(2023-02-27). Britain to Mongolia: more than just a partner? journal-neo.org The United Kingdom is one of Mongolia's main "third neighbors," according to Mongolia's current foreign policy concept. Neither its limited participation in global political and economic processes, nor its extreme geographical distance from Mongolia in comparison to Japan and South Korea, removes it from the list of Mongolia's key "third neighbor" partners. The United Kingdom …
(2023-02-27). How and why is Pakistan assisting Ukraine? journal-neo.org Recently, reports that Pakistan, which previously attempted to portray itself as a supporter of Russia, started to provide assistance to Ukraine, including weapons, against the backdrop of the special operation carried out by Moscow against the neo-fascist regime of Kyiv, have been increasingly published by media outlets other than Ukrainian and Indian media. Islamabad's "political …
(2023-02-27). Tbilisi Georgia: An Earthquake Disaster Waiting to Happen? journal-neo.org
(2023-02-27). [Articles] Distressing dreams in childhood and risk of cognitive impairment or Parkinson's disease in adulthood: a national birth cohort study. thelancet.com Having persistent distressing dreams during childhood may be associated with an increased risk of developing cognitive impairment or PD in adulthood. Future studies are needed to confirm these findings and to determine whether treating distressing dreams during early life may lower the risk of dementia and PD.
(2023-02-27). Former CIA Officer McGovern on Ukraine, NATO and Nord Stream at UN Security Council. dissidentvoice.org On February 22, 2023, former CIA analyst turned political activist Ray McGovern addresses the United Nations Security Council on Russia-U.S. relations. McGovern emphasizes the need to understand Russia's security concerns and to push forward with diplomacy. McGovern was a CIA analyst from 1963 to 1990 and in the 1980s directed the National Intelligence Estimates and …
(2023-02-27). A farewell to Jon N. Hall. americanthinker.com Time has claimed yet another AT contributor.
(2023-02-27). About that big march in Mexico. americanthinker.com Many people marched south of the border rejecting President Lopez-Obrador's changes to the electoral process.
(2023-02-27). Biden must go gentle into that good night. americanthinker.com For it to be "morning again in America," Joe Biden must ignore Dylan Thomas exhortation, and go gentle into that good night.
(2023-02-27). Speciesism': A grave threat to life on Earth? americanthinker.com William Shakespeare was no more important than a tarantula, say pomo academics.
(2023-02-27). What's behind the push for electric vehicles? americanthinker.com Why the huge push by the U.S. government to convert to electric vehicles?
(2023-02-27). Saturday 2/25: Free virtual screening of the documentary film "Haifawi" indybay.org Zoom (Registration link is below)…
(2023-02-27). After Being Accused of Satanic Theme At Super Bowl, Rihanna Reported To FCC Over Sexual Performance. moguldom.com Rihanna's Super Bowl halftime spectacular on Feb. 12 drew all kinds of reactions. Some loved the 13-minute performance, complete with a multitude of dancers. Some complained that Rhianna's performance was low-energy. It even caused viewer complaints to the Federal Communications Commission. But the color of her outfit—-red—-seems to have sparked a rumor that the show …
(2023-02-27). Can Public Comments Penetrate FDA's Illusory Parallel Universe? transcend.org On 26 Jan 2023, the 178th Meeting of Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee met to pretend to have a process before unanimously "voting" to authorize a simplified annual Covid shot in order to not confuse the public.
(2023-02-27). China Report Excoriates 'US Hegemony', War Crimes, CIA Coups, 400 Foreign Interventions. transcend.org 23 Feb 2023 – China's Foreign Ministry published a lengthy report condemning "US hegemony" and its crimes around the world, including wars with millions of victims, coups and "regime change" against elected leaders, and 400 foreign military interventions.
(2023-02-27). Free Speech Is for Fighting the Empire. transcend.org 22 Feb 2023 – My research has led me to conclude that there's an elite conspiracy to enslave us all and turn us all into brainwashed automatons mindlessly enacting the wishes of our rulers in a cruel dystopia built by the powerful, for the powerful. Haha, just kidding. That already happened.
(2023-02-27). From South Africa to Israel, the Three Pillars of Apartheid. transcend.org How does a South African and former anti-apartheid activist feel about visiting Israel and the occupied Palestinian territories? Classification of the population, freedom of choice of residence and movement, importance of security: based on the three central drivers of separation, Israeli apartheid is worse than South Africa's.
(2023-02-27). Hasta Siempre Comandante Che Guevara (Music Video of the Week). transcend.org Song in honor of the great revolutionary leader, Ernesto Che Guevara, by Cuban composer Pablo Cuebras. Viva Che !!!
(2023-02-27). In Homage to David Ray Griffin: Indispensable Public Intellectual. transcend.org I think it was the successful branding of the 9/11 skeptics as 'wacky' that proved more useful in squelching their influence than by labeling them as 'dangerous,' 'subversive,' and 'radical' or 'socialist.' It might be understood as the advent of a more advanced, more sophisticated version of McCarthyism, a discrediting ploy that George Orwell would have immediately understood.
(2023-02-27). International Investigative Commission into the Terrorist Attacks on Nord Stream. transcend.org German Lawmaker Calls for Nord Stream Probe on a 10 Feb 2023 Speech to the Bundestag – MP Sevim Dagdelen takes the Scholz government to task for its lack of "strength and will" in responding to Seymour Hersh's reporting on the U.S. sabotage of the Russian pipeline.
(2023-02-27). Malcolm X: His Struggle Continues. transcend.org Malcolm X was assassinated 58 years ago, on 21 Feb 1965, standing at the podium before a crowd in Harlem's Audubon Ballroom. His wife Betty Shabazz, pregnant with twins, and his four daughters were in the ballroom looking on.
(2023-02-27). One Humanity and the Earthquakes in Turkey and Syria. transcend.org 22 Feb 2023 – Reflections on the Aftermath of Earthquakes and Human Survival…
(2023-02-27). International Investigative Commission into the Terrorist Attacks on Nord Stream. transcend.org German Lawmaker Calls for Nord Stream Probe on a 10 Feb 2023 Speech to the Bundestag – MP Sevim Dagdelen takes the Scholz government to task for its lack of "strength and will" in responding to Seymour Hersh's reporting on the U.S. sabotage of the Russian pipeline.
(2023-02-27). Malcolm X: His Struggle Continues. transcend.org Malcolm X was assassinated 58 years ago, on 21 Feb 1965, standing at the podium before a crowd in Harlem's Audubon Ballroom. His wife Betty Shabazz, pregnant with twins, and his four daughters were in the ballroom looking on.
(2023-02-27). One Humanity and the Earthquakes in Turkey and Syria. transcend.org 22 Feb 2023 – Reflections on the Aftermath of Earthquakes and Human Survival…
(2023-02-27). Provocation of "Unprovoked Aggression" by Varieties of Encroachment. transcend.org Challenge of Insensitivity to Collective Historical Amnesia – Expression of alternative perspectives on the USA/NATO-Russia-Ukraine armed conflict has been limited–and actively suppressed as "disinformation" whenever possible. Those articulating such perspectives have been discredited and personally condemned, if not actively sanctioned in some manner.
(2023-02-27). Putin Suspends START Nuclear Pact with USA. transcend.org 22 Feb 2023 – Vladimir Putin suspended Moscow's participation in the last remaining nuclear arms control pact with the US, announcing the move yesterday in a bitter speech in which he made clear he would not change his strategy in the war in Ukraine.
(2023-02-27). Seymour Hersh on "How the US Took Out the Nord Stream Pipeline": Exclusive TV Interview. transcend.org 15 Feb 2023 – When the Nord Stream pipelines carrying natural gas from Russia to Germany were damaged last September, U.S. officials were quick to suggest Russia had bombed its own pipelines. But according to a new report by the legendary investigative journalist Seymour Hersh, it was the U.S. Navy that carried out the sabotage, with help from Norway. "The fear was Europe would walk away from the war," he says.
(2023-02-27). The 20th Anniversary of the Sociocide of Iraq by Bush/Cheney. transcend.org 23 Feb 2023 – Will President Biden, Congress and other North Americans recognize the massive war crimes committed against the Iraqi people with appropriate declarations and actions on 19 Mar 2023?>
(2023-02-27). The Security Apparati: Tentacles of Global Peace Disruptors (Part 1). transcend.org 25 Feb 2023 – This publication discusses the global strategies, after the two world wars, when the great powers, suspicious of foreign ones, entered into a phase of Cold War using subterfuge, covert operations, and secret, double or triple agents, to gain access to strategic information.
(2023-02-27). The Ukraine War Viewed from the Global South. transcend.org 22 Feb 2023 — In October 2022, about eight months after the beginning of the war in Ukraine, the University of Cambridge harmonized surveys that asked the inhabitants of 137 countries about their views of the West, Russia, and China: different perspectives.
(2023-02-27). 'Ticking Time Bombs' for the Most Defenceless: The Children (I). transcend.org 22 Feb 2023 – Today, there are more children in need of desperate humanitarian assistance than at any other time since World War II.
(2023-02-27). 'Ticking Time Bombs' for the Most Defenceless: The Children (II). transcend.org 23 Feb 2023 – While the world's biggest powers and their giant private corporations continue to attach high priority to their military —and commercial— dominance, both of them being shockingly profitable, entire generations are being lost to deadly armed conflicts, devastating climate catastrophes, diseases, hunger and more imposed impoverishment.
(2023-02-27). U.S. Hegemony: At War with China's Global Security Initiative. transcend.org 24 Feb 2023 – Over the last week China released a flurry of papers and statements accusing the U.S. of hegemony while contrasting it with China's peace initiatives. As 'western' media rarely communicate what the Chinese say I find it necessary to give the Chinese standpoint some extended space.
(2023-02-27). Ukraine: 1 Year of War on Top of 30 Years of Conflict Escalation. transcend.org 23 Feb 2023 – The Only Re-Armament Needed Is Intellectual and Moral — on All Sides – Beyond Russia, NATO/EU policies will prove morally wrong, unrealistic, dangerous and self-destructive.
(2023-02-27). US Power Alliance Says It's Preparing an "Information War" against China. transcend.org 24 Feb 2023 – In an article published last week titled "US working with 'Five Eyes' nations, Japan on information warfare" C4ISRNET, a military intelligence and communications publication, reports that the US and its allies are collaborating "to share and sharpen information-warfare techniques in the Indo-Pacific" with the goal of "countering" the "increasingly aggressive China."
(2023-02-27). We Are Being Smashed Politically, Economically, Medically and Technologically by the Elite's 'Great Reset': Why? How Do We Fight Back Effectively? transcend.org 21 Feb 2023 – Since the dawn of human civilization 5,000 years ago, ordinary people like you and me have been engaged in an endless struggle to resist efforts by elites, whether local, national, international or global, to assert complete control over us and the resources around us.
(2023-02-27). Who Really Started the Ukraine Wars? transcend.org 16 Feb 2023 – The Four Interrelated Wars in Ukraine…
(2023-02-27). Who's Winning and Losing the Economic War over Ukraine? transcend.org 21 Feb 2023 – After a year of war, Western expectations have gone up in smoke (and methane). The winners are the opportunists and war profiteers; the losers are the people of Ukraine, working/poor people everywhere, and hopes of halting the climate crisis, as half a million tons of methane rose from the sabotaged Nord Stream pipeline.
(2023-02-27). The final system question Parts 1 and 2. indybay.org The enrichment elites of the West in particular have been trying for decades to extend their influence to the whole world. That is their declared concept. The worldwide "final victory", the "end of history" (4), the elimination of all competitors for raw materials and markets, have been part of capitalism and imperialism from the very beginning.
(2023-02-27). Magical Weapons for Ukraine. globalresearch.ca
(2023-02-27). Sensitivity Rewrites: The Cultural Purging of Roald Dahl. dissidentvoice.org Censorship is never innocent, made worse for its strained good intentions. For those responsible for setting and policing such policies, the inner judge comes out, stomping on assumed meanings, interpreting and removing things to ensure the masses are not corrupted. Children's stories and tales have not been exempted from this train of revision, expurgation and …
(2023-02-27). The Matriarchs of Wounded Knee: Fourteen Minutes of Power. indybay.org In a powerful 14-minutes, the Matriarchs of Wounded Knee describe how the Occupation of Wounded Knee began during a time of terror for Oglala Lakota on Pine Ridge. The special presentation of oral history by the Warrior Women's Project on Saturday is part of four days of events celebrating the 50th Anniversary of Wounded Knee.
(2023-02-27). After Backpedaling on Gas Stove Ban, Administration Plans to Raise Costs Via New Efficiency Regs. globalresearch.ca
(2023-02-27). Thursday 3/30: On Social Justice and the Enneagram. indybay.org
(2023-02-27). Thursday 4/20: On the Racism of People Who Love You. indybay.org California Institute of Integral Studies | 1453 Mission St. | San Francisco, CA 94103…
(2023-02-27). Putin Says Russia Cannot Ignore NATO's Nuclear Capabilities. news.antiwar.com Russian President Vladimir Putin said Sunday that Moscow can't ignore all of NATO's nuclear capabilities since NATO leaders have been calling for Russia's defeat. "In today's conditions, when all the leading NATO countries have declared their main goal as inflicting a strategic defeat on us, so that our people suffer as they say, how can …
(2023-02-27). Report: Macron, Scholz Told Zelensky to Start Thinking About Peace Talks. news.antiwar.com German Chancellor Olaf Scholz and French President Emmanuel Macron told Ukrainian President Vodlymyr Zelensky that he should start thinking about peace talks with Moscow, The Wall Street Journal reported. The message was delivered to Zelensky when he had dinner with Scholz and Macron in Paris earlier this month. According to people familiar with the meeting, …
(2023-02-27). US Announces $2 Billion Arms Package for Ukraine, New Sanctions on Russia. news.antiwar.com The Biden administration marked the one-year anniversary of Russia's invasion of Ukraine on Friday by announcing a $2 billion arms package for Ukraine and new sanctions targeting Russia. Sanctions failed to have the impact on Russia that the US hoped for, but the Biden administration has continued to impose them throughout the war. According to …
(2023-02-27). Human 6G Antennas? 'One of the Worst Ideas Ever,' Critic Says. globalresearch.ca
(2023-02-26). Chinese premier meets renowned mathematician Shing-Tung Yau. ecns.cn Chinese Premier Li Keqiang met with world-renowned mathematician Shing-Tung Yau in Beijing on Friday.
(2023-02-26). Health insurance reforms to cover more outpatient expense. ecns.cn The recent reforms to the employee health insurance policy are aimed at easing the financial strain on outpatients and reducing unnecessary hospitalizations of patients with mild conditions, a National Healthcare Security Administration official said on Saturday.
(2023-02-26). Cities roll out incentives to boost birthrates. ecns.cn Major cities have ramped up subsidies and nursery care services to encourage families to have more children as senior health officials said "bold and innovative" measures should be taken to address low birthrates.
(2023-02-26). Selection of foreign space crew to start. ecns.cn China will start the selection and training process soon for foreign astronauts to participate in joint flights to the country's Tiangong space station, according to a high-ranking space official.
(2023-02-26). Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region's coordinated development generates new growth driver. ecns.cn The coordinated development in Beijing and neighboring regions is now in full swing and has grown into a new driving force for China's development, nine years after China launched a key strategy to build the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei regional city cluster.
