Daily Archives: March 27, 2023

2023-03-27: News Headlines

Robert Inlakesh (2023-03-27). Why Israelis Are Revolting Against Netanyahu And What It Really Means. thelastamericanvagabond.com Israel's political and economic system has come to a standstill as a result of mass demonstrations, that have captured the attention of international media. Hundreds of thousands of Israelis, including members of Israel's political and security establishment, took to the streets of Tel Aviv, whilst demonstrators stormed police barricades outside their Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu's,

Ryan Cristián (2023-03-27). John Bush Interview — Don't Just Break Free From The System, Build A New One. thelastamericanvagabond.com Joining me today is John Bush, Founder of the Live Free Academy and co-founder of the Freedom Cells Network, here to discuss the importance of not just breaking free from the control structure, but actually building new systems, networks & economies that don't require the old system at all. (odysee.com/@TLAVagabond: 5) (www.bitchute.com/channel/24yVcta8zEjY/) Bitcoin Donations Are

Antonio C.S. Rosa (2023-03-27). White House Says It Opposes a Ceasefire in Ukraine. transcend.org 19 Mar 2023 – The White House has come out against a ceasefire in Ukraine ahead of Chinese President Xi Jinping's trip to Moscow to potentially mediate between Russian President Vladimir Putin and his counterpart in Kyiv.

Antonio C.S. Rosa (2023-03-27). Russia and China Summit: The Reconfiguration of World Power. transcend.org 22 Mar 2023 – The three-day Moscow summit signals China and Russia's commitment to each other and the vision of a new multipolar world.

Antonio C.S. Rosa (2023-03-27). The Iraq War 20 Years Ago: No Shame. No Lessons Learned. No Arrest Order on NATO State Leaders. transcend.org 19 Mar 2023 – Like other wars and interventions, this was no "mistake". It was an unavoidable consequence of Western MIRE — Militarism, Imperialism, Racism, Exceptionalism. The West has learned nothing. Militarism is now its main cohesive force into its manifest destiny: Decline and fall.

Antonio C.S. Rosa (2023-03-27). Why the West Should Consider Some of Putin's Claims. transcend.org This type of white hat vs. black hat narrative makes for good copy and confirms western stereotypes. If peace is going to prevail, a more nuanced examination of Russia's response to US political and military meddling in Ukraine is needed, including a more honest analysis of NATO expansion eastward and a sober look at the threat that far-right Ukrainian militias pose for Europe.

Antonio C.S. Rosa (2023-03-27). To Understand Iran's 150-Year Fight, Follow the Trail of Blood and Oil. transcend.org It all started in 1872, with Nasir al-Din Shah having granted to the British Baron Julius de Reuter, rights to Iran's entire economic estate. Reuter not only controlled Iran's industry, farming, and rail transportation, but also held the right to issue currency and to set up a national bank, called the Imperial Bank of Persia, which was under direct British control.

Antonio C.S. Rosa (2023-03-27). The Fabulist Arrogance of US Power. transcend.org 22 Mar 2023 – The U.S. reserves for itself the right to commit crimes all over the world. Yet it also refuses to participate in any war crimes prosecution and even passed a law giving itself the right to invade the International Criminal Court at the Hague should a North American or an ally face justice.

Antonio C.S. Rosa (2023-03-27). Peace Propagators (Part 3): The Legacy of the Mystic Saints. transcend.org Mystic Saints, in any religion, are a group of highly, spiritually evolved individuals, who traditionally inhibit the functioning of their reptilian brains.

Antonio C.S. Rosa (2023-03-27). China Releases Position Paper on Ukraine Crisis Solution. transcend.org 24 Feb 2023 – China today released a paper stating its position on the political settlement of the Ukraine crisis, saying dialogue and negotiation are the only viable solution. The following is the full text.

Antonio C.S. Rosa (2023-03-27). The Mafia: BP Stole £15 Billion of Iraqi Oil after British/West Invasion. transcend.org 23 Mar 2023 – Shell, the other U.K. "super-major" oil company, also re-entered Iraq in 2009 after an invasion in 2003 that was widely denounced at the time as a war-for-oil on the part of the U.S. and U.K.

Antonio C.S. Rosa (2023-03-27). A Highway to Peace or a Highway to Hell? transcend.org The Vast Power of the US Military-Industrial-Congressional Complex – In Apr 1953 Pres. Dwight D. Eisenhower, the five-star general who led the D-Day, gave a powerful speech known as the "Cross of Iron" address. Ike warned of the cost humanity would pay if Cold War competition led to a world dominated by wars and weaponry that couldn't be reined in.

Antonio C.S. Rosa (2023-03-27). The 'Vampiric' Draining and Poisoning of Lifeblood: Water. transcend.org 21 Mar 2023 – Shockingly, the human suicidal war on Nature not only continues unabated but is also set to become even more virulent. Be reminded that groundwater accounts for 99% of all liquid freshwater on Earth.

Antonio C.S. Rosa (2023-03-27). My Plagiarised Work Was Used to Justify the War on Iraq. transcend.org 21 Mar 2023 – Imagine it is February 5, 2003. The US secretary of state is speaking in front of the United Nations, holding your work in his hands, as he calls for a war on another sovereign nation. How would you feel? Well, it happened to me, and I felt shocked.

Antonio C.S. Rosa (2023-03-27). G7 vs BRICS — Off to the Races. transcend.org 22 Mar 2023 – BRICS Surpasses G7 in PPP-Adjusted Global GDP – An economist digging below the surface of an IMF report found something that should shock the Western bloc out of any false confidence in its unsurpassed global economic clout.

Antonio C.S. Rosa (2023-03-27). U.S. War for Oil Turned 20! transcend.org Fascism?! What?!

Antonio C.S. Rosa (2023-03-27). Russia Calls for U.N. Investigation of Nord Stream Attack, as Hersh Accuses White House of False Flag. transcend.org 25 Mar 2023 – Moscow claims Germany, Denmark, and Sweden are engaged in a U.S.-backed cover-up, as the war to control the narrative — and the evidence — intensifies.

Antonio C.S. Rosa (2023-03-27). The World's Largest CBDC Trial: A Preview of the Elite's Cashless Vision for You. transcend.org 23 Mar 2023 – The eNaira is Africa's first central bank digital currency (CBDC). Central bankers, academics, politicians and elites from over 100 countries have closely followed the eNaira. They used Nigeria—Africa's largest country by population and economy—as a trial balloon to test their nefarious plans to eliminate cash in North America, Europe, and beyond.

Antonio C.S. Rosa (2023-03-27). Bordeaux City Hall Set on Fire amid Nationwide Protests against French Pension Changes. transcend.org 23 Mar 2023 – Largely peaceful protests are marred by outbreaks of violence as unions claim 3.5 million turned out, while authorities put number at just over 1 million.

Antonio C.S. Rosa (2023-03-27). Creating Dignified Livelihoods. transcend.org My title is taken from the last speech of Martin Luther King, Jr given in Memphis less than 24 hours before his assassination. He was only 39 years old and world-famous for nonviolent resistance to racism, but his thinking and his activism had moved on.

Antonio C.S. Rosa (2023-03-27). The 'Pernicious Evil' of Racism, Discrimination, Hatred, Inequality. transcend.org 17 Mar 2023 – Three-quarters of a century ago, the world adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, emphasising that all human beings are born equal in dignity and rights. The 2023 theme of its 75th anniversary focuses on the urgency of combating racism and racial discrimination.

Antonio C.S. Rosa (2023-03-27). Acting on Peacebuilding Values. transcend.org 22 Mar 2023 – In teaching, researching and practising in the field of peacebuilding, we talk about ethical challenges and the importance of considering ethical issues. The ethical challenges resonate with most of us in this field and spark lively conversations.

Jeremy Kuzmarov (2023-03-27). U.S. State Department Condemns "Kill the Gays" Bill in Uganda, But Will It Put Its Money Where Its Mouth Is and Cut Off Aid to Museveni Government? covertactionmagazine.com Secretary of State Antony Blinken publicly denounced a new anti-gay bill by Uganda's parliament, which is being called a "kill the gays bill" for its capital punishment penalty for "aggravated homosexuality" involving people infected with HIV or who try to have sex with a minor or disabled person against their will. Passed by a 389-2 …

infobrics (2023-03-27). What Is the Trade, Investment Relationship Between China and Russia?>. infobrics.org Last year, bilateral trade between China and Russia rose by 29.3 per cent, year on year, to US$190.3 billion…

infobrics (2023-03-27). NDB Is Keen to Lend Bangladesh Over $1bn Annually. infobrics.org The New Development Bank (NDB), formerly known as the BRICS Development Bank, is keen to invest in Bangladesh's public and private sectors that have been growing impressively for years…

infobrics (2023-03-27). China Doubles Imports of Russian Aluminum Shunned by West. infobrics.org Imports of refined aluminum from Russia surged 94% to about 538,600 metric tons between March 2022 and February 2023 from the previous 12 months…

infobrics (2023-03-27). Russian tactical nuclear weapons in Belarus — escalation or legitimate response?>. infobrics.org While the decision to send nuclear weapons to Belarus was officially made after the United Kingdom announced it would supply depleted uranium munitions to the Kiev regime, the actual reasoning might have to do with much more sinister plans by the United States.

infobrics (2023-03-27). NATO militarizes civilian structures in Europe with €1 billion fund. infobrics.org Netherlands is the brainchild behind €1 billion NATO fund aimed at Russia.

Kit Klarenberg (2023-03-27). Two Decades and $90 Billion US Dollars Later: Dissecting The Afghan Military's Total Collapse. mintpressnews.com Kit Klarnberg reveals the industrial-scale corruption which allowed billions of U.S. taxpayer dollars to flow into Afghanistan without supervision and for weaponry and aid to be misused, stolen or illegally sold off by Afghans, U.S. personnel and Pentagon contractors alike.

Miko Peled (2023-03-27). For Israelis, Ethnic Cleansing Palestinians is Fine, But Judicial Reform is a Red Line. mintpressnews.com Israelis are calling for democracy. Privileged citizens that denied democracy to Palestinians fear that their democracy is in danger. This is not a new phenomenon; we have seen this in the US, in Australia, and other settler colonial states.

Staff (2023-03-27). Rusia: La OTAN es parte del conflicto, convirtió a Ucrania en un gran campamento militar. cubadebate.cu El secretario del Consejo de Seguridad ruso, Nikolái Pátrushev, declaró que los países de la OTAN participan directamente en el conflicto en Ucrania, enviando armas y municiones, apoyando con inteligencia y entrenando a militares ucranianos. "No ocultan su objetivo principal: la derrota de Rusia en el campo de batalla y su ulterior desmembramiento", dijo.

Staff (2023-03-27). Banco Mundial alerta sobre desaceleración y riesgo de década perdida en la economía global. cubadebate.cu El crecimiento potencial promedio de la economía global caerá al 2.2% anual hasta 2030, el desempeño más bajo en los últimos tres decenios. La desaceleración tendría profundas repercusiones en la capacidad de las naciones para hacer frente al cambio climático y reducir la pobreza, advirtió el Banco Mundial en un informe publicado este lunes.

Staff (2023-03-27). Caravana de amor por Cuba triunfa en EEUU, pese a agresiones. cubadebate.cu Ni agresiones ni ofensas de grupos anticubanos impidieron que centenares de personas alzaran sus voces en Miami para exigir el cese de las hostilidades que mantiene el Gobierno de Estados Unidos hacia Cuba. También hubo acciones de solidaridad en otras ciudades de EE.UU., Canadá, Argentina, Bolivia, Panamá, Brasil, Bahamas y Finlandia.

Staff (2023-03-27). Reportan al menos 16 muertos por alud que sepultó decenas de casas en Ecuador. cubadebate.cu Un deslizamiento de tierra de gran magnitud ocurrido al final de la noche de este domingo, provocado por los fuertes aguaceros de los últimos días, sepultó decenas de casas y dejó al menos 16 muertos y siete desaparecidos en Alausí, unos 222 kilómetros al sur de Quito, según el balance preliminar de las autoridades hasta la mañana de este lunes.

Staff (2023-03-27). Industria mundial de la energía eólica pronostica crecimiento acelerado desde 2023. cubadebate.cu El Consejo Global de Energía Eólica presentó este lunes su Informe Eólico Mundial anual, en el que proyecta que el crecimiento de la industria se acelerará desde este año con incentivos y cambios de políticas en países claves. El sector alcanzará un hito histórico en 2023: un teravatio (1 000 gigavatios) de energía eólica instalada en todo el mundo.

Staff (2023-03-27). Masiva huelga paraliza vuelos, trenes y transporte público en Alemania. cubadebate.cu Una huelga de 24 horas convocada por los sindicatos para exigir aumentos de salarios ha dejado paralizados este lunes los servicios de trenes, aviones y redes de transporte público en Alemania. El paro, uno de los más grandes en décadas, también afectó el transporte de mercancías en ferrocarriles y barco.

Staff (2023-03-27). UNE no prevé afectaciones por déficit de capacidad de generación este lunes. cubadebate.cu La Unión Eléctrica no prevé afectaciones en el servicio por déficit de capacidad de generación en el horario diurno. Para el pico nocturno, se estima una disponibilidad de 2 865 MW y una demanda máxima de 2 720 MW, con reserva de 145 MW. De mantenerse las condiciones previstas, no se pronostican afectaciones al servicio por déficit generación en ese horario.

Staff (2023-03-27). øQué tasas están vigentes en el mercado cambiario cubano este 27 de marzo? cubadebate.cu Con el objetivo de mantener a sus lectores informados, Cubadebate comparte las tasas de cambio para diferentes divisas extranjeras vigentes este lunes 27 de marzo de 2023 en el mercado cambiario del país.

Staff (2023-03-27). Elecciones nacionales: Votó el 75.92 por ciento del padrón electoral, según resultados preliminares. cubadebate.cu Alina Balseiro, presidenta del Consejo Electoral Nacional de Cuba, informó los resultados preliminares del proceso de elecciones nacionales 2023, celebrado este domingo 26 de marzo. La jornada comenzó con un parte básico de 8 120 072 electores, de los que 6 164 876 ejercieron su derecho al voto, el 75.92% del padrón electoral.

Staff (2023-03-27). Miguel Abreu: "El teatro debe generar una reflexión profunda, nunca superficial o vacía" (+ Podcast). cubadebate.cu Hay un sótano en el Vedado capitalino en el que, en vez de aire, se respira arte. Antes de empezar cada función los actores siguen el mismo método. Forman un círculo. Se abrazan. Ludi Teatro es más que teatro, más que entrega, casi familia. Miguel Abreu está en el centro, como si fuese el pegamento que une. Disfrute de esta entrevista a propósito del Día Mundial del teatro.

Fight Back (2023-03-27). Florida State University SDS holds rally for diversity, equity and inclusion. fightbacknews.org Tallahassee, FL — On Thursday, March 23, around 30 students marched from Landis Green to Westcott Fountain demanding Florida State University President Richard McCollough take a stand to protect diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) programs, especially in the light of House Bill 999 and other right-wing attacks on public education. Students chanted, "No hate, no fear, DEI is welcome here!" and "Racist, sexist, anti-gay! Ron DeSantis, go away!" The march was organized by FSU Students for a Democratic Society (FSUSDS). | After the march reached Westcott Fountain, in front of the building that houses the admi…

Fight Back (2023-03-27). Georgia Teamsters collect unity pledges. fightbacknews.org Atlanta, GA – Members, stewards and executive board members from Teamsters Local 728 have been collecting contract unity pledges at UPS barns across the state of Georgia. The statewide effort has been a part of the national campaign started by the International in February. The contract unity pledges are being used as a bargaining tool by the Teamsters in the lead-up to contract negotiations with UPS and as a way to talk to members about a potential strike at UPS later this year. | Teamsters Local 728's jurisdiction covers the entire state of Georgia. Local 728 has been hitting the gates at UPS barns across the…

Staff (2023-03-27). UNE no prevé afectaciones por déficit de capacidad de generación este lunes. cubadebate.cu La Unión Eléctrica no prevé afectaciones en el servicio por déficit de capacidad de generación en el horario diurno. Para el pico nocturno, se estima una disponibilidad de 2 865 MW y una demanda máxima de 2 720 MW, con reserva de 145 MW. De mantenerse las condiciones previstas, no se pronostican afectaciones al servicio por déficit generación en ese horario.

Staff (2023-03-27). øQué tasas están vigentes en el mercado cambiario cubano este 27 de marzo? cubadebate.cu Con el objetivo de mantener a sus lectores informados, Cubadebate comparte las tasas de cambio para diferentes divisas extranjeras vigentes este lunes 27 de marzo de 2023 en el mercado cambiario del país.

