(2022-07-25). Tiroteo en universidad capitalina deja tres muertos en Filipinas. telesurtv.net El jefe de policía local de Quezon City, Remus Medina, confirmó que el tiroteo parecía haber sido un asesinato selectivo contra la exalcaldesa de Lamitan, Rose Furigay.
(2022-07-25). Organizaciones confirman asesinato de líder social en Colombia. telesurtv.net La comunidad de la zona rural del municipio de Suárez, Cauca, confirmó el asesinato del líder social Larry Reinoso Sánchez.
(2022-07-25). Biden Administration Fears Pelosi Taiwan Trip Could Spark Cross-Strait Crisis. news.antiwar.com The Washington Post reported Saturday that Biden administration officials increasingly fear that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's planned trip to Taiwan next month Media reports said last week that Pelosi plans to make the trip in August, prompting strong warnings from China. Beijing would view the visit as a major provocation since Pelosi is a high-level official in the US government and it would signal that Washington was moving away from the one-China policy. | Administration officials told…
(2022-07-25). One day queuing for cooking gas in Embilipitiya, Sri Lanka. wsws.org This following report was written by a WSWS writer living in the UK, describing his experiences during a short holiday visit to Sri Lanka.
(2022-07-25). New Sri Lankan president appoints his predecessor's cabinet. wsws.org In response to the country's unprecedented economic and political crisis, the "new" government will impose the austerity measures demanded by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and brutally suppress any opposition.
(2022-07-25). The way forward for port truckers is unity with the dockworkers! wsws.org Carrying the fight forward of truck drivers against AB5 requires joint action committees with dockworkers to wage a common struggle.
(2022-07-25). Trump, Republican lawmakers incite fascist violence at far-right conference in Florida. wsws.org While Republicans at the conference defended Trump's coup and threatened their political enemies, outside the conference hall, neo-Nazis attacked abortion rights demonstrators.
(2022-07-25). Record profits equal stolen wages: HarperCollins on strike. liberationnews.org Workers at HarperCollins, a "big five" publisher with $515 million in profits in the third quarter of fiscal year 2021, are demanding fair wages, more diversity, family leave benefits, union security, and better accountability for the company.
(2022-07-25). Partido brasileño oficializa candidatura de Jair Bolsonaro. telesurtv.net Los representantes del Partido Liberal de Brasil confirmaron por unanimidad la candidatura de Jair Bolsonaro para las presidenciales de octubre.
(2022-07-25). Canciller de Argelina realiza visita oficial a Siria. telesurtv.net La visita se da tras la visita del canciller sirio a Argel, donde se ratificaron acuerdos de cooperación bilateral.
(2022-07-25). Parlamentarios denuncia escalada golpista en Argentina. telesurtv.net El bloque parlamentario del Frente de Todos plasmó su rechazo a las amenazas contra la vicepresidenta Cristina Fernández.
(2022-07-25). A socialist campaign in the UAW presidential elections. wsws.org The World Socialist Web Site has endorsed William Lehman for UAW president, which marks a new point of departure for the development of a rank-and-file rebellion of workers and the fight for a socialist and internationalist program.
(2022-07-25). German government hosts "climate dialogue" with the Butcher of Cairo, exposing its human rights propaganda. wsws.org If one event could expose the German government's human rights propaganda and climate policy platitudes, it was the Petersberg Climate Dialogue, where the star guest was none other than Egyptian dictator Abdelfattah al-Sisi.
(2022-07-25). Lost Illusions: Balzac's great novel interpreted for our time. wsws.org Lost Illusions is a monumental novel, a turning point in modern literature, and Giannoli and Jacques Fieschi, his co-screenwriter, have done a remarkable job of dramatizing it.
(2022-07-25). Chile reporta 7.546 nuevos casos de coronavirus en 24 horas. telesurtv.net La cifra de contagios reportados el Minsal es la más alta de los últimos siete días.
(2022-07-25). US considers deploying carriers to support House speaker's Taiwan trip – Washington Post. wsws.org The US military is considering "moving aircraft carriers or sending fighter planes for close air support" as part of a potential trip by US house speaker Nancy Pelosi to Taiwan, the Washington Post reported Saturday.
(2022-07-25). Rusia culpa a Occidente de crear la crisis alimentaria global. telesurtv.net En lo que se refiere a los problemas de la escasez de alimentos, Occidente debe eliminar las trabas que ellos mismos han creado, aseguró el canciller ruso.
(2022-07-25). Primer ministro de Haití confirma deceso de 17 connacionales tras naufragio en las Bahamas. telesurtv.net De acuerdo a las autoridades de las Bahamas, entre las víctimas mortales se encuentra un bebé.
(2022-07-25). WHO Director-General declares monkeypox a public health emergency of international concern. wsws.org In an unprecedented move, the WHO Director-General overruled his organization's emergency committee's decision on monkeypox. On Saturday, he declared it a public health emergency of international concern due to its unexpected spread in non-endemic regions and governments' lack of coordinated response to contain and eradicate the spreading infection.
(2022-07-25). Droupadi Murmu asume oficialmente la presidencia de la India. telesurtv.net En su primer discurso como presidenta, Droupadi Murmu recordó a las comunidades y etnias del país que han sido incivilizadas durante siglos.
(2022-07-25). Legisladores colombianos radicarán proyectos a favor de la paz. telesurtv.net Estas medidas serán claves para que el gobierno de Gustavo Petro cumpla la promesa electoral que le mereció el voto a la presidencia.
(2022-07-25). Pacific Islands Forum proclaims false "unity" on climate crisis. wsws.org Despite the existential threats posed by climate change, the region faces inadequate action by the major powers.
(2022-07-25). UAW continues to stall, while Tenneco auto parts workers call for strike. wsws.org Nearly 300 Tenneco workers at the Greenville, Michigan plant have been working without a new contract since the start of the pandemic.
(2022-07-25). Ordenan evacuación en inmediaciones del parque Yosemite, EE.UU. telesurtv.net El Gobernador de California declaró el estado de emergencia, mientras 4.815 hectáreas han sido consumidas por el el fuego.
(2022-07-25). Australian ruling class demands governments "stand firm" against safety measures as COVID-19 toll explodes. wsws.org The more catastrophic the pandemic—as a direct result of the profit-driven "live with the virus" campaign—the more the capitalist class demands the ending of public health precautions.
(2022-07-25). Japón en alerta máxima por erupción del volcán Sakurajima. telesurtv.net La JMA señaló que una erupción a gran escala del volcán Sakurajima, no es inminente.
(2022-07-25). Mesa única de diálogo continúa negociaciones en Panamá. telesurtv.net Otra de las medidas que reclaman los trabajadores e integrantes de la mesa es la eliminación del arancel de la leche en polvo para menores de un año…
(2022-07-25). Volcán entra en erupción en la isla japonesa occidental de Kyushu. telesurtv.net No hay informes inmediatos de daños, pero se reportó de piedras volcánicas que llovieron a una distancia de 2.5 kilómetros del cráter.
(2022-07-25). Venezuela celebra 239 aniversario del natalicio de Simón Bolívar. telesurtv.net El presidente Nicolás Maduro celebró los 239 años del nacimiento del Libertador Simón Bolívar, tras resaltar su visión libertaria y de unión.
(2022-07-25). An interview with John Pilger: "Assange is the courageous embodiment of a struggle against the most oppressive forces in our world" wsws.org "Remember the pursuit of Julian is a measure of his achievements. He informed millions about the deceptions of governments too many trusted; he respected their right to know."
(2022-07-25). Towns outside of Yosemite National Park evacuated as wildfires rage across California and Pacific Northwest. wsws.org More than 5.5 million acres in the United States have been burned by wildfires this year so far, more than 1.4 times the ten-year average.
(2022-07-25). Aumentan a 13 los infectados con viruela símica en Puerto Rico. telesurtv.net El secretario de Salud de Puerto Rico, indicó que cuentan 1.200 dosis de la vacuna para cortar la transmisión comunitaria de la enfermedad.
(2022-07-25). Kroger workers of Columbus, Ohio: Vote "NO" on the UFCW's sellout contract! Build a nationwide movement of grocery workers! wsws.org The Kroger Workers Rank-and-File Committee strongly encourages a "No" vote on this miserable concessions contract. Organize carpools among workers who need assistance getting to the polling locations to vote.
(2022-07-25). Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency "weaponised" against health workers in the COVID pandemic. wsws.org The sanctioning of Dr David Berger shows that AHPRA is being used to suppress democratic rights and prevent exposure of COVID misinformation.
(2022-07-25). This week in history: July 25-31. wsws.org This column profiles important historical events which took place during this week, 25 years ago, years ago, 75 years ago and 100 years ago.
(2022-07-25). Autoridades mexicanas confirman el rescate de 225 migrantes. telesurtv.net Los migrantes fueron llevados a instancias de la autoridad migratoria, para brindarles atención y ayuda humanitaria.
(2022-07-25). ONU condena ejecución a activistas en Myanmar. telesurtv.net El relator especial de la ONU sobre los Derechos Humanos en Myanmar pidió ayuda para detener las vejaciones a los DD.HH. en el país.