(2023-02-26). Demonstrators in Brussels call for peaceful solution to Ukraine crisis. ecns.cn Several thousand demonstrators called for a ceasefire between Russia and Ukraine, and a peaceful solution to the Ukraine crisis here on Sunday.
(2023-02-26). 5.1-magnitude quake hits Xinjiang: CENC. ecns.cn A 5.1-magnitude earthquake jolted Wensu County of Aksu Prefecture in northwest China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region at 7: 58 a.m. Monday, according to the China Earthquake Networks Center (CENC).
(2023-02-26). 3,500-year-old bone ice skates unearthed in Xinjiang tomb. ecns.cn Archaeologists have found 3,500-year-old ice skates made of animal bone in Northwest China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, experts announced at a Xinjiang archaeological press conference on Saturday.
(2023-02-26). HKEX to allow tech firms with no revenue, no profit to list in Mar: report. ecns.cn The Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing (HKEX) will allow tech companies with no revenue or profit to list after a rule change in March, amid broad reforms taken to consolidate its position as an international financial center.
(2023-02-26). Visits will enhance Sino-European ties. ecns.cn An upcoming series of visits to Beijing by European leaders will send signals of solidarity and cooperation between China and the European Union, adding positive energy to world peace, stability and sustainable development.
(2023-02-26). China to strengthen system of TCM health services. ecns.cn China will implement measures to strengthen the health services system involving Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and enhance the grassroots capacity of providing TCM health services, according to an industry watchdog on Saturday.
(2023-02-27). Tourism recovering faster than predicted. ecns.cn China's tourism market will return to normal and embrace high-quality development this year, a matter of importance to the recovery of global tourism, experts and tourism insiders said.
(2023-02-27). Livestreamers flow overseas for sales, profits. ecns.cn "Foreign livestreaming e-commerce is at the level of China in 2018 or 2019," said Ma, whose company has recently started livestreaming in the United Kingdom, the US and Vietnam.
(2023-02-27). New market confidence bolsters commercial real estate demand. ecns.cn As China's response to COVID-19 enters a new phase and market confidence recovers, the nascent economic recovery is expected to boost demand for all types of commercial properties in China, industry experts said.
(2023-02-27). 100,000-tonne lithium salt project launches in southern Xinjiang. ecns.cn A 100,000-tonne lithium salt project commenced on Sunday in southern Xinjiang's Hotan Prefecture, said the Xinjiang Nonferrous Metals Industry (Group) Co., Ltd.
(2023-02-27). 5.1-magnitude quake hits Xinjiang, no casualties reported. ecns.cn A 5.1-magnitude earthquake jolted Wensu County of Aksu Prefecture in northwest China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region at 7: 58 a.m. Monday, according to the China Earthquake Networks Center (CENC).
(2023-02-27). Sci-tech cooperation key for BRI partners. ecns.cn China's scientific community will expand cooperation with countries involved in the Belt and Road Initiative in the name of high-quality development and improving livelihoods.
(2023-02-27). Satellite to deliver stellar internet. ecns.cn People in China and neighboring regions will soon have faster, more convenient access to the internet when traveling by air and sea, and even in the middle of the desert, thanks to a newly launched satellite.
(2023-02-27). Bird flu also taking economic toll. ecns.cn American consumers aren't happy paying more than twice as much as last year to buy eggs in grocery stores, but the major reason besides inflation behind the increase may point to a potential bird flu pandemic, according to scientists.
(2023-02-27). Nations urged to join efforts for energy security. ecns.cn As the changing geopolitical landscape continues to threaten energy security, countries need to work together to secure energy supplies and promote new energy, experts said.
(2023-02-27). Cardiac disease likely cause of panda death. ecns.cn Le Le, the giant panda that died early this month at Memphis Zoo, may have succumbed to cardiac disease, according to an autopsy by zoologists from China and the United States.
(2023-02-27). Four held over killing of model in HK. ecns.cn Four people have been arrested over the killing of 28-year-old Hong Kong model Abby Choi Tin-fung, including her former father-in-law and former brother-in-law from her first marriage, both of whom were charged with murder on Sunday.
(2023-02-27). New technology keeps waste facilities odor under control. ecns.cn A new approach developed by Chinese researchers has been proven effective in controlling the odor of waste transfer stations.
(2023-02-27). (W. E. Talk)Teng Jinguang: How to Propel Growth of International I&T Hub in Hong Kong?>. ecns.cn Promoting innovation and development has always been the top priority of the Hong Kong Special Administration Region (HKSAR) government. The 14th Five-Year Plan clearly supports Hong Kong in building an international innovation and technology (I&T) hub.
(2023-02-27). Socioeconomic growth goals high on meetings' agenda. ecns.cn The spotlight will be on Beijing as the two sessions, China's biggest annual political event and a window to observe the country's development, get underway on Saturday.
(2023-02-27). China's first ChatGPT-like software to be made open source. ecns.cn MOSS, the first large-scale conversational language model in China, will be made open source by the end of March, said the research and developing team on Sunday.
(2023-02-27). Coordinated development improves lives, environment. ecns.cn At 6: 15 one Friday morning, He Peng stood in line at Zhuozhou East Railway Station in Zhuozhou, Hebei province.
(2023-02-27). HK requires criminal record for talent scheme applicants. ecns.cn A "clear criminal record" has become a mandatory document in the application of visas for future talent admission schemes in Hong Kong, the Immigration Department (ImmD) of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region announced on Sunday.
(2023-02-27). Health insurance reform to better meet needs of patients: NHSA. ecns.cn The ongoing health insurance reform process is being conducted in response to the people's growing demand for reimbursing outpatient medical bills, said healthcare authorities.
(2023-02-27). Contaminated water still found in Ohio after train derailment. ecns.cn A train carrying toxic chemicals derailed, causing an environmental disaster. Thousands of residents were ordered to evacuate after the area was placed under a state of emergency on Feb.
(2023-02-27). 'Colorful dragons' drift on river in Guangxi. ecns.cn Thirty bamboo rafts decorated with colorful dragons drift in line on Luxi River in the Longhu Mountain (Dragon and Tiger Mountain) Scenic Spot in east China's Jiangxi Province, attracting many tourists, Feb. 26, 2023.
(2023-02-27). Longest cross-see bridge in Guangxi under construction. ecns.cn Longmen Bridge is 7.6-kilometer-long, with a stunning 1,098-meter-long main span. It is the longest cross-sea bridge in Guangxi, serves as a part of an expressway connecting coastal cities along the Beibu Gulf.
(2023-02-27). At least 59 dead after boat breaks off in Italian coast. ecns.cn A wooden boat with 140 to 150 people aboard crowded with migrants smashed into rocky reefs and broke apart before dawn Sunday off the Italian coast. At least 59 migrants died and 80 were save.
(2023-02-27). Cradle of Civilization: Huangshan Mountain. ecns.cn
(2023-02-27). Pre-Inca era graves found in Peru. ecns.cn Some 30, 800-year-old, pre-Inca era graves belonging to the Chancay people, a group who inhabited valleys of Peru's central coast from 1000 to 1500, were discovered in a cemetery in the Huaral valley.
(2023-02-27). Plum blossoms enter best viewing season in Nanjing. ecns.cn More than 35,000 plum trees, covering an area of 102 hectares on Nanjing Plum Blossom Mountain of the Ming Xiaoling Mausoleum, enter the best viewing season, Nanjing, east China's Jiangsu Province, Feb. 26, 2023.
(2023-02-27). Agriculture in America: Deeply Rooted in Black Culture. indybay.org 2023 California Pan African Food and Ag Pavilion will showcase our 350+ billion-dollar annual California Working Landscape and new opportunities for Black Agriculture to align efforts within the #1 "California Grown" US Ag industries in the global marketplace. Past, present and future pioneers of African Descent continue to light a bright path in today's plethora of opportunities.
(2023-02-27). Chris Hedges: The Trump-Russia Saga and the Death Spiral of American Journalism. scheerpost.com The media caters to a particular demographic, telling that demographic what it already believes — even when it is unverified or false. This pandering defines the coverage of the Trump-Russia saga.
(2023-02-27). Welcome to the Predator State, Where the Scorpions on the Corner Just Might Kill You. scheerpost.com With the police ever better funded (just as the U.S. military is), war has come home to roost in our streets, no less disastrously than it did abroad in the years of this country's war on terror.
(2023-02-27). Against Trotskyism: Trotsky and the Soviet Union. fightbacknews.org Trotsky argued, before and after the revolution of 1917, that building socialism in one country was impossible, and that the success of the revolution was dependent on the immediate expansion of the revolution to Western Europe. Once this didn't happen, Trotsky's only way to persist in this theory was to say that the Soviet Union wasn't truly building socialism. | Despite Trotsky's protests to the contrary, the Soviet Union, in fact, accomplished a great deal. By putting the means of production under the control of the proletarian dictatorship, the Soviet Union, in just a few decades, went from a backwards count…
(2023-02-27). Milwaukee: Justice for Keishon Thomas! Indict all officers involved! fightbacknews.org Fight Back News Service is circulating the statement from the Milwaukee Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression (MAARPR). | On February 24, 2023, two Milwaukee police officers were criminally charged for their involvement in the in-custody death of Keishon Thomas. Thomas died on February 23, 2022 from acute mixed drug intoxication due to staff neglect and abuse while being held in Police District 5. | The officers involved were Donald Krueger and Marco Lopez. Krueger is charged with one felony count of abuse of a resident in a penal facility. Lopez is charged with one felony count of misconduct in public…
(2023-02-27). Minneapolis: East Phillips fight to stop Roof Depot demolition continues with legal win. fightbacknews.org Minneapolis, MN – This week has been eventful in the East Phillips fight to stop the demolition of the arsenic-contaminated site of the Roof Depot building in south Minneapolis. | At dawn on Tuesday, February 22, defenders set up encampment at the site. That evening, Minneapolis cops On Thursday, February 24, Little Earth – a mostly native housing complex bordering the Roof Depot site – residents had a caravan to the Minneapolis city council meeting. Despite over a foot of s…
(2023-02-27). Russian Roulette: The Ruble Rises as European Economies Crumble. orinocotribune.com By Fra Hughes — Feb 23, 2023 | Has Biden bitten off more than he and NATO can swallow? |
(2023-02-27). The Weekly Round-up: Shamima Begum, UN resolution against Russia, and new law on Child marriages. ukhumanrightsblog.com In the news The UN General Assembly backed a resolution condemning Russia's actions and calling for an end to the war on Thursday, the eve of the anniversary of the invasion. With 141 supporters, 32 abstentions and seven voting against, the resolution reiterated the UN's support for Ukraine and called for a "comprehensive, just and …
(2023-02-27). Wednesday 3/8: Open Studio with Omid Mokri. indybay.org Headlands Center for the Arts | 944 Fort Barry | Sausalito, CA 94965…
(2023-02-27). Saturday 4/1: March to End Homelessness. indybay.org Meet at Cedar Street & Cathcart Street, Santa Cruz…
(2023-02-27). UK Trialed 3D-Printed 'Suicide' Drones Under Secret Ukraine Program. globalresearch.ca
(2023-02-27). Russia expands its partners as special military operation progresses. infobrics.org Contrary to what Westerners predicted, Moscow is gradually looking like an attractive alternative for emerging countries.
(2023-02-27). West severely miscalculated geopolitical ramifications of conflict in Ukraine. infobrics.org The EU, and not Russia, has weakened since the start of the special military operation.
(2023-02-27). Russia's special military operation – one year on. infobrics.org Regardless of whether the reports about the upcoming major Russian offensive are true, at worst, Moscow certainly has the capacity to continue and maintain its special military operation.
(2023-02-27). Saturday 3/4: Open House – International Kadampa Retreat Center in Arizona. indybay.org International Kadampa Retreat Center – Grand Canyon | 6701 East Mountain Ranch Road, Williams, AZ 86046…
(2023-02-27). Will Beyoncé's World Tour Include Africa? Global Concerts Keep Snubbing The Motherland. newsone.com Beyoncé including African stops on her world tour would be a nod to both the African elements in her music and her large fanbase in Africa.
(2023-02-27). CIA Chief: Iran Not Resuming Nuclear Weapons Program. news.antiwar.com In a CBS The US has long been vague on whether or not Iran is reall…
(2023-02-27). Childhood Social Media Usage and Impacts on Identity Formulation in Emerging Adults. indybay.org
(2023-02-27). Protesters tell Richard Marles to scrap AUKUS. greenleft.org.au Protesters told Minister for Defence Richard Marles to scrap AUKUS and spend the money on health, education and welfare. John Quelch reports.
(2023-02-27). Israeli Squatter Terrorists Fire Guns, Set dozens of Fires in Palestinian Town, Killing One and Wounding 100. juancole.com Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) — Israeli squatters on land owned by Palestinian families went berserk on Sunday, after two squatters were shot by a Palestinian guerrilla in Huwwara, a small town of several thousand residents in the Nablus district. The shooter appears to have been from Nablus and was a member of the "Lion's Den" …
(2023-02-27). Monday 3/6: Jesús Adolfo "Dopher" Delgado Angelversary. indybay.org 626 Capp St., San Francisco…
(2023-02-27). Ballengarra tree-sit stops logging. greenleft.org.au Forest protector and soil scientist Tim Evans stopped logging crews in Ballengarra State Forest, saying destruction of public native forests must end. Kerry Smith reports.
(2023-02-27). The NTSC, E.Palestine Railroad Wreck, Rail Safety & Nationalization With RWU's Hugh Sawyer. indybay.org WorkWeek looks at the NTSB report on the toxic railway wreck in East Palestine and the causes of it with railroad engineer Hugh Sawyer who is with Railroad Workers United. He reports on the systemic issues that have led to this and many other derailments, the dangers that the East Palestine community are faced with and the need for nationalization of the railroads.
(2023-02-27). SF Rally To Stop The War In Ukraine On The First Year Anniversary. indybay.org On the one year anniversary of the Ukraine war a rally was held against US intervention.
(2023-02-27). When it Comes to Ukraine and Russia, the United States Intel Community is Confusing Pyrite with Genuine Gold. sonar21.com I am following up on my previous posts about the failure of the U.S. intelligence community, the CIA in particular, in providing an accurate, objective assessment of the war in…
(2023-02-27). "Vaccine and Sactions" "疫苗与制裁" A New China-US Joint Production Documentary by Lee Siu Hin. indybay.org
(2023-02-27). Multiple Actions in Bay Area Feb. 24 as Ukraine War Enters Second Year. indybay.org Peace Actions in downtown San Francisco and Israeli consulate on Montgomery Street protested…
(2023-02-27). US hands lit torch to Israeli arsonists. electronicintifada.net Washington's enabling hastens the end of Tel Aviv's impunity.
