from Washington DC that on the 20th anniversary of the United States invasion of Iraq, thousands of peace and antiwar activists rallied in the nation's capital under the banner Fund People's Needs, Not the War Machine!

Ryan Fatica, a contributor, Chris Schiano, Unicorn Riot. (2023-03-23). Behind The #StopCopCity Domestic Terrorism Warrants. Atlanta, Georgia — The Georgia Bureau of Investigation, in collaboration with several other law enforcement agencies, charged 23 more people with 'domestic terrorism' for their alleged involvement in the ongoing effort to stop 'Cop City' and to defend the Weelaunee Forest in unincorporated DeKalb County southeast of Atlanta. This brings the total number of 'Cop City' opponents charged under the statute to 42. | Most of those arrested are currently being held at the DeKalb County Jail after being denied bond by Magistrate Judge Anna Watkins Davis on March 7. Four arrestees, including attorney Thomas Jurgens,…

SAMIR (2023-03-23). Palestinians call for boycotting Netanyahu's UK visit.

Sara Sneath, DeSmog. (2023-03-23). Black Residents Of Cancer Alley Sue Local Government. A discrimination lawsuit filed Tuesday in the Eastern District of Louisiana alleges that the St. James Parish Council steered polluting facilities into Black neighborhoods along the Mississippi River. As a result, Black residents there are forced to breathe in more pollution and face a higher risk of related health problems, according to the suit filed by Inclusive Louisiana, Mount Triumph Baptist Church, and RISE St. James. | "We're being ignored and we have to do whatever we have to do to stop it," said Myrtle Felton, a lifelong resident of St. James Parish and co-founder of Inclusive Louisiana, a community gro…

Sarah Anderson (2023-03-23). Where are the Women CEOs? Should We Care? For the first time ever, women CEOs now make up more than 10 percent of Fortune 500 leaders. But that's hardly a reason to celebrate. On every indicator, white men still dominate the upper rungs of the economy, while women — particularly women of color — continue to be overrepresented in low-paying jobs. And even …

Scott Ritter, Consortium News. (2023-03-23). G7 VS Brics — Off To The Races. Last summer, the Group of 7 (G7), a self-anointed forum of nations that view themselves as the most influential economies in the world, gathered at Schloss Elmau, near Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany, to hold their annual meeting. Their focus was punishing Russia through additional sanctions, further arming of Ukraine and the containment of China. | At the same time, China hosted, through video conference, a gathering of the BRICS economic forum. Comprised of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa, this collection of nations relegated to the status of so-called developing economies focused on strengthening…

Seymour M. Hersh (2023-03-23). The Cover-Up: The Biden Administration Continues to Conceal Its Responsibility for the Destruction of the Nord Stream Pipelines.

Shane Quinn (2023-03-23). America's Vulnerable Energy Security.

Sharon Zhang (2023-03-23). GOP Is Seeking Rich, Self-Funding Candidates as Party Is Outraised by Democrats. As the Republican Party veers further into fascism, the party is facing an election fundraising problem: Democrats in competitive Senate races are consistently outraising Republican candidates, and the party has lost control of the chamber. The party's solution? Turning to ultra-rich candidates who can afford to fund their own campaigns, according to new reporting from Politico… |

Sharon Zhang (2023-03-23). Republican Who Rails Against Student Loan "Bailout" Got $1.5M of Loans Forgiven. On Thursday, Republican Rep. Burgess Owens (Utah), who has declared personal bankruptcy five times and had $1.5 million of his debt discharged, held a hearing aimed at attacking President Joe Biden's student debt forgiveness plan to forgive up to $20,000 of debt for borrowers. In the hearing by the House Subcommittee on Higher Education and Workforce Development, Owens railed against the concept… |

Sharon Zhang (2023-03-23). Sanders Introduces Bill to Stop Bank CEOs From Serving as Fed Bank Regulators. Gregory Becker is the CEO of Silicon Valley Bank, the second largest bank to fail in U.S. history. He was also, up until the day the bank failed on March 10, a member of the board of directors of the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, one of 12 Federal Reserve Banks in the country charged with keeping institutions like Silicon Valley Bank healthy and solvent. Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vermont) is… |

Special to People's World (2023-03-23). You're invited to a free Paul Robeson 125th birthday celebration in L.A. LOS ANGELES — The Robey Theatre Company is inspired by Paul Robeson, the Black social activist, humanitarian, actor, singer and athlete, born in 1898. On Sun., April 9, from 1: 00 to 7: 00 p.m., The Robey will celebrate the man, his accomplishments, and his legacy on the occasion—to the day!—of Paul Robeson's 125th birthday. This birthday …

Staff (2023-03-23). De Meteorología, desafíos y anhelos (+ Video). Cada 23 de marzo se celebra el Día Meteorológico Mundial, una ciencia que no es distante para los cubanos, por la calidad de nuestros especialistas en la materia y la comunicación que establecen de forma directa con el pueblo. A los logros y retos actuales de la Meteorología en la mayor de las Antillas se acerca este reportaje de Cubadebate.