(2022-07-25). teleSUR recibe múltiples felicitaciones en su aniversario 17. telesurtv.net Uno de los primeros jefes de Estado en enviar su cordial saludo fue el presidente de Cuba, Miguel Díaz- Canel.
(2022-07-25). Cientos de niños se refugian en una escuela en Haití. telesurtv.net Ante la escalada de la violencia protagonizada por las pandillas en Haití, alumnos han buscado refugio en un prestigiosa escuela vacía por las vacaciones.
(2022-07-25). Debatirán este lunes juicio político a fiscal paraguaya. telesurtv.net Esta es la tercera vez que intentan llevar a la fiscal general Quiñónez a un juicio político, acusada de corrupción y malos procederes.
(2022-07-25). Presidente venezolano llama a preservar camino de prosperidad. telesurtv.net "El camino del crecimiento, del desarrollo, de la prosperidad y de la felicidad colectiva, el camino de la unión nacional, el camino de la libertad, ese es nuestro camino", enfatizó el jefe de Estado.
(2022-07-25). How Left Voice and the DSA assist the union bureaucrats in selling out the Michigan Medicine nurses' contract fight. wsws.org These organizations seek to buttress the union bureaucrats who block strike action and promote the illusion that nurses can rely on the Democratic Party to put an end to intolerable working conditions.
(2022-07-24). How the US is Killing its Principal Competitor the EU. journal-neo.org It will hardly be a revelation for anyone that the United States, being historically the "stepchild" of Europe from where the mass-scale population of the New World began, has always manifested a jealous attitude towards their Alma Mater. This process has especially aggravated in the recent decades when America entered the path of severe competitive …
(2022-07-24). Ukraine fires 25 mines, large-caliber shells at Donetsk. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Jul. 24 (MNA) — The Armed Forces of Ukraine fired four times at Donetsk from 155 mm caliber guns and 120 mm mortars overnight, an official in DPR's mission in the Joint Center for Ceasefire Control and Coordination, said on Sunday.
(2022-07-24). EU sanctions on Russia failed: Hungarian PM. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Jul. 24 (MNA) — The European Union needs a new strategy on the war in Ukraine as sanctions against Moscow have not worked, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban has said.
(2022-07-24). How Russo-Turkish-Iranian Talks May Help Fix Regional Problems, Set Stage for Global Transformation. orinocotribune.com By Ekaterina Blinova Jul 20, 2022 | Russian President Vladimir Putin visits Tehran on July 19 to take part in the trilateral Astana meeting with his Iranian and Turkish counterparts. The leaders are due to discuss strategic economic and political cooperation, including tackling the food crisis and further de-dollarization. | "The [Putin visit to Iran] is quite important in every sense in the geopolitical, geo-economic, and other aspects," explained Dr. Kerim Has, a political analyst of Russian and Eurasian affairs. "It is the first foreign visit of President Putin out of post-Soviet territory after February…
(2022-07-24). Iran, Russia clinch win-win MoU worth $40bn to boost coop. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Jul. 24 (MNA) — The Chief Executive of Petroleum Engineering and Development Company (PEDEC) called signing a joint Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between Iran and Russia as an example of a win-win deal.
(2022-07-24). VIDEO: Unprecedented flood hits Yemen's capital. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Jul. 24 (MNA) — Following the flood caused by heavy rainfalls in the Yemeni capital of Sanaa, the Interior Ministry of Yemen's National Salvation Government warned citizens to avoid driving vehicles across the city.
(2022-07-24). The Arctic is warming Four Times faster than the Global Average. juancole.com By Daniel T Cross | ( Sustainability Times ) Climate change is upon us, but not all regions of the world are experiencing it at the same rate. Polar regions have especially been affected by warming temperatures and a new analysis of temperature rises in the Arctic shows just how much. An international …
(2022-07-24). China strengthens warning to US about Pelosi visit to Taiwan. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Jul. 23 (MNA) — China has issued stark private warnings to the Biden administration about the upcoming trip to Taiwan by Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the US House of Representatives.
(2022-07-24). Turkey again targets northern Syria with artillery, mortars. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Jul. 24 (MNA) — Turkish forces once again targeted areas in northern Syria with artillery and mortars.
(2022-07-24). EU looks to replace gas from Russia with Nigerian supplies. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Jul. 24 (MNA) — The European Union is seeking additional gas supplies from Nigeria as the bloc prepares for potential Russian supply cuts, Matthew Baldwin, deputy director general of the European Commission's energy department, said.
(2022-07-24). Macron says JCPOA revival still possible. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Jul. 24 (MNA) — French President Emmanuel Macron claimed that the revival of the nuclear agreement with Iran is still possible, but Tehran must return to its commitments.
(2022-07-24). Turkish base on Iraq-Turkey border targeted with drones. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Jul. 24 (MNA) — News sources on Sunday reported that a Turkish military base located on the borders of Iraq and Turkey was targeted with several fixed-wing drones.
(2022-07-24). Military Situation In Ukraine On July 24, 2022 (Map Update). southfront.org Russia struck the AFU 28th Mechanised Brigad in Nikolayev with high-precision missiles; | Russia struck military assets of the AFU near Zhovtnevoye with high-precision missiles; | Russia struck military assets of the AFU near Kurakhovo with high-precision missiles; | Russia struck military assets of the AFU near Novodanilovka with high-precision missiles; | Russian air defense systems shot down 5 Ukrainian drones near Korobki, Pyatikhatka in the Kherson region, Topolskoye i…
(2022-07-24). Russian Odessa Brigade Ready For Offensive In Southern Ukraine. southfront.org The Odessa Brigade of Russian forces has completed combat coordination in the Kherson region. Russian servicemen claimed that offensive actions will begin in the near future in the Nikolaev and Odessa directions.Odessa citizen Igor Markov, who was the leader of the Ukrainian 'Motherland' party, now head of the Odessa Brigade claimed: "The Odessa Brigade has been formed and completed combat coordination. In the near future, together with the allied forces, we will begin the liberation of…
(2022-07-24). Congressional Delegation in Kyiv Wants US Military Advisors Sent to Ukraine. news.antiwar.com A bipartisan group of House lawmakers After meeting with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, Reps. Michael Waltz said he supported sending military advisors into Ukraine to oversee weapons shipments and help with intelligence and logistics. "It could be contracted, it could be civilian, but it co…
(2022-07-24). Hungary's Orban Says US-Russia Peace Talks Needed to End Ukraine War. news.antiwar.com Hungarian President Viktor Orban on Saturday "A new strategy is needed, which should focus on peace negotiations instead of trying to win the war," Orban said during a speech in Romania. He said that only talks between the US and Russia "can put an end to the conflict because Russia wants security guarantees" that only Washington can give. | In the months leading up t…
(2022-07-24). Russia Says Its Attack on Odesa Port Only Hit Military Targets. news.antiwar.com Russia on Sunday said that "In the seaport in the city of Odesa, on the territory of a shipyard, sea-based high-precision long-range missiles destroyed a docked Ukrainian warship and a warehouse with Harpoon anti-ship missiles s…
(2022-07-24). Kastous Kalinovski: The Alliance of Neo-Nazis and Christian Democrats. libya360.wordpress.com Laurent Brayard Kastous Kalinovski is a regiment composed of Belarusians that was formed recently. It is the result of an alliance of early neo-Nazis, who came to fight in Ukraine in 2014-2015, with political dissidents from the Young Front, led by ex-presidential candidate Svetlana Tikhanovskaya, now in exile. The veterans of the ATO operation and…
(2022-07-24). US & EU Hindering Russo-Turkey Efforts to Solve Food Crisis, Mediate Peace. libya360.wordpress.com Ekaterina Blinova On July 22, Russia, Turkey and Ukraine signed documents aimed at resolving the problems of supplying food and fertilizers to world markets and ensuring safe maritime corridors for Ukrainian grain. The Joint Coordination Center will make sure that Kiev does use the grain shipments to import weaponry. "The signing of the grain agreement…
(2022-07-24). Sergey Lavrov: US/UK/EU "Using Food for Geopolitical Adventurism is Unacceptable & Inhumane" libya360.wordpress.com Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov's Statement Regarding Agreements on Transporting Ukrainian Grain from Black Sea Ports and on Promoting Russian Exports of Food and Fertilisers, Moscow, July 22, 2022 A ceremony for the simultaneous signing of two documents on maritime shipping of Ukrainian grain and the export of Russian agricultural products — Initiatives for the safe…
(2022-07-24). Russian Strike On Odessa Port Destroyed Ukrainian Warship, US-Supplied Harpoon Missiles (Video). southfront.org MEDITERRANEAN SEA — SEPTEMBER 14, 2017: Russia's Veliky Novgorod and Kolpino submarines fire the Kalibr cruise missiles from the eastern Mediterranean to hit Islamic State militants' bases in Syria. Vadim Savitsky/Russian Defence Ministry Press Office/TASS | The July 23 missile strike on the port of Odessa destroyed a docked Ukrainian warship as well as a warehouse where Harpoon anti-ship missiles, recently supplied by the US, were stored, the Russian Ministry of Defense announced on July 24. | The MoD added t…
(2022-07-24). Russia destroys Ukrainian warship, warehouse with US missiles. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Jul. 24 (MNA) — The Russian Navy's strike on the port in Odesa destroyed a docked Ukrainian warship, as well as a warehouse where naval Harpoon missiles, supplied by the US, were stored, the Russian Defense Ministry has stated.