(2023-02-27). Wednesday 3/1: Justice for Keita O'Neil. indybay.org Hall of "Justice" | 850 Bryant Street | San Francisco…
(2023-02-27). Friday 3/3: POA: Shut It Down! indybay.org On the sidewalk in front of the San Francisco Police Officers Association: 800 Bryant @ 6th Street in San Francisco…
(2023-02-27). Hospice care: Comfort at the end of life. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org It was announced earlier this week that former President Jimmy Carter has entered hospice care. But just what is hospice care and how it can provide comfort and support? Hospice care is for people who are nearing the end of life. The services are provided by a team of health care professionals who maximize comfort for a person who is terminally ill by reducing pain and addressing physical, psychological, social and spiritual needs. To help…
(2023-02-27). Mayo Clinic Minute: Heart disease in African American women. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Heart disease is the No. 1 cause of death in women in the U.S. And African American women have an even higher risk of dying from heart disease ‚Äï and at a younger age ‚Äï than white women, according to the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute. In this Mayo Clinic Minute, Dr. LaPrincess Brewer, a Mayo Clinic cardiologist, says this serious issue is compounded by the fact that many African American women are not…
(2023-02-27). Consumer Health: Pregnancy and the heart. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Pregnancy can be an exciting, happy time. It also can be an anxious time, especially if you have an underlying health problem, such as heart disease. February is American Heart Month, which makes this a good time to learn about heart conditions and pregnancy. Pregnancy stresses your heart and circulatory system. During pregnancy, your blood volume increases by 30% to 50% to nourish your growing baby. This makes your heart pump more blood each minute and…
(2023-02-27). Consumer Health: What do you know about encephalitis? newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org World Encephalitis Day will be observed Wednesday, Feb. 22, which makes this a good time to learn more about this potentially life-threatening disease. Encephalitis affects nearly 500,000 people of all ages worldwide each year, according to the Encephalitis Society. What Causes it Encephalitis is inflammation of the brain. The inflammation can be caused by an infection, most often a virus, invading the brain (infectious encephalitis), but it also can be caused by the immune system attacking the brain in…
(2023-02-27). Mayo Clinic Minute: Hope for spontaneous coronary artery dissection, SCAD. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Research on spontaneous coronary artery dissection, or SCAD, has exploded in the last decade, says Dr. Sharonne N. Hayes, a Mayo Clinic cardiologist and a leading expert on this rare heart condition. Though there have been many advancements in understanding SCAD, Dr. Hayes says there is still much to learn, including why 90% of these types of heart attacks happen to nonstereotypical heart attack patients — young women. Watch: The Mayo Clinic Minute youtu.be/HVz5wqWOctA Journalists: Broadcast-quality video pkg (0: 57) is…
(2023-02-27). Black History Month – Dr. Lionel Kankeu Fonkoua, helping at-risk patients and increasing diversity in clinical trials. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Dr. Lionel Kankeu Fonkoua Black History Month is a month for all people to celebrate and learn about the diverse and important contributions of Black Americans to American society and culture, as well as to reflect on the ongoing fight against racism, inequity, and discrimination. The Mayo Clinic News Network is profiling several Mayo Clinic physicians who are focused every day on achieving health equity through their work. Meet Dr. Lionel Kankeu Fonkoua, an oncologist with…
(2023-02-27). Science Saturday: Bioengineering vocal cords. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Tissue engineering techniques discovered at Mayo Clinic and Arizona State University created a humanlike vocal cord (fold) structure with the potential to produce a natural-sounding voice. The bioengineered scaffold mimics human vocal folds, with ability to vibrate and make sound. The study team reported the tissue-engineered vocal fold structure suggests potential for growing cells capable of healing scar tissue that impair speech. This research is published in Biomacromolecules. "Tissue engineering is a promising approach that combines…
(2023-02-27). Tips to keep stress from hurting your heart. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Everyone reacts to stress differently, and how you react can impact the chance of developing serious health issues, including heart disease. Your body's response to stress may include muscle aches and headaches, back strain, stomach pains, and other physical symptoms. Stress also can make you tired, disturb normal sleep patterns, and leave you irritable, forgetful and out of control. When stress is constant, your body remains in high gear for days or weeks, which can lead…
(2023-02-27). Dementia-related pain: What caregivers need to know. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Dementia isn't a specific disease. Instead, it describes a collection of symptoms that affect a person's thinking and social abilities enough to interfere with daily life. There are more than 55 million people worldwide living with dementia. Of these, 50% to 60% have Alzheimer's disease. Dementia is the seventh leading cause of death worldwide. There is a constellation of dementia symptoms, and memory loss is the primary feature. Other common symptoms are physical functional decline…
(2023-02-27). Mayo Clinic Q and A: What is cholangiocarcinoma and how is it treated? newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org DEAR MAYO CLINIC: My mother has been experiencing unusual and persistent fatigue, abdominal pain, and jaundice. After undergoing a CT scan, her doctor diagnosed her with cholangiocarcinoma. What is this type of cancer? And what treatment options are available? ANSWER: Cholangiocarcinoma is a rare cancer that develops from the bile ducts, which are slender tubes that carry the digestive fluid bile and connect the liver to the gallbladder and small intestine. The tumor can occur anywhere along…
(2023-02-27). Mayo Clinic Minute: Are you getting enough sleep for your best heart health? newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Getting a good night's sleep is important. But exactly how much sleep do you need? Recently, the American Heart Association added sleep to its checklist for improving and maintaining your heart health. Dr. Regis Fernandes, a Mayo Clinic cardiologist, explains how many hours of sleep people need for optimal heart health. Watch: The Mayo Clinic Minute youtu.be/qeoBv7lye4I Journalists: Broadcast-quality video (1: 06) is in the downloads at the end of this post. Please courtesy: "Mayo Clinic…
(2023-02-27). Mayo Clinic ranked No. 3 on Forbes list of 'America's Best Large Employers'. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Mayo Clinic was ranked No. 3 by Forbes in its 2023 list of "America's Best Large Employers," which was released today. Mayo Clinic was ranked No. 7 on the list in 2022. Mayo Clinic was ranked No. 3 on the Forbes list of "America's Best Large Employers," which was released this week. Mayo was ranked No. 7 on the list in 2022. As in 2022, hospital systems and medical centers were prominently featured on the…
(2023-02-27). Davis, Dunn to join Mayo Clinic Board of Trustees. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org ROCHESTER, Minn. — Jed Davis, president and CEO of DDI Inc., which operates the Davis Family Office headquartered in Jacksonville, Florida, and AJ Dunn, chief administrative officer of Mayo Clinic in Florida, were elected to the Mayo Clinic Board of Trustees at its quarterly meeting on Feb. 17. "Jed Davis and AJ Dunn are insightful, dedicated and accomplished leaders with a strong background in executive governance and a firm commitment to Mayo Clinic's mission and…
(2023-02-27). Dr. Prathibha Varkey recognized as one of Modern Healthcare's 'Top 25 Women Leaders'. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org ROCHESTER, Minn. — Prathibha Varkey, M.B.B.S., president of Mayo Clinic Health System, was recognized by Modern Healthcare as one of the "Top 25 Women Leaders" for 2023. The profiles of all the honorees are featured in the Feb. 20 issue of Modern Healthcare magazine and online at ModernHealthcare.com/topwomenexecs. This prestigious recognition program acknowledges and honors women executives from all sectors of the health care industry for their leadership in care delivery improvement, health equity, policy…
(2023-02-27). Mayo Clinic remembers Dr. Robert Hattery, former CEO of Mayo Clinic in Rochester. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Robert Hattery, M.D., second from left, at Mayo's 150th anniversary celebration in 2014. Robert R. Hattery, M.D., former CEO of Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, and longtime Mayo Clinic advocate, died on Feb. 11, 2023. "Dr. Hattery was a builder of people," says Claire Bender, M.D., emeritus member of the staff in Radiology. "He was a true leader who was highly respected, fair, extremely hard working and always dedicated to Mayo Clinic's patients and staff."…
(2023-02-27). Mayo Clinic Q and A: Avoiding shoulder injuries while shoveling snow. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org DEAR MAYO CLINIC: Last winter, I slipped and fell shoveling snow. I have arthritis in one of my shoulders. I'm concerned about having another injury. How common are shoulder injuries during the winter due to shoveling snow and other activities? What advice do you have for how to avoid injuring my shoulder? ANSWER: Unfortunately, the numbers don't lie. In Mayo Clinic's orthopedics practice, the number of people who need care due to shoulder injuries increases substantially during…
(2023-02-27). Mayo Clinic Minute: Obesity and heart disease. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org It's long been known that being overweight or obese can make a person more apt to develop conditions like high blood pressure or diabetes, which can lead to cardiovascular disease. But experts at Mayo Clinic say obesity also can affect the heart in entirely independent ways. In this Mayo Clinic Minute, Dr. Francisco Lopez-Jimenez, a Mayo Clinic cardiologist, explains the resources available to help patients battling obesity and heart disease. Watch: The Mayo Clinic Minute…
(2023-02-27). Winter safety tips from a Mayo Clinic emergency medicine physician. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org The National Weather Service says a massive winter storm is moving across the U.S., with high winds, icy conditions and up to 2 feet of heavy snow expected in parts of the Upper Midwest. If possible, limit travel or stay off the roads if you live in the affected areas. "If you don't have to go out, it's best not to go. But if you do, plan just in case something bad happens," says Dr….
(2023-02-27). Mayo Clinic Minute: Snowblower safety. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Much of the nation is bracing for a massive winter storm that is working its way eastward across the country. Over the next few days, the storm is expected to bring heavy snow and blizzard conditions in the North, with sleet, freezing rain and thunderstorms across the South. Portions of the upper Midwest could see close to 2 feet of snow. With that in mind, you might want to get that snowblower fueled up. Dr….
(2023-02-27). Staying safe during a major winter storm. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org As several winter storms are expected to bring freezing rain, sleet and snow across the U.S., the National Weather Service reminds people to be safe and prepare in advance to ensure personal safety and well-being. As hospital emergency rooms have historically seen an influx of weather-related injuries with each winter storm, it is important to be adequately prepared to reduce the risk of medical emergencies. Dr. David Nestler, a Mayo Clinic emergency medicine physician, says falls are among the most…
(2023-02-27). Rest In Power: Notable Black People Who Have Died In 2023. newsone.com Glória Maria, a pioneering broadcast journalist in Brazil who is widely believed to be the country's first Black TV reporter of African descent, died on Feb. 2 at the age of 73.
(2023-02-27). Saturday 3/11: On 3/11 At Fukushima No Dumping Radioactive Water Into Pacific Ocean & No Restarting Nukes. indybay.org San Francisco Japanese Consulate | 275 Battery St./California St | San Francisco…
(2023-02-27). Massive rally in Berlin demands peace in Ukraine. peoplesdispatch.org On Saturday February 25, tens of thousands of people rallied at the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin demanding that German Chancellor Olaf Scholz take an active role in encouraging negotiations to end the ongoing war in Ukraine. The mobilization with the slogan 'Uprising for Peace' was called for by Left party MP Sahra Wagenknecht, journalist Alice Schwarzer, retired Brigadier General Erich Vad, economist Jeffrey Sachs and others. It called for negotiations, diplomacy and peace, instead of the ongoing escalation of the war by delivering sophisticated arms and ammunition to Ukraine. | Sahra Wagenknecht MP and Alice Schw…
(2023-02-27). Environmental Modification Techniques (ENMOD) and the Turkey-Syria Earthquake: An Expert Investigation is Required. globalresearch.ca
(2023-02-27). The Official White House Website Should Have A Photo Of The WHITE HOUSE, Not Ukraine! indybay.org The official WHITE HOUSE website should have a photograph of the WHITE HOUSE, not Ukraine. February 23 and February 24, 2023…
(2023-02-27). The Words the US and European Press are too Cowardly to Use about Israel's Occupation of Palestinians: War Crimes, Crimes against Humanity, Apartheid. juancole.com ( Middle East Monitor ) — On 20 February, the United Nations Security Council approved a statement, described in the media as a 'watered-down' version of an earlier draft resolution which would have demanded that Israel "immediately and completely cease all settlement activities in the occupied Palestinian territory." The intrigues that led to the scrapping of what was meant …
(2023-02-27). Saturday 3/4: Art Of The African Diaspora Satellite Exhibit. indybay.org Rhythmix Cultural Works | 2513 Blanding Ave, Alameda CA 94501…
(2023-02-27). Poisoning America for Profit: A Brief History of Norfolk Southern's Greed. orinocotribune.com
(2023-02-27). Saturday 3/4: Extreme Weather Resource Fair: Small Talk, Big Topics. indybay.org Santa Cruz Museum of Natural History | 1305 E Cliff Dr, Santa Cruz, CA 95062…
(2023-02-27). Give Peace a Chance. Scott Ritter Goes to Washington. globalresearch.ca
(2023-02-27). At NAACP Image Awards, Gabrielle Union And Dwyane Wade Honor Their Daughter Zaya. newsone.com Source: Amy Sussman / Getty | All eyes were on During the heartfelt speech, Dwyane Wade looked directly into the camera and spoke to his daug…
(2023-02-27). Siegfried Hecker on Two Decades of Missed Chances to Deal with North Korea's Nuclear Program. globalresearch.ca
(2023-02-27). Sunday 3/12: Party to Celebrate Slingshot collective's 35th birthday. indybay.org Long Haul Infoshop – 3124 Shattuck Avenue Berkeley – 510-540-0751 – corner of Woolsey – 2 blocks from Ashby BART – across from La Pena.
(2023-02-27). Camino a las elecciones de diputados a la Asamblea Nacional del Poder Popular. cubadebate.cu Hoy respondemos interrogantes que abundan en la población interrogantes como: øEn qué momento del proceso eleccionario nos encontramos? øDe dónde salen los candidatos a diputados? øCuáles son los sujetos del sistema político que intervienen en cada etapa? øEn qué consiste su participación? øCuáles son las consecuencias políticas y jurídicas de cada una de las fases por las que se transita? øLa ciudadanía solo interviene en el momento del voto?
(2023-02-27). Barcelona cayó 0-1 ante Almería por LaLiga Santander. cubadebate.cu Luego de quedar eliminado de la UEFA Europa League, FC Barcelona volvió a perder, esta vez fue 0-1 ante Almería por la jornada 23 de LaLiga Santander en el Power Horse Stadium. El único gol del partido lo hizo El Bilal Toure a los 24 minutos.
(2023-02-27). Carlos Daniel Ramos: Campeón Panamericano de Clavados. cubadebate.cu El jovencito Carlos Daniel Ramos se proclamó este domingo como nuevo campeón panamericano en la plataforma a diez metros, un resultado que lo confirma en la élite continental de la especialidad y le asegura un boleto a los próximos juegos multideportivos de Santiago de Chile 2023. La Mayor de Las Antillas también ganó otras tres medallas de bronce en el torneo.
(2023-02-27). Solidaridad con Cuba por el cese del bloqueo se hizo patente en varias ciudades del mundo. cubadebate.cu Como ya es habitual, en el último domingo de cada mes se realizan caravanas y otras acciones para denunciar los efectos de la guerra económica, comercial y financiera contra Cuba, agudizados por la inclusión arbitraria de Cuba por Washington en una lista de naciones que presuntamente promueven el terrorismo.
(2023-02-27). Sube a 60 el número de migrantes muertos en naufragio cerca de Italia. cubadebate.cu Durante la jornada ha ido aumentando el trágico cómputo y no se descarta que más cuerpos sean recuperados en las próximas horas. Unos 80 supervivientes lograron llegar a la playa de Steccato, localidad de Cutro (provincia de Crotone), donde están siendo atendidos por equipos de emergencia desde primera hora de la mañana.
(2023-02-27). Vladimir Putin: Rusia no puede ignorar las "capacidades nucleares" de la OTAN. cubadebate.cu El presidente Vladimir Putin afirmó que Rusia no tiene más remedio que tener en cuenta las "capacidades nucleares" de la Organización del Tratado del Atlántico Norte (OTAN), mientras que esta alianza siga deseando la derrota de Moscú.
