Daily Archives: March 26, 2023

2023-03-26: News Headlines

John Potash (2023-03-26). Abusive Priest Exposed in Netflix Series Was Trained Under CIA's Operation MK-ULTRA. covertactionmagazine.com Used MK-ULTRA tactics, including psychological manipulation and the administration of drugs, in abusing victims Investigators starring in the Emmy Award-nominated Netflix documentary, The Keepers, interviewed many women and at least one man reporting that Father Joseph Maskell raped them, and appeared to play a part in the murder of teacher Cathy Cesnik. After The Keepers …

Staff (2023-03-26). Cancillería de Cuba desmiente noticia sobre la imposibilidad de acogerse al "parole humanitario" estadounidense a los cubanos que ejerzan su derecho al voto. cubadebate.cu Este domingo, funcionarios del Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores de Cuba desmintieron las noticias difundidas en redes sociales sobre la imposibilidad de acogerse al "parole humanitario" estadounidense, a los cubanos que ejerzan su derecho al voto. Representantes del Gobierno de Estados Unidos confirmaron que es falsa esa advertencia.

Staff (2023-03-26). Renuncia directora de escuela en EEUU por mostrar a alumnos de sexto grado el "David" de Miguel àÅngel. cubadebate.cu La directora de una escuela chárter de Florida renunció después de que tres padres se quejaran de que sus hijos estaban expuestos a imágenes sexuales. Uno de los padres se refería a una de las obras más famosas de la historia del arte: el "David" de Miguel àÅngel. La junta de la escuela decidió darle a la directora la opción de renunciar o ser despedida.

Staff (2023-03-26). Raúl fue el primero en acudir a su colegio electoral. cubadebate.cu El General de Ejército, Raúl Castro Ruz, líder de la Revolución cubana, también ejerció su derecho al voto muy temprano en la jornada electoral que vive el país este domingo, informó en Twitter Presidencia Cuba. Más de ocho millones de cubanos están convocados a las urnas para elegir a los 470 diputados a la Asamblea Nacional del Poder Popular este domingo.

Staff (2023-03-26). Mauricio Macri descarta su participación en próximas elecciones en Argentina. cubadebate.cu Mauricio Macri (2015-2019) descartó su postulación a las elecciones generales previstas para el 22 de octubre de este año.A través de un video publicado en su perfil en la red social Twitter, el representante de la alianza opositora Juntos por el Cambio (JxC) confirmó su decisión de no ser candidato bajo el pretexto de "agrandar el espacio político".

Staff (2023-03-26). Nueva fuga de agua radiactiva provoca el cierre de una central nuclear en Minnesota, Estados Unidos. cubadebate.cu La planta de energía nuclear cercana a la ciudad estadounidense de Mineápolis tuvo que cerrar por un escape de agua radiactiva. "Si bien la fuga continúa sin representar un riesgo para el público o el medioambiente, determinamos que el mejor curso de acción es apagar la planta y realizar las reparaciones permanentes de inmediato", informó Chris Clark.

Staff (2023-03-26). 📨 Modo Avión: ChatGPT, øpuedo hacerte una pregunta? 🤖. cubadebate.cu Esta semana estábamos sin ideas y le pedimos al ChatGPT que nos hiciera la tarea. Na, no se alarmen que solo fue una prueba. Sabemos que lo que escribimos nosotros tiene más pinta. Igual, la inteligencia artificial está muy dura, así como el #TeamAsere, que aunque perdió el domingo pasado, hay que ponerle una medalla en el pecho a cada uno de esos peloteros por todo el odio que enfrentaron en Miami.

Staff (2023-03-26). Ohtani regresó con los Angels y ponchó a ocho en última salida de la pretemporada. cubadebate.cu La estrella Shohei Ohtani regresó al campamento de Los àÅngeles Angels después de su actuación como Jugador Más Valioso en el Clásico Mundial de Béisbol. Tres días después de ponchar a Mike Trout para asegurar el título del WBC para Japón contra EEUU, Ohtani estaba en los campos de Tempe, lanzando en un juego contra los Arizona Diamondbacks.

Staff (2023-03-26). Estados Unidos: Mueren más de 20 personas en Mississippi por tormentas generadoras de tornados. cubadebate.cu Más de 20 personas murieron después de poderosas tormentas y al menos un tornado que azotaron Mississippi este viernes en la noche. Los vientos arrancaron techos de casas, casi arrasaron algunos vecindarios y dejaron sin electricidad a miles.El Servicio Meteorológico Nacional confirmó que el tornado azotó las ciudades de Silver City y Rolling Fork.

Staff (2023-03-26). Brasil perdió con Marruecos y Argentina pasa a ser el número uno en el Ranking FIFA. cubadebate.cu En un gran nivel y con la confianza en alza luego de su gran cuarto puesto en Qatar-2022, el seleccionado de Marruecos venció 2-1 a Brasil este sábado en un partido amistoso en Tánger, un encuentro en el que los pentacampeones padecieron la baja del lesionado Neymar. Los centrocampistas Sofiane Boufal y Abdelhamid Sabiri dieron la victoria a los africanos.

Staff (2023-03-26). Unión Eléctrica no pronostica afectaciones por déficit de generación este domingo. cubadebate.cu En el día de ayer no se afectó el servicio por déficit de capacidad de generación en el Sistema Eléctrico Nacional. La disponibilidad del SEN a las 07: 00 horas es de 2900 MW y la demanda 1950 MW, con todo el sistema con servicio. Se estima que en el horario diurno, ni en el pico nocturno, ocurran afectaciones al servicio por déficit de capacidad de generación.

Fight Back (2023-03-26). Condemn repression of Louisiana immigrant rights organizations. fightbacknews.org Fight Back News Service is circulating the following statement from New Orleans Immigrant Rights Action. | New Orleans, LA – New Orleans Immigrant Rights Action (NOIRA) condemns the subpoenas issued by Attorney General Jeff Landry against three Louisiana immigration nonprofits. We demand that Landry cease his participation in Republican anti-immigrant lawsuits and that these repressive subpoenas be dropped. | Landry (R) demanded confidential documents from Home is Here NOLA, Immigration Services and Legal Advocacy (ISLA), and Louisiana Advocates for Immigrants in Detention (LA-AID). This information would reveal…

Fight Back (2023-03-26). Louisiana LGBTQ activists disrupt governor's interview, demand firm commitment against bigotry. fightbacknews.org New Orleans, LA – On March 22, a group of LGBTQ activists interrupted a public interview with Governor John Bel Edwards at Loyola University. They unfurled a banner reading "Gov. Edwards: Will you veto hate?" Ed Abraham, the main protest speaker, demanded that Edwards commit to vetoing all bills threatening LGBTQ rights in the Louisiana legislature. Edwards did not deliver a commitment, and Loyola police removed protesters from the venue. The activists left chanting, "Defend trans kids! Veto hate!" | So far, activists are concerned about six bills. Two (SB 7 and HB 102) attempt to prohibit libraries from acquiri…

Allan Todd (2023-03-26). Britain: Unions, environment, healthcare groups to join XR in major protest next month. greenleft.org.au Allan Todd discusses the urgent need to address climate change, as highlighted in the recent Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Report, and the upcoming Extinction Rebellion protest in London, calling for system change to tackle climate, social and economic crises.

Angela (2023-03-26). Sunday 3/26: Free virtual screening of the documentary film "Blue Box" indybay.org Zoom (Registration link is below)…

Benoit Breville, Serge Halimi (2023-03-26). War poker and Imperial moralism. indybay.org After the fall of the Soviet Union, the "war on terrorism" began, which, according to George W. Bush, would end "tyranny in the world." Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq – the U.S. democratic crusades not only cost several million lives, they also brought the restriction of freedoms, McCarthyism, the hunt for whistleblowers. And a series of alliances with dictators…

Center for Biological Diversity (2023-03-26). New Eastern Monarch Butterfly Count Indicates Pollinator Still Threatened. indybay.org Long-Term Decline of 90% Going Into Endangered Species Act Decision…

Craig Baldwin (2023-03-26). Saturday 4/22: WAR REFUGEES: "THREE MINUTES: A LENGTHENING" + SACHS' "ALL ELSE FAILED" indybay.org 992 Valencia St on the corner of 21st and Valencia…

Critical Point (2023-03-26). Stop Dirty Banks at Wells Fargo Headquarters. indybay.org 2 min mp4 video | A coalition of environmental groups came together to tell Wells Fargo to stop funding the oil industry in order to save the planet on March 21.

Dana Visalli (2023-03-26). Korea: A Brief History Explains Everything. Extensive U.S. War Crimes. globalresearch.ca First published by Global Research on January 23, 2019 | As the time-honored saying goes, 'It ain't what you know that gets you in trouble, it's what you know that ain't so.' If Americans 'know' anything about Korea, it is that …

East Meadow Action Committee (2023-03-26). East Meadow Update 3/17/23. indybay.org On March 15 and 16, 2023 the UC Regents took up UCSC's latest proposal for Student Housing West. With almost no deliberation they approved the proposal unanimously.

ecns.cn (2023-03-26). Chinese sports brands see bumper 2022. ecns.cn Major Chinese sports enterprises such as Anta, Xtep and Li-Ning enjoyed considerable growth in 2022, according to annual financial results released in recent days.

ecns.cn (2023-03-26). Huawei achieves breakthrough in EDA tools for chips. ecns.cn Huawei Technologies Co said it has successfully developed electronic design automation, or EDA tools, for chips above 14 nanometers process by partnering with domestic partners, marking a crucial breakthrough for China's semiconductor industry amid the U.S. government restrictions.

ecns.cn (2023-03-26). Chinese envoy urges Security Council to address adverse effects of sanctions on DPRK. ecns.cn A Chinese envoy on Thursday called for the Security Council to address the adverse impact of sanctions against the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK).

ecns.cn (2023-03-26). PLA warns off US warship for the second time in two days. ecns.cn The People's Liberation Army's Southern Theater Command warned off a United States warship that illegally entered China's territorial waters in the South China Sea for the second time in two days, the Defense Ministry said on Friday.

ecns.cn (2023-03-26). Spring break welcomed for some colleges. ecns.cn An announcement for a seven-day spring break from Sichuan Southwest Vocational College of Civil Aviation created online buzz, Beijing Youth Daily reported.

ecns.cn (2023-03-26). China extradites murder suspect from Russia. ecns.cn Chinese police have recently extradited a murder suspect from Russia who had been on the run for 27 years, the Ministry of Public Security said on Friday.

ecns.cn (2023-03-26). Chinese scientists discover higher yield, alkaline tolerant crop gene. ecns.cn Chinese scientists have identified AT1, a key gene involved in crop alkaline tolerance that may greatly improve crop yield in sodic environments through genetic engineering.

ecns.cn (2023-03-26). Chinese institute houses most ancient vertebrate animals, humans in Asia. ecns.cn The specimen museum of the Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology (IVPP) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) houses over 460,000 fossil and human remains specimens, and has developed into the largest collection institution of ancient vertebrate animals and ancient humans in Asia.

ecns.cn (2023-03-26). Insights | Brazilian economist: I'm impressed by China's resilience. ecns.cn The subjects and policies discussed during the top legislative and political advisory meetings (or the Two Sessions) further demonstrate China's resilience, and the country's scientific and technological development and rural revitalization strategy are of great significance, said Alessandro Teixeira, special economic adviser to former President of Brazil, Dilma Rousseff.

ecns.cn (2023-03-26). China's first maglev tourism line starts test run. ecns.cn China's first domestic maglev tourism line, the Guangdong – Qingyuan Maglev Tourism Line, started joint debugging and testing on Friday.

ecns.cn (2023-03-26). Ganging up to seek decoupling finds little support: Chinese FM. ecns.cn In response to Hun Sen's remarks, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Mao Ning said they speak to regional countries' aspiration to have peace and cooperation over conflict and confrontation and opposition to coercion and bullying.

ecns.cn (2023-03-26). U.S. government urged to stop suppressing foreign companies. ecns.cn Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman on Friday urged the U.S. government to stop suppressing foreign companies and provide an open, fair, just and non-discriminatory environment for those operating in the U.S.

ecns.cn (2023-03-26). (W. E. Talk‚Ä¢In-depth Interview) Zhang Xiaojing: Responding to Schumpeter's question, how to develop"China'sexperience" to "China's theory"?>. ecns.cn Joseph Schumpeter, an Austrian-born economist, wrote in his History of Economic Analysis, "…in ancient China, the home of the oldest literary culture of which we know.

ecns.cn (2023-03-26). China to release 200,000 rare fish into Yangtze River. ecns.cn China will release 200,000 Chinese sturgeon into the Yangtze River, the country's longest river, starting Saturday, as part of its efforts to protect the rare fish.

ecns.cn (2023-03-26). DPRK tests new underwater attack weapon system. ecns.cn The underwater nuclear attack drone, named "Haeil," has undergone more than 50 shakedown tests for the past two years, the Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) reported.

ecns.cn (2023-03-26). China presents national report on nuclear safety to IAEA. ecns.cn China presented its national report on nuclear safety during the Joint Eighth and Ninth Review Meeting of the Contracting Parties to the Convention on Nuclear Safety (CNS) on Thursday at the headquarters of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in Vienna, Austria.

ecns.cn (2023-03-26). Forum speakers urge respect for diversified approaches to democracy. ecns.cn A group of senior officials and renowned scholars criticized the falsely touted narrative of "democracy versus autocracy" during the opening ceremony of the second International Forum on Democracy: The Shared Human Values in Beijing on Thursday.

ecns.cn (2023-03-26). Honduras severs "diplomatic relations" with Taiwan. ecns.cn The Honduran foreign ministry announced on Saturday that Honduras is severing the so-called "diplomatic relations" with the Taiwan authorities.

ecns.cn (2023-03-26). China, Honduras establish diplomatic relations. ecns.cn China and Honduras established diplomatic relations on Sunday.

ecns.cn (2023-03-26). Chinese firm unveils self-developed flight simulator platform expected to provide training support for C919. ecns.cn A Chinese company unveiled a self-developed flight simulator platform on Thursday, and the system is expected to provide technical support for pilot training on aircraft such as the C919, the company said.

ecns.cn (2023-03-26). China launches polymer material R&D platform. ecns.cn A research team at East China University of Science and Technology recently launched a platform for polymer material research and development.

ecns.cn (2023-03-26). China presents national report on nuclear safety to IAEA. ecns.cn China presented its national report on nuclear safety during the Joint Eighth and Ninth Review Meeting of the Contracting Parties to the Convention on Nuclear Safety (CNS) on Thursday at the headquarters of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in Vienna, Austria.

ecns.cn (2023-03-26). Forum speakers urge respect for diversified approaches to democracy. ecns.cn A group of senior officials and renowned scholars criticized the falsely touted narrative of "democracy versus autocracy" during the opening ceremony of the second International Forum on Democracy: The Shared Human Values in Beijing on Thursday.

ecns.cn (2023-03-26). Honduras severs "diplomatic relations" with Taiwan. ecns.cn The Honduran foreign ministry announced on Saturday that Honduras is severing the so-called "diplomatic relations" with the Taiwan authorities.

ecns.cn (2023-03-26). China, Honduras establish diplomatic relations. ecns.cn China and Honduras established diplomatic relations on Sunday.

ecns.cn (2023-03-26). Chinese firm unveils self-developed flight simulator platform expected to provide training support for C919. ecns.cn A Chinese company unveiled a self-developed flight simulator platform on Thursday, and the system is expected to provide technical support for pilot training on aircraft such as the C919, the company said.

ecns.cn (2023-03-26). China launches polymer material R&D platform. ecns.cn A research team at East China University of Science and Technology recently launched a platform for polymer material research and development.

ecns.cn (2023-03-26). New nuclear power unit starts operation in China's Guangxi. ecns.cn A new nuclear power unit using Hualong One, a domestically designed third-generation nuclear reactor, was put into operation in south China's Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region on Saturday, paving the way for commercial operation.

ecns.cn (2023-03-26). Culture Fact | City of culture: Luoyang. ecns.cn

ecns.cn (2023-03-26). In Numbers: China's higher education enrollment ratio reaches 59.6 pct in 2022. ecns.cn

ecns.cn (2023-03-26). Cradle of Civilization: Mount Wuyi. ecns.cn Mount Wuyi, located in China's southeast province of Fujian, has unique, rare, and exquisite natural landscapes and profound historical and cultural connotations. Mount Wuyi was inscribed on the UNESCO World Cultural and Natural Heritage List in 1999.

