(2022-07-22). Turkey Says Russia, Ukraine to Sign Grain Deal on Friday. news.antiwar.com Officials from Ukraine, Russia, and Turkey will meet in Istanbul on Friday to sign a deal proposed by the UN to facilitate the export of Ukrainian grain, Turkey
(2022-07-22). EU imposes more sanctions on Russia. ecns.cn The European Union on Thursday imposed more sanctions on Russia over its conflict with Ukraine, including a ban on gold imports and the tightening of export controls on high-technology goods.
(2022-07-22). Families Face Violence and Displacement in Autonomous Zapatista Territory at the Hands of Paramilitaries. itsgoingdown.org Paramilitary groups continue to attack autonomous communities in Zapatista controlled territories. Check out Abolition Media for updates and more reports. The following two communiques were released by the ELZN in July: We denounce the death threats and forced displacement against the community of Nuevo San Gregorio, autonomous municipality Lucio Cabanas, Zapatista support base (BAEZLN), made by those…
(2022-07-22). Safety tips to prevent heat-related illness. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Parts of Europe are experiencing a heat wave that is causing emergency situations for millions of residents. And, in the United States, many parts of the country are grappling with temperatures that remain unseasonably high. Heat-related illnesses, like heat exhaustion and heatstroke can be life-threatening and often prevented. Heat exhaustion Heat exhaustion can happen when your body becomes dehydrated and loses too much water and salt, as a result of high temperatures and humidity. Those most at risk…
(2022-07-22). Zelensky turns captive AFU soldiers into criminals to save money. southfront.org Ukrainian prisoners are recognized as state traitors | Ordinary Ukrainians have recently been more and more persuaded of their leaders' complete incompetence and corruption. Both the previous and current Kiev government have successfully persuaded their populace of an alliance and friendly relations with the West by utilizing state apparatuses and the media. In actuality, the friends who were meant to be their allies are just lending a helping hand to those who are prepared to compromise their m…
(2022-07-22). Mayo Clinic Q&A podcast: BA.5 omicron variant fueling latest COVID-19 surge. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org The BA.5 omicron variant is now the dominant strain in the U.S., and it is leading to a new wave of COVID-19 infections. BA.5 was responsible for nearly 54% of COVID-19 cases in the U.S., and BA.4, a similar variant, accounted for another 17%, according to the latest data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Experts are concerned because this particular variant appears to be good at evading the immune system. "This BA.5…
(2022-07-22). Italy's Draghi government comes to an end. wsws.org Draghi's case is a consequence of the sharp class tensions and social contradictions in Italy.
(2022-07-22). Biden's infection exposes "living with COVID" propaganda. wsws.org The fact that Biden, who is surrounded by a level of security unknown to all but a handful of Americans, has contracted COVID-19 exposes the recklessness of his administration's pandemic policies.
(2022-07-22). Poverty in Germany: Food banks count 2 million people seeking help. wsws.org Social inequality in Germany continues to rise at an alarming rate, expressed in the record numbers of people lining up at the food banks for donations.
(2022-07-22). US unemployment claims and job cuts mount as interest rate hikes begin to hit economy. wsws.org US initial claims for unemployment insurance rose for the third week in a row, while Ford announced 8,000 salaried job cuts as the impact of recent interest rate increases starts to be felt.
(2022-07-22). Reject war drive on China: For a foreign policy based on justice, human rights and climate action. greenleft.org.au The North Atlantic Treaty Organisation's new Strategic Concept, which Australia has signed up to, risks provoking another major war in the Asia-Pacific and should be opposed, says Socialist Alliance.