Staff (2023-03-27). Elecciones nacionales: Votó el 75.92 por ciento del padrón electoral, según resultados preliminares. cubadebate.cu Alina Balseiro, presidenta del Consejo Electoral Nacional de Cuba, informó los resultados preliminares del proceso de elecciones nacionales 2023, celebrado este domingo 26 de marzo. La jornada comenzó con un parte básico de 8 120 072 electores, de los que 6 164 876 ejercieron su derecho al voto, el 75.92% del padrón electoral.

Staff (2023-03-27). Miguel Abreu: "El teatro debe generar una reflexión profunda, nunca superficial o vacía" (+ Podcast). cubadebate.cu Hay un sótano en el Vedado capitalino en el que, en vez de aire, se respira arte. Antes de empezar cada función los actores siguen el mismo método. Forman un círculo. Se abrazan. Ludi Teatro es más que teatro, más que entrega, casi familia. Miguel Abreu está en el centro, como si fuese el pegamento que une. Disfrute de esta entrevista a propósito del Día Mundial del teatro.

Fight Back (2023-03-27). Florida State University SDS holds rally for diversity, equity and inclusion. fightbacknews.org Tallahassee, FL — On Thursday, March 23, around 30 students marched from Landis Green to Westcott Fountain demanding Florida State University President Richard McCollough take a stand to protect diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) programs, especially in the light of House Bill 999 and other right-wing attacks on public education. Students chanted, "No hate, no fear, DEI is welcome here!" and "Racist, sexist, anti-gay! Ron DeSantis, go away!" The march was organized by FSU Students for a Democratic Society (FSUSDS). | After the march reached Westcott Fountain, in front of the building that houses the admi…

Fight Back (2023-03-27). Georgia Teamsters collect unity pledges. fightbacknews.org Atlanta, GA – Members, stewards and executive board members from Teamsters Local 728 have been collecting contract unity pledges at UPS barns across the state of Georgia. The statewide effort has been a part of the national campaign started by the International in February. The contract unity pledges are being used as a bargaining tool by the Teamsters in the lead-up to contract negotiations with UPS and as a way to talk to members about a potential strike at UPS later this year. | Teamsters Local 728's jurisdiction covers the entire state of Georgia. Local 728 has been hitting the gates at UPS barns across the…

Fight Back (2023-03-27). Los Angeles teachers and service workers strike for a decent contract. fightbacknews.org Los Angeles, CA – With chants of, "We are the union, the mighty, mighty union – fighting for justice, respect and fair wages," 30,000 SEIU and UTLA teachers and service workers in Los Angeles went on strike from March 21 to March 23. Los Angeles Unified School District and SEIU's contract expired in 2020, and, after three years of negotiations hitting dead ends, they decided to strike, and they are determined to win better wages, healthcare and staffing. | Even in the cold rain, they were out in full force with strikes at many of the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) schools. Taking place from 6 a.m. un…

Fight Back (2023-03-27). Milwaukee: 2-year struggle over police transparency coming to crucial vote. fightbacknews.org Milwaukee, WI – On Thursday, March 23, members of the Milwaukee Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression, families who have lost loved ones to police violence, and members of the public attended the most recent Fire and Police Commission Policies and Standards Committee meeting. After a special session in February, this regular Policies and Standards Committee meeting revisited the proposal for a standard operating procedure, or SOP, related to the public release of footage related to critical incidents. | The Milwaukee Alliance, families of police crime victims, and over 1000 signatories of the 24/48 pe…

Angela (2023-03-27). Sunday 3/26: Free virtual screening of the documentary film "Blue Box" indybay.org Zoom (Registration link is below)…

Ben Norton, Geopolitical Economy. (2023-03-27). China And Russia Pledge 'Changes Not Seen In 100 Years'. popularresistance.org China's President Xi Jinping traveled to Russia to meet Vladimir Putin on March 20. | While in Moscow, Xi said, "Right now there are changes the likes of which we haven't seen for 100 years, and we are the ones driving these changes together". Putin replied, "I agree". | The two leaders discussed plans to deepen economic integration. | Both took aim at the hegemony of the US dollar, in particular. | "It is important that our national currencies are increasingly used in bilateral trade", Putin said on March 21. "We should continue promoting settlements in national currencies, and expand the reciprocal presence of…

Benoit Breville, Serge Halimi (2023-03-27). War poker and Imperial moralism. indybay.org After the fall of the Soviet Union, the "war on terrorism" began, which, according to George W. Bush, would end "tyranny in the world." Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq – the U.S. democratic crusades not only cost several million lives, they also brought the restriction of freedoms, McCarthyism, the hunt for whistleblowers. And a series of alliances with dictators…

Bruce Gagnon, Space For Peace. (2023-03-27). Little Told Story Of Julian Assange's Connection To NASA Protest. popularresistance.org Julian's dad John Shipton and his brother Gabriel were there as part of a 59-city tour they are currently on. | The film was fantastic and moving beyond imagination. Julian's wife Stella and their two small kids made his persecution by the pirate American government all the more real. | Before the film began John was in the lobby greeting people. I handed him my card and told him the story about our 1989 campaign to stop NASA's launch of the Galileo deep space mission that carried deadly plutonium-238 onboard. | For about one week the launch was delayed for 'unknown reasons' so I kept organizing daily protests an…

Center For Biological Diversity (2023-03-27). New Eastern Monarch Butterfly Count Indicates Pollinator Still Threatened. globalresearch.ca

Craig Baldwin (2023-03-27). Saturday 4/22: WAR REFUGEES: "THREE MINUTES: A LENGTHENING" + SACHS' "ALL ELSE FAILED" indybay.org 992 Valencia St on the corner of 21st and Valencia…

Critical Point (2023-03-27). Stop Dirty Banks at Wells Fargo Headquarters. indybay.org 2 min mp4 video | A coalition of environmental groups came together to tell Wells Fargo to stop funding the oil industry in order to save the planet on March 21.

Dave DeCamp (2023-03-27). After Escalation, White House Says US Troops in Syria are There to Stay. news.antiwar.com White House National Security Council spokesman John Kirby said Sunday that President Biden is committed to staying in Syria following a series of attacks on US bases and US airstrikes in the country. "Here's what's not going to change … the mission and ISIS is not going to change. We have under 1,000 troops in …

David Giesen (2023-03-27). Wednesday 3/29: Bernal Litterati [sic]. indybay.org Amphitheater outside the Bernal Branch library | 500 Cortland Avenue…

ecns.cn (2023-03-27). China's first deep-sea floating wind turbine platform departs for installation in waters near Hainan. ecns.cn China's first deep-sea floating wind power turbine platform on Sunday departed from Zhuhai, South China's Guangdong Province to an area of sea near Wenchang, South China's Hainan Province, marking a progress in China's offshore wind power technology development.

ecns.cn (2023-03-27). Proposal urges changes to regulations on e-bikes. ecns.cn Differentiated technical standards and supervision should be introduced for electric bicycles used in the food delivery and courier industries.

ecns.cn (2023-03-27). Robotaxis in Beijing open new chapter of intelligent transport. ecns.cn The scenes in science-fiction movies of people riding unmanned vehicles are becoming increasingly realistic, demonstrated by the recent availability of robotaxis in Beijing, which can be hired via mobile apps.

ecns.cn (2023-03-27). Travelers eager to venture overseas after three years. ecns.cn With China lifting more travel restrictions after optimizing its COVID-19 response, many travelers have booked flights for long-awaited overseas trips.

ecns.cn (2023-03-27). U.S. trade bullying not conducive to talks. ecns.cn The Bureau of Industry and Security of the U.S. Commerce Department is adding another 32 persons and entities to the Unverified List, according to a release issued on Friday, 14 of them are Chinese.

ecns.cn (2023-03-27). President wishes Lula a speedy recovery. ecns.cn President Xi Jinping extended his sincere sympathies to Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva on Sunday and wished him a speedy recovery after Lula postponed a planned visit to China due to illness.

ecns.cn (2023-03-27). FM: Nation welcomes U.S. firms to do business. ecns.cn China has not changed its position on developing a sound, stable and constructive relationship with the United States, but the current ties are still chilly, State Councilor and Foreign Minister Qin Gang said.

ecns.cn (2023-03-27). Xi reassures foreign firms on opening-up. ecns.cn China will steadily expand institutional opening-up with regard to rules, regulations, management and standards, and will work with all countries and parties to share opportunities arising from it, President Xi Jinping said on Sunday.

ecns.cn (2023-03-27). Russia to send tactical nukes to Belarus. ecns.cn Russia will deploy tactical nuclear weapons in Belarus, President Vladimir Putin said on Saturday, sending a warning to NATO over its military support to Ukraine and escalating a standoff with the West.

ecns.cn (2023-03-27). Services bring cheer to trade amid tough times. ecns.cn China's trade in services last year was worth 5.98 trillion yuan ($872.81 billion), up nearly 13 percent year-on-year, bringing cheer to the overall trade sector that seemed to be weighed down by tardy trade in goods and slowing export growth.

ecns.cn (2023-03-27). Flood season arrives early in S.China. ecns.cn The Ministry of Water Resources has urged local authorities in southern parts of the country to take preventive measures against heavy rains, as the annual flood season has begun with short, local downpours.

ecns.cn (2023-03-27). Palace Museum center to be built in Macao. ecns.cn A new center for the protection of Palace Museum heritage is being built in the Macao Special Administrative Region, and is due to be completed in two to three years, said an official from the Palace Museum in Beijing on Friday.

ecns.cn (2023-03-27). Laws protect rights of ethnic groups. ecns.cn China has made great strides in protecting the rights and interests of its ethnic groups, politically, economically and educationally, experts said on Friday.

ecns.cn (2023-03-27). China's industrial profits down 22.9 pct in first 2 months. ecns.cn Profits of China's major industrial firms fell 22.9 percent year on year in the first two months of the year, data from the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) showed Monday.

ecns.cn (2023-03-27). Chinese FM delivers video speech for program celebrating 41st anniversary of China-Vanuatu diplomatic ties. ecns.cn Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Qin Gang delivered a video speech Sunday for a program produced by the Vanuatu Broadcasting and Television Corporation to celebrate the 41st anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries.

ecns.cn (2023-03-27). China's non-financial ODI investment soars. ecns.cn China's non-financial outbound direct investment, or ODI, rose 35.7 percent year-on-year to 136.04 billion yuan during the first two months of 2023, said the Ministry of Commerce on Monday.

ecns.cn (2023-03-27). China's foreign trade recovery beats expectations. ecns.cn China's foreign trade has recovered better than expected in the first half of this year, Yicai reported on Thursday.

ecns.cn (2023-03-27). Death toll from U.S. chocolate factory explosion climbs to 7. ecns.cn The death toll from an explosion and fire at a chocolate factory in West Reading, the U.S. state of Pennsylvania, had risen to seven, authorities said on Sunday.

ecns.cn (2023-03-27). Bus salvaged from river in Shanghai. ecns.cn The driver, a 47-year-old man, was rescued and sent to the hospital for treatment, and no other passengers were on board.

ecns.cn (2023-03-27). China makes huge progress in outer sea floating wind power. ecns.cn China's first deep-sea floating wind power platform, CNOOC Guanlan, left Zhuhai in South China's Guangdong province for the waters of Wenchang in South China's Hainan province for installation on Sunday.

ecns.cn (2023-03-27). China's strong economic rebound in 2023 is a booster for the world: head of IMF. ecns.cn China's economy is seeing a strong rebound which "matters for the country itself and matters for the world", said Kristalina Georgieva, managing director of International Monetary Fund (IMF) on Sunday during a panel discussion at the 2023 China Development Forum.

ecns.cn (2023-03-27). China, Honduras establish diplomatic relations. ecns.cn China and Honduras signed a joint communique in Beijing on Sunday on the establishment of diplomatic relations.

ecns.cn (2023-03-27). Cherry blossoms reach peak bloom at Wuhan's East Lake Park. ecns.cn Cherry blossoms reach peak bloom at the East Lake, central China's Hubei Province, March 26, 2023.

ecns.cn (2023-03-27). Rural basketball finals gains popularity in Guizhou. ecns.cn "Village Basketball Association" or "Village BA", is a grassroot tournament held in Taipan Village. Organized by local residents, this event has gained popularity and drawn a large crowd of spectators and participants.

Editor (2023-03-27). Chris Hedges: The Donald Trump Problem. scheerpost.com

Global Alliance for the Rights of Nature (2023-03-27). Friday 3/24: Rights of Nature: UN Water Conference – SDGs for Protection of Earth's Water Ecosystems. indybay.org Online streaming of in-person U.N. Water Conference session…

Global Research News (2023-03-27). Selected Articles: Video: Towards WHO Totalitarianism? Dr. Reiner Fuellmich with Prof. Michel Chossudovsky, James Roguski and Matthew Ehret. globalresearch.ca

Jeff Pekrul (2023-03-27). Sunday 4/2: The U.S. & Israel: Old Dilemmas, New Problems. indybay.org 1187 Franklin Street, San Francisco, CA 94109 | Unitarian Universalist Association of San Francisco…

Jeff Pekrul (2023-03-27). Sunday 4/23: Understanding the Movement to Ban Library Books That Challenge Right-Wing Perspectives. indybay.org 1187 Franklin Street, San Francisco, CA 94109 | Unitarian Universalists Association of San Francisco…

Jeffrey A. Tucker (2023-03-27). How They Convinced Trump to Lock Down. globalresearch.ca

John Quelch (2023-03-27). Anti-war protesters take their message to Richard Marles. greenleft.org.au A protest was organised against the AUKUS nuclear submarine deal outside the office of Minister for Defence Richard Marles. John Quelsh reports.

Juan Cole (2023-03-27). Universities, Labor Unions Strike to protest Netanyahu's firing of Gallant, as Israel faces Complete Paralysis. juancole.com Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) — The Israeli newspaper Arab 48 reports that Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu fired his minister of defense, Yoav Gallant, on Sunday evening, setting off a new round of massive protests, along with threats of strikes and university closures that seem likely to paralyze the country. Netanyahu had discussed firing Gallant …

KATIE (2023-03-27). #ShutDownNation: 12 New Business Reasons to Divest from Israel. bdsmovement.net

Kenny Stancil (2023-03-27). Senior Climate Activists Stop Dirty Banks. indybay.org "We will not go to our graves quietly knowing that the financial institutions in our own communities continue to fund the climate crisis," said longtime environmentalist Bill McKibben.

Labor Video Project (2023-03-27). SEIU99/UTLA Membership Voices On Their Strike & Struggle: United We Stand, Divided We Fall. indybay.org Thirty thousand SEIU 99 LAUSD service workers went out on a three day unfair labor practice strike on March 21, 2023 to March 23, 2023. The UTLA members joined the picket line and this united action was a first. Workers spoke out about their conditions and struggles.

Labor Video Project (2023-03-27). We've Had Enough! Oakland OEA Teachers Wildcat in Fight for Public Education. indybay.org Hundreds of teachers, community members and unionists joined together on March 24, 2023 to rally and march for public education and for a contract that will protect the schools in Oakland. The wildcat was a challenge to the union busting tactics of the district management.