(2023-02-27). Ecuador: CONAIE Breaks up Talks with Lasso Government. orinocotribune.com
(2023-02-27). Saturday 3/4: The Global Struggle for Women's Rights. indybay.org The Starry Plough Pub | 3101 Shattuck Avenue, Berkeley, CA 94705…
(2023-02-27). Al menos una persona muerta deja nuevo terremoto en Türkiye. twitter.com La región aún se encuentra en reconstrucción tras los devastadores terremotos de hace menos de un mes que dejaron 44.000 muertos.
(2023-02-27). Palestinos e israelíes acuerdan evitar actos de violencia. telesurtv.net Según medios árabes, la delegación palestina insistirá a Israel en la necesidad de cesar cualquier acción unilateral.
(2023-02-27). Hondureños incrementan denuncias de violaciones de DD.HH. telesurtv.net Entre los grupos más vulnerables que interpusieron denuncias se encuentran las mujeres, con 3.290 denuncias.
(2023-02-27). Panamá suspende temporalmente el traslado de migrantes. telesurtv.net El Servicio Nacional de Migración detuvo los traslados hasta que se certifique que los buses están en buen estado.
(2023-02-27). Rechazo a Dina Boluarte sube a casi un 80 por ciento en Perú. telesurtv.net La insatisfacción con la gestión de Boluarte aumenta al 86 por ciento en la región sureña del territorio peruano.
(2023-02-27). Conozca sobre la vida del escritor francés Victor Hugo. telesurtv.net El escritor Victor Hugo es reconocido como uno de los mayores exponentes de la literatura universal.
(2023-02-27). Masacre deja cuatro muertos en Valle del Cauca, Colombia. telesurtv.net El Instituto de Estudios para el Desarrollo y la Paz (Indepaz) reportó que este matanza es la número 20 en el país suramericano durante el curso de 2023.
(2023-02-27). Asciende a 60 cifra de migrantes muertos en costas de Italia. telesurtv.net De acuerdo con las autoridades se teme que se puedan alcanzar más de 100 víctimas, luego que el número de migrantes que viajaban está entre 180 y 250.
(2023-02-27). Comicios presidenciales se extienden en varias regiones de Nigeria. telesurtv.net A partir de las 18H00 horas de este domingo, comenzará el conteo final de votos de la elección presidencial, de acuerdo con autoridades electorales.
(2023-02-27). Presidente Putin afirma que Occidente pretende eliminar a Rusia. telesurtv.net El presidente ruso acusó a los países de la OTAN de ser cómplices, aunque indirectos, de los crímenes del régimen de Ucrania por suministrarle armamento.
(2023-02-27). Cifra de muertos por terremotos en Türkiye se sitúa en 44.374. twitter.com En Siria, el número de muertos se situó en 5.914 con lo cual el balance de decesos en ambas naciones se ubicó más allá de los 50 mil tras los terremotos del 6 de febrero.
(2023-02-27). Ascienden a 65 las muertes por temporal en Sao Paulo, Brasil. telesurtv.net Finaliza la búsqueda de desaparecidos. Ya se ha identificado a 55 víctimas. Se prioriza la atención a familias que perdieron sus casas o debieron abandonarlas.
(2023-02-27). Gobierno colombiano y ELN informan avances en diálogos de paz. telesurtv.net Las partes manifiestan que han avanzado en la definición de una visión compartida del proceso de paz y una metodología para tratar la agenda de diálogos.
(2023-02-27). Colonos israelíes atacan poblados de Cisjordania ocupada. telesurtv.net Un palestino muere por disparos durante el asalto. Colonos atacaron a residentes, quemaron viviendas y destruyeron vehículos.
(2023-02-27). Ataque con bomba en Pakistán provoca al menos cuatro fallecidos. telesurtv.net Se reportan entre ocho y 14 heridos. Fueron llevados a un hospital local. Hasta el momento ningún grupo se atribuyó el hecho.
(2023-02-27). Reportan daños por lluvias en departamento peruano de Piura. telesurtv.net Precipitaciones provocaron deslizamientos, derrumbes y huaicos con sensibles afectaciones en diversos ámbitos.
(2023-02-27). Policía de Perú reprime protesta contra la impunidad. telesurtv.net Lanzan gas lacrimógeno en Lima a participantes en la marcha nacional contra la impunidad. Se reportan al menos dos heridos.
(2023-02-27). Sube a 59 cifra de muertos por las lluvias en Sao Paulo, Brasil. telesurtv.net El gobernador de Sao Paulo, Tarcísio de Freitas, anunció que será creada una oficina estatal para acompañar de cerca las obras de reconstrucción en Sao Sebastiao.
(2023-02-27). Daños por incendios forestales rebasarían los 600 mdd en Chile. telesurtv.net El Servicio Nacional de Prevención y Respuesta ante Desastres anotó que 458.157 hectáreas han sido consumidas por las llamas, que han provocado 25 muertos.
(2023-02-27). Saludan avances en mesa de diálogo de paz entre Gobierno de Colombia y ELN. telesurtv.net "Confió en que las partes den pasos significativos sobre la agenda acordada, incluyendo temas de participación y cese al fuego", anotó el representante de la ONU.
(2023-02-27). Cuba asiste a cumbre sobre recuperación postpandemia en Azerbaiyán. telesurtv.net Valdés Mesa arribará este lunes a la ciudad de Bakú, en la República de Azerbaiyán, sede de la reunión de las naciones no alineadas.
(2023-02-27). Asesinan a dirigente del mayor movimiento indígena en Ecuador. telesurtv.net El presidente de la Conaie, Leónidas Iza, denunció que "existe seguimiento y vigilancia a dirigentes indígenas".
(2023-02-27). Lluvias dejan al menos 4.000 familias damnificadas en Paraguay. telesurtv.net "Es desesperante la situación que estamos atravesando. Estamos en una inundación total de la ciudad, estamos bajo agua", dijo la alcaldesa de San Lázaro.
(2023-02-27). Rechazan a nivel global el bloqueo de EE.UU. contra Cuba. telesurtv.net El presidente cubano Miguel Díaz-Canel escribió: "Conmueven y alientan tantas demostraciones de solidaridad con Cuba y de condena al bloqueo económico".
(2023-02-27). ALBA Movimientos celebrará reunión en Venezuela a inicios de marzo. telesurtv.net La VII Reunión de Coordinación Continental de ALBA Movimientos se llevará a cabo los próximos 2 y 3 de marzo en la capital venezolana.
(2023-02-27). Venezuela anuncia reapertura de tránsito con Aruba, Bonaire y Curazao. telesurtv.net "luego de finalizadas las mesas técnicas de negociación con el Reino de los Países Bajos, reiteramos el cronograma de apertura del tránsito", dijo el canciller.
(2023-02-27). Ascienden a 64 los fallecidos por lluvias en Sao Paulo, Brasil. telesurtv.net Las autoridades de la región señalaron que las últimas cinco víctimas fueron encontradas en la ciudad de Sao Sebastiao.
(2023-02-27). Palestina condena proyecto de ley israelí sobre pena de muerte. telesurtv.net La Cancillería rechaza "la bárbara reinstauración de la pena de muerte como pretexto para legitimar su anexión".
(2023-02-27). Police gone Wild: When the Scorpions on the Corner Just Might Kill You. juancole.com By Michael Gould-Wartofsky | — ( Tomdispatch.com ) — To residents of Memphis's resource-poor, predominantly nonwhite neighborhoods, the Scorpions were easy to spot. The plainclothes patrols were known for driving their unmarked Dodge Chargers through the streets, often all too recklessly, sowing fear as they went, spitting venom from their windows, jumping out with guns …
(2023-02-27). From Today (Thu), 3 pm ("Stop Cop City"): Online events w) Vandana Shiva, Chomsky, etc. indybay.org Here are about 9 online events taking place over the next week+ (and starting at 3: 00 pm today, Thursday, 2/23), featuring people such as Dário Votório Kopenawa Yanomami, Paul Watson, adrienne maree brown, Vandana Shiva, Noam Chomsky, and many others. | These events are hosted from various locations all across the country, as well from Canada, Australia, and the UK (however, the listed times are all for our "Pacific time zone"). Of course, feel free to share this info with others who might be interested in it.
(2023-02-27). FBI Harasses Activists in Florida; Two Indicted on Federal Charges for Jane's Revenge Actions. unicornriot.ninja
(2023-02-27). Democrats place policing and "public safety" at center of Chicago municipal elections. wsws.org None of the four "major" candidates or any of the also-rans offers any way forward for the working class.
(2023-02-27). At least 59 migrants drown off Italian coast, including newborn baby and 19 other children. wsws.org Responsibility for this terrible crime lies with all the governments of Europe, who have conspired to turn the continent into a "fortress" against desperate people, and with the United States and its allies whose imperialist violence has dismembered societies across the Middle East and Africa.
(2023-02-27). Moldova's President Sandu tightens grip on power, as the country is being drawn into the maelstrom of the NATO-Russia war. wsws.org Moldova is in the grips of a severe political crisis as its government prepares to drag it into the NATO war against Russia.
(2023-02-27). Fascists stage provocation at Broadway show Parade about 1915 lynching of Leo Frank. wsws.org A group of neo-Nazis protested at a preview of Parade in New York City last week, a musical about the trial and 1915 lynching of Leo Frank, a Jewish manager of a factory in Atlanta.
(2023-02-27). Turkish Red Crescent's sale of tents after the earthquake revealed as "government resign" chants rise from stadiums. wsws.org Three weeks after devastating earthquakes caused massive destruction and mass deaths in Turkey and Syria, anger at the government's response is growing.
(2023-02-27). SEP (Australia) candidates hold speak out in southwest Sydney ahead of NSW election. wsws.org SEP candidates Oscar Grenfell and Max Boddy, along with other party members, spoke to people in working-class Liverpool about the need for a socialist alternative to the program of war and austerity put forward by all other parties in the election.
(2023-02-27). The war in Ukraine and how to stop it: Online meeting advances a socialist anti-war strategy for the international working class. wsws.org Saturday's meeting, which was attended by a worldwide audience, presented a powerful case for a unified movement of the international working class for socialist revolution as the only realistic strategy to stop World War III.
(2023-02-27). Retired Detroit nurse: "When you have CEOs at 'not-for-profit' hospitals making millions a year … something is wrong with the whole system" wsws.org Pat Cason-Merenda is a retired nurse in Detroit who spoke to the WSWS in support of nurses and health care workers around the world who are facing horrific working conditions.
(2023-02-27). More than 300,000 in Michigan with no power five days after ice storm. wsws.org Hundreds of thousands of people across southern Michigan from Detroit to Kalamazoo were still without power for a fifth day on Sunday as the energy monopolies continued making excuses about why nothing has been done to prepare the infrastructure for increasingly intense weather events.
(2023-02-27). Sri Lankan SEP election campaign wins support from plantation workers. wsws.org SEP and Plantation Workers Action Committee members campaigned at the Alton, Fairlawn, Glenugie, Strathspey and Gartmore estates in Maskeliya prior to Wickremesinghe's cancelation of the local government polls.
(2023-02-27). "They have upended people's lives": East Palestine residents speak out at Erin Brockovich town hall meeting. wsws.org Residents of East Palestine and surrounding areas packed a town hall meeting hosted by environmental advocate Erin Brockovich Friday evening to hear presentations on the dangers posed by the train derailment and subsequent release and burn of toxic chemicals.
(2023-02-27). Norway emerges as key staging ground for US military provocations against Russia. wsws.org Norway's location on the northwest of the Scandinavian Peninsula, with a 196-kilometre border with Russia, makes it a key ally for US imperialism to wage war on Russia.
(2023-02-27). The Wuhan Lab Leak slander being resurrected to bolster US war drive against China. wsws.org The Wall Street Journal disclosed that the Department of Energy has shifted its opinion on the origin of the coronavirus to it being most likely a result of a lab leak. However, unnamed sources who have read the report indicate the evidence is of low confidence.
(2023-02-27). Anti-Defamation League: All "extremist" mass killings in the US in 2022 linked to the far right. wsws.org The ADL report concealed the fact that the three largest mass shootings last year were directly linked to the Republican Party, making the GOP the number one driver of fascist terrorist violence in the United States.
(2023-02-27). Lula government ends daily COVID-19 tracking in Brazil. wsws.org The announcement of the end of daily pandemic data came just before the PT government completely ignored the threat that Carnival represented for the worsening of the pandemic in Brazil.
(2023-02-27). Der Spiegel asks: "Is the CIA hunting Assange's supporters?" wsws.org The material in the German newspaper further substantiates claims that the US government has waged an illegal global campaign against Julian Assange, WikiLeaks and their supporters.
(2023-02-27). This week in history: February 27-March 5. wsws.org This column profiles important historical events which took place during this week, 25 years ago, 50 years ago, 75 years ago and 100 years ago.
(2023-02-27). US Military Aid to Ukraine Exceeds the Costs of Afghanistan. globalresearch.ca
(2023-02-26). Why The Russian Federation Recognized Independence Movements In Donbas. popularresistance.org "Minsk, Minsk, Minsk," they cried after Russia recognized Donetsk and Luhansk. But those Western diplomats and pundits did not hear those of us in the anti-war, pro-peace and anti-imperialist movements who insisted that Minsk II was the only conceivable way out of the crisis! | There will be reams of words attempting to provide a coherent analysis of the manufactured crisis dramatically unfolding in Ukraine, which took another unanticipated turn when Russia extended recognition to the Peoples' Republics of Donetsk and Luhansk in the territory referred to as the Donbas in Eastern Ukraine.
(2023-02-26). US Ambassador Concerned About LGBT Community in Japan. journal-neo.org The leaders of the "generalized West" have recently demonstrated their cavalier behavior, even with their own key allies. It is sufficient to refer to everything that surrounds one of the most significant terrorist attacks of this century, which occurred in the Baltic Sea. Against this backdrop, US Ambassador to Japan Rahm Emanuel stated at a …
(2023-02-26). Munich's Bacchanal of Beery Bathos. strategic-culture.org
(2023-02-26). The Empire Gives People the Illusion of Fighting the Power Without Ever Endangering Real Power. strategic-culture.org
(2023-02-26). The West's Narrative of the 'Russian Threat': A Tool for Destabilization and Hegemonic Control. strategic-culture.org The Western world's threat narrative seeks to disrupt the concept of multipolarity by imposing sanctions and military deterrence. | On February 21, Russian President Vladimir Putin delivered a speech at the Federal Assembly, which received significant attention, particularly from Western media, as the first anniversary of the Ukrainian war approached. | Although Western analysts anticipated an aggressive tone from Putin's speech, it did not materialize. Their expectation was primarily that Putin would make statements about "shifting gears" in Ukraine and declaring the beginning of a new phase in the operation.
(2023-02-26). America Cannot Survive If Its Citizens Lack Pride. americanthinker.com The LGBTQ+ cohort has coopted the word "pride," but it's a remarkably important concept that must exist in America as a whole.
(2023-02-26). COVID Aftermath: When Science Fiction Becomes Reality. americanthinker.com Dystopian seemingly "futuristic" events are not part of a science fiction plot; they are occurring and have already occurred.
(2023-02-26). Homily For Straying Lambs. americanthinker.com The Bible's timeless wisdom is an antidote to the nihilism and other ugliness to which our children are routinely exposed.
(2023-02-26). The Duke is in the Altogether. americanthinker.com Daily life in the 21st century continues to outcrazy the satirists.
(2023-02-26). The Man Who Saved the Second Amendment. americanthinker.com A dive into Justice Clarence Thomas' formational years provides us with a renewed spirit for our America.