(2022-07-22). Are New Mexico's Megafires so extreme they Mark a New era? Welcome to the Pyrocene. juancole.com By William deBuys | ( Tomdispatch.org) Firefighters don't normally allude to early English epics, but in a briefing on the massive Hermits Peak/Calf Canyon Fire in northern New Mexico, a top field chief said, "It's like Beowulf: it's not the thing you fear, it is the mother of the thing you fear." He …
(2022-07-22). President Biden Must Commit to Ending the War in Yemen. juancole.com By Farrah Hassen | ( Foreign Policy in Focus ) Biden once said the U.S. should never "check its principles at the door just to buy oil or sell weapons." He should take his own advice. By Farrah Hassen | July 13, 2022 The United Nations has called the Saudi Arabia-led war in …
(2022-07-22). Chinese scientists find gene boosting grain yield. ecns.cn Chinese scientists have found a gene in crops such as rice and wheat, which can improve the efficiency of photosynthesis and nitrogen utilization and significantly boost grain yield.
(2022-07-22). Science Saturday: Investigating zombie cells and skin aging. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org When she was just 8 years old, Saranya Wyles, M.D., Ph.D., would recite the stages of wound healing in Latin terms — rubor, tumor, calor, dolor and functio laesa — to her father at the dinner table. Decades later, that ingrained knowledge would be a cornerstone of her regenerative medicine research, education and practice at Mayo Clinic. Dr. Wyles is a Mayo Clinic dermatologist whose subspecialty is regenerative medicine. "Dermatology has a natural connection to regenerative…
(2022-07-22). Current measures effective for variants. ecns.cn China's COVID-19 disease control measures can effectively tackle the BA.4 and BA.5 subvariants of Omicron, and existing vaccines can offer protection against the two highly contagious strains, a public health expert said on Thursday.
(2022-07-22). Staged Incidents as the Western Approach of Doing Politics (Sergey Lavrov). orinocotribune.com By Sergey Lavrov Jul 18, 2022 | Today, the Russian Armed Forces, together with the self-defence units of the Donetsk and Lugansk people's republics, are delivering on the objectives of the special military operation with great resolve to put an end to the outrageous discrimination and genocide of the Russian people and eliminate direct threats to the security of the Russian Federation that the United States and its satellites have been creating on Ukrainian territory for years. While losing on the battlefield, the Ukrainian regime and its Western patrons have descended to staging bloody incidents to demonis…
(2022-07-22). Inside Nicaragua's Sandinista Revolution: 43 years resisting imperialism. multipolarista.com Benjamin Norton reports from inside Nicaragua on the 43rd anniversary of the Sandinista Revolution. This mini-documentary explores the Sandinista Front's emphasis on social programs, popular participation, anti-imperialism, and internationalism.
(2022-07-22). Online events w) Gary Snyder. John Clark, Nina Turner, Medea Benjamin, Karen Armstrong etc. indybay.org Here are some 15 online events taking place over the next week (and starting at 10: 30 am tomorrow, July 20th), featuring people such as Gary Snyder, Kim Stanley Robinson, tiny (lisa) gray-garcia, John P. Clark, Nina Turner, David Sirota, Medea Benjamin, Dilar Dirik, Karen Armstrong, and many others. | These events are hosted from various locations all across the country, as well from Canada and the UK (however, the listed times are all for our "Pacific time zone"). Of course, feel free to share this info with others who might be interested in it.
(2022-07-22). Fiscalía brasileña acusa a sospechosos de crímenes en Amazonía. telesurtv.net Los acusados permanecen arrestados y serán juzgados por doble homicidio calificado y ocultación de cadáver.
(2022-07-22). Oregón 2022: Lázaro Martínez a la final de la esperanza (+ Videos). cubadebate.cu Lázaro Martínez necesitó dos intentos para asegurar su presencia en una final del triple salto varonil que recoge las esperanzas cubanas de subir al podio en este Campeonato Mundial de Atletismo. Es una cuestión de historia y casi de honor, porque nunca antes en la historia la Mayor de Las Antillas salió de una cita planetaria con el cuello vacío.