Environmental Health Trust (2023-03-26). Scientific Paper on Children, Wireless Technology, and Health Effects by Renowned Experts in Environmental Health. globalresearch.ca

Global Alliance for the Rights of Nature (2023-03-26). Friday 3/24: Rights of Nature: UN Water Conference – SDGs for Protection of Earth's Water Ecosystems. indybay.org Online streaming of in-person U.N. Water Conference session…

Jeff Pekrul (2023-03-26). Sunday 4/2: The U.S. & Israel: Old Dilemmas, New Problems. indybay.org 1187 Franklin Street, San Francisco, CA 94109 | Unitarian Universalist Association of San Francisco…

Jeff Pekrul (2023-03-26). Sunday 4/23: Understanding the Movement to Ban Library Books That Challenge Right-Wing Perspectives. indybay.org 1187 Franklin Street, San Francisco, CA 94109 | Unitarian Universalists Association of San Francisco…

Jon Reynolds (2023-03-26). Why the Hell Is the US Occupying Syria? globalresearch.ca

Juan Cole (2023-03-26). Netherlands becomes European Leader in Solar Power Per Capita, with 500K Panels on Lakes, Reservoirs and Seas. juancole.com Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) — Solar panels are like magic, turning sunshine into electricity. They are, however, relatively bulky. We own our own home and have 16 of them on our roof, but renters have often complained to me that it isn't so easy in an apartment building. There is also a danger that they …

Kenny Stancil (2023-03-26). Senior Climate Activists Stop Dirty Banks. indybay.org "We will not go to our graves quietly knowing that the financial institutions in our own communities continue to fund the climate crisis," said longtime environmentalist Bill McKibben.

Labor Video Project (2023-03-26). SEIU99/UTLA Membership Voices On Their Strike & Struggle: United We Stand, Divided We Fall. indybay.org Thirty thousand SEIU 99 LAUSD service workers went out on a three day unfair labor practice strike on March 21, 2023 to March 23, 2023. The UTLA members joined the picket line and this united action was a first. Workers spoke out about their conditions and struggles.

Labor Video Project (2023-03-26). We've Had Enough! Oakland OEA Teachers Wildcat in Fight for Public Education. indybay.org Hundreds of teachers, community members and unionists joined together on March 24, 2023 to rally and march for public education and for a contract that will protect the schools in Oakland. The wildcat was a challenge to the union busting tactics of the district management.

Mac Slavo (2023-03-26). Toxic Fruit and Veggies: 75& of Produce Grown in the US Contains Toxic Pesticide Residue. globalresearch.ca

mforinoco (2023-03-26). Havana and the World: Al Mayadeen interviews Cuba President (II). orinocotribune.com In an exclusive interview for Al Mayadeen, the Cuban President talks about Cuba's stance on the war in Ukraine, and his country's relationship with Russia, China, and other countries. | During the second part of Al Mayadeen Media Network Chairman Ghassan Ben Jeddou's interview with Cuban President Miguel Diaz-Canel, the president discusses Cuba's assessment of current alliances, in addition to its position on the war in Ukraine. | The Cuban president discussed the solid relationship that consolidates his country with Russia, China, and Iran, as well as his country's relationship with Latin American leaders, and w…

mforinoco (2023-03-26). Rockets Hit US Military Base After Airstrikes Target Syrian Troops. orinocotribune.com A military base housing US forces in eastern province of Dayr al-Zawr has come under a rocket attack hours after the Pentagon carried out multiple airstrikes against Syrian troops. | Lebanon's al-Mayadeen television news network, citing local sources, reported that ‚Äèthe rockets landed in the vicinity of US-controlled al-Omar oil field at around 11 a.m. local time (0800 GMT) on Friday, causing several explosions. | There were no immediate reports of injuries and the extent of damage. | The attack came hours after the US military launched several air raids against Syrian forces. Washington said…

Michael Harris (2023-03-26). Friday 3/24: Media Event / Luncheon for 11th Annual Pan African Global Trade and Investment Conference. indybay.org Town and Country Grand Ballroom | 1215 J Street | Downtown Sacramento…

MichaelMoore (2023-03-26). Friday 3/24: "Bowling for Columbine" 20th Anniversary of Oscar Win – Watch for FREE. indybay.org Watch online for FREE…

Michigan Advance (2023-03-26). Workers praise Gov. Gretchen Whitmer for signing Repeal of GOP Union-Busting 'Right to Work' Law. juancole.com By: Laina G. Stebbins — ( Michigan Advance ) — Unions and other pro-labor groups on Friday celebrated the signing of a set of bills to reverse GOP former Gov. Rick Snyder-era laws that have curtailed union power and pushed down wages. Democratic Gov. Gretchen Whitmer on Friday afternoon signed House Bills …

Middle East Monitor (2023-03-26). First Hijab-Wearing Muslim Judge joins Bench at US Court in New Jersey. juancole.com ( Middle East Monitor) — US attorney Nadia Kahf has been appointed to the New Jersey Superior Court, becoming the first hijab-wearing judge on the bench, local media reported. Kahf, who is of Syrian origin, is a law and immigration attorney from the township of Wayne. She took the oath of office yesterday with her …

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-26). Mayo Clinic Minute: What is the best sleeping position? newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Most people spend a third of their lives either asleep or resting, according to the Sleep Foundation. During sleep, the body recharges and repairs itself. And a good night's sleep often can be determined by what position you are lying in bed. Watch: The Mayo Clinic Minute youtu.be/F_x-SDYUvZk Journalists: Broadcast-quality video (1: 11) is in the downloads at the end of this post. Please courtesy: "Mayo Clinic News Network." Read the script. Back-sleepers beware. "I know…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-26). Know the signs of strep throat in children. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Image courtesy: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is monitoring an increase in invasive group A Streptococcus infections in children. "Group A streptococcal disease is a group of conditions caused by a bacteria called 'group A strep,'" says Dr. Nipunie Rajapakse, a pediatric infectious diseases physician with the Mayo Clinic Children's Center. "The one that people are probably most familiar with is strep throat. Strep throat is a relatively common infection,…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-26). Mayo Clinic Minute: Is your exercise program heart-healthy? newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org You're getting to the gym regularly. Meeting your friends for a walk around the block. Maybe aerobics class is your go-to exercise. But is your exercise program the best for your heart health? Heart disease is the leading cause of death for men and women in the U.S. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, one person dies every 34 seconds in the U.S. from cardiovascular disease. Experts agree getting regular exercise is…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-26). Consumer Health: What are the symptoms of TB? newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org World TB Day will be observed Friday, March 24, which makes this a good time to learn about this potentially serious infectious disease. In 2021, 7,882 cases of tuberculosis, or TB, were diagnosed in the U.S., and up to 13 million people in the U.S. were living with latent TB, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. An estimated 10.6 million cases were diagnosed worldwide in 2021, according to the World Health Organization. TB is caused by…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-26). Consumer Health: Nutritional needs during pregnancy and breastfeeding. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org March is National Nutrition Month, which makes this a good time to learn about your nutritional needs during pregnancy and while breastfeeding. During pregnancy, the basic principles of healthy eating remain the same — get plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean protein and healthy fats. However, a few nutrients in a pregnancy diet deserve special attention. The nutrients to pay special attention to while you're pregnant include: CalciumYou and your baby need calcium for strong…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-26). Science Saturday: New standards and open access can help natural language processing. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Clinical notes in medical records are rich sources of data about human health. But tapping them for medical research can be challenging because these data come from various sources — and they all look different. "There's no standardization in how data is organized and classified across medical records systems," says Sunyang Fu, Ph.D., a Mayo Clinic biomedical informatics researcher. Even the language people use to talk about health can insert discrepancies in how data are…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-26). Mayo Clinic Minute: How is kidney cancer treated? newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org More than 50,000 people in the U.S. are diagnosed with kidney cancer each year. Risks factors for developing this type of cancer include environmental exposures, such as smoking, high blood pressure, a history of kidney failure, obesity or not having a healthy weight. And there are also hereditary syndromes that may increase your risk for kidney cancer. Dr. Thai Ho, a Mayo Clinic oncologist who specializes in genitourinary malignancies, says there are no screening tests…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-26). Managing your health during Ramadan fasting. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org ROCHESTER, Minn. — Fasting during Ramadan involves abstaining from food and drink from dawn to sunset. Depending on geography and the time of year when Ramadan occurs, daily fasting can range from as little as 10 hours in the winter months to more than 17 hours during the summer. This daily fast should not have a negative effect on health for most individuals. However, even if you have a chronic condition, including coronary artery disease,…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-26). Mayo Clinic Q and A: Travel safety tips. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org DEAR MAYO CLINIC: I have a group of friends with whom I love to travel. We plan several trips a year, and this spring we are planning to go outside the U.S. and visit the Caribbean. We will stay at an all-inclusive resort in a popular destination and do a few sightseeing day trips in the area. Are there things we should do to be safe while traveling? ANSWER: Travel is always a fun activity to enjoy…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-26). Mayo Clinic Q and A: Understanding chronic kidney disease. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org DEAR MAYO CLINIC: I was diagnosed with chronic kidney disease but did not have any symptoms, so far as I knew. Are there early symptoms that I missed? Is this hereditary? Should I be advising family members? Is this curable? Am I at risk for other issues? ANSWER: In its early stages, chronic kidney disease rarely causes noticeable symptoms. Kidney disease happens when the kidneys have been damaged and no longer work as they should. Kidneys are…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-26). Artificial intelligence massage therapy? Meet the robot being studied by Mayo Clinic. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Getting a massage from a robot may seem like something out of a science fiction story, but it could be a reality in the not-too-distant future. Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, is looking into the possibility of robotic massage as an answer for patients' pain relief and alleviating some staffing burdens. Watch: Artificial intelligence massage therapy? Meet the robot being studied by Mayo Clinic youtu.be/GXEXUCCCGzI Journalists: Broadcast-quality video (1: 17) is in the downloads at the…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-26). Women in science: Q&A with Robin Patel, M.D. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Robin Patel, M.D. Two events held early each year are opportunities to support and recognize the contributions of women in scientific fields. In February, the International Day of Women and Girls in Science promotes full and equal access to and participation in science. Women's History Month in March is an opportunity to recognize women who have made significant contributions to science. Mayo Clinic physician researcher Robin Patel, M.D., shares her perspective and advice for others pursuing a research career in this…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-26). Heart failure induces cardiac and stem cell aging, Mayo Clinic study finds. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org ROCHESTER, Minn. — Senescence is an aspect of aging that involves a biological dysfunction that occurs in response to repetitive stressors. Biological aging is associated with an increase in the incidence of cardiovascular disease, but whether heart failure is itself a senescent process independent of age is less clear. Senescent cells acquire a phenotype — characteristics that are genetically related — that may lead to inflammation and induce senescence in neighboring cells, which also can…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-26). How does red tide impact beachgoers? newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Florida beach along Gulf Coat, 2023 Many people are flocking to the Gulf Coast for spring break. However, toxic red tide algal blooms have put beachgoers and residents on alert. In the Gulf of Mexico, red tide is caused by a microscopic organism called Karenia brevis. The organism was detected in 172 samples along Florida's Gulf Coast earlier this week, according to Florida officials. Dead fish and other marine life are washed ashore on beaches because of…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-26). Match Day at Mayo Clinic Alix School of Medicine, Mayo Clinic School of Graduate Medical Education. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Fourth-year students at Mayo Clinic Alix School of Medicine in Arizona, Florida and Minnesota learned where they will continue their residency training on March 17. Also, Mayo Clinic School of Graduate Medical Education learned who would be its incoming Mayo residents through the National Resident Matching Program. The medical students opened their envelopes at 11 a.m. CDT discovering their future specialties and residency training locations. Match Day, held on the third Friday in March, is when medical school students and…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-26). Five ways AI promises to transform organ transplants. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org ROCHESTER, Minn. — Artificial intelligence (AI) has the potential to become a valuable tool for transplant to save more patients' lives. Recent studies have already shown promise in using AI to analyze large sets of data to discover important trends and patterns. In this expert alert, Mayo Clinic transplant experts share how this technology may improve outcomes for patients. "Physicians once practiced medicine without CT scans and with only limited lab tests. Now, these tools…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-26). Ready to Run: Mayo Clinic Health System gives tips on planning for a long race. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org MANKATO, Minn. — You've thought about it for years. You've dreamed of crossing the finish line. It's on your bucket list, or maybe it's become a tradition. You've registered for a long-distance race like a 5K, 10K, half-marathon or marathon. So now's the time to plan and prepare for your big day. This critical process will be shaped by your experience and fitness level. First, get real and be honest with yourself. It can take…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-26). Mayo Clinic cancer expert highlights advancements in treating multiple myeloma. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org ROCHESTER, Minn. — March is Myeloma Awareness Month, and Sikander Ailawadhi, M.D., hematologist/oncologist at Mayo Clinic Comprehensive Cancer Center, shares details about new advancements in research leading to better outcomes for patients with multiple myeloma. Multiple myeloma is a relatively uncommon form of blood cancer in the bone marrow that affects less than 1% of the U.S. population, according to the American Cancer Society. While there is no cure, the disease can be treated with…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-26). Mayo Clinic Minute: Can the MIND diet improve brain health? newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org You might be hearing more about the MIND diet of late. A recent study has added to the evidence that the diet, which includes a variety of brain-friendly foods, may help protect against Alzheimer's disease. In this Mayo Clinic Minute, Angie Murad, a registered dietitian and nutritionist and patient educator at Mayo Clinic, explains the benefits of incorporating foods included in the MIND diet. Watch: The Mayo Clinic Minute youtu.be/hoPg4bkKemQ Journalists: Broadcast-quality video (1: 01) is…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-26). Innovative treatments for rectal cancer. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Mayo Clinic has been taking care of patients with rectal cancer for more than 100 years, dating back to the Mayo brothers. Even at that time, doctors were innovative with their approach to the care of patients with rectal cancer. That continues today as Mayo Clinic offers the latest in minimally invasive surgery. Dr. Eric Dozois, a Mayo Clinic colon and rectal surgeon, explains some of the surgical treatment options being offered. Watch: Dr. Eric…

PASCCS (2023-03-26). Friday 4/21: Palo Alto: Earth Day March & Rally for Climate Justice and Family Fair. indybay.org King Plaza at Palo Alto City Hall | 250 Hamilton Ave. | Palo Alto, CA 94301…

Peace for Ukraine (2023-03-26). Anti War March Draws Some Counter Protesters. indybay.org Several hundred anti war demonstrators and a handful of counter protesters in San Francisco's Mission District on March 18.

Ramon du Houx (2023-03-26). Elected officials and coalition groups urge the Legislature to enact price gouging bill. indybay.org EOPA California, representing over 462 elected officials from 49 counties, strongly supports protecting consumers from oil price gouging with SBX1-2. EOPA California has a letter specifically for elected officials to sign in support of SB1-2 (Skinner). In just five days 108 have signed, and the number is rising daily.

Sixty Plus (2023-03-26). Are You in Your "Third Act"? These Older Folks Demonstrated to Save the Climate. indybay.org Despite some of the stormiest weather San Francisco has seen in a long time, these brave elders showed up and cut up to stop climate change.

Staff (2023-03-26). Audio: Why Democrats Don't Reduce The War Budget. davidswanson.org

Suds, Snacks,, Socialism Forum Committee (2023-03-26). Saturday 4/1: What are the Prospects for World Peace? indybay.org The Starry Plough Pub | 3101 Shattuck Avenue, Berkeley, CA 94705 | Also accessible online…

T.J. Coles (2023-03-26). The Military-Intelligentsia Complex: How Higher Education Enables US Militarism. globalresearch.ca

teleSUR, JCM (2023-03-26). Corte Suprema de México suspende reforma electoral de López Obrador. telesurtv.net Este fallo se produce cuando la oposición al presidente López Obrador ha presentado recursos judiciales para frena la reforma del Gobierno mexicano en materia electoral.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-03-26). Presidente Lula cancela viaje a China por recomendación médica. telesurtv.net El presidente fue diagnosticado con neumonía leve y el equipo médico recomendó posponerlo hasta que la condición haya mejorado por completo.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-03-26). Chad nacionaliza la petrolera estadounidense Exxon Mobil. telesurtv.net En diciembre, Exxon Mobil intentó vender activos por 407 mmd, pero el Gobierno de Cha impugnó el acuerdo.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-03-26). Avanzan trabajos de Cumbre Iberoamericana en República Dominicana. telesurtv.net En este sesión, los jefe de Estado y Gobierno, incluidos también los representantes de los países de la región, presentan sus posiciones en la ronda de discursos.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-03-26). Al menos 24 muertos deja paso de tornado en sureste de EE.UU. telesurtv.net Un tornado arrasó la noche del viernes una zona rural de Mississippi y Alabama, destruyendo edificios e interrumpiendo el servicio eléctrico…

teleSUR, JCM (2023-03-26). Avanza persecución judicial contra aliados de Castillo en Perú. telesurtv.net En diciembre pasado, Pedro Castillo advirtió que la Fiscalía desarrolla una nueva modalidad de golpe de Estado en Perú.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-03-26). Manifestantes en Surinam piden renuncia del presidente. telesurtv.net La manifestación se realizó en la Plaza de la Independencia en el centro de la capital, cerca del Palacio Presidencial, en contra de la ley electoral de Surinam.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-03-26). Fiscalía de Venezuela adelanta investigación anticorrupción. telesurtv.net Se reveló la trama de corrupción en la Superintendencia Nacional de Criptoactivos (Sunacrip), cuando se detectó a una red de funcionarios que realizaban operaciones petroleras paralelas a Pdvsa.

teleSUR, JDO (2023-03-26). Rechazan pedido de senadores de EE.UU. de sanciones a Bolivia. telesurtv.net La Cancillería y el Poder Legislativo del país suramericano exigen respeto a su soberanía.