(2023-02-26). Another bad day for the Inflation Reduction Act. americanthinker.com And one wonders if Joe Manchin and Jon Tester are squirming.
(2023-02-26). Another conservative pastor canceled by Big Tech. americanthinker.com Google needs to give these well-meaning, patriotic people a break.
(2023-02-26). Delusional Democrat Kamala Harris strikes again, this time on the cost of living crisis. americanthinker.com We all know Harris loves herself some California grass, but what is she smoking?>
(2023-02-26). Dumbing down America with DEI. americanthinker.com An agenda against minority certainly Americans exists, but it's not conservatives perpetrating the oppression.
(2023-02-26). High school students raise $260,000 for an elderly janitor forced out of retirement due to rising costs. americanthinker.com Bidenflation has destroyed the savings of many elderly retired people, forcing them to return to work. Students helped an elderly custodian at their school out of the goodness of their hearts.
(2023-02-26). In Iran, mass demonstrations in Baluchestan — and beyond. americanthinker.com Day 163 of the Iranian national uprising for democracy was eventful in Iran's provinces.
(2023-02-26). Left-wing activism, too, obeys the laws of supply and demand. americanthinker.com Why woke progressive activism paradoxically intensifies as true social injustices decline.
(2023-02-26). People, publishers speaking out against 'insane' censorship of Roald Dahl. americanthinker.com This latest woke assault to common sense and freedom of expression might just be turning against those who launched it.
(2023-02-26). Sequoia Capital executive admits 'even Democrats like me are fed up with San Francisco'. americanthinker.com Imagine that….
(2023-02-26). Stairlift company mocks Biden falling up the stairs in their latest advertisement. americanthinker.com Bumbling Joe's losing battle with stairs makes him the perfect cannon fodder for witty marketers.
(2023-02-26). The cancel-culture wood chipper goes for 'Dilbert'. americanthinker.com Scott Adams finally ran afoul of the woke left. The results were predictable, but still creepy.
(2023-02-26). Vermont once embraced eugenics; now it embraces puberty-blockers. americanthinker.com The Green Mountain State has gone insane.
(2023-02-26). With the J6 footage release, the mainstream media begin to panic. americanthinker.com The great thing about their panic attacks is that they become intemperate and begin to tell the truth—which is that they believe only they may control the narrative.
(2023-02-26). One year at war: no winners, but all are losers. canadiandimension.com Ukrainian soldier stands watch in Kyiv. Photo courtesy the Armed Forces of Ukraine/ In Neville Chamberlain's
(2023-02-26). Welcome to the Predator State. tomdispatch.com To residents of Memphis's resource-poor, predominantly nonwhite neighborhoods, the Scorpions were easy to spot. The plainclothes patrols were known for driving their unmarked Dodge Chargers through the streets, often all too recklessly, sowing fear as they went, spitting venom from their windows, jumping out with guns drawn at the slightest sign of an infraction. On the night of January 7th, Tyre Nichols was two minutes from home when members of that squad pulled him over. Probable cause: reckless driving (if you believe the official story). Five Scorpions, all of them trained use-of-force specialists, proceeded…
(2023-02-26). Legacy Of The Father Of Five Percenters Clarence 13X Going After Black Youth In NYC Gangs. moguldom.com The Five Percenter Nation of Gods and Earths was founded by former Nation of Islam member Clarence 13X back in 1964. Similar to the Nation of Islam, one of the lures of the Five Percent Nation was that it offered refuge and hope for troubled youth. It provided much-needed structure to individuals and an alternative lifestyle to New York City gang …
(2023-02-26). Mexico: Feminist Political Prisoners Magda Soberanes and Karla Tello Released from Prison. itsgoingdown.org
(2023-02-26). Black Is Bad, The Latest Madness Of Kais Saied. southfront.org Illustrative Image | Written by Piero Messina | What can you do if you have just realized that you have destroyed the nation you govern and you realize that popular protest threatens to become revolution? It's simple: you have to shout conspiracy. Tunisian plenipotentiary president Kais Saied knows this old rule. Thus, while on the one hand he continues to order arrest warrants against his political opponents, Saied cries of conspirac…
(2023-02-26). Military Situation In Bakhmut Region On February 26, 2023 (Map Update). southfront.org
(2023-02-26). Military Situation In Donbass On February 26, 2023 9Map Update). southfront.org Click to see full-size image | Russian forces took control of Dubovo-Vasylivka village; | Russian forces took control of Yagidne village; | Clashes between the Russian Army and the AFU continue near Ugledar; | Clashes between the Russian Army and the AFU continue near Avdiivka; | Clashes between the Russian Army and the AFU continue in Bakhmut and its outskirts; | Clashes between the Russian Army and the AFU continue in the town of Mariinka; | Artillery duels betwe…
(2023-02-26). Military Situation In Iraq On February 26, 2023 (Map Update). southfront.org
(2023-02-26). Military Situation In Syria On February 26, 2023 (Map Update). southfront.org Click to see full-size image | On February 26, the Russian Ministry of Defense recorded 1 case of hostilities and ceasefire violations in the Latakia region in the past 24 hours; | On February 26, unknown gunmen attacked the house of an oil well investor in Hawaij Diban; | On February 26, two young men were killed by unknown gunmen in the Hayt town in Daraa province; | The Arab Inter-Parliamentary Union, in the final statement in its 34th conference, announced the formation of a delegation to visit…
(2023-02-26). Russia's Special Military Operation — One Year On. southfront.org Illustrative Image | Written by Gavin O'Reilly | On the 24th of February last year, with Covid having disappeared from news headlines following the coincidental timing of the previous month's World Economic Forum's Davos Agenda 'Unprovoked invasion' and 'Russian aggression'
(2023-02-26). Why Harry Truman Was America's Worst-Ever President. southfront.org Illustrative Image | Written by The White House Website opens
(2023-02-26). Croatia Will Supply 14 Military Helicopters To Kiev Forces — Report. southfront.org A Croatian Air Force transport helicopter, MI-17, prepares to land at Camp | Bondsteel, Kosovo, Aug. 6, 2019. (Photo Credit: U.S. Army) | Croatia is preparing to supply Ukraine with 14 Soviet-made Mi-8 military transport helicopters, Jutarnji list reported on February 26. | The Croatian daily said that 12 Mi-8MTB-1 and two Mi-8T helicopters, which were recently taken out from service with the Croatian Armed Forces, could be supplied to Ukraine in around ten days. Croatian markings are currently being removed fr…
(2023-02-26). Egyptian Air Force Training Aircraft Crashed In Faiyum Governorate (Video). southfront.org The flag of the Egyptian Air Force. | On February 25, a training aircraft of the Egyptian Air Force (EAF) crashed during an exercise in the central Egyptian governorate of Faiyum. | In a brief statement, Egyptian military spokesperson Colonel Gharib Abdel Hafez said that a "technical malfunction" was responsible for the crash."While implementing the training activities of the air force today, Saturday 25/2/2023, a technical malfunction occurred in a training aircraft causing it to crash, while the…
(2023-02-26). Egypt's Foreign Minister To Make Breakthrough Visit To Syria. southfront.org Syria flag (flickr). | Egypt's foreign minister Sameh Shoukry will pay a visit to the Syrian capital, Damascus, on February 27, the ministry announced. | The ministry's spokesman, Ambassador Ahmed Abu Zeid, said that Shoukry will also visit Turkey on the same day to convey a message of solidarity to both countries following the February 6 earthquake, which claimed the lives of some 50,000 people. | Egypt has already provided aid to earthquake victims in both countries. In the last few day…
(2023-02-26). Iran Releases First Flight Footage Of New Shahed-149 'Gaza' Combat Drone. southfront.org File image. | On February 25, the Aerospace Force of the Iranian The Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) released first flight footage of its new Shahed-149 "Gaza" drone. | The Shahed-149, which was developed by the Shahed Aviation Industries, is a high-altitude long-endurance combat drone similar in size, shape and role to the American MQ-9 Reaper. The drone was unveiled and named after the Gaza Strip in honor of the Palestinians' struggle against Israel amid the May 2021 Palestinian-Israeli crisis.
(2023-02-26). Iraqi CTS Eliminated 17 ISIS Terrorists In Al-Anbar Special Operation. southfront.org Illustrative image. Source: the Iraqi Ministry of Defense. | The Iraqi Counter Terrorism Service (CTS) has eliminated 17 terrorists of ISIS during a special operation in the western province of al-Anbar, Major General Yahya Rasool, a spokesman for the Commander-in-Chief of the Iraqi Armed Forces, announced on February 26. | In a statement, Maj. Gen. Rasool said that the operation took place near the town of Akashat in the northwestern countryside of al-Anbar. One of the terrorists killed in t…
(2023-02-26). Two Israelis Killed In New West Bank Shooting Attack (Video). southfront.org Illustrative image. Source: the Israeli Defense Forces. | On February 26, two Israelis were killed in a shooting attack that took place near the northern West Bank town of Huwara. | In a statement, the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) said that a Palestinian gunman opened fire at an Israeli car on the Route 60 highway, before fleeing the scene. Both casualties were identified as residents of the nearby Israeli settlement of Har Bracha. | The IDF has launched a manhunt for the gunman, wh…
(2023-02-26). U.S. Supply Convoy Hit By Roadside Bomb In Southern Iraq. southfront.org Illustrative image. (Photo Credit: U.S. Army) | On February 26, a convoy carrying logistic supplies for the United States-led coalition came under attack in the southern Iraqi province of al-Qadisiyyah. | The convoy was reportedly targeted with an improvised explosive device as it was moving on a highway leading to the city of al-Diwaniyah. Material losses were reported. However, there were no casualties. | The attack was claimed by the so-called International Resistance, one of several shadowy p…
(2023-02-26). Report Back from #StopCopCity Solidarity Demo in Austin, TX. itsgoingdown.org Report back from solidarity rally in so-called Austin, Texas with the movement against Cop City in Atlanta. Originally published on Austin Autonomedia. Greetings from central Texas. This Thursday a few forest freaks made their way over to the Atlas headquarters for a noise demo. Atlas is a billion dollar company whose subsidiary Long engineering has…
(2023-02-26). We Face a Climate Abyss, But There Are Sparks of Hope, Robert Pollin Says. truthout.org The energy transition from fossil-based systems of energy production and consumption to renewable energy sources is moving slowly, and scores of global conferences on climate change over the past few decades have failed to produce the desired results. From the look of things, fossil fuels are going to be around for a long time to come, even though there is undeniable evidence that humanity is… |
(2023-02-26). How The Press Misled The Public On Russiagate. popularresistance.org A new four-part investigation for the Columbia Journalism Review by Jeff Gertz examines the role of the media in pushing the "Russiagate" narrative that dominated headlines during the Trump administration. Doubts about the veracity of claims of Russian interference from the FBI and even the CIA were repeatedly ignored and pushed aside by mainstream media outlets in their push to hold the narrative together. Jeff Gertz joins The Chris Hedges Report for a deep dive into the role of the Hillary Clinton campaign and individual press outlets in the media show we've come to know as "Russiagate."
(2023-02-26). At Least 58 Dead After Migrant Boat Breaks Apart Near Italian Coast. truthout.org At least 58 migrants died when their overcrowded wooden boat smashed into rocky reefs and broke apart off southern Italy before dawn on Sunday, the Italian coast guard said. Survivors reportedly indicated that dozens more could be missing. "All of the survivors are adults,″ AP quoted Red Cross volunteer Ignazio Mangione. "Unfortunately, all the children are among the missing or were found dead on… |
(2023-02-26). Biden Says Ruling Out Sending Ukraine F-16 Fighter Jets 'for Now'. news.antiwar.com President Biden said in an interview that aired Friday that he has ruled out sending F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine "for now," suggesting he could be open to the idea in the future. "No, he doesn't need F-16s now," Biden told ABC News, referring to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. When asked if that meant he …
(2023-02-26). China Releases 12-Point Peace for Ukraine. news.antiwar.com China on Friday released a 12-point peace plan as a potential settlement for the war in Ukraine as US officials are still claiming Beijing is considering arming Russia. The plan was released on the Chinese Foreign Ministry's website and calls for the cessation of hostilities and the resumption of peace talks between the warring sides. …
(2023-02-26). Ship Carrying General Cargo Enters Yemen's Hodeidah Port for the First Time in Years. news.antiwar.com A container ship carrying general cargo goods entered Yemen's Red Sea port of Hodeidah for the first time since 2016 as the port has been under a blockade imposed by the US-backed Saudi-led coalition, Reuters reported on Sunday. The ship entered Hodeidah on Saturday, and its arrival comes as the Houthis are in talks with …
(2023-02-26). Zelensky Says Ukraine Is Preparing to Attack Crimea. news.antiwar.com Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said Friday that Ukraine is preparing to launch attacks to recapture Crimea by forming new military units and sending troops to train in other countries. "There are military steps, and we are preparing for them. We are ready mentally. We are preparing technically: with weapons, reinforcements, the formation of brigades, in …
(2023-02-26). Lessons From Majid Khan's Release From Guantánamo. popularresistance.org On February 2, U.S. prisoner and former al Qaeda courier Majid Khan was released from the Guantánamo Bay Detention Camp in Cuba after more than sixteen years of imprisonment. "We are very pleased with Majid's release," says J. Wells Dixon, a senior staff attorney at the New York City-based Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR). | "Majid's transfer to Belize is the culmination of nearly twenty years of work by the CCR and the law firm Jenner & Block," Dixon tells The Progressive "Our only regret is that he was not released sooner." | On October 7, 2001, in the wake of the 9/11 attacks, the United States, tog…
(2023-02-26). Shadowbanning An Inconvenient Truth. levernews.com This is a column from Lever Weekly, our once-a-week review of what happened over the last week, exclusively for our paid subscribers. When The Lever's rail safety reporting suddenly dominated the national news cycle, I thought we had found an elusive glitch in the matrix — a story so powerful, so rooted in indisputable evidence, and so widely amplified that its most important facts could not be manipulated or suppressed.This, I imagined, could be a rare moment in which politicians, corporate media, and people of all political persuasions would have to fess up to all the truths that we reported — th…
(2023-02-26). Is Inflation Out of Control, Again? cepr.net The January data on consumer expenditures released yesterday had many people freaking out. The story is that the Fed is going to have to get out the big guns to really shoot inflation down. For those of us hoping that inflation would come down, without a big jump in unemployment, the report was definitely bad …
(2023-02-26). Savings, Taxes, Share Buybacks: Fun with National Income Accounts. cepr.net Many people who should know better have been saying silly things about households running down their savings and being forced to cut back consumption. The problem with these sorts of comments is that savings in our national income accounts have little to do with how most of us think about savings in our lives. Less …
(2023-02-26). Washington Egged On by Its Neoconservatives Has Concluded that Putin Has No Stomach for War Beyond a Limited Police Action. globalresearch.ca
(2023-02-26). Der Mensch ist nur darum unglàºcklich, weil er die Natur verkennt. globalresearch.ca Alle Artikel von Global Research kà∂nnen in 51 Sprachen gelesen werden, indem Sie die Schaltflà§che Website àºbersetzen unterhalb des Namens des Autors aktivieren. | Um den tà§glichen Newsletter von Global Research (ausgewà§hlte Artikel) zu erhalten, Folgen Sie …
(2023-02-26). "System of Nature": Man Is Only Unhappy Because He Misjudges Nature. globalresearch.ca
(2023-02-26). A 14-year Old Canadian Hockey Player Died Suddenly on Feb. 14, 2023. globalresearch.ca
(2023-02-26). China's int'l trade in services hits 459.5 bln yuan in January. ecns.cn China's international trade in services stood at 459.5 billion yuan, or 67.6 billion U.S. dollars, in January, official data showed on Friday.