(2022-07-22). Jesuitas mexicanos demandan justicia a un mes de masacre. telesurtv.net Reclaman el esclarecimiento del asesinato de dos jesuitas y dos laicos en la Sierra Tarahumara, Chihuahua.
(2022-07-22). Israeli Airstrikes Kill Three Syrian Soldiers Near Damascus. news.antiwar.com Overnight Thursday into Friday say Israel carry out a flurry of airstrikes against Syria, hitting areas around the capital of Damascus, Details are still coming in on what happened. Syrian state media reported that the missiles were fired over the Golan Heights, and that most of them were intercepted by air defenses. | Syrian media also reported damage caused, in and around the strike, but did not clarify what was hit. Israel, as usual, did not of…
(2022-07-22). Centennial Campground: A humanitarian crisis in Anchorage. liberationnews.org The campground is housing hundreds of homeless people under horrific conditions of city neglect while community groups try to meet needs.
(2022-07-22). Trader Joe's workers launch union drive in Minneapolis. liberationnews.org On June 28, Trader Joe's #725 workers in Minneapolis delivered their letter of intent to unionize, making this the second Trader Joe's location in the country to initiate this process.
(2022-07-22). Struggle for Justice Continues in Panama. towardfreedom.org Panamanian movements have called for the government to sit down in negotiations with the mobilized sectors and listen to their demands, People's Dispatch reports.
(2022-07-22). Janet Yellen's Noble Effort Comes to Naught. inequality.org
(2022-07-22). Extremism and Insurrection: In wake of eighth Jan. 6 hearing, SPLC urges accountability, protection of democracy. splcenter.org
(2022-07-22). Hysterical Populism and the Appetite of the Leviathan. indybay.org The relationship between economy and social order has been turned upside down: economy is no longer a function of an overarching culture, but conversely, "human society has sunk to being an accessory of the economic system" (Karl Polanyi). Robert Kurz, the founder of Exit and Krisis journals, on scapegoating, moral panics and conspiracy theory culture.
(2022-07-22). Leader of "Straight Pride" Rally in Modesto Embraces White Nationalism, Attacks Jews and LGBTQ Community as "Satanic" itsgoingdown.org Report on how the leader of the "Straight Pride" rallies in Modesto, CA build a broad far-Right network while promoting explicitly white nationalist and anti-Semitic ideas. Originally posted to No H8 In the Valley. In April of 2020, Don J Grundmann took the stage at the annual Constitution Party convention. His speech was par the…
(2022-07-22). Autoridades haitianas anuncian apertura de corredor humanitario. telesurtv.net La decisión procura ayudar a población víctima de la violencia entre pandillas en la comuna Cité Soleil, en Puerto Príncipe.
(2022-07-22). Summer scenery of Dongge Cuona Lake in Qinghai. ecns.cn Summer scenery of Dongge Cuona Lake as pure as a "sapphire" in Maduo county, Golog Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, northwest China's Qinghai Province.
(2022-07-22). US Covid-19 Insanity, The Working Class. Covid & Capitalism & THE NEW NORMAL By Dr. Gordon. indybay.org Dr. Nayvin Gordon reports on abandonment of any public health protection as the Covid-19 pandemic expands over two years after the pandemic starts.
(2022-07-22). Australia: Western Sydney nurses protest unsafe conditions for patients as union steps up isolation. wsws.org Patients are waiting hours for urgent care, even sleeping in corridors, due to an acute shortage of staffed beds and an overwhelming influx of COVID-19 patients.
(2022-07-22). Coalición oficializa candidatura presidencial de Lula en Brasil. telesurtv.net La coalición "Vamos Juntos por Brasil" reúne siete agrupaciones, siendo la principal el Partido de los Trabajadores.
(2022-07-22). Wednesday 7/20: Labor History Online Discussion Group – Regaining Labor's Mojo. indybay.org Zoom (Register: bit.ly/FSFD-Labor)…
(2022-07-22). Lula sigue liderando intención de voto con 44 % en Brasil. telesurtv.net En una segunda vuelta, Lula lograría el 47 por ciento de los votos y Bolsonaro recibiría 37 por ciento.