Staff (2023-03-23). Candidatos a diputados de Santa Clara continúan intercambios con la población (+ Video). Con un recorrido por la comunidad Aeropuerto, en el municipio villaclareño de Santa Clara, continuaron hoy sus intercambios con el pueblo los candidatos a diputados a la Asamblea Nacional del Poder Popular de ese territorio, entre ellos el presidente Miguel Díaz-Canel. El recorrido incluyó el círculo infantil Pequeños Constructores y la minindustria "A tu gusto".

Staff (2023-03-23). Casi medio millón de estudiantes en casa por huelga de trabajadores escolares en Estados Unidos (+ Video). Más de 420 000 alumnos del Distrito Escolar de Los àÅngeles se quedaron el martes en sus casas durante la primera jornada de la huelga de tres días convocada por personal de centros educativos públicos, agrupados en un sindicato que representa a 30 000 trabajadores. Exigen un aumento salarial del 30% y un extra de 2 dólares más por hora.

Staff (2023-03-23). Científicos de EEUU visitan el Instituto de Medicina Tropical "Pedro Kourí" Funcionarios del Departamento de Salud y Servicios Humanos (HHS) y del Instituto Nacional de Alergias y Enfermedades Infecciosas (NIAID), de los Estados Unidos, visitaron hoy el Instituto de Medicina Tropical "Pedro Kourí" (IPK), donde se reunieron con especialistas de ese centro y autoridades del Ministerio de Salud Pública de Cuba.

Staff (2023-03-23). Consejo Mundial de Atletismo prohíbe a las atletas transgénero competir en las categorías femeninas. World Athletics, el órgano rector del atletismo mundial, prohibió a las atletas transgénero competir en las categorías femeninas a nivel internacional si han pasado por la pubertad masculina. El presidente del organismo, Sebastian Coe, dijo que la prohibición entrará en vigor a partir del 31 de marzo.

Staff (2023-03-23). Detienen en México a nueve policías por el caso de los "43 de Ayotzinapa" Autoridades de México detuvieron a nueve policías del sureño estado de Guerrero por su presunta responsabilidad en la desaparición de los 43 estudiantes de la escuela normal de Ayotzinapa en 2014, informó el gobierno estatal.

Staff (2023-03-23). Equinoterapia, un programa esperanzador en Sancti Spíritus (+ Fotos). Con 17 años de creado y 44 niños incorporados en la actualidad, el programa de equinoterapia de la provincia de Sancti Spíritus continúa consolidándose hoy en la promoción de esta práctica como complemento a otras técnicas de rehabilitación, una acción que mucho agradecen las familias cuyos hijos presentan algún tipo de discapacidad.

Staff (2023-03-23). Falleció el reconocido actor cubano Rubén Breña. El reconocido actor cubano Rubén Breña, con una destacada trayectoria en radio, televisión, cine y teatro, falleció hoy en La Habana, confirmaron a Cubadebate autoridades del Ministerio de Cultura. Breña nació en Pinar del Río el 21 de septiembre de 1953 y desde pequeño mostró aptitudes e inclinación hacia diferentes manifestaciones artísticas.

Staff (2023-03-23). Gerencia de Silicon Valley Bank expuso al banco a "riesgos significativos y fracasó gravemente", advierte Reserva Federal de EEUU. El presidente de la Reserva Federal de Estados Unidos, Jerome Powell, criticó duramente a la directiva de Silicon Valley Bank (SVB), culpándola de falta de juicio por llevar a la quiebra uno de los bancos más grande del país. Powell enfatizó que los problemas que no pudo subsanar SVB eran inusuales y no reflejaban la situación sistémica de la banca nacional.

Staff (2023-03-23). Keith Richards recuerda concierto en Cuba: " °Qué noche aquella!" El guitarrista Keith Richards recordó hoy el histórico concierto ofrecido por la banda británica The Rolling Stones en Cuba hace siete años, cuando personas de varias generaciones gozaron la electrizante música de "Sus Satánicas Majestades". "El 25 de marzo de 2016, fuimos a La Habana, Cuba. ° °Qué noche aquella!!", escribió el icónico artista en su cuenta de la red social Twitter.

Staff (2023-03-23). "Disaster": Iraqi Journalist Ghaith Abdul-Ahad on U.S. Invasion, Sanctions, Occupation & What's Next. As we continue to mark the 20th anniversary of the U.S. invasion of Iraq, we are joined by Ghaith Abdul-Ahad, an award-winning Baghdad-born Iraqi journalist and author. Abdul-Ahad has received the Martha Gellhorn Prize for Journalism, the British Press Awards' Foreign Reporter of the Year and the Orwell Prize. His new book is A Stranger in Your Own City: Travels in the Middle East's Long War. "I want the history to be told properly," says Abdul-Ahad about his hopes for the future of Iraqi society after decades of dictatorship, sanctions, war, occupation and corruption.