teleSUR, JDO (2023-03-26). Canciller venezolano insta a rechazar sanciones de EE.UU. y UE. telesurtv.net Durante la Cumbre Iberoamericana, Yvan Gil recordó que EE.UU. y la Unión Europea han impuesto sanciones a Cuba, Nicaragua y Venezuela.

teleSUR, JDO (2023-03-26). Líderes iberoamericanos aprueban la Declaración de Santo Domingo. telesurtv.net Los Jefes y Jefas de Estado y de Gobierno que participaron en la XXVIII Cumbre Iberoamericana aprueban también el plan de acción de la cooperación para el periodo 2023-2026.

teleSUR, JDO (2023-03-26). Honduras anuncia ruptura de relaciones diplomáticas con Taiwán. telesurtv.net En un comunicado, la Cancillería reconoce la existencia de una sola China y que el Gobierno de Beijing es el único legítimo que representa a toda China.

teleSUR, JGN (2023-03-26). Cuba se declara lista para las elecciones del domingo próximo. telesurtv.net La jornada electoral dará inicio a las 07H00 hora local (11: 00 GMT) y concluirá a las 18H00 (22: 00 GMT), detalló Balseiro.

teleSUR, nbb, JGN (2023-03-26). Acusado del magnicidio en Haití se declara culpable. telesurtv.net El hombre de origen haitiano-chileno declaró haber entregado "apoyo material y recursos" para secuestrar y asesinar a Moïse.

teleSUR, nbb, JGN (2023-03-26). Aumentan casos de dengue y chikungunya en Argentina. telesurtv.net En lo que va del año 2023, se ha notificado en la nación un total de 9.388 casos de dengue.

teleSUR, nbb, JGN (2023-03-26). Explosión en fábrica en Pensilvania, EE.UU., deja dos muertos. telesurtv.net La alcaldesa de West Reading, Samantha Kaag, pidió que cualquier persona en un radio de una cuadra se mantuviera alejada.

teleSUR, nbb, JGN (2023-03-26). Incendio en Castellón, España, afecta al menos 4.000 hectáreas. telesurtv.net El Puesto de Mando Avanzado para coordinar la lucha contra el primer gran incendio del año, fue establecido en Barracas, Castellón.

teleSUR, YSM (2023-03-26). Cuba endosa compromiso de cooperación en Cumbre Iberoamericana. telesurtv.net "Esta Cumbre ofrece una oportunidad para traducir en acciones concretas la aspiración de avanzar hacia una región más justa, solidaria y sostenible", indicó el presidente cubano.

teleSUR, YSM (2023-03-26). Docentes marchan en defensa de la educación en Ecuador. telesurtv.net La Unión Nacional de Educadores (UNE) organizó la marcha que llegó a la sede la Corte Constitucional.

teleSUR, YSM (2023-03-26). Más de 600.000 israelíes protestan contra la reforma judicial. telesurtv.net Previamente, el titular de Defensa, Yoav Gallant solicitó detener el debate de la legislación para promover un diálogo nacional.

teleSUR, YSM (2023-03-26). Putin anuncia despliegue de armas nucleares tácticas en Belarús. telesurtv.net Para el 1 de julio Rusia prevé concluir en esa nación un almacén para resguardar armas nucleares.

teleSUR, YSM (2023-03-26). Presidente de Rusia dialoga con su homólogo de Türkiye. telesurtv.net Los mandatarios expresaron "satisfacción por la dinámica positiva de los vínculos comerciales y económicos" entre sus países.

teleSUR, YSM (2023-03-26). Presidente serbio: la OTAN debe responder por la agresión a Yugoslavia. telesurtv.net El presidente intervino en el acto central conmemorativo de la efeméride en la Plaza de San Jorge de ciudad de Sombor.

teleSUR, YSM (2023-03-26). Registran tres muertos por inundaciones en Afganistán. telesurtv.net Las inundaciones han destruido 756 casas en nueve provincias afganas, siendo Balkh la más afectada.

teleSUR- jah, JGN (2023-03-26). Conoce cinco obras esenciales del escritor Rodolfo Walsh. telesurtv.net Rodolfo Walsh conjugó su rol intelectual con el talento periodístico en función de aportar a la lucha contra la dictadura militar.

The Green Arcade (2023-03-26). Saturday 4/15: A Celebration of the Life of Poet and Writer Jim Nisbet. indybay.org The 3rd Floor Edward McRoskey Loft | 1687 Market Street | San Francisco, CA 94103…

Thomas Walter & GW Smigielski (2023-03-26). Financial crisis – it's crashing again and The time of change. indybay.org

UFCLP (2023-03-26). Monday 3/27: Jail Former SF Federal Reserve Member & Silicon Valley Bank President/CEO Greg Becker. indybay.org San Francisco Federal Reserve | 101 California St. | San Francisco…

via Russell Brutsche (2023-03-26). Friday 3/31: Santa Cruz Hi-Rise. indybay.org Resource Center for Non-Violence, 612 Ocean Street, Santa Cruz…

Waging Nonviolence (2023-03-26). To Those Jewish Americans Who Protested Minister Smotrich with Me: We Have to Talk about the Palestinians. juancole.com Via Fellowship Magazine By David Hart ( Waging Nonviolence ) — Earlier this month, I attended the large Jewish-led demonstration in Washington, D.C. (un)welcoming Israeli Minister of Finance Bezalel Smotrich to the U.S. We gathered in the cold rain to say that his remarks celebrating a brutal pogrom — and suggesting the state …

Weekly Trust (2023-03-26). California will respond to the Pan African Congress call for better seed movement. indybay.org Our California Pan African World Food and Ag Pavilion will offer proposed opportunities towards solutions that offer greater access to global seed research and development. 'We need to hear from farmers how we can continuously and sustainably bridge the gap between seed companies and the farming community, now more pronounced mainly by the negative impact of climate change. On our side, we will endeavor to work with the farmers to help increase the resilience and profitability of African farming in the face of climate change and other challenges,'

Zoe Alexandra (2023-03-26). People's power is at the heart of the Cuban political system: Llanisca Lugo. peoplesdispatch.org On March 26, the Cuban people go to the polls to elect their representatives to the National Assembly, the country's legislative body. The members of the Assembly are elected after a long democratic and consultative process…

Anonymous103 (2023-03-26). Russia To Deploy Its Nuclear Weapons In Belarus. southfront.org Click to see full-size image | At the request of the Belarusian side, Russia will deploy its tactical nuclear weapons in Belarus, the same way as the United States has been doing on the territory of its allied countries. | On March 25, Russian President Vladimir Putin declared that the construction of a special storage facility for tactical nuclear weapons on the territory of Belarus will end on July 1. | The decision was made after London had declared its plans to supply Ukraine with depleted uranium she…

ecns.cn (2023-03-26). China wishes Brazilian president a speedy recovery: FM spokesperson. ecns.cn A Chinese foreign ministry spokesperson on Sunday said China wishes Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva a speedy recovery and will stay in communication with the Brazilian side about the president's visit to China.

ecns.cn (2023-03-26). Xi sends message of sympathy to Brazilian president over illness. ecns.cn Chinese President Xi Jinping on Sunday sent a message of sympathy to Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva over the latter's contraction of influenza and pneumonia.

Staff (2023-03-26). La Tira de los Lectores: °Ese paisaje me encanta! cubadebate.cu Cuba tiene paisajes que cautivan, inspiran y hacen volar la imaginación. Por eso convocábamos a nuestros lectores hace unos días a enviar fotos de los entornos rurales o urbanos que los han impresionado. A continuación compartimos algunas de las imágenes que llegaron a nuestra redacción.

Staff (2023-03-26). Cuba gana el Campeonato del Caribe de Tenis de Mesa y asegura a sus equipos para Santiago de Chile 2023. cubadebate.cu Los conjuntos cubanos de tenis de mesa ganaron respectivos títulos en el Campeonato del Caribe y aseguraron boletos a los Juegos Panamericanos de Santiago 2023. A su vez, estos éxitos afianzaron a la Mayor de Las Antillas en el primer lugar del medallero, un excelente resultado para un deporte que aspira a un buen resultado en las citas multideportivas del actual año.

Staff (2023-03-26). Cumbre Iberoamericana rechaza medidas coercitivas unilaterales en declaración final y se pronuncia contra bloqueo a Cuba. cubadebate.cu Los países participantes en la XXVIII Cumbre Iberoamericana, en República Dominicana, aprobaron la Declaración de Santo Domingo, que incluye entre sus puntos el rechazo a las medidas coercitivas unilaterales violatorias del derecho internacional y la Carta de Naciones Unidas. En comunicado especial, rechazaron el bloqueo y la persecución financiera contra Cuba y pidieron excluir a la Isla de la arbitraria lista de países patrocinadores del terrorismo.

Staff (2023-03-26). Presidente Díaz-Canel regresa a Cuba luego de participar en Cumbre Iberoamericana (+ Video). cubadebate.cu Concluida una fructífera jornada en República Dominicana, donde asistió al segmento de alto nivel de la XXVIII Cumbre Iberoamericana, el primer secretario del Comité Central del PCC y presidente de la República, Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez, regresó a La Habana este sábado.

Staff (2023-03-26). Leones del Caribe buscan la cima (+ Fotos y Video). cubadebate.cu La selección de futbol de Cuba conocida como los Leones del Caribe recibirá este domingo desde las 4 de la tarde a su similar de Guadalupe en el Estadio Antonio Maceo de Santiago de Cuba. A los jugadores del técnico Elier Sánchez solo les basta un empate para asegurar su pase a la división A de la Liga de Naciones de la CONCACAF y a la Copa de Oro.

Staff (2023-03-26). Minuto a Minuto: Cuba en elecciones. cubadebate.cu Este domingo se celebra una jornada histórica para la democracia cubana. Más de ocho millones de cubanos están convocados a las urnas para elegir a los 470 diputados a la Asamblea Nacional del Poder Popular. Quienes sean elegidos tendrán a su cargo elegir al presidente y vicepresidente de la República y continuar con el desarrollo legislativo de la Constitución. Este es un acto de soberanía popular y de participación ciudadana que refleja el compromiso de los cubanos con la Revolución.

Staff (2023-03-26). Voto por una Asamblea Nacional con el magisterio de Fidel. cubadebate.cu Ante el panorama mundial, luego de recibir toda la información, como debe ser, de la candidatura a la Asamblea Nacional, votaré por todos para apoyar nuestra democracia inclusiva, donde cualquier ciudadano honesto y dispuesto a trabajar por el país puede ser diputado sin gastar un centavo ni recibirlo por su labor al servicio de la nación. Parlamento que cuenta con el magisterio de Fidel para cambiar todo lo que deba ser cambiado para el bien de todos.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-03-26). Severas lluvias impactan seis estados del norte de Brasil. telesurtv.net Los estados del norte han estado sufriendo severas tormentas en los últimos días, mientras el Instituto Nacional de Meteorología advirtió sobre el peligro de fuertes lluvias.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-03-26). China y Honduras establecen relaciones diplomáticas. telesurtv.net Horas antes, el Ejecutivo de Tegucigalpa anunciaba que "ha comunicado a Taiwán la decisión de la ruptura de las relaciones diplomáticas entre ambos".

teleSUR, JCM (2023-03-26). Presidente de Cuba acude a votar en Santa Clara. telesurtv.net Antes de entrar al colegio electoral, Miguel Díaz Canel conversó con algunos jóvenes que le expresaron su apoyo y confianza en el proceso democrático cubano.

teleSUR, JGN (2023-03-26). Avanzan con normalidad comicios para elegir a la Asamblea Nacional en Cuba. telesurtv.net Las mesas electorales tienen previsto concluir sus actividades a las 18: 00 hora local (22: 00 GMT) de este domingo.

teleSUR, JGN (2023-03-26). Venezolanos marchan en apoyo a política gubernamental contra la corrupción. telesurtv.net El jefe de Estado, en un tuit, saludó a los venezolanos que participaron en la marcha en apoyo a la lucha anticorrupción.

teleSUR, nbb, JGN (2023-03-26). Aumenta a 26 cifra de fallecidos tras tornados en EE.UU. telesurtv.net Los decesos tuvieron lugar en los condados de Sharkey, Humphreys, Carroll y Monroe.

teleSUR, nbb, JGN (2023-03-26). Represión de protesta deja unos 200 heridos en Francia. telesurtv.net Los agricultores locales señalan que la medida beneficiará a la gran producción agrícola, mientras que los cultivos más pequeños se quedarán sin agua.

teleSUR, nbb, JGN (2023-03-26). Iberoamérica pide excluir a Cuba de lista de patrocinadores del terrorismo. telesurtv.net El secretario de Estado de EE.UU., Antony Blinken, descartó este jueves la posibilidad de retirar por ahora a Cuba de la lista de países patrocinadores del terrorismo.

Anonymous103 (2023-03-26). "Space And Earth" Against Erdogan. southfront.org Illustrative Image | Written by Damir Nazarov | The terrible tragedy in Turkey definitely falls under the category of political intrigue by the forces of evil. All talk about natural causes is ignorant and empty. There are a number of reasons why Erdogan is tired of imperialism and they literally want to get rid of him "democratically." I mean the subsequent elections, which will most likely be the last for Erdogan in his political career. | The first reason for the earthquake strike on Turkey lies in the struggle of the…

Anonymous103 (2023-03-26). Military Situation In Ukraine On March 26, 2023 (Map Update). southfront.org Click to see full-size image | Russian forces destroyed 10 motor vehicles and a Gvozdika howitzer near Kherson; | Russian forces destroyed four pick-up trucks and an ammo depot near Kupyansk; | Russian forces destroyed four armoured vehicles and three motor vehicles near Liman; | Russian forces destroyed an ammo depot near Kramatorsk town; | The Russian Army advanced in the northern districts of Mariinka; | Clashes between the Russian Army and the AFU continue near Debrova; | Clashes between the Russian…

Anonymous103 (2023-03-26). Tomorrow's War Today. Why China Wins. southfront.org

Anonymous103 (2023-03-26). Military Situation In Bakhmut On March 26, 2023 (Map Update). southfront.org

Anonymous103 (2023-03-26). Ukrainian UAV Was Intercepted In Russian Tula Oblast. southfront.org Click to see full-size image | On March 26, an explosion thundered in the town of Kireevsk in the Russian Tula Oblast. Russian media citing sources in law enforcement agencies and emergency services, reported that Ukrainian Tu-141 Strizh UAV, which was packed with explosives, fell in the central district of the settlement. | The Committee for Regional Security confirmed the incident, which resulted in damage to several houses. Three civilians were wounded."One victim was treated on the spot. Another victim was taken to…

Anonymous103 (2023-03-26). Military Situation In Donbass On March 26, 2023 (Map Update). southfront.org Click to see full-size image | The Russian Army advanced in the northern district of Mariinka; | Clashes between Russian forces and the AFU continue in Bakhmut and its outskirts; | Clashes between the Russian Army and the AFU continue near Ugledar; | Clashes between the Russian Army and the AFU continue on the outskirts of Avdeevka; | Up to 90 Ukrainian servicemen, 3 vehicles and 4 armored vehicles were destroyed by Russian artillery on Krasniy-Liman front, according to the R…

Anonymous103 (2023-03-26). Military Situation In Syria On March 26, 2023 (Map Update). southfront.org Click to see full-size image | On March 26, Russia reported that Idlib militants violated the ceasefire regime in Greater Idlib 11 times: 1 — in Idlib province, 1 — in Latakia province, 9 — in Aleppo province; | On March 26, the Russian Military Police carried out a one-sided patrol in the countryside of Ain al-Arab; | On March 25, artillery of Turkish-backed forces shelled SAA positions near 46th Division; | The Syrian Foreign Ministry condemned the US strikes against the SAA and pro-Ir…

Anonymous669 (2023-03-26). Six Civilians Killed In Two Central Syria Attacks Attributed To ISIS. southfront.org Illustrative image. | On March 26, six civilians were killed in two separate terrorist attacks in Syria's central region which were both attributed to ISIS. | In the eastern Homs countryside, terrorists believed to be members of ISIS attacked a group of civilians who were collecting truffles in the area of al-Shaer near the ancient city of Palmyra. The terrorists killed four of the civilians and abducted two others, according to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights. | Later, the London-…

Anonymous669 (2023-03-26). Russian Loitering Munitions Destroyed M777, FH70 Howitzer Of Kiev Forces (Videos). southfront.org ZALA Lancet attack drone. © Marina Lystseva/TASS | The Russian military has destroyed two more Western-made howitzers of Kiev forces using advanced Lancet loitering munitions. | On March 25 and 26, two videos surfaced online showing strikes against an FH70 and an M777 towed 155 mm howitzers of Kiev forces on an unspecified front in the special military operation zone. Both howitzers received direct hits. | The ZALA Aero Group, a subsidiary of Russia's defense giant Kalashnikov, produces two versions of t…

Anonymous669 (2023-03-26). Iraqi Warplanes Hunt Down ISIS Terrorists In Diyala (Video). southfront.org This file photo shows an Iraqi Air Force AC-208 Cessna Caravan aircrew launch a Hellfire missile during a previous test at a target on the Aziziyah Training Range, south of Baghdad, Nov. 8, 2010. US Army photo by SGT Brandon Bolick. | On March 4, warplanes of the Iraqi Air Force (IQAF) carried out a series of airstrikes on several hideouts of ISIS in the area of Narin in the eastern province of Diyala. | Major General Yahya Rasool, a spokesman for the Iraqi Commander-in-Chief, said in a statement that th…