(2022-07-24). Biden Backs Off Anti-Abortion Judicial Nominee—Because GOP Senator Objects. commondreams.org The White House changed its mind about Meredith—though not because of opposition from the left.
(2022-07-24). The War 'Diplomat': How Borrell and the West Lost the 'Global Battle of Narratives'. commondreams.org The E.U., NATO, and the West are not only losing the global battle of narratives, they have never won it in the first place.
(2022-07-24). Congresswoman Karen Bass And The Will To Intervene. popularresistance.org Los Angeles, California – What will it mean if the Vice Chair of the board of the National Endowment for Democracy (NED) becomes the Mayor of Los Angeles? Meaning, of course, Karen Bass, the current Vice Chair of that soft power tool, who is also Chair of the House Foreign Relations Committee's Subcommittee on Africa. Come November, the Black Congresswoman representing parts of Los Angeles will most likely become its mayor, having pulled well ahead of Rick Caruso, the billionaire real estate developer who spent more than $41 million on his primary campaign. Bass spent a mere $3.28 million but still finished ahead…
(2022-07-24). Greenland Loses 6 Billion Tons of Ice in 3 Days, Harbinger of Unprecedented Coastal Flooding. commondreams.org If all Greenland's ice melts, it would raise the seas by more than 24 feet.
(2022-07-24). Iran's exports value to Qatar to rise to $2bn: official. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Jul. 24 (MNA) — The Vice Chairman of Iran-Qatar Joint Chamber of Commerce said that Iran's export of products to neighboring Qatar will increase to $2 billion within the next two years.
(2022-07-24). Daniel Ortega: EEUU y Europa lanzan guerras para detener la multipolaridad. multipolarista.com En el 43 aniversario de la Revolución Sandinista, el presidente Daniel Ortega de Nicaragua dijo que Estados Unidos y Europa están lanzando guerras para evitar la "multipolaridad". Citando al Che Guevara, agregó, "al imperialismo no se le puede creer ni un tantito así"
(2022-07-24). Nicaragua's President Ortega: US/EU waging war to stop multipolar world. multipolarista.com At the Sandinista Revolution's 43rd anniversary, Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega said the US and Europe are waging wars to prevent "multipolarity." Quoting Che Guevara, he added "imperialism cannot be trusted"
(2022-07-24). Iran Says It Foiled Israel-Linked Attacks on Iranian Sites. news.antiwar.com On Saturday, Iran's Intelligence Ministry The Intelligence Ministry said that the suspects were caught entering Iran from Iraq. "This network's members were in contact with [Israel's] Mossad spy agency through a neighboring country and entered Iran from [Iraq's] Kurdistan region with advanced equipment and strong explosives," the ministry said in a…
(2022-07-24). (W.E. Talk) Is the world heading for a recession. ecns.cn What's going on here in global economy? Are we in the middle of a global recession? In the latest W.E. Talk, Bala Ramasamy, Professor of Economics, Associate Dean, Director of GEMBA Programme at CEIBS and Fernando Gomez, Corporate CFO of Premo were invited to talk with Wei Xi, Director of Department of Economy of China News Service.
(2022-07-24). Dinesh Gunawardena sworn in as prime minister of Sri Lanka. ecns.cn Dinesh Gunawardena was sworn in as the prime minister of Sri Lanka by President Ranil Wickremesinghe on Friday.
(2022-07-24). Tribes And Water Protectors Ward Off New Black Hills Gold Rush. popularresistance.org Native nations and citizen watchdogs were prepared to take action against the permitting, because this is not the first time the federal agency has moved to allow the renewal of large-scale mining at these headwaters of the Missouri and Mississippi rivers. | Four toxic Superfund sites are the result of water pollution from the mining over the past 70 years. Two generations of Lakota and settler descendants have worked across and through cultural differences to prevent any more of the same. Taxpayers already are footing the bill for the cleanup of hazardous heavy metals used in modern mining: cyanide, arsenic, chr…
(2022-07-24). How the US is Killing its Principal Competitor — the EU. libya360.wordpress.com Vladimir Danilov It will hardly be a revelation for anyone that the United States, being historically the "stepchild" of Europe from where the mass-scale population of the New World began, has always manifested a jealous attitude towards their Alma Mater. This process has especially aggravated in the recent decades when America entered the path of…
(2022-07-24). President Maduro Congratulates Nicaragua's Sandinista Front on 61st Anniversary of Foundation. orinocotribune.com On Saturday, July 23, the president of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, congratulated the Sandinista National Liberation Front (FSLN), Nicaragua's main political party, for the 61st anniversary of its foundation. | "Long live brave and patriotic Nicaragua!" wrote Maduro on Twitter. "I congratulate the Nicaraguans, our brother and leader Daniel Ortega, his companion Rosario Murillo, on the occasion of the 61st anniversary of the founding of the FSLN, a revolution that opened the path towards the future greatness of its people." | °Viva la Nicaragua valiente y patriota! Felicito a las y los nicaragàºenses, a nu…
(2022-07-24). Chinese entrepreneur honored at 2022 Automotive Hall of Fame induction. ecns.cn Lu Guanqiu, founder of Wanxiang Group, has become the first Chinese national inducted into the U.S. Automotive Hall of Fame (AHF). Lu was honored at the 2022 AHF Induction & Awards Ceremony at the ICON Convention Center in Detroit on Thursday.
(2022-07-24). Consumer Health: Treating glioblastoma. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Glioblastoma Awareness Day will be observed Wednesday, July 20, which makes this a good time to learn more about treating one of the most complex, deadly and treatment-resistant cancers. More than 13,400 people in the U.S. will be diagnosed with glioblastoma in 2022, according to the National Brain Tumor Society. The five-year survival rate is 6.8%, and the median length of survival is eight months. Glioblastoma, also known as glioblastoma multiforme, is a type of glioma,…
(2022-07-24). Online events w) Gary Snyder. John Clark, Nina Turner, Medea Benjamin, Karen Armstrong etc. indybay.org Here are some 15 online events taking place over the next week (and starting at 10: 30 am tomorrow, July 20th), featuring people such as Gary Snyder, Kim Stanley Robinson, tiny (lisa) gray-garcia, John P. Clark, Nina Turner, David Sirota, Medea Benjamin, Dilar Dirik, Karen Armstrong, and many others. | These events are hosted from various locations all across the country, as well from Canada and the UK (however, the listed times are all for our "Pacific time zone"). Of course, feel free to share this info with others who might be interested in it.
(2022-07-24). Guidance to the system change, parts 1 and 2. indybay.org World War II led to U.S. domination of the political West, which was able to make its mark on the part of the world it more or less controlled. Led and dominated by the military-industrial complex and engaged mentally in a war with the Soviet Union, the USA suppressed any efforts of autonomous state developments that contradicted its interests.
(2022-07-24). Africans Decry Europe's Energy Hypocrisy. popularresistance.org Europe, one of the largest consumers of Russian gas, is scrambling to find African alternatives as Russia threatens to permanently turn off the taps. | Russia's gas supply to Germany via the Nord Stream 1 pipeline was halted for routine maintenance last week, and there are concerns that Russia may not restart it. Moscow has already cut natural gas supplies to Poland, Finland, and Bulgaria, which refused Russia's demand to pay in rubles. The Bavarian Industry Association forecasts that Germany could lose almost 13 percent of its economic performance in the latter half of this year if Russian gas stops flowing. | F…
(2022-07-24). Russia Asked SDF To Hand Over M4 Highway In Northeastern Syria To Damascus. southfront.org FILE IMAGE: Russian Military Police service members are in Syria. | The Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) had refused a Russian request to withdraw its fighters from a section of the strategic M4 highway in northeastern Syria and hand it over to the Syrian Arab Army (SAA), the al-Mayadeen TV reported on July 24, citing a source familiar with the issue. | The M4 is the spine of transportation in the northeastern region. The highway links Aleppo with Raqqa and al-Hasakah."Russian forces asked the SDF to evacua…
(2022-07-24). Russian Airstrikes Hit ISIS Cells In Eastern Homs After Deadly Attack On Syrian Troops. southfront.org On July 23, ISIS terrorists attacked a checkpoint of the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) in the outskirts of the town of al-Sukhnah in the eastern countryside of Homs. | The terrorists targeted the checkpoint with machine guns, killing two soldiers of and wounding at least three others. At around the same time, other cells of ISIS were reportedly targeting positions of the SAA in al-Sukhnah and in the nearby al-Amour mount. | The attack provoked a fierce response from the Russian Aerospace Forces (VKS),…
(2022-07-24). Lavrov calls for respecting Syria territorial integrity. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Jul. 24 (MNA) — Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has stressed the need to preserve Syria's territorial integrity.