Staff (2023-03-23). Headlines for March 23, 2023. On World Water Day, U.N. Warns 2 Billion Lack Safe Drinking Water, California Storms Kill Five, Swamp Thousands of Acres of Farmland and Spawn Rare Tornadoes, Kremlin Warns U.K. and Its Allies Against Supplying Ukraine with Depleted Uranium, CodePink Activists Disrupt Blinken's Senate Testimony, Call for Diplomacy Over Wars, Russia Raids Homes of Workers from Banned, Nobel Peace Prize-Winning Organization, Ex-Russian President Says Russia Could Bomb International Criminal Court, U.N. Calls for Intervention in Haiti After Gang Violence Claims Hundreds of Lives, Powerful Earthquake Kills at Least 19 People in…

Staff (2023-03-23). A Police Killing Inside a Hospital: Ben Crump on Death of Irvo Otieno During Mental Health Crisis. As new footage is released about the shocking killing of Irvo Otieno inside a hospital in Virginia, we speak with civil rights attorney Ben Crump, who represents Otieno's family. Surveillance video shows seven sheriff's deputies and three hospital workers violently pinned Otieno to the floor and piled on him for more than 11 minutes, suffocating him. New video released Wednesday reveals at least one officer had also repeatedly punched Otieno earlier that day. A grand jury has indicted the 10 men involved on second-degree murder charges. Otieno was having a mental health crisis, which Crump says is too…

Staff (2023-03-23). Jorge Rodríguez: Investigation Against Corruption Just Beginning (+Parliamentary Immunity Lifted). The president of Venezuela's National Assembly (AN), Jorge Rodríguez, reported that the authorities have arrested 19 people within the framework of the Nicolás Maduro administration's anti-corruption drive. This was announced this Tuesday, March 21, during a session in Parliament, where Rodríguez further proposed a revision of anti-corruption laws to make them more severe. | "This investigation is just beginning and it is an exemplary response that will not [just] remain in words, since the law will apply to anyone who is involved," Rodríguez stated. "I propose that the internal policy commission of the AN engage…

Staff (2023-03-23). President Maduro Names Pedro Rafael Tellechea New Minister of Petroleum (+PDVSA). Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro appointed Pedro Rafael Tellechea as the new Minister of Petroleum on Tuesday. Telechea will also continue in his position as president of the state oil company Petróleos de Venezuela (PDVSA). | Through his social media accounts, the Venezuelan head of state indicated that, during a meeting with Tellechea, the "transformation process" that will take place within PDVSA was discussed. | "I met with the president of PDVSA, engineer Pedro Tellechea, I appointed him as the new minister of petroleum, within the framework of the transformation process that the industry is undergoing,"

Staff (2023-03-23). Venezuela and Sahrawi Arab Republic Sign Cooperation Agreements. Venezuela and the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic have committed to cooperation agreements in different strategic areas, in order to strengthen relations between the nations. The signing took place this Tuesday, March 21, at Miraflores Palace in Caracas, after a meeting between the president of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, and his Saharawi counterpart, Brahim Ghali. | During the signing, 11 memorandums of understanding were agreed to, wherein all projects have an action plan that will be executed between 2023 and 2025. A number of the agreements are listed below: | A memorandum on university education, signed b…

Staff (2023-03-23). Palestinian prisoners declare victory over the jailer in advance of planned hunger strike. Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network salutes the Palestinian people and the prisoners' movement as the prisoners declare their victory in the "Volcano of Freedom or Martyrdom." In the late night hours of Wednesday, 22 March, the leadership of the prisoners' movement announced that the Zionist prison service had backed down from all of the sanctions …

Stephen Karganovic (2023-03-23). NATO Pressuring Serbia "to Renounce Kosovo". No to Capitulation! "Self-liberation" in NATO Occupied Belgrade.