(2023-02-26). Chinese balloon maker rejects role in military production. ecns.cn Zhuzhou Rubber Research &Design Institute Co Ltd, a Hunan-based subsidiary of State-owned China National Chemical Corp (Sinochem), has denied recent allegations that "it is involved in military production", said its parent group in an online statement.
(2023-02-26). Russia halts oil supply to Poland: Polish refiner. ecns.cn Russia has halted oil supplies to Poland via the Druzhba pipeline, Poland's leading oil and gas conglomerate PKN Orlen said Saturday.
(2023-02-26). World's first GST membrane LNG storage tank enters operation in China. ecns.cn A project with the world's first on-land GST membrane full containment liquid natural gas (LNG) storage tank located in Hejian, North China's Hebei Province, was officially delivered after 100 days of trial operation.
(2023-02-26). China sees strong labor demand as economy recovers after pandemic. ecns.cn After Spring Festival, with the resumption of work and production, job demand has greatly increased across China.
(2023-02-26). U.S. needs to offer clear explanation about its 'plan for destruction of Taiwan': Chinese FM. ecns.cn The U.S. needs to offer a clear explanation about the "plan for the destruction of Taiwan," said Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin at a press conference on Friday.
(2023-02-26). Beijing Zoo ready to welcome back giant panda from U.S. ecns.cn The Beijing Zoo has began preparation work to welcome Yaya, a 23-year-old giant panda living in Memphis Zoo in the United States for 20 years, back home, reported the Beijing News Thursday.
(2023-02-26). Jankovic appointed head coach of Chinese national football team. ecns.cn The Chinese Football Association (CFA) announced on Friday that 50-year-old Serbian Aleksandar Jankovic has been appointed as the head coach of China's men's national team.
(2023-02-26). EU agrees on 10th package of sanctions against Russia. ecns.cn The European Union (EU) has agreed on the 10th package of sanctions against Russia, said the Swedish Presidency of the Council of the EU on Twitter Friday night."ÄÄ"ÄÄ"The package includes, e.g.
(2023-02-26). Chinese medical team trains Zambian doctors to remove brain tumors. ecns.cn Zambian doctors have successfully conducted four surgeries to remove tumors from the brain following a training conducted by the 23rd batch of the Chinese medical team, a senior neurosurgeon at the country's biggest hospital said on Friday.
(2023-02-26). Banks in GBA to feel boom with new measures. ecns.cn Financial institutions expect a boom in the cross-border capital market of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area with the deepening of the financial sector's opening-up and reform in the area.
(2023-02-26). Aussie businesses upbeat about opportunities in west China. ecns.cn Representatives from Australian businesses expressed their anticipation and interest in opportunities in west China, as the latter is eyeing more investment and trade cooperation with foreign countries.
(2023-02-26). China initiates nationwide effort to protect bird migration passages. ecns.cn China on Friday kicked off a nationwide effort to protect bird migration passages. | Launched in Zhuhai, south China's Guangdong Province, the effort is part of the promotion campaign for World Wildlife Day, which falls on March 3 this year.
(2023-02-26). Chinese police arrest 90,000 for wildlife crimes. ecns.cn Chinese police handled more than 70,000 wildlife-related criminal cases from 2020 to 2022, arresting over 90,000 suspects, a public security official told a press conference Friday.
(2023-02-26). Guangdong's co-op zones to boost financial opening up. ecns.cn China's central bank and four other authorities have released measures to deepen financial reforms and opening up in Qianhai and Hengqin in southern Guangdong Province.
(2023-02-26). Deputies to 14th NPC broadly representative. ecns.cn The deputies to the 14th National People's Congress (NPC), China's national legislature, make up a broad cross-section of people, with every region, ethnic group and sector of society having an appropriate number of representatives.
(2023-02-26). Heart disease likely cause of giant panda's death. ecns.cn Giant panda Le Le, who died early this month in the Memphis Zoo in the United States, may have succumbed to heart disease, a joint autopsy by Chinese and US experts has showed.
(2023-02-26). China to install new optical telescope on Pamirs. ecns.cn China will install a new optical telescope on the Pamirs, which will be the third largest in the country, according to Xinjiang Astronomical Observatory under the Chinese Academy of Sciences.
(2023-02-26). Recruitment process for foreign astronauts due to start. ecns.cn China will soon start the selection and training process for foreign astronauts for joint flights to the country's Tiangong space station, according to a high-ranking space official.
(2023-02-26). 20th CPC Central Committee starts 2nd plenary session in Beijing. ecns.cn The 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) started its second plenary session in Beijing Sunday afternoon.
(2023-02-26). Tibet sees increasing green coverage year by year. ecns.cn More trees and expanding grasslands have covered southwest China's Tibet Autonomous Region over the years, thanks to central and local government's afforestation efforts, official figures showed.
(2023-02-26). U.S. fabrication on China's airship violates international obligations: FM spokesperson. ecns.cn "Without any evidence, the U.S. wrongly called the airship a 'spy balloon' and responded with abuse of force. That was a flagrant violation of the Chicago Convention and multiple basic principles of international law," Wang said.‚ÄÇ…
(2023-02-26). China to continue to provide strong driving force for building green Silk Road: FM spokesperson. ecns.cn Chin will continue to provide a strong driving force for building a green Silk Road, and work with the rest of the international community to build a planet which enjoys harmony between man and nature and between the economy and environment, a Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson said on Friday.
(2023-02-26). Rising Economic Polarization in the United States: Truth and Facts. ecns.cn
(2023-02-26). China to strengthen international sci-tech cooperation: official. ecns.cn China will continue to strengthen opening-up and cooperation in science and technology, and push for progress in bilateral and multilateral inter-governmental sci-tech cooperation for mutual benefit.
(2023-02-26). China launches Horus 1 remote sensing satellite. ecns.cn A Long March -2C carrier rocket carrying with Horus 1 remote sensing satellite blasts off from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in northwest China, Feb. 24, 2023.
(2023-02-26). Six dead in mine collapse in Inner Mongolia. ecns.cn Rescue work is underway at the site of a collapsed mine in Alxa League, north China's Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, Feb. 23, 2023.
(2023-02-26). The charm of traditional Tibetan clothing. ecns.cn
(2023-02-26). Cradle of Civilization: Potala Palace. ecns.cn The Potala Palace, a well-known cultural and historical landmark, has stood atop a craggy hill, overlooking Tibet's regional capital of Lhasa for 1,300 years. Built in the 7th century, the palace is a treasure trove of Tibetan history, culture, and art. | The palace was included on the UNESCO World Heritage List in 1994.
(2023-02-26). More than 50 Tang tri-colored glazed pottery figures unearthed. ecns.cn More than 50 tri-colored glazed pottery figures of the Tang Dynasty (618-907) and rare such pottery ware were unearthed from a tomb in east China's Shandong Province on Friday.
(2023-02-26). 3D-printed statue replica displayed in Qingdao. ecns.cn A 3D-printed Buddha statue, which is 10 meters tall, has been on display at a media plaza in Qingdao, east China's Shandong Province.
(2023-02-26). Qingtuan: Tastes of spring set mouths watering. ecns.cn With Qingming, or Tomb-Sweeping Day, approaching, customers in Shanghai have rushed to buy Qingtuan, a green glutinous rice ball that is a popular spring dessert for Shanghainese and those from the lower reaches of the Yangtze River.
(2023-02-26). A Dangerous Fishing Expedition: The Select Committee on China. scheerpost.com By Eve Ottenberg / CounterPunch Riled up against China, GOP congressmembers have long felt that Washington's new cold war needed a special venue. So as soon as the baton passed to Republicans in the House, they set up a select committee on China. This is majority leader Kevin "Trump's the Man" McCarthy's baby, and if …
(2023-02-26). The Washington Post Is Coming for Your Retirement Benefits. scheerpost.com
(2023-02-26). Palestine, Israel holds security talks in Jordan. america.cgtn.com A wave of unrest and violence in the West Bank has only grown worse in the last year. Jordan invited the sides to Aqaba ahead of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan in order to quell the violence.
(2023-02-26). The Importance of the Humanities in the Fourth Industrial Revolution. globalresearch.ca
(2023-02-26). The "Great Zero Carbon" Conspiracy and the WEF's "Great Reset" globalresearch.ca The globalist Davos World Economic Forum is proclaiming the necessity of reaching a worldwide goal of "net zero carbon" by 2050. Yet transformations underway from Germany to the USA, are setting the stage for creation of what is called the New Word Order. In reality it is a blueprint for a global technocratic totalitarian corporativism, that promises huge unemployment, deindustrialization and economic collapse.
(2023-02-26). Bus operator fights Chicago Transit Authority transphobia. fightbacknews.org Chicago, IL – The Chicago Transit Authority fired trans bus operator and Amalgamated Transit Union Local 241 member Russia T. Brown for waging a struggle for his right to healthcare while refusing to address rampant transphobia that culminated in death threats. | Brown began his job at CTA in May 2016 at Chicago garage on the city's West Side. He was promoted to full time in under two years. However, when he began transitioning, verbal altercations about his gender identity became increasingly frequent. The "jokes" and verbal harassment onto social media platforms. | Brown spoke to CTA management about the h…
(2023-02-26). Why America Demonizes its Public-School Teachers. dissidentvoice.org Evaluating teachers on their students' performance is an issue that has elicited much comment over more than a decade. In essence, this view assumes that if students aren't learning, the fault lies squarely with their teachers alone. While the logic of this view seems compelling at first, a moment's reflection shows that it ignores several …
(2023-02-26). Behind the Self-Defeating Approach Toward the National Protest against the US War on Russia in Ukraine. libya360.wordpress.com Stansfield Smith Those who brought us Rage Against the War Machine recognized if we are to defeat the non-stop imperial war machine that rules over our lives, we must work with all people possible under its boot. Until we all do, we defeat ourselves. The Rage Against the War Machine, which stood up against the…
(2023-02-26). Donbass: A Story of Defiance. libya360.wordpress.com Simes Dimitri Russell Bentley is no stranger to facing death. In December 2014, the Texas-native arrived in the Donbass region to help the newly-formed local militias defend against Ukrainian government forces. During his very first battle, Bentley narrowly dodged an enemy sniper bullet headed his way. Not long afterwards, Bentley was sleeping in a basement…
(2023-02-26). Iran and Bolivia United against the Unilateral Hegemony of the US. libya360.wordpress.com Sdenka Saavedra Alfaro The fight for a common front framed in the multilateralist vision, which strengthens the peoples with conscience and worldview against the hegemonic American and European terrorism, which only thinks of invasions, interference, looting and exploitation of natural resources at the cost of death, pain, misery; It is the fundamental strategy in the…
(2023-02-26). Child labor in Alabama's Hyundai supply plants. liberationnews.org Laborers at the factory and community members confirmed that the Hyundai-owned plant has employed a large force of child labor through the years.
(2023-02-26). Ukraine: One Year of War on Top of 30 Years of Conflict Escalation. The Only Re-armament Needed Is Intellectual and Moral — On All Sides. globalresearch.ca
(2023-02-26). Upcoming Cuts to Emergency SNAP Benefits Threaten Food Security in Rural America. truthout.org ELKO, Nev. — On a cold morning in early February, Tammy King prepared and loaded boxes and bags of vegetables, fruits, milk, frozen meat, and snacks into cars lined up outside the Friends in Service Helping food pantry, known in rural northeastern Nevada as FISH. The beginning of the month is busy for the food pantry, King said, because people who receive benefits from the federal Supplemental… |
(2023-02-26). More Evidence Emerges That US Wanted Russia To Invade. popularresistance.org The U.S. got its war in Ukraine. Without it, Washington could not attempt to destroy Russia's economy, orchestrate worldwide condemnation and lead an insurgency to bleed Russia, all part of an attempt to bring down its government. Joe Biden has now left no doubt that it's true. | The president of the United States has confirmed what Consortium News and others have been reporting since the beginnings of Russsiagate in 2016, that the ultimate U.S. aim is to overthrow the government of Vladimir Putin.
(2023-02-26). Western Leaders Privately Say Ukraine Can't Win The War. popularresistance.org Western leaders privately told Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky that Ukraine can not win the war against Russia and that it should begin peace talks with Moscow this year in exchange for closer ties with NATO. | The private communications are at odds with public statements from Western leaders who routinely say they will continue to support Ukraine for as long as it takes until it achieves victory on the battlefield. | The Wall Street Journal, which reported on the private remarks to Zelenksy, said: | "The public rhetoric masks deepening private doubts among politicians in the U.K., France and Germany that…
(2023-02-26). Climate Emergency: Extreme Heat Waves will increase 600% in Israel, Middle East, over 80 years, as 70% of Youth consider Emigrating. juancole.com Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) — Ruth Schuster at Haaretz reports on a new study led by Assaf Hochmann at Hebrew University, finding that extreme heat waves in Israel will increase 600% over the next 80 years. Not only will this change strike Israel but also Egypt, Syria, Jordan and southern Türkiye, with the potential for …
(2023-02-26). A Looming El Niño Could Give Us a Preview of Life at 1.5C of Warming. truthout.org The last three years were objectively hot, numbering among the warmest since records began in 1880. But the scorch factor of recent years was actually tempered by a climate pattern that slightly cools the globe, "La Niña." This year and next, La Niña might give way to its hotter counterpart, El Niño. Distinguished by warm surface waters in the tropical Pacific Ocean, the weather pattern has… |
(2023-02-26). Undefeated Revolutions And The Peculiar Character Of Gabriel Boric. popularresistance.org The United States was able to actually overthrow, oust and defeat electorally, as a result of this pressure, several countries in the region, several left-wing governments, starting from the one in Honduras in 2009, then Fernando Lugo in Paraguay in 2012. Tried, nearly successfully, a coup d'etat in Ecuador in 2010 and then everybody knows who was behind the impeachment of Dilma Rousseff in 2016 and obviously was training, Sergio Moro, the judge that managed to imprison Lula and even was involved in many ways in the 2019 coup d'etat against Evo Morales in Bolivia. | So by 2019-2020, it looked like the United Stat…
(2023-02-26). March To Iraq War, 20 Years Later: February 26, 2003. thedissenter.org The Dissenter Newsletter recalls each day in the timeline of events that led up to the US invasion of Iraq on March 19, 2003, twenty years ago…
(2023-02-26). Kite Line: Keith LaMar on Hunger Strike, Rolling Back Repression in Atlanta. itsgoingdown.org Long-running abolitionist radio show and podcast Kite Line brings us news about Keith LaMar on hunger strike and the fight against repression in Atlanta. Podcast: Play in new window | Download Subscribe: RSS Earlier this week, Keith LaMar went on hunger strike at the Ohio State Penitentiary. He has faced escalating harassment from administrators and…
(2023-02-26). Biden, Supreme Court Move to Make It Difficult to Sue Norfolk Southern. globalresearch.ca
(2023-02-26). "Nuking A Town With Chemicals To Get A Railroad Open" & Railroad Labor With SMART. indybay.org The nuking of Palestine, Ohio to remove the toxic waste has exposed the serious and dangerous health and safety conditions in the rail industry and the failure of the government to have oversight and control in this catastrophic disaster. WorkWeek interviews Jerad Cassity who is SMART-TD National Safety Team (NST) Chief of | Safety about this incident and the working conditions and health and safety of railroad workers.