(2022-07-24). Is it Apartheid Yet? Israeli Supreme Court Allows stripping of Citizenship. juancole.com Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) Al Jazeera reports that on Thursday, the Israeli Supreme Court issued a ruling permitting the state to strip citizenship from persons guilty of "undermining confidence in the state through actions such as terrorism, spying and treason." The case came up of two Israelis of Palestinian extraction who were accused of …
(2022-07-24). Amazon Joins The Medicare Privatization Spree. popularresistance.org Amazon, the $1.25 trillion company founded and led by Washington Post owner Jeff Bezos, has announced that it is acquiring One Medical, a private equity-backed primary care provider that generates over half of its revenue from Medicare. | While Amazon's profits from its core consumer retail business are dwindling, in part because of heightened competition from brick-and-mortar retailers that were shut down at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, the corporation's cloud computing division, Amazon Web Services, continues to enjoy robust profits thanks in part to generous government contracts. Now Amazon could be…
(2022-07-24). Dallas Delays Moving Homeless Camp After Activists Show Up. popularresistance.org Dallas, Texas – Over 40 people delayed the sweeping of a South Dallas homeless encampment on Friday morning, blocking off the camp with their bodies and cars. Some were armed with rifles. | "We're just trying to move people, trying to minimize any risk coming up," said Jonathan Guadian, who was unarmed and frequently volunteers to help residents of the camp. | City staff, which included city marshals, homeless solutions and code compliance, stood at the camp's edge negotiating with residents and activists before deciding they'd give them more time to move people's belongings. | "We're here just in peace, we're no…
(2022-07-24). Panama: Government And Protesters Resume Dialogue With Little Progress. popularresistance.org Dialogue between government and protesters in Panama continued for the second day on July 22, discussing the cost of the basic food basket, one of the main causes of the protests that have rocked the country over the past three weeks. | The protest leaders proposed a reduction of 30% of prices of the items of the basic food basket, while the government proposed a 15% cut, as well as including 17 more products in the price control scheme. This would take the list to a total of 35 products. | There was also a discussion for creating a committee on price control to follow up on the issue. Government representatives…
(2022-07-24). The Chris Hedges Report: Breaking The Cycle Of American Violence. popularresistance.org American society is the most violent of any nation in the industrialized world. Nothing we do, from administrating the world's largest prison system to militarizing our police, seems to help. Dr. James Gilligan argues that childhood abuse, and the shame it engenders, is the engine that fuels America's deadliest epidemic. This abuse and shame, he argues, fosters a dangerous numbness that breeds a deep self-loathing and inchoate rage. It is only by understanding the causes of our national epidemic, and addressing those causes, that we will have any hope of stemming the nihilistic violence that grips American societ…
(2022-07-24). The Controversy Around Tunisian President's Draft Constitution. popularresistance.org On July 25, a national referendum will be held in Tunisia to vote on the draft of a new constitution being presented by President Kais Saied. The move has faced criticism from political players representing workers' voices in Tunisia, with numerous parties calling for a boycott of the upcoming referendum. Why is the constitution facing such criticism? Fadil Aliriza, founder and editor-in-chief of Meshkal, answers this and more.
(2022-07-24). What Does the Future Between the US and China Look Like? scheerpost.com As China ascends economically and politically, its struggle with the US has grown fiercer. Huang Renwei points out the inherent weakness of the US power structure and argues that, starting in 2020 and potentially lasting for the next 30 years, China and the US have entered a strategic stalemate phase that will ebb and flow.
(2022-07-24). Brazil and Argentina: Why So Much Hatred for Lula and Cristina? orinocotribune.com By Emir Sader — Jul 16, 2022 | The bourgeoisie has no heroes, according to Brecht. They have no intention of creating heroes. They create the official history with their leaders, who reach governments without becoming heroes of the country. | Even worse, the bourgeoisie has to oppose heroes who confront them. For these they only have hatred, without having either their own heroes or projects and values that can win broad popular support. | In Latin America the bourgeoisie has the difficult task of confronting popular leadership that comes from broad roots. Perón and Getulio Vargas were a couple of them, who…
(2022-07-24). Planned Parenthood workers in 5 states unionize. fightbacknews.org Minneapolis, MN – On July 21, 435 Planned Parenthood workers from Minnesota, Iowa, North Dakota, South Dakota and Nebraska joined the Service Employees International Union, Healthcare Minnesota and Iowa (SEIU HCMN&IA) in a resounding 90.1% yes vote. 238 workers voted to join the union, and only 26 voted not to. | The Planned Parenthood workers began working with organizers at SEIU HCMN&IA in early summer of 2021. Over the next year they built an organizing committee among their coworkers with workers from all five states represented on the committee and wide representation from the 28 locations involved. | In May…
(2022-07-24). A Fighting Program Needed to Save United Auto Workers Jobs in Shift to Electric Vehicles Production. orinocotribune.com The International Constitutional Convention of the United Auto Workers union taking place in downtown Detroit July 25—28 will be a historic gathering for the UAW in two important ways. The convention will be the first in the union's history where delegates do not choose the International Executive Board members and the president. Instead, it will be written into the union's constitution that the membership will vote on these positions, per the outcome of a union-wide referendum on this issue in autumn 2021. And the UAW will face tremendous challenges to save jobs in the coming period with the shift to elect…
(2022-07-24). Operación israelí deja dos palestinos muertos en Cisjordania. telesurtv.net El Ministerio de Salud palestino indicó que dos de los seis heridos en la ciudad de Naplusa se encuentran en estado de gravedad.
(2022-07-24). Ministra de Economía argentina se reunirá con directora de FMI. telesurtv.net El encuentro pretende buscar soluciones para la estabilidad y el crecimiento económico del país suramericano.
(2022-07-24). Exigen cese del bloqueo de EE. UU. contra Cuba en Francia. telesurtv.net Los participantes condenaron el bloqueo económico, comercial y financiero contra la isla, y lo calificaron de genocida y criminal.
(2022-07-24). Police seize over 1.5 tons of narcotics in southeast Iran. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Jul. 24 (MNA) — The commander of Sistan and Baluchestan police announced the confiscation of over 1.5 tons of illicit drugs during an armed clash between the anti-narcotics police and smugglers in the southeast of Iran.
(2022-07-24). AFL-CIO Pres Liz Schuler Helps The Union Busters. indybay.org AFL-CIO president Liz Schuler is helping a union busting conference by the bosses by attending and helping to give it credibility. Her collaboration with the bosses is another example of the collaboration with the union busters.
(2022-07-24). Sakurajima volcano in Japan erupts. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Jul. 24 (MNA) — A volcano on Japan's major western island of Kyushu erupted on Sunday evening, sending black smoke billowing high into the air, but there were no immediate reports of any damage or injuries.
(2022-07-24). Mayo Clinic Q and A: Swimming safety tips. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org DEAR MAYO CLINIC: My family lives in a community with several public pools. My children love the water and always want to swim, especially in the summer. We recently had lunch at one of the pools. My youngest child complained of a stomachache, and then she vomited and had diarrhea after we got home from the pool. Growing up, my mom always made me wait at least 30 minutes after I ate to swim. Did eating…
(2022-07-24). Mine blast in Yemen leaves 3 killed, injured. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Jul. 24 (MNA) — News sources on late Saturday reported that 3 Yemenis were killed and injured after a mine explosion.
(2022-07-24). Mayo Clinic Q&A podcast: BA.5 omicron variant fueling latest COVID-19 surge. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org The BA.5 omicron variant is now the dominant strain in the U.S., and it is leading to a new wave of COVID-19 infections. BA.5 was responsible for nearly 54% of COVID-19 cases in the U.S., and BA.4, a similar variant, accounted for another 17%, according to the latest data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Experts are concerned because this particular variant appears to be good at evading the immune system. "This BA.5…
(2022-07-24). Flood leaves heavy damages in Afghanistan's Panjshir. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Jul. 24 (MNA) — Local sources in Afghanistan's Panjshir reported that a flood has caused heavy financial damage to the area.
(2022-07-24). Iran strategic country in region: envoy. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Jul. 24 (MNA) — Pointing out that Iran is a strategic country in the region, the Chinese Ambassador to Tehran Chang Hua said that the development of relations between the two countries of Iran and China is very important.
(2022-07-24). US Covid-19 Insanity, The Working Class. Covid & Capitalism & THE NEW NORMAL By Dr. Gordon. indybay.org Dr. Nayvin Gordon reports on abandonment of any public health protection as the Covid-19 pandemic expands over two years after the pandemic starts.
(2022-07-24). Rise Up 4 Abortion Rights in Union Square. indybay.org Photos: Cornelia Grimes / Pro Bono Photo | Part of Ongoing protest for Abortion Rights in the Bay Area…
(2022-07-24). World youth leaders share views on coping with climate change at World Youth Development Forum. ecns.cn A number of world youth leaders shared their views on the role of the young people play in dealing with climate change during the Roundtable Dialogue of the Thematic Forum for Climate Action and Green Development of the World Youth Development Forum held in Beijing on Friday.