Anonymous669 (2023-03-26). New Satellite Images Show Aftermath Of Recent Israeli Strikes On Syria's Aleppo. southfront.org An Israeli IMI Delilah cruise missile under the wing of an Israeli Air Force F-16I Soufa Fighter. Picture taken at Kecskeméti Repàºl≈ënap 2010. By Wikimedia user (KGyST). | On March 25, defense observer

Anonymous669 (2023-03-26). 'International Resistance' Attacks U.S. Supply Convoy In Iraq's Babylon. southfront.org Illustrative image. | On March 26, a convoy moving logistic supplies for the United States-led coalition came under attack in the southern Iraqi province of Babylon. | The supply convoy was reportedly targeted with an improvised explosive device. No casualties were reported as a result of the attack. | An armed group known as the International Resistance claimed responsibility for the attack. The shadowy group is one of several pro-Iran formations that emerged in Iraq after the assassination of Abu M…

Anonymous103 (2023-03-26). Military Overview: Turning Point Of Russian Assault On Bakhmut. southfront.org Click to see full-size image | Russian and Ukrainian military sources unanimously claimed a turning point of the Russian assault on the city of Bakhmut which will soon become Artemovsk (the name of the city in 1924-2016, it became Bakhmut when the Kiev regime launched ideological decommunization of the country). | The fighting is shifting to the center of the city. According to the latest data, clashes are ongoing in the city market area which is located on the western bank of the Bakhmutka river 500 meters to the buil…

Anonymous669 (2023-03-26). After Supplying Kiev With Su-25s, Northern Macedonia May Send Its Mi-24 Attack Helicopters. southfront.org A Macedonian Air Force Mi-24V taking off for a training sortie on 6 August 2012. Photo by Wikimedia user (Dcvetic). | A proposal to send 12 Soviet-made Mi-24 attack helicopters to Ukraine will be submitted for approval during the next session of the North Macedonian government, the country's Defense Minister Slavjanka Petrovska announced on March 25, according to the local media outlet Nezavisen. | Petrovska said that the decision will not affect the combat readiness of the North Ma…

Anonymous103 (2023-03-26). Ukrainian Sea Mines Continue Exploding On Black Sea Shores, Threatening Civilians In Different Countries. southfront.org Click to see full-size image | On the morning of March 26, a sea mine exploded in the Odessa region. The Ukrainian mine damaged civilian buildings and the pier. | The Odessa City Council confirmed the incident. The speaker of the Odessa regional military administration said that the explosion occurred near the coastal village of Sychavka. As a result, a country house was damaged, there were no casualties as a result of the explosion. | The mine was washed ashore by a storm. The storm in the region continues. The off…

Caitlin Johnstone (2023-03-26). MSNBC Pundit Goes To Fight In Ukraine, Acts Like A Disruptive Troll And Leaves. thealtworld.com Listen to a reading of this article: | One year ago then-MSNBC analyst Malcolm Nance

Paul Craig Roberts (2023-03-26). The Erosion of Equality Under Law Continues. thealtworld.com Recently, a Jewish reader wrote to me that he thinks for himself and reads my website. Many Jews think for themselves. There is Jewish opposition within Israel to Israel's confiscation of the West Bank. Some years ago I hosted an Israeli delegate to a Presbyterian Church conference in Atlanta. She had come to try to persuade the Christians to disinvest from Israel as a means of pressuring Israel to cease evicting Palestinians from lands they had occupied for 2,000 years. She had a higher sense of justice than the Christians, who refused her plea. | When most gentiles speak of "the Jews" they mean Jewish lobbies s…

thecommunists (2023-03-26). The west wants to leverage Estonia against Russia. thecommunists.org This article is reproduced from Infobrics, with thanks. ***** Western intentions to arm Estonia with the most modern types of conventional weapons which can target St Petersburg, as well as the installation of a medium-range anti-missile defence system, suggests that the Baltic country is wanting to challenge Russia, despite its military barely even having enough …

Richard Horton (2023-03-25). [Comment] Offline: The XX paradox. thelancet.com "Women and Black researchers are less likely to hold multiple NIH grants." "Female scientists miss out on career advances abroad." "Time stands still for white male dons of Oxford." Three recent headlines from Science, Nature, and The Times. Despite The Lancet's proclamation in 2019 that "Feminism is for everybody", the truth is that women remain excluded from many of the most senior roles in medicine and global health. An important report published by Women in Global Health last week—The State of Women and Leadership in Health—sets out the gap between words and deeds.

Sima Barmania, Michael Reiss (2023-03-25). [World Report] Pope Francis and health. thelancet.com On his election 10 years ago, Pope Francis was hailed as a voice of modernisation. Has his papacy made a difference to health? Sima Barmania and Michael Reiss report.

Talha Burki (2023-03-25). [World Report] The health consequences of crowd-control weapons. thelancet.com Two new reports outline how the increasingly indiscriminate use of weapons such as rubber bullets, tear gas, and batons on protestors is harming health and human rights. Talha Burki reports.

Mary T Bassett (2023-03-25). [Perspectives] Black women in medicine in the USA: telling their stories. thelancet.com The name Elizabeth Blackwell is probably familiar. Born in the UK, she was the first woman in the USA to be awarded a medical degree. In Twice as Hard: The Stories of Black Women Who Fought to Become Physicians, from the Civil War to the 21st Century, Jasmine Brown spans over 150 years to introduce nine less well known names: Black American women who became physicians. These were remarkable women. Rebecca Lee Crumpler (1831—95) was, in 1864, the first Black woman to earn a medical degree in the USA.

Marco De Ambrogi (2023-03-25). [Perspectives] Love and inequality. thelancet.com Romeo and Juliet, William Shakespeare's story of the two star-crossed lovers written in 1597 and set in Verona, Italy, has fascinated audiences for centuries. The appeal of the tragic fate of two adolescent lovers driven to a dramatic end by the opposition of their families continues to resonate among young generations. There have been many modern adaptations of Romeo and Juliet, including the musical West Side Story and Baz Luhrmann's movie Romeo + Juliet. Welsh playwright Gary Owen has now created his own adaptation, Romeo and Julie, set in modern day Splott, a suburb of Cardiff, in Wales, UK.

Geoff Watts (2023-03-25). [Obituary] Beryl Rica Benacerraf. thelancet.com Renowned radiologist and pioneer of ultrasound in antenatal diagnosis. She was born in New York, NY, USA, on April 29, 1949 and died of cancer in Cambridge, MA, USA, on Oct 1, 2022 aged 73 years.

F A Klok, B Siegerink (2023-03-25). [Correspondence] Ordinal outcomes add value to clinical trials. thelancet.com We have read with interest Jason Weatherald and colleagues'1 review of novel approaches for achieving more efficient pulmonary arterial hypertension trials. Indeed, the challenge lies in defining meaningful outcomes that are relevant to patients, health-care professionals, and society and also allow for trials that can change clinical practice but require low patient numbers.

Jason Weatherald, Marc Humbert (2023-03-25). [Correspondence] Ordinal outcomes add value to clinical trials — Authors' reply. thelancet.com We thank F A Klok and B Siegerink for their interest in our article and for their suggestion to consider ordinal outcomes for pulmonary arterial hypertension trials. Indeed, an ordinal outcome not only improves the granularity of patient-relevant outcomes compared with a dichotomous outcome, such as mortality, but it can also allow for smaller trial sample sizes than with a mortality outcome.1…

Phillip E Morgan, Ragai R Mitry (2023-03-25). [Correspondence] Recent cases of acute hepatitis in children. thelancet.com Potential causes of the cases of acute hepatitis in children in the UK over the past year were discussed by Anil Dhawan and Sunitha Vimalesvaran,1 noting the presence of adenovirus subtype 41F in the majority of cases and suggesting the hepatitis was caused by an aberrant immune response to the virus rather than by the virus itself.

Sunitha Vimalesvaran, Anita Verma, Anil Dhawan (2023-03-25). [Correspondence] Recent cases of acute hepatitis in children — Authors' reply. thelancet.com We thank Phillip E Morgan and Ragai R Mitry for their letter regarding our Correspondence entitled Hunting down the cause of acute hepatitis in children.1 Our focus in that Comment was to summarise existing data on the increase in the number of cases of acute hepatitis in children and possible pathogenesis of this condition. Morgan and Mitry propose an additional lifestyle component (in particular, foods containing additives such as some colourings) that could have exacerbated hepatocyte damage during the co-infection period.

Anmol Arora (2023-03-25). [Correspondence] Synthetic data: the future of open-access health-care datasets? thelancet.com In modern health care, medical datasets are increasingly being used to improve patient care, including through population health analysis and the development of diagnostic machine learning algorithms. This trend has been a key driver for the development of open-access datasets, giving researchers access to local or national data shared by different institutions. Open-access data can be used to train machine learning algorithms on diverse datasets that have been carefully curated, or to test algorithms that have already been trained by researchers elsewhere to assess their performance when applied to new data.

AbdulRahman A Saied (2023-03-25). [Correspondence] Nigeria's National Mental Health Act 2021: any challenges ahead? thelancet.com Although mental health problems are widespread in many African nations, they rarely receive the attention they merit. Stigmatisation is a prevalent factor that makes patients reluctant to seek mental health care in most African countries. As knowledge about mental health increased, some African countries, such as Ghana, Kenya, South Africa, Uganda, and Zambia, began passing legislation and laws to safeguard the rights of individuals who have mental health problems. In 1916, Nigeria, Africa's most populous country, enacted its first mental health legislation, which was called the Lunacy Ordinance.

Hamaiyal Sana, Paola Ortega, Daniel Scott Corlew, Emmanuel Makasa, Manon Pigeolet (2023-03-25). [Correspondence] Orthopaedic surgical needs during disasters. thelancet.com The earthquakes in Türkiye and Syria on Feb 6, 2023, have left behind a massive burden of injuries, of which a large proportion are likely to be orthopaedic injuries.1 Generally, orthopaedic surgery is a field that is highly dependent on expensive equipment and supplies and, in most low-income and middle-income countries (LMICs), relies heavily on donations. Türkiye, as an upper-middle-income country, faces different challenges than the war-torn, lower-income country of Syria. However, both are set to face barriers in obtaining sufficient materials specific to their context.

Dan Shan (2023-03-25). [Correspondence] China's bewildering medical education pathways. thelancet.com The medical education system in China is widely considered one of the most complex and perplexing in the world. Unlike the standardised medical training in Europe and North America, where all medical graduates hold the same degree and possess a uniform level of clinical proficiency,1 China has multiple, distinct medical education pathways that can last from 3 to 8 years. As a result, medical students in China can receive an entry-level medical degree at varying levels of graduation, allowing them to take the Chinese Medical Licensing Examination and become licensed practitioners.

Liyang Sun, Hangdong Jia, Tian Yang (2023-03-25). [Correspondence] Chinese medical personnel after the COVID-19 pandemic. thelancet.com As the COVID-19 pandemic comes to an end in China,1 medical personnel who have worked tirelessly to fight the omicron (B.1.1.529) variant are now facing a new challenge. Despite their heroic efforts, many of them are now struggling to receive the financial compensation they deserve.2…

Ryan Cristián (2023-03-25). COVID Vaccine Cover Up, Biden Illegally Bombs Syria, Russian Nukes & Impending Mexico Regime Change. thelastamericanvagabond.com Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (3/25/23). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth

Martha Grevatt (2023-03-25). Michigan: Movements spur legislative victories. workers.org The scene at the Michigan Capitol in Lansing March 14 was reminiscent of mass protests there in December 2012. At that time union members packed the State House to pressure then-Governor Rick Snyder not to sign a bill making Michigan a "right-to-work" state. But Snyder broke his campaign promise not . . . |

AS EDITOR (2023-03-25). 19 years after the coup d'état: Statement from Fanmi Lavalas Political Organization. workers.org This Feb. 28 statement from Fanmi Lavalas, a people's party of Haiti, commemorates the February 29, 2004, coup d'état that overthrew Haiti's first democratically elected president, Jean-Bertrand Aristide. Fanmi Lavalas honors those who fell during the coup and outlines its call for a Haitian solution to the crisis that has . . . |

Workers World Boston bureau (2023-03-25). Masking for COVID-19 mitigation and safety is anti-capitalist solidarity. workers.org On Feb. 6, the Boston branch of Workers World Party collectively decided and unanimously voted, prompted by young and disabled comrades and candidates, to reaffirm our Party's position of solidarity with our class regarding the pandemic with the resolution below, explaining the branch's masking protocols to the movement. Members and . . . |

A Guest Author (2023-03-25). Antiwar statement from inside Ukraine. workers.org The statement below is from the Union of Political Emigrants and Political Prisoners of Ukraine to the March 18 antiwar rally organizers and "to all participants of the peace-supporting events in the U.S. and the E.U. on March 18 and after." Dear Friends! WW PHOTO: Workers World Dear comrades in . . . |

Mike Walter (2023-03-25). The Heat: Trump Investigation. america.cgtn.com Former US President Donald Trump warns of potential 'death and destruction' if he's charged in a criminal case under investigation in New York. A grand jury in New York is thought to be close to wrapping up its work deciding whether there is 'probable cause' …

Mark Niu (2023-03-25). Game Developers Conference showcases new tech. america.cgtn.com At this year's Game Developer's Conference, attendance nearly doubled to more than 24,000 people. See what new technologies were showcased this year.

Xiaolu Sun (2023-03-25). Biden visits Canada to discuss trade, migration challenges. america.cgtn.com U.S. President Biden addressed the Canadian Parliament on Friday as part of a two-day trip to Ottawa. He met Canada's Prime Minister Trudeau to talk about issues including defense, climate change and immigration.

Rick Rozoff (2023-03-25). NATO's northern flank: Nordic nations form 250-advanced-generation warplane joint force, may house U.S., Canadian counterparts. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com Defense NewsMarch 24, 2023 Nordic countries move toward linking their air forces: 250 planes The Nordic countries have moved to deepen air force cooperation to bolster the region's air defenses. The initiative, covered by a Joint Declaration of Intent (JDI), takes place against the backdrop of persisting security tensions…impacting the High North and Baltic Sea …

Rick Rozoff (2023-03-25). NATO killed international law 24 years ago: Serbian president. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com TanjugMarch 24, 2023 Vucic: International law died 24 years ago, but Serbian spirit was not broken International law died 24 years ago, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said on Friday at the main ceremony commemorating the anniversary of the start of the 1999 NATO aggression on Serbia, noting that, at the time, big powers had tried …

Rick Rozoff (2023-03-25). Photo, video: Serbs mark Day of Remembrance of the Victims of NATO Aggression. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com B92March 24, 2023 24 years since the NATO attack; Growing number of people gather in Sombor Exactly 24 years ago, sirens announced NATO aggression against Serbia. In 11 weeks, about 2,500 civilians and about 1,000 soldiers and policemen had died. In Serbia, the Day of Remembrance for those killed in NATO aggression is being celebrated, …

Rick Rozoff (2023-03-25). Georgian head of state again warns of coordinated coup/new war front campaign. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com Civil GeorgiaMarch 24, 2023 PM Again Talks "Second Front" and Criticizes the Opposition On March 24, Georgian Prime Minister Irakli Garibashvili was questioned in the Parliament under the interpellation procedure…..[T]he PM once again spoke about the ongoing war in Ukraine and the efforts to open a "second front" in Georgia in this context, accusing the …

Rick Rozoff (2023-03-25). Swedish FM bemoans: haven't we debased ourselves sufficiently, extradited enough Kurds? antibellum679354512.wordpress.com The LocalMarch 18, 2023 Swedish foreign minister disappointed by Turkey not acting on Nato bid Turkey has sought the extradition of dozens of Kurdish and other suspects it accuses of ties to outlawed militants and a failed 2016 coup attempt. On Friday, the Turkish head of state said Sweden had still not agreed to extradite …

Rick Rozoff (2023-03-25). U.S. NATO contingent in Europe: dancing for WWIII. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com U.S. Army Europe and AfricaMarch 16, 2023 66th Military Intelligence Brigade hosts women's health panel U.S. Army Lt. Col. Erica Kane, commander, Wiesbaden Army Health Clinic, Regional Health Command-Europe, speaks about women's health and putting people first during a Women's Health Question and Answer Panel….