(2023-02-26). Is Russia Closing the Cauldron Around Bakhmut? sonar21.com Here are a couple of big picture maps showing the current position of Russian and Ukrainian forces in Bakhmut and the surrounding area. As you can see the Russians (i.e.,…
(2023-02-26). It's Time for the Wealthy to Pay Their Fair Share Into Social Security. truthout.org Is your salary less than $160,200? If so, you're among the 94 percent of American workers who pay into Social Security all year long. But there's a privileged group that's about to stop paying into Social Security for the rest of 2023: People who make $1,000,000 a year. Their last day of contributing to Social Security is February 28. That's not even the worst of it. Tucker Carlson… |
(2023-02-26). Restaurant Workers at Rockefeller Center's Lodi Confront Union-Buster Ahead of Vote. popularresistance.org Lodi, an Italian-style fine dining cafe in Rockefeller Center, has what the New York Times calls "a captive audience" given its central location in a Manhattan tourist magnet. Workers at the restaurant say they're a captive audience of another kind—for the anti-union diatribes of a highly paid consultant. They are demanding that the cafe improve working conditions, benefits, staffing, scheduling, and training—but the major sticking point is wages. Kitchen workers earn between $18 and $21 an hour, while cashiers earn $25, and there's no discernible reason for the discrepancy.
(2023-02-26). Anti-BDS Law Remains In Effect Because SCOTUS Refused To Review It. popularresistance.org While the far right Israeli regime escalates its repression of Palestinians, the U.S. Supreme Court has refused to disturb an Arkansas law that requires government contractors to certify they are not boycotting Israel or "Israeli-controlled territories." | The high court didn't specifically uphold Arkansas's anti-boycott law. However, the court declined to review the case because there were not four "justices" who agreed to hear it. So Arkansas's anti-Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) law remains in effect. | The BDS movement was launched in 2005, when 170 Palestinian civil society organizations called for boy…
(2023-02-26). 10 new albums to put the world to rights. greenleft.org.au Mat Ward looks back at February's political news and the best new music that related to it.
(2023-02-26). Anti-Democratic Violence Won't Stop Bolivia's Path of Social Progress — Interview with Camila Escalante. orinocotribune.com Labour Friends of Progressive Latin America activist Logan Williams speaks to Bolivia-based journalist Camila Escalante on the recent destabilization attempts and violent anti-democratic actions from the far-right. | LW: Hi Camila, thank you for agreeing to answer some questions on the current situation in Bolivia. | Much of the global left, including here in the UK, is increasingly concerned about the efforts to destabilize the MAS (Movement Towards Socialism) government led by President Arce perpetrated by right-wing activists in the Santa Cruz region. Could you explain a little more about these events and thei…
(2023-02-26). UK: 14 Questions for John McDonnell (and others) on Ukraine. orinocotribune.com By Paul Atkin — Feb 22, 2023 | John McDonnell's John's judgement on the war is oddly flat, missing whole dimensions of the conflict and lacking any sense of causation beyond a kind of moralism, the 21st century equivalent of WW1 "German War G…
(2023-02-26). Israel submits Plans for 7,000 new Squatter-Settlement Units in Palestinian West Bank. juancole.com ( Middle East Monitor) — Israeli occupation authorities have submitted plans to build 7,157 new settlement units in the E1 area that would bisect Palestinian contiguity in the occupied West Bank, Israeli media reported on Thursday. This is part of the annexation pledges made by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to his far-right partners in …
(2023-02-26). As US Reengages Maduro, Oil Giants Earn Deals — and Venezuelans Protest. truthout.org In late November 2022, an article in The Economist reported that "things have changed in Caracas" with the new availability of luxury consumer goods, a new generation of high-end restaurants and the return of traffic jams. Add to that a new Ferrari dealership and it becomes clear what sections of the population are the beneficiaries of the changes — a tiny minority of wealthy Venezuelans. |
(2023-02-26). The Plan to Wreck America. "The Globalist Billionaires" globalresearch.ca
(2023-02-26). Netanyahu And Ben-Gvir Have All But Guaranteed A New Intifada. popularresistance.org There is a story about the Roman Emperor Nero, according to which he set Rome on fire just so that he could see the flames. The story may or may not be true, but when Palestine is in flames, history will remember who lit the match. | Benjamin Netanyahu, the Prime minister of Israel, will be remembered as the reckless politician who gave Itamar Ben-Gvir the green light to set a fire that will consume Palestine and cause death and destruction, the scale of which has never been seen before.
(2023-02-26). Psychotronic and Electromagnetic Weapons: Remote Control of the Human Nervous System. globalresearch.ca Note to readers: please click the share buttons above | This incisive article by Mojmir Babajek predicted more than 10 years ago, what is happening today, namely the development of informational weapons and the remote control of the human brain. | It …
(2023-02-26). First Person: Hatching a plan for success in rural Gambia. news.un.org In rural areas of The Gambia, job opportunities are scarce, but villagers like Guidom Sabally are benefiting from practical training, gaining recognized qualifications, and setting up successful small businesses in their communities.
(2023-02-26). Deadly shipwreck in Italy must trigger action to save lives, UN officials say. news.un.org The UN chief and agencies serving refugees and migrants urgently called for safer travel routes and bolstered rescue operations following a deadly shipwreck that left at least 45 dead on Sunday off the coast of Crotone, Italy.
(2023-02-26). Avian flu reappears in Cambodia, UN health agency warns. news.un.org Cambodian authorities reported two cases of avian flu, including an 11-year-old girl who died of the virus, the UN health agency said on Sunday.
(2023-02-26). Larry On Bakhmut (Artemovsk)… smoothiex12.blogspot.com Yesterday a good sitrep from Larry with, finally, proper map with the scale. Larry asks the question:
(2023-02-26). Derailments across the Country: Rail Workers Warned Us that Greed Is Dangerous. juancole.com By Rebekah Entralgo | — ( Otherwords.org ) — The toxic clouds that billowed up from a derailed freight train in Ohio this February are a chilling metaphor for the toxic greed that has infected so many of our big corporations. After having to evacuate, residents of East Palestine, Ohio are cautiously going back home, …
(2023-02-26). La izquierda sudanesa advierte de que las elecciones en virtud del acuerdo entre la junta militar y la derecha legitimaría el golpe de Estado. peoplesdispatch.org La junta militar que gobierna Sudán y los partidos políticos de derechas han firmado un acuerdo marco para establecer un gobierno de transición y celebrar nuevas elecciones. El Partido Comunista de Sudán ha afirmado que este acuerdo excluirá a millones de personas y legitimará el régimen golpista.
(2023-02-26). US Funneled Billions To Ukraine While Cutting Health And Education. popularresistance.org February 24 marks the one-year anniversary of the Russia—Ukraine war, and in the past year, the US Congress has approved $113 billion in aid to Ukraine. Meanwhile, working people in the US are in dire economic straits, and desperately need relief from their government. When US President Joe Biden delivered his State of the Union Address in early February, over 160 million people—almost half of the nation's population—reported having trouble paying weekly expenses. The cost of living had jumped by 8% while wages had only increased by 4% in the past year.
(2023-02-26). Daily Round-up | UN report reveals major setbacks in maternal health & other stories. peoplesdispatch.org In today's episode, we bring you stories of alarming numbers from a UN report on maternal health indicators, the findings of a committee on the 2020 Delhi violence, and the release of two Pakistani men from Guantanamo Bay…
(2023-02-26). Report Back Philadelphia Demonstration Outside of Law Firm Supporting Cop City. itsgoingdown.org Report back from demonstration in solidarity with fight against Cop City outside of law firm connected to the project which threatens the Weelaunee forest in so-called Atlanta, GA. Originally published on Philly Anti-Capitalist. On Tuesday, February 21st, there was a demonstration in solidarity with the defense of the Weelaunee forest and the fight to stop…
(2023-02-26). Anti-war Protesters In Europe Demand West Stop Arming Ukraine. popularresistance.org The demonstrations took place in the major European capitals on Saturday, a day after an ongoing war between Russia and Ukraine entered its second year. | The Saturday rally in London was organized by Stop the War Coalition. It was held at Portland Place in the city's central area, from which the participants marched towards the Trafalgar Square. | The London rally was attended by Jeremy Corbyn, a former Labour Party leader and a current member of the parliament. | The protesters in London also chanted anti-war slogans, while holding banners calling for an end to the West's incessant campaign of pumping weapons i…
(2023-02-26). The Pentagon's "Ides of March 2021": Best Month to Go to War? globalresearch.ca or the Romans, the month of March (Martius) marked "the time to start new military campaigns." As in the heyday of the Roman Empire, the Pentagon has a mandate to plan and implement a precise "timeline" of military operations.
(2023-02-26). The Pfizer Vaccine: A Tale of Two Reports. "Money vs. Mortality" globalresearch.ca
(2023-02-26). The rise of US dollar imperialism, and why it failed — with Radhika Desai & Michael Hudson. geopoliticaleconomy.com Economists Radhika Desai and Michael Hudson explain the end of the British empire's sterling area with the rise of the US dollar system, its central role in imperialism, and why it ultimately failed.
(2023-02-26). Why Watering Down Palestinian Reality is a Crime. dissidentvoice.org On February 20, the United Nations Security Council approved a statement, described in the media as a 'watered-down' version of an earlier draft resolution which would have demanded that Israel "immediately and completely cease all settlement activities in the occupied Palestinian territory." The intrigues that led to the scrapping of what was meant to be a binding …
(2023-02-26). Munich Security Conference: "Intensifying Authoritarian Revisionism" globalresearch.ca
(2023-02-26). Palestine activists campaign for 'Sydney statement'. greenleft.org.au Well over 100 academics and other educators, many of them Jewish, have signed an open letter to vice-chancellors opposing the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance's Working Definition of Antisemitism. Renfrey Clarke reports.
(2023-02-26). Dioxins: The Ohio Cover Up & The Overwhelming (Intentional?) Incompetence/Malfeasance Of The US Gov. thelastamericanvagabond.com Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (2/26/23). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth
(2023-02-26). The EPA Helped Mining Companies Pollute A Small Montana Town. progressivehub.net WILSON CRISCIONE | INVESTIGATEWEST…
(2023-02-26). Boluarte Withdraws Peru's Ambassador to Mexico, Accuses AMLO of Interference. orinocotribune.com On Friday, February 24, the de facto president of Peru, Dina Boluarte, announced her decision to withdraw the ambassador of Peru to Mexico and to instead issue a chargé d'affaires, demoting the two countries' bilateral relations. She accused the president of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, of "privileg[ing] his ideological affinity over diplomatic relationship." | Boluarte stated in an official message on Friday, "I have ordered the definitive withdrawal of our ambassador to Mexico, and thus the diplomatic relations between Peru and Mexico will formally be assigned to our chargé d'affaires." | Boluarte accus…
(2023-02-26). Arms Control or Ukraine? Scott Ritter. globalresearch.ca
(2023-02-26). At NAACP Image Awards, Serena Williams Accepts The Jackie Robinson Sports Award. newsone.com Serena Williams arrives at the 54th Annual NAACP Image Awards at Pasadena Civic Auditorium on February 25, 2023, in Pasadena, California. | Source: Aaron J. Thornton / Getty | Congratulations to The award recognizes individuals in sports for their achievements in athletics as well as for their work in social justice, civil rights, and community involvement. With her accepting this award, Wi…
(2023-02-26). Cristina recordó a Néstor Kirchner en el día de su cumpleaños con un emotivo video. cubadebate.cu La vicepresidenta Cristina Fernández de Kirchner recordó a Néstor Kirchner en las primeras horas de este sábado 25 de febrero, cuando el expresidente hubiera cumplido 73 años. Lo hizo compartiendo el emotivo video que eligió su hija Florencia como íntima muestra de amor para su padre. "Recuerdos del amor", dijo vía Twitter.
(2023-02-26). 📨 Modo Avión: Seguimos facturando; la saga continúa (+ Podcast). cubadebate.cu Hoy empezamos con una duda existencial: øPor qué los únicos que tienen derecho a ser invadidos por los extraterrestres son los estadounidenses? Es broma. Y hablando de cosas supernaturales, la loba y la bichota se unieron para tirarle con to' a Piqué y a Anuel AA. En menos de 24 horas TQG de Karol G y Shakira superó las 40 millones de reproducciones en Youtube.
(2023-02-26). La Tira de los Lectores: øQué veo desde mi ventana? cubadebate.cu Hace unos días la convocamos y hoy regresa La Tira de los Lectores, sobre la realidad que se ve más allá de las ventanas y forman parte de nuestra cotidianidad. Nos llegaron fotos desde Cuba y varios países, que compartimos con los seguidores de esta columna.
(2023-02-26). Cuba suma otros dos bronces en el Campeonato Panamericano de Clavados. cubadebate.cu Cuba sumó otras dos medallas de bronce durante el segundo día del Campeonato Panamericano de Clavados, una cita organizada por la ciudad mexicana de León y donde este sábado Prisis Ruiz y Laydel Domínguez subieron a un podio de premiaciones para prácticamente asegurar presencia en los cercanos juegos continentales de Santiago de Chile 2023.
(2023-02-26). Duplantis establece nuevo récord del mundo de salto con pértiga por sexta vez: 6,22 metros. cubadebate.cu Armand Duplantis estableció este sábado, con un registro de 6,22 metros, un nuevo récord del mundo de salto con pértiga al imponerse en la reunión All Star Perche de Clermont-Ferrand, Francia.
(2023-02-26). Más de 23 000 vehículos eléctricos producidos en Cuba entre 2020 y 2022 (+ Fotos). cubadebate.cu
(2023-02-26). Omara Durand regresa a las pistas: Compite este domingo en el Grand Prix Mundial de Dubái. cubadebate.cu La multilaureada Omara Durand estará de nuevo en las pistas desde este domingo, cuando inicie el Grand Prix Mundial de Paratletismo de Dubái 2023. En ese certamen se asegurarán plazas directas para los Juegos Paralímpicos de París 2024, en que Omara tiene previsto defender sus reinados en 100, 200 y 400 metros.
(2023-02-26). Retiran estatua de Maradona del estadio del Napoli. cubadebate.cu Una estatua de la leyenda del fútbol Diego Armando Maradona, ubicada en el estadio del Napoli, en la ciudad italiana de Nápoles, fue retirada y devuelta a su autor, el escultor Domenico Sepe, quien la había donado. En diciembre de 2020 el estadio San Paolo del Napoli fue oficialmente rebautizado como Diego Armando Maradona.
(2023-02-26). Alumno golpea brutalmente a su maestra por haberle quitado el Nintendo. cubadebate.cu Una empleada de una escuela secundaria de la ciudad de Palm Coast, en el condado de Flager (Florida, EE.UU.), resultó gravemente herida a manos de un estudiante que la golpeó porque le había confiscado su consola portátil de videojuegos Nintendo Switch. La agresión tuvo lugar este martes y quedó registrada por una cámara de vigilancia del recinto educativo.
(2023-02-26). El tiempo: Tarde cálida con muy escasas lluvias. cubadebate.cu Amanecerá con poca nubosidad y se incrementará a parcialmente nublado en la tarde principalmente hacia localidades del interior con muy escasas lluvias. La tarde será cálida, con temperaturas que alcanzarán máximas entre los 30 y 33 grados Celsius.