(2022-07-24). California Juneteenth Holiday "Official" or "Optional" indybay.org Adding a California Juneteenth Freedom Day as an official Holiday for the Great State of California is the desired goal to align with our Federal Juneteenth Holiday, building upon our unique journey documented 20 years ago in AB 1749 (Longville)…
(2022-07-24). Saturday 7/23: Free virtual screening of the documentary film "Sands of Sorrow" indybay.org Zoom | us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_mDPhNTGDQm2q4EO4MMDINQ…
(2022-07-24). Asciende a 16 la cifra de muertos en combates en Trípolí, Libia. telesurtv.net Osama Ali, el vocero de los servicios de emergencia de Trípoli, informó que los enfrentamientos entre las facciones rivales que comenzaron la noche del jueves.
(2022-07-24). The World Burns and the Richest Profit. It Doesn't Have to Be This Way. commondreams.org As the effects of the climate crisis are seen in global heatwaves and droughts, oil firms are booming.
(2022-07-24). Mesa de diálogo en Panamá retoma negociaciones con poco avances. telesurtv.net Las partes iniciaron la discusión sobre el costo de la canasta básica, uno de los puntos álgidos de las protestas.
(2022-07-24). Western Media Report On SMO)). smoothiex12.blogspot.com Just a joke. Couldn't resist.
(2022-07-24). Privatization of The Port, Community Colleges & K-12 Education: SLAP Education Conference. indybay.org The privatization of the Port of Oakland, the attack on the OEA, union busting in West Contra Costa School District, privatization of the Community college system, FCMAT and the destruction of public education was the focus of this Schools and Labor Against Privatization educational conference.
(2022-07-24). China's crucial Role in decarbonising the global Steel Sector. juancole.com By Belinda Schà§pe and Byford Tsang | ( China Dialogue ) What happens in China's steel plants matters for the global climate. After power generation, the steel sector is the second largest contributor to China's emissions, accounting for roughly 17% annually. China produces more than half of all global steel, and over 60% …
(2022-07-24). Iran knowledge-based companies export $836m worth of products. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Jul. 24 (MNA) — Deputy Iranian Foreign Minister for Economic Diplomacy Mehdi Safari has said that the export of knowledge-based products reached $836m in the first three months of this year in the Iranian calendar (March 21-June 21).
(2022-07-24). Mayo Clinic named a 'Best Place To Work For Disability Inclusion'. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Mayo Clinic has been named one of the best places to work for people with disabilities by the American Association of People with Disabilities, the nation's largest disability rights organization, and Disability: IN, the global business disability inclusion network. Mayo Clinic scored 100% on the Disability Equality Index to achieve this recognition. The Disability Equality Index evaluates whether organizations are adopting emerging trends and pioneering measures to move from accommodating those with disabilities to inclusion and, ultimately, genuine…
(2022-07-24). Dali-Baoshan section of Dali-Ruili Railway enters operation. ecns.cn A railway linking Dali and Baoshan, two cities in Southwest China's Yunnan Province, started operations on Friday, a major breakthrough in the construction of the China-Myanmar international railway corridor.
(2022-07-24). Detienen a responsables de atropellar a manifestantes en Panamá. telesurtv.net La Fiscalía Regional de la provincia panameña de Chiriquí investiga el caso como delito por presunta tentativa de homicidio.
(2022-07-24). China lanza primer módulo de laboratorio de su estación espacial. telesurtv.net Wentian funcionará como una copia de seguridad del módulo central y como una poderosa plataforma de experimentos científicos.
(2022-07-24). Iran named world's top 10 steelmaker in H1: WSA. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Jul. 24 (MNA) — World Steel Association (WSA) announced in its latest report that Iran was among the world's top 10 steel producers in the first half of this year by producing 13.6 million tons of steel products.
(2022-07-24). Iran to put new satellite using 'Ghaem' launcher into orbit. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Jul. 24 (MNA) — The Commander of Aerospace Force of the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) Brigadier General Amir Ali Hajizadeh said that IRGC will put new satellite into orbit by the yearend using "Ghaem" launcher.
(2022-07-24). UK Johnson government imposes massive real-terms pay cut on millions as unions suppress strikes. wsws.org The trade unions fear that any false step on their part, giving workers' anger an outlet, will unleash a movement beyond their control during a crisis of rule facing the ruling class.
(2022-07-24). Corea del Norte acusa a EE.UU. por armas biológicas en Ucrania. telesurtv.net Rusia denunció en marzo ante la ONU la fabricación de armas biológicas en Ucrania por Estados Unidos.
(2022-07-24). World's oldest male giant panda An An dies at Ocean Park in Hong Kong. ecns.cn An An, the world's oldest male giant panda under human care, has died, the Ocean Park in Hong Kong Special Administrative Region announced Thursday.
(2022-07-24). Presidente mexicano confirma llegada de médicos cubanos a Nayarit. telesurtv.net Los médicos trabajarán inicialmente en el estados de Nayarit atendiendo a las poblaciones rurales y marginales.
(2022-07-24). The Fist Bump Was Bad, But Biden's Middle East Policies Are Worse. commondreams.org Outrage was absolutely called for. Symbolism is important. But the fist bump and the handshake were the least of it.
(2022-07-24). Inheritor of Teochew Cuisine tells stories of inheritance and innovation. ecns.cn For people living in South China's Guangdong Province, a day usually begins with a cup of Congou tea. Fang Shuguang is no exception.
(2022-07-24). Capturan a grupo terrorista afiliado al Mossad en Irán. telesurtv.net Las autoridades iraníes indicaron que los supuestos espías israelíes fueron capturados en posesión de tecnología moderna y explosivos.
(2022-07-24). Mayo Clinic Minute: 'Forever chemicals' found in thousands of household products may affect women's heart health. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Thousands of household products that you may use every day contain human-made chemicals called per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances. They're also known as "forever chemicals" because they break down very slowly over time. Studies have found that even small exposures to these per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances pose a health risk. In this Mayo Clinic Minute, Dr. DeLisa Fairweather, explains how these forever chemicals affect women's heart health. Watch: The Mayo Clinic Minute. youtu.be/nR0lvK9LkTM Journalists: Broadcast-quality video…
(2022-07-24). Headlines of Iran's Persian dailies on July 24. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Jul. 24 (MNA) — Mehr News agency takes a look at headlines of Iran's Persian-language dailies on Sunday, July 24.
(2022-07-24). Registran sismo de magnitud 5.6 en el sur de Irán. telesurtv.net De acuerdo a las autoridades, por el momento no se registran víctimas mortales ni heridos.
(2022-07-24). 6th International Conference 'Rain of Ghadir' held in Tehran. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Jul. 24 (MNA) — The 6th International Conference 'Rain of Ghadir' was held at Sooreh Hall of Artistic Bureau in Tehran on Sunday with a focus on manifestation of Imam Ali compassion in works of artists of different religions.
(2022-07-24). New details on arresting Mossad spies in Iran released. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Jul. 24 (MNA) — Iran's Intelligence Ministry released more details about arresting the Mossad spy team in Iran on Saturday.
(2022-07-24). Ola de calor extremo golpea a millones de estadounidenses. cubadebate.cu El calor extremo afectaba este sábado a decenas de millones de estadounidenses, con temperaturas récord en el centro y noreste del país, que podrían propiciar "fenómenos meteorológicos violentos", advirtieron las autoridades.
(2022-07-24). 24 Terms: Major Heat. ecns.cn Saturday marks the "Major Heat," or Dashu in Chinese, the 12th of the 24 terms that divide the Chinese lunar year into two halves. It is also the last term of the summer. | It usually completely overlaps with the "Dog Days," which begin on July 16 this year, and are expected to last for 40 days.
(2022-07-24). Saeed Iravani appointed as Iran's new envoy to UN. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Jul. 24 (MNA) — Saeed Iravani was appointed as Iran's new Ambassador and Permanent Representative to the United Nations.
(2022-07-24). Unión Eléctrica mantiene pronóstico de afectaciones al servicio este domingo. cubadebate.cu Con este pronóstico, se estima para el horario pico una disponibilidad de 2 602 MW y una demanda máxima de 2 900 MW, para un déficit de 298 MW, por lo que de mantenerse las condiciones previstas se pronostica una afectación de 368 MW al pico.
(2022-07-24). TeleSUR arriba a su aniversario 17 acompañando la lucha de los pueblos. telesurtv.net teleSUR cuenta, a partir de junio pasado, con nuevos parámetros satelitales para llegar a más territorios, tanto en su señal en español como en inglés.
(2022-07-24). City's Oversized Vehicles Ordinance Goes Down. indybay.org The Coastal Commission has again overruled City of Santa Cruz parking ordinance along the City's coastline. Renders ordinance useless.
(2022-07-24). Sunday 7/24: A conversation with Francesca Albanese, Special Rapporteur. indybay.org Zoom | us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_IWVD0_5wRgOdhBc89guDgw…
(2022-07-24). Mueren diez mineros tras derrumbarse montaña en el norte de China. telesurtv.net El personal se movía por el sitio minero en la ciudad de Baiyin "cuando ocurrió el derrumbe de la ladera de una montaña" que "enterró a estos empleados y vehículos".
(2022-07-24). Summer scenery of Dongge Cuona Lake in Qinghai. ecns.cn Summer scenery of Dongge Cuona Lake as pure as a "sapphire" in Maduo county, Golog Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, northwest China's Qinghai Province.