Rick Rozoff (2023-03-25). NATO in Estonia: King's Royal Hussars pass baton to Queen's Royal Hussars with support of French Foreign Legion. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com NATOMultinational Corps NortheastMarch 22, 2023 The Queen's Royal Hussars take command of NATO eFP Battlegroup Estonia supported by the French Foreign Legion On March 19, the Tapa Military Base, Estonia, saw the transfer of authority ceremony from Britain's own The King's Royal Hussars to The Queen's Royal Hussars (QRH) who took the helm of NATO's …

Rick Rozoff (2023-03-25). Latvia: Canada leads NATO combat exercise near Russian border. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com NATOMultinational Corps NortheastMarch 25, 2023 NATO eFP Battlegroup Latvia proceeds with Combat Readiness Evaluation SZCZECIN, Poland — Having completed their preparation exercise Wolverine Shield/Strike, NATO enhanced Forward Presence (eFP) Battlegroup Latvia has kicked off exercise Crystal Arrow 23, which will serve as a Combat Readiness Evaluation (CREVAL) test for this Canadian-led unit comprising multiple NATO …

Ajamu Baraka, Black Agenda Report. (2023-03-25). The US/EU/NATO Axis Of Domination Remains Greatest Threat To Peace. popularresistance.org This commentary really should be part two from the piece I wrote last week in the run-up to the anti-war mobilization that took place March 18th which commemorated the 20th anniversary of the invasion of Iraq. In that article I made a similar argument about why the U.S. should be seen as the greatest threat to the survival of collective humanity on our planet. | That point, however, needs to be reinforced because in typical arrogance, on the eve of that mobilization and the official March 20th date of the U.S. invasion, the International Criminal Court (ICC) issues an arrest warrant for Russia President Vladimir…

_____ (2023-03-25). The Collapse of U.S. Policy in the Middle East. journal-neo.org Now, it is abundantly clear that the United States' dishonest and aggressive Middle East strategy, which is at odds with the aspirations of the Arab world, has utterly failed. The establishment of a multipolar world by Russia, China, and Iran was a significant milestone in this process. The convergence of these three nations and the […] | –°–æ–æ–±—â–µ–Ω–∏–µ

_____ (2023-03-25). Minsk, Moscow & The Moral Olympics. strategic-culture.org Lofty ideals that were an integral part of the ancient Olympics and that underwrite the founding of the modern Olympic games are not for NATO. | In assessing NATO's ongoing efforts to terrorise Russian and Belarusian athletes, we must include Minsk sparrows, Muscovite goalkeepers, Nazi paratroopers, African Americans and many more in our calculus to make sense of this latest bout of naked NATO fascism. | Let's start with the late POTUS Nixon, who had the singular honour of

_____ (2023-03-25). Syrians Have Every Right to Attack U.S. Occupiers. strategic-culture.org

_____ (2023-03-25). The Holy Land And Us: BBC Nakba Series Obscures Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine. strategic-culture.org

_____ (2023-03-25). The Two Faces of Emmanuel Macron in Africa. strategic-culture.org How France's president anoints himself in lies, treachery and smear campaigns in the African continent. | African elites can no longer fake it for Macron or the French. The days of when they were obliged to humour French presidents that France still wielded its power across the continent in…

Adam Schwartz, David Greene, Electronic Frontier Foundation. (2023-03-25). Government Hasn't Justified A Tiktok Ban. popularresistance.org So we are troubled by growing demands in the United States for restrictions on TikTok, a technology that many people have chosen to exchange information with others around the world. Before taking such a drastic step, the government must come forward with specific evidence showing, at the very least, a real problem and a narrowly tailored solution. So far, the government hasn't done so. | Nearly all social media platforms and other online businesses collect a lot of personal data from their users. TikTok raises special concerns, given the surveillance and censorship practices of its home country, China. Still, th…

Ann Brown (2023-03-25). 'Black Swan' Author Nassim Taleb: This is Phase 1 Of Russia Becoming a Chinese Vassal State. moguldom.com Could Russia become a vassal state? Famed "Black Swan" author Nassim Taleb seems the think so. A vassal state is a region or country where the ruler owes allegiance to a larger or more powerful state. Russia, said Taleb is i the first stage of becoming one for China. "Phase I of the transformation of …

Anonymous103 (2023-03-25). In Video: Lack Of Combat Training In Ukrainian Army And Its Results. southfront.org

Anonymous103 (2023-03-25). The Most Undervalued Assets In Europe Are Now In Eastern Ukraine. Who Is The First To Benefit? southfront.org During the armed conflict in Ukraine in 2022, Kiev lost, and Moscow gained, a significant part of the south of…

Anonymous103 (2023-03-25). Where The $1.3 Trillion Per Year U.S. Military Budget Goes. southfront.org

Anonymous669 (2023-03-25). Greater Idlib: HTS Says Its Militants Killed Or Wounded 13 Syrian Soldiers In New Attack (Photos). southfront.org On March 25, al-Qaeda-affiliated Hay'at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) claimed that its militants killed six soldiers of the Syrian Arab Army…

Anonymous669 (2023-03-25). Iran Says Any Attack On Its Bases In Syria Will Be Met With Swift Response. southfront.org File image. | Any attack on Iran-linked bases in Syria will be met with a swift response, an Iranian security spokesperson warned on March 25, following clashes between forces backed by the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps and United States troops in the war-torn country. "Any pretext to attack bases created at the request of the Syrian government to deal with terrorism and Islamic State elements in this country will be met with an immediate counter-response," Keyvan Khosravi, spokesperson for Iran's to…

Anonymous669 (2023-03-25). New Wave Of Attacks On Northeastern Syria Wounds U.S. Service Member (Videos). southfront.org File image. | An American service member was wounded in a series of new attacks that targeted coalition bases in northeastern Syria on March 24, just a day after a On March 23, a U.S. contractor was killed and five U.S. service members and a second U.S. contractor wounded when a suicide drone struck a coalition base near…

Anonymous669 (2023-03-25). Russian Army Captured Ukrainian RAM II Loitering Munition (Photos). southfront.org Click to see full-size image. Via Twitter. | The Russian military has captured a Ukrainian RAM II loitering munition that crashed on an unspecified front in the special military operation zone. | On March 24, photos surfaced online showing the captured loitering munition which appeared to be nearly intact. The loitering munition may have crashed as a result of a technical failure, or as a result of jamming by Russian electronic warfare means. | The RAM II loitering munition is a d…

Anonymous669 (2023-03-25). Syria Condemns U.S. Strikes On Deir Ezzor, Demands End To Occupation. southfront.org The official insignia of the Syrian Foreign Ministry. | Syria has condemned recent United States strikes on the eastern governorate of Deir Ezzor, which reportedly targeted forces affiliated with Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC). | In a statement released on March 25, the Syrian Foreign Ministry said that the strikes lead to a number of victims as well as material losses."The American lies about the targeted positions are nothing but a failed attempt to justify this act of aggression and the flagrant vio…

Anonymous669 (2023-03-25). Two Israeli Soldiers Wounded In Drive-By Shooting Attack In Occupied West Bank (Videos). southfront.org Illustrative image. Source: the Israeli Defense Forces. | On March 25, at least two Israeli soldiers were wounded in a drive-by shooting attack that took place in the occupied West Bank. | The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) said in a statement that the two soldiers were hit by gunfire near the Route 60 highway in the northern West Bank town of Huwara. | The military launched a manhunt for the suspected attacker, who fled the scene in his car. IDF troops closed several roa…

Anonymous669 (2023-03-25). U.S. Air Defense System Was Not Operational Before Deadly Northeastern Syria Drone Strike. southfront.org

Anonymous767 (2023-03-25). Military Situation In Bakhmut On March 25, 2023 (Map Update). southfront.org

Anonymous767 (2023-03-25). Military Situation In Syria On March 25, 2023 (Map Update). southfront.org Click to see the full-size image | On March 25, the Russian Ministry of Defense recorded no cases of hostilities and ceasefire violations in the Idlib region in the past 24 hours | On March 23, US aircraft attacked positions of the SAA and Iranian-backed groups in Deir Ezzor, reportedly killing 6 SAA servicemen. The attacks were carried out in response to the death of American contractor in an attack of resistance groups | On March 24, SAA and Iranian-backed groups attacked US positions in CONOCO faci…

Anonymous767 (2023-03-25). Military Situation In Ukraine On March 25, 2023 (Map Update). southfront.org Click to see the full-size image | Russian forces destroyed 10 motor vehicles and a Gvozdika howitzer near Kherson | Russian forces destroyed two armoured vehicles and two motor vehicles near Kupyansk | Russian forces destroyed two armoured vehicles and three pickups near Liman | Clashes between the Russian Army and the AFU continue near Debrova | Clashes between the Russian Army and the AFU continue near Kupyansk | Clashes between the Russian Army and the AFU continue in Mariinka | Clashes between the…

Anonymous767 (2023-03-25). Military Situation In Yemen On March 25, 2023 (Map Update). southfront.org Click to see the full-size image | The Liaison and Coordination Officers' Operations Room (loyal to Ansar Allah) reported 40 ceasefire violations in al-Hudaydah in the past 24 hours | Clashes between the Ansar Allah and Amaliqah forces were reported in the Harib area. Several militia members from the both sides were killed or wounded | Abdul Samad al-Omari, the commander of the Hizam al-Amni airport security unit was killed by unknown gunmen attack in Aden | Clashes between the Saudi-backed militants…

Arturo Dominguez, Unicorn Riot. (2023-03-25). Ahead Of The Final Four, Houston Criminalizes Homelessness. popularresistance.org In Houston, TX., where the NCAA Final Four (college basketball tournament championship games) will take place March 31 — April 3, the mayor's office has taken it a step beyond displacing the unhoused. Mayor Sylvester Turner's office has ordered police to target people feeding those in need. | After opening a facility to move people miles from downtown from a homeless encampment near Minute Maid Park and the Toyota Center, Mayor Turner began invoking old city ordinances to ticket Food Not Bombs Houston (FNBH) food-sharing volunteers and trying to discourage them from doing what they've done for decades: feed…

Azhar Azam (2023-03-25). "Global Hegemony": America's Grand Strategy in the Asia-Pacific. globalresearch.ca

Ben Norton (2023-03-25). China & Russia pledge 'changes not seen in 100 years': Xi & Putin take aim at US dollar hegemony. geopoliticaleconomy.com China's President Xi Jinping traveled to Russia to meet Vladimir Putin, pledging "changes the likes of which we haven't seen for 100 years", agreeing to deepen economic integration and challenge the hegemony of the US dollar using yuan and other currencies in international trade.

Ben Norton (2023-03-25). 'Mexico Is Not a US Colony!': AMLO Condemns Invasion Threats, Celebrates Nationalization of Oil, Lithium. orinocotribune.com By Ben Norton — Mar 22, 2023 | Mexico's leftist President AMLO condemned "hypocritical" Republicans who want the US military to invade, declaring "Mexico is an independent and free country, not a US colony or protectorate!" In a massive rally, López Obrador also celebrated the expropriation of oil and lithium, condemning exploitative foreign corporations. | Mexico's leftist President Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) organized a massive rally in the heart of the capital, honoring the anniversary of the country's nationalization of its oil reserves and expropriation of foreign corporations. | AMLO also used…

Bill Scheuerman, Sid Plotkin (2023-03-25). American Labor: Prospects and Possibilities. dissidentvoice.org Starbucks workers at over 100 sites greeted Spring and the company's new CEO by walking off the job. Some pundits hail this action as a reflection of labors' growing new strength. Public approval of unions is at a fifty year high, petitions for union elections are on the upswing, and the recent well-publicized organizing victories …

Brett Wilkins (2023-03-25). US and Canada Announce Joint Plan to Turn Away Asylum-Seekers. truthout.org In a move that critics say will push people to attempt more dangerous border crossings, the United States and Canada on Friday announced an agreement allowing both countries to block migrants from seeking asylum at unofficial points of entry. Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau hosted U.S. President Joe Biden Friday in Ottawa, where the leaders announced the deal. The agreement will allow… |

Canadian Tire Fire (2023-03-25). Canadian Tire Fire #56: International Day Against Police Brutality, Protesting Grocery Store Price Gouging, Mining Convention Disrupted. itsgoingdown.org This week we cover news from the International Day Against Police Brutality, and actions disrupting business as usual at a grocery store and a mining conference. In Montreal, a banner was dropped in solidarity with those arrested for fighting Cop City in Atlanta, and in remembrance of Tortuguita. "At the edge of Weelaunee forest, every…

Clean Energy Wire (2023-03-25). German Electric Car exports rise more than 65 percent in 2022. juancole.com By Edgar Meza | — ( Clean Energy Wire ) — German exports of electric cars rose more than 65 percent last year to some 500,000 units valued at 24.2 billion euros, statistical office (Destatis) reports. While foreign trade of electric vehicles is growing in significance, combustion-engine automobiles still accounted for the majority of German …

Colin Todhunter (2023-03-25). Bellies of the Rich Swell Further on the Back of Hunger. globalresearch.ca

Craig Murray (2023-03-25). Why Would China be an Enemy? globalresearch.ca

Cristen Hemingway Jaynes, Ecowatch. (2023-03-25). English Lawyers Refuse To Prosecute Climate Protestors. popularresistance.org A group of lawyers in England have signed a "Declaration of Conscience" saying they will refuse to participate in the prosecution of peaceful climate protesters like Just Stop Oil, Extinction Rebellion and Insulate Britain. | The group of about 120 lawyers, who go by the name "Lawyers are Responsible," will also refuse to represent those participating in new fossil fuel projects. | "Like big tobacco, the fossil fuel industry has known for decades what its activities mean. They mean the loss of human life and property — which the civil law should prevent but does not," Director of the Good Law Project Jolyon…

Dave Kamper (2023-03-25). The Graduate Worker Unionization Movement Is Spreading Like Wildfire. truthout.org The Twin Cities saw one of its biggest-ever snowstorms the week of Presidents Day. But for labor activists the snow was overshadowed by the launch of the University of Minnesota Graduate Labor Union. In its first 24 hours, the new union — affiliated with the United Electrical Workers (UE) — gathered more than 1,700 authorization cards representing nearly half the entire bargaining unit. |

Defend Democracy Press (2023-03-25). Stop the War, Stop Sending Arms to Ukraine. An Appeal from Brussels. globalresearch.ca

Dongsheng News (2023-03-25). Historic Meeting between Xi and Putin. dissidentvoice.org This week's News on China in 2 minutes. ‚Ä¢ Historic meeting between Xi and Putin ‚Ä¢ Hong Kong announces industrial policy for the first time ‚Ä¢ Baidu unveiled its version of ChatGPT…

Dr. Binoy Kampmark (2023-03-25). AUKUS, the Australian Labor Party, and Growing Dissent. globalresearch.ca

Dr. Rudolf Hà§nsel (2023-03-25). NATO's Use of Depleted Uranium Weapons in Serbia in 1999: The War that Won't End. globalresearch.ca

ecns.cn (2023-03-25). China outmaneuvers U.S. in offering peace plan for Ukraine crisis: former U.S. diplomat. ecns.cn U.S. President Joe Biden watched as China presented to the world a peace plan which China hopes will lead to a peaceful resolution of the year-long Ukraine crisis and which was immediately complimented by Russia and Ukraine.

ecns.cn (2023-03-25). Expanding Ayakum replaces Bosten as largest lake in Xinjiang. ecns.cn Researchers have observed that Ayakum Lake at the eastern foot of the Kunlun Mountains in northwest China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region has expanded rapidly, replacing Bosten Lake as the largest lake in Xinjiang.

ecns.cn (2023-03-25). China to further deepen global economic, financial ties. ecns.cn China will advance high-level opening-up of its financial sector as always and further deepen international economic and financial cooperation, a top financial regulatory official said.

ecns.cn (2023-03-25). Insights | Rana Mitter: China's poverty reduction achievement an inspiration to global south countries. ecns.cn The just-concluded "Two Sessions" have chartered the future plan for China's development. Amid mounting economic pressures globally, how will China's economy maintain steady growth with resilience and vitality? Rana Mitter, a professor of modern Chinese history and politics at the University of Oxford, shares his views during an exclusive interview with China News Network.

ecns.cn (2023-03-25). Migratory birds return to Bayanbulak Wetland in Xinjiang. ecns.cn Large numbers of migratory birds, including swans, red ducks, spotted geese and grey cranes returned to the wetland in Bayanbulak when snow began to melt.

Editor (2023-03-25). Monopolywood: Why the Paramount accords should not be repealed. mronline.org Repealing the Paramount accords could set independent cinema back in favour of corporate giants, writes Vaughn Joy.

Editor (2023-03-25). The movement against the pension reform. mronline.org On the Threshold of an Uprising?>

Editor (2023-03-25). Trans rights are under attack. mronline.org There is a dangerous escalation of transphobia happening right now. The political right in the United States and the United Kingdom are rolling back civil rights for trans people specifically and LGBT people more broadly. This is being driven by an amalgamation of mainstream conservative parties, the far right, Christian fundamentalists and right-wing shock jocks and tabloids.

Editor (2023-03-25). What's fueling the Graduate Worker Union upsurge? mronline.org The Twin Cities saw one of its biggest-ever snowstorms the week of Presidents Day. But for labor activists the snow was overshadowed by the launch of the University of Minnesota Graduate Labor Union.

Editor (2023-03-25). 20 Years On, What Did the Iraq War Truly Cost? scheerpost.com

Editor (2023-03-25). Craig Murray: Why Would China Be an Enemy? scheerpost.com To react to Beijing's growing economic power by increasing Western military power is hopeless. It is harder to think of a more stupid example of lashing out in blind anger.