Luis Feliz Leon, Labor Notes. (2023-03-27). UAW Reformers Clinch The Presidency. popularresistance.org Reform challenger Shawn Fain has won the presidency of the United Auto Workers, the federal monitor announced today. Fain will be sworn in just in time to chair the UAW's bargaining convention, which begins Monday. | The vote count had begun March 1, but the initial tallies were so close that final results hinged on a few hundred challenged ballots. The painstaking process to check which ones were valid dragged on for weeks. | But while members awaited the final count, Big 3 auto worker rank-and-filers inspired by the reform slate were already stepping up to run for local office and change their union. With their…

M. K. Bhadrakumar (2023-03-27). Free Will Trumps Determinism in Gulf Politics. globalresearch.ca

Michael Harris (2023-03-27). Friday 3/24: Media Event / Luncheon for 11th Annual Pan African Global Trade and Investment Conference. indybay.org Town and Country Grand Ballroom | 1215 J Street | Downtown Sacramento…

MichaelMoore (2023-03-27). Friday 3/24: "Bowling for Columbine" 20th Anniversary of Oscar Win – Watch for FREE. indybay.org Watch online for FREE…

Mike Ludwig, Truthout. (2023-03-27). Police Use 'Less Lethal' Weapons To Crush Social Movements Worldwide. popularresistance.org This week, the City of Philadelphia agreed to a $9.25 million settlement with protesters who were brutalized with tear gas and pepper spray during demonstrations following the murder of George Floyd in late May 2020. | Such accountability for police who crush protests with crowd-control weapons is rare both in the United States and across the world. The settlement comes as researchers report that police in dozens of countries have routinely injured and even killed demonstrators with crowd-control weapons since 2015 as governments cracked down on protests. | Injuries from crowd-control weapons are increasing and w…

Minnesota Reformer (2023-03-27). A Ramadan primer: Why Muslim Americans Fast. juancole.com Abdulrahman Bindamnan ( Minnesota Reformer) — While growing up in Yemen, I was introduced to the practice of fasting. It ‎was a common practice, in which all the families ‎will encourage their children, as young as 7, ‎to practice fasting. In my household, I had ‎parents who were very observant of Islam. In fact, …

Mothers on the March (2023-03-27). Friday 3/31: Free Palestine! indybay.org Israeli Consulate | 456 Montgomery | San Francisco…

Nathaniel Flakin, Left Voice. (2023-03-27). On Monday, Germany Will Experience A 'Mega-Strike'. popularresistance.org France is currently in flames. Millions have been taking to the streets to protest against the government's anti-democratic measure to raise the retirement age. Across the Rhine, Germany — where there tend to be far fewer strikes — is also set to experience a historic strike. | Starting on Monday at midnight and lasting for 24 hours, hundreds of thousands of workers will be on strike. This is set to be the biggest strike in Germany in more than 30 years. It represents a convergence of different struggles in progress. | On the one hand, the railway workers' union EVG (not the same as the train drivers'

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-27). Mayo Clinic Minute: What is the best sleeping position? newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Most people spend a third of their lives either asleep or resting, according to the Sleep Foundation. During sleep, the body recharges and repairs itself. And a good night's sleep often can be determined by what position you are lying in bed. Watch: The Mayo Clinic Minute youtu.be/F_x-SDYUvZk Journalists: Broadcast-quality video (1: 11) is in the downloads at the end of this post. Please courtesy: "Mayo Clinic News Network." Read the script. Back-sleepers beware. "I know…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-27). Know the signs of strep throat in children. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Image courtesy: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is monitoring an increase in invasive group A Streptococcus infections in children. "Group A streptococcal disease is a group of conditions caused by a bacteria called 'group A strep,'" says Dr. Nipunie Rajapakse, a pediatric infectious diseases physician with the Mayo Clinic Children's Center. "The one that people are probably most familiar with is strep throat. Strep throat is a relatively common infection,…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-27). Mayo Clinic Minute: Is your exercise program heart-healthy? newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org You're getting to the gym regularly. Meeting your friends for a walk around the block. Maybe aerobics class is your go-to exercise. But is your exercise program the best for your heart health? Heart disease is the leading cause of death for men and women in the U.S. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, one person dies every 34 seconds in the U.S. from cardiovascular disease. Experts agree getting regular exercise is…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-27). Consumer Health: What are the symptoms of TB? newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org World TB Day will be observed Friday, March 24, which makes this a good time to learn about this potentially serious infectious disease. In 2021, 7,882 cases of tuberculosis, or TB, were diagnosed in the U.S., and up to 13 million people in the U.S. were living with latent TB, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. An estimated 10.6 million cases were diagnosed worldwide in 2021, according to the World Health Organization. TB is caused by…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-27). Consumer Health: Nutritional needs during pregnancy and breastfeeding. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org March is National Nutrition Month, which makes this a good time to learn about your nutritional needs during pregnancy and while breastfeeding. During pregnancy, the basic principles of healthy eating remain the same — get plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean protein and healthy fats. However, a few nutrients in a pregnancy diet deserve special attention. The nutrients to pay special attention to while you're pregnant include: CalciumYou and your baby need calcium for strong…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-27). Science Saturday: New standards and open access can help natural language processing. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Clinical notes in medical records are rich sources of data about human health. But tapping them for medical research can be challenging because these data come from various sources — and they all look different. "There's no standardization in how data is organized and classified across medical records systems," says Sunyang Fu, Ph.D., a Mayo Clinic biomedical informatics researcher. Even the language people use to talk about health can insert discrepancies in how data are…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-27). Mayo Clinic Minute: How is kidney cancer treated? newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org More than 50,000 people in the U.S. are diagnosed with kidney cancer each year. Risks factors for developing this type of cancer include environmental exposures, such as smoking, high blood pressure, a history of kidney failure, obesity or not having a healthy weight. And there are also hereditary syndromes that may increase your risk for kidney cancer. Dr. Thai Ho, a Mayo Clinic oncologist who specializes in genitourinary malignancies, says there are no screening tests…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-27). Managing your health during Ramadan fasting. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org ROCHESTER, Minn. — Fasting during Ramadan involves abstaining from food and drink from dawn to sunset. Depending on geography and the time of year when Ramadan occurs, daily fasting can range from as little as 10 hours in the winter months to more than 17 hours during the summer. This daily fast should not have a negative effect on health for most individuals. However, even if you have a chronic condition, including coronary artery disease,…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-27). Mayo Clinic Q and A: Travel safety tips. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org DEAR MAYO CLINIC: I have a group of friends with whom I love to travel. We plan several trips a year, and this spring we are planning to go outside the U.S. and visit the Caribbean. We will stay at an all-inclusive resort in a popular destination and do a few sightseeing day trips in the area. Are there things we should do to be safe while traveling? ANSWER: Travel is always a fun activity to enjoy…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-27). Mayo Clinic Q and A: Understanding chronic kidney disease. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org DEAR MAYO CLINIC: I was diagnosed with chronic kidney disease but did not have any symptoms, so far as I knew. Are there early symptoms that I missed? Is this hereditary? Should I be advising family members? Is this curable? Am I at risk for other issues? ANSWER: In its early stages, chronic kidney disease rarely causes noticeable symptoms. Kidney disease happens when the kidneys have been damaged and no longer work as they should. Kidneys are…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-27). Artificial intelligence massage therapy? Meet the robot being studied by Mayo Clinic. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Getting a massage from a robot may seem like something out of a science fiction story, but it could be a reality in the not-too-distant future. Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, is looking into the possibility of robotic massage as an answer for patients' pain relief and alleviating some staffing burdens. Watch: Artificial intelligence massage therapy? Meet the robot being studied by Mayo Clinic youtu.be/GXEXUCCCGzI Journalists: Broadcast-quality video (1: 17) is in the downloads at the…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-27). Women in science: Q&A with Robin Patel, M.D. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Robin Patel, M.D. Two events held early each year are opportunities to support and recognize the contributions of women in scientific fields. In February, the International Day of Women and Girls in Science promotes full and equal access to and participation in science. Women's History Month in March is an opportunity to recognize women who have made significant contributions to science. Mayo Clinic physician researcher Robin Patel, M.D., shares her perspective and advice for others pursuing a research career in this…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-27). Heart failure induces cardiac and stem cell aging, Mayo Clinic study finds. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org ROCHESTER, Minn. — Senescence is an aspect of aging that involves a biological dysfunction that occurs in response to repetitive stressors. Biological aging is associated with an increase in the incidence of cardiovascular disease, but whether heart failure is itself a senescent process independent of age is less clear. Senescent cells acquire a phenotype — characteristics that are genetically related — that may lead to inflammation and induce senescence in neighboring cells, which also can…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-27). How does red tide impact beachgoers? newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Florida beach along Gulf Coat, 2023 Many people are flocking to the Gulf Coast for spring break. However, toxic red tide algal blooms have put beachgoers and residents on alert. In the Gulf of Mexico, red tide is caused by a microscopic organism called Karenia brevis. The organism was detected in 172 samples along Florida's Gulf Coast earlier this week, according to Florida officials. Dead fish and other marine life are washed ashore on beaches because of…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-27). Match Day at Mayo Clinic Alix School of Medicine, Mayo Clinic School of Graduate Medical Education. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Fourth-year students at Mayo Clinic Alix School of Medicine in Arizona, Florida and Minnesota learned where they will continue their residency training on March 17. Also, Mayo Clinic School of Graduate Medical Education learned who would be its incoming Mayo residents through the National Resident Matching Program. The medical students opened their envelopes at 11 a.m. CDT discovering their future specialties and residency training locations. Match Day, held on the third Friday in March, is when medical school students and…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-27). Five ways AI promises to transform organ transplants. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org ROCHESTER, Minn. — Artificial intelligence (AI) has the potential to become a valuable tool for transplant to save more patients' lives. Recent studies have already shown promise in using AI to analyze large sets of data to discover important trends and patterns. In this expert alert, Mayo Clinic transplant experts share how this technology may improve outcomes for patients. "Physicians once practiced medicine without CT scans and with only limited lab tests. Now, these tools…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-27). Ready to Run: Mayo Clinic Health System gives tips on planning for a long race. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org MANKATO, Minn. — You've thought about it for years. You've dreamed of crossing the finish line. It's on your bucket list, or maybe it's become a tradition. You've registered for a long-distance race like a 5K, 10K, half-marathon or marathon. So now's the time to plan and prepare for your big day. This critical process will be shaped by your experience and fitness level. First, get real and be honest with yourself. It can take…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-27). Mayo Clinic cancer expert highlights advancements in treating multiple myeloma. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org ROCHESTER, Minn. — March is Myeloma Awareness Month, and Sikander Ailawadhi, M.D., hematologist/oncologist at Mayo Clinic Comprehensive Cancer Center, shares details about new advancements in research leading to better outcomes for patients with multiple myeloma. Multiple myeloma is a relatively uncommon form of blood cancer in the bone marrow that affects less than 1% of the U.S. population, according to the American Cancer Society. While there is no cure, the disease can be treated with…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-27). Mayo Clinic Minute: Can the MIND diet improve brain health? newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org You might be hearing more about the MIND diet of late. A recent study has added to the evidence that the diet, which includes a variety of brain-friendly foods, may help protect against Alzheimer's disease. In this Mayo Clinic Minute, Angie Murad, a registered dietitian and nutritionist and patient educator at Mayo Clinic, explains the benefits of incorporating foods included in the MIND diet. Watch: The Mayo Clinic Minute youtu.be/hoPg4bkKemQ Journalists: Broadcast-quality video (1: 01) is…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-27). Innovative treatments for rectal cancer. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Mayo Clinic has been taking care of patients with rectal cancer for more than 100 years, dating back to the Mayo brothers. Even at that time, doctors were innovative with their approach to the care of patients with rectal cancer. That continues today as Mayo Clinic offers the latest in minimally invasive surgery. Dr. Eric Dozois, a Mayo Clinic colon and rectal surgeon, explains some of the surgical treatment options being offered. Watch: Dr. Eric…

Omar Karmi (2023-03-27). PA must stop playing Israel's game. electronicintifada.net Israel broke Sharm al-Sheikh deal before the ink was dry.

PASCCS (2023-03-27). Friday 4/21: Palo Alto: Earth Day March & Rally for Climate Justice and Family Fair. indybay.org King Plaza at Palo Alto City Hall | 250 Hamilton Ave. | Palo Alto, CA 94301…

Peoples Dispatch (2023-03-27). Uruguayans march against President Lacalle Pou's pension reform. peoplesdispatch.org On Thursday March 23, thousands of Uruguayans took to the streets of the capital Montevideo to protest what unions are terming an anti-worker pension reform, promoted by the right-wing government of President Luis Lacalle Pou. | Workers from diverse sectors, members of various social organizations, and citizens in general marched from the esplanade of the University of the Republic to the Legislative Palace, rejecting the pension reform bill, which raises the retirement age from 60 to 65 years, attacks early retirement benefits under the current social security system, and increases benefits for the private Pensi…

Phil Miller (2023-03-27). Carbon Footprint of Army Forest Fire Revealed. globalresearch.ca

Prof. Alain Gabon (2023-03-27). Saudi-Iran Deal: Towards the De-Americanisation of the Middle East? globalresearch.ca

Ramon du Houx (2023-03-27). Elected officials and coalition groups urge the Legislature to enact price gouging bill. indybay.org EOPA California, representing over 462 elected officials from 49 counties, strongly supports protecting consumers from oil price gouging with SBX1-2. EOPA California has a letter specifically for elected officials to sign in support of SB1-2 (Skinner). In just five days 108 have signed, and the number is rising daily.

Rick Rozoff (2023-03-27). Georgian military trained as NATO adjunct. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com Georgian Ministry of DefenseMarch 25, 2023 The Sergeant Academy is 20 years old The Sergeants' Academy named after Giorgi Ankshelidze has completed 20 years since its establishment. Commander of the Defense Forces, Major General Giorgi Matiashvili and Deputy Minister of Defense Grigol Giorgadze congratulated the sergeants on the anniversary of the Academy….The event was attended …

Rick Rozoff (2023-03-27). Poland is largest recipient of EU's weapons fund, aka European Peace Fund. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com Polish Press AgencyMarch 27, 2023 Poland to be biggest recipient of EU arms fund says PM Poland will become the EU's biggest recipient of European funding to compensate countries that have sent military equipment to Ukraine, Mateusz Morawiecki, the Polish prime minister, has said. He added that Poland was due to get EUR 300 million …

Rick Rozoff (2023-03-27). Qatar: Military Strategic Partnership Conference highlights NATO's 30 global centers. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com NATOSupreme Headquarters Allied Powers EuropeMarch 26, 2023 NATO accredited Centres of Excellence highlighted at Qatar Conference The recent Military Strategic Partnership Conference in Doha Qatar, which was held Mar. 13 to 17, 2023, included a vital element of abundant exhibitions provided by numerous NATO entities and stakeholders. A significant information and education display was the …

Sam Gindin, The Bullet. (2023-03-27). Beyond Fatalism: Renewing Working-Class Politics. popularresistance.org "We need to ask ourselves," Leo Panitch and Donald Swartz stated in the third edition of From Consent to Coercion, "whether free pertains to those who do business or whether it pertains also to the majority of Canadians who do not do business." Their book, now a classic, focused on a critical expression of the tension between liberal democratic principles and capitalist realities: the substantive right of workers to strike. Canadian workers were officially granted the basic democratic right to form unions, but the substance of that right — the withdrawal by workers of their labour power — was regularl…

Silicon Valley Pride (2023-03-27). Friday 3/31: Stand Up for Queer & Trans Youth Rally In San Jose. indybay.org San Jose City Hall Plaza | 200 East Santa Clara Street | San Jose 95113…

Sixty Plus (2023-03-27). Are You in Your "Third Act"? These Older Folks Demonstrated to Save the Climate. indybay.org Despite some of the stormiest weather San Francisco has seen in a long time, these brave elders showed up and cut up to stop climate change.

Staff (2023-03-27). Honduras Recognizes China and Breaks Diplomatic Ties With Taiwan. orinocotribune.com Through a statement made this past Saturday, the Honduran government reported its decision to break relations with Taiwan and to recognize China, effectively meaning that the South American country has taken a position on the dispute between China and the rebel territory of Taiwan. | The Honduran Minister for Foreign Affairs Eduardo Enrique Reina said that his government has "notified Taiwan of the decision to break diplomatic relations." Honduras subsequently formed diplomatic ties with China on Sunday after breaking off relations with Taiwan, which has become increasingly isolated as it is now only recognized b…

Staff (2023-03-27). Sergey Lavrov: Russian Diplomacy in a Changing World. orinocotribune.com By Sergey Lavrov — Mar 24, 2023 | It is a privilege for me to submit this article to Razvedchik news magazine and share with its readers my understanding of the current international developments, as well as Russia's foreign policy priorities. | We live at a time of historic geopolitical shifts. "The change of eras is a painful albeit natural and inevitable process. A future world arrangement is taking shape before our eyes," President Vladimir Putin said. | Today, the emerging multipolarity constitutes a key trend in international affairs, as I have noted on multiple occasions. New centres of power in Euras…

Staff (2023-03-27). Venezuela Denounces Neocolonial Practices at Ibero-American Summit. orinocotribune.com The Foreign Minister of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela Yván Gil participated in the 28th Ibero-American Summit on behalf of the Venezuelan government. In his speech, he questioned the application of coercive measures, also know as sanctions, as a method of political subjugation. | "We must abandon the neocolonial practices that the United States and the European Union are currently applying against three members present at this summit: Cuba, Nicaragua and Venezuela," said the Venezuelan top diplomat this past Saturday, March 2. | Accordingly, he highlighted that in a short period of time Venezuela has recei…

Stavroula Pabst (2023-03-27). The Georgian Protests: Another Chapter in the Color Revolution Playbook? globalresearch.ca

Stephen Sefton (2023-03-27). Bad faith UN report on Nicaragua whitewashes violent US-backed coup. thegrayzone.com A new, anonymously-produced UN report denouncing Nicaragua's government whitewashes the brutal US-backed 2018 coup against it while refusing to interview victims of sadistic opposition violence. Abuse and weaponization of the United Nations system by the United States and its vassal governments to both mislead and intimidate the rest of the world have been a feature of international relations since the very founding of the United Nations during the time of the Korean War. In recent years, that situation has deteriorated …

Strike Debt Bay Area (2023-03-27). Saturday 4/15: Strike Debt Bay Area Book Group: Debt, by David Graeber. indybay.org Email strike.debt.bay.area@gmail.com a few days beforehand for the online invite.