(2022-07-24). Delayed umbilical cord clamping benefits babies; cord blood donation could help others. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org LA CROSSE, Wis. ‚Äï While blood from a newborn's umbilical cord was once considered a waste product, it's now known that it contains stem cells. These cells can be used for cord blood transplants, including for specific genetic and hematologic conditions, and some cancers — potentially saving lives. "Cord blood is the blood that remains in the umbilical cord after birth. It contains red blood cells that can carry oxygen, nutrients and stem cells. Stem…
(2022-07-24). Ashby Stage Indigenous Land Acknowledgement Mural Unveiling. indybay.org Shotgun Players partners with local artist Geralyn Montano…
(2022-07-24). Iraq's anger against Turkey snowballing. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Jul. 24 (MNA) — A deadly Turkish attack on a civilian resort in a tourism city in Iraqi Kurdistan has unleashed Iraqi wrath against Turkey and laid bare the tenuousness of Turkish influence in Iraq.
(2022-07-24). Iran's envoys to 8 states appointed. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Jul. 24 (MNA) — Iran's ambassadors to six countries and two international organizations have been appointed.
(2022-07-24). Iran ranked 6th in 2022 Asian Junior Handball C'ship. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Jul. 24 (MNA) — Iran finished in sixth place in the 2022 Asian Junior Handball Championship on Saturday.
(2022-07-24). Terrorist attack on Syria's Hama leaves 2 killed, 11 injured. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Jul. 24 (MNA) — Following the attack of terrorist elements on a religious ceremony in the outskirts of Hama, two people were killed and eleven people were injured.
(2022-07-24). Fidel hace 60 años: La más importante tarea de una revolución es educar. cubadebate.cu La Revolución no es una lucha por el presente, la Revolución es una lucha por el futuro; la Revolución tiene siempre su vista puesta en el porvenir y la patria en que pensamos, la sociedad que concebimos como sociedad justa y digna de los hombres, es la patria del mañana; la sociedad que empezamos a construir hoy y que edificaremos piedra a piedra.
(2022-07-24). Nemati bags gold medal in Asian youth weightlifting c'ships. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Jul. 24 (MNA) — Weightlifter Taha Nemati has gained a gold medal for Iran in the 2022 Asian Youth and Junior Championships in Uzbekistan.
(2022-07-24). China oilfield company turns to green energy. ecns.cn What PetroChina Dagang Oilfield Company in north China's Tianjin Municipality produces may be fossil fuel, but at least its oil is extracted from underground with green energy.
(2022-07-24). Impulsan transformaciones en barrios vulnerables de Holguín (+Fotos). cubadebate.cu El mejoramiento de la infraestructura de la vivienda, consultorios médicos e instalaciones de recreación sana, destaca entre las transformaciones impulsadas en el municipio de Antilla, de la provincia de Holguín, para mejorar la calidad de vida en los barrios vulnerables. Dentro de esos asentamientos se priorizan las madres con tres o más hijos.
(2022-07-24). One Killed, Dozen Wounded In Drone Attack On 'Hagia Sophia' Church In Syria's Hama (Videos, Photos). southfront.org On July 24, a drone attack targeted the opening ceremony of a symbolic church carrying the name of "Hagia Sophia"…
(2022-07-24). Presidente Maduro recibe réplica de un pie de Maradona. telesurtv.net La réplica fue entregada por Stefano Ceci, quien acompañó al gran jugador argentino como manager y amigo.
(2022-07-24). California's fast-moving Oak Fire burns nearly 12,000 acres. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Jul. 24 (MNA) — A wildfire raging for a second day Saturday in central California's Mariposa County outside Yosemite National Park has burned nearly 12,000 acres and forced evacuations of rural communities, fire officials said.
(2022-07-24). Greece hit by wildfires as authorities work to evacuate areas. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Jul. 24 (MNA) — Two strong forest fires are raging in Greece – on the island of Lesbos and in the Dadia-Lefkimi-Soufli Forest National Park in the country's north-east.
(2022-07-24). Turkey asked Barzani to travel Baghdad to calm situation. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Jul. 24 (MNA) — An Iraqi source revealed that Turkey has asked the prime minister of the Iraqi Kurdistan Region to travel to Baghdad regarding the situation after the recent attack in Duhok's Zakho district.
(2022-07-24). Albuquerque 'Women's Socialism Conference' calls for a new mass movement for women's liberation. liberationnews.org On July 16, the Women's Socialism Conference brought out more than 1 people for a day of education and discussion on the issues facing working-class women and LGBTQ people.
(2022-07-24). 2022 Berkeley Rent Board Convention Results Announced. indybay.org Berkeleyans select Negeene Mosaed, Soli Alpert, Ida Martinac, Della Moran, and Vanessa Danielle Marrero as the progressive, pro-tenant slate for Rent Board…
(2022-07-24). 10 killed after mountain collapse at China mining site. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Jul. 24 (MNA) — Ten people were killed and seven injured Saturday after the collapse of a section of a mountain at a coal mine in China.
(2022-07-24). Cradle of Civilization: Zhoukoudian Site. ecns.cn Zhoukoudian site is located 50 kilometers to the southwest of Beijing. It was one of China's first batch to be inscribed in the List of World Heritage Sites by the UNESCO back in 1987. In 1929, skull fossils of the Peking Man were discovered , and provided concrete evidence for the existence of the primitive man in the Beijing area and marking a milestone in the history of paleoanthropology.
(2022-07-24). Rusia destruye infraestructuras militares en Odesa, Ucrania. telesurtv.net Aunque no se presentaron evidencias, la portavoz de la cancillería aseguró la destrucción de una "lancha rápida" en la región portuaria.
(2022-07-24). European Central Bank walking a tightrope as rate-hiking cycle commences. ecns.cn Delivering on its commitment made at the June meeting, the European Central Bank (ECB) on Thursday increased interest rates by 50 basis points, the first rate hike in 11 years by the bank that is on track to normalize its monetary policies.
(2022-07-24). Accidente aéreo deja dos fallecidos en República Dominicana. telesurtv.net Los fallecidos fueron identificados como José Nilton Vasconcelos, estadounidense de origen brasileño, y Ofinis Hernández, dominico-estadounidense.
(2022-07-24). HK well-placed to become world-class data center hub. ecns.cn Corerain Technologies, a chip developer cofounded by a Hong Kong entrepreneur, benefited from Shenzhen policies and facilities when it set out to mass-produce its artificial intelligence products.
(2022-07-24). Mobile app for improving heart health among African Americans shows promise, Mayo study finds. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org ROCHESTER, Minn. — Mobile apps are popular tools for people looking to improve their health, but are they effective? They can be if the app is culturally tailored to the needs of its users. In a study published on Monday, July 18, in Circulation, Mayo Clinic researchers evaluated the effectiveness of a culturally relevant mobile app designed to improve heart health among African Americans in faith communities. The researchers found that people who participated in…
(2022-07-24). Convocan a Bienal de Poesía Juan Beroes en Táchira, Venezuela. telesurtv.net El certamen entregará un premio único en metálico, y pretende ser un espacio de encuentro para fortalecer vínculos entre Colombia y Venezuela.
(2022-07-24). Front pages of Iran's English dailies on July 24. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Jul. 24 (MNA) — Here are the front pages of Iran's English language dailies on Sunday, July 24.
(2022-07-24). Hanging coffin performed in Jiangxi. ecns.cn The earliest tradition of hanging coffins dates back to the Spring and Autumn Period (475 – 221B.C.). Performers lifted coffins from the surface of Luxi river with pulley and ropes and successfully sent coffins into caves.
(2022-07-24). Iran sees no limit to enhance ties with neighbors: Deputy FM. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Jul. 25 (MNA) — Iran's Deputy Foreign Minister for the Political Affairs Ali Bagheri Kani said that the country sees no restriction to broaden its amicable ties with neighboring countries.
(2022-07-24). Arrecia ola de calor en Estados Unidos. telesurtv.net Las autoridades de Boston, Chicago, Nueva York, Filadelfia y Washington, declararon el estado de emergencia debido a las altas temperaturas.
(2022-07-24). Iran, Syria enjoy high potential to boost coop. in oil sector. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Jul. 24 (MNA) — Syrian Minister of Oil and Mineral Resources described cooperation between the oil ministries of Iran and Syria as good, emphasizing that the two countries have high capacity to increase bilateral cooperation in oil sector.
(2022-07-24). Turkey establishes new military base in northern Iraq. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Jul. 24 (MNA) — In continuation of the Turkish military activities in the north of Iraq, Turkish forces on Sunday established a new military base in the area.
(2022-07-24). Mayo Clinic Minute: How to use an asthma inhaler. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Summer temperatures, humidity and allergies are triggers for people diagnosed with asthma. These triggers can range from being a nuisance to being life-threatening.Dr. Jacqueline Squire, a Mayo Clinic allergist and immunologist, demonstrates proper technique for using inhalers to combat these asthma triggers. Watch: The Mayo Clinic Minute youtu.be/uje9beC6GlU Journalists: Broadcast-quality video pkg (1: 06) is available in the downloads at the end of…
(2022-07-24). Xi sends message of sympathy to Biden over COVID-19 infection. ecns.cn Chinese President Xi Jinping on Friday sent a message of sympathy to U.S. President Joe Biden over the latter's COVID-19 infection.