Editor (2023-03-25). Matt Taibbi: People Can Win. scheerpost.com

Editor (2023-03-25). Police Use "Less Lethal" Weapons to Crush Social Movements Across the World. scheerpost.com

Ellen Brown (2023-03-25). Banking Crisis 3.0: Time to Change the Rules of the Game. dissidentvoice.org On CNN March 14, Roger Altman, a former deputy Treasury secretary in the Clinton administration, said that American banks were on the verge of being nationalized: What the authorities did over the weekend was absolutely profound. They guaranteed the deposits, all of them, at Silicon Valley Bank. What that really means … is that they have …

Ellen Brown (2023-03-25). The Looming Quadrillion Dollar Derivatives Tsunami. globalresearch.ca

Global Research News (2023-03-25). Video. Donald Rumsfeld: The Toppling of Saddam Hussein Was Worth the Many Lives of Those Killed During and After the Iraq War. globalresearch.ca Al Jazeera's Abderrahim Foukara asks the former US defense secretary whether toppling Saddam Hussein was worth the many lives of those killed during and after the 2003 Iraq war. | Donald Rumsfeld, who served in the Bush administration at the time …

Global Research News (2023-03-25). Video: US Air Force Veteran Courageously Confronts Joe Biden Pointing to U.S. War Crimes in Iraq. globalresearch.ca This video was recorded during the election campaign prior to the November 2020 presidential election | *** | Let me tell you something. | I am an Air Force Veteran, | I just want to know why do we have to vote for somebody …

Gustavo A. Maranges (2023-03-25). Colombia: 'The Most Ambitious Labor Reform of the Century'. orinocotribune.com By Gustavo A Maranges — Mar 21, 2023 | This is how Colombia's Labor Minister Gloria Ines Ramirez described the labor reform bill introduced to Congress on March 17. Improving workers' conditions and rights is a major part of President Gustavo Petro's plan to reduce inequality. | The reform is the first of two planned this year by the Ministry of Labor. According to the legislative calendar, the Pension Reform will be presented on March 22, so both discussions will take place almost simultaneously. It is expected that the documents will undergo changes in Congress, but if the President's legislative force re…

Jan Oberg (2023-03-25). The Iraq War 20 Years Ago — No Shame. No Lessons Learned. No Arrest Order on NATO State Leaders. Jan Oberg. globalresearch.ca

JANET (2023-03-25). Brigadistas report on inspiring experiences in Cuba. iacenter.org By Brenda Ryan February 28, 2023 Members of the New York/New Jersey Committee of the Venceremos Brigade gave moving accounts of their experiences on the 51st Venceremos Brigade in Cuba at a Feb. 26 hybrid meeting at the Solidarity Center in New York. Yohana Beyene said one of the highlights was learning about Cuba's new Family Code, which was approved in a September referendum. It expands the definition of what is a family; the code gave same-sex couples the right to marry, adopt children and legalize surrogacy. More than 80,000 consultations were held with the Cuban people in developing the code. Beyene said tha…

JANET (2023-03-25). Cyclone Freddy underscores inequalities: Reparations for Africa! iacenter.org March 20, 2023 The United States has 5% of the world's population but is responsible for 28% of annual carbon emissions in the world — about 15 tons per capita per year. For the wealthiest 10%, it is closer to 55 tons per capita! In contrast, the second-largest and second-most populous continent — Africa — produces just 4% of the world's greenhouse gasses. But Africa suffers disproportionately from climate-driven disasters. With a death toll over 500 and rising, Cyclone Freddy has devastated Madagascar, Malawi and Mozambique. Lasting over a month, it is believed by the World Meteorological Assoc…

JANET (2023-03-25). Health emergency! Free Alex Saab now! iacenter.org March 22, 2023 The #FreeAlexSaab Movement issued the following statement on March 17. On March 17, 2023, Camilla Saab, spouse of Alex Saab, reports on the dire health emergency facing the Venezuelan diplomat imprisoned in the U.S. Photo: #FreeAlexSaab On Friday, March 17, 2023, Camilla Saab made an urgent call to the world to denounce the dire health condition of Venezuelan diplomat Alex Saab, which endangers his life. In July 2021, the Working Group against Torture and several United Nations rapporteurs expressed their concern about the irreparable deterioration of Alex Saab's health condition. Let us recall tha…

JANET (2023-03-25). Socialist Cuba and mosquitos: humanity calls, Cuba answers. iacenter.org By Stephanie Hedgecoke March 17, 2023 Mosquito-carried disease vectors have plagued humanity for millennia. Mosquitos carry dengue, yellow fever, malaria, West Nile fever, Zika fever, several varieties of encephalitis, Rift Valley fever, Chikungunya and Lymphatic filariasis, as well as Dog heartworm. Aedes mosquitos transmit dengue fever to cause 96 million symptomatic cases a year, resulting in around 40,000 deaths. Malaria, carried by Anopheline mosquitos, killed 619,000 people in 2021, according to the World Health Organization. (Dec. 8, 2022) Worldwide, malaria-bearing mosquitos caused 247 million cases in 20…

JANET (2023-03-25). SVB: 'The bank is now insolvent'. iacenter.org March 13, 2023 It is often the case that, when the capitalist system is on the verge of a crisis, the period leading up to it is marked by buoyant explosions of optimism. On Oct. 25, 1929, President Herbert Hoover proclaimed that the U.S. economy was "on a sound and prosperous basis." Four days later the stock market crashed. (billofrightsinstitute.org) This old cartoon depicts wild economic fluctuations ending with the 1929 Wall St. crash. It's not much different almost a century later. Typically before a recession, the working class (along with uneasy wealth-holders) is reassured that the economy is "robust" or…

JANET (2023-03-25). Workers of all ages defend pensions / French unions in revolt. iacenter.org By G. Dunkel March 22, 2023 Bulletin: The vote in the National Assembly took place March 20 and the government survived by nine votes. The battle continues. Protesters hold a banner that reads "Pensions, not an extra day, not one euro less" during a demonstration against the French government's pension reform plan as part of the fourth day of national protests, in Paris, France, February 11, 2023. REUTERS/Yves Herman March 19. With thousands of tons of uncollected garbage rotting in the gutters of Paris' streets, hundreds of protesters arrested daily and the vast majority of the workers demanding the removal, if…

Jeff Bryant, LA Progressive. (2023-03-25). LA's Teachers Make Good On Promise To Support Community Schools. popularresistance.org Los Angeles, California – "We should have been miserable," said Emily Grijalva, recalling the first days of the 2019 strike by Los Angeles teachers. Grijalva, who is currently the community school and restorative justice coordinator at Felicitas and Gonzalo Mendez High School, joined her colleagues on the picket line in 2019 despite the biting cold and an unusual, prolonged rainstorm that flooded city streets and sidewalks and drenched picketers. Many of them did not wear, much less own, suitable rain gear for their normally sunny, mild Southern California climate. | "But even through the rain and cold, we felt t…

John Mullen (2023-03-25). John Mullen: 'To defend pensions in France, we need a general strike'. greenleft.org.au John Mullen describes the escalating revolt against pensions attacks in France and argues for an indefinite strike to defeat Prime Minister Emmanuel Macron's attack on workers.

Jonathan Turley (2023-03-25). Combating "Skepticism": Federal Grant Funds New Effort to Combat "Misinformation" globalresearch.ca

Juan Cole (2023-03-25). Constitutional Crisis Threatens to Tear Israel Apart as Att'y-Gen. takes on Netanyahu and 200 Reservist Pilots refuse to Fly. juancole.com Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) — On Thursday, the Israeli parliament passed a law preventing the Supreme Court from removing a sitting prime minister for inability to carry out his or her duties. This move was tactical, not strategic. Prime Minister Netanyahu is on trial for corruption, and he agreed with the Supreme Court in 2020 …

Kyle Anzalone (2023-03-25). More US Airstrikes in Syria Kill at Least 19, Multiple American Bases Attacked. news.antiwar.com Three American bases in Eastern Syria were targeted with rockets and drones on Friday. One American soldier was injured in the attack. The American bases came under fire after the US carried out airstrikes in eastern Syria. The violence in Syria escalated on Thursday when a US outpost was attacked. One contractor was killed by …

Labor Video Project (2023-03-25). The Pajaro Levee Break, Immigrants, Labor & Climate Crisis With PVFT1936's Pamela Sexton. indybay.org PVFT Local 1936 Delegate Pamela Beth Sexton adult education teacher talks about the effect of the broken levee on the immigrant farmworker community, systemic racism and the role these farmworkers play in our economy.

Lee Siu Hin, National Immigrant Solidarity N (2023-03-25). Spring 2023 National Immigrant Solidarity Network Immigrant Justice News Alert! indybay.org Under Biden Migrant Children Work Brutal Jobs Across the U.S., Anti-Asian Hate Crimes in the U.S. are the Direct Result of Washington's Foreign Policy…

Ma Jingjing (2023-03-25). China Denounces US TikTok Ban Threat as "xenophobic witch hunt," Firmly Opposes Possible Forced Sale. dissidentvoice.org The US' TikTok hearing is politically manipulated to cover its real purpose of robbing the profitable firm from China, which reflects the US' mounting hegemony and bullying against firms with Chinese background, experts said on Friday, noting the US witch-hunting against TikTok portends US' technological innovation is going downhill and the political farce against a tiny …

Marjorie Cohn (2023-03-25). ICC Charges Putin With War Crimes While US and Israeli Leaders Enjoy Impunity. truthout.org On March 17, a little more than one year after Russia's invasion of Ukraine, Karim Khan, chief prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC), announced that the Pre-Trial Chamber (PTC) had issued an arrest warrant for Russian President Vladimir Putin for the commission of war crimes in Ukraine. The PTC also issued an arrest warrant for Maria Lvova-Belova, commissioner for children's rights… |

Mark Gruenberg (2023-03-25). 'Parents Bill of Rights' de los republicanos oculta el racismo, la homofobia y la censura. peoplesworld.org WASHINGTON, D.C. (PAI)—Varios de los sindicatos más grandes del país, encabezados por Teachers (AFT), se unieron la semana del 22 de marzo para tratar de derrotar a los republicanos gobernantes de la Cámara y su proyecto de ley denominado "Declaración de derechos de los padres". El Comité de Educación y Fuerza Laboral de la Cámara …

Matildo Khan (2023-03-25). Imran Khan, a Zionist Army Chief, and Pakistan-Israel Normalization. dissidentvoice.org Historical Precedent While many base Pakistan's enmity towards Israel on the latter's post-1948 transgressions such as occupying Gaza and West Bank, military incursions in Gaza, ethnic cleansing of Arabs, building unlawful Israeli settlements, and innumerable other events, this is an incomplete story. Pakistan's opposition to Israel can be traced back to Muhammad Iqbal and Muhammad …

Matt Kennard (2023-03-25). BP Extracted Iraqi Oil Worth £15BN After British Invasion. globalresearch.ca

mforinoco (2023-03-25). Indian Farmers' Long March Triumphs as State Government Accepts Demands. orinocotribune.com Thousands of farmers took part in a long march in the Indian State of Maharashtra forcing the government to accept their demands, including an increase in subsidies and loan waivers. The march was led by the left-wing All India Kisan Sabha | Thousands of Indian farmers, who had been marching in the State of Maharashtra, concluded their protest on Saturday, March 18 after the government accepted their demands. They had begun their march on March 12. The farmers, who were heading from Nashik to the State's capital Mumbai, were led by the All India Kisan Sabha, a left-wing farmers' organization. | The farmers wer…

Michael Harris (2023-03-25). 11th Annual Pan African and Global Trade and Investment Conference Media Event Luncheon. indybay.org Early support for our 11th Annual, Pan African Global Trade and Investment Conference is from our Governor's Office of Business and Economic Development, key California Legislative leaders, California Chamber of Commerce, California Black Chamber of Commerce, California Farm Bureau, California State University Sacramento and University of California, Davis.

Miles Hamberg, Truthout. (2023-03-25). Strike At The New School Spawned An Ongoing Radical Coalition. popularresistance.org Though the 25-day labor strike of part-time faculty at The New School, a private university in New York City, ended three months ago, the university administration's hardball approach has not been forgotten. A student-led coalition that emerged in solidarity with the striking adjunct faculty is still going strong. And with the school's graduate students set to begin their own contract negotiations with the university later this year, the coalition could potentially add pressure to the university administration to bargain in a different manner than it did with the part-time faculty union. The coalition is certainl…

Nathan Erderof , Left Voice. (2023-03-25). Refinery Workers In France Refuse To Break Strike. popularresistance.org In the midst of the energy strike in France, the fuel shortages affecting the southern and western regions of the country are creating a dire situation at the country's airports. On Wednesday evening, the French government decided to intervene at the largest refinery in France, Total Normandy. Under threat of imprisonment and excessive fines, the state attempted to force the strikers back to work to ship kerosene to the airports. These anti-strike measures called "requisitions" are a legal weapon used by the French state to stifle collective worker action and save capitalist profits. | Faced with this offensive o…

Nayvin Gordon, M.D. (2023-03-25). General Strike Can Root Out "Taliban" Embedded in U.S. Government and Supreme Court. indybay.org Religious fanatics are taking away our rights and replacing them with god-given rights—this must be stopped…

Newsclick (2023-03-25). How startup financing could break your bank | With Aunindyo Chakravarty. peoplesdispatch.org The failure of Silicon Valley Bank, and the banking crisis that has spread across the developed world, has raised questions about the entire process of funding tech startups. Senior journalist Aunindyo Chakravarty explains…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-25). Consumer Health: Are you at risk for MS? newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org MS Awareness Week will be observed March 12—19, which makes this a good time to learn about who might be at risk of developing this potentially disabling disease of the brain and spinal cord. Multiple sclerosis, or MS, affects nearly 1 million people living in the U.S., according to the National Multiple Sclerosis Society. With MS, the immune system attacks the protective sheath that covers nerve fibers, and causes communication problems between your brain and the rest of…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-25). Mayo Clinic Q and A: How a heart condition affects the kidneys and causes swelling. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org DEAR MAYO CLINIC: I recently began experiencing swelling in my legs, feet and hands, as well as fatigue. Testing led to a diagnosis of pericardial constriction. Can you explain what this is and how it's treated? Is there anything I can do to reduce the swelling? ANSWER: Pericardial constriction is a condition with multiple possible causes. It can be due to underlying medical conditions and may even result from certain medical treatments. Swelling, or edema, is one…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-25). Pelvic floor issues aren't just a woman's health condition, Kegels can work for men, too. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org LA CROSSE, Wis. — Women often are told about the importance of Kegel exercises to strengthen pelvic muscles. It turns out that men should think about doing the exercises as well. Statistics show that 32% of women will have at least one pelvic floor disorder (PFD) at one time in their life. However, a recent study suggests that although much attention is directed toward women pelvic floor disorders, 16% of men have also been identified…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-25). Mayo Clinic Minute: Are you using a salt substitute? newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Salt substitutes can be an effective way to help lower your blood pressure and fight heart disease. But experts warn that overuse of certain salt substitutes or alternatives can be dangerous for some people. Dr. Regis Fernandes, a Mayo Clinic cardiologist, explains why you should use caution with using a salt substitute. Watch: The Mayo Clinic Minute youtu.be/h_cy5G5EBPs Journalists: Broadcast-quality video (1: 00) is in the downloads at the end of this post. Please courtesy: "Mayo…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-25). Mayo Clinic in Rochester top ranked on 'America's Best Fertility Clinics' in Newsweek rankings. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Mayo Clinic in Rochester was ranked No. 9 in the nation by Newsweek in its list of "America's Best Fertility Clinics," released in February. This ranking is a testament to the dedication and expertise of the Reproductive endocrinology and infertility team at Mayo Clinic in Rochester. "Our clinic is in the top 10 among the 100 top fertility clinics," says Samir Babayev, M.D., Reproductive Endocrinology & Infertility, IVF Clinical Director. "This is a recognition of the excellence…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-25). Mayo Clinic opens patient information office in Indonesia. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org JAKARTA, Indonesia — Mayo Clinic has opened a patient information office in Jakarta to assist patients, their families, referring physicians and insurance brokers in Indonesia. The office is Mayo Clinic's first in Southeast Asia. The office staff, fluent in Bahasa Indonesia and English, will help patients, their families and physicians who refer patients to make appointments at Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota; Phoenix and Scottsdale, Arizona; Jacksonville, Florida; and Mayo Clinic Healthcare in London. "We…

Nicholas Powers (2023-03-25). "Creed III" Reflects Immense Class Divide in Black America But Fails to Heal It. truthout.org Editor's Note: This article contains spoilers. "You think you mad," Damian Anderson snarls at Adonis Creed. "Try living half your life in a cell, watching someone else live your life." He tugs at the gun in his belt. "I'm coming for everything." Two Black men stare across explosive silence. In Creed III, Adonis Creed (played by Michael B. Jordan, who also directs the film) and Damian "Dame"… |

Omar Ocampo (2023-03-25). Corporate Real Estate Investors Are Accelerating the Affordable Housing Crisis. truthout.org With billions of dollars of cash on hand, and millions of working-class families unable to find affordable housing, corporations are increasing their share of the housing stock and expanding their portfolios. A 2021 report co-authored by the Institute for Policy Studies, Bargaining for the Common Good, and Americans for Financial Reform Education Fund demonstrated how corporate and institutional… |

Orinoco Tribune 2 (2023-03-25). Multipolarity Was Triggered by the 2003 US Invasion of Iraq. orinocotribune.com By Karin Kneissl — Mar, 20 2023 | Twenty years after the unlawful and destabilizing US-led invasion of Iraq, Washington must face the ultimate consequence of that war: UNSC powers China and Russia laying the foundation for a genuine, UN Charter-based system of multipolarism. | On the night of 19-20 March, 2003, the US air force began bombing the Iraqi capital, Baghdad. The EU and NATO were deeply divided on whether to join the aggression: While newer NATO members from Central and Eastern Europe were in favor of the war, European heavyweights Paris and Berlin opposed it. | The Iraq war also marked the onset o…

Osama Bin Javaid (2023-03-25). Abu Ghraib Survivor: Taking the Hood Off 20 Years After Iraq War. globalresearch.ca

Paul Anthony Taylor (2023-03-25). Video: The UK Parliament Speech About mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines. Andrew Bridgen, M.P. globalresearch.ca

People's Dispatch. (2023-03-25). US Forces Carry Out Airstrikes In Eastern Syria. popularresistance.org US forces carried out a number of airstrikes inside Syria on Thursday, March 23, after accusing Iran-backed groups of carrying out a drone attack at a US base in Hasakah in north-eastern Syria on the same day. | Though there are some reports of deaths caused by the US airstrikes, there are no confirmed reports and numbers yet. A Rudaw report quoted a UK-based war monitor that claimed at least eight "[militia members] affiliated with Iran" were killed. Al-Mayadeen has reported civilian deaths without specifying any numbers. | The US had claimed that at least one of their contractors was killed and six others injur…

Peoples Dispatch (2023-03-25). Daily Round-up | Protests against pension reforms intensify in France & other stories. peoplesdispatch.org In today's episode, we bring you stories of protests against pension reforms in France and Uruguay, US airstrikes in Syria and condemnation of the arrest of a scribe and activist in Kashmir…

Peoples Dispatch (2023-03-25). In face of police violence, France rises against Macron's pension reforms. peoplesdispatch.org Massive mobilizations are taking place across France against the pension reforms passed by the Emmanuel Macron government. According to estimates by unions, around 3.5 million people hit the streets on March 23…

Peter Koenig (2023-03-25). Warning! Silicon Valley Bank Collapse — A Prelude of Much Worse to Come? Derivatives: "Financial Weapons of Mass Destruction". globalresearch.ca

Prof Michel Chossudovsky (2023-03-25). Colin Powell and the "The Sloppy Dossier": Plagiarism and "Fake Intelligence" Used to Justify the 2003 War on Iraq: Copied and Pasted from the Internet into an "Official" British Intel Report. globalresearch.ca Fake intelligence as well as plagiarized quotations had been slipped into an official intelligence report on Iraq's WMD presented to the UN Security Council by Secretary of State Colin Powell in February 2003.