(2023-02-26). Examina Ramiro Valdés condiciones de termoeléctrica y Fábrica de Cemento en Nuevitas. cubadebate.cu El Comandante de la Revolución y vice primer ministro cubano, Ramiro Valdés Menéndez, analizó durante una visita a la norteña ciudad de Nuevitas la situación de la generación en la Central Termoeléctrica 10 de Octubre y el estado de la Fábrica de Cemento, esta última donde se ejecuta una de las obras de mayor impacto del país.
(2023-02-26). Mal manejo del desastre hace que suspendan retirada de residuos tóxicos en Ohio. cubadebate.cu La Agencia de Protección Ambiental de EE.UU. ordenó la suspensión temporal de la retirada de los residuos tóxicos en East Palestine, Ohio, donde se descarriló un tren con un cargamento químico. La decisión responde al temor de que se propague la contaminación hacia otras áreas. Las autoridades emitieron una orden de confinamiento para 5 000 personas.
(2023-02-26). Miles de manifestantes protestan en Berlín contra envío de armas a Ucrania. cubadebate.cu En Berlín se ha celebrado este sábado una concentración de miles de personas contra el suministro de armas a Kiev y la escalada del conflicto y a favor de las conversaciones de paz. Según los medios, 25 000 ciudadanos se congregaron en el centro de la capital alemana.
(2023-02-26). Nokia cambia su icónico logotipo después de 60 años. cubadebate.cu La compañía finlandesa de telecomunicaciones Nokia ha decidido modificar su icónico logotipo luego de 60 años con el objetivo de cambiar su estrategia empresarial. El nuevo diseño consta de cinco formas y sentidos diferentes que forman la palabra NOKIA, dejando atrás el famoso color azul, que será reemplazado por una gama de colores que variará dependiendo del uso.
(2023-02-26). Nueva jornada de protestas en Perú es reprimida con gases lacrimógenos. cubadebate.cu Las calles de la capital peruana, Lima, han vuelto a llenarse de manifestantes que respondieron a la convocatoria popular de una marcha nacional dirigida contra el Gobierno de Dina Boluarte, al que se responsabiliza de la muerte de al menos 60 personas por represión de la fuerza pública. "Dina, Policía y FF.AA. °Asesinos! Justicia y reparación para asesinados y heridos", se podía leer en las pancartas que se vieron durante la protesta.
(2023-02-26). Pierde Cuba contra el club profesional Guardianes de Fubon. cubadebate.cu El equipo Cuba de béisbol abrió con derrota los partidos amistosos en territorio taiwanés al perder dos carreras por una contra el club profesional Guardianes de Fubon. Aunque la ofensiva antillana marcó nueve indiscutibles frente a los escasos cuatro de los rivales, otra vez evidenció sus dificultades para concretar anotaciones.
(2023-02-26). Real Madrid rescató el empate ante Atlético. cubadebate.cu Un gol del canterano àÅlvaro Rodríguez evitó la derrota de Real Madrid en el derbi frente al Atlético que salió con un punto del Bernabéu con 10 hombres, el conjunto rojiblanco tuvo contra las cuerdas al campeón que revivió en la recta final con el empate que de poco le sirve porque Barcelona se escapa. Atlético de Madrid se quedó con la miel en los labios.
(2023-02-26). Tasas vigentes en el mercado cambiario cubano este domingo 26 de febrero. cubadebate.cu Con el objetivo de mantener a sus lectores informados, Cubadebate comparte las tasas de cambio para diferentes divisas extranjeras vigentes este domingo 26 de febrero de 2023 en el mercado cambiario del país.
(2023-02-26). Thomas Bach, titular del Comité Olímpico Internacional visitará Cuba. cubadebate.cu El presidente del Comité Olímpico Internacional, Thomas Bach, visitará Cuba los días 2 y 3 de marzo, como parte de una gira por Centroamérica y el Caribe, y en respuesta a una invitación cursada por el Comité Olímpico Cubano. La delegación está integrada además por el chileno Neven Ilic, presidente de la Organización Deportiva Panamericana (Panam Sport).
(2023-02-26). UNE pronostica afectación de 324 MW en el pico nocturno de este domingo. cubadebate.cu En el día de ayer se afectó el servicio por déficit de capacidad en dos momentos, desde las 08: 23 horas hasta las 12: 58 horas con un máximo de 267 MW y en el horario pico a partir de las 16: 45 horas y hasta las 20: 51 horas. Para la hora pico se estima una disponibilidad de 2376 MW y una demanda máxima de 2700 MW, para un déficit de 324 MW.
(2023-02-26). Vicepresidente de Cuba asiste a cumbre sobre recuperación pospandemia. cubadebate.cu El vicepresidente Salvador Valdés encabeza la delegación de Cuba a la Cumbre del Grupo de Contacto del Movimiento de Países No Alineados (Mnoal) sobre recuperación postpandémica. La representación de la isla arribará este lunes a Bakú, capital de Azerbaiyán, donde se celebrará esa importante reunión que dará seguimiento a la efectuada el 4 de mayo de 2020.
(2023-02-26). Vuelve renovado el Triatlón Internacional de La Habana. cubadebate.cu El Triatlón Internacional de La Habana regresó luego de tres años de ausencia, con una atractiva pugna entre competidores élites y desde 15 hasta más de 70 años de América, Europa y Asia en las distancias olímpica y sprint. María Carolina Velásquez, de Colombia, con 1: 59: 26 horas, se alzó campeona en la primera categoría, seguida por la eslovaca Ivana Kuriackova (1: 59: 27) y la turca Xisca Tous (1: 59: 36).
(2023-02-26). Malcolm X, su lucha continúa. cubadebate.cu Hace 58 años, el 21 de febrero de 1965, Malcolm X se encontraba de pie frente a una audiencia multitudinaria en el escenario del Audubon Ballroom de Harlem, cuando fue asesinado. Su esposa, Betty Shabazz, embarazada de mellizos, y sus cuatro hijas, de 6, 4 y 2 años y la menor, de cinco meses, estaban en el salón de baile y lo presenciaron todo.
(2023-02-26). David Swanson on Ukraine with Jimmy Durchslag at KMUD. davidswanson.org From Friday Night Talk February 24, 2023 at archive.kmudfm.org…
(2023-02-26). What Did the Peace Movement Do During the Destruction of Iraq? davidswanson.org
(2023-02-26). What to Replace the Monroe Doctrine With. davidswanson.org
(2023-02-26). Venezuela Ratifies Border Reopening Schedule with Aruba, Bonaire and Curaàßao (+Brazil). orinocotribune.com Venezuela's Foreign Affairs Minister Yván Gil ratified the schedule of restarting maritime transit with Aruba, Curaàßao and Bonaire, on Saturday, February 25. This reopening of maritime borders comes as a result of the technical negotiations between Venezuela and the Kingdom of the Netherlands, an initiative that promoted the reestablishment of diplomatic and commercial relations, long awaited by business sectors in the three Dutch colonies in the Caribbean. | The information was announced by Minister Gil, who clarified that the transit with Curaàßao and Bonaire will restart on April 3, while for Arub…
(2023-02-26). Seven years on, injustice remains: Remembering Omar Nayef Zayed. samidoun.net 26 February 2023 marks the seventh anniversary of the death of Omar Nayef Zayed, former Palestinian prisoner who escaped from occupation prisons, in the Palestinian Authority embassy in Sofia, Bulgaria, where he sought refuge after the Israeli occupation demanded his extradition 28 years after he liberated himself. The self-liberation of six Palestinian prisoners in the …
(2023-02-26). Taxes Don't Fund Federal Spending. realprogressives.org Our federal government doesn't need revenue. So why the chatter about how will the government get money to fund its operations?>
(2023-02-26). Bribery charges to be filed against former Ecuadorian President Lenín Moreno. peoplesdispatch.org In addition to Moreno, his wife, one of their daughters, as well as two brothers and two sisters-in-law are among those investigated in the Sinohydro case, formerly known as the INA Papers case…
(2023-02-26). Presidente de Belarús visitará China a finales de febrero. telesurtv.net Comunicado de la Cancillería china detalla que Alexander Lukashenko estará de visita de Estado en la nación asiática entre el 28 de febrero y el 2 de marzo.
(2023-02-26). Unión Interparlamentaria àÅrabe ratifica solidaridad con pueblo de Siria. telesurtv.net La Campaña Árabe e Internacional contra el Bloqueo a Siria promueve la iniciativa de enviar un convoy popular a esa nación para romper con el bloqueo impuesto por Occidente.
(2023-02-26). Cristina Fernández pide investigar a la policía de Buenos Aires. telesurtv.net En la querella presentada ante la autoridad judicial se pide que se investigue la responsabilidad de la policía bonarense en el atentado contra Cristina Fernández.
(2023-02-26). G20 fracasa en aprobar una resolución contra Rusia. telesurtv.net Los ministros de de China, Rusia, México y Türkiye no participaron en persona en la reunión de ministros de Finanzas del G20, pero estuvieron presentes en reuniones virtuales.
(2023-02-26). Al menos 40 migrantes mueren tras naufragio en costas de Italia. telesurtv.net De acuerdo con las autoridades se teme que se puedan alcanzar más de 100 víctimas, luego que el número de migrantes que viajaban está entre 180 y 250.
(2023-02-26). Terremoto de magnitud 6.1 se registra al norte de Japón. telesurtv.net No se ha emitido ninguna alerta de tsunami. No hubo informes inmediatos de heridos o daños importantes a la propiedad.
(2023-02-26). Gobierno de México lamenta retiro de embajador de Perú. telesurtv.net El Gobierno de México reitera su convicción de mantener abiertos los canales de comunicación diplomáticos en beneficio de ambas sociedades.
(2023-02-26). Inicia recuento de votos de elecciones generales en Nigeria. telesurtv.net Para garantizar la seguridad de las elecciones, la Policía nigeriana informó del despliegue de más de 301.900 agentes de seguridad por toda la nación.
(2023-02-26). Autoridades dominicanas detienen a 404 migrantes haitianos. telesurtv.net En los operativos fueron apresados 378 hombres y 26 mujeres en los sectores Friusa, Mata Mosquitos, El Ejecutivo, Cabeza de Toro, Villa La Fe y Kosovo, entre otros.
(2023-02-26). Exigen en Berlín y Londres detener envío de armas a Ucrania. telesurtv.net Miles de manifestantes se pronuncian a favor de la paz y de una solución negociada al conflicto entre Moscú y Kiev.
(2023-02-26). Autoridades de Chile reportan reducción de incendios en combate. telesurtv.net Descendieron de 33 a 21, cifra más baja del año. Se localizan en las regiones Bío Bío, La Araucanía, Ñuble y Los Ríos.
(2023-02-26). Conaie convoca a movilización contra Gobierno de Ecuador. telesurtv.net La máxima organización indígena del país, asimismo, exhortó a la Asamblea Nacional a impulsar un juicio político en contra de Lasso.
(2023-02-26). Autoridades turcas detienen al alcalde de la ciudad de Nurdagi. twitter.com Las cifras más recientes subrayan que se han inculpado a 131 sospechosos y se han ordenado 113 arrestos.
(2023-02-26). Pan-Arab Convoy Aims To Break Blockade, Provide Aid To Syria. popularresistance.org The Arab and International Campaign to Break Siege on Syria announced plans on 24 February to launch a popular, pan-Arab campaign to confront the western-led blockade against Syria through an aid convoy in light of the devastating earthquake that killed over 50,000 people in Türkiye and Syria. | On Saturday, the Syrian news agency SANA reported that the preparations to participate in the Arab Youth Forum in Solidarity with Syria in March are already underway. | The campaign, titled "The Arab Unity Convoy to Break the Embargo Imposed on Syria," is headed by Magdi al Masrawi, former secretary-general of the Ar…
(2023-02-26). Strikes Up 52% In 2022: Labor Action Tracker. popularresistance.org The Cornell-ILR Labor Action Tracker is a comprehensive database of work stoppages. The project began in 2021 and is led by Johnnie Kallas, Ph.D. '23, to provide a fuller picture of worker activity to inform policymakers, the public and others about workplace conflict. The data collection is unique to the ILR School, he said. Due to funding cuts by the Reagan Administration in the 1980s, the Bureau of Labor Statistics excludes work stoppages of fewer than 1,000 workers from its database. | It is imperative to have reliable data on strike activity, by union and non-union workers in stoppages of all sizes, to keep…
(2023-02-26). Looking back at Bolsonarismo and its project of cultural and national destruction. peoplesdispatch.org During the riots in Brasília on January 8, Bolsonaristas caused irreparable damage to the country's cultural patrimony, destroying art that represents everything they are against…
(2023-02-26). Apply now: Baltimore Pipeline of Working and Emerging Reporters (P.O.W.E.R.) Fellowship. therealnews.com Just Media and The Real News Network are joining forces to create more opportunities for emerging journalists in Baltimore, especially young Baltimoreans of color, to report on the local criminal justice system, informed by the experience of this system's impact on their own communities. | Who should report stories on policing and mass incarceration? Who gets a platform to cover the impacts of this carceral system on Baltimore's Black communities, and the alternatives these communities envision? | This…
(2023-02-26). The Munich Security Conference. uwidata.com By Fikret Akfƒ±rat The Munich Security Conference, one of the most prominent events of the Atlantic Alliance, was held this year on February 17-19. Around 40 leaders, ministers, diplomats and experts from more than 100 countries attended the Conference, which is now in its 59th year. Despite convening in Munich, the main objective of the …
(2023-02-26). The Global South Refuses Pressure To Side With The West On Russia. popularresistance.org At the G20 meeting in Bengaluru, India, the United States arrived with a simple brief. US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen said at the February 2023 summit that the G20 countries must condemn Russia for its invasion of Ukraine and they must adhere to US sanctions against Russia. However, it became clear that India, the chair of the G20, was not willing to conform to the US agenda. Indian officials said that the G20 is not a political meeting, but a meeting to discuss economic issues.
(2023-02-26). The French Are Leaving, But the War in the Sahel Continues. orinocotribune.com
(2023-02-26). Jacobin's lionization of Lula: A pseudo-left cover for war and reaction. wsws.org The latest fraud promoted by Jacobin in Latin America is that the return of Lula and the Workers Party (PT) to power in Brazil represents "a huge win for the global left."
(2023-02-26). UK regional teachers strike to begin as National Education Union prepares a sell-out. wsws.org Every union, including the NEU, has been desperate to dissipate the anger and opposition amongst public sector workers to the devastating impact of austerity and rising inflation producing a collapse in living standards and a funding crisis to essential public services.
(2023-02-26). UK regional teachers strikes to begin as National Education Union prepares a sell-out. wsws.org Every union, including the NEU, has been desperate to dissipate the anger and opposition amongst public sector workers to the devastating impact of austerity and rising inflation producing a collapse in living standards and a funding crisis to essential public services.
(2023-02-26). Britain's Stop the War Coalition holds London rally against Ukraine war sparsely attended. wsws.org STWC was unable to enlist the support of a single prominent "left" figure in the Labour Party or trade union bureaucracy to speak from the stage, such as been the lurch to the right of these layers.
(2023-02-26). Britain's Stop the War Coalition holds sparsely attended London rally against Ukraine war. wsws.org STWC was unable to enlist the support of a single prominent "left" figure in the Labour Party or trade union bureaucracy to speak from the stage, such as been the lurch to the right of these layers.