(2022-07-24). Así celebra teleSUR su 17 aniversario. telesurtv.net La multiplataforma teleSUR celebra un año más siendo la señal informativa de los pueblos.
(2022-07-24). Festejan el 26 de julio en México a ritmo de rumba cubana. cubadebate.cu El proyecto Timbalaye, junto al consulado cubano en Veracruz y el ayuntamiento de esa localidad mexicana, presentó "La ruta de la rumba" como parte de las actividades en saludo al 26 de julio en México. "Por un 26 de amor y esperanza" fue el lema de este festejo por el Día de la Rebeldía Nacional, acompañado por el sonido de la rumba.
(2022-07-24). Niegan al Gobierno ecuatoriano recurso de equiparación salarial. telesurtv.net El nuevo dictamen ratifica la ejecución de la equiparación salarial a personal docente y declara inapelable la decisión.
(2022-07-24). La Tira de los Lectores: Tu foto en Cienfuegos. cubadebate.cu Vuelve La Tira de los Lectores, esta vez dedicada a Cienfuegos, donde se celebrará este 26 de Julio. Envíanos tu foto en esta ciudad. Hace unos días lanzamos esta convocatoria y hoy publicamos tus imágenes en nuestra página y redes sociales.
(2022-07-24). China holds int'l travel fair after one-year pause. ecns.cn The 2022 China International Travel Mart (CITM) kicked off Friday in Kunming, capital of southwest China's Yunnan Province, after a hiatus of one year due to the COVID-19 epidemic.
(2022-07-24). Offshore wind creates opportunities but Manchin stops climate plans – we need more leases. indybay.org As offshore wind creates economic opportunities from coast to coast Sen. Manchin stops climate plans. Elected Officials to Protect America want accelerated and more leases made available.
(2022-07-24). Jordan Designates Syria-Based Hay'at Tahrir Al-Sham As Terrorist Group. southfront.org Jordan has officially designated al-Qaeda-affiliated Hay'at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS), which is based in the northwestern Syrian region of Greater Idlib, as a terrorist group. | The Kingdom's Anti-Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing Unit announced the step on July 24. HTS was one of 12 entities which were added to the Jordanian terrorism list by the unit. Four of the other entities were Horas al-Din, Ansar al-Tawhid, Jama'at al-Tawhid wal-Jihad and the Turkistan Islamic Party, which are also b…
(2022-07-24). Thousands of Unhoused to be Swept with No Adequate Shelter in Sacramento. indybay.org My name is Crystal Sanchez, and I am the Western Regional Director for the National Union of the Homeless and the President of the Sacramento Homeless Union. Today, I write to you in total dismay and frustration. As many of you know, the 2022 point in time count was recently released with an astonishing 9,300 unhoused people counted and a whopping 20,000 people on any given night living on the streets of Sacramento. We know the pit count number is inadequate and low due to low volunteers and not everybody being counted. We have had an astonishing 67% increase in homelessness, with now more people on our streets t…
(2022-07-24). Casualties Reported Following Rocket Attack On Village Housing Refugees In Northern Syria (Video). southfront.org Click to see full-size image. Via Twitter. | On July 24, a refugee was killed and at least three others were wounded when a salvo of rockets hit Kuwait al-Rahmah, a village that was recently built in the southern part of the Turkish-occupied Syrian area of Afrin to house refugees. | The rockets were reportedly launched from the outskirts of the town of Tell Rifaat in the northern Aleppo countryside. The town and its surroundings are held by the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) and Syrian government forces.
(2022-07-24). Yamdrok Lake: summer resort in SW China's Tibet. ecns.cn Yamdrok Lake (also known as Yamdrok Yumtso) is a freshwater lake in Tibet. It is one of the three largest sacred lakes in Tibet. Yamdrok means "jade" in Tibetan, which vividly depicts the limpidity and the fine blue color of the water.
(2022-07-24). Autoridades griegas evacúan a cientos de turistas y residentes en la isla de Lesbos por incendio forestal. cubadebate.cu Este sábado fueron evacuados cientos de residentes y turistas de un complejo turístico en la isla griega de Lesbos por incendio forestal. Esta es la primera jornada de una ola de calor que se pronostica que dure diez días, y durante la cual las temperaturas podrán ascender hasta los 42 ∞C. El incendio en la isla griega se declaró a las 10: 00, hora local.
(2022-07-24). Rusia busca estrechar lazos con àÅfrica con visita de su canciller Serguei Lavrov. cubadebate.cu Con su visita a Egipto, el ministro de Asuntos Exteriores de Rusia, Serguéi Lavrov, inicia de su gira oficial por àÅfrica, en la que el diplomático ruso tiene previsto abordar cuestiones de actualidad, sobre todo relacionadas con el comercio y la cooperación industrial entre Moscú y los Estados africanos.
(2022-07-24). Safety tips to prevent heat-related illness. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Parts of Europe are experiencing a heat wave that is causing emergency situations for millions of residents. And, in the United States, many parts of the country are grappling with temperatures that remain unseasonably high. Heat-related illnesses, like heat exhaustion and heatstroke can be life-threatening and often prevented. Heat exhaustion Heat exhaustion can happen when your body becomes dehydrated and loses too much water and salt, as a result of high temperatures and humidity. Those most at risk…
(2022-07-24). Pandemics Are Prosperity, Sickness Is Health, Ignorance Is Strength. indybay.org The Pandemic and Social Collapse…
(2022-07-24). China launches second space station module, Wentian. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Jul. 24 (MNA) — China on Sunday launched the second of three modules to its permanent space station, in one of the final missions needed to complete the orbiting outpost by year's end.
(2022-07-24). Papa Francisco viaja a Canadá para pedir perdón a indígenas. telesurtv.net El líder de la Iglesia Católica pedirá perdón en los sitios donde fueron ejecutadas las torturas a los indígenas canadienses.
(2022-07-24). Science Saturday: Investigating zombie cells and skin aging. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org When she was just 8 years old, Saranya Wyles, M.D., Ph.D., would recite the stages of wound healing in Latin terms — rubor, tumor, calor, dolor and functio laesa — to her father at the dinner table. Decades later, that ingrained knowledge would be a cornerstone of her regenerative medicine research, education and practice at Mayo Clinic. Dr. Wyles is a Mayo Clinic dermatologist whose subspecialty is regenerative medicine. "Dermatology has a natural connection to regenerative…
(2022-07-24). Rescuing Lew Hill's Pacifica. indybay.org The real threats to the Pacifica network are the stations that are not self-sustaining, and a National Board that is unable to address the problem. | Each station has to be self-sustaining, and a functional National Board has to be able to take appropriate remedial action when they're not.
(2022-07-24). Oglala Lakota Demand Missionary Leave for Hate Speech Demonizing Culture. indybay.org The Oglala Lakota Nation has issued a statement demanding that the Jesus is King missionary and mission leave Oglala land for hate speech demonizing Lakota culture.
(2022-07-24). Qiangtang grassland welcomes best season for tourism. ecns.cn Qiangtang, which means "northern highland," refers to the north Tibetan plateau, averaging about 4,600 meters above sea level. The Qiangtang Grassland features thousands of wild animals in the area, including wild Yaks, Tibetan gazell, Tibetan wild donkeys, White-lipped deer.
(2022-07-24). UN Security Council to discuss Turkey's attacks on N Iraq. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Jul. 24 (MNA) — According to Iraqi Foreign Minister Fuad Hussein, the UN Security Council is scheduled to hold an emergency session next Tuesday to discuss the Turkish attacks on northern Iraq.
(2022-07-24). The Re-Blooming of Jidwaaq: An Introduction. indybay.org You might think these are crazy questions, but the interactions of Jidwaaq members are the main reason that the Jidwaaq clan has been in obscurity for decades or centuries since the reign of the Jidwaaq knight, Garaad Wiilwaal.
(2022-07-24). AI applied to prediagnostic CTs may help diagnose pancreatic cancer at earlier, more treatable stage. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org ROCHESTER, Minn. — A study published in Gastroenterology finds that radiomics-based machine learning models may detect pancreatic cancer on prediagnostic CT scans substantially earlier than current methods for clinical diagnosis. "Pancreatic cancer is a deadly disease and a leading cause of cancer-related death," says Ajit Goenka, M.D., a Mayo Clinic diagnostic radiologist and the study's senior author. Dr. Goenka says that while early detection enhances the chances for successful treatment, standard imaging cannot detect early…
(2022-07-24). IRGC seeks to achieve most advanced weapons: Salami. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Jul. 24 (MNA) — The commander of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) Major General Hossein Salami stated that the IRGC seeks to achieve the most advanced weapons while it would not rely entirely on them.
(2022-07-24). Confirman tercer caso de viruela símica en Ecuador. telesurtv.net Las autoridades sanitarias llaman a la población a extremar las medidas de bioseguridad ante los primeros casos de la enfermedad.
