(2021-01-24). Why is False News about Iran All Right? No, Khamenei didn't Threaten Trump on Golf Course, and no, his Twitter account wasn't Banned. juancole.com Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) — No, Ayatollah Ali Khameni's twitter account did not carry an image of Donald Trump being droned on a golf course, and no, his twitter account was not canceled. A small twitter account run by unknown persons with only 8,000 followers posted the image of someone (it wasn't a picture of …
(2021-01-23). Biden's own Moderates and Hardliners Battle it Out on reviving Iran Nuclear Deal. juancole.com Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) — Two and a half days into the Biden administration, it is already clear that the Problem of Iran is going to loom large over its foreign policy. There are already hard liners and moderates in the Biden team, just as there are in Iran. The first few Biden appointments, Antony …
(2021-01-23). Iran Wants The Nuclear Deal It Made. popularresistance.org The new administration in Washington has a fundamental choice to make. It can embrace the failed policies of the Trump administration and continue down the path of disdain for international cooperation and international law—a contempt powerfully evident in the United States' decision in 2018 to unilaterally withdraw from the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, commonly known as the Iran nuclear deal, that had been signed by Iran, China, France, Germany, Russia, the United Kingdom, and the European Union just three years earlier. Or the new administration can shed the failed assumptions of the past and seek…
(2021-01-23). Biden's Secretary Of State Praises Trump's Achievements On Israel. popularresistance.org A new administration has taken over Washington with talk of justice, respect and diversity. However, when it comes to Israel-the news isn't so encouraging. | Joe Biden's foreign policy team says it wants to return to the Iran deal, but reassures the Israel lobby that that won't happen any time soon, and when it comes to actual Palestinian rights or freedom (the "peace process"), it clearly wants as little friction with the Israeli government and Israel's friends in Washington as possible. I watched all 4-1/2 hours of Tony Blinken's testimony to Senate Foreign Relations (help!), and he never mentioned occupation,…
(2021-01-22). Guterres hails entry into force of treaty banning nuclear weapons. news.un.org The first multilateral nuclear disarmament treaty in more than two decades, came into force just after midnight on Friday, hailed by the UN Secretary-General as "an important step towards a world free of nuclear weapons".
(2021-01-22). Despite Absence of Nuke-Armed States, World Celebrates Arrival of Global Treaty Banning Nuclear Weapons. commondreams.org "Today we reach a major milestone on the road to a more peaceful and secure world, free from the ultimate menace of nuclear war." | www.commondreams.org/sites/default/files/styles/cd_special_coverage/public/headline/thumbs/50861840008_ebdb2e96d4_c1.jpg …
(2021-01-22). The Treaty To Ban The Bomb Takes Effect. popularresistance.org Three and a half years ago, on July 7, 2017, the United Nations General Assembly approved the language of this treaty by a vote of 122 to 1. | The vote was a clear expression of the will of the world's people and the treaty has now been ratified by 51 nations. | Under international law, nuclear weapons will join chemical weapons, biological weapons, cluster bombs and land mines as illegal weapons of mass destruction. | The Golden Rule anti-nuclear sailboat arrived in Hawaii on July 31, 2019 from San Diego, California. The 34-foot ketch, a project of Veterans For Peace, has now sailed to the islands of Hawaii, Mau…
(2021-01-22). A ONU proíbe as armas nucleares e a Itália, o que é que faz? globalresearch.ca Hoje, 22 de Janeiro de 2021, é o dia que pode ficar na História como o ponto de viragem para livrar a Humanidade daquelas armas que, pela primeira vez, têm a capacidade de fazer desaparecer a espécie humana e quase …
(2021-01-22). L'Onu proibisce le armi nucleari e l'Italia che fa? globalresearch.ca Entra in vigore il Trattato Onu che proibisce le armi nucleari, ma la Nato proibisce all'Italia di aderirvi. Il governo non vede, non sente e non parla. Restano cosਠin Italia, paese "non-nucleare", le vecchie bombe nucleari Usa tra poco …
(2021-01-22). A Day of Celebration: The Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW) Enters Into Force. commondreams.org The path is before us. We must act now, to protect current and future generations—and all we hold dear. | www.commondreams.org/sites/default/files/styles/cd_special_coverage/public/views-article/thumbs/nuclearban.jpg …
(2021-01-22). 'I Never Thought I'd Live to See This Day': The Beginning of the End for Nuclear Weapons. commondreams.org Few antiwar activists ever thought they'd see nuclear weapons banned, but thanks to dedicated organizing, a historic UN treaty goes into effect today. | www.commondreams.org/sites/default/files/styles/cd_special_coverage/public/views-article/thumbs/screen_shot_2021-01-22_at_1.27.00_pm.png …
(2021-01-22). NRC 100 year licensing conference: It's time to stop this whole nuke con job. nationofchange.org Biden could move to have done to the NRC what was done to its predecessor agency, the AEC, to have it abolished. And to push to end nuclear power in the U.S.
(2021-01-22). A New Day for Human Survival: On the Promise of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons. globalresearch.ca On Friday, January 22, people in cities and towns across in the United States and around the world, will celebrate the entry into force of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW). | Those gathering, online and elsewhere, stand …
(2021-01-21). Extending Nuclear Weapons Treaty Makes Everyone Safer; What About the Exploding Nuclear Weapons Budget? commondreams.org ______________________________…
(2021-01-21). Russia's Financial Strategy for Africa. globalresearch.ca In order to raise its geopolitical influence, Russia has been making efforts identifying mega infrastructure projects such as nuclear power and energy, natural resources exploration and talks consistently about increasing trade with Africa. On the other hand, Russia primarily needs …