Prof Michel Chossudovsky (2023-03-25). Twelve Years Ago: The US-NATO-Israel Sponsored Al Qaeda Insurgency in Syria. Who Was Behind the 2011 "Protest Movement"? globalresearch.ca It was not a protest movement, it was an armed insurgency integrated by US-Israeli & allied supported "jihadist" death squads. From Day One, the Islamist "freedom fighters" were supported, trained & equipped by NATO & Turkey's High Command.

Ralph Nader (2023-03-25). The 20th Anniversary of the Sociocide of Iraq by Bush/Cheney. globalresearch.ca

Ricardo Vaz (2023-03-25). Venezuela: Monómeros Sale on the Table Amidst Conflicting Reports. venezuelanalysis.com The alleged sale would take place for a reported US $300 million, significantly below valuations of the agrochemical producer.

Sarmad Ishfaq (2023-03-25). The Terrorist Forefathers of Israel: The Irgun and Lehi. dissidentvoice.org To the unbiased eye, Israel's true colors are not obfuscated due to its innumerable crimes against the Palestinians whether in the form of innocent Gazans being killed or the proliferation of illegal settlements in the West Bank. It is interesting to note that the state of Israel and the IDF's (Israel Defence Forces) terrorist proclivities …

scorinoco (2023-03-25). Controversies and Tensions Surrounding 28th Ibero-American Summit. orinocotribune.com The 28th Ibero-American Summit began in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, on Friday amid a series of controversies and tensions among some participating governments and with the absence of the presidents of the largest countries in the region: Mexico and Brazil. | "Together for a fair and sustainable Ibero-America," is the motto of this year's summit in which representatives of the 22 member countries will sign an Ibero-American Environmental Charter, an Ibero-American Charter of Principles and Digital Rights, an agreement on food security, and a commitment to build a fairer, more inclusive and flexible internat…

scorinoco (2023-03-25). Foreign Ministers of Venezuela and Brazil Meet on Eve of Ibero-American Summit. orinocotribune.com Venezuelan Foreign Affairs Minister Yván Gil held a meeting with his Brazilian counterpart, Mauro Vieira, in Dominican Republic on the eve of the 28th Ibero-American Summit of Heads of State and Government. The two diplomats discussed issues related to the ongoing normalization of bilateral relations between Brazil and Venezuela. | Sostuve un grato encuentro con el Ministro de Relaciones Exteriores de Brasil, Mauro Vieira, para discutir la agenda bilateral y seguir avanzando en esta nueva etapa de relaciones diplomáticas.

scorinoco (2023-03-25). Venezuela Calls Upon Ibero-American Summit to Condemn Unilateral Sanctions. orinocotribune.com Venezuela has called upon the Ibero-American Summit to express an unconditional condemnation of the use of unilateral coercive measures that have been detrimental to the right to development of the peoples. The foreign affairs minister of Venezuela, Yvan Gil, made the proposal at the meeting of Ibero-American Foreign Ministers on Friday, March 24. | "We have asked for a condemnation, and it has been a unanimous condemnation," Minister Gil stated, adding that the 28th Ibero-American Summit has decided to unanimously condemn unilateral coercive measures. The condemnation will be reflected in the final declaration t…

Staff (2023-03-25). Ellas en la candidatura: Las cifras por dentro. cubadebate.cu Este domingo, cuando pongamos nuestra boleta en la urna, estaremos votando por una Asamblea Nacional que se parece bastante al país que somos. Si algo no ha faltado en las últimas semanas, son datos acerca de esa candidatura. Justo entre las estadísticas más comentadas se posiciona la participación mayoritaria de mujeres.

Staff (2023-03-25). Ecuador: Docentes marchan en defensa de la educación y contra Lasso (+ Fotos). cubadebate.cu Profesores de Ecuador marcharon hoy por las calles de Quito en defensa de la enseñanza pública y en respaldo al pedido de juicio político contra el presidente Guillermo Lasso. Convocados por la Unión Nacional de Educadores (UNE), cientos de docentes de diferentes provincias llegaron este sábado a la sede de la Corte Constitucional.

Staff (2023-03-25). Fiscalía de Venezuela adelanta detalles sobre investigación anticorrupción. cubadebate.cu El Fiscal General de la República Bolivariana de Venezuela, Tarek William Saab, dio una rueda de prensa con relación a la captura de altos funcionarios públicos y ciudadanos comunes, basado en la trama de corrupción descubierta en la estatal Petróleos de Venezuela (PDVSA) y otras acciones judiciales. Un total de 25 personas han sido detenidas.

Staff (2023-03-25). General de EEUU admite que su país ha entrenado a militares que luego lideraron golpes en àÅfrica. cubadebate.cu El congresista republicano Matt Gaetz interrogó al general Michael Langley, jefe del Comando de EE.UU. en àÅfrica, sobre el número de soldados africanos que recibieron entrenamiento militar estadounidense y posteriormente encabezaron golpes de Estado. Langley señaló que el EE.UU. entrenó "como mínimo" a unos 50 000 soldados africanos.

Staff (2023-03-25). Juegos Panamericanos de Santiago 2023 en apuros por examen antidopaje. cubadebate.cu El Gobierno de Chile está desactualizado en las normas establecidas por el Código Mundial Antidopaje, lo cual podría causar dificultades en la celebración de los Juegos Panamericanos de Santiago 2023. Expertos de la Agencia Mundial Antidopaje (AMA) revelaron problemas en 43 de los 242 aspectos revisados en inspección efectuada en enero.

Staff (2023-03-25). La Hora del Planeta: Actuar de manera decisiva ante el cambio climático (+ Video). cubadebate.cu La Hora del Planeta se celebra cada año el último sábado del mes de marzo. Este 2023 corresponde al día 25 de marzo. Esta es considerada la campaña de concienciación ambiental más difundida e importante a nivel mundial, para reflexionar acerca de la necesidad de actuar de manera decisiva ante el cambio climático y contrarrestar su impacto.

Staff (2023-03-25). Presidente Putin anuncia acuerdo para despliegue de armas nucleares tácticas en Bielorrusia. cubadebate.cu Moscú y Minsk han acordado desplegar armas nucleares tácticas en el territorio de Bielorrusia, según declaró este sábado el presidente ruso, Vladímir Putin, en una entrevista para el canal de televisión Rossiya 24.

Staff (2023-03-25). Protestas de ecologistas en Francia dejan saldo de decenas de heridos. cubadebate.cu Decenas de personas entre manifestantes y fuerzas del orden resultaron hoy heridas en la centroccidental localidad francesa de Sainte-Soline, donde grupos ecologistas lideraron una protesta contra la construcción de embalses para la irrigación agrícola. Los hechos de esta tarde complican aún más el panorama en Francia, donde los sindicatos y partidos opositores siguen movilizados contra la reforma de la jubilación.

Staff (2023-03-25). Sesiona segmento de alto nivel en XXVIII Cumbre Iberoamericana. cubadebate.cu Con la presencia de trece jefes de Estado y dos Jefes de Gobierno de Iberoamérica, dos vicepresidentes y seis cancilleres, arrancó este sábado en República Dominicana la primera sesión de alto nivel de la XXVIII Cumbre Iberoamericana. El presidente de la República, Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez, preside la delegación cubana a la cita.

Staff (2023-03-25). Cuenten siempre con Cuba en el empeño de consolidar un mundo más justo, solidario y sostenible. cubadebate.cu Cuenten siempre con Cuba en el empeño de consolidar un mundo más justo, solidario y sostenible, que avance hacia el desarrollo y la prosperidad de nuestros pueblos, de los hermanos de sangre, de historia, de batallas y esperanzas. Desde estos deslumbrantes territorios de América, que inspiraron en Alejo Carpentier la idea de lo real maravilloso, siempre que estamos juntos, nos crece la certeza de que sí podemos.

Staff (2023-03-25). The Question of a Ukraine Agreement Is Not a Question. davidswanson.org

Staff (2023-03-25). Leopoldo López, Representing NGOs, Attacks Venezuela in United Nations. orinocotribune.com Venezuelan far right politician and fugitive from the justice system, Leopoldo López, presented himself as a representative of the Zionist NGO UN Watch to speak ill of his own country at the United Nations Human Rights Council. | At the UN Human Rights Council meeting, held in Geneva, Switzerland, on Wednesday, March 22, Leopoldo López said that the only way to improve the "human rights situation" in Venezuela is regime change, for which called for foreign intervention, a narrative that is despised by the majority of Venezuelans irrespective of their political affiliation. | Qué miseria… Leopoldo Lopez habla co…

Staff (2023-03-25). Venezuela's Most Wanted Gangster El Conejo Killed in Security Operation. orinocotribune.com Terrorist Carlos Enrique Gómez Rodríguez, alias El Conejo, one of the most wanted criminals in Venezuela and implicated in various crimes such as terrorism, homicides, extortion and kidnapping, was killed in operation Jabali carried out by the Bolivarian National Armed Force (FANB). This was reported by Venezuelan Interior Minister Remigio Ceballos on Thursday, March 23. He further reported that 35 more members of his criminal gang were arrested, while 16 firearms, 3,366 cartridges, 41 portable radios, one telescope, seven grenades, nine vehicles, explosives, military gear and 14 motorcycles were seized. | Ceball…

Staff (2023-03-25). Brussels: Confront police killings, state repression, and racist violence with internationalist solidarity! samidoun.net Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network — Brussels expresses our outrage at the latest police killing in Belgium, the killing of Imad, 42, a father of two in Seneffe. This follows the still unexplained death of Sourour in the cells of the Brussels police in January and comes only days after the shooting of an as-yet …

Steven Sahiounie (2023-03-25). Richard T. Perle's 1996 "Clean Break" Report to Destroy Syria and Iraq. globalresearch.ca

Sudip Bhattacharya (2023-03-25). The Housing Crisis Is Everywhere. mronline.org In late December, tenants at the Lofts at Cargill Falls Mill in Putnam, Connecticut, an old mill town, received a letter from the Northeast District Department of Health (NDDH) notifying them that a toddler living in the residential complex had severe lead poisoning.1 The department of health had identified toxic levels of lead inside of …

teleSUR -dcdc, DRL (2023-03-25). Presidente brasileño pospone un día viaje a China por neumonía. telesurtv.net China es el principal socio comercial de Brasil, por lo que el gobierno del líder progresista buscará ampliar los intercambios.

teleSUR, dcdc, DRL (2023-03-25). Bolivia impulsa Organización de Países Productores de Litio. telesurtv.net El vicecanciller de Bolivia planteó como un desafío "intercambiar información, tecnología y cooperación" entre los países que cuentan con reservas de litio.

teleSUR, dcdc, DRL (2023-03-25). Nigeria ultima a 40 terroristas del llamado Estado Islámico. telesurtv.net Un vocero nigeriano declaró que al menos 18 miembros de los grupos Boko Haram y el autodenominado Estado Islámico de la Provincia de África Occidental fueron asesinados.

teleSUR, dcdc, JDO (2023-03-25). Posponen visita de rey Carlos III a Francia debido a protestas. telesurtv.net Desde el Palacio del Elíseo se explicó la suspensión del viaje debido al anuncio de nuevas protestas contra la reforma de las pensiones.

teleSUR, DRL (2023-03-25). Exigen libertad para defensores del agua en El Salvador. telesurtv.net En Centroamérica, El Salvador es el país con el mayor deterioro de los bienes hídricos: posee la menor reserva de agua dulce y el 90 % de sus ríos están contaminados…

teleSUR, jaa, YSM (2023-03-25). Admiten a trámite solicitud de juicio político contra el presidente de Ecuador. telesurtv.net La decisión de llevar el pedido de juicio político contra Lasso a la Corte Constitucional recibió cinco de siete votos a favor.

teleSUR, jaa, YSM (2023-03-25). Cancilleres concluyen encuentro previo a Cumbre Iberoamericana. telesurtv.net Los documentos incluyen una propuesta nombrada Ruta Crítica de Seguridad Alimentaria, Incluyente y Sostenible en Iberoamérica.

teleSUR, jaa, YSM (2023-03-25). México presenta propuesta para organizar Juegos Olímpicos de 2036. telesurtv.net Ebrard resaltó que en muchas regiones, México cuenta con la infraestructura necesaria para albergar unas olimpiadas exitosas.

teleSUR, JDO (2023-03-25). Denuncian falta de transparencia electoral en Guatemala. telesurtv.net Rechazan maniobras del Tribunal Supremo Electoral. Señalan que violenta las leyes para excluir a los candidatos de los pueblos indígenas de los próximos comicios.

teleSUR, JDO (2023-03-25). México rechaza declaraciones de funcionario de EE.UU. telesurtv.net Presidente de México afirma que no hay lugar en su país donde no haya presencia de la autoridad.

teleSUR, JDO (2023-03-25). Arriban líderes a Santo Domingo para Cumbre Iberoamericana. telesurtv.net Participan jefes de Estado y de Gobierno de América Latina y el Caribe junto a España, Portugal y Andorra.

teleSUR, lvm, YSM (2023-03-25). Eligen a Dilma Rousseff como presidenta del banco de los Brics. telesurtv.net El banco fue creado "con el propósito de movilizar recursos para infraestructura y proyectos de desarrollo sostenible en el Brics".

teleSUR, lvm, YSM (2023-03-25). Evacúan a más de 1.500 personas por incendio forestal en España. telesurtv.net En la tarde estaban desplegándose por la zona activa 18 aviones y helicópteros y más de 500 bomberos.

teleSUR, lvm, YSM (2023-03-25). OPS insta a reforzar medidas contra la tuberculosis. telesurtv.net "Es nuestra responsabilidad colectiva poner fin a esta enfermedad prevenible y curable", precisó el organismo.

teleSUR, lvm, YSM (2023-03-25). Registran 375 casos de tuberculosis en Costa Rica en 2022. telesurtv.net En el 2021, el Ministerio manifestó que se produjeron un total de 34 fallecimientos.

teleSUR, nama, DRL (2023-03-25). Acaba huelga escolar en Los àÅngeles pero anuncian más protestas. telesurtv.net La protesta terminó este jueves con una manifestación masiva en el Parque Histórico Estatal de Los Ángeles.

teleSUR, nama, DRL (2023-03-25). Suman diez días de ataques de narcos en Rio Grande do Norte. telesurtv.net Se ha vivido tensión y poco acceso a servicios públicos como recolección de basura, sanitarios no esenciales o clases.

teleSUR, nama, YSM (2023-03-25). ONU: el hambre anula esfuerzos para la estabilización de Haití. telesurtv.net Muy cercana a la categoría de hambruna, se encuentran áreas del sur, el noroeste y el noreste de Haití.

teleSUR, nbb, JGN (2023-03-25). Comienza la XXVIII Cumbre Iberoamericana en República Dominicana. telesurtv.net La Cumbre se inauguró en la fortaleza colonial de Ozama, primera estructura militar permanente de América.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2023-03-25). Declaran emergencia sanitaria por leptospirosis en Durán, Ecuador. telesurtv.net Según las autoridades, los 51 contagios superan las estadísticas que se tienen de años anteriores.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2023-03-25). Italia devuelve a México 43 piezas arqueológicas prehispánicas. telesurtv.net La devolución tuvo lugar en la sede de la Embajada de México en Italia, ante la presencia de la secretaria de Cultura, Alejandra Frausto Guerrero…

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2023-03-25). Paraguay acumula 60 muertos por chikungunya. telesurtv.net Según indicó la cartera sanitaria, en las últimas semanas se han confirmado 13.010 casos de chikungunya.

teleSUR- hvh, DRL (2023-03-25). Parlamento de Ecuador evalúa requisitos de juicio contra Lasso. telesurtv.net El titular del parlamento, Virgilio Saquicela, convocó para las 15: 20 (hora local) la sesión que será de manera virtual.

teleSUR- hvh, DRL (2023-03-25). Nuevo bombardeo de EE.UU. a Siria deja al menos ocho muertos. telesurtv.net Los ataques estadounidenses fueron contra supuestas instalaciones de grupos cercanos a la Guardia Revolucionaria iraní.

teleSUR- hvh, DRL (2023-03-25). Organizaciones argentinas se movilizan en el Día de la Memoria. telesurtv.net Alberto Fernández afirmó que "como cada 24 de marzo, nos abrazamos y marchamos poniendo en valor la memoria colectiva".