Suds, Snacks,, Socialism Forum Committee (2023-03-27). Saturday 4/1: What are the Prospects for World Peace? indybay.org The Starry Plough Pub | 3101 Shattuck Avenue, Berkeley, CA 94705 | Also accessible online…

Tanjug (2023-03-27). Today Serbia Marks 24 Years Since the Beginning of NATO Aggression. globalresearch.ca

Tanya Wadhwa (2023-03-27). Bolivian President Arce hopes for a "sincere dialogue" with Chilean authorities on sovereign access to sea. peoplesdispatch.org During the commemoration of the Battle of Calama, Bolivian President Luis Arce called on his Chilean counterpart Gabriel Boric to initiate a new stage of bilateral relations and address the historical issues that separate the two nations…

teleSUR, jaa, JCM (2023-03-27). Naufragio de migrantes en Túnez deja al menos 19 fallecidos. telesurtv.net Hasta el momento se desconocen las causas del accidente, aunque se presume que haya sido provocado por la sobrecarga de pasajeros.

teleSUR, jaa, JDO (2023-03-27). Primer ministro israelí destituye a ministro de Defensa. telesurtv.net Benjamín Netanyahu afirmó que perdió la confianza en el exministro Yoav Gallant luego de este pidió públicamente a aquel que detenga la reforma judicial.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-03-27). Muere María Kodama, viuda de Jorge Luis Borges. telesurtv.net Kodama falleció en la ciudad de Vicente López, en la provincia de Buenos Aires, a causa de un cáncer de mama.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-03-27). Macri confirma que no será candidato en elecciones 2023 en Argentina. telesurtv.net El expresidente argentino publicó en su cuenta de Twitter un video sobre los motivos de su renuncia a ser candidato.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-03-27). Severas lluvias impactan seis estados del norte de Brasil. telesurtv.net Los estados del norte han estado sufriendo severas tormentas en los últimos días, mientras el Instituto Nacional de Meteorología advirtió sobre el peligro de fuertes lluvias.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-03-27). China y Honduras establecen relaciones diplomáticas. telesurtv.net Horas antes, el Ejecutivo de Tegucigalpa anunciaba que "ha comunicado a Taiwán la decisión de la ruptura de las relaciones diplomáticas entre ambos".

teleSUR, JCM (2023-03-27). Presidente de Cuba acude a votar en Santa Clara. telesurtv.net Antes de entrar al colegio electoral, Miguel Díaz Canel conversó con algunos jóvenes que le expresaron su apoyo y confianza en el proceso democrático cubano.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-03-27). EE.UU. declara estado de desastre para Mississippi tras tornado. telesurtv.net El coordinador de FEMA, John Boyle, ha sido designado para supervisar las operaciones federales de recuperación.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-03-27). Irán y Siria rechazan ataque de EE.UU. en la región Deir ez-Zor. telesurtv.net Siria e Irán intercambiaron en fecha reciente puntos de vista relacionados con fortalecer lazos bilaterales y cooperación en diferentes campos.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-03-27). Declaran estado de emergencia a tres regiones del norte de Perú. telesurtv.net El estado de emergencia nivel 5 fue declarado para Tumbes, Piura y Lambayeque por desastre de gran magnitud a consecuencia de las lluvias intensas.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-03-27). Rusia acusa a EE.UU. de crear una OTAN global. telesurtv.net El presidente ruso, Vladímir Putin, considera a los países occidentales "instigadores" del conflicto en Ucrania.

teleSUR, JDO (2023-03-27). Explosión de dron ucraniano causa tres heridos en Tula, Rusia. telesurtv.net Las víctimas presentan heridas de metralla y una de ellas fue hospitalizada, aunque su vida no corre peligro.

teleSUR, JGN, JCM, JDO (2023-03-27). Reportan participación de 70,34 por ciento en comicios legislativos en Cuba. telesurtv.net Consejo Electoral Nacional ofrece una información preliminar sobre la participación en las elecciones para renovar la Asamblea Nacional y elegir al Presidente y Vicepresidente del país.

teleSUR, JGN (2023-03-27). Autoridades cubanas aplauden masiva participación en elecciones para renovar Parlamento. telesurtv.net "El pueblo acudió a las urnas con entusiasmo y conciencia revolucionaria, cumpliendo con el deber patrio", destacó el canciller cubano Bruno Rodríguez.

teleSUR, JGN (2023-03-27). Venezolanos marchan en apoyo a política gubernamental contra la corrupción. telesurtv.net El jefe de Estado, en un tuit, saludó a los venezolanos que participaron en la marcha en apoyo a la lucha anticorrupción.

teleSUR, lvm, JDO (2023-03-27). Congreso de Perú anuncia debate de moción contra Dina Boluarte. telesurtv.net La moción contra la presidenta, avalada por congresistas de izquierda, está sustentada en la "incapacidad moral de Dina Boluarte", según el texto.

teleSUR, lvm, JDO (2023-03-27). Denuncian irrupción de policías israelíes en mezquita de Al Aqsa. telesurtv.net Autoridad palestina responsabiliza total y directamente al Gobierno de Israel por su continua agresión contra ese espacio sagrado, los fieles y su reclusión durante Ramadán.

teleSUR, lvm, JDO (2023-03-27). Exigen fin del bloqueo impuesto por EE.UU. contra Cuba. telesurtv.net "La policía no prestó escolta a caravana pero le dio escolta y protección a los odiadores", denunció el líder del movimiento Puentes de Amor, Carlos Lazo.

teleSUR, lvm, JDO (2023-03-27). Presidente de Bolivia insta a mantener unidad del partido MAS. telesurtv.net Celebran aniversario 28 de la creación del Movimiento al Socialismo-Instrumento Política por la Soberanía de los Pueblos durante multitudinario acto en Cochabamba.

teleSUR, nbb, JGN (2023-03-27). Aumenta a 26 cifra de fallecidos tras tornados en EE.UU. telesurtv.net Los decesos tuvieron lugar en los condados de Sharkey, Humphreys, Carroll y Monroe.

teleSUR, nbb, JGN (2023-03-27). Represión de protesta deja unos 200 heridos en Francia. telesurtv.net Los agricultores locales señalan que la medida beneficiará a la gran producción agrícola, mientras que los cultivos más pequeños se quedarán sin agua.

teleSUR, nbb, JGN (2023-03-27). Iberoamérica pide excluir a Cuba de lista de patrocinadores del terrorismo. telesurtv.net El secretario de Estado de EE.UU., Antony Blinken, descartó este jueves la posibilidad de retirar por ahora a Cuba de la lista de países patrocinadores del terrorismo.

teleSUR, nbb, JGN (2023-03-27). Incendio en Castellón, España, afecta al menos 4.000 hectáreas. telesurtv.net El Puesto de Mando Avanzado para coordinar la lucha contra el primer gran incendio del año, fue establecido en Barracas, Castellón.

teleSUR- jaa, JCM (2023-03-27). Exigen justicia en Ecuador por asesinato de líder indígena. telesurtv.net El presidente de la Conaie, Leonidas Iza recordó y exigió justicia por Mendúa en su cuenta de Twitter y afirmó que este "fue asesinado por defender la selva, pero su espíritu de lucha vive".

teleSUR- jaa, JCM (2023-03-27). Sondeo revela que 91% de los peruanos desaprueba al Congreso. telesurtv.net La encuesta afirmó que la desaprobación de la presidenta Dina Boluarte se ubica en 78 por ciento.

UFCLP (2023-03-27). Monday 3/27: Jail Former SF Federal Reserve Member & Silicon Valley Bank President/CEO Greg Becker. indybay.org San Francisco Federal Reserve | 101 California St. | San Francisco…

Unicorn Riot (2023-03-27). Acrylate Water Safety Emergency Hits Philly; Residents Scramble for Bottled Water. unicornriot.ninja

via Russell Brutsche (2023-03-27). Friday 3/31: Santa Cruz Hi-Rise. indybay.org Resource Center for Non-Violence, 612 Ocean Street, Santa Cruz…

Weekly Trust (2023-03-27). California will respond to the Pan African Congress call for better seed movement. indybay.org Our California Pan African World Food and Ag Pavilion will offer proposed opportunities towards solutions that offer greater access to global seed research and development. 'We need to hear from farmers how we can continuously and sustainably bridge the gap between seed companies and the farming community, now more pronounced mainly by the negative impact of climate change. On our side, we will endeavor to work with the farmers to help increase the resilience and profitability of African farming in the face of climate change and other challenges,'

William D. Hartung (2023-03-27). Congress Has Been Captured by the Arms Industry: And We're Paying the Price (and What a Price It Is!). juancole.com ( Tomdispatch.com ) — On March 13th, the Pentagon rolled out its proposed budget for Fiscal Year 2024. The results were — or at least should have been — stunning, even by the standards of a department that's used to getting what it wants when it wants it. The new Pentagon budget would come in …

WSWS (2023-03-27). 67 families homeless after massive landslide at Poonagala Estate in Sri Lanka. wsws.org Sri Lankan plantation companies, working with the government and the estate unions, have ignored countless landslide warnings and calls for the relocation of estate workers to safe areas.

WSWS (2023-03-27). Chicago Democrats promote racialist politics during mayoral election. wsws.org Brandon Johnson's campaign for mayor has almost exclusively employed the language of identity politics, while he and others, including Jeannette Taylor, an alderman who is a member of the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) have expressed xenophobic attitudes towards immigrants.

WSWS (2023-03-27). Temple University graduate worker exposes lies about supposedly "historic" contract following six-week strike. wsws.org A graduate student at Temple University explains the contents of the current contract, which was forced on his fellow university workers in the recent strike.

WSWS (2023-03-27). US workers speak out in support of last week's Los Angeles schools strike, urge rejection of tentative agreement. wsws.org Workers need "social disobedience on a massive scale, like a general strike," one Michigan teacher said. "The important thing is unifying all the different groups of working people and not isolating them like the union bureaucrats tend to do."

WSWS (2023-03-27). Australia: NSW election sees further crisis of Liberals, but no landslide to Labor. wsws.org Contrary to media claims, the result is no ringing endorsement of Labor. Instead it expresses a deepening of the crisis of the two-party set-up.

WSWS (2023-03-27). Biden uses Canada visit to strengthen North American imperialist powers' alliance for world war and global economic dominance. wsws.org Biden and Trudeau sought to cover over the predatory imperialist interests that were the focus of their deliberations with bogus platitudes about a "partnership" founded on "common values" like "democracy," "diversity" and "freedom."

WSWS (2023-03-27). Oakland, California teachers hold wildcat sickout in support of Los Angeles schools strike. wsws.org Roughly 400 teachers from 14 different schools took part in rallies in the morning at school sites across the district before holding a central demonstration downtown.

WSWS (2023-03-27). Shawn Fain's election will not quell growing rank-and-file anger in the UAW. wsws.org Fain is not the expression of rank-and-file revolt against the UAW apparatus. Rather, he is the defensive reaction of the apparatus and the ruling class to a growing movement from below.

WSWS (2023-03-27). Trump kicks off 2024 presidential campaign in Waco, Texas embracing January 6 fascist foot soldiers. wsws.org The Republican front-runner began the rally playing a fascist anthem featuring himself and the "January 6 choir" comprised of Trump acolytes currently incarcerated for their role in the former president's failed coup.

WSWS (2023-03-27). Joint Chiefs Chairman: Record military budget "prepares us to fight" China. wsws.org On Thursday, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Mark Milley and defense secretary Lloyd Austin testified before the House of Representatives, declaring, "We are prepared to fight now."

WSWS (2023-03-27). Widespread destruction in US South after tornadoes touch down over the weekend. wsws.org The worst impact was in the desperately poor rural area of central Mississippi.

WSWS (2023-03-27). Australian workers and young people speak out against war and austerity in NSW election. wsws.org Voters in the working-class southwest Sydney electorate of Bankstown told Socialist Equality Party campaigners the state election would do nothing to resolve the escalating social crisis or stop the threat of war.

WSWS (2023-03-27). Explosion at Pennsylvania chocolate plant kills five. wsws.org At least 10 workers were injured and five killed in a Pennsylvania chocolate plant explosion on March 24 after workers' complaints to management about gas odors were dismissed.

WSWS (2023-03-27). Northern Virginia police officer fired after executing man suspected of stealing sunglasses. wsws.org Timothy Johnson was shot while fleeing unarmed into the woods outside a northern Virginia mall in February.

Zoe Alexandra, People's Dispatch. (2023-03-27). People's Power Is At The Heart Of The Cuban Political System. popularresistance.org On Sunday, March 26, eight million Cubans will have the opportunity to vote in the elections to elect the 470 members of the National Assembly of People's Power. The Assembly has the duty of discussing and passing laws that affect the lives of the Cuban people. Half of the candidates to the Assembly are elected at a municipal level, and half are nominated by the different sectors of society, such as the mass organizations of women, students, workers, peasants, among others, whose electoral representation is a unique aspect of Cuban democracy. | The National Assembly is the body that is responsible for electing an…

WSWS (2023-03-27). Seymour Hersh's latest revelation: Why is German Chancellor Scholz covering up the destruction of Nord Stream by the US? wsws.org If Hersh's report is true, the German government not only knows that the US carried out the attack, but is also actively participating in its cover-up. And this despite the fact that the destruction of the pipelines was in fact an act of terrorism against German-European infrastructure.

WSWS (2023-03-27). All eyes in financial markets on Deutsche Bank. wsws.org German chancellor Olaf Scholz has issued assurances that Deutsche is not the next Credit Suisse in a clear indication there are major concerns it could well be.

WSWS (2023-03-27). Build a mass movement of workers and youth to demand Macron's removal! wsws.org In every workplace and school in France, resolutions must be passed demanding the bringing down of Macron.

ecns.cn (2023-03-27). Guangdong to cooperate with Saudi Aramco. ecns.cn Guangdong province and Saudi Arabia's Saudi Aramco signed a memorandum of cooperation on Sunday in Beijing, proposing a cooperative framework for exploring investment opportunities in multiple areas.

ecns.cn (2023-03-27). First Citizens Bank to buy Silicon Valley Bank: FDIC. ecns.cn The U.S. Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) has entered a purchase and assumption agreement for all deposits and loans of Silicon Valley Bridge Bank, National Association, by First-Citizens Bank &Trust Company.

ecns.cn (2023-03-27). Driverless cars ready for hire in suburban Beijing. ecns.cn Driverless taxis are now available for hire in suburban Beijing, marking a new chapter in intelligent transport.

ecns.cn (2023-03-27). Honduras made the correct diplomatic move, mainland official says. ecns.cn Honduras has made the right choice by establishing diplomatic relations with China in line with the general trend, a Chinese mainland spokesman said on Monday morning.

ecns.cn (2023-03-27). China's non-financial outbound direct investment surges in Jan-Feb. ecns.cn China's non-financial outbound direct investment (ODI) surged 35.7 percent year on year to 136.04 billion yuan in the first two months of the year, official data showed Monday.

ecns.cn (2023-03-27). China continues crackdown on prostitution, gambling. ecns.cn Chinese police have continued to crack down on prostitution and gambling, dealing with more than 50,000 related criminal cases and over 400,000 offenses in 2022, according to the Ministry of Public Security.

ecns.cn (2023-03-27). China's first deep-sea floating wind power platform sets sail. ecns.cn China's first deep-sea floating wind power platform set sail from Zhuhai in south China's Guangdong Province towards the waters of the southernmost Hainan Province on Sunday, according to the China National Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC).

ecns.cn (2023-03-27). Chinese premier to attend Boao Forum for Asia Annual Conference 2023. ecns.cn Chinese Premier Li Qiang will attend the opening ceremony of the Boao Forum for Asia Annual Conference 2023 and deliver a keynote speech at the forum's invitation in Hainan on March 30, Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Mao Ning announced on Monday.

ecns.cn (2023-03-27). Air ticket booking to many Chinese cities rebound to pre-pandemic level. ecns.cn Data from China's tourism platform shows that since March, the flight booking volume in many Chinese cities has rebounded to the level prior to the COVID-19 pandemic.

ecns.cn (2023-03-27). International community needs China more than ever: CEOs at China Development Forum 2023. ecns.cn China's economic rebound gives a welcome lift to the world economy, said Kristalina Georgieva, managing director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF).

ecns.cn (2023-03-27). Correct choice for Honduras to establish diplomatic relations with China: spokesperson. ecns.cn Establishing diplomatic relations with China is the correct choice for Honduras and in line with the prevailing trend, a Chinese spokesperson said Monday.

ecns.cn (2023-03-27). Former Taiwan leader Ma Ying-jeou arrives in Chinese mainland. ecns.cn Former Taiwan leader Ma Ying-jeou arrived in Shanghai Monday afternoon and then left for the eastern city of Nanjing.

ecns.cn (2023-03-27). Flower paradise in Tibet greets peach blossoms season. ecns.cn Picturesque scenery of peach blossoms at Gala village, renowned as "1st village of peach blossoms", Nyingchi, southwest China's Tibet Autonomous Region, March 26, 2023.

ecns.cn (2023-03-27). Terraced field covered by blooming cole flowers. ecns.cn Terraced fields are covered by blooming cole flowers in Shangrao, east China's Jiangxi Province, presenting a spectacular view filled with pastoral beauty, March 26, 2023.

ecns.cn (2023-03-27). Alien-looking landscape in Qaidam Basin. ecns.cn Unique alien-looking Yardang landform, a dry area with a landscape formed by wind erosion, in the Qaidam Basin of Haixi Mongolian and Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, northwest China's Qinghai Province, March 26, 2023.

ecns.cn (2023-03-27). Mist shrouded Xiling Gorge on Yangtze River. ecns.cn Boats travel pass the mist shrouded Xiling Gorge on the Yangtze River in Zigui County of Yichang, central China's Hubei Province, March 25, 2023.

ecns.cn (2023-03-27). IMF: China to contribute a third to global growth in 2023 with robust rebound. ecns.cn

ecns.cn (2023-03-27). Int'l community needs China more than ever: Allianz CEO. ecns.cn The international community needs China more than ever, CEO of Allianz, the world's largest insurance company and asset management firm, said in a speech delivered to the China Development Forum 2023 on Sunday.

imperial.ac.uk (2023-03-27). Scale up of clean energy funding in Southeast Asia needed to meet climate goals. imperial.ac.uk Greater transparency around the financial performance of renewables, strong regulation and risk management are key to boosting clean energy funding.