(2022-07-24). What you need to know about the BA.5 omicron variant. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Cases of COVID-19 are once again surging in the U.S., and the BA.5 omicron variant is fueling this latest wave, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.Dr. Gregory Poland, head of Mayo Clinic's Vaccine Research Group, says the BA.5 variant is hypercontagious and is contributing to increases in hospitalizations and ICU admissions. A new study published in Nature found the variant was four times more resistant to messenger RNA vaccines than earlier strains of…
(2022-07-24). Reforms helping keep SOEs in good shape. ecns.cn China's centrally administered State-owned enterprises have completed over 95 percent of the measures outlined in the country's three-year action plan (2020-22) for SOE reforms by the end of June, the country's top State-owned assets regulator said on Friday.
(2022-07-24). Chile mantiene alerta por aumento de casos de viruela del mono. telesurtv.net El país decretó la "alerta sanitaria" desde el pasado 17 de junio y la extenderá hasta el 30 de septiembre de 2022.
(2022-07-24). World's largest luxurious ro-ro passenger ship finishes trial trip in China's Lingding Bay. ecns.cn The world's largest luxurious ro-ro passenger ship has been back to Guangzhou City, Guang Dong Province after its successful trial trip in the Lingding Bay at the mouth of the Pearl River in South China, according to its maker, the Guangzhou Shipyard International Company Limited, on July 21.
(2022-07-24). Rasgos de Simón Bolívar que lo hicieron el Libertador. telesurtv.net Simón Bolívar obtuvo el título de Libertador por ser el líder del triunfo de la independencia de Venezuela, la cual sirvió de impulso para dar la libertad a seis naciones americanas.
(2022-07-24). Mayo Clinic Minute: Exertional compartment syndrome. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Exertional compartment syndrome is a medical condition that generally affects runners and people involved in jumping and impact sports. Symptoms may include pain, tightness, and weakness in the lower extremities. For some, physical therapy may help. Others may need more intensive treatment. Watch: The Mayo Clinic Minute youtu.be/mF2-CVFrsTM Journalists: Broadcast-quality video (1: 11) is in the downloads at the end of this post. Please courtesy: "Mayo Clinic News Network." Read the script. Muscle groups are surrounded…
(2022-07-24). Hysterical Populism and the Appetite of the Leviathan. indybay.org The relationship between economy and social order has been turned upside down: economy is no longer a function of an overarching culture, but conversely, "human society has sunk to being an accessory of the economic system" (Karl Polanyi). Robert Kurz, the founder of Exit and Krisis journals, on scapegoating, moral panics and conspiracy theory culture.
(2022-07-24). Rusia desmiente ante Tàºrkiye ataque sobre puerto de Odesa. telesurtv.net El ministro de Defensa de Türkiye, Hulusi Akar, aseguró que fuentes oficiales rusas descartaron tener relación con el bombardeo.
(2022-07-24). All countries seeking good relations with Tehran: Jordan King. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Jul. 24 (MNA) — King of Jordan says all countries seek good relations with Tehran based on mutual respect, non-interference, and good neighborliness.
(2022-07-24). University of Wisconsin-La Crosse, Mayo Clinic Health System enter student health services agreement. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org LA CROSSE, Wis. ‚Äï Starting this fall, the Student Health Center at the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse will look a little different. A new health services agreement between Mayo Clinic Health System in La Crosse and University of Wisconsin-La Crosse will bring Mayo Clinic care directly to students. The agreement, signed Wednesday, July 20, at the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse, enhances student health services, with on-campus access to Mayo Clinic services and expertise. "Convenience and…
(2022-07-24). Papa Francisco viaja a Canadá en busca de la reconciliación entre su iglesia y los indígenas. cubadebate.cu "Muchos cristianos, incluidos algunos miembros de institutos religiosos, contribuyeron a las políticas de asimilación cultural que, en el pasado, perjudicaron gravemente a las comunidades indígenas de diversas maneras", señaló el cardenal Pietro Parolin.
(2022-07-24). López Obrador recibe a primer grupo de médicos cubanos que iniciará cooperación en México. cubadebate.cu El presidente de México, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, dio la bienvenida este sábado al primer grupo de médicos cubanos que integrará un nuevo programa de cooperación en su país. "El derecho a la salud no tiene ideologías", comentó el jefe de Estado al recibir a los galenos, cuyo trabajo en clínicas y hospitales aztecas fue solicitado por su Gobierno.
(2022-07-24). Germany sees alarming shortage in medicine: report. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Jul. 24 (MNA) — The media reported about the shortage of medicine in Germany, among the powerful countries in the field of pharmaceuticals, due to the lack of raw materials.
(2022-07-24). Canciller ruso arriba a Egipto en medio de gira por àÅfrica. telesurtv.net El horas de la tarde, el canciller Lavrov se reunirá con funcionarios del Gobierno egipcio.
(2022-07-24). Exports from Bushehr prov. up by 19%: official. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Jul. 24 (MNA) — An official said that the exports from Bushehr have increased by 19 percent in the first three months of the current Iranian calendar year (March 21-June 21), as compared to the same period of time in the past year.
(2022-07-24). Training tips during your sport's offseason. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org When it comes to sports, sometimes too much of a great thing can be, well, too much — too much running, swinging, throwing, jumping. These repetitive motions can lead to overuse injuries, which may prevent you from participating for the rest of the season and limit rehabilitation. And they could even have long-term effects. If you or your child participate in organized sports or focus on a sport individually, you may be at risk for…
(2022-07-24). In Video: New Rocket Attack Targets Turkey's Zaylkan Base In Northern Iraq. southfront.org Turkish forces are seen at Mount Barsaya in northeast of Afrin, January 28, 2018 / Khalil Ashawi / Reuters | Late on July 24, a salvo of rockets targeted a base of the Turkish military located near the town of Zaylkan in Bashiqa district in the northern Iraqi province of Nineveh. | The Islamic Resistance — Iraq Ahrar Brigades claimed responsibility for the attack, saying that it targeted the base with several Grad 122 mm rockets. The pro-Iranian faction released a video showing the rockets being fired at the bas…
(2022-07-24). Universitarios en Uruguay rechazan recorte presupuestal. telesurtv.net El recorte presupuestario a la Udelar provocaría la pérdida de horas docentes y salarios, en un contexto de incremento de matrículas estudiantiles.
(2022-07-24). Major Missouri Newspaper Calls Josh Hawley a 'Laughingstock' for Fleeing Jan. 6 Mob. commondreams.org "Once he realized his own safety was in real danger," reads an editorial by The Kansas City Star, "he hotfooted it away from 'his' people. Where's that fist in the air now?"
(2022-07-24). Astronauts receive thousands of letters from the public. ecns.cn Chinese astronauts have received more than 30,000 letters from members of the public who wrote to share their stories, aspirations and wishes to crew members on board the Tiangong space station, according to People's Daily.
(2022-07-24). La historia guardada dentro de un tacón. cubadebate.cu La más antigua institución teatral en funcionamiento de América Latina seduce ante la mirada expectante de más de dos millones de habaneros: 178 años de historia universal y nacional guarda la edificación icónica que es el Gran Teatro de La Habana Alicia Alonso.
(2022-07-24). OMS declara viruela del mono emergencia sanitaria internacional. telesurtv.net La decisión de declarar la emergencia internacional fue anunciada en rueda de prensa por el director general de la OMS, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus.
(2022-07-24). Yotkan tourist attraction in Xinjiang opens to public. ecns.cn Yotkan tourist attraction in Hotan, northwest China's Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, opened to the public on Thursday after three years of construction.
(2022-07-24). Medical reform in China eases financial burdens for patients. ecns.cn China's medical reform in the past ten years has significantly eased the financial burdens for patients, according to the National Health Commission.
(2022-07-24). Chinese scientists find gene boosting grain yield. ecns.cn Chinese scientists have found a gene in crops such as rice and wheat, which can improve the efficiency of photosynthesis and nitrogen utilization and significantly boost grain yield.
(2022-07-24). Time for UN to decide on removing Yemen's blockade. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Jul. 24 (MNA) — Iran's Foreign Minister's Senior Advisor for Special Political Affairs said it is time for UN to make pragmatic decision on lifting economic blockade imposed on Yemeni people and strengthen ceasefire in Yemen.
(2022-07-24). El tiempo: Calor y aisladas lluvias. cubadebate.cu En la tarde estará parcialmente nublado y se nublará con aisladas lluvias en el interior y sur desde Artemisa y La Habana hasta la provincia Granma. En el resto del país las precipitaciones serán escasas.
(2022-07-24). Lisa Health launches Midday, an app leveraging AI to personalize the menopause journey, in collaboration with Mayo Clinic. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org OAKLAND, Calif. and ROCHESTER, Minn. — Today, Lisa Health, a digital health company creating advanced technology solutions for menopause and healthy aging, launched Midday: an app that leverages AI, sensor technology, and digital therapeutics to support women on their menopause journey. Midday is a personalized digital health solution that illuminates what is happening physically and emotionally during menopause and provides the right intervention at the right time to promote healthy aging. As part of a…
(2022-07-24). Three dead in graduation shooting at top Philippines uni. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Jul. 24 (MNA) — Three people died in a shooting at a university graduation ceremony in the Philippines' capital region on Sunday, including a former mayor from the volatile south of the country, police said, according to media.