(2022-07-22). HK residents mourn beloved giant panda. ecns.cn With cartoon portraits, flowers and numerous group photos posted online, people in Hong Kong have expressed their deep condolences and fond memories of An An, the world's longest-living male giant panda under human care, who was also a gift from the nation.
(2022-07-22). 3 years on, STAR Market savors trendsetter record. ecns.cn The tech-heavy STAR Market on the Shanghai bourse, which celebrates its three-year anniversary on Friday, has grown into a testing ground for systematic breakthroughs in the capital market and a key driver to serve the country's development in the real economy.
(2022-07-22). Oposición busca reducir votos necesarios para vacancia en Perú. telesurtv.net Los partidos de la oposición buscan así acercar la posibilidad de poder destituir al presidente Pedro Castillo.
(2022-07-22). Dinesh Gunawardena sworn in as prime minister of Sri Lanka. ecns.cn Dinesh Gunawardena was sworn in as the prime minister of Sri Lanka by President Ranil Wickremesinghe on Friday.
(2022-07-22). Xi sends message of sympathy to Biden over COVID-19 infection. ecns.cn Chinese President Xi Jinping on Friday sent a message of sympathy to U.S. President Joe Biden over the latter's COVID-19 infection.
(2022-07-22). Newly-installed Sri Lankan President Wickremesinghe oversees brutal police-military assault on protesters. wsws.org The brutal raid is the first act of Wickremesinghe, since he was installed as president by parliament. It is a stark warning of what the right-wing, imperialist-backed leader of the United National Party is preparing.
(2022-07-22). Consumer Health: Treating glioblastoma. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Glioblastoma Awareness Day will be observed Wednesday, July 20, which makes this a good time to learn more about treating one of the most complex, deadly and treatment-resistant cancers. More than 13,400 people in the U.S. will be diagnosed with glioblastoma in 2022, according to the National Brain Tumor Society. The five-year survival rate is 6.8%, and the median length of survival is eight months. Glioblastoma, also known as glioblastoma multiforme, is a type of glioma,…
(2022-07-22). Presidente italiano disuelve el Parlamento y llama a elecciones. telesurtv.net La disolución del Parlamento fue anunciada luego que el mandatario italiano se reuniera con los presidentes de ambas cámaras.
(2022-07-22). Parlamento cubano: Tribunal Supremo rinde cuenta de su gestión. cubadebate.cu Rubén Remigio Ferro, presidente del TSP, intervino en el plenario y se refirió a aspectos como la actividad jurisdiccional. En el quinquenio 2017-2021 ingresaron a los tribunales populares, en todas sus instancias y materias, 816 262 asuntos y resultaron tramitados y resueltos por esos órganos 737 853, que representa el 90.4% de los recibidos.
(2022-07-22). Rusia, Ucrania, Tàºrkiye y ONU firman acuerdo de exportación de cereales. telesurtv.net El secretario general de las Naciones Unidas, António Guterres, aseguró que el acuerdo deviene "gran alivio para el mundo".
(2022-07-22). Mueren 282 personas por intensas lluvias en Pakistán. telesurtv.net La provincia más afectada en la nación asiática es Baluchistán, ubicada en el suroeste, donde 88 personas perdieron la vida y 62 resultaron heridas.
(2022-07-22). Kroger workers in Columbus, Ohio, to vote on sell-out UFCW contract next week. wsws.org The contract proposal is woefully inadequate to the needs of workers, similar to the contract forced through by the UFCW in Indianapolis earlier this month.
(2022-07-22). Confirman 19.038 nuevos casos de Covid-19 en Costa Rica. telesurtv.net Las autoridades sanitarias indicaron que que las subvariantes BA4 y BA5 de ómicron representan cerca del por ciento de las que circulan en el país.