Julia Rock (2023-03-27). "Everyone Wants A Raise When The Minimum Wage Goes Up" levernews.com

Norman Solomon (2023-03-27). We Don't Have to Choose Between Nuclear Madmen. indybay.org Nuclear coercion and brinkmanship…

Staff (2023-03-27). El agente Alejandro: Otro de los hombres del trabajo en silencio. cubadebate.cu Por sus servicios dentro de la CIA, en "su lucha por la democracia y la libertad", Eduardo Leal recibió una condecoración en Estados Unidos durante el Gobierno de Ronald Reagan. Antes, había sido "bien pagado", con miles de dólares. Cuando llegó al millón, le regalaron un billete impreso de recuerdo, del que aún conserva la fotocopia.

Staff (2023-03-27). La historia secreta de "Please Please Me" de The Beatles, el disco que lo cambió todo. cubadebate.cu Son las 10 pm del 11 de febrero de 1963, y a medida que el reloj de Abbey Road marca los últimos minutos de una agotadora sesión de 12 horas, John Lennon se quita la camisa, toma unas pastillas para la garganta y se lanza a una última carga de gloria o muerte en la historia del rock and roll.

Staff (2023-03-27). María Kodama, colaboradora y viuda de Jorge Luis Borges, muere a los 86 años. cubadebate.cu La escritora y traductora argentina María Kodama, viuda y principal difusora de la obra de Jorge Luis Borges, falleció este domingo a los 86 años. Kodama nació en Buenos Aires en 1937 y era hija del japonés Yosaburo Kodama y de la argentina María Antonia Schweizer.

Staff (2023-03-27). Selección cubana logra el ascenso y la clasifición a la Copa Oro. cubadebate.cu El equipo cubano de fútbol venció este domingo 1-0 a Guadalupe y certificó el ascenso al nivel A de la Liga de las Naciones de Concacaf y su boleto a la Copa Oro. La selección dirigida por Pablo Elier Sánchez salió con aplomo a la cancha del estadio Antonio Maceo de Santiago de Cuba.

Staff (2023-03-27). øY ahora Deutsche Bank? Por qué continúa la crisis bancaria y qué significa para la economía. cubadebate.cu Primero al Credit Suisse, que terminó en manos de su rival, UBS. Y ahora, el Deutsche Bank, el banco más grande de Alemania. Algunos hablaron de un efecto dominó. La metáfora es incorrecta. En todo caso, parece un temblor que derrumbó los edificios más enclenques.

teleSUR, ek, JGN (2023-03-27). Descubre algunas curiosidades sobre el cosmonauta Yuri Gagarin. telesurtv.net Yuri Gagarin, el cosmonauta soviético que falleció el 27 de marzo de 1968, es conocido por ser el primer ser humano en viajar al espacio exterior.

teleSUR, JGN (2023-03-27). Reportan desaparecidos tras deslizamiento de tierra en Ecuador. telesurtv.net Bomberos, militares y civiles comenzaron a realizar tareas de rescate, que se dificultaron debido a que el percance se produjo en horas de la noche.

teleSUR, MER, JGN (2023-03-27). Conoce las 10 obras de teatro más famosas del mundo. telesurtv.net El Día Mundial del Teatro se fija el 27 de marzo porque ese día del año 1962 fue inaugurado en París el festival Teatro de las Naciones, ITI, UNESCO, que reúne a representantes de todos los países del mundo.

teleSUR, nbb, JGN (2023-03-27). Asesinan a líder social en Boyacá, Colombia. telesurtv.net El hecho ocurrió en horas de la noche en la vereda Zulia, en el sector el Guarumal del municipio Maripí, Boyacá.

teleSUR, nbb, JGN (2023-03-27). Gobernante español designa nuevos ministros de Comercio y Sanidad. telesurtv.net Es el quinto reajuste ministerial que realiza Sánchez desde el inicio de su mandato, tras las elecciones de noviembre de 2019.

teleSUR, nbb, JGN (2023-03-27). Destitución de ministro de Defensa desata protestas en Israel. telesurtv.net La reforma pretende restringir la capacidad del Tribunal Supremo a rechazar leyes y permitir al Parlamento volver a legislar medidas impugnadas por ese órgano.

teleSUR, nbb, JGN (2023-03-27). Presidenta de Honduras recibe invitación para visitar China. telesurtv.net El Ministerio taiwanés de Exteriores lamentó la ruptura de relaciones. Tras la decisión el número de Estados que mantienen nexos con Taiwán se reduce a 13 países.

John Potash (2023-03-26). Abusive Priest Exposed in Netflix Series Was Trained Under CIA's Operation MK-ULTRA. covertactionmagazine.com Used MK-ULTRA tactics, including psychological manipulation and the administration of drugs, in abusing victims Investigators starring in the Emmy Award-nominated Netflix documentary, The Keepers, interviewed many women and at least one man reporting that Father Joseph Maskell raped them, and appeared to play a part in the murder of teacher Cathy Cesnik. After The Keepers …

Fight Back (2023-03-26). Louisiana LGBTQ activists disrupt governor's interview, demand firm commitment against bigotry. fightbacknews.org New Orleans, LA – On March 22, a group of LGBTQ activists interrupted a public interview with Governor John Bel Edwards at Loyola University. They unfurled a banner reading "Gov. Edwards: Will you veto hate?" Ed Abraham, the main protest speaker, demanded that Edwards commit to vetoing all bills threatening LGBTQ rights in the Louisiana legislature. Edwards did not deliver a commitment, and Loyola police removed protesters from the venue. The activists left chanting, "Defend trans kids! Veto hate!" | So far, activists are concerned about six bills. Two (SB 7 and HB 102) attempt to prohibit libraries from acquiri…

Fight Back (2023-03-26). Condemn repression of Louisiana immigrant rights organizations. fightbacknews.org Fight Back News Service is circulating the following statement from New Orleans Immigrant Rights Action. | New Orleans, LA – New Orleans Immigrant Rights Action (NOIRA) condemns the subpoenas issued by Attorney General Jeff Landry against three Louisiana immigration nonprofits. We demand that Landry cease his participation in Republican anti-immigrant lawsuits and that these repressive subpoenas be dropped. | Landry (R) demanded confidential documents from Home is Here NOLA, Immigration Services and Legal Advocacy (ISLA), and Louisiana Advocates for Immigrants in Detention (LA-AID). This information would reveal…

Luis Chirino (2023-03-26). Cuba holds national elections on Sunday. america.cgtn.com Residents arrived at polling stations on Sunday to cast their votes for the 470 delegates who make up the new Cuban National Assembly of People's Power for the next five years.

In Defense of Liberation! (2023-03-26). Interview with Dr. Gerald Horne. podcasters.spotify.com We are so thankful to have had Dr. Horne on to talk with us about a wide-range of topics. Thank you again Dr. Horne! | We began by speaking about some of the early experiences of Dr. Horne's life, growing up in Apartheid, Jim Crow USA as a young black man, being a paperboy, listening to the radio and the news at home, his parents love of the Brooklyn Dodgers and Jackie Robinson, and coming into consciousness through the awful experiences that black folks in the US live with everyday. We then spoke about his Law education, and his transition to history studies, why he did this and what he has gotten out of it. We…

_____ (2023-03-26). Why's the West Paranoid About the Putin-Xi Summit? journal-neo.org

_____ (2023-03-26). 20 Years of Iraq Denialism: The New York Times Continues to Get It Wrong on U.S. Empire. strategic-culture.org By Anthony DIMAGGIO | Marking the twentieth anniversary of the U.S. invasion of Iraq, The New York Times ran a feature-length article titled, " To provide some conte…

_____ (2023-03-26). Daniel Ellsberg Calling on Us to Stop Nuclear War. strategic-culture.org The legendary Daniel Ellsberg has been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. In a March 1 email to friends, Dan wrote, "I'm sorry to report to you that my doctors have given me three to six months to live … it might be more, or less." He will turn 92 on April 7. Dan displayed uncommon courage in 1971 when he publicized the 7,000-page top-secret Pentagon Papers while working at the Rand Corporation. As a consultant to the Department of Defense, Dan drafted Defense Secretary Robert McNamara's plans for nuclear war.

_____ (2023-03-26). NATO Poodles Whitewashing History in Serbia and Montenegro and Serbian Kosovo With Metohija. strategic-culture.org U.S. Ambassador Hill is sending a message to the Serbs that they should not do what they want to do but they should do what he wants them to do. | Just less than a decade ago,

_____ (2023-03-26). The Collective West vs. Traditional Values. strategic-culture.org In the West, there is almost nothing left of the classic division of political parties and movements into left-wing and right-wing ones. | If we were to judge the political life of the countries of the collective West solely on the basis of the concrete activities of political parties that alternate for decades on the stage of the political theater and in power, we would give the right to all those political theorists who like to speculate about the "twilight of ideologies". Let's take the British Labor Party and the Conservative Party as an example. Both parties are positioned in the center of the political spec…

Alexis T. Reed, Next City. (2023-03-26). Young Farmer Helps Heal Her Community's Connection To The Land. popularresistance.org Jonshell Johnson-Whitten's path to farming started when she was a teen living in the Lower Ninth Ward of New Orleans. The area is known as a "food desert," a low-income neighborhood with limited food access. But when Johnson-Whitten connected with a network of backyard gardeners, she discovered the potential for not just healthy food options, but also for community empowerment. "Being able to put [neighborhood] growers next to the folks who want to grow was the biggest part of inspiring people," she says. | That was just the beginning. Now, Johnson-Whitten takes seriously her role as a Black community farmer.

Allan Todd (2023-03-26). Britain: Unions, environment, healthcare groups to join XR in major protest next month. greenleft.org.au Allan Todd discusses the urgent need to address climate change, as highlighted in the recent Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Report, and the upcoming Extinction Rebellion protest in London, calling for system change to tackle climate, social and economic crises.

Andy Kroll (2023-03-26). Congress Has Been Captured by the Arms Industry. tomdispatch.com On March 13th, the Pentagon rolled out its proposed budget for Fiscal Year 2024. The results were — or at least should have been — stunning, even by the standards of a department that's used to getting what it wants when it wants it. The new Pentagon budget would come in at $842 billion. That's the highest level requested since World War II, except for the peak moment of the Afghan and Iraq wars, when the United States had nearly 200,000 troops deployed in those two countries. $1 Trillion for the Pentagon? It's important to note that the $842 billion proposed price tag for the Pentagon next year will…

Anonymous103 (2023-03-26). Military Overview: Turning Point Of Russian Assault On Bakhmut. southfront.org Click to see full-size image | Russian and Ukrainian military sources unanimously claimed a turning point of the Russian assault on the city of Bakhmut which will soon become Artemovsk (the name of the city in 1924-2016, it became Bakhmut when the Kiev regime launched ideological decommunization of the country). | The fighting is shifting to the center of the city. According to the latest data, clashes are ongoing in the city market area which is located on the western bank of the Bakhmutka river 500 meters to the buil…

Anonymous103 (2023-03-26). Military Situation In Bakhmut On March 26, 2023 (Map Update). southfront.org

Anonymous103 (2023-03-26). Military Situation In Donbass On March 26, 2023 (Map Update). southfront.org Click to see full-size image | The Russian Army advanced in the northern district of Mariinka; | Clashes between Russian forces and the AFU continue in Bakhmut and its outskirts; | Clashes between the Russian Army and the AFU continue near Ugledar; | Clashes between the Russian Army and the AFU continue on the outskirts of Avdeevka; | Up to 90 Ukrainian servicemen, 3 vehicles and 4 armored vehicles were destroyed by Russian artillery on Krasniy-Liman front, according to the R…

Anonymous103 (2023-03-26). Military Situation In Syria On March 26, 2023 (Map Update). southfront.org Click to see full-size image | On March 26, Russia reported that Idlib militants violated the ceasefire regime in Greater Idlib 11 times: 1 — in Idlib province, 1 — in Latakia province, 9 — in Aleppo province; | On March 26, the Russian Military Police carried out a one-sided patrol in the countryside of Ain al-Arab; | On March 25, artillery of Turkish-backed forces shelled SAA positions near 46th Division; | The Syrian Foreign Ministry condemned the US strikes against the SAA and pro-Ir…

Anonymous103 (2023-03-26). Military Situation In Ukraine On March 26, 2023 (Map Update). southfront.org Click to see full-size image | Russian forces destroyed 10 motor vehicles and a Gvozdika howitzer near Kherson; | Russian forces destroyed four pick-up trucks and an ammo depot near Kupyansk; | Russian forces destroyed four armoured vehicles and three motor vehicles near Liman; | Russian forces destroyed an ammo depot near Kramatorsk town; | The Russian Army advanced in the northern districts of Mariinka; | Clashes between the Russian Army and the AFU continue near Debrova; | Clashes between the Russian…

Anonymous103 (2023-03-26). "Space And Earth" Against Erdogan. southfront.org Illustrative Image | Written by Damir Nazarov | The terrible tragedy in Turkey definitely falls under the category of political intrigue by the forces of evil. All talk about natural causes is ignorant and empty. There are a number of reasons why Erdogan is tired of imperialism and they literally want to get rid of him "democratically." I mean the subsequent elections, which will most likely be the last for Erdogan in his political career. | The first reason for the earthquake strike on Turkey lies in the struggle of the…

Anonymous103 (2023-03-26). Tomorrow's War Today. Why China Wins. southfront.org

Anonymous103 (2023-03-26). Ukrainian Sea Mines Continue Exploding On Black Sea Shores, Threatening Civilians In Different Countries. southfront.org Click to see full-size image | On the morning of March 26, a sea mine exploded in the Odessa region. The Ukrainian mine damaged civilian buildings and the pier. | The Odessa City Council confirmed the incident. The speaker of the Odessa regional military administration said that the explosion occurred near the coastal village of Sychavka. As a result, a country house was damaged, there were no casualties as a result of the explosion. | The mine was washed ashore by a storm. The storm in the region continues. The off…

Anonymous103 (2023-03-26). Ukrainian UAV Was Intercepted In Russian Tula Oblast. southfront.org Click to see full-size image | On March 26, an explosion thundered in the town of Kireevsk in the Russian Tula Oblast. Russian media citing sources in law enforcement agencies and emergency services, reported that Ukrainian Tu-141 Strizh UAV, which was packed with explosives, fell in the central district of the settlement. | The Committee for Regional Security confirmed the incident, which resulted in damage to several houses. Three civilians were wounded."One victim was treated on the spot. Another victim was taken to…

Anonymous669 (2023-03-26). After Supplying Kiev With Su-25s, Northern Macedonia May Send Its Mi-24 Attack Helicopters. southfront.org A Macedonian Air Force Mi-24V taking off for a training sortie on 6 August 2012. Photo by Wikimedia user (Dcvetic). | A proposal to send 12 Soviet-made Mi-24 attack helicopters to Ukraine will be submitted for approval during the next session of the North Macedonian government, the country's Defense Minister Slavjanka Petrovska announced on March 25, according to the local media outlet Nezavisen. | Petrovska said that the decision will not affect the combat readiness of the North Ma…