Tanupriya Singh, People's Dispatch. (2023-03-23). IPCC Report: A Warning, And An Opportunity To Act. On Monday, March 20, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) published the final part of its Sixth Assessment Report (AR6), called the Synthesis Report (SYR). | The report is a compilation of the IPCC's three previous assessment reports, which covered the science of climate change, its risks and impacts, and the means of adaptation and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. The text also covers the 2018 report on the impacts of global heating beyond 1.5 ∞C and special reports on climate, oceans, and land. | The IPCC notes that human activities have "unequivocally caused global warming, with global…

teleSUR, dcdc, JCM (2023-03-23). Presidente Lula establece decreto para igualdad racial en Brasil. El mandatario brasileño procura que su Gobierno tenga la cara de la sociedad brasileña, mayoritariamente afrodescendiente y mestiza.

teleSUR, dcdc, JCM (2023-03-23). Cumbre Iberoamericana inicia trabajos en República Dominicana. Se espera la presencia de 14 presidentes, dos vicepresidentes, dos primeros ministros y 22 cancilleres en la Cumbre Iberoamericana.

teleSUR, dcdc, JCM (2023-03-23). Rusia tomará represalias si Ucrania recibe municiones con uranio. La viceministra de Defensa británica, Annabel Goldie, declaró que Londres transferirá munición de uranio empobrecido a Ucrania.

teleSUR, DRL (2023-03-23). Bolivia llama a restaurar el equilibrio mundial de las aguas. Según la ONU, ante la crisis del agua, son necesarios urgentemente compromisos y acciones en diversos ámbitos.

teleSUR, DRL (2023-03-23). Corte IDH inicia audiencia sobre aborto contra El Salvador. En ese país, como en gran parte de la región, está penalizado el aborto en cualquiera de sus causales y no se avizora un cambio en esa política.

teleSUR, DRL (2023-03-23). Anuncian Asamblea Nacional Popular Comunal en Bogotá, Colombia. El Gobierno de Gustavo Petro presenta en estas semanas un ambicioso Plan Nacional de Desarrollo y sendas reformas de pensiones y de salud, las cuales busca articular en diálogo con diversos sectores sociales.

teleSUR, hvh, JCM (2023-03-23). Presidente francés defiende impopular reforma de pensiones. El mandatario señaló durante una entrevista concedida a medios nacionales que "esta reforma es necesaria".

teleSUR, jaa, YSM (2023-03-23). Elevan a 1.469 los afectados por terremoto en Ecuador. El sismo ha dejado además 96 viviendas destruidas y 325 afectadas.

teleSUR, jaa, YSM (2023-03-23). Reportan dos heridos por tiroteo en escuela de Colorado, EE.UU. El Departamento de Policía de Denver ha identificado al sospechoso como Austin Lyle, de 17 años.

teleSUR, jaa, YSM (2023-03-23). Reportan incendio en una planta química de Pasadena en Texas, EE.UU. La planta pertenece al grupo INEOS Calabrian que se dedica a proveer de dióxido de azufre y varios de sus derivados, usados en varias industrias.

teleSUR, JDO (2023-03-23). Desmantelan grupo que planeaba asesinar a autoridades de Brasil. Lanzan operación policial contra banda criminal que planeaba asesinatos y secuestros de servidores públicos.

teleSUR, JDO (2023-03-23). Gobierno de Colombia presenta proyecto de ley de reforma pensional. Busca ampliar la cobertura pensional y beneficiar a cerca de tres millones de adultos mayores que hoy permanecen sin posibilidad de pensión y enfrentan pobreza.

teleSUR, lvm, SH (2023-03-23). Al menos 390 distritos están bajo riesgo en Perú por lluvias. El Gobierno puntualizó que hasta la fecha las lluvias que afectan al país causaron alrededor de 61 fallecidos y cerca de 12.200 damnificados.

teleSUR, lvm, YSM (2023-03-23). Avanza III Foro Mundial de DD.HH. en Buenos Aires, Argentina. Entre los principales temas que serán abordados están el acceso a la justicia; ambiente y desarrollo sostenible; derecho a la identidad, entre otros.

teleSUR, MER (2023-03-23). EE.UU. expresa apoyo a lucha anticorrupción del Gobierno venezolano. La declaración ocurre luego que el Gobierno venezolano informara sobre el desarrollo de una investigación en el marco de la lucha contra la corrupción.

teleSUR, MER (2023-03-23). Venezuela rechaza uso político de mecanismos de DD.HH. El Gobierno venezolano expresó que Misión de Determinación de Hechos pretende seguir tergiversando la realidad con falsas matrices mediáticas.

teleSUR, nama, JCM (2023-03-23). Cruz Roja alerta de un aumento de conflictos en Colombia. Según la organización humanitaria la población civil se encuentra en una situación difícil en medio de los conflictos.

teleSUR, nama, JCM (2023-03-23). ONU revela que 2.000 millones de personas carecen de agua potable. Cada 22 de marzo se celebra el Día Mundial del Agua para concientizar acerca de la importancia de los recursos hídricos.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2023-03-23). Justicia ecuatoriana ratifica medidas cautelares a Lenín Moreno. El magistrado confirmó las medidas impuestas al exmandatario de comparecer cada 15 días ante la Justicia ecuatoriana.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2023-03-23). Dos muertos tras impacto de avioneta contra un edificio en Brasil. La aeronave se incrustó en la azotea de la vivienda de dos plantas, cuya parte inferior funciona como supermercado y la superior como residencia.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2023-03-23). Registran 3.965 nuevos casos de Covid-19 en Chile. Chile acumula un total de 5.239.884 casos confirmados de la pandemia y 64.416 personas han muerto a causa del coronavirus.