The Dissenter (2023-03-25). TUNE IN: Stella Assange, Stefania Maurizi, and Kevin Gosztola In Berlin. thedissenter.org The Dissenter's Kevin Gosztola, author of Guilty of Journalism: The Political Case Against Julian Assange, is in Berlin for a conference organized by the Disruption Network Lab. He will speak on a panel, "Targeted By Surveillance: Julian Assange, WikiLeaks, & Networked Repression," at 2pm ET/11 am PT.   | Stella Assange and Stefania Maurizi will also be part of the panel. Stella is a human rights lawyer who is married to Julian. She is featured in the documentary, "Ithaka," and was a target of surveillance while visiting the Ecuador embassy in London, where Julian lived under political asylum. | Maurizi is t…

Unicorn Riot (2023-03-25). Eight Remain in Jail from March 5 Weelaunee Forest Raid, 15 Released. unicornriot.ninja

William Walter Kay (2023-03-25). Breaking: "Second Russia Offensive" (SRO): Vladimir Sharpens the Cleaver; Volodymyr Fattens the Calf. globalresearch.ca

WSWS (2023-03-25). Lawsuit over Vermont Law School murals depicting slavery lands in Court of Appeals. wsws.org Kerson's mural, comprising two 8'àó24′ panels titled Vermont, the Underground Railroad and Vermont and the Fugitive Slave, is significant from a historical, political and artistic perspective.

WSWS (2023-03-25). Treasury secretary Yellen twists to the power of money. wsws.org Over the course of three days this week, Yellen flip flopped on the question of guarantees for ultra wealthy bank depositors before predictably falling into line with the demands of Wall Street.

WSWS (2023-03-25). Teachers in Bolivia stage national strike against police repression by MAS government. wsws.org The government of President Luis Arce made clear its rejection of any concessions by unleashing riot police against a march of teachers in La Paz on Wednesday.

WSWS (2023-03-25). Los Angeles teacher: Pay for school workers "is not enough to support a family" wsws.org On the first day of the Los Angeles schools strike, the World Socialist Web Site spoke with Max, a fifth grade teacher who has been teaching for 24 years in LAUSD.

WSWS (2023-03-25). US bombs Syria in defense of its illegal occupation. wsws.org The air strikes along with the continuing occupation of Syria are among the myriad of war crimes committed by US imperialism across the Middle East.

WSWS (2023-03-25). Canada's Waterloo University backs down on threat to cancel IYSSE anti-war meeting. wsws.org The University of Waterloo has backed off from its threat to arbitrarily cancel an International Youth and Students for Social Equality anti-war meeting to be held next Tuesday, March 28, at its campus in Kitchener-Waterloo, Ontario.

WSWS (2023-03-25). IMF declares its Sri Lankan program a "brutal experiment" wsws.org The government's ruthless austerity drive, dictated by the IMF, is to pay the international credit sharks and boost corporate profits.

WSWS (2023-03-25). Bring down the Macron government! wsws.org This week's tumultuous events in France have torn the "democratic" mask off the capitalist state, exposing it as a dictatorship of the financial oligarchy.

WSWS (2023-03-25). IMF props up Ukraine with $15.6 billion loan package. wsws.org The IMF loan package is intended to bolster a government dedicated to continuing an imperialist proxy war that continues to ruin countless lives.

WSWS (2023-03-25). Norfolk Southern CEO stonewalls on safety in second US Senate hearing on East Palestine, Ohio derailment. wsws.org Both Democratic and Republican senators on the Commerce Committee made clear in Wednesday's hearing that they had no intentions of developing meaningful safety regulations if they cut across the industry's profit margins.

WSWS (2023-03-25). Strike wave sweeps across the Netherlands. wsws.org This new wave of strikes takes place against the backdrop of relentless anti-Russian hysteria and intensified propaganda in the media to justify NATO's war in Ukraine.

WSWS (2023-03-25). US Congress holds anti-China witch-hunt at TikTok hearing. wsws.org On Thursday, the US House Energy and Commerce Committee put on a five-hour spectacle of xenophobia, anticommunism and anti-Chinese invective, focussed on demands to ban TikTok, the sixth most popular social network in the world.

WSWS (2023-03-25). Manhattan district attorney in sex scandal case receives mail death threat as Trump warned of "death and destruction" if charged. wsws.org The New York Police Department confirmed that a package sent to DA Alvin Bragg's office contained "suspicious white powder."

WSWS (2023-03-25). The revival of the Berlin-Tokyo Axis. wsws.org The rapprochement between Germany and Japan comes at a time when both countries are abandoning all military restraint and massively rearming.

Aaron Maté, The Grayzone. (2023-03-25). Aaron Mate At UN: OPCW Cover-Up Denies Justice To Syria Victims. popularresistance.org At the United Nations, Aaron Maté debunks the OPCW's latest attempts to whitewash the cover-up of its investigation into the alleged April 2018 chemical attack in Douma, Syria. | Speaking to the United Nations Security Council, Aaron Maté of The Grayzone calls out the OPCW's ongoing cover-up of its investigation into the alleged April 2018 chemical attack in Douma, Syria. | Aaron also debunks the latest efforts by the OPCW, in a new report put out by the watchdog's Investigation and Identification Team (IIT), to whitewash the scandal.

Ahmed Adel (2023-03-25). German-Japanese Military Cooperation Does Little to Deter China at Sea. globalresearch.ca

Anonymous103 (2023-03-25). Global South Increasingly Alienated By Western Demands For Alignment. southfront.org Illustrative Image | Written by Uriel Araujo, researcher with a focus on international and ethnic conflicts | European and American relations with Asian and African countries are collapsing, according to Republic of Congo MP Jeremy Lissouba and many analysts. Moscow and Beijing can certainly benefit from that, but the true bottom line is that nations in Africa and elsewhere in the Global South are also benefiting from partnerships and cooperation which in turn are being framed in the language of non-alignment…

Anonymous103 (2023-03-25). In Video: Fighting For Ruins In Maryinka. southfront.org Illustrative Image | The town of Maryinka located on the south-western outskirts of Donetsk was completely destroyed by heavy battles. Clashes in the city began in March 2022 and continue to this day. | After Russian forces took control of the eastern and central districts, clashes continue in the western part of Maryinka. On March 24, the acting head of the DPR Denis Pushilin commented on the ongoing battle for the town, claiming that Ukrainian forces are in control of a small area in the western part of the town. The DPR could cla…

Dr. Binoy Kampmark (2023-03-25). Narendra Modi's Cricket Coup. globalresearch.ca

Editor (2023-03-25). The Georgian protests: Another chapter in the color revolution playbook? mronline.org Recent Georgian protests rejected foreign agents' legislation proposals as undemocratic, but a closer look suggests ongoing western meddling according to the intelligence community's infamous "color revolution" playbook.

Lucas Leiroz de Almeida (2023-03-25). US to Relocate Its Warplanes to Intimidate Moscow and Beijing. globalresearch.ca

Staff (2023-03-25). Alina Balseiro: "El país está listo para asumir las elecciones nacionales" (+ Video). cubadebate.cu "El país está listo para asumir las elecciones nacionales. Hemos controlado cada dificultad que existió en la prueba dinámica del pasado domingo, en aras de que este 26 de marzo sea una jornada de triunfo para Cuba", afirmó la presidenta del Consejo Electoral Nacional Alina Balseiro Gutiérrez en la Mesa Redonda de este viernes.

Staff (2023-03-25). Danhiz Díaz Pereira: Ser diputado es una oportunidad que conlleva un compromiso moral (+ Fotos y Podcast). cubadebate.cu Si la teoría de que los líderes nacen fuera cierta, Danhiz Díaz Pereira sería la prueba fehaciente que confirma esa hipótesis. Desde su etapa estudiantil son muchos los que lo siguen y acompañan en un camino que eligió desde que tuvo conciencia de que dedicaría su vida a hacer por los demás y a no descansar en ese afán de tener una Cuba mejor.

Staff (2023-03-25). Desde Cuba: El pueblo a las urnas (+ Video). cubadebate.cu Faltan pocas horas para que en Cuba se desarrolle uno de los procesos más importantes para el futuro del país: las elecciones nacionales. Sobre este proceso, cuestionado por algunos, curioso para otros, vital para los cubanos, estaremos hablando esta vez en Desde Cuba, el noticiero de CubadebateTV.

Staff (2023-03-25). Serie Calendario: Conflictos más agudos para que seamos mejores seres humanos (+ Podcast). cubadebate.cu La primera temporada finalizó y los muchachos del 9no 3 crecieron y ahora vuelven vestidos de azul, en el preuniversitario, en una segunda temporada, con problemas más oscuros y crueles como las drogas o la muerte del hermano pequeño de Leonardo. Amalia detrás, como fiel guardiana, acompañando a sus estudiantes e intentando inyectarles una dosis de sensibilidad.

Staff (2023-03-25). 26 de marzo: El voto es por la Patria. cubadebate.cu En ameno diálogo con productores de la finca La Claudia, concluyó este viernes el recorrido de los siete candidatos a diputados nominados por Arroyo Naranjo, en La Habana. Sobre episodios de nuestra historia nacional, la obra revolucionaria en beneficio del campesinado cubano, la relevancia de estas elecciones nacionales y del voto por todos, reflexionaron los participantes en el encuentro.

Staff (2023-03-25). Celebran el aniversario 55 del Jardín Botánico Nacional. cubadebate.cu La trayectoria y resultados del Jardín Botánico Nacional de Cuba como centro de referencia para los estudios botánicos en el país, sus aportes como espacio de ciencia, docencia y recreación con un contenido ambiental fueron destacados este viernes durante el acto por el aniversario 55 de la institución adscripta a la Universidad de La Habana.

Staff (2023-03-25). Entregan Premio Nacional de Cine 2023 a Magaly Pompa Batista. cubadebate.cu El Premio Nacional de Cine 2023 se entregó hoy a la especialista en maquillaje Magaly Pompa Batista, en la Casa del Festival del Nuevo Cine Latinoamericano en La Habana. Magaly ha trabajado en más de 40 producciones nacionales e internacionales, entre las que destacan Lucía (1968), Cecilia (1982), El Benny (2006) y José Martí: el ojo del canario (2011).

Staff (2023-03-25). Las 3 del día: Qué debe saber sobre la tuberculosis, las relaciones entre China y EEUU y otras noticias de la semana (+ Podcast). cubadebate.cu Las periodistas Karina Rodríguez y Claudia Fonseca nos acompañan como cada viernes para actualizarnos de lo más trascendental ocurrido en los últimos siete días. Comenzamos hablando sobre la Tuberculosis y después profundizamos en cómo marchan las relaciones entre China y Estados Unidos. Además el Canciller cubano Bruno Rodríguez nos adelanta las expectativas de Cuba sobre la 28 Cumbre Iberoamericana.

Staff (2023-03-25). Ministerio del Transporte desarrolla proyectos con firmas extranjeras para mejorar sus servicios. cubadebate.cu De varios proyectos con firmas foráneas, algunos en negociación y otros ya en marcha, dispone el Ministerio de Transporte (MITRANS) con vistas a captar la mayor cantidad de divisas con las cuales incrementar y mejorar los servicios destinados a la población, además de la infraestructura y logística de sus instalaciones y medios.

Staff (2023-03-25). Conmemoraron aniversario 65 de la Comandancia de El Aguacate en el II Frente Oriental. cubadebate.cu Con una ceremonia político cultural fue conmemorado, este 23 de marzo, el aniversario 65 del establecimiento por el entonces Comandante guerrillero Raúl Castro Ruz, de la primera Comandancia del Segundo Frente Oriental Frank País García, el 26 de marzo de 1958, en las montañas del actual municipio de El Salvador, en Guantánamo.

Staff (2023-03-25). Ecuador: Aprueban solicitud de juicio político contra el presidente Guillermo Lasso. cubadebate.cu La Comisión Especializada Ocasional por la Verdad, Justicia y la Lucha contra la Corrupción de la AN, aprobó un informe que recomienda un juicio político contra el mandatario. Sería por "la comisión por omisión", lo que implicaría que el jefe de Estado, conociendo los actos de corrupción en las empresas públicas, habría preferido callar y no actuar.

Vijay Prashad (2023-03-25). The long arm of Washington extends into Africa's Sahel. peoplesdispatch.org US Secretary of State Antony Blinken's visit to NIger and its offer of US$ 150 million to the African country do not hide the fact that its main interest lies in security cooperation…

Abdel Bari Atwan (2023-03-25). Syria and Saudi Arabia make up. thealtworld.com Riyadh's strategic realignment is accelerating the reconciliation process with Damascus | According to a Reuters report citing three sources, Syria and Saudi Arabia have agreed to restore diplomatic relations and reopen embassies after next month's Eid al-Fitr. If that happens, it will deal a heavy blow to the US, shatter Israel's dreams of bringing Saudi Arabia into the normalisation process and the so-called 'peace treaties' known as the Abraham Accords, and usher in a new era in the Arab world. | The main obstacle to the two countries restoring ties was Syria's strong relationship with Iran. The Syrian leaders…

Alastair Crooke (2023-03-25). Lawfare Comes into Fashion: The New Geo-political 'Rack'. thealtworld.com So here we are: more 'mud' slinging at President Putin (ludicrously enough) as an alleged indicted 'child abductor'. This tactic is not new. It is drawn from the old Anglo-American playbook first honed for service against Slobodan Milosevic. | It always seemingly reverts to the same question: Did Europe properly think this through? Again, the probable answer is 'no'. More likely the 'strike' against President Putin was seen rather, as clever 'optics' — the image of the International Criminal Court's arrest warrant for Putin issued, with a German official stating flatly that Germany will enforce the warrant…

Andrew Korybko (2023-03-25). The Mainstream Media Would Go Wild If France's Million-Person Protest Happened In Russia. thealtworld.com The Mainstream Media, their government allies, and those two's on-the-ground proxies have incessantly tried in vain over the past year to provoke large-scale protests in Russia along the lines of what France just experienced last week for the purpose of delegitimizing its government and distracting the security services with an artificially manufactured domestic crisis. | The French Interior Ministry acknowledged that


Caitlin Johnstone (2023-03-25). Syrians Have Every Right To Attack US Occupiers: Notes From The Edge Of The Narrative Matrix. thealtworld.com Listen to a reading of this article: | The western world is solemnly commemorating the 20th anniversary of the Iraq invasion by blindly following the US into more conflict and militarism while repeating all the same kinds of mass media malpractice. | ‚ùñ | If you think it's a coincidence that the western world suddenly got

Rania Khalek (2023-03-25). Xi-Putin Summit: New Era of De-dollarization, Eurasian Integration & Multipolarity w/ Ben Norton. thealtworld.com Chinese President Xi Jinping traveled to Moscow to meet with Russian President Vladimir Putin where they discussed China's peace proposal for the Ukraine war, challenging the US dollar hegemony, increasing Russia-Chinese trade and more. | Ben Norton, Journalist & editor of the Geopolitical Economy Report, discusses how the Xi-Putin summit showcases China's increasingly active role as a diplomatic force and the historic shift toward a multipolar world.

thecommunists (2023-03-25). Look, balloons! The Hollywoodisation of imperialist 'news' media. thecommunists.org Imagine if our media outlets reported the truth and presented facts that explained the reality of our living experience. Where taxpayer-funded wars were described as scams that enabled multinational corporations to reap continual profits rather than being fictionalised as righteous battles for democracy and freedom. American writer Walter Lipman once said that in times of …

youtube (2023-03-25). Neoliberalism in Sri Lanka: Crisis, Protest and Left Strategy. youtube.com Analyzing the economic crisis and political protest in Sri Lanka.

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