Anonymous669 (2023-03-26). 'International Resistance' Attacks U.S. Supply Convoy In Iraq's Babylon. southfront.org Illustrative image. | On March 26, a convoy moving logistic supplies for the United States-led coalition came under attack in the southern Iraqi province of Babylon. | The supply convoy was reportedly targeted with an improvised explosive device. No casualties were reported as a result of the attack. | An armed group known as the International Resistance claimed responsibility for the attack. The shadowy group is one of several pro-Iran formations that emerged in Iraq after the assassination of Abu M…

Anonymous669 (2023-03-26). Iraqi Warplanes Hunt Down ISIS Terrorists In Diyala (Video). southfront.org This file photo shows an Iraqi Air Force AC-208 Cessna Caravan aircrew launch a Hellfire missile during a previous test at a target on the Aziziyah Training Range, south of Baghdad, Nov. 8, 2010. US Army photo by SGT Brandon Bolick. | On March 4, warplanes of the Iraqi Air Force (IQAF) carried out a series of airstrikes on several hideouts of ISIS in the area of Narin in the eastern province of Diyala. | Major General Yahya Rasool, a spokesman for the Iraqi Commander-in-Chief, said in a statement that th…

Anonymous669 (2023-03-26). New Satellite Images Show Aftermath Of Recent Israeli Strikes On Syria's Aleppo. southfront.org An Israeli IMI Delilah cruise missile under the wing of an Israeli Air Force F-16I Soufa Fighter. Picture taken at Kecskeméti Repàºl≈ënap 2010. By Wikimedia user (KGyST). | On March 25, defense observer

Anonymous669 (2023-03-26). Russian Loitering Munitions Destroyed M777, FH70 Howitzer Of Kiev Forces (Videos). southfront.org ZALA Lancet attack drone. © Marina Lystseva/TASS | The Russian military has destroyed two more Western-made howitzers of Kiev forces using advanced Lancet loitering munitions. | On March 25 and 26, two videos surfaced online showing strikes against an FH70 and an M777 towed 155 mm howitzers of Kiev forces on an unspecified front in the special military operation zone. Both howitzers received direct hits. | The ZALA Aero Group, a subsidiary of Russia's defense giant Kalashnikov, produces two versions of t…

Anonymous669 (2023-03-26). Six Civilians Killed In Two Central Syria Attacks Attributed To ISIS. southfront.org Illustrative image. | On March 26, six civilians were killed in two separate terrorist attacks in Syria's central region which were both attributed to ISIS. | In the eastern Homs countryside, terrorists believed to be members of ISIS attacked a group of civilians who were collecting truffles in the area of al-Shaer near the ancient city of Palmyra. The terrorists killed four of the civilians and abducted two others, according to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights. | Later, the London-…

Cody Bloomfield (2023-03-26). Atlanta's "Stop Cop City" Movement Is Spreading Despite Rampant State Repression. truthout.org In the woods outside Atlanta on the night of March 5, some demonstrators may have slipped into the fold of an ongoing, protest-themed music festival after returning from a march to the construction site of a planned $90 million militarized police training facility known as "Cop City," where they allegedly set a bulldozer alight and vandalized construction equipment. Cops allege the demonstrators… |

Colin Todhunter (2023-03-26). Food, Dispossession and Dependency. Resisting the New World Order. globalresearch.ca Food, Dispossession and Dependency.: | Resisting the New World Order: | by: | Colin Todhunter: | We are currently seeing an acceleration of the corporate consolidation of …

Community Coalition Against Racism (2023-03-26). Canada's Campaign to Demonize "All Things Chinese" globalresearch.ca

Dana Visalli (2023-03-26). Korea: A Brief History Explains Everything. Extensive U.S. War Crimes. globalresearch.ca First published by Global Research on January 23, 2019 | As the time-honored saying goes, 'It ain't what you know that gets you in trouble, it's what you know that ain't so.' If Americans 'know' anything about Korea, it is that …

Dave DeCamp (2023-03-26). France Says Willing to Work With China to Find a 'Peaceful Solution' in Ukraine. news.antiwar.com French President Emmanuel Macron's diplomatic adviser has told China's top diplomat, Wang Yi, that Paris is willing to work with Beijing to find a "peaceful solution" to the war in Ukraine. "France is ready to make joint efforts with China to facilitate the cessation of hostilities and seek a peaceful solution," Emmanuel Bonne told Wang, …

Dave DeCamp (2023-03-26). Indo-Pacific Command Seeks $3.5 Billion More Than Biden's 2024 Budget. news.antiwar.com US Indo-Pacific Command (INDOPACOM) is seeking $3.5 billion more than what President Biden has requested for his 2024 military budget, Defense News reported on Friday. The other five US military commands are also asking for more than what Biden has allocated for them, but nowhere near what INDOPACOM seeks. Combined, the five other commands' extra …

Dave DeCamp (2023-03-26). Putin Says Russia Will Deploy Nuclear Weapons to Belarus. news.antiwar.com Russian President Vladimir Putin said Saturday that Moscow will deploy tactical nuclear weapons to Belarus at the request of Minsk. Announcing the decision, Putin compared the move to NATO's nuclear sharing program, under which there are US nuclear weapons deployed to the territory of five allied countries: Germany, Italy, Belgium, the Netherlands, and Turkey. "There …

Dave DeCamp (2023-03-26). US, EU Conduct First-Ever Joint Naval Drills Aimed at China. news.antiwar.com The US and the EU concluded their first-ever joint naval exercises on Friday as the Western powers are stepping up military cooperation that is aimed at China. While most EU members are NATO allies of the US, this marks the first time the US formally conducted joint naval drills with vessels operating as part of …

Dave DeCamp (2023-03-26). Yellen Says US Sanctions Have Created a 'Real Economic Crisis' in Iran. news.antiwar.com Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen has acknowledged that US sanctions on Iran have created a "real economic crisis" in Iran but haven't changed the behavior of the government. "Our sanctions on Iran have created real economic crisis in the country, and Iran is greatly suffering economically because of the sanctions … Has that forced a change …

Dave DeCamp (2023-03-26). Zelensky Says No Counteroffensive Until the West Sends More Weapons. news.antiwar.com Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said Saturday that Ukraine's counteroffensive can't begin until the US and other Western countries send more weapons and ammunition. When asked about a potential counteroffensive in an interview with the Japanese newspaper Yomiuri Shimbun, Zelensky said Ukraine can't "start yet" and can't "send our brave soldiers to the front line without …

Dragan Vujicic (2023-03-26). Romanian Senator Diana Iovanovici-Sosoaca Is Receiving Death Threats from Kiev. globalresearch.ca

Duaa Eldeib (2023-03-26). Federal Study Calls US Stillbirth Rate "Unacceptably High" and Recommends Action. truthout.org Federal officials have released a bleak assessment of the country's progress in understanding and preventing stillbirths, calling the rate "unacceptably high" and issuing a series of recommendations to reduce it through research and prevention. The National Institutes of Health report, titled "Working to Address the Tragedy of Stillbirth," mirrored findings of an investigation by ProPublica last… |

East Meadow Action Committee (2023-03-26). East Meadow Update 3/17/23. indybay.org On March 15 and 16, 2023 the UC Regents took up UCSC's latest proposal for Student Housing West. With almost no deliberation they approved the proposal unanimously.

ecns.cn (2023-03-26). Chinese sports brands see bumper 2022. ecns.cn Major Chinese sports enterprises such as Anta, Xtep and Li-Ning enjoyed considerable growth in 2022, according to annual financial results released in recent days.

ecns.cn (2023-03-26). Huawei achieves breakthrough in EDA tools for chips. ecns.cn Huawei Technologies Co said it has successfully developed electronic design automation, or EDA tools, for chips above 14 nanometers process by partnering with domestic partners, marking a crucial breakthrough for China's semiconductor industry amid the U.S. government restrictions.

ecns.cn (2023-03-26). Chinese envoy urges Security Council to address adverse effects of sanctions on DPRK. ecns.cn A Chinese envoy on Thursday called for the Security Council to address the adverse impact of sanctions against the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK).

ecns.cn (2023-03-26). PLA warns off US warship for the second time in two days. ecns.cn The People's Liberation Army's Southern Theater Command warned off a United States warship that illegally entered China's territorial waters in the South China Sea for the second time in two days, the Defense Ministry said on Friday.

ecns.cn (2023-03-26). Spring break welcomed for some colleges. ecns.cn An announcement for a seven-day spring break from Sichuan Southwest Vocational College of Civil Aviation created online buzz, Beijing Youth Daily reported.

ecns.cn (2023-03-26). China extradites murder suspect from Russia. ecns.cn Chinese police have recently extradited a murder suspect from Russia who had been on the run for 27 years, the Ministry of Public Security said on Friday.

ecns.cn (2023-03-26). Chinese scientists discover higher yield, alkaline tolerant crop gene. ecns.cn Chinese scientists have identified AT1, a key gene involved in crop alkaline tolerance that may greatly improve crop yield in sodic environments through genetic engineering.

ecns.cn (2023-03-26). Chinese institute houses most ancient vertebrate animals, humans in Asia. ecns.cn The specimen museum of the Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology (IVPP) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) houses over 460,000 fossil and human remains specimens, and has developed into the largest collection institution of ancient vertebrate animals and ancient humans in Asia.

ecns.cn (2023-03-26). Insights | Brazilian economist: I'm impressed by China's resilience. ecns.cn The subjects and policies discussed during the top legislative and political advisory meetings (or the Two Sessions) further demonstrate China's resilience, and the country's scientific and technological development and rural revitalization strategy are of great significance, said Alessandro Teixeira, special economic adviser to former President of Brazil, Dilma Rousseff.

ecns.cn (2023-03-26). China's first maglev tourism line starts test run. ecns.cn China's first domestic maglev tourism line, the Guangdong – Qingyuan Maglev Tourism Line, started joint debugging and testing on Friday.

ecns.cn (2023-03-26). Ganging up to seek decoupling finds little support: Chinese FM. ecns.cn In response to Hun Sen's remarks, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Mao Ning said they speak to regional countries' aspiration to have peace and cooperation over conflict and confrontation and opposition to coercion and bullying.

ecns.cn (2023-03-26). U.S. government urged to stop suppressing foreign companies. ecns.cn Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman on Friday urged the U.S. government to stop suppressing foreign companies and provide an open, fair, just and non-discriminatory environment for those operating in the U.S.

ecns.cn (2023-03-26). (W. E. Talk‚Ä¢In-depth Interview) Zhang Xiaojing: Responding to Schumpeter's question, how to develop"China'sexperience" to "China's theory"?>. ecns.cn Joseph Schumpeter, an Austrian-born economist, wrote in his History of Economic Analysis, "…in ancient China, the home of the oldest literary culture of which we know.

ecns.cn (2023-03-26). China to release 200,000 rare fish into Yangtze River. ecns.cn China will release 200,000 Chinese sturgeon into the Yangtze River, the country's longest river, starting Saturday, as part of its efforts to protect the rare fish.

ecns.cn (2023-03-26). DPRK tests new underwater attack weapon system. ecns.cn The underwater nuclear attack drone, named "Haeil," has undergone more than 50 shakedown tests for the past two years, the Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) reported.

ecns.cn (2023-03-26). China presents national report on nuclear safety to IAEA. ecns.cn China presented its national report on nuclear safety during the Joint Eighth and Ninth Review Meeting of the Contracting Parties to the Convention on Nuclear Safety (CNS) on Thursday at the headquarters of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in Vienna, Austria.

ecns.cn (2023-03-26). Forum speakers urge respect for diversified approaches to democracy. ecns.cn A group of senior officials and renowned scholars criticized the falsely touted narrative of "democracy versus autocracy" during the opening ceremony of the second International Forum on Democracy: The Shared Human Values in Beijing on Thursday.

ecns.cn (2023-03-26). Honduras severs "diplomatic relations" with Taiwan. ecns.cn The Honduran foreign ministry announced on Saturday that Honduras is severing the so-called "diplomatic relations" with the Taiwan authorities.

ecns.cn (2023-03-26). Chinese firm unveils self-developed flight simulator platform expected to provide training support for C919. ecns.cn A Chinese company unveiled a self-developed flight simulator platform on Thursday, and the system is expected to provide technical support for pilot training on aircraft such as the C919, the company said.

ecns.cn (2023-03-26). China launches polymer material R&D platform. ecns.cn A research team at East China University of Science and Technology recently launched a platform for polymer material research and development.

ecns.cn (2023-03-26). New nuclear power unit starts operation in China's Guangxi. ecns.cn A new nuclear power unit using Hualong One, a domestically designed third-generation nuclear reactor, was put into operation in south China's Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region on Saturday, paving the way for commercial operation.

ecns.cn (2023-03-26). Culture Fact | City of culture: Luoyang. ecns.cn

ecns.cn (2023-03-26). In Numbers: China's higher education enrollment ratio reaches 59.6 pct in 2022. ecns.cn

ecns.cn (2023-03-26). Cradle of Civilization: Mount Wuyi. ecns.cn Mount Wuyi, located in China's southeast province of Fujian, has unique, rare, and exquisite natural landscapes and profound historical and cultural connotations. Mount Wuyi was inscribed on the UNESCO World Cultural and Natural Heritage List in 1999.

Editor (2023-03-26). Government Hasn't Justified a TikTok Ban. scheerpost.com By Adam Schwartz and David Greene / Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) Freedom of speech and association include the right to choose one's communication technologies. Politicians shouldn't be able to tell you what to say, where to say it, or who to say it to. So we are troubled by growing demands in the United States …

Editor (2023-03-26). Patrick Lawrence: What Just Happened in Moscow Is Big. scheerpost.com By Patrick Lawrence / Original to ScheerPost Now that Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping have concluded their summit in Moscow— an unusually long series of meetings over three days—are those purporting to lead the United States prepared to drop their wishful thinking, their miscalculations, and their illusions as to the significance and durability of the …

Editor (2023-03-26). 'Speechless': US, Canada Agree on Plan to Turn Away Asylum-Seekers. scheerpost.com

Emanuel Pastreich (2023-03-26). Bankrupt Banks, Food Crisis, Mandatory Vaccine and Our Grim Future. "This Time, the Virus has Infected Money Itself" globalresearch.ca

Environmental Health Trust (2023-03-26). Scientific Paper on Children, Wireless Technology, and Health Effects by Renowned Experts in Environmental Health. globalresearch.ca

Evan Vorpahl (2023-03-26). Dark Money-Fueled WI Supreme Court Candidate's Anti-Abortion Views Span Decades. truthout.org The most expensive judicial election in United States history will take place in Wisconsin on April 4, and right-wing dark money groups are spending unprecedented amounts to back State Supreme Court candidate Daniel Kelly in this nominally nonpartisan race. Kelly, who is backed by the Republican Party, is facing off against Milwaukee Circuit Court Judge Janet Protasiewicz, who has said she is… |

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-03-26). France Burns as Millions Protest to Defend Pensions. libya360.wordpress.com Gary Wilson Workers across France continue militant protests against attacks on pensions. March 23 was a national day of action, a general strike, organized by the labor unions in France. According to union estimates, around 3.5 million people hit the streets in more than 250 locations across France that day, Peoples Dispatch reports. Workers have continued work…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-03-26). Haiti, Syria and Beyond: How Canada's Fourth Estate Fails to Serve the Public's Right to Know. libya360.wordpress.com Peter Biesterfeld CF Editorial Note: This is part two of Peter Biesterfeld's series for The Canada Files: Facts are Subversive: How Canada's Mainstream Media Spreads Disinformation about the Conflict in Ukraine. It focuses on how Canada's mainstream media is failing Canadians with its foreign policy coverage. What follows is a critical examination of the reliability…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-03-26). People's Power Is at the Heart of the Cuban Political System: Llanisca Lugo. libya360.wordpress.com Zoe Alexandra Meeting of the National Candidacy Commission with the Candidacy Commissions in Holguin. Photo: Consuelo Baeza Martín.On March 26, the Cuban people go to the polls to elect their representatives to the National Assembly, the country's legislative body. The members of the Assembly are elected after a long democratic and consultative process On…

James A. Lucas (2023-03-26). U.S. Regime Has Killed 20-30 Million People Since World War II. globalresearch.ca Originally published on March 22, 2018. March 19-20, 2023 Commemorates the Illegal Invasion of Iraq | Introduction: | After the catastrophic attacks of September 11 2001 monumental sorrow and a feeling of desperate and understandable anger began to permeate the American psyche. …

Jon Reynolds (2023-03-26). Why the Hell Is the US Occupying Syria? globalresearch.ca