teleSUR, SH (2023-03-23). Exigen justicia por joven que recibió 36 perdigones en Perú. El abogado de la familia de Rosalino Flores señaló que el joven falleció por una falla multiorgánica producto de los proyectiles que tenía alojados en su cuerpo.

teleSUR, YSM (2023-03-23). Hallan cuerpos de dos desaparecidos tras caer a un río en Lima, Perú. Se trata de una mujer y su hijo que estaban en su casa cuando los cimientos se debilitaron por el aumento del nivel del río Rímac.

teleSUR- hvh, JCM (2023-03-23). Reportan sismo de magnitud 6,5 al norte de Chile. El sismo con una profundidad de 240 kilómetros fue perceptible en Arica y Parinacota, Tarapacá, Antofagasta y Atacama.

teleSUR- lvm (2023-03-23). Presidente Lula da Silva relanza Programa de Adquisición de Alimentos en Brasil. En un contexto donde el hambre es una realidad para cerca de 33 millones de personas, Lula refirió que "volvimos a gobernar el país para cambiar la historia una vez más".

The Associated Press (2023-03-23). Former Puerto Rican Mayor Found Guilty of Corruption. àÅngel Pérez Otero, who was mayor of the northern city of Guaynabo, had been accused of accepting almost monthly payments of $5,000 for nearly two years in exchange for securing a more than $1 million road work contract for a local company.

The Burning Spear, Black Agenda Report. (2023-03-23). US Imposes Economic Sanctions On Black Community Projects. In March 2023, Regions Bank notified the black nonprofit African People's Education and Defense Fund (APEDF) that the bank was "exiting" their 20-year relationship, closing accounts, withdrawing lines of credit and canceling mortgage loans. | This assault on the ability of African people to build economic self-reliance was the latest in a series of actions revealing government and corporate cooperation targeting the black community programs of the Uhuru (Freedom) Movement including its popular Women's Health Center, Black Power Vanguard Basketball Court, "One Africa! One Nation!" Marketplaces, Gary Brooks Communi…

The Haitian Times (2023-03-23). UN Says Haiti Gangs Killed More Than 530 People Since January, Calls for Armed Troops. The United Nations Human Rights Office is once again calling for a multinational force to intervene in Haiti after its latest report found that gangs there have killed at least 531 people, injured 300, and kidnapped 277 since the year began.

Tim Llewellyn (2023-03-23). UK drowns criticism of Netanyahu with trade deal. Israeli prime minister visits London under a cloud of obfuscation.

Tish O'Dell (2023-03-23). East Palestine: "We Basically Nuked a Town with Chemicals So We Could Get a Railroad Open"

Tyler Walicek (2023-03-23). Child Labor Is on the Rise as Republicans See an Answer to Labor Shortages. A grim truth underlies U.S. industry: the appalling practice of child labor, widely perceived as an anachronism, is far from a thing of the sooty industrial past. U.S. consumers may have a hazy sense that children labor somewhere in foreign sweatshops to manufacture their goods — but such faraway tragedies are too easily forgotten at the checkout. But child labor persists domestically as well. |

Uma Thontakudi (2023-03-23). Saturday 6/17: HDSA 2023 San Jose Team Hope 10K Timed Run and 5K Walk. Campbell Park at the Los Gatos Creek Trail | Campbell, California…

via Democracy Now! (2023-03-23). Trump-Appointed Judge in Texas May Restrict Abortion Pill.

Victoria Torres (2023-03-23). Cristina Fernández: 'They Persecute us for Defending Equality and Social Justice'. This Tuesday, the Argentinian vice president, Cristina Fernández, during an international meeting of the Puebla Group in Buenos Aires, stated that "they persecute us because we defend equality, social justice, and the rights of workers." | During the conference "Popular Will and Democracy: From the Military Party to the Judicial Party" held in Buenos Aires, Fernández said "they are not persecuting us because we are populists, or from the left, from the right, or from below or from above." | "They persecute us because we equalize societies, for social justice, for the right of workers to actively participate in th…

Vijay Prashad (2023-03-23). You Strike the Women, You Strike the Rock, You Will Be Crushed. Arnold BoÃàcklin (Switzerland), Isle of the Dead, 1880. What constitutes a crisis worthy of global attention? When a regional bank in the United States falls victim to the inversion of the yield curve (i.e., when short-term bond interest rates become higher than long-term rates), the Earth nearly stops spinning. The collapse of Silicon Valley Bank …

William Manson (2023-03-23). Ideology, Autocracy, and Dystopia. The title of this acutely perceptive memoir is perhaps misleading: the American reader has come to expect lurid, "tell-all" biographies which spare no graphic details of the subject's debaucheries and scandals. Some such unsavory details are of course revealed, but the author—Mao's personal physician for the remaining 22 years of Mao's life (1954-1976)—had a more …

WSWS (2023-03-23). Striking Los Angeles education workers speak out on second day of strike. Unable to continue slaving away for poverty wages in one of the most expensive cities in the world, thousands of education workers, including janitors, cafeteria workers, maintenance staff and teachers continued to publicly demonstrate on Wednesday.

WSWS (2023-03-23). Vote for the Socialist Equality Party in NSW state election! Take up the fight against war, austerity and "let it rip" COVID policies! Only the SEP has advanced a socialist program to reorganise society to meet the pressing social needs of the vast majority, not the private profits of the super-rich.

WSWS (2023-03-23). Chinese and Russian presidents meet as US targets both countries. China and Russia have been driven together, despite longstanding disputes and disagreements, by necessity out of weakness, not great strength, to push back against escalating US aggression and provocations.

WSWS (2023-03-23). Next UAW president will have to beat back "unreasonable expectations" of autoworkers, leaked document from Shawn Fain transition team says. The document outlines the strategy the frontrunner for UAW president plans to use to impose management's dictates on 150,000 GM, Ford and Stellantis workers.

WSWS (2023-03-23). Anti-AUKUS demonstration in Australia promotes nationalism, "effective" military spending. "Truth Not War" organisers express the sentiments of that wing of Australia's ruling elite that has tactical differences with AUKUS and its submarine program and want a more effective and "independent" Australian imperialism.

WSWS (2023-03-23). Damien Chazelle's Babylon: Disoriented and confused. The film deserves at least a brief comment, as it purports both to be an account of the transition from cinema's silent era to sound film and to expose "the real truth" about Hollywood.

WSWS (2023-03-23). What is the struggle by workers at Deutsche Post about? The struggles in France, Britain, Greece and here in Germany must be linked to the fight against war and its cause, capitalism. No social problem can be solved without breaking the power of the financial oligarchy.

WSWS (2023-03-23). Biden's Canada visit aimed at girding North American imperialist alliance for war with Russia and China. During Biden's two-day visit, he and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau will discuss a host of geostrategic issues, including: the NATO-instigated war with Russia over Ukraine; countering China from the Indo-Pacific to the Arctic; NORAD modernization; securing strategic minerals; and "friendshoring" production chains.

WSWS (2023-03-23). Washington D.C. police officer facing murder charge in killing of motorist in moving car. If he is found guilty, Enis Jevric's conviction would be only the second time that a Washington D.C. police officer has been found guilty of murder.

WSWS (2023-03-23). The international pseudo-left and the lifting of Zero-COVID in China: Part 1. The pseudo-left's hostility to public health and support for imperialism found sharp expression in their universal demand—echoing that of the Western corporate media and political establishment—that China abandon its Zero-COVID strategy.

WSWS (2023-03-23). Canada's Waterloo University threatening to shut down IYSSE meeting opposing Ukraine war. The IYSSE calls on all students and workers across Canada and internationally to support our democratic right to hold this important meeting—"The War in Ukraine and How to Stop It."

WSWS (2023-03-23). US Fed attempts a balancing act on interest rates. In his opening remarks a press conference following the meeting, Fed chair Jerome Powell said the events of the past two weeks had demonstrated, as history had shown, that "isolated banking problems if left unaddressed, can undermine confidence in healthy banks" and threaten the entire system.

WSWS (2023-03-23). The global significance of the Los Angeles school workers' strike. The three-day strike by 65,000 public school workers and teachers in Los Angeles, the largest strike in the US since 2019, is the latest manifestation of the growing wave of international working class struggles.

WSWS (2023-03-23). Macron brazenly defends decision to impose pension cuts without parliamentary vote. In public statements before today's one-day national protest strike, Macron claimed that the population does not have the legitimacy to challenge his government.

WSWS (2023-03-23). Sri Lankan president anti-democratically shuts down local government elections. Wickremesinghe's cancellation of local government elections is in line with his essential services strike bans and mobilisation of the police and military against protesting workers and students.

WSWS (2023-03-23). UK postal workers condemn corporate greed at Royal Mail and betrayal by Communication Workers Union. The World Socialist Web Site (WSWS) is publishing correspondence from postal workers exposing the systemic run down of the service by Royal Mail and the unbearable workloads imposed based on an agreement between Royal Mail and the Communication Workers Union (CWU).

WSWS (2023-03-23). French police assault refinery workers striking against pension cuts. Macron is requisitioning refinery workers and sending police to assault their picket lines in an attempt to break the strike.

Zach Farber (2023-03-23). Chicago can elect a progressive mayor on April 4. The April 4 runoff election will feature failed public school executive Paul Vallas (32.9%) against a long-time Chicago Teachers Union leader: Cook County Commissioner Brandon Johnson (21.6%).

Zane McNeill (2023-03-23). Amazon Sued for Not Disclosing Collection of Customers' Biometric Data. A New York class action lawsuit against Amazon is requesting that the company be enjoined from tracking customers' biometric information, such as collecting visitors' facial scans or fingerprints, without alerting customers. The lawsuit is also requesting an award of damages and a jury trial. Upon enacting a new law in 2021, New York City (NYC) became the only major city in the U.S. | (2023-03-23). 560 million people affected by strong sandstorm: Chinese administration. The strong sandstorm sweeping China recently has affected over 560 million people in a wide range of areas, said China's National Forestry Grassland Administration on Thursday. (2023-03-23). PLA experts hold emergency medical training for China-Laos Railway. The eighth medical expert team sent by Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) to Laos has organized training on emergency medical response for the staff of the Laos-China Railway Co., Ltd. (LCRC) here in the Lao capital. (2023-03-23). China's higher education enrollment ratio reaches 59.6 pct in 2022. The gross enrollment ratio in China's higher education reached 59.6 percent in 2022, up 1.8 percentage points from 2021, the Ministry of Education said Thursday. (2023-03-23). ASEAN secretary-general to visit China. At the invitation of Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Qin Gang, ASEAN Secretary-General Kao Kim Hourn will pay an official visit to China from March 24 to 29, Foreign Ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin announced Thursday. (2023-03-23). Chinese scientists build world's first Geminiviridae-Plant-Insect Database. A Chinese team of the Institute of Plant Protection(IPP) of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences(CAAS) has established the world's first GPI Base (Geminiviridae-Plant-Insect Database), in collaboration with other domestic research teams, according to CAAS. (2023-03-23). U.S. warship warned off after entering Chinese waters. The People's Liberation Army's Southern Theater Command mobilized its air and naval forces on Wednesday to monitor the unlawful entry of a United States warship into China's territorial waters and warned it off, the command's spokesman said. (2023-03-23). Goat grabbing competition held to greet start of spring in Xinjiang. Tajik herdsmen ride yaks to catch a goat to greet the start of spring on the Pamir Plateau in Taxkorgan Tajik Autonomous County in Kashgar prefecture, northwest China's Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, March 21, 2023. (2023-03-23). Culture Fact: Traditions during leap month. According to the traditional Chinese calendar, for every 19 years there will be seven leap months. "Leap month" refers to a repetitive month and, this year, there will be two Februarys. (2023-03-23). Macao's daily visitor arrivals set new high in 3 years. Visitor arrivals in Macao reached 96,000 on Saturday, a daily record high in three years, the Macao Special Administrative Region's (SAR) statistical agency said on Thursday.

infobrics (2023-03-23). India-Russia Explore Market Access in Railways and Other Sectors. India-Russia trade and economic partnership across sectors including railways, agriculture and pharmaceuticals have received a boost with slew of meetings and arrangements held during the past week…

infobrics (2023-03-23). China-Russia Sci-tech Collaboration Shows 'Strong Momentum'. China-Russia comprehensive strategic partnership of coordination for a new era has boosted sci-tech and innovation cooperation between the two countries…

infobrics (2023-03-23). Russia's Asia Pivot Spurs Boom in Chinese Classes. Russia sees a boom in Chinese classes as it seeks to tighten ties with China…

infobrics (2023-03-23). UK violates new red lines by sending depleted uranium weapons to Kiev's neo-Nazi regime. The situation could lead to a major escalation, possibly having nuclear impacts.

infobrics (2023-03-23). Washington admits exploiting Sino-Indian border disputes to derail their rapprochement. The US is utilizing its ISR capabilities to enhance the underhanded tactics used for stoking tensions between global powers such as China and India. With the Asian giants being the pillars of both Greater Eurasia and the multipolar world led by BRICS nations, it's adamant for America to ensure Beijing and New Delhi remain locked in perpetual border disputes.

Media Education Foundation (2023-03-23). Video: "War Made Easy". "Saddam Hussein has Weapons of Mass Destruction"

Peoples Dispatch (2023-03-23). Cristina Fernández de Kirchner condemns lawfare against progressive leaders in Argentina. Argentine Vice-President Cristina Fernández de Kircher said that her mission is to rebuild a democratic state in Argentina, in which the guarantees established in the Constitution are respected…

Rachel Hu, Chris Garaffa (2023-03-23). CovertAction Bulletin — Islamophobia and Imperialism: 20 years after the invasion of Iraq. In the wake of the 9/11 attacks, Islamophobia became a sort of unofficial religion in the United States. Vigilante street attacks on Muslim people became common. The government surveilled mosques and community centers. Over two decades later, the situation doesn't seem much different. Resistance to bringing refugees from Syria into the U.S. based entirely in racism and Islamophobia. As we mark the 20th anniversary of the war in Iraq in March 2023, the New York Times' major retrospective piece barely mentions the hundreds of thousands of Iraqi civilians who died, and says nothing about its own role in the war or t…

Sonja Van den Ende (2023-03-23). ICC Arrest Warrant Issued to Putin is Hypocritical Propaganda Stunt Aimed to Distract from Growing Protests Against Ukraine War. With large-scale protests against war and austerity engulfing the streets of Western (EU) countries, the political elite, in full-fledged panic mode, launched a propaganda stunt by indicting Russian President Vladimir Putin and Maria Lvova-Belova, at the International Criminal Court (ICC). Lvova-Belova is the Russian Commissioner for Children's Rights. She and Putin are accused of kidnapping …

Staff (2023-03-23). øCómo y qué se tiene en cuenta para elegir nuestros candidatos a diputados a la ANPP? (+Video). En la Mesa Redonda de este miércoles, se explicó cómo se eligen los candidatos a diputados de la Asamblea Nacional del Poder Popular y el papel de las organizaciones de masas en el buen funcionamiento del proceso electoral. Para ello se contó con la presencia de Leovanis àÅvila Góngora, miembro del secretario nacional de la CTC y Yamila Sarduy Martínez, miembro del Buró Nacional de la Sección Nacional de la ANAP.

Staff (2023-03-23). Las 3 del día: Los retos de la economía en Cuba para 2023 y las noticias de este 22 de marzo (+ Podcast). Bienvenidos a Las 3 del día. Hoy la periodista Ana àÅlvarez Guerrero les estará comentando, como cada miércoles, las principales noticias de la jornada. Póngase los audífonos o suba el volumen a su altavoz y acompáñenos en este resumen informativo del 22 de marzo en formato podcast.

teleSUR, DRL (2023-03-23). Luis Arce reivindica salida al mar para Bolivia. Bolivia señala que el fallo de la Corte Internacional de Justicia (CIJ) en 2018 no ha puesto punto final a la reivindicación boliviana y que más bien exhorta a que Bolivia y Chile dialoguen.

teleSUR, hvh, JDO (2023-03-23). Continúan las protestas contra la reforma judicial en Israel. Los manifestantes se congregaron frente la sede del Paralemento (Knesset) y del Aeropuerto Internacional Ben Gurion.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-03-23). Cronología de cómo Bolivia fue despojada de su salida al mar. El 24 de abrilde 2013, Bolivia presentó ante la Corte Internacional de Justicia de La Haya la demanda contra Chile por una salida soberana al Pacífico…

teleSUR, nama, JDO (2023-03-23). Tormenta deja cinco muertos en estado de California, EE.UU. Hasta este miércoles más de 8.000 usuarios en San Francisco continuaban sin electricidad, de los 78.516 a los que se le afectó el servicio.

teleSUR, rzr, DRL (2023-03-23). Túnez: cinco migrantes ahogados y 28 desaparecidos en naufragio. La embarcación partió desde Sfax, en el este de Túnez, con destino a la isla italiana de Lampedusa.

teleSUR, rzr, SH (2023-03-23). Ministro de Seguridad de Buenos Aires renuncia tras escándalo. Los cargos contra el funcionario van desde enriquecimiento ilícito e incumplimiento de deberes como funcionario público hasta cohecho, exacciones y peculado.

teleSUR, rzr, SH (2023-03-23). Detenidos funcionarios públicos implicados en el caso Ayotzinapa. El arresto fue el resultado de un operativo conjunto entre la Agencia de Investigación Criminal (AIC), la Fiscalía General de la República y elementos de la Secretaría de Marina.

teleSUR, rzr, SH (2023-03-23). Sismo de magnitud 6.5 deja 13 muertos en Afganistán y Pakistán. El sismo se produjo en la región montañosa del Hindú Kush, en la confluencia de las placas tectónicas eurasiática e india, a una profundidad de 187 kilómetros.

teleSUR, SH (2023-03-23). Franceses se movilizan nuevamente contra reforma de pensiones. Los sindicatos se han mantenido en pie de lucha desde enero contra el retraso de la edad de jubilación de 62 a 64 años para 2030,…

teleSUR, SH (2023-03-23). Enfrentamientos armados dejan diez muertos en Michoacán, México. En el municipio de Zitácuaro, agentes de la Guardia Nacional y de la Guardia Civil lograron dar muerte a dos presuntos sicarios.

teleSUR, SH (2023-03-23). Congreso peruano aprueba acusar a exministros de Pedro Castillo. Los tres exfuncionarios del expresidente Castillo están sindicados por los hechos del 7 de diciembre de 2022, cuando el exmandatario intentó disolver el Parlamento.

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