Juan Cole (2023-03-26). Netherlands becomes European Leader in Solar Power Per Capita, with 500K Panels on Lakes, Reservoirs and Seas. juancole.com Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) — Solar panels are like magic, turning sunshine into electricity. They are, however, relatively bulky. We own our own home and have 16 of them on our roof, but renters have often complained to me that it isn't so easy in an apartment building. There is also a danger that they …

Luigino Bracci (2023-03-26). Venezuela Attorney General: 21 Arrested in Recent Corruption Operation. orinocotribune.com The attorney general of Venezuela, Tarek William Saab, reported that 21 people have been arrested for alleged involvement in corruption in the country's oil sector and the judiciary, including officials of the state oil company Petróleos de Venezuela (PDVSA), the National Superintendence of Crypto-assets (Sunacrip) and other institutions, and private business owners prosecuted for money laundering. | In a press conference held on Saturday, March 25, at the headquarters of the Attorney General's Office in Caracas, Saab provided details surrounding the corruption scheme, which he named "PDVSA-Crypto scheme." He sta…

Mac Slavo (2023-03-26). Toxic Fruit and Veggies: 75& of Produce Grown in the US Contains Toxic Pesticide Residue. globalresearch.ca

Manlio Dinucci (2023-03-26). How to Destroy Russia. 2019 Rand Corporation Report: "Overextending and Unbalancing Russia" globalresearch.ca Force the adversary to expand recklessly in order to unbalance him, and then destroy him. This is not the description of a judo hold, but a plan against Russia elaborated by the Rand Corporation, the most influential think tank in the USA.

mforinoco (2023-03-26). Havana and the World: Al Mayadeen interviews Cuba President (II). orinocotribune.com In an exclusive interview for Al Mayadeen, the Cuban President talks about Cuba's stance on the war in Ukraine, and his country's relationship with Russia, China, and other countries. | During the second part of Al Mayadeen Media Network Chairman Ghassan Ben Jeddou's interview with Cuban President Miguel Diaz-Canel, the president discusses Cuba's assessment of current alliances, in addition to its position on the war in Ukraine. | The Cuban president discussed the solid relationship that consolidates his country with Russia, China, and Iran, as well as his country's relationship with Latin American leaders, and w…

mforinoco (2023-03-26). Rockets Hit US Military Base After Airstrikes Target Syrian Troops. orinocotribune.com A military base housing US forces in eastern province of Dayr al-Zawr has come under a rocket attack hours after the Pentagon carried out multiple airstrikes against Syrian troops. | Lebanon's al-Mayadeen television news network, citing local sources, reported that ‚Äèthe rockets landed in the vicinity of US-controlled al-Omar oil field at around 11 a.m. local time (0800 GMT) on Friday, causing several explosions. | There were no immediate reports of injuries and the extent of damage. | The attack came hours after the US military launched several air raids against Syrian forces. Washington said…

Michigan Advance (2023-03-26). Workers praise Gov. Gretchen Whitmer for signing Repeal of GOP Union-Busting 'Right to Work' Law. juancole.com By: Laina G. Stebbins — ( Michigan Advance ) — Unions and other pro-labor groups on Friday celebrated the signing of a set of bills to reverse GOP former Gov. Rick Snyder-era laws that have curtailed union power and pushed down wages. Democratic Gov. Gretchen Whitmer on Friday afternoon signed House Bills …

Middle East Monitor (2023-03-26). First Hijab-Wearing Muslim Judge joins Bench at US Court in New Jersey. juancole.com ( Middle East Monitor) — US attorney Nadia Kahf has been appointed to the New Jersey Superior Court, becoming the first hijab-wearing judge on the bench, local media reported. Kahf, who is of Syrian origin, is a law and immigration attorney from the township of Wayne. She took the oath of office yesterday with her …

Newsclick (2023-03-26). Mutating Viruses: Search for universal vaccine. peoplesdispatch.org In this show, we talk about the possibility of a universal vaccine which can deal with a group of diseases or against a variety of infectious diseases. We also discuss if we succeed in getting a universal vaccine against a group of infectious diseases, whether the vaccine production will cease.

noreply (2023-03-26). You Don't Even Need To Know Russian… smoothiex12.blogspot.com to understand what SMO woke up in Russian people. Look at these two twin sisters from Makeevka, 25 years old. Children, but here they are running their truck with radio comm equipment. They can drive the tank too. To say that this wakes up a genetic memory of overwhelming majority of Russians about the Great Patriotic War is to say nothing. That is exactly what SMO woke up. The images are overwhelming and are beyond life and intellectual experiences of those (majority) people in the West who "planned" their Ukrainian debacle before 2014 and, then, in 2022. I am on record–they don't understand what they've g…

Peter Koenig (2023-03-26). The Big Lie: Worldwide Energy Shortage Plus Multiple Crises — All Manufactured — Meant for Destruction of Western Civilization. globalresearch.ca Energy Crisis. Food crisis. Industrial collapse. Supply chains disruptions. Fractured Communications. Cyber-attacks. Black-outs? Hyper-inflation. Climate change. Wars, civil conflicts, and more plandemics, culminating in human misery… Yes. It's all manufactured.

Prof Michel Chossudovsky (2023-03-26). 24 Years Ago, NATO's War on Yugoslavia: Kosovo "Freedom Fighters" Financed by Organized Crime. globalresearch.ca Twenty-four years ago, marks the beginning of NATO's aerial bombardment of Yugoslavia (March 24, 1999- June 10, 1999). The bombings which lasted for almost three months, were followed by the military invasion (under a bogus UN mandate) and illegal …

Prof Michel Chossudovsky (2023-03-26). U.S. Act of War against the European Union: President Biden Ordered the Terror Attack against Nord Stream. High Treason against the People of Europe. globalresearch.ca In international law, "Territorial Integrity" extends to "properties" located within the territorial waters of the Nation State. The deliberate destruction of said "properties" within a country's territorial waters by or on behalf of a foreign state actor constitutes an act of war.

Prof Michel Chossudovsky (2023-03-26). Video: US-China Relations and the Contradictions of America's Hegemonic Project. globalresearch.ca

Prof Michel Chossudovsky (2023-03-26). Video: War and Crimes against Humanity,"Fake Intelligence" and the Destruction of Countries Michel Chossudovsky. globalresearch.ca US War Crimes: | In this video interview, Michel Chossudovsky reviews the war crimes committed by US-NATO against numerous countries in the wake of World War II, as well as the "fake intelligence" and media propaganda used to justify the invasion …

Prof Michel Chossudovsky (2023-03-26). Video: Towards WHO Totalitarianism? Dr. Reiner Fuellmich with Prof. Michel Chossudovsky, James Roguski and Matthew Ehret. globalresearch.ca

Prof. Claudia von Werlhof (2023-03-26). Global WAR-NING! Geoengineering Is Wrecking Our Planet and Humanity. globalresearch.ca World leaders are meeting in Glasgow at COP-26. All eyes are now on "the imminent dangers of CO2 and greenhouse gas emissions". The "climate emergency" is a timely instrument of propaganda used to distract people from questioning "the real crisis", namely the Covid-19 "plandemic".

Rashme Sehgal (2023-03-26). Is it too late to save the Great Indian Bustard? peoplesdispatch.org What if I told you that a magnificent creature could disappear from the face of our planet, never to be seen again? Time seems to be running out for the Great Indian Bustard. Only 122 birds remain in the Desert National Park in the State of Rajasthan, while the remaining few are found in the grasslands of Gujarat. | As per the data available, only four females of the species are in the Kutch area of Gujarat. The situation is even more critical because no male bustards have been reported in Kutch since 2018. | The alarmingly decreased number of these birds has been attributed to their frequent collisions with powe…

Rick Rozoff (2023-03-26). Azerbaijani defense ministry blast Armenia, Russia for "supporting terrorists," deploys troops. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com Azeri Press AgencyMarch 25, 2023 Responsibility for a possible conflict lies with Armenia and Russian peacekeepers Issuing a press release, the Ministry of Defense of Azerbaijan (MoD) states that the transportation of manpower, ammunition, mines, as well as other military equipment from Armenia for illegal Armenian armed detachments in the territory of Azerbaijan, where the …

Rick Rozoff (2023-03-26). Baltic to Black Sea: NATO deploys Portuguese, Romanian F-16s to Russian border. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com NATOAllied Air CommandMarch 23, 2023 Portugal and Romania are incoming to Lithuania for their Baltic Air Policing rotation Portugal and Romania are the Allies lined up to take over Baltic Air Policing duties safeguarding and protecting Allies air space and ensuring the safety for all air users. "BAP deployments demonstrate a unified Alliance and the …

Rick Rozoff (2023-03-26). Iran next target of Azerbaijan-Turkey war machine: editorial. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com Anyone who can't see what's coming requires cataract surgery pronto. ==== Azeri Press AgencyMarch 22, 2023 Iran crosses all 'red lines' Unable to stomach Victory of Azerbaijan in 44-Day Patriotic War, Iran cannot settle down in any way. Since the victory, we have been faced with provocations by Iran almost every day. The Tehran regime, …

Rick Rozoff (2023-03-26). Strategic partners: Israel receives first ambassador from Azerbaijan. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com Trend News AgencyMarch 26, 2023 Azerbaijani Ambassador presents his credentials to President of Israel Azerbaijani Ambassador to Israel Mukhtar Mammadov presented his credentials to Israeli President Isaac Herzog, the ambassador wrote on his Twitter page, Trend reports. According to Mammadov, it is a great honor and pride for him to present his credentials to the …

Rick Rozoff (2023-03-26). Strengthening the international maritime force: NATO gathers global fleet commanders to study Ukraine war. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com NATO currently has 70 members and partners on six continents. ==== NATOAllied Maritime CommandMarch 24, 2023 NATO Maritime Operational Commanders focus on deterrence, defence during annual conference NATO's Allied Maritime Command (MARCOM) hosted Allied and Partner nation fleet commanders, operational directors, and other senior leaders for the Maritime Operational Commanders' Conference (MOCC) 2023 at its …

Rick Rozoff (2023-03-26). Turkish commander hails NATO 4th/5th-generation warplanes patrolling "eastern flank" antibellum679354512.wordpress.com NATOAllied Air CommandMarch 21, 2023 Polish, Netherlands and French fighter jets train on eastern flank MALBORK, Poland — NATO fighter jets conducted combined air policing drills simulating aircraft intercepts and conducting approach, handover and escort procedures. Polish MiG-29 and Netherlands F-35 jets took off from Malbork Air Base to fly integration training in Polish airspace. …

Sarah Anderson (2023-03-26). Men Dominate the Corporate World, But Replacing Them With Women Isn't the Answer. truthout.org For the first time ever, women CEOs now make up more than 10 percent of Fortune 500 leaders. But that's hardly a reason to celebrate. On every indicator, white men still dominate the upper rungs of the economy, while women — particularly women of color — continue to be overrepresented in low-paying jobs. And even when women do break through the glass ceiling, they're still part of a system… |

scorinoco (2023-03-26). France: Over 1 Million People Participate in Protests Against Pension Reform. orinocotribune.com Over one million people participated in demonstrations against the pension reform bill across France, according to the French Interior Ministry, while unions give the estimate at over three million. | The Interior Ministry said 1.089 million demonstrators took to the streets in France on Thursday, March 23, double the number present at the previous manifestation on March 15; however, it was less than at the demonstrations on January 19, 31 and March 7, the French media reported. Then, the number of protesters reportedly amounted to around 1.2 million. | However, France's largest union, CGT, reported that a record…

South Front (2023-03-26). The Most Undervalued Assets in Europe Are Now in Eastern Ukraine. Who Is the First to Benefit? globalresearch.ca

Staff (2023-03-26). 📨 Modo Avión: ChatGPT, øpuedo hacerte una pregunta? 🤖. cubadebate.cu Esta semana estábamos sin ideas y le pedimos al ChatGPT que nos hiciera la tarea. Na, no se alarmen que solo fue una prueba. Sabemos que lo que escribimos nosotros tiene más pinta. Igual, la inteligencia artificial está muy dura, así como el #TeamAsere, que aunque perdió el domingo pasado, hay que ponerle una medalla en el pecho a cada uno de esos peloteros por todo el odio que enfrentaron en Miami.

Staff (2023-03-26). Brasil perdió con Marruecos y Argentina pasa a ser el número uno en el Ranking FIFA. cubadebate.cu En un gran nivel y con la confianza en alza luego de su gran cuarto puesto en Qatar-2022, el seleccionado de Marruecos venció 2-1 a Brasil este sábado en un partido amistoso en Tánger, un encuentro en el que los pentacampeones padecieron la baja del lesionado Neymar. Los centrocampistas Sofiane Boufal y Abdelhamid Sabiri dieron la victoria a los africanos.

Staff (2023-03-26). Cancillería de Cuba desmiente noticia sobre la imposibilidad de acogerse al "parole humanitario" estadounidense a los cubanos que ejerzan su derecho al voto. cubadebate.cu Este domingo, funcionarios del Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores de Cuba desmintieron las noticias difundidas en redes sociales sobre la imposibilidad de acogerse al "parole humanitario" estadounidense, a los cubanos que ejerzan su derecho al voto. Representantes del Gobierno de Estados Unidos confirmaron que es falsa esa advertencia.

Staff (2023-03-26). Estados Unidos: Mueren más de 20 personas en Mississippi por tormentas generadoras de tornados. cubadebate.cu Más de 20 personas murieron después de poderosas tormentas y al menos un tornado que azotaron Mississippi este viernes en la noche. Los vientos arrancaron techos de casas, casi arrasaron algunos vecindarios y dejaron sin electricidad a miles.El Servicio Meteorológico Nacional confirmó que el tornado azotó las ciudades de Silver City y Rolling Fork.

Staff (2023-03-26). Mauricio Macri descarta su participación en próximas elecciones en Argentina. cubadebate.cu Mauricio Macri (2015-2019) descartó su postulación a las elecciones generales previstas para el 22 de octubre de este año.A través de un video publicado en su perfil en la red social Twitter, el representante de la alianza opositora Juntos por el Cambio (JxC) confirmó su decisión de no ser candidato bajo el pretexto de "agrandar el espacio político".

Staff (2023-03-26). Nueva fuga de agua radiactiva provoca el cierre de una central nuclear en Minnesota, Estados Unidos. cubadebate.cu La planta de energía nuclear cercana a la ciudad estadounidense de Mineápolis tuvo que cerrar por un escape de agua radiactiva. "Si bien la fuga continúa sin representar un riesgo para el público o el medioambiente, determinamos que el mejor curso de acción es apagar la planta y realizar las reparaciones permanentes de inmediato", informó Chris Clark.

Staff (2023-03-26). Ohtani regresó con los Angels y ponchó a ocho en última salida de la pretemporada. cubadebate.cu La estrella Shohei Ohtani regresó al campamento de Los àÅngeles Angels después de su actuación como Jugador Más Valioso en el Clásico Mundial de Béisbol. Tres días después de ponchar a Mike Trout para asegurar el título del WBC para Japón contra EEUU, Ohtani estaba en los campos de Tempe, lanzando en un juego contra los Arizona Diamondbacks.

Staff (2023-03-26). Raúl fue el primero en acudir a su colegio electoral. cubadebate.cu El General de Ejército, Raúl Castro Ruz, líder de la Revolución cubana, también ejerció su derecho al voto muy temprano en la jornada electoral que vive el país este domingo, informó en Twitter Presidencia Cuba. Más de ocho millones de cubanos están convocados a las urnas para elegir a los 470 diputados a la Asamblea Nacional del Poder Popular este domingo.

Staff (2023-03-26). Renuncia directora de escuela en EEUU por mostrar a alumnos de sexto grado el "David" de Miguel àÅngel. cubadebate.cu La directora de una escuela chárter de Florida renunció después de que tres padres se quejaran de que sus hijos estaban expuestos a imágenes sexuales. Uno de los padres se refería a una de las obras más famosas de la historia del arte: el "David" de Miguel àÅngel. La junta de la escuela decidió darle a la directora la opción de renunciar o ser despedida.

Staff (2023-03-26). Unión Eléctrica no pronostica afectaciones por déficit de generación este domingo. cubadebate.cu En el día de ayer no se afectó el servicio por déficit de capacidad de generación en el Sistema Eléctrico Nacional. La disponibilidad del SEN a las 07: 00 horas es de 2900 MW y la demanda 1950 MW, con todo el sistema con servicio. Se estima que en el horario diurno, ni en el pico nocturno, ocurran afectaciones al servicio por déficit de capacidad de generación.

Staff (2023-03-26). Audio: Why Democrats Don't Reduce The War Budget. davidswanson.org

Staff (2023-03-26). 28th Ibero-American Summit Takes Place in Dominican Republic, Spain's Loss of Influence Noticeable. orinocotribune.com Caracas, March 25, 2023 (

Staff (2023-03-26). President Maduro Cancels Participation in 28th Ibero-American Summit. orinocotribune.com Caracas, March 25, 2023 ( Presidents and representatives from 22 countries arrived on Saturday, March 25, in Santo Domingo for the weekend summit, which provides a forum for heads of stat…

Staff (2023-03-26). Samidoun Vancouver hosts Liberation Iftar, celebrates victory of Palestinian prisoners. samidoun.net On Saturday, 25 March, Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network in Vancouver organized a Liberation Iftar/Dinner to commemorate Palestinian Land Day, celebrate the victory of Palestinian prisoners over the jailer, and raise funds to support the upcoming Liberation Conference for Palestine in Ottawa. The event included an abundant iftar meal, political speeches, and cultural performances, all …

SUN (2023-03-26). COVID-19 Vaccines: Proof of Lethality. Over One Thousand Scientific Studies. globalresearch.ca

T.J. Coles (2023-03-26). The Military-Intelligentsia Complex: How Higher Education Enables US Militarism. globalresearch.ca

Tara Lohan, The Revelator. (2023-03-26). 'What Really Keeps Me Up At Night': A Climate Scientist's Call To Action. popularresistance.org We're running out of time to get things right. | With the final installment in the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change's 6th Assessment Report released this week, the world's leading climate scientists have offered a stark warning that we need to cut our greenhouse gas emissions in half by 2030 or face a "rapidly closing window of opportunity to secure a livable and sustainable future for all." | This will require an abrupt about-face as emissions continue to rise despite the massive body of scientific literature affirming the dire risks of proceeding with business as usual.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-03-26). Corte Suprema de México suspende reforma electoral de López Obrador. telesurtv.net Este fallo se produce cuando la oposición al presidente López Obrador ha presentado recursos judiciales para frena la reforma del Gobierno mexicano en materia electoral.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-03-26). Presidente Lula cancela viaje a China por recomendación médica. telesurtv.net El presidente fue diagnosticado con neumonía leve y el equipo médico recomendó posponerlo hasta que la condición haya mejorado por completo.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-03-26). Chad nacionaliza la petrolera estadounidense Exxon Mobil. telesurtv.net En diciembre, Exxon Mobil intentó vender activos por 407 mmd, pero el Gobierno de Cha impugnó el acuerdo.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-03-26). Avanzan trabajos de Cumbre Iberoamericana en República Dominicana. telesurtv.net En este sesión, los jefe de Estado y Gobierno, incluidos también los representantes de los países de la región, presentan sus posiciones en la ronda de discursos.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-03-26). Al menos 24 muertos deja paso de tornado en sureste de EE.UU. telesurtv.net Un tornado arrasó la noche del viernes una zona rural de Mississippi y Alabama, destruyendo edificios e interrumpiendo el servicio eléctrico…

teleSUR, JCM (2023-03-26). Avanza persecución judicial contra aliados de Castillo en Perú. telesurtv.net En diciembre pasado, Pedro Castillo advirtió que la Fiscalía desarrolla una nueva modalidad de golpe de Estado en Perú.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-03-26). Manifestantes en Surinam piden renuncia del presidente. telesurtv.net La manifestación se realizó en la Plaza de la Independencia en el centro de la capital, cerca del Palacio Presidencial, en contra de la ley electoral de Surinam.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-03-26). Fiscalía de Venezuela adelanta investigación anticorrupción. telesurtv.net Se reveló la trama de corrupción en la Superintendencia Nacional de Criptoactivos (Sunacrip), cuando se detectó a una red de funcionarios que realizaban operaciones petroleras paralelas a Pdvsa.

teleSUR, JDO (2023-03-26). Rechazan pedido de senadores de EE.UU. de sanciones a Bolivia. telesurtv.net La Cancillería y el Poder Legislativo del país suramericano exigen respeto a su soberanía.

teleSUR, JDO (2023-03-26). Canciller venezolano insta a rechazar sanciones de EE.UU. y UE. telesurtv.net Durante la Cumbre Iberoamericana, Yvan Gil recordó que EE.UU. y la Unión Europea han impuesto sanciones a Cuba, Nicaragua y Venezuela.

teleSUR, JDO (2023-03-26). Líderes iberoamericanos aprueban la Declaración de Santo Domingo. telesurtv.net Los Jefes y Jefas de Estado y de Gobierno que participaron en la XXVIII Cumbre Iberoamericana aprueban también el plan de acción de la cooperación para el periodo 2023-2026.

teleSUR, JDO (2023-03-26). Honduras anuncia ruptura de relaciones diplomáticas con Taiwán. telesurtv.net En un comunicado, la Cancillería reconoce la existencia de una sola China y que el Gobierno de Beijing es el único legítimo que representa a toda China.

teleSUR, JGN (2023-03-26). Cuba se declara lista para las elecciones del domingo próximo. telesurtv.net La jornada electoral dará inicio a las 07H00 hora local (11: 00 GMT) y concluirá a las 18H00 (22: 00 GMT), detalló Balseiro.

teleSUR, nbb, JGN (2023-03-26). Acusado del magnicidio en Haití se declara culpable. telesurtv.net El hombre de origen haitiano-chileno declaró haber entregado "apoyo material y recursos" para secuestrar y asesinar a Moïse.

teleSUR, nbb, JGN (2023-03-26). Aumentan casos de dengue y chikungunya en Argentina. telesurtv.net En lo que va del año 2023, se ha notificado en la nación un total de 9.388 casos de dengue.

teleSUR, nbb, JGN (2023-03-26). Explosión en fábrica en Pensilvania, EE.UU., deja dos muertos. telesurtv.net La alcaldesa de West Reading, Samantha Kaag, pidió que cualquier persona en un radio de una cuadra se mantuviera alejada.

teleSUR, YSM (2023-03-26). Cuba endosa compromiso de cooperación en Cumbre Iberoamericana. telesurtv.net "Esta Cumbre ofrece una oportunidad para traducir en acciones concretas la aspiración de avanzar hacia una región más justa, solidaria y sostenible", indicó el presidente cubano.

teleSUR, YSM (2023-03-26). Docentes marchan en defensa de la educación en Ecuador. telesurtv.net La Unión Nacional de Educadores (UNE) organizó la marcha que llegó a la sede la Corte Constitucional.

teleSUR, YSM (2023-03-26). Más de 600.000 israelíes protestan contra la reforma judicial. telesurtv.net Previamente, el titular de Defensa, Yoav Gallant solicitó detener el debate de la legislación para promover un diálogo nacional.

teleSUR, YSM (2023-03-26). Putin anuncia despliegue de armas nucleares tácticas en Belarús. telesurtv.net Para el 1 de julio Rusia prevé concluir en esa nación un almacén para resguardar armas nucleares.

teleSUR, YSM (2023-03-26). Presidente de Rusia dialoga con su homólogo de Türkiye. telesurtv.net Los mandatarios expresaron "satisfacción por la dinámica positiva de los vínculos comerciales y económicos" entre sus países.

teleSUR, YSM (2023-03-26). Presidente serbio: la OTAN debe responder por la agresión a Yugoslavia. telesurtv.net El presidente intervino en el acto central conmemorativo de la efeméride en la Plaza de San Jorge de ciudad de Sombor.

teleSUR, YSM (2023-03-26). Registran tres muertos por inundaciones en Afganistán. telesurtv.net Las inundaciones han destruido 756 casas en nueve provincias afganas, siendo Balkh la más afectada.

teleSUR- jah, JGN (2023-03-26). Conoce cinco obras esenciales del escritor Rodolfo Walsh. telesurtv.net Rodolfo Walsh conjugó su rol intelectual con el talento periodístico en función de aportar a la lucha contra la dictadura militar.

The Green Arcade (2023-03-26). Saturday 4/15: A Celebration of the Life of Poet and Writer Jim Nisbet. indybay.org The 3rd Floor Edward McRoskey Loft | 1687 Market Street | San Francisco, CA 94103…

The Lever (2023-03-26). LEVER WEEKLY: Banks Say Let Them Eat Interest Rate Hikes. levernews.com
Let Them Eat Interest Rate Hikes: By

Thomas Walter & GW Smigielski (2023-03-26). Financial crisis – it's crashing again and The time of change. indybay.org

Waging Nonviolence (2023-03-26). To Those Jewish Americans Who Protested Minister Smotrich with Me: We Have to Talk about the Palestinians. juancole.com Via Fellowship Magazine By David Hart ( Waging Nonviolence ) — Earlier this month, I attended the large Jewish-led demonstration in Washington, D.C. (un)welcoming Israeli Minister of Finance Bezalel Smotrich to the U.S. We gathered in the cold rain to say that his remarks celebrating a brutal pogrom — and suggesting the state …

WSWS (2023-03-26). Sinn Féin backs NATO's war against Russia ahead of Biden's planned visit to Ireland. wsws.org By supporting the geopolitical aims of Biden's administration and its proxy imperialist war against Russia, Sinn Féin is offering itself as a safe pair of hands in both parts of Ireland against the working class.

WSWS (2023-03-26). Pro-Israel groups spearhead attack on free speech at high school in suburban Detroit. wsws.org Palestinian and Muslim students have received death threats in the wake of a student-led assembly at which a Palestinian American spoke of her experiences facing oppression.

WSWS (2023-03-26). This week in history: March 27-April 2. wsws.org

WSWS (2023-03-26). Strike wave erupts in Portugal against inflation and soaring poverty. wsws.org The strikes in Portugal take place against the backdrop of a wave of strikes against austerity and inflation by millions of workers across Europe, including the objectively revolutionary confrontation between the working class and the Macron government.

WSWS (2023-03-26). More UK postal workers write in to describe impact of Royal Mail cost-cutting exercise. wsws.org The World Socialist Web Site is publishing further correspondence from postal workers exposing the brutal exploitative regime being imposed by Royal Mail. The latest comes from Coventry, Ipswich, Grimsby, Leicester, Milton Keynes, Rushden, Paignton, Fakenham, Crumlin in Northern Ireland, and the Republic of Ireland.

WSWS (2023-03-26). What filmmaker Ken Loach makes of The Spirit of '45. wsws.org Loach's conception of the working class is closely bound up with the nationalist straitjacket imposed for so many decades by the Labour and trade union bureaucracy.

WSWS (2023-03-26). Six construction workers killed in highway accident in Baltimore County. wsws.org Six construction workers were killed in Baltimore last Wednesday when a car crashed into a work area near a construction zone.

Anonymous103 (2023-03-26). Russia To Deploy Its Nuclear Weapons In Belarus. southfront.org Click to see full-size image | At the request of the Belarusian side, Russia will deploy its tactical nuclear weapons in Belarus, the same way as the United States has been doing on the territory of its allied countries. | On March 25, Russian President Vladimir Putin declared that the construction of a special storage facility for tactical nuclear weapons on the territory of Belarus will end on July 1. | The decision was made after London had declared its plans to supply Ukraine with depleted uranium she…

ecns.cn (2023-03-26). China wishes Brazilian president a speedy recovery: FM spokesperson. ecns.cn A Chinese foreign ministry spokesperson on Sunday said China wishes Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva a speedy recovery and will stay in communication with the Brazilian side about the president's visit to China.

ecns.cn (2023-03-26). Xi sends message of sympathy to Brazilian president over illness. ecns.cn Chinese President Xi Jinping on Sunday sent a message of sympathy to Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva over the latter's contraction of influenza and pneumonia.

Middle East Eye (2023-03-26). How Bush and Blair Plotted War in Iraq: Read the Secret Memo in Full. globalresearch.ca

Staff (2023-03-26). Fidel Castro: El voto unido es una estrategia revolucionaria (+ Video). cubadebate.cu Este 26 de marzo se desarrolla en Cuba un proceso de elecciones de genuina democracia al elegir a los diputados a la ANPP. Lo cual nos lleva a recordar un concepto de Fidel Castro Ruz sobre la estrategia más inteligente a seguir: "El voto unido no es una cuestión técnica, es una cuestión política: es la estrategia de los patriotas, es la estrategia de los revolucionarios".

Staff (2023-03-26). La Tira de los Lectores: °Ese paisaje me encanta! cubadebate.cu Cuba tiene paisajes que cautivan, inspiran y hacen volar la imaginación. Por eso convocábamos a nuestros lectores hace unos días a enviar fotos de los entornos rurales o urbanos que los han impresionado. A continuación compartimos algunas de las imágenes que llegaron a nuestra redacción.

Staff (2023-03-26). Cuba gana el Campeonato del Caribe de Tenis de Mesa y asegura a sus equipos para Santiago de Chile 2023. cubadebate.cu Los conjuntos cubanos de tenis de mesa ganaron respectivos títulos en el Campeonato del Caribe y aseguraron boletos a los Juegos Panamericanos de Santiago 2023. A su vez, estos éxitos afianzaron a la Mayor de Las Antillas en el primer lugar del medallero, un excelente resultado para un deporte que aspira a un buen resultado en las citas multideportivas del actual año.

Staff (2023-03-26). Cumbre Iberoamericana rechaza medidas coercitivas unilaterales en declaración final y se pronuncia contra bloqueo a Cuba. cubadebate.cu Los países participantes en la XXVIII Cumbre Iberoamericana, en República Dominicana, aprobaron la Declaración de Santo Domingo, que incluye entre sus puntos el rechazo a las medidas coercitivas unilaterales violatorias del derecho internacional y la Carta de Naciones Unidas. En comunicado especial, rechazaron el bloqueo y la persecución financiera contra Cuba y pidieron excluir a la Isla de la arbitraria lista de países patrocinadores del terrorismo.

Staff (2023-03-26). Presidente Díaz-Canel regresa a Cuba luego de participar en Cumbre Iberoamericana (+ Video). cubadebate.cu Concluida una fructífera jornada en República Dominicana, donde asistió al segmento de alto nivel de la XXVIII Cumbre Iberoamericana, el primer secretario del Comité Central del PCC y presidente de la República, Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez, regresó a La Habana este sábado.

Staff (2023-03-26). Leones del Caribe buscan la cima (+ Fotos y Video). cubadebate.cu La selección de futbol de Cuba conocida como los Leones del Caribe recibirá este domingo desde las 4 de la tarde a su similar de Guadalupe en el Estadio Antonio Maceo de Santiago de Cuba. A los jugadores del técnico Elier Sánchez solo les basta un empate para asegurar su pase a la división A de la Liga de Naciones de la CONCACAF y a la Copa de Oro.

Staff (2023-03-26). Minuto a Minuto: Cuba en elecciones. cubadebate.cu Este domingo se celebra una jornada histórica para la democracia cubana. Más de ocho millones de cubanos están convocados a las urnas para elegir a los 470 diputados a la Asamblea Nacional del Poder Popular. Quienes sean elegidos tendrán a su cargo elegir al presidente y vicepresidente de la República y continuar con el desarrollo legislativo de la Constitución. Este es un acto de soberanía popular y de participación ciudadana que refleja el compromiso de los cubanos con la Revolución.

Staff (2023-03-26). Test visual: Tu forma de aplastar la pasta dental revelará tu madurez mental. cubadebate.cu Todo lo que tienes que hacer ahora es sincerarte sobre tu forma de exprimir la crema de dientes y la prueba psicológica se encargará del resto. Lo que para ti puede ser insignificante, para el creador de este reto viral lo es todo. Aunque no lo creas, una acción tan simple como usar la pasta dental puede 'decir' mucho sobre ti en la actualidad.

Staff (2023-03-26). Voto por una Asamblea Nacional con el magisterio de Fidel. cubadebate.cu Ante el panorama mundial, luego de recibir toda la información, como debe ser, de la candidatura a la Asamblea Nacional, votaré por todos para apoyar nuestra democracia inclusiva, donde cualquier ciudadano honesto y dispuesto a trabajar por el país puede ser diputado sin gastar un centavo ni recibirlo por su labor al servicio de la nación. Parlamento que cuenta con el magisterio de Fidel para cambiar todo lo que deba ser cambiado para el bien de todos.

Staff (2023-03-26). "Nos resbalan las opiniones irrespetuosas del gobierno de los Estados Unidos" cubadebate.cu Los Estados Unidos y su gobierno siempre tienen una narrativa hostil hacia Cuba, no podemos esperar otra cosa, y nosotros no vivimos pendiente de esa narrativa hostil, imaginaria, calumniosa, virtual, provocadora y mentirosa. øPara qué se ponen las embajadas en un país, para qué un país pone una embajada en otro lugar?.

teleSUR, JGN (2023-03-26). Avanzan con normalidad comicios para elegir a la Asamblea Nacional en Cuba. telesurtv.net Las mesas electorales tienen previsto concluir sus actividades a las 18: 00 hora local (22: 00 GMT) de este